Source Code

These source-code files are part of a reconstructed copy of Comanche 45, the second release, though not the final mission release, of the Apollo 10 Command Module (CM) Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) software. Comanche 45 was preceded by Comanche 44 and followed by Comanche 45/2 (the flown release). The reconstruction is believed to be exactly accurate, but in the absence of an actual Apollo-era listing of Comanche 45, some explanation of the reconstruction process is needed to insure confidence in that accuracy.

The starting point was the source code of Comanche 44 (itself previously accurately reconstructed). Comanche 44 source code was then modified by incorporating changes known from contemporary documentation to have been made between revisions 44 and 45. The now-reconstructed Comanche 45 source code was verified by assembling it and checking that the assembled code had the expected known-correct memory-bank checksums. Note that page numbers in the reconstructed code tend to match those in the Comanche 55, the most-similar revision of Comanche for which we have access to an actual non-reconstructed hardcopy; the source code would likely have different page numbers in a contemporary Comanche 45 listing.

Annotations that were not present in the contemporary source code have been added to the reconstructed code to justify each change relative to Comanche 44. Here's a guide to the Apollo documentation referenced in those annotations:
There is also a detailed commentary about the reconstruction process.

Comments expected to have been present in the original source code are prefixed with a single '#' symbol, whereas comments added later are prefixed by "##" or "###". Report any errors noted by creating an issue report at the Virtual AGC Project's GitHub repository.

040862,000002:                                                                                                  ## Copyright:   Public domain.
040863,000003:                                                                                                  ## Filename:    TVCINITIALIZE.agc
040864,000004:                                                                                                  ## Purpose:     A section of Comanche revision 045.
040865,000005:                                                                                                  ##              It is part of the reconstructed source code for the
040866,000006:                                                                                                  ##              second release of the flight software for the Command
040867,000007:                                                                                                  ##              Module's (CM) Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 10.
040868,000008:                                                                                                  ##              The code has been recreated from a copy of Comanche 055. It
040869,000009:                                                                                                  ##              has been adapted such that the resulting bugger words
040870,000010:                                                                                                  ##              exactly match those specified for Comanche 45 in NASA drawing
040871,000011:                                                                                                  ##              2021153D, which gives relatively high confidence that the
040872,000012:                                                                                                  ##              reconstruction is correct.
040873,000013:                                                                                                  ## Assembler:   yaYUL
040874,000014:                                                                                                  ## Contact:     Ron Burkey <>.
040875,000015:                                                                                                  ## Website:
040876,000016:                                                                                                  ## Mod history: 2020-12-06 MAS  Created from Comanche 44.
040877,000017:                                                                                                  ##              2020-12-12 MAS  Added a possible implementation of PCR 747
040878,000018:                                                                                                  ##                              (Remove TVCDAP initial attitude errors),
040879,000019:                                                                                                  ##                              which makes the bank 17 checksum correct.
040880,000020:                                                                                                  ##              2020-12-24 RSB  Beefed up the reconstruction-justifying
040881,000021:                                                                                                  ##                              annotation.

