Source Code

These source-code files were transcribed from a printout in Don Eyles's personal collection, scanned by, and financially sponsored by Peter McDermott. A team of volunteers performed the transcription and proof-reading. The scanned page images are available at the Virtual AGC Project website, as well as higher-quality (but much larger) images at the Virtual AGC Project's collection in the Internet Archive. Report any problems by creating "issues" at the Virtual AGC Project's GitHub Repository.

Notations on the program listing read, in part:

	DEC 13, 1966

Note that the date is the date of the printout, not the date of the program revision.

038484,000002:                                                                                                  ## Copyright:   Public domain.
038485,000003:                                                                                                  ## Filename:    PREBURN_FOR_APS2.agc
038486,000004:                                                                                                  ## Purpose:     A section of Sunburst revision 37, or Shepatin revision 0.
038487,000005:                                                                                                  ##              It is part of an early development version of the software
038488,000006:                                                                                                  ##              for Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) on the unmanned Lunar
038489,000007:                                                                                                  ##              Module (LM) flight Apollo 5. Sunburst 37 was the program
038490,000008:                                                                                                  ##              upon which Don Eyles's offline development program Shepatin
038491,000009:                                                                                                  ##              was based; the listing herein transcribed was actually for
038492,000010:                                                                                                  ##              the equivalent revision 0 of Shepatin.
038493,000011:                                                                                                  ##              This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except
038494,000012:                                                                                                  ##              that the code format has been changed to conform to the
038495,000013:                                                                                                  ##              requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the
038496,000014:                                                                                                  ##              original YUL assembler.
038497,000015:                                                                                                  ## Reference:   pp. 851-852
038498,000016:                                                                                                  ## Assembler:   yaYUL
038499,000017:                                                                                                  ## Contact:     Ron Burkey <>.
038500,000018:                                                                                                  ## Website:
038501,000019:                                                                                                  ## Mod history: 2017-05-24 MAS  Created from Sunburst 120.
038502,000020:                                                                                                  ##              2017-06-11 HG   Transcribed
038503,000021:                                                                                                  ##              2017-06-15 HG   Fix interpretive operator STODL -> STORE
038504,000022:                                                                                                  ##              2017-06-17 MAS  Split up an "E-4B9".
038505,000023:                                                                                                  ##              2017-06-23 RSB  Proofed comment text with
038506,000024:                                                                                                  ##                              octopus/ProoferComments.

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038509,000027:                                                                                                  #       PREAPS2 IS A PROGRAM WHICH INITIALIZES **ASCENT** FOR THE 2ND APS
038510,000028:                                                                                                  #  BURN. IT USES RN AND VN(TIG), PROVIDED BY MIDTOAVE THROUGH MP13, TO COM-
038511,000029:                                                                                                  #  PUTE THE P, Q, AND S AXES FOR TRANSFORMATIONS, SETS 3 SWITCHES FOR PRO-
038512,000030:                                                                                                  #  PER MODING OF ASCENT, AND TRANSFERS DATA FROM FIXED TO ERASABLE FOR USE
038513,000031:                                                                                                  #  AS NOMINALS AT TIG.
038514,000032:                                                                                                  #       IT CALLS ASCENT ONCE TO PROVIDE UT AT IGNITION, AND THEN RESETS THE
038516,000034:                                                                                                  #  EXIT FROM ASCENT TO GO TO FINDCDUD ON SUBSEQUENT ASCENT ENTRIES.
038518,000036: 32,2000                                           BANK     32                                    
038519,000037: 32,2000  E4,1400                                  EBANK=   PAXIS1                                
038520,000038: 32,2000           53447        PREAPS2            DXCH     RRETURN                               
038521,000039: 32,2001           35662                           CA       PRIO21                                #  GIVE LAMBERT A HIGHER PRIORITY THAN
038522,000040: 32,2002           55451                           TS       LAMPRIO                               #  ASCENT, SO IT WILL FINISH.
038523,000041: 32,2003           06103                           TC       INTPRET                               
038524,000042: 32,2004           77624                           CALL                                           
038525,000043: 32,2005           60347                                    VPATCHER                              
038526,000044: 32,2006           77775                           VLOAD                                          
038527,000045: 32,2007           01011                                    RN                                    #  LOAD RN*2(N-29)
038529,000047: 32,2010           53435                           VXV      UNIT                                  #  RN X VN*2(N-36)
038530,000048: 32,2011           01017                                    VN                                    #  SAXIS*2(-1)
038531,000049: 32,2012           02015                           STORE    SAXIS                                 #  STORE SAXIS
038532,000050: 32,2013           76435                           VXV      VSL1                                  #  S X UR*2(-2)=Q1*2(-2), NORM TO S AND R
038533,000051: 32,2014           01033                                    UNITR                                 #  Q1*2(-1)
038534,000052: 32,2015           63361                           VXSC     PDVL                                  #  Q1* COS27*2(-1)
038535,000053: 32,2016           24072                                    COS27                                 #  IN PDL(0)*2(-1)                          2
038536,000054: 32,2017           01033                                    UNITR                                 #  LOAD UR*2(-1)
038537,000055: 32,2020           51361                           VXSC     BVSU                                  #  UR SIN27*2(-1)
038538,000056: 32,2021           24074                                    SIN27                                 #  Q1 COS27-UR SIN27 = Q
038540,000058: 32,2022           77626                           STADR                                          #                                           0
038541,000059: 32,2023           75770                           STORE    QAXIS                                 #  STORE QAXIS
038542,000060: 32,2024           76435                           VXV      VSL1                                  #  Q X S*2(-2) = P*2(-2)
038543,000061: 32,2025           02015                                    SAXIS                                 #  P*2(-1)
038544,000062: 32,2026           26001                           STOVL    PAXIS1                                #  STORE PAXIS
038545,000063: 32,2027           24076                                    ENGNOM                                #  LOAD NOMINAL AT, 1/VE, TBUP
038546,000064: 32,2030           26023                           STOVL    AT                                    #  STORE IN ERASE
038547,000065: 32,2031           24104                                    PREIGN                                #  LOAD NOM, 1/DV2,1/DV1,KR
038548,000066: 32,2032           16031                           STODL    ATMEAS                                #  STORE IN ERASE
038549,000067: 32,2033           26517                                    DP0                                   #  LOAD 0
038550,000068: 32,2034           26037                           STOVL    KR1                                   #  STORE IN KR1
038551,000069: 32,2035           24112                                    VCONOM                                #  LOAD NOM. RDOTD,YDOTD,ZDOTD
038553,000071: 32,2036           02041                           STORE    RDOTD                                 #  STORE IN ERASE
038554,000072: 32,2037           77731                           SSP                                            
038555,000073: 32,2040           02051                                    ASCRET                                
038556,000074: 32,2041           64053                                    PRAPS                                 #  LOAD RETURN ADD. FROM ASCENT
038557,000075: 32,2042           43014                           SET      CLEAR                                 
038558,000076: 32,2043           01474                                    DIRECT                                #  DIRECT=1
038559,000077: 32,2044           01675                                    PASS                                  #  PASS=0
038560,000078: 32,2045           43014                           CLEAR    SET                                   #  CLEAR GUESSW FOR NO COGAVAIL
038561,000079: 32,2046           02263                                    GUESSW                                
038562,000080: 32,2047           02061                                    DONESW                                #  TO START LAMBERT

