Source Code
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These source-code files were transcribed from the Raytheon document "FINAL REPORT:
unique, in that it was written by Raytheon Corporation, rather than by the MIT
Instrumentation Laboratory, for the purpose of working with the prototype
Auxiliary Memory devices built by Raytheon, though never deployed in a mission.
The AGC software syntax differs slightly
from the more-usual AGC code, because Raytheon clearly had created their own assembler
instead of using the existing YUL or GAP assemblers. The report was obtained from Internet Archive mirrors of the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS). The report can be found here and the appendix containing the listing can be found here. Report any problems by creating "issues" at the Virtual AGC Project's GitHub Repository. Notations on the program listing read, in part: SUPER JOB BY SUPER TEAM JAN 8, 1968 |
000052,000002: ## Copyright: Public domain.
000053,000003: ## Filename: MAIN.agc
000054,000004: ## Purpose: Part of the source code for SUPER JOB, a program developed
000055,000005: ## at Raytheon to exercise the Auxiliary Memory for the AGC.
000056,000006: ## It appears to have been developed from scratch, and shares
000057,000007: ## no heritage with any programs from MIT. It was also built
000058,000008: ## with a Raytheon assembler rather than YUL or GAP.
000059,000009: ## Reference: pp. D-2 - D-4
000060,000010: ## Assembler: yaYUL
000061,000011: ## Contact: Ron Burkey <>.
000062,000012: ## Website:
000063,000013: ## Page Scans:
000064,000014: ## Mod history: 2017-01-27 MAS Created and transcribed, then corrected
000065,000015: ## errors until assembly succeeded. Octals
000066,000016: ## have not yet been extracted, so errors
000067,000017: ## almost certainly remain.
000069,000019: ## Page D-2
000070,000020: # C SPECIAL AND CENTRAL
000071,000021: ??????? A = 0000
000072,000022: ??????? L = 0001
000073,000023: ??????? Q = 0002
000074,000024: ??????? EB = 0003
000075,000025: ??????? FB = 0004
000076,000026: ??????? Z = 0005
000077,000027: ??????? BB = 0006
000078,000028: ??????? ZEROS = 0007
000079,000029: ??????? ARUPT = 0010
000080,000030: ??????? LRUPT = 0011
000081,000031: ??????? QRUPT = 0012
000082,000032: ??????? ZRUPT = 0015
000083,000033: ??????? BBRUPT = 0016
000084,000034: ??????? BRUPT = 0017
000085,000035: ??????? CYR = 0020
000086,000036: ??????? SR = 0021
000087,000037: ??????? CYL = 0022
000088,000038: ??????? EDOP = 0023
000089,000039: ??????? TIME2 = 0024
000090,000040: ??????? TIME1 = 0025
000091,000041: ??????? TIME3 = 0026
000092,000042: ??????? TIME4 = 0027
000093,000043: ??????? TIME5 = 0030
000094,000044: ??????? TIME6 = 0031
000095,000045: ??????? CDUX = 0032
000096,000046: ??????? CDUY = 0033
000097,000047: ??????? CDUZ = 0034
000098,000048: ??????? OPTY = 0035
000099,000049: ??????? OPTX = 0036
000100,000050: ??????? PIPAX = 0037
000101,000051: ??????? PIPAY = 0040
000102,000052: ??????? PIPAZ = 0041
000103,000053: ??????? BMAGX = 0042
000104,000054: ??????? BMAGY = 0043
000105,000055: ??????? BMAGZ = 0044
000106,000056: ??????? INLINK = 0045
000107,000057: ??????? RNRAD = 0046
000108,000058: ??????? GYROCTR = 0047
000109,000059: ??????? CDUXCMD = 0050
000110,000060: ??????? CDUYCMD = 0051
000111,000061: ??????? CDUZCMD = 0052
000112,000062: ??????? OPTYCMD = 0053
000113,000063: ??????? OPTXCMD = 0054
000114,000064: ??????? EMSD = 0055
000115,000065: ??????? LEMONM = 0056