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040884,000024:                                                                                                  #  NAME          TVCDAPON (TVC DAP INITIALIZATION AND STARTUP CALL)
040885,000025:                                                                                                  #  LOG SECTION...TVCINITIALIZE                   SUBROUTINE...DAPCSM
040886,000026:                                                                                                  #  MODIFIED BY SCHLUNDT                          21 OCTOBER 1968
040887,000027:                                                                                                  #  FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
040888,000028:                                                                                                  #        PERFORMS TVCDAP INITIALIZATION (GAINS, TIMING PARAMETERS, FILTER VARIABLES, ETC.)
040889,000029:                                                                                                  #        COMPUTES STEERING (S40.8) GAIN KPRIMEDT, AND ZEROES PASTDELV,+1 VARIABLE
040890,000030:                                                                                                  #        MAKES INITIALIZATION CALL TO ..NEEDLER.. FOR TVC DAP NEEDLES-SETUP
040891,000031:                                                                                                  #        PERFORMS INITIALIZATION FOR ROLL DAP
040892,000032:                                                                                                  #        CALLS TVCEXECUTIVE AT TVCEXEC, VIA WAITLIST
040893,000033:                                                                                                  #        CALLS TVCDAP CDU-RATE INITIALIZATION PKG AT DAPINIT  VIA T5
040894,000034:                                                                                                  #        PROVIDES FOR LOADING OF LOW-BANDWIDTH COEFFS AND GAINS AT SWICHOVR
040895,000035:                                                                                                  #  CALLING SEQUENCE - T5LOC=2CADR(TVCDAPON,EBANK=BZERO), T5=.6SECT5
040896,000036:                                                                                                  #        IN PARTICULAR, CALLED BY ..DOTVCON.. IN P40
040897,000037:                                                                                                  #        MRCLEAN AND TVCINIT4 ARE POSSIBLE RESTART ENTRY POINTS
040898,000038:                                                                                                  #  NORMAL EXIT MODE
040899,000039:                                                                                                  #        TCF RESUME
040900,000040:                                                                                                  #  SUBROUTINES CALLED
040901,000041:                                                                                                  #        NEEDLER, MASSPROP
040902,000042:                                                                                                  #  ALARM OR ABORT EXIT MODES
040903,000043:                                                                                                  #        NONE
040904,000044:                                                                                                  #  ERASABLE INITIALIZATION REQUIRED
040905,000045:                                                                                                  #        CSMMASS, LEMMASS, DAPDATR1 (FOR MASSPROP SUBROUTINE)
040906,000046:                                                                                                  #        TVC PAD LOADS (SEE EBANK6 IN ERASABLE ASSIGNMENTS)
040907,000047:                                                                                                  #        PACTOFF, YACTOFF, CDUX
040908,000048:                                                                                                  #        TVCPHASE AND THE T5 BITS OF FLAGWRD6 (SET AT DOTVCON IN P40)
040909,000049:                                                                                                  #  OUTPUT
040910,000050:                                                                                                  #        ALL TVC AND ROLL DAP ERASABLES, FLAGWRD6 (BITS 13,14), T5, WAITLIST
040911,000051:                                                                                                  #  DEBRIS
040912,000052:                                                                                                  #        NONE
040914,000054: 42,3772                                           COUNT*   $$/INIT                               
040915,000055: 17,2153                                           BANK     17                                    
040916,000056: 17,2000                                           SETLOC   DAPS7                                 
040917,000057: 17,2000                                           BANK                                           
040919,000059: 17,2153  E6,1702                                  EBANK=   BZERO                                 
040921,000061: 17,2153           22016        TVCDAPON           LXCH     BANKRUPT                              #  T5 RUPT ARRIVAL (CALL BY DOTVCON - P40)
040922,000062: 17,2154           00006                           EXTEND                                         #  SAVE Q REQUIRED IN RESTARTS (MRCLEAN AND
040923,000063: 17,2155           22012                           QXCH     QRUPT                                 #        TVCINIT4 ARE ENTRIES)
040924,000064: 17,2156           32534        MRCLEAN            CAF      NZERO                                 #  NUMBER TO ZERO, LESS ONE  (MUST BE ODD)
040925,000065:                                                                                                  #        TVC RESTARTS ENTER HERE  (NEW BANK)
040926,000066: 17,2157           10000                 +1        CCS      A                                     
040927,000067: 17,2160           55447                           TS       CNTR                                  
040928,000068: 17,2161           35021                           CAF      ZERO                                  
040929,000069: 17,2162           54001                           TS       L                                     
040930,000070: 17,2163           51447                           INDEX    CNTR                                  
040931,000071: 17,2164           53530                           DXCH     OMEGAYC                               #  FIRST (LAST) TWO LOCATIONS
040932,000072: 17,2165           11447                           CCS      CNTR                                  
040933,000073: 17,2166           12157                           TCF      MRCLEAN    +1                         

