Source Code

These source-code files are part of a reconstructed copy of Luminary 97, the second release of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module (LM) Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) software. It was created to fix two incorrect ephemeris constants in Luminary 96, as described by anomaly report LNY-59.

The reconstruction began with source code of Luminary 99 revision 1 previously transcribed from a digitized copy of that program. The code was then updated by undoing changes described in original Luminary memos 83 and 85, using asterisks indicating changed lines in the listing as a guide. The reconstruction was verified by matching memory-bank checksums to those listed in drawing 2021152D. Note that page numbers in the reconstructed code match those on the Luminary 099 revision 001 printout, although the added code would likely have changed page numbers for a real Luminary 97 listing.

Comments from the original source code are prefixed with a single '#' symbol, whereas comments added later are prefixed by "##" or "###". Report any errors noted by creating an issue report at the Virtual AGC project's GitHub repository.

025996,000002:                                                                                                  ## Copyright:   Public domain.
025997,000003:                                                                                                  ## Filename:    P30,P37.agc
025998,000004:                                                                                                  ## Purpose:     A section of Luminary revision 97.
025999,000005:                                                                                                  ##              It is part of the reconstructed source code for the
026000,000006:                                                                                                  ##              second release of the flight software for the Lunar 
026001,000007:                                                                                                  ##              Module's (LM) Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 11.
026002,000008:                                                                                                  ##              It was created to fix two incorrect ephemeris constants in
026003,000009:                                                                                                  ##              Luminary 96, as described by anomaly report LNY-59.
026004,000010:                                                                                                  ##              The code has been recreated from a copy of Luminary 99
026005,000011:                                                                                                  ##              revision 001, using asterisks indicating changed lines in
026006,000012:                                                                                                  ##              the listing and Luminary Memos #83 and #85, which list 
026007,000013:                                                                                                  ##              changes between Luminary 97 and 98, and 98 and 99. The
026008,000014:                                                                                                  ##              code has been adapted such that the resulting bugger words
026009,000015:                                                                                                  ##              exactly match those specified for Luminary 97 in NASA drawing
026010,000016:                                                                                                  ##              2021152D, which gives relatively high confidence that the
026011,000017:                                                                                                  ##              reconstruction is correct.
026012,000018:                                                                                                  ## Reference:   pp. 614-617
026013,000019:                                                                                                  ## Assembler:   yaYUL
026014,000020:                                                                                                  ## Contact:     Ron Burkey <>.
026015,000021:                                                                                                  ## Website:
026016,000022:                                                                                                  ## Mod history: 2019-07-28 MAS  Created from Luminary 99.

Page 614

026019,000025:                                                                                                  #  PROGRAM DESCRIPTION P30       DATE 3-6-67
026021,000027:                                                                                                  #  MOD.1 BY RAMA AIYAWAR
026023,000029:                                                                                                  #  FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
026024,000030:                                                                                                  #        ACCEPT ASTRONAUT INPUTS OF TIG,DELV(LV)
026025,000031:                                                                                                  #        CALL IMU STATUS CHECK ROUTINE (R02)
026026,000032:                                                                                                  #        DISPLAY TIME TO GO, APOGEE, PERIGEE, DELV(MAG), MGA AT IGN
026027,000033:                                                                                                  #        REQUEST BURN PROGRAM
026029,000035:                                                                                                  #  CALLING SEQUENCE VIA JOB FROM V37
026031,000037:                                                                                                  #  EXIT VIA V37 CALL OR TO GOTOPOOH (V34E)
026033,000039:                                                                                                  #  SUBROUTINE CALLS -    FLAGUP, PHASCHNG, BANKCALL, ENDOFJOB, GOFLASH, GOFLASHR
026034,000040:                                                                                                  #                        GOPERF3R, INTPRET, BLANKET, GOTOPOOH, R02BOTH, S30.1,
026035,000041:                                                                                                  #                        TTG/N35, MIDGIM, DISPMGA
026037,000043:                                                                                                  #  ERASABLE INITIALIZATION - STATE VECTOR
026039,000045:                                                                                                  #  OUTPUT -      RINIT, VINIT, +MGA, VTIG, RTIG, DELVSIN, DELVSAB, DELVSLV, HAPO,
026040,000046:                                                                                                  #                HPER, TTOGO
026042,000048:                                                                                                  #  DEBRIS - A, L, MPAC, PUSHLIST
026044,000050: 32,2776                                           BANK     32                                    
026045,000051: 35,2000                                           SETLOC   P30S                                  
026046,000052: 35,2000                                           BANK                                           
026047,000053: 35,2000  E4,1652                                  EBANK=   +MGA                                  
026048,000054: 35,2000                                           COUNT*   $$/P30                                
026049,000055: 35,2000           05504        P30                TC       UPFLAG                                #  SET UPDATE FLAG
026050,000056: 35,2001           00027                           ADRES    UPDATFLG                              
026051,000057: 35,2002           05504                           TC       UPFLAG                                #  SET TRACK FLAG
026052,000058: 35,2003           00031                           ADRES    TRACKFLG                              
026054,000060: 35,2004           32025        P30N33             CAF      V06N33                                #  T OF IGN
026055,000061: 35,2005           03712                           TC       VNPOOH                                #  RETURNS ON PROCEED, POOH ON TERMINATE
026057,000063: 35,2006           33727                           CAF      V06N81                                #  DISPLAY DELTA V (LV)
026058,000064: 35,2007           03712                           TC       VNPOOH                                #        REDISPLAY ON RECYCLE
026060,000066: 35,2010           05516                           TC       DOWNFLAG                              #  RESET UPDATE FLAG
026061,000067: 35,2011           00027                           ADRES    UPDATFLG                              
026062,000068: 35,2012           06037                           TC       INTPRET                               
026063,000069: 35,2013           77624                           CALL                                           
026064,000070: 35,2014           70000                                    S30.1                                 
026065,000071: 35,2015           77414                           SET      EXIT                                  
026066,000072: 35,2016           00470                                    UPDATFLG                              
026067,000073: 35,2017           32026        PARAM30            CAF      V06N42                                #  DISPLAY APOGEE,PERIGEE,DELTA V
026068,000074: 35,2020           03712                           TC       VNPOOH                                

