Source Code

These source-code files were transcribed from scans made from Don Eyles's personal copy of Luminary 069. They were scanned at's Boston facility, and the scanning was sponsored by Onno Hommes. The code was transcribed from these scans by a team of volunteers who are referenced in the program comments. Comments from the original source code are prefixed with a single '#' symbol, whereas comments added later are prefixed by "##" or "###". In some cases, where similar code blocks exist in previously-transcribed AGC programs (primarily Luminary 99, from Apollo 11) those code blocks were used as a starting point and then corrected to agree with the Luminary 69 scans. The full scans are available at the Virtual AGC project's collection at, while more-convenient reduced-size (but reduced-quality) images are available at the main Virtual AGC website. Report any errors noted by creating an issue report at the Virtual AGC project's GitHub repository. Notations on the program listing read, in part:

	19:02 NOV. 25,1968
Note that the date is the date of the printout, not the date of the program revision.

047582,000002:                                                                                                  ## Copyright:   Public domain.
047583,000003:                                                                                                  ## Filename:    SINGLE_PRECISION_SUBROUTINES.agc
047584,000004:                                                                                                  ## Purpose:     The main source file for Luminary revision 069.
047585,000005:                                                                                                  ##              It is part of the source code for the original release
047586,000006:                                                                                                  ##              of the flight software for the Lunar Module's (LM) Apollo
047587,000007:                                                                                                  ##              Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 10. The actual flown
047588,000008:                                                                                                  ##              version was Luminary 69 revision 2, which included a
047589,000009:                                                                                                  ##              newer lunar gravity model and only affected module 2.
047590,000010:                                                                                                  ##              This file is intended to be a faithful transcription, except
047591,000011:                                                                                                  ##              that the code format has been changed to conform to the
047592,000012:                                                                                                  ##              requirements of the yaYUL assembler rather than the
047593,000013:                                                                                                  ##              original YUL assembler.
047594,000014:                                                                                                  ## Reference:   p.  1097
047595,000015:                                                                                                  ## Assembler:   yaYUL
047596,000016:                                                                                                  ## Contact:     Ron Burkey <>.
047597,000017:                                                                                                  ## Website:
047598,000018:                                                                                                  ## Mod history: 2016-12-13 MAS  Created from Luminary 99.
047599,000019:                                                                                                  ##              2016-12-18 MAS  Updated from comment-proofed Luminary 99 version.
047600,000020:                                                                                                  ##              2016-12-26 RRB  Updated for Luminary 69.
047601,000021:                                                                                                  ##              2017-01-28 RSB  Proofed comment text using octopus/prooferComments
047602,000022:                                                                                                  ##                              but no errors found.

Page 1097

047605,000025:    5032                                           BLOCK    02                                    
047607,000027:                                                                                                  #  SINGLE PRECISION SINE AND COSINE
047609,000029:    5032                                           COUNT*   $$/INTER                              
047610,000030:    5032           64736        SPCOS              AD       HALF                                  #  ARGUMENTS SCALED AT PI
047611,000031:    5033           55076        SPSIN              TS       TEMK                                  
047612,000032:    5034           15036                           TCF      SPT                                   
047613,000033:    5035           41076                           CS       TEMK                                  
047614,000034:    5036           60000        SPT                DOUBLE                                         
047615,000035:    5037           55076                           TS       TEMK                                  
047616,000036:    5040           15051                           TCF      POLLEY                                
047617,000037:    5041           57076                           XCH      TEMK                                  
047618,000038:    5042           51076                           INDEX    TEMK                                  
047619,000039:    5043           64734                           AD       LIMITS                                
047620,000040:    5044           40000                           COM                                            
047621,000041:    5045           61076                           AD       TEMK                                  
047622,000042:    5046           55076                           TS       TEMK                                  
047623,000043:    5047           15051                           TCF      POLLEY                                
047624,000044:    5050           15067                           TCF      ARG90                                 
047625,000045:    5051           00006        POLLEY             EXTEND                                         
047626,000046:    5052           71076                           MP       TEMK                                  
047627,000047:    5053           55077                           TS       SQ                                    
047628,000048:    5054           00006                           EXTEND                                         
047629,000049:    5055           75005                           MP       C5/2                                  
047630,000050:    5056           67736                           AD       C3/2                                  
047631,000051:    5057           00006                           EXTEND                                         
047632,000052:    5060           71077                           MP       SQ                                    
047633,000053:    5061           67716                           AD       C1/2                                  
047634,000054:    5062           00006                           EXTEND                                         
047635,000055:    5063           71076                           MP       TEMK                                  
047636,000056:    5064           20001                           DDOUBL                                         
047637,000057:    5065           55076                           TS       TEMK                                  
047638,000058:    5066           00002                           TC       Q                                     
047639,000059:    5067           50000        ARG90              INDEX    A                                     
047640,000060:    5070           44734                           CS       LIMITS                                
047641,000061:    5071           00002                           TC       Q                                     #  RESULT SCALED AT 1

End of include-file SINGLE_PRECISION_SUBROUTINES.agc.  Parent file is MAIN.agc