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040935,000075: 17,2167           00006                           EXTEND                                         #  SET UP ANOTHER T5 RUPT TO CONTINUE
040936,000076: 17,2170           32551                           DCA      INITLOC2                              #        INITIALIZATION AT TVCINIT1
040937,000077: 17,2171           53313                           DXCH     T5LOC                                 #  THE PHSCHK2 ENTRY (REDOTVC) AT TVCDAPON
040938,000078: 17,2172           34777                           CAF      POSMAX                                #        +3 IS IN ANOTHER BANK.  MUST RESET
040939,000079: 17,2173           54030                           TS       TIME5                                 #        BBCON TOO (FULL 2CADR), FOR THAT
040940,000080: 17,2174           15333        ENDMRC             TCF      RESUME                                #        ENTRY.
040942,000082: 17,2175           22016        TVCINIT1           LXCH     BANKRUPT                              
040943,000083: 17,2176           00006                           EXTEND                                         
040944,000084: 17,2177           22012                           QXCH     QRUPT                                 
040946,000086: 17,2200           04740                           TC       IBNKCALL                              #  UPDATE IXX, IAVG/TLX FOR DAP GAINS (R03
040947,000087: 17,2201           13366                           CADR     MASSPROP                              #        OR NOUNS 46 AND 47 MUST BE CORRECT)
040949,000089: 17,2202           30110                           CAE      EMDOT                                 #  SPS FLOW RATE, SCALED B+3 KG/CS
040950,000090: 17,2203           00006                           EXTEND                                         
040951,000091: 17,2204           72545                           MP       ONETHOU                               
040952,000092: 17,2205           55637                           TS       TENMDOT                               #  10-SEC MASS LOSS B+16 KG
040953,000093: 17,2206           40000                           COM                                            
040954,000094: 17,2207           61474                           AD       CSMMASS                               
040955,000095: 17,2210           55652                           TS       MASSTMP                               #  DECREMENT FOR FIRST 10 SEC OF BURN
040957,000097: 17,2211           31466                           CAE      DAPDATR1                              #  CHECK LEM-ON/OFF
040958,000098: 17,2212           75002                           MASK     BIT14                                 
040959,000099: 17,2213           10000                           CCS      A                                     
040960,000100: 17,2214           35017                           CAF      BIT1                                  #  LEM-ON (BIT1)
040961,000101: 17,2215           55447                           TS       CNTR                                  #  LEM-OFF (ZERO)
040963,000103: 17,2216           51447                           INDEX    CNTR                                  #  LOAD THE FILTER COEFFICIENTS
040964,000104: 17,2217           32531                           CAF      CSMCFADR                              
040965,000105: 17,2220           55722                           TS       COEFFADR                              
040966,000106: 17,2221           02422                           TC       LOADCOEF                              
040968,000108: 17,2222           51447                           INDEX    CNTR                                  #  PICK UP LM-OFF,-ON KTLX/I
040969,000109: 17,2223           31416                           CAE      EKTLX/I                               #  SCALED AT 1/(8 ASCREV) OF ACTUAL VALUE
040970,000110: 17,2224           55636                           TS       KTLX/I                                
040972,000112: 17,2225           02462                           TCR      S40.15                                #  COMPUTE 1/CONACC, VARK
040974,000114: 17,2226           41447        TVCINIT2           CS       CNTR                                  #  PICK LM-OFF,-ON VALUE FOR FILTER PERIOD
040975,000115: 17,2227           50000                           INDEX    A                                     #  DETERMINATION:
040976,000116: 17,2230           35016                           CAF      BIT2                                  #        BIT2 FOR CSM ONLY 40MS FILTER
040977,000117: 17,2231           55634                           TS       KPRIMEDT                              #        BIT3 FOR CSM/LM 80MS FILTER
040979,000119: 17,2232           40000                           COM                                            #  PREPARE T5TVCDT
040980,000120: 17,2233           64777                           AD       POSMAX                                
040981,000121: 17,2234           65017                           AD       BIT1                                  
040982,000122: 17,2235           55625                           TS       T5TVCDT                               
040984,000124: 17,2236           45001                           CS       BIT15                                 #  RESET SWTOVER FLAG

