Source Code
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These source-code files are part of a reconstructed copy of Artemis 071, the
first release of the Apollo 15 through 17 Command Module (CM) Apollo Guidance
Computer (AGC) software.
The reconstruction began with source code of Artemis 072 previously transcribed from a digitized copy of that program. The code was then updated by undoing changes between the two versions. The reconstruction was verified by matching memory-bank checksums to those listed in drawing 2021154-. Note that page numbers in the reconstructed code match those on the Artemis 072 printout, although the changed code would likely have changed page numbers for a real Artemis 071 listing. Comments from the original source code are prefixed with a single '#' symbol, whereas comments added later are prefixed by "##" or "###". Report any errors noted by creating an issue report at the Virtual AGC project's GitHub repository. |
051304,000002: ## Copyright: Public domain.
051305,000003: ## Filename: FIXED-FIXED_CONSTANT_POOL.agc
051306,000004: ## Purpose: A section of Artemis revision 071.
051307,000005: ## It is part of the reconstructed source code for the first
051308,000006: ## release of the flight software for the Command Module's
051309,000007: ## (CM) Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 15 through
051310,000008: ## 17. The code has been recreated from a copy of Artemis 072.
051311,000009: ## It has been adapted such that the resulting bugger words
051312,000010: ## exactly match those specified for Artemis 071 in NASA
051313,000011: ## drawing 2021154-, which gives relatively high confidence
051314,000012: ## that the reconstruction is correct.
051315,000013: ## Reference: 1200
051316,000014: ## Assembler: yaYUL
051317,000015: ## Contact: Ron Burkey <>.
051318,000016: ## Website:
051319,000017: ## Mod history: 2019-08-14 MAS Created from Artemis 072.
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051322,000020: 4000 SETLOC FFTAG1
051323,000021: 4000 BANK
051325,000023: 4747 COUNT* $$/FCONS
051329,000027: 4747 37777 DPOSMAX OCT 37777 # MUST PRECEDE POSMAX
051330,000028: 4750 37777 POSMAX OCT 37777
051332,000030: 4751 4751 LIMITS = NEG1/2
051334,000032: 4751 57777 NEG1/2 OCT -20000 # USED BY SIN ROUTINE (MUST BE TWO
051335,000033: # LOCATIONS IN FRONT OF BIT14)
051337,000035: # BIT TABLE
051339,000037: 4752 40000 BIT15 OCT 40000
051340,000038: 4753 20000 BIT14 OCT 20000
051341,000039: 4754 10000 BIT13 OCT 10000
051342,000040: 4755 04000 BIT12 OCT 04000
051343,000041: 4756 02000 BIT11 OCT 02000
051344,000042: 4757 01000 BIT10 OCT 01000
051345,000043: 4760 00400 BIT9 OCT 00400
051346,000044: 4761 00200 BIT8 OCT 00200
051347,000045: 4762 00100 BIT7 OCT 00100
051348,000046: 4763 00040 BIT6 OCT 00040
051349,000047: 4764 00020 BIT5 OCT 00020
051350,000048: 4765 00010 BIT4 OCT 00010
051351,000049: 4766 00004 BIT3 OCT 00004
051352,000050: 4767 00002 BIT2 OCT 00002
051353,000051: 4770 00001 BIT1 OCT 00001
051357,000055: 4771 77777 NEG0 OCT -0 # MUST PRECEDE ZERO
