Source Code

These source-code files were from the printout at the MIT Museum, with many thanks to Deborah Douglas, the Museum's Curator of Science and Technology, for releasing it to us. The printout was digitally photographed by Paul Fjeld. A team of volunteers transcribed the source code manually from these images or, where appropriate, modified already-transcribed but similar source Luminary 131 (Apollo 13) source code to agree with the images from the printout. Note that the page images presented online are of reduced quality, and that higher-quality images are available. Report any conversion errors or legibility problems in page images to Notations on the program listing read, in part:

	16:27 JULY 14,1969
Note that the date is the date of the printout, not the date of the program revision.

063535,000002:                                                                                                  ## Copyright:   Public domain.
063536,000003:                                                                                                  ## Filename:    KALMAN_FILTER.agc
063537,000004:                                                                                                  ## Purpose:     Part of the source code for Luminary 1A build 099.
063538,000005:                                                                                                  ##              It is part of the source code for the Lunar Module's (LM)
063539,000006:                                                                                                  ##              Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), for Apollo 11.
063540,000007:                                                                                                  ## Assembler:   yaYUL
063541,000008:                                                                                                  ## Contact:     Ron Burkey <>.
063542,000009:                                                                                                  ## Website:
063543,000010:                                                                                                  ## Pages:       1470-1471
063544,000011:                                                                                                  ## Mod history: 2009-05-27 RSB  Adapted from the corresponding 
063545,000012:                                                                                                  ##                              Luminary131 file, using page 
063546,000013:                                                                                                  ##                              images from Luminary 1A.
063547,000014:                                                                                                  ##              2016-12-18 RSB  Proofed text comments with octopus/ProoferComments
063548,000015:                                                                                                  ##                              but no errors found.
063549,000016:                                                                                                  ##
063550,000017:                                                                                                  ## This source code has been transcribed or otherwise adapted from
063551,000018:                                                                                                  ## digitized images of a hardcopy from the MIT Museum.  The digitization
063552,000019:                                                                                                  ## was performed by Paul Fjeld, and arranged for by Deborah Douglas of
063553,000020:                                                                                                  ## the Museum.  Many thanks to both.  The images (with suitable reduction
063554,000021:                                                                                                  ## in storage size and consequent reduction in image quality as well) are
063555,000022:                                                                                                  ## available online at  If for some reason you
063556,000023:                                                                                                  ## find that the images are illegible, contact me at
063557,000024:                                                                                                  ## about getting access to the (much) higher-quality images which Paul
063558,000025:                                                                                                  ## actually created.
063559,000026:                                                                                                  ##
063560,000027:                                                                                                  ## Notations on the hardcopy document read, in part:
063561,000028:                                                                                                  ##
063562,000029:                                                                                                  ##      Assemble revision 001 of AGC program LMY99 by NASA 2021112-61
063563,000030:                                                                                                  ##      16:27 JULY 14, 1969 

