Source Code
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These source-code files were transcribed from a printout in Don Eyles's personal
collection, scanned by, and financially sponsored by Peter McDermott.
A team of volunteers performed the transcription and proof-reading. The scanned
page images are available at
the Virtual AGC Project website, as well as higher-quality (but much larger)
images at
the Virtual AGC Project's collection in the Internet Archive. Report any problems by creating
"issues" at
the Virtual AGC Project's GitHub Repository. Notations on the program listing read, in part: YUL SYSTEM FOR AGC: NEW PROGRAM SHEPATIN BY EYLES DEC 13, 1966 THIS PROGRAM WAS ASSEMBLED AS A VERSION OF REVISION 37 OF PROGRAM SUNBURST BY LEM GROUPNote that the date is the date of the printout, not the date of the program revision. |
039220,000002: ## Copyright: Public domain.
039221,000003: ## Filename: LOGSUB_ROUTINE.agc
039222,000004: ## Purpose: A section of Sunburst revision 37, or Shepatin revision 0.
039223,000005: ## It is part of an early development version of the software
039224,000006: ## for Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) on the unmanned Lunar
039225,000007: ## Module (LM) flight Apollo 5. Sunburst 37 was the program
039226,000008: ## upon which Don Eyles's offline development program Shepatin
039227,000009: ## was based; the listing herein transcribed was actually for
039228,000010: ## the equivalent revision 0 of Shepatin.
039229,000011: ## This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except
039230,000012: ## that the code format has been changed to conform to the
039231,000013: ## requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the
039232,000014: ## original YUL assembler.
039233,000015: ## Reference: p. 864
039234,000016: ## Assembler: yaYUL
039235,000017: ## Contact: Ron Burkey <>.
039236,000018: ## Website:
039237,000019: ## Mod history: 2017-05-24 MAS Created from Sunburst 120.
039238,000020: ## 2017-06-13 HG Transcribed
039239,000021: ## 2017-06-23 RSB Proofed comment text with
039240,000022: ## octopus/ProoferComments.
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039243,000025: # INPUT....X IN MPAC
039244,000026: # OUTPUT...-LOG(X)/32 IN MPAC
039247,000029: 32,2771 BANK 32
039248,000030: 32,2771 44301 LOGSUB NORM BDSU
039249,000031: 32,2772 00121 BUF
039250,000032: 32,2773 25040 ALMOST1
039251,000033: 32,2774 77776 EXIT
039252,000034: 32,2775 07265 TC POLY
039253,000035: 32,2776 00006 DEC 6 B-14
039254,000036: 32,2777 00000 00002 2DEC .0000000060
039257,000039: 32,3001 76777 77175 2DEC -.0312514377
039259,000041: 32,3003 77400 75416 2DEC -.0155686771
039261,000043: 32,3005 77507 65515 2DEC -.0112502068
039263,000045: 32,3007 77741 63547 2DEC -.0018545108
039265,000047: 32,3011 77052 55373 2DEC -.0286607906
039267,000049: 32,3013 01167 30361 2DEC .0385598563
039270,000052: 32,3015 76520 75267 2DEC -.0419361902
039272,000054: 32,3017 37761 CAF ZERO
039273,000055: 32,3020 54146 TS MPAC +2
039274,000056: 32,3021 00006 EXTEND
039275,000057: 32,3022 33036 DCA CLOG2/32
039276,000058: 32,3023 52145 DXCH MPAC
039277,000059: 32,3024 52122 DXCH BUF +1
039278,000060: 32,3025 30120 CA BUF
039279,000061: 32,3026 07351 TC SHORTMP
039281,000063: 32,3027 52146 DXCH MPAC +1
039282,000064: 32,3030 52145 DXCH MPAC
039283,000065: 32,3031 52122 DXCH BUF +1
039284,000066: 32,3032 20145 DAS MPAC
039285,000067: 32,3033 06103 TC INTPRET
039286,000068: 32,3034 43476 DCOMP RVQ
039287,000069: 32,3035 00542 34414 CLOG2/32 2DEC .0216608494
039289,000071: 32,3037 37777 37777 ALMOST1 2DEC .999999999
End of include-file LOGSUB_ROUTINE.agc. Parent file is MAIN.agc