Source Code
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These source-code files were transcribed from a printout in Don Eyles's personal
collection, scanned by, and financially sponsored by Peter McDermott.
A team of volunteers performed the transcription and proof-reading. The scanned
page images are available at
the Virtual AGC Project website, as well as higher-quality (but much larger)
images at
the Virtual AGC Project's collection in the Internet Archive. Report any problems by creating
"issues" at
the Virtual AGC Project's GitHub Repository. Notations on the program listing read, in part: YUL SYSTEM FOR AGC: NEW PROGRAM SHEPATIN BY EYLES DEC 13, 1966 THIS PROGRAM WAS ASSEMBLED AS A VERSION OF REVISION 37 OF PROGRAM SUNBURST BY LEM GROUPNote that the date is the date of the printout, not the date of the program revision. |
023775,000002: ## Copyright: Public domain.
023776,000003: ## Filename: ASCENT_INERTIA_UPDATER.agc
023777,000004: ## Purpose: A section of Sunburst revision 37, or Shepatin revision 0.
023778,000005: ## It is part of an early development version of the software
023779,000006: ## for Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) on the unmanned Lunar
023780,000007: ## Module (LM) flight Apollo 5. Sunburst 37 was the program
023781,000008: ## upon which Don Eyles's offline development program Shepatin
023782,000009: ## was based; the listing herein transcribed was actually for
023783,000010: ## the equivalent revision 0 of Shepatin.
023784,000011: ## This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except
023785,000012: ## that the code format has been changed to conform to the
023786,000013: ## requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the
023787,000014: ## original YUL assembler.
023788,000015: ## Reference: pp. 538-540
023789,000016: ## Assembler: yaYUL
023790,000017: ## Contact: Ron Burkey <>.
023791,000018: ## Website:
023792,000019: ## Mod history: 2017-05-24 MAS Created from Sunburst 120.
023793,000020: ## 2017-06-05 HG Transcribed
023794,000021: ## 2017-06-22 RSB Proofed comment text with
023795,000022: ## octopus/ProoferComments.
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023798,000025: 26,2441 BANK 26
023799,000026: 26,2441 E6,1541 EBANK= DT
023800,000027: 26,2441 02504 IXXTASK TC JACCESTP
023802,000029: 26,2442 02477 TC ASCENGON
023804,000031: 26,2443 00006 EXTEND
023805,000032: 26,2444 27452 DIM IXX
023806,000033: 26,2445 32474 CAF IXXTIME
023807,000034: 26,2446 05701 TC WAITLIST
023808,000035: 26,2447 E6,1541 EBANK= DT
023809,000036: 26,2447 02441 54006 2CADR IXXTASK
023811,000038: 26,2451 15745 TCF TASKOVER
023813,000040: 26,2452 02520 IYYTASK TC JACCESTQ
023815,000042: 26,2453 02477 TC ASCENGON
023817,000044: 26,2454 00006 EXTEND
023818,000045: 26,2455 27453 DIM IYY
023819,000046: 26,2456 32475 CAF IYYTIME
023820,000047: 26,2457 05701 TC WAITLIST
023821,000048: 26,2460 E6,1541 EBANK= DT
023822,000049: 26,2460 02452 54006 2CADR IYYTASK
023824,000051: 26,2462 15745 TCF TASKOVER
023826,000053: 26,2463 02541 IZZTASK TC JACCESTR
023828,000055: 26,2464 02477 TC ASCENGON
023830,000057: 26,2465 00006 EXTEND
023831,000058: 26,2466 27454 DIM IZZ
023832,000059: 26,2467 32476 CAF IZZTIME
023833,000060: 26,2470 05701 TC WAITLIST
023834,000061: 26,2471 E6,1541 EBANK= DT
023835,000062: 26,2471 02463 54006 2CADR IZZTASK
023838,000065: 26,2473 15745 TCF TASKOVER
023840,000067: 26,2474 00310 IXXTIME DEC 200 B-14
023841,000068: 26,2475 02424 IYYTIME DEC 1300 B-14
023842,000069: 26,2476 00264 IZZTIME DEC 180 B-14
023844,000071: 26,2477 37746 ASCENGON CAF BIT8
023845,000072: 26,2500 70077 MASK DAPBOOLS
023846,000073: 26,2501 10000 CCS A
023847,000074: 26,2502 00002 TC Q
023848,000075: 26,2503 15745 TCF TASKOVER
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023851,000078: 26,2504 31452 JACCESTP CAE IXX
023852,000079: 26,2505 22007 ZL
023853,000080: 26,2506 00006 EXTEND
023854,000081: 26,2507 11455 DV 4JETTORK
023855,000082: 26,2510 60000 DOUBLE
023856,000083: 26,2511 55441 TS 1/2JTSP
023858,000085: 26,2512 32606 CAF JETTORK
023859,000086: 26,2513 22007 ZL
023860,000087: 26,2514 00006 EXTEND
023861,000088: 26,2515 11452 DV IXX
023862,000089: 26,2516 55612 TS 1JACC
023864,000091: 26,2517 00002 TC Q
023866,000093: 26,2520 31453 JACCESTQ CAE IYY
023867,000094: 26,2521 22007 ZL
023868,000095: 26,2522 00006 EXTEND
023869,000096: 26,2523 11456 DV JETTORK4
023870,000097: 26,2524 00006 EXTEND # INCLUDE INVISIBLE FACTOR OF (1/2).