051358,000056: 4772 00000 ZERO OCT 0 # MUST FOLLOW NEG0
051359,000057: # BIT1 OCT 00001
051360,000058: # NO.WDS OCT 2 INTERPRETER
051361,000059: # OCTAL3 OCT 3 INTERPRETER
051362,000060: # R3D1 OCT 4 PINBALL
051363,000061: 4773 00005 FIVE OCT 5
051364,000062: # REVCNT OCT 6 INTERPRETER
051365,000063: 4774 00007 SEVEN OCT 7
051366,000064: # BIT4 OCT 00010
051367,000065: # R2D1 OCT 11 PINBALL
051368,000066: 4775 4322 OCT11 = R2D1 # P20S
051369,000067: # BINCON DEC 10 PINBALL (OCTAL 12)
051370,000068: 4775 00013 ELEVEN DEC 11 B-14
051371,000069: # OCT14 OCT 14 ALARM AND ABORT (FILLER)
051372,000070: 4776 00015 OCT15 OCT 15
051373,000071: # R1D1 OCT 16 PINBALL
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051375,000073: 4777 00017 LOW4 OCT 17
051376,000074: # BIT5 OCT 00020
051377,000075: # ND1 OCT 21 PINBALL
051378,000076: 5000 00022 OCT22 OCT 22
051379,000077: # VD1 OCT 23 PINBALL
051380,000078: # OCT24 OCT 24 SERVICE ROUTINES
051381,000079: # MD1 OCT 25 PINBALL
051382,000080: # VBSP2LD DEC 22 PINBALL (OCT26)
051383,000081: # DEC23 DEC 23 AUTO MAN. (OCT27)
051384,000082: 5001 00030 BITS4&5 OCT 30
051385,000083: # OCT31 OCT 31 SERVICE ROUTINES
051386,000084: 5002 00032 CALLCODE OCT 00032
051387,000085: 5003 4342 OCT37 = LOW5
051388,000086: # LOW5 OCT 37 PINBALL
051389,000087: 5003 00041 33DEC DEC 33 B-14
051390,000088: # 34DEC DEC 34 PINBALL (OCTAL 42)
051391,000089: # BIT6 OCT 00040
051392,000090: 5004 00050 OCT50 OCT 50
051393,000091: 5005 00054 LTHVACA DEC 44 B-14
051394,000092: 5006 00055 DEC45 DEC 45 B-14
051395,000093: 5007 00056 MINDB DEC 46 B-14 # OCT 56
051396,000094: 5010 00060 SUPER011 OCT 60 # BITS FOR SUPERBNK SETTING 011.
051397,000095: 5011 00062 .5SEC DEC 50 B-14
051398,000096: 5012 00075 OCT75 OCT 75
051399,000097: # BIT7 OCT 00100
051401,000099: 5013 4762 SUPER100 = BIT7 # BITS FOR SUPERBNK SETTING 100
051402,000100: # (LAST 4K OF ROPE)
051403,000101: 5013 00110 BITS7+4 OCT 110
051404,000102: 5014 00120 SUPER101 OCT 120 # BITS FOR SUPERBNK SETTING 101
051405,000103: # OCT121 OCT 121 SERVICE ROUTINES
051406,000104: # (FIRST 8K OF ACM)
051407,000105: 5015 00140 SUPER110 OCT 140 # BITS FOR SUPERBNK SETTING 110.
051408,000106: # (LAST 8K OF ACM)
051409,000107: 5016 00144 1SEC DEC 100 B-14
051410,000108: # LOW7 OCT 177 INTERPRETER
051411,000109: # BIT8 OCT 00200
051412,000110: # OT215 OCT 215 ALARM AND ABORT
051413,000111: # 8,5 OCT 00220 P20-P25 SUNDANCE
051414,000112: 5017 00310 2SECS DEC 200 B-14
051415,000113: # LOW8 OCT 377 PINBALL
051416,000114: # BIT9 OCT 00400
051417,000115: 5020 00620 4SECS DEC 400 B-14
051418,000116: 5021 00777 LOW9 OCT 777
051419,000117: # BIT10 OCT 01000
051420,000118: # 5.5DEGS DEC .03056 P20-P25 SUNDANCE (OCTAL 00765)
051421,000119: # OCT1103 OCT 1103 ALARM AND ABORT
051422,000120: 5022 01124 C5/2 DEC .0363551 # (OCTAL 01124)
051423,000121: 5023 01211 V05N09 VN 0509 # (SAME AS OCTAL 1211)
051424,000122: 5024 01400 OCT1400 OCT 01400
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051426,000124: 5025 5025 7.9SEC EQUALS V06N22
051427,000125: 5025 01426 V06N22 VN 0622
