Source Code
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These source-code files were transcribed from scans made from Don Eyles's personal
copy of Luminary 069. They were scanned at's Boston
facility, and the scanning was sponsored by Onno Hommes. The code was transcribed
from these scans by a team of volunteers who are referenced in the program
comments. Comments from the original source code are prefixed with a single '#' symbol,
whereas comments added later are prefixed by "##" or "###". In some cases, where
similar code blocks exist in previously-transcribed AGC programs (primarily
Luminary 99, from Apollo 11) those code blocks were used as a starting point and
then corrected to agree with the Luminary 69 scans. The full scans are available
at the Virtual AGC
project's collection at, while more-convenient reduced-size (but reduced-quality)
images are available at
the main Virtual AGC website. Report any errors noted by creating an
issue report at the Virtual AGC
project's GitHub repository. Notations on the program listing read, in part:GAP: ASSEMBLE REVISION 069 OF AGC PROGRAM LUMINARY BY NASA 2021112-011 19:02 NOV. 25,1968Note that the date is the date of the printout, not the date of the program revision. |
004607,000002: ## Copyright: Public domain.
004608,000003: ## Filename: SUBROUTINE_CALLS.agc
004609,000004: ## Purpose: The main source file for Luminary revision 069.
004610,000005: ## It is part of the source code for the original release
004611,000006: ## of the flight software for the Lunar Module's (LM) Apollo
004612,000007: ## Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 10. The actual flown
004613,000008: ## version was Luminary 69 revision 2, which included a
004614,000009: ## newer lunar gravity model and only affected module 2.
004615,000010: ## This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except
004616,000011: ## that the code format has been changed to conform to the
004617,000012: ## requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the
004618,000013: ## original YUL assembler.
004619,000014: ## Reference: p. 105
004620,000015: ## Assembler: yaYUL
004621,000016: ## Contact: Ron Burkey <>.
004622,000017: ## Website:
004623,000018: ## Mod history: 2016-12-13 MAS Created from Luminary 99.
004624,000019: ## 2017-01-04 HG Transcribed
004625,000020: ## 2017-01-25 RSB Proofed comment text using octopus/prooferComments
004626,000021: ## but no errors found.
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004629,000024: 24,2022 SUBRO LUMERASE 102
004630,000025: 24,2022 SUBRO LEMONAID 070
004631,000026: 24,2022 SUBRO LEMP20S 114
004632,000027: 24,2022 SUBRO LEMP30S 102
004633,000028: 24,2022 SUBRO KISSING 040
004634,000029: 24,2022 SUBRO FLY 109
004635,000030: 24,2022 SUBRO LEMP50S 103
004636,000031: 24,2022 SUBRO SKIPPER 070
004637,000032: 24,2022 SUBRO LMDAP 012
End of include-file SUBROUTINE_CALLS.agc. Parent file is MAIN.agc