Page 615

026071,000077: 35,2021           06037                           TC       INTPRET                               
026072,000078: 35,2022           77614                           SETGO                                          
026073,000079: 35,2023           01027                                    XDELVFLG                              #  FOR P40'S: EXTERNAL DELTA-V GUIDANCE.
026074,000080: 35,2024           72540                                    REVN1645                              #  TRKMKCNT, TGO, +MGA  DISPLAY
026076,000082: 35,2025           01441        V06N33             VN       0633                                  
026077,000083: 35,2026           01452        V06N42             VN       0642                                  

Page 616

026080,000086:                                                                                                  #  PROGRAM DESCRIPTION S30.1     DATE 9NOV66
026081,000087:                                                                                                  #  MOD NO 1                      LOG SECTION P30,P37
026082,000088:                                                                                                  #  MOD BY RAMA AIYAWAR **
026084,000090:                                                                                                  #  FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
026085,000091:                                                                                                  #        BASED ON STORED TARGET PARAMETERS (R OF IGNITION (RTIG), V OF
026086,000092:                                                                                                  #        IGNITION (VTIG), TIME OF IGNITION (TIG)), COMPUTE PERIGEE ALTITUDE
026087,000093:                                                                                                  #        APOGEE ALTITUDE AND DELTAV REQUIRED (DELVSIN).
026089,000095:                                                                                                  #  CALLING SEQUENCE
026090,000096:                                                                                                  #        L       CALL
026091,000097:                                                                                                  #        L+1             S30.1
026093,000099:                                                                                                  #  NORMAL EXIT MODE
026094,000100:                                                                                                  #        AT L+2 OR CALLING SEQUENCE (GOTO L+2)
026096,000102:                                                                                                  #  SUBROUTINES CALLED
026097,000103:                                                                                                  #        LEMPREC
026098,000104:                                                                                                  #        PERIAPO
026100,000106:                                                                                                  #  ALARM OR ABORT EXIT MODES
026101,000107:                                                                                                  #        NONE
026103,000109:                                                                                                  #  ERASABLE INITIALIZATION REQUIRED
026104,000110:                                                                                                  #        TIG             TIME OF IGNITION        DP B28CS
026105,000111:                                                                                                  #        DELVSLV         SPECIFIED DELTA-V IN LOCAL VERT.
026106,000112:                                                                                                  #                        COORDS. OF ACTIVE VEHICLE AT
026107,000113:                                                                                                  #                        TIME OF IGNITION        VECTOR B+7 METERS/CS
026109,000115:                                                                                                  #  OUTPUT
026110,000116:                                                                                                  #        RTIG            POSITION AT TIG         VECTOR B+29 METERS
026111,000117:                                                                                                  #        VTIG            VELOCITY AT TIG         VECTOR B+29 METERS/CS
026112,000118:                                                                                                  #        PDL 4D          APOGEE ALTITUDE         DP B+29 M, B+27 METERS.
026113,000119:                                                                                                  #        HAPO            APOGEE ALTITUDE         DP B+29 METERS
026114,000120:                                                                                                  #        PDL 8D          PERIGEE ALTITUDE        DP B+29 M, B+27 METERS.
026115,000121:                                                                                                  #        HPER            PERIGEE ALTITUDE        DP B+29 METERS
026116,000122:                                                                                                  #        DELVSIN         SPECIFIED DELTA-V IN INERTIAL
026117,000123:                                                                                                  #                        COORD. OF ACTIVE VEHICLE AT
026118,000124:                                                                                                  #                        TIME OF IGNITION        VECTOR B+7 METERS/CS
026119,000125:                                                                                                  #        DELVSAB         MAG. OF DELVSIN         VECTOR B+7 METERS/CS
026121,000127:                                                                                                  #  DEBRIS        QTEMP   TEMP.ERASABLE
026122,000128:                                                                                                  #                QPRET, MPAC
026123,000129:                                                                                                  #                PUSHLIST
026125,000131: 34,2000                                           SETLOC   P30S1                                 
026126,000132: 34,2000                                           BANK                                           
026128,000134: 34,2000                                           COUNT*   $$/S30S                               
026130,000136: 34,2000           71220        S30.1              STQ      DLOAD                                 
026131,000137: 34,2001           03632                                    QTEMP                                 
026132,000138: 34,2002           03442                                    TIG                                   #  TIME IGNITION SCALED AT 2(+28)CS
026133,000139: 34,2003           34041                           STCALL   TDEC1                                 
026134,000140: 34,2004           27057                                    LEMPREC                               #  ENCKE ROUTINE FOR LEM
026136,000142: 34,2005           67175                           VLOAD    SXA,2                                 