000116,000066: ??????? OUTLINK = 0057
000117,000067: ??????? ALTM = 0060
000118,000068: ??????? DEXA = 0061
000119,000069: ??????? JUNKA = 0062
000120,000070: ??????? TEMPAA = 0064
000121,000071: ??????? NWATCH = 0067
000122,000072: ??????? QSTORE = 0070
000123,000073: ??????? STATUS = 0071
000124,000074: ??????? NOUN = 0072
000125,000075: ??????? R1 = 0073
000126,000076: ??????? R2 = 0074
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Page D-3 |
000128,000078: ??????? R3 = 0075
000129,000079: ??????? TMASKA = 0076
000130,000080: ??????? RESUMEA = 0077
000131,000081: ??????? LOCSTOA = 0100
000132,000082: ??????? ITA = 0101
000133,000083: ??????? ADDERA = 0102
000134,000084: ??????? TEMPA = 0103
000135,000085: ??????? GOBAKA = 0104
000136,000086: ??????? NUMA = 0105
000137,000087: ??????? DCNTL = 0106
000138,000088: ??????? ZZTAG = 0107 # SET WHEN V00 IS HIT
000139,000089: ??????? TEMP1L = 0110
000140,000090: ??????? TEMP2L = 0111
000141,000091: ??????? TEMP3L = 0112
000142,000092: ??????? TEMP4L = 0113
000143,000093: ??????? VERBFFL = 0114
000144,000094: ??????? VERBREGL = 0115
000145,000095: ??????? ACMSTAT = 0116
000146,000096: ??????? R1ADD = 0117
000147,000097: ??????? IDSTARTL = 0120
000148,000098: ??????? IDSTOPL = 0121
000149,000099: ??????? JUNK1L = 0122
000150,000100: ??????? TPBNKL = 0123
000151,000101: ??????? CH25LOAD = 0124
000152,000102: ??????? CORERCNT = 0125
000153,000103: ??????? CNTDWN2L = 0126
000154,000104: ??????? CNTDWN1L = 0127
000155,000105: ??????? SUML = 0130
000156,000106: ??????? OVFLOL = 0131
000157,000107: ??????? INCRDEDA = 0132
000158,000108: ??????? BANKNUMA = 0133
000159,000109: ??????? LOCA = 0134
000160,000110: ??????? DISYES = 0135
000161,000111: ??????? READKSTA = 0136
000162,000112: ??????? QSTORL = 0137
000163,000113: ??????? HOLD1STB = 0140
000164,000114: ??????? EBCOUNT = 0141
000165,000115: ??????? FBCOUNT = 0142
000166,000116: ??????? ERRCOUNT = 0143
000167,000117: ??????? HOLD = 0144
000168,000118: ??????? BBK = 0145
000169,000119: ??????? HOLDIT = 0146
000170,000120: ??????? 1STDIGPR = 0147
000171,000121: ??????? BNKPR = 0150
000172,000122: ??????? GETADD = 0151
000173,000123: ??????? READX = 0152
000174,000124: ??????? BANKNO = 0153
000175,000125: ??????? ADDHOLD = 0154
000176,000126: ??????? BNKSHFT = 0156
000177,000127: ??????? 1STBNKNO = 0157
000178,000128: ??????? HOLDBKDG = 0160
000179,000129: ??????? GETDATA = 0161
000180,000130: ??????? DATAHOLD = 0162
000181,000131: ??????? BNKNUMAA = 0163
000182,000132: ??????? BNKNUMBA = 0164
000183,000133: ??????? ACMFBK = 0165
000184,000134: ??????? SWITCH = 0166
000185,000135: ??????? NEWID = 0167
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000187,000137: ??????? OLDID = 0170
000188,000138: ??????? LSTCNT = 0171
000189,000139: ??????? ONETO5 = 0172
000190,000140: ??????? SIXTH = 0173
000191,000141: ??????? SEVENTH = 0174
000192,000142: ??????? EIGHTH = 0175
000193,000143: ??????? RDLD = 0176
000194,000144: ??????? HOLDNO = 0177
000195,000145: ??????? NOOFBNKS = 0200
000196,000146: ??????? PUNCH5 = 0201
000197,000147: ??????? LDFBLL = 0202
000198,000148: ??????? LDEBLL = 0203
000199,000149: ??????? TRXYB = 0204
000200,000150: ??????? TRYXB = 0205
000201,000151: ??????? TRXXB = 0206
000202,000152: ??????? TRYYB = 0207
000203,000153: ??????? PUNCH6 = 0210
000204,000154: ??????? FXDSUM = 3776
000205,000155: ??????? FXDOVFLO = 3777
End of include-file SPECIAL_AND_CENTRAL.agc. Parent file is MAIN.agc