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040986,000126: 17,2237           70105                           MASK     FLAGWRD9                              
040987,000127: 17,2240           54105                           TS       FLAGWRD9                              
040989,000129: 17,2241           51447                           INDEX    CNTR                                  #  PICK UP LEM-OFF,-ON KPRIME
040990,000130: 17,2242           31414                           CAE      EKPRIME                               #        SCALED (100 PI)/16
040991,000131: 17,2243           00006                           EXTEND                                         
040992,000132: 17,2244           71634                           MP       KPRIMEDT                              #  (TVCDT/2, SC.AT B+14 CS)
040993,000133: 17,2245           22000                           LXCH     A                                     #        SC.AT PI/8      (DIMENSIONLESS)
040994,000134: 17,2246           53635                           DXCH     KPRIMEDT                              
040996,000136: 17,2247           51447                           INDEX    CNTR                                  #  PICK UP LEM-OFF,-ON REPFRAC
040997,000137: 17,2250           31421                           CAE      EREPFRAC                              
040998,000138: 17,2251           55642                           TS       REPFRAC                               
041000,000140: 17,2252           51447                           INDEX    CNTR                                  #  PICK UP ONE-SHOT CORRECTION TIME
041001,000141: 17,2253           32540                           CAF      TCORR                                 
041002,000142: 17,2254           55447                           TS       CNTR                                  
041004,000144: 17,2255           37716                           CAF      NEGONE                                #  PREVENT STROKE TEST UNTIL CALLED
041005,000145: 17,2256           55654                           TS       STRKTIME                              
041007,000147: 17,2257           34374                           CAF      NINETEEN                              #  SET VCNTR FOR VARIABLE-GAIN UPDATES IN
041008,000148: 17,2260           55643                           TS       VCNTR                                 #        10 SECONDS (TVCEXEC 1/2 SEC RATE)
041009,000149: 17,2261           55444                           TS       V97VCNTR                              #  FOR ENGFAIL (R41) LOGIC
041011,000151: 17,2262           31423        TVCINIT3           CAE      PACTOFF                               #  TRIM VALUES TO TRIM-TRACKERS, OUTPUT
041012,000152: 17,2263           55605                           TS       PDELOFF                               #        TRACKERS, OFFSET-UPDATES, AND
041013,000153: 17,2264           55623                           TS       PCMD                                  #        OFFSET-TRACKER FILTERS
041014,000154: 17,2265           55601                           TS       DELPBAR                               #        NOTE, LO-ORDER DELOFF,DELBAR ZEROED
041016,000156: 17,2266           31424                           CAE      YACTOFF                               
041017,000157: 17,2267           55607                           TS       YDELOFF                               
041018,000158: 17,2270           55624                           TS       YCMD                                  
041019,000159: 17,2271           55603                           TS       DELYBAR                               

Reconstruction: In Comanche 44, the two lines following this annotation read
   ATTINIT         CAF     BIT1
                   TS      TTMP1
The change is believed to be authorized by Program Change Request (PCR) 747. The description of that PCR is known to be "Remove TVCDAP initial attitude errors", but unfortunately we don't have the full text of the PCR. Table A of COLOSSUS Memo #140, rev 2, "Final Content of COLOSSUS 2 (Comanche, Rev. 45)" notes PCR 747 as a change incorporated into Comanche 45. Lacking the full text, deducing the specific form of the code change is impossible, and it's necessarily to fall back on what we can infer by looking at the corresponding code in Comanche 51.

The code in Comanche 51 that corresponds to the pair of instructions following this annotation is
                   MASK    BIT13     #       TEST FOR CSM OR CSM/LM
                   CAF     BIT1      #       SET UP TEMPORARY COUNTER
    +5             TS      TTMP1
Simply importing this Comanche 51 code into Comanche 45 here does not work, in the sense that memory-bank checksums are not correct. What the code leading up to BZF NEEDLEIN does is to test to whether the CSM and LM are docked, and if not, then branches to NEEDLEIN. A simplified alternative is therefore simply always to branch to NEEDLEIN without performing the docking test. That's essentially what the following code does, and it produces the correct memory-bank checksum. Comanche 44 code also does not have the docking test, and there is a Program Change Request (PCR 749) which may call for such a test to be added at some later point. Nor does Comanche 44 have the jump to NEEDLEIN. Thus the following code is, in a sense, intermediate between Comanche 44 and 51, in that it does have NEEDLEIN, but does not yet have the docking test.

But what about the missing CAF BIT1 instruction? Well, the code between TCF NEEDLEIN and the program label NEEDLEIN is never executed. It has simply been left in place to insure that the same number of memory words is used up, and hence that all addresses referenced externally to bank 17 remain the same. This was important because the change between Comanche 44 and 45 was intended to affect only core-rope module 3 — recall that there were 6 memory modules altogether — thus minimizing the remanufacturing expense and effort. Memory module 3 is, of course, the one containing memory banks 16 and 17 (among others).