023872,000099: 26,2525 77740 MP BIT14
023873,000100: 26,2526 55671 TS 1/NET+4Q
023874,000101: 26,2527 55673 TS 1/NET-4Q
023877,000104: 26,2530 60000 DOUBLE
023878,000105: 26,2531 55670 TS 1/NET+2Q
023879,000106: 26,2532 55672 TS 1/NET-2Q
023881,000108: 26,2533 32607 CAF JETTORK1
023882,000109: 26,2534 22007 ZL
023883,000110: 26,2535 00006 EXTEND
023884,000111: 26,2536 11453 DV IYY
023885,000112: 26,2537 55613 TS 1JACCQ
023887,000114: 26,2540 00002 TC Q
023888,000115: 26,2541 31454 JACCESTR CAE IZZ
023889,000116: 26,2542 22007 ZL
023890,000117: 26,2543 00006 EXTEND
023891,000118: 26,2544 11456 DV JETTORK4
023892,000119: 26,2545 00006 EXTEND # INCLUDE INVISIBLE FACTOR OF (1/2).
023893,000120: 26,2546 77740 MP BIT14
023894,000121: 26,2547 55675 TS 1/NET+4R
023895,000122: 26,2550 55677 TS 1/NET-4R
023897,000124: 26,2551 60000 DOUBLE
023898,000125: 26,2552 55674 TS 1/NET+2R
023899,000126: 26,2553 55676 TS 1/NET-2R
023901,000128: 26,2554 32607 CAF JETTORK1
023902,000129: 26,2555 22007 ZL
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023905,000132: 26,2556 00006 EXTEND
023906,000133: 26,2557 11454 DV IZZ
023908,000135: 26,2560 55614 TS 1JACCR
023910,000137: 26,2561 31670 COMMONQR CAE 1/2JTSQ
023911,000138: 26,2562 61674 AD 1/2JTSR
023912,000139: 26,2563 00006 EXTEND
023913,000140: 26,2564 72605 MP .707BK26
023914,000141: 26,2565 55701 TS 1/2JETSU # TEMP
023916,000143: 26,2566 31670 CAE 1/2JTSQ
023917,000144: 26,2567 00006 EXTEND
023918,000145: 26,2570 71674 MP 1/2JTSR
023919,000146: 26,2571 00006 EXTEND
023920,000147: 26,2572 11701 DV 1/2JETSU # TEMP
023921,000148: 26,2573 55701 TS 1/NET+2U
023922,000149: 26,2574 55703 TS 1/NET-2U
023923,000150: 26,2575 55705 TS 1/NET+2V
023924,000151: 26,2576 55707 TS 1/NET-2V
023926,000153: 26,2577 60000 DOUBLE
023927,000154: 26,2600 55700 TS 1/NET+1U
023928,000155: 26,2601 55702 TS 1/NET-1U
023929,000156: 26,2602 55704 TS 1/NET+1V
023930,000157: 26,2603 55706 TS 1/NET-1V
023932,000159: 26,2604 00002 TC Q
023934,000161: 26,2605 26501 .707BK26 DEC 0.70711
023935,000162: 26,2606 00050 JETTORK DEC 0.00243 # 500 FT LBS. SCALED AT PI*2(+16)
023936,000163: 26,2607 00054 JETTORK1 DEC 0.00267 # 550 FT LBS. SCALED AT PI*2(+16)
023937,000164: 26,2610 13241 0.35356 DEC 0.35356
End of include-file ASCENT_INERTIA_UPDATER.agc. Parent file is MAIN.agc