Page 617

026138,000144: 34,2006           00001                                    RATT                                  
026139,000145: 34,2007           02777                                    RTX2                                  
026140,000146: 34,2010           03642                           STORE    RTIG                                  #  RADIUS VECTOR AT IGNITION TIME
026141,000147: 34,2011           57456                           UNIT     VCOMP                                 
026142,000148: 34,2012           27656                           STOVL    DELVSIN                               #  ZRF/LV IN DELVSIN SCALED AT 2
026143,000149: 34,2013           00007                                    VATT                                  #  VELOCITY VECTOR AT TIG, SCALED 2(7) M/CS
026144,000150: 34,2014           03650                           STORE    VTIG                                  
026145,000151: 34,2015           53435                           VXV      UNIT                                  
026146,000152: 34,2016           03642                                    RTIG                                  
026147,000153: 34,2017           66001                           SETPD    SXA,1                                 
026148,000154: 34,2020           00001                                    0                                     
026149,000155: 34,2021           02776                                    RTX1                                  
026150,000156: 34,2022           47206                           PUSH     VXV                                   #  YRF/LV PDL 0 SCALED AT 2
026151,000157: 34,2023           03656                                    DELVSIN                               
026152,000158: 34,2024           63372                           VSL1     PDVL                                  
026153,000159: 34,2025           63315                           PDVL     PDVL                                  #  YRF/LV PDL 6 SCALED AT 2
026154,000160: 34,2026           03656                                    DELVSIN                               #  ZRF/LV PDL 12D SCALED AT 2
026155,000161: 34,2027           03434                                    DELVSLV                               
026156,000162: 34,2030           76505                           VXM      VSL1                                  
026157,000163: 34,2031           00001                                    0                                     
026158,000164: 34,2032           03656                           STORE    DELVSIN                               #  DELTAV IN INERT. COOR. SCALED TO B+7M/CS
026159,000165: 34,2033           77646                           ABVAL                                          
026160,000166: 34,2034           27664                           STOVL    DELVSAB                               #  DELTA V MAG.
026161,000167: 34,2035           03642                                    RTIG                                  #  (FOR PERIAPO)
026162,000168: 34,2036           53315                           PDVL     VAD                                   #  VREQUIRED = VTIG + DELVSIN (FOR PERIAPO)
026163,000169: 34,2037           03650                                    VTIG                                  
026164,000170: 34,2040           03656                                    DELVSIN                               
026165,000171: 34,2041           77624                           CALL                                           
026166,000172: 34,2042           46316                                    PERIAPO1                              
026167,000173: 34,2043           77624                           CALL                                           
026168,000174: 34,2044           46426                                    SHIFTR1                               #  RESCALE IF NEEDED
026169,000175: 34,2045           77624                           CALL                                           #  LIMIT DISPLAY TO 9999.9 N. MI.
026170,000176: 34,2046           45636                                    MAXCHK                                
026171,000177: 34,2047           16321                           STODL    HPER                                  #  PERIGEE ALT 2(29) METERS, FOR DISPLAY
026172,000178: 34,2050           00005                                    4D                                    
026173,000179: 34,2051           77624                           CALL                                           
026174,000180: 34,2052           46426                                    SHIFTR1                               #  RESCALE IF NEEDED
026175,000181: 34,2053           77624                           CALL                                           #  LIMIT DISPLAY TO 9999.9 N. MI.
026176,000182: 34,2054           45636                                    MAXCHK                                
026177,000183: 34,2055           36317                           STCALL   HAPO                                  #  APOGEE ALT 2(29) METERS, FOR DISPLAY
026178,000184: 34,2056           03632                                    QTEMP                                 

End of include-file P30,P37.agc.  Parent file is MAIN.agc