051428,000126: 5026 01441 V06N33 VN 0633
051429,000127: 5027 01442 V06N34 VN 0634
051430,000128: 5030 01461 V06N49 VN 0649
051431,000129: 5031 01422 V06N18 VN 0618
051432,000130: 5032 01451 V06N41 VN 0641
051433,000131: 5033 01474 V06N60 VN 0660
051434,000132: 5034 01475 V06N61 VN 0661
051435,000133: 5035 01530 V06N88 VN 0688
051436,000134: 5036 01531 V06N89 VN 0689
051437,000135: 5037 01532 V06N90 VN 0690
051438,000136: 5040 01535 V06N93 VN 0693
051439,000137: # MID5 OCT 1740 PINBALL
051440,000138: 5041 01777 LOW10 OCT 1777
051441,000139: # BIT11 OCT 02000
051442,000140: # 2K+3 OCT 2003 PINBALL
051443,000141: 5042 02177 LOW7+2K OCT 2177
051444,000142: 5043 02400 EBANK5 OCT 02400
051445,000143: 5044 02600 OCT2600 OCT 2600
051446,000144: 5045 03000 PRIO3 OCT 03000
051447,000145: 5046 03400 EBANK7 OCT 03400
051448,000146: # LOW11 OCT 3777 PINBALL
051449,000147: # BIT12 OCT 04000
051450,000148: # RELTAB OCT 04025 T4RUPT
051451,000149: 5047 05000 PRIO5 OCT 05000
051452,000150: 5050 06000 PRIO6 OCT 06000
051453,000151: 5051 07000 PRIO7 OCT 07000
051455,000153: # BIT13 OCT 10000
051456,000154: # OCT 10003 T4RUPT RELTAB +1D
051457,000155: # 13,7,2 OCT 10102 P20-P25 SUNDANCE
051458,000156: # PRIO12 OCT 12000 BANKCALL
051459,000157: 5052 13000 PRIO13 OCT 13000
051460,000158: 5053 14000 PRIO14 OCT 14000
051461,000159: # OCT 14031 T4RUPT RELTAB +2D
051462,000160: 5054 15000 PRIO15 OCT 15000
051463,000161: 5055 16000 PRIO16 OCT 16000
051464,000162: # 85DEGS DEC .45556 P20-P25 SUNDANCE (OCTAL 16450)
051465,000163: 5056 17770 OCT17770 OCT 17770
051466,000164: # BIT14 OCT 20000
051467,000165: # OCT 20033 T4RUPT RELTAB +3D
051468,000166: 5057 21000 PRIO21 OCT 21000
051469,000167: 6000 SETLOC FFTAG6
051470,000168: 6000 BANK
051472,000170: 7644 COUNT* $$/FCONS
051473,000171: 7644 22000 PRIO22 OCT 22000 # SERVICE ROUTINES
051474,000172: 7645 24000 PRIO24 OCT 24000
051475,000173: # 5/8+1 OCT 24001 SINGLE PRECISION SUBROUTINES
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051477,000175: # OCT 24017 T4RUPT RELTAB +4D
051478,000176: 7646 24100 14,12,7 OCT 24100
051479,000177: 7647 25000 PRIO25 OCT 25000
051480,000178: 7650 26000 PRIO26 OCT 26000
051481,000179: 7651 27000 PRIO27 OCT 27000
051482,000180: # CHRPRIO OCT 30000 PINBALL
051483,000181: # OCT 30036 T4RUPT RELTAB +5D
051484,000182: 7652 31000 PRIO31 OCT 31000
051485,000183: 7653 31103 C1/2 DEC .7853134 # (OCTAL 31103)
051486,000184: 7654 32000 PRIO32 OCT 32000
051487,000185: 7655 33000 PRIO33 OCT 33000
051488,000186: 7656 34000 PRIO34 OCT 34000
051489,000187: # OCT 34034 T4RUPT RELTAB +6D
051490,000188: 7657 35000 PRIO35 OCT 35000
051491,000189: 7660 37000 PRIO37 OCT 37000
051492,000190: # MID7 OCT 37600 PINBALL
051493,000191: 7661 37766 OCT37766 OCT 37766
051494,000192: 7662 37774 OCT37774 OCT 37774
051495,000193: 7663 37776 OCT37776 OCT 37776
051496,000194: # DPOSMAX OCT 37777
051497,000195: # BIT15 OCT 40000
051498,000196: # OCT40001 OCT 40001 INTERPRETER (CS 1 INSTRUCTION)
051499,000197: 7664 40010 OT40010 OCT 40010
051500,000198: 7665 40014 DLOADCOD OCT 40014
051501,000199: 7666 40015 DLOAD* OCT 40015