041063,000203: 17,2272           12317        ATTINIT            TCF      NEEDLEIN                              
041064,000204: 17,2273           55611                 +1        TS       TTMP1                                 
041066,000206: 17,2274           51611                           INDEX    TTMP1                                 
041067,000207: 17,2275           31702                           CA       ERRBTMP                               #  ERRBTMP CONTAINS RCS ATTITUDE ERRORS
041068,000208: 17,2276           00006                           EXTEND                                         #        ERRORY & ERRORZ (P40 AT DOTVCON)
041069,000209: 17,2277           72537                           MP       1/ATTLIM                              #  .007325(ERROR) = 0 IF ERROR < 1.5 DEG
041070,000210: 17,2300           00006                           EXTEND                                         
041071,000211: 17,2301           12311                           BZF      +8D                                   #        |ERROR| LESS THAN 1.5 DEG
041072,000212: 17,2302           00006                           EXTEND                                         

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041074,000214: 17,2303           62306                           BZMF     +3                                    #        |ERROR| > 1.5 DEG, AND NEG
041075,000215: 17,2304           32536                           CA       ATTLIM                                #        |ERROR| > 1.5 DEG, AND POS
041076,000216: 17,2305           12307                           TCF      +2                                    
041077,000217: 17,2306           42536                 +3        CS       ATTLIM                                
041078,000218: 17,2307           51611                 +2        INDEX    TTMP1                                 
041079,000219: 17,2310           55702                           TS       ERRBTMP                               
041080,000220: 17,2311           11611                 +8        CCS      TTMP1                                 #        TEST TEMPORARY COUNTER
041081,000221: 17,2312           12273                           TCF      ATTINIT    +1                         #        BACK TO REPEAT FOR PITCH ERROR
041083,000223: 17,2313           31702                           CA       ERRBTMP                               #  ERRORS ESTABLISHED AND LIMITED
041084,000224: 17,2314           55575                           TS       PERRB                                 
041085,000225: 17,2315           31703                           CA       ERRBTMP    +1                         
041086,000226: 17,2316           55577                           TS       YERRB                                 
041088,000228: 17,2317           41501        NEEDLEIN           CS       RCSFLAGS                              #  SET BIT 3 FOR INITIALIZATION PASS AND GO
041089,000229: 17,2320           75015                           MASK     BIT3                                  #        TO NEEDLER.  WILL CLEAR FOR TVC DAP
041090,000230: 17,2321           27501                           ADS      RCSFLAGS                              #        (RETURNS AFTER CADR)
041091,000231: 17,2322           04740                           TC       IBNKCALL                              
041092,000232: 17,2323           42420                           CADR     NEEDLER                               
041094,000234: 17,2324           35021        TVCINIT4           CAF      ZERO                                  #  SET TVCPHASE TO INDICATE TVCDAPON-THRU-
041095,000235: 17,2325           55644                           TS       TVCPHASE                              #        NEEDLEIN INITIALIZATION FINISHED.
041096,000236:                                                                                                  #        (POSSIBLE TVC-RESTART ENTRY)
041098,000238: 17,2326           30032                           CAE      CDUX                                  #  PREPARE ROLL DAP
041099,000239: 17,2327           55662                           TS       OGANOW                                
041101,000241: 17,2330           35003                           CAF      BIT13                                 #  IF ENGINE IS ALREADY OFF, ENGINOFF HAS
041102,000242: 17,2331           00006                           EXTEND                                         #        ALREADY ESTABLISHED THE POST-BURN
041103,000243: 17,2332           02011                           RAND     DSALMOUT                              #        CSMMASS (MASSBACK DOES IT).  DONT
041104,000244: 17,2333           00006                           EXTEND                                         #        TOUCH CSMMASS.  IF ENGINE IS ON,
041105,000245: 17,2334           12337                           BZF      +3                                    #        THEN ITS OK TO DO THE COPYCYCLE
041106,000246:                                                                                                  #        EVEN BURNS LESS THAN 0.4 SEC ARE AOK
041108,000248: 17,2335           31652                           CAE      MASSTMP                               #  COPYCYCLE
041109,000249: 17,2336           55474                           TS       CSMMASS                               
041111,000251: 17,2337           35036                 +3        CAF      .5SEC                                 #  CALL TVCEXECUTIVE (ROLLDAP CALL, ETC)
041112,000252: 17,2340           05245                           TC       WAITLIST                              
041113,000253: 17,2341  E6,1702                                  EBANK=   BZERO                                 
041114,000254: 17,2341           02715 34066                     2CADR    TVCEXEC                               
041116,000256: 17,2343           00006                           EXTEND                                         #  CALL FOR DAPINIT
041117,000257: 17,2344           32547                           DCA      DAPINIT5                              
041118,000258: 17,2345           53313                           DXCH     T5LOC                                 
041119,000259: 17,2346           31625                           CAE      T5TVCDT                               #  (ALLOW TIME FOR RESTART COMPUTATIONS)
041120,000260: 17,2347           54030                           TS       TIME5                                 