Page 852

038565,000083: 32,2050           52014                           CLEAR    GOTO                                  
038566,000084: 32,2051           01676                                    HC                                    #  HC=0
038568,000086: 32,2052           64120                                    ASCENT                                #  GO TO ASCENT EQUATIONS
038569,000087: 32,2053           43175        PRAPS              VLOAD    SET                                   
038570,000088: 32,2054           02057                                    UT                                    #  LOAD DES. THRUST VECTOR
038571,000089: 32,2055           02063                                    GUESSW                                #  SET GUESSW FOR COGAVAIL
038572,000090: 32,2056           25656                           STOVL    POINTVSM                              #  STORE FOR CALCMANU
038573,000091: 32,2057           26515                                    BODYVECT                              #  LOAD UNIT X-AXIS
038574,000092: 32,2060           01664                           STORE    SCAXIS                                #  STORE FOR CALCMANU
038575,000093: 32,2061           77776                           EXIT                                           
038576,000094: 32,2062           32117                           CA       CDUFAD                                #  SET UP FOR NORMAL EXIT FROM ASCENT TO
038577,000095: 32,2063           55450                           TS       ASCRET                                #  FINDCDUD
038579,000097: 32,2064           35661                           CA       PRIO17                                #  GIVE LAMBERT A LOWER PRIORITY
038580,000098: 32,2065           55451                           TS       LAMPRIO                               
038581,000099: 32,2066           00006                           EXTEND                                         
038582,000100: 32,2067           31447                           DCA      RRETURN                               #  GO BACK TO MP13
038583,000101: 32,2070           52006                           DXCH     Z                                     
038584,000102: 32,2071           34406 10015  COS27              2DEC     .89100652                             
038585,000103: 32,2073           16416 05613  SIN27              2DEC     .45399050                             
038586,000104: 32,2075           05204 04411  ENGNOM             2DEC     3.20928237 E-4        B9              #  AT*2(9)
038587,000105: 32,2077           20712 37674                     2DEC     .0330009301 B4                         #  (1/VE)*2(4)
038589,000107: 32,2101           27032 21513                     2DEC     94420.4114 B-17                       #  TBUP*2(-17)
038590,000108: 32,2103           00000 00000  PREIGN             2DEC     0          B-28                       #  NOMINAL (1/DV2)*2( )
038591,000109: 32,2105           00000 00000                     2DEC     0          B-28                       #  NOMINAL (1/DV1)*2( )
038592,000110: 32,2107           20000 00000                     2DEC     .5                                    #  KR*2(-1) FOR APS2
038593,000111: 32,2111           00000 00000  VCONOM             2DEC     0          B-28                       #  RDOTD*2(-7)
038595,000113: 32,2113           22363 06315                     2DEC     73.9       B-7                        
038596,000114: 32,2115           05000 00000                     2DEC     20         B-7                        
038597,000115: 32,2117  33,2514               DP.5               =        BODYVECT                              
038598,000116: 32,2117  33,2516               DP0                =        BODYVECT   +2                         
038599,000117: 32,2117  E4,1400                                  EBANK=   PAXIS1                                
038600,000118: 32,2117           60643        CDUFAD             FCADR    FINDCDUD                              

End of include-file PREBURN_FOR_APS2.agc.  Parent file is MAIN.agc