Page 1470

063566,000033: 17,3744  E6,1522                                  EBANK=   NO.UJETS                              
063567,000034: 16,3641                                           BANK     16                                    
063568,000035: 16,2000                                           SETLOC   DAPS1                                 
063569,000036: 16,2000                                           BANK                                           
063571,000038: 16,3641                                           COUNT*   $$/DAP                                
063573,000040: 16,3641           34752        RATELOOP           CA       TWO                                   
063574,000041: 16,3642           55744                           TS       DAPTEMP6                              
063575,000042: 16,3643           60000                           DOUBLE                                         
063576,000043: 16,3644           54002                           TS       Q                                     
063577,000044: 16,3645           51744                           INDEX    DAPTEMP6                              
063578,000045: 16,3646           11524                           CCS      TJP                                   
063579,000046: 16,3647           13651                           TCF      +2                                    
063580,000047: 16,3650           13670                           TCF      LOOPRATE                              
063581,000048: 16,3651           63731                           AD       -100MST6                              
063582,000049: 16,3652           00006                           EXTEND                                         
063583,000050: 16,3653           63707                           BZMF     SMALLTJU                              
063584,000051: 16,3654           51744                           INDEX    DAPTEMP6                              
063585,000052: 16,3655           11524                           CCS      TJP                                   
063586,000053: 16,3656           33731                           CA       -100MST6                              
063587,000054: 16,3657           13661                           TCF      +2                                    
063588,000055: 16,3660           43731                           CS       -100MST6                              
063589,000056: 16,3661           51744                           INDEX    DAPTEMP6                              
063590,000057: 16,3662           27524                           ADS      TJP                                   
063591,000058: 16,3663           51744                           INDEX    DAPTEMP6                              
063592,000059: 16,3664           11524                           CCS      TJP                                   
063593,000060: 16,3665           43615                           CS       -100MS                                #  0.1 AT 1
063594,000061: 16,3666           13670                           TCF      +2                                    
063595,000062: 16,3667           33615                           CA       -100MS                                
063596,000063: 16,3670           00006        LOOPRATE           EXTEND                                         
063597,000064: 16,3671           51744                           INDEX    DAPTEMP6                              
063598,000065: 16,3672           71521                           MP       NO.PJETS                              
063599,000066: 16,3673           30001                           CA       L                                     
063600,000067: 16,3674           51744                           INDEX    DAPTEMP6                              
063601,000068: 16,3675           55737                           TS       DAPTEMP1                              #  SIGNED TORQUE AT 1 JET-SEC FOR FILTER
063602,000069: 16,3676           00006                           EXTEND                                         
063603,000070: 16,3677           74742                           MP       BIT10                                 #  RESCALE TO 32; ONE BIT ABOUT 2 JET-MSEC
063604,000071: 16,3700           00006                           EXTEND                                         
063605,000072: 16,3701           63732                           BZMF     NEGTORK                               
063606,000073: 16,3702           50002        STORTORK           INDEX    Q                                     #  INCREMENT DOWNLIST REGISTER.
063607,000074: 16,3703           27513                           ADS      DOWNTORK                              #        NOTE:  NOT INITIALIZED; OVERFLOWS.
063609,000076: 16,3704           11744                           CCS      DAPTEMP6                              
063610,000077: 16,3705           13642                           TCF      RATELOOP   +1                         
063611,000078: 16,3706           13716                           TCF      ROTORQUE                              
063612,000079: 16,3707           34755        SMALLTJU           CA       ZERO                                  
063613,000080: 16,3710           51744                           INDEX    DAPTEMP6                              
063614,000081: 16,3711           57524                           XCH      TJP                                   
063615,000082: 16,3712           00006                           EXTEND                                         

Page 1471

063617,000084: 16,3713           74760                           MP       ELEVEN                                #  10.24 PLUS
063618,000085: 16,3714           30001                           CA       L                                     
063619,000086: 16,3715           13670                           TCF      LOOPRATE                              
063620,000087: 16,3716           31740        ROTORQUE           CA       DAPTEMP2                              
063621,000088: 16,3717           61741                           AD       DAPTEMP3                              
063622,000089: 16,3720           00006                           EXTEND                                         
063623,000090: 16,3721           71532                           MP       1JACCR                                
063624,000091: 16,3722           55747                           TS       JETRATER                              
063625,000092: 16,3723           41741                           CS       DAPTEMP3                              
063626,000093: 16,3724           61740                           AD       DAPTEMP2                              
063627,000094: 16,3725           00006                           EXTEND                                         
063628,000095: 16,3726           71531                           MP       1JACCQ                                
063629,000096: 16,3727           55746                           TS       JETRATEQ                              
063630,000097: 16,3730           12316                           TCF      BACKP                                 
063631,000098: 16,3731           77537        -100MST6           DEC      -160       B-14                       
063633,000100: 16,3732           40000        NEGTORK            COM                                            
063634,000101: 16,3733           24002                           INCR     Q                                     
063635,000102: 16,3734           13702                           TCF      STORTORK                              

End of include-file KALMAN_FILTER.agc.  Parent file is MAIN.agc