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041122,000262: 17,2350           15333        ENDTVCIN           TCF      RESUME                                
041124,000264: 17,2351           02354        PRESWTCH           TCR      SWICHOVR                              #  ENTRY FROM V46
041126,000266: 17,2352           04701                           TC       POSTJUMP                              #  THIS PROVIDES AN EXIT FROM SWITCH-OVER
041127,000267: 17,2353           21272                           CADR     PINBRNCH                              #        (PINBRNCH DOES A RELINT)
041129,000269: 17,2354           00004        SWICHOVR           INHINT                                         
041130,000270: 17,2355           31644                           CA       TVCPHASE                              #  SAVE TVCPHASE
041131,000271: 17,2356           55611                           TS       PHASETMP                              
041132,000272: 17,2357           45016                           CS       BIT2                                  #  SET TVCPHASE = -2 (INDICATES SWITCH-OVER
041133,000273: 17,2360           55644                           TS       TVCPHASE                              #        TO RESTART LOGIC)
041135,000275: 17,2361           00006                 +5        EXTEND                                         #  SAVE Q FOR RETURN (RESTART ENTRY POINT,
041136,000276: 17,2362           23613                           QXCH     RTRNLOC                               #        TVCPHASE AND PHASETMP ALREADY SET)
041138,000278: 17,2363           32535                           CAF      NZEROJR                               #  ZEROING LOOP FOR FILTER STORAGE LOCS
041139,000279: 17,2364           55676                 +8        TS       CNTRTMP                               
041141,000281: 17,2365           35021        MCLEANJR           CA       ZERO                                  
041142,000282: 17,2366           54001                           TS       L                                     
041143,000283: 17,2367           51676                           INDEX    CNTRTMP                               
041144,000284: 17,2370           53541                           DXCH     PTMP1      -1                         
041145,000285: 17,2371           11676                           CCS      CNTRTMP                               
041146,000286: 17,2372           10000                           CCS      A                                     
041147,000287: 17,2373           12364                           TCF      SWICHOVR   +8D                        
041149,000289: 17,2374           40105                           CS       FLAGWRD9                              #  SET SWITCHOVER FLAG FOR DOWNLINK
041150,000290: 17,2375           75001                           MASK     BIT15                                 
041151,000291: 17,2376           26105                           ADS      FLAGWRD9                              
041153,000293: 17,2377           31420                           CAE      EKTLX/I    +2                         #  LOW BANDWIDTH GAINS   - DAP
041154,000294: 17,2400           55636                           TS       KTLX/I                                
041155,000295: 17,2401           02471                           TCR      S40.15     +7                         
041157,000297: 17,2402           32542                           CAF      FKPRIMDT                              #                        - STEERING
041158,000298: 17,2403           55634                           TS       KPRIMEDT                              
041160,000300: 17,2404           32543                           CAF      FREPFRAC                              #                        - TMC LOOP
041161,000301: 17,2405           55642                           TS       REPFRAC                               
041163,000303: 17,2406           00006                           EXTEND                                         #  UPDATE TRIM ESTIMATES
041164,000304: 17,2407           31602                           DCA      DELPBAR                               
041165,000305: 17,2410           53606                           DXCH     PDELOFF                               
041166,000306: 17,2411           00006                           EXTEND                                         
041167,000307: 17,2412           31604                           DCA      DELYBAR                               
041168,000308: 17,2413           53610                           DXCH     YDELOFF                               
041170,000310: 17,2414           32533                           CA       LBCFADR                               