051502,000200: # OCT 40023 T4RUPT RELTAB +7D
051503,000201: 7667 40040 BIT15+6 OCT 40040
051504,000202: 7670 40200 OCT40200 OCT 40200
051505,000203: # OCT 44035 T4RUPT RELTAB +8D
051506,000204: 7671 47777 NEG30000 OCT 47777
051507,000205: # OCT 50037 T4RUPT RELTAB +9D
051508,000206: # OCT 54000 T4RUPT RELTAB +10D
051509,000207: 7672 4751 -BIT14 EQUALS NEG1/2
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In the printout, the following line seemingly says "6000", however I believe the trailing '0' in "60000" is simply too faint to see, and is present in the source code, since it is present in the 8 other presently-available version of Colossus and Luminary. — RSB 2017. |
051515,000213: # RELTAB11 OCT 60000 T4RUPT
051516,000214: 7672 65552 C3/2 DEC -.3216147 # (OCTAL 65552)
051517,000215: 7673 70000 13,14,15 OCT 70000
051518,000216: 7674 73777 -1/8 OCT 73777
051519,000217: 7675 74000 HIGH4 OCT 74000
051520,000218: 7676 74056 -ENDERAS DEC -2001 B-14 # (OCTAL 74056)
051521,000219: # HI5 OCT 76000 PINBALL
051522,000220: 7677 77700 HIGH9 OCT 77700
051523,000221: # -ENDVAC DEC -45 INTERPRETER (OCTAL 77722)
051524,000222: # DECNEG23 DEC -23 AUTO MAN. (OCT77750)
051525,000223: # -OCT10 OCT -10 (OCT 77767)
051526,000224: # NEG4 DEC -4 (OCTAL 77773)
051527,000225: 7700 77774 NEG3 DEC -3 B-14
051528,000226: 7701 77775 NEG2 OCT 77775
051529,000227: 7702 77776 NEGONE DEC -1 B-14
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051533,000231: # DEFINED BY EQUALS
051538,000236: 7703 7702 MINUS1 = NEG1
051539,000237: 7703 7702 NEG1 = NEGONE
051540,000238: 7703 4770 ONE = BIT1
051541,000239: 7703 4767 TWO = BIT2
051542,000240: 7703 6214 THREE = OCTAL3
051543,000241: 7703 6214 LOW2 = THREE
051544,000242: 7703 4766 FOUR = BIT3
051545,000243: 7703 6211 SIX = REVCNT
051546,000244: 7703 4774 LOW3 = SEVEN
051547,000245: 7703 4765 EIGHT = BIT4
051548,000246: 7703 4322 NINE = R2D1
051549,000247: 7703 4355 TEN = BINCON
051550,000248: 7703 4775 NOUTCON = ELEVEN
051551,000249: 7703 4351 OCT23 = VD1
051552,000250: 7703 4353 OCT25 = MD1
051553,000251: 7703 4757 PRIO1 = BIT10
051554,000252: 7703 5024 EBANK3 = OCT1400
051555,000253: 7703 4756 PRIO2 = BIT11
051556,000254: 7703 5014 OCT120 = SUPER101
051557,000255: 7703 5015 OCT140 = SUPER110
051558,000256: 7703 4756 2K = BIT11
051559,000257: 7703 4756 EBANK4 = BIT11
051560,000258: 7703 4755 PRIO4 = BIT12
051561,000259: 7703 5045 EBANK6 = PRIO3
051562,000260: 7703 4754 QUARTER = BIT13
051563,000261: 7703 4754 PRIO10 = BIT13
051564,000262: 7703 7617 OCT10001 = CCSL
051565,000263: 7703 4753 POS1/2 = HALF
051566,000264: 7703 4753 PRIO20 = BIT14
051567,000265: 7703 4753 HALF = BIT14
051568,000266: 7703 4346 PRIO30 = CHRPRIO
051570,000268: 7703 6440 OCT30002 = TLOAD +1
051571,000269: 7703 7656 B12T14 = PRIO34
051572,000270: 7703 4752 NEGMAX = BIT15
051573,000271: 7703 4752 VLOADCOD = BIT15
051574,000272: 7703 6056 VLOAD* = OCT40001
051575,000273: 7703 4076 OCT60000 = RELTAB11
051576,000274: 7703 4344 BANKMASK = HI5
End of include-file FIXED-FIXED_CONSTANT_POOL.agc. Parent file is MAIN.agc