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041172,000312: 17,2415           55722                           TS       COEFFADR                              
041173,000313: 17,2416           02422                           TC       LOADCOEF                              
041175,000315: 17,2417           31611                           CAE      PHASETMP                              #  RESTORE TVCPHASE
041176,000316: 17,2420           55644                           TS       TVCPHASE                              
041178,000318: 17,2421           01613                           TC       RTRNLOC                               #  BACK TO PRESWTCH OR TVCRESTARTS
041180,000320: 17,2422           00006        LOADCOEF           EXTEND                                         #  LOAD DAP FILTER COEFFICIENTS
041181,000321: 17,2423           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              #    FROM: ERASABLE FOR CSM/LM HB
041182,000322: 17,2424           30001                           DCA      0                                     #          FIXED    FOR CSM/LM LB
041183,000323: 17,2425           53724                           DXCH     N10                                   #          FIXED    FOR CSM
041185,000325: 17,2426           00006                           EXTEND                                         #  NOTE: FOR CSM/LM, NORMAL COEFFICIENT
041186,000326: 17,2427           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              #  LOAD WILL BE HIGH BANDWIDTH PAD LOAD
041187,000327: 17,2430           30003                           DCA      2                                     #  ERASABLES. DURING CSM/LM SWITCHOVER, 
041188,000328: 17,2431           53726                           DXCH     N10        +2                         #  THIS LOGIC IS USED TO LOAD LOW BANDWIDTH
041189,000329:                                                                                                  #  COEFFICIENTS FROM FIXED MEMORY.
041191,000331: 17,2432           00006                           EXTEND                                         
041192,000332: 17,2433           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              
041193,000333: 17,2434           30005                           DCA      4                                     
041194,000334: 17,2435           53730                           DXCH     N10        +4                         
041196,000336: 17,2436           00006                           EXTEND                                         
041197,000337: 17,2437           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              
041198,000338: 17,2440           30007                           DCA      6                                     
041199,000339: 17,2441           53732                           DXCH     N10        +6                         
041201,000341: 17,2442           00006                           EXTEND                                         
041202,000342: 17,2443           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              
041203,000343: 17,2444           30011                           DCA      8D                                    
041204,000344: 17,2445           53734                           DXCH     N10        +8D                        
041206,000346: 17,2446           00006                           EXTEND                                         
041207,000347: 17,2447           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              
041208,000348: 17,2450           30013                           DCA      10D                                   
041209,000349: 17,2451           53736                           DXCH     N10        +10D                       
041211,000351: 17,2452           00006                           EXTEND                                         
041212,000352: 17,2453           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              
041213,000353: 17,2454           30015                           DCA      12D                                   
041214,000354: 17,2455           53740                           DXCH     N10        +12D                       
041216,000356: 17,2456           51722                           INDEX    COEFFADR                              
041217,000357: 17,2457           30016                           CA       14D                                   
041218,000358: 17,2460           55741                           TS       N10        +14D                       
041220,000360: 17,2461           00002                           TC       Q                                     

Page 943

041222,000362: 17,2462           31470        S40.15             CAE      IXX                                   #  GAIN COMPUTATIONS (1/CONACC, VARK)
041223,000363: 17,2463           00006                           EXTEND                                         #  ENTERED FROM TVCINITIALIZE AND TVCEXEC
041224,000364: 17,2464           72544                           MP       2PI/M                                 #        2PI/M SCALED 1/(B+8 N M)
041225,000365: 17,2465           20001                           DDOUBL                                         #        IXX   SCALED B+20 KG-MSQ
041226,000366: 17,2466           20001                           DDOUBL                                         
041227,000367: 17,2467           20001                           DDOUBL                                         
041228,000368: 17,2470           55640                           TS       1/CONACC                              #              SCALED B+9 SEC-SQ/REV
041230,000370: 17,2471           31636                 +7        CAE      KTLX/I                                #  ENTRY FROM CSM/LM V46 SWITCH-OVER
041231,000371: 17,2472           00006                           EXTEND                                         #             SCALED (B+3 ASCREV)  1/SECSQ
041232,000372: 17,2473           71472                           MP       IAVG/TLX                              #             SCALED B+2 SECSQ
041233,000373: 17,2474           20001                           DDOUBL                                         
041234,000374: 17,2475           20001                           DDOUBL                                         
041235,000375: 17,2476           55641                           TS       VARK                                  #             SCALED (B+3 ASCREV)
041236,000376: 17,2477           00002                           TC       Q                                     
041238,000378: 17,2500           37777        CSMN10             DEC      .99999                                #  N10   CSM ONLY FILTER COEFFICIENTS
041239,000379: 17,2501           67657                           DEC      -.2549                                #  N11/2
041240,000380: 17,2502           01703                           DEC      .0588                                 #  N12
041241,000381: 17,2503           47472                           DEC      -.7620                                #  D11/2
041242,000382: 17,2504           27656                           DEC      .7450                                 #  D12
041244,000384: 17,2505           37777                           DEC      .99999                                #  N20
041245,000385: 17,2506           60361                           DEC      -.4852                                #  N21/2
041246,000386: 17,2507           00000                           DEC      0          B-14                       #  N22
041247,000387: 17,2510           67304                           DEC      -.2692                                #  D22/2
041248,000388: 17,2511           00000                           DEC      0          B-14                       #  D22
041250,000390: 17,2512           37777        LBN10              DEC      +.99999                               #  N10   LOW BANDWIDTH FILTER COEFFICIENTS
041251,000391: 17,2513           65371                           DEC      -.3285                                #  N11/2
041252,000392: 17,2514           65337                           DEC      -.3301                                # N12
041253,000393: 17,2515           42700                           DEC      -.9101                                # D11/2
041254,000394: 17,2516           33045                           DEC      +.8460                                # D12
041256,000396: 17,2517           01000                           DEC      +.03125                               # N20
041257,000397: 17,2520           00000                           DEC      0          B-14                       # N21/2
041258,000398: 17,2521           00000                           DEC      0          B-14                       # N22
041259,000399: 17,2522           42700                           DEC      -.9101                                # D21/2
041260,000400: 17,2523           33045                           DEC      +.8460                                # D22
041262,000402: 17,2524           20000                           DEC      +.50000                               # N30
041263,000403: 17,2525           60730                           DEC      -.47115                               # N31/2
041264,000404: 17,2526           17145                           DEC      +.4749                                # N32
041265,000405: 17,2527           41323                           DEC      -.9558                                # D31/2
041266,000406: 17,2530           35773                           DEC      +.9372                                # D32
041268,000408: 17,2531           02500        CSMCFADR           GENADR   CSMN10                                #  CSM ONLY COEFFICIENTS ADDRESS
041269,000409: 17,2532           01425        HBCFADR            GENADR   HBN10                                 #  HIGH BANDWIDTH COEFFICIENTS ADDRESS

Page 944

041271,000411: 17,2533           02512        LBCFADR            GENADR   LBN10                                 #  LOW BANDWIDTH COEFFICIENTS ADDRESS
041273,000413: 17,2534           00063        NZERO              DEC      51         B-14                       #  MUST BE ODD FOR MRCLEAN
041274,000414: 17,2535           00027        NZEROJR            DEC      23         B-14                       #  MUST BE ODD FOR MCLEANJR
041276,000416: 17,2536           00210        ATTLIM             DEC      0.00833                               #  INITIAL ATTITUDE ERROR LIMIT (1.5 DEG)
041277,000417: 17,2537           00170        1/ATTLIM           DEC      0.007325                              #  .007325(ERROR) = 0 IF ERROR < 1.5 DEG
041279,000419: 17,2540           00005        TCORR              OCT      00005                                 #  CSM
041280,000420: 17,2541           00000                 +1        OCT      00000                                 #  CSM/LM (HB,LB)
041282,000422: 17,2542           00247        FKPRIMDT           DEC      .0102                                 #  CSM/LM (LB), (.05 X .08) SCALED AT PI/8
041283,000423: 17,2543           00232        FREPFRAC           DEC      .0375      B-2                        #  CSM/LM (LB), 0.0375 SCALED AT B+2
041285,000425: 17,2544     4374               NINETEEN           =        VD1                                   
041286,000426: 17,2544           33074        2PI/M              DEC      .00331017  B+8                        #  2PI/M, SCALED AT 1/(B+8 N-M)
041288,000428: 17,2545           03720        ONETHOU            DEC      1000       B-13                       #  KG/CS B3 TO KG/10SEC B16 CONVERSION
041290,000430: 17,2546  E6,1702                                  EBANK=   BZERO                                 
041291,000431: 17,2546           03107 40066  DAPINIT5           2CADR    DAPINIT                               
041293,000433: 17,2550  E6,1702                                  EBANK=   BZERO                                 
041294,000434: 17,2550           02175 36066  INITLOC2           2CADR    TVCINIT1                              

End of include-file TVCINITIALIZE.agc.  Parent file is MAIN.agc