Table of Contents


XPL was a computer language (see the Wikipedia article) in the 1960's and 1970's that was defined by a book called A Compiler Generator, by William M. McKeeman, James J. Horning, and David B. Wortman.  (Incidentally, there will also be frequent references to Intermetrics document IR-182-1, "HAL/S-FC & HAL/S-360 Compiler System Program Description", though the document is not about the XPL language as such; for brevity, I'll refer to it simply as IR-182-1.)

I'm unaware of any continued use of the XPL language today, though I don't claim to be enough of an XPL scholar to know for sure.  (Let me know, if you know differently!)   As for why the language is dead, I'd speculate that some of the more-important reasons are:
So why bother with it?

To be blunt, it's all about the Space Shuttle and its flight software.  If you want to work with Space Shuttle flight software, you need a compiler for a computer language called HAL/S, and fortunately we do have XPL source code for such a HAL/S compiler.  But if you want to use that HAL/S compiler, you first need an XPL compiler.  And preferably, both compilers should work on computers that the general public actually has access to, such as Windows, Mac OS, or Linux computers, rather than being confined to mainframe systems that are no longer common.

This web page is devoted to such a modern XPL compiler, which I call XCOM-I.  A corresponding web page devoted to the modern HAL/S compiler, HAL/S-FC (which I'll often refer to as HALSFC in order to avoid the issue of having the / character in filenames), can be found here.  A corresponding web page devoted to the Space Shuttle flight software (PASS and BFS) — and to the Space Shuttle computing systems in general —, can be found hereHALSFC will be discussed here only to the extent of instructions for building it using XCOM-I.

XPL/I Versus Standard XPL

The Space Shuttle flight software and the HAL/S compiler used to compile it were originally written by a company called Intermetrics, Inc.

When I said earlier that the HAL/S compiler was written in XPL, I was taking certain liberties with the truth.  The standard XPL language as described in A Compiler Generator was not adequate in Intermetrics's view, so they extended the language in various ways, and slightly modified its behavior in others.  Intermetrics continued to refer to the language as "XPL", but XPL compilers conforming to A Compiler Generator, or indeed any XPL compiler outside the premises of Intermetrics itself, could not have compiled any significant program written in the XPL variant that Intermetrics had created.  The lack of distinction between standard XPL and this extended XPL didn't matter as long as Fortress Intermetrics operated its walled garden separately from the remainder of the computing world.
Aside:  For example, the previous attempt best-known to me of a modern XPL compiler is Daniel Weaver's XPL-to-C translator.  Alas, it is incapable of compiling Intermetrics's extended form of XPL.
But times have changed.  We sometimes will need to distinguish between the standard XPL language of A Compiler Generator and the extended XPL language of Intermetrics in our discussion.  When we do need to distinguish, I'll call that extended Intermetrics language "XPL/I".
Aside:  In case you're wondering, there is no known surviving copy of Intermetrics's own XPL/I compiler.  In fact, there is reason to believe that it was intentionally destroyed.  (Prove me wrong, please!)  If it had survived, however, I presume it would have been written in standard XPL and itself compiled by a standard XPL compiler on an IBM 360 computer.
Inconveniently, the differences between the standard XPL language and XPL/I are not fully documented.  Or perhaps more accurately, if they are fully documented, then that documentation has either not survived or else has not made its way into my hands.  Section 13 of IR-182-1, does describe some (but not all) of the known differences.  It is also true that the specification of standard XPL in A Compiler Generator, is perhaps not 100% complete or perfect, and much that is unsaid (or underemphasized) in it relies on the tribal knowledge of the intended audience at the time of publication ... tribal knowledge from a tribe which has today essentially vanished.

Thus developing an XPL/I compiler, or even a standard XPL compiler, is today more like scientific research than like computer programming.  In computer programming, if you want to know how to do something, you look it up in the documentation or in a book or website that has predigested it for you, and then you exactly follow the instructions given there; or if you're lucky, you "google" it to find that somebody else had already done almost exactly what you wanted to do, and you just cut-and-paste what they had already done.  Whereas in scientific research, you observe, you make hypotheses, you explore the consequences of those hypotheses ... and you start all over again if your hypotheses were found to be wrong!  And in scientific research, even if you think you've found the perfect answer, you may still be wrong in the end, in ways you can't detect or understand.  In fact, you probably will be.

Or to put it differently, computer programming is like a game where you can look up all of the rules, whereas scientific research (or writing an XPL/I compiler) is like a game where you don't know all of the rules.

The latter is my XPL/I world, and welcome to it!


The modern XPL/I compiler is known as XCOM-I.  It is designed to compile both XPL/I programs and standard XPL programs.

It is perhaps a misnomer to call it a "compiler", because it's really an XPL/I-to-C translator.  There's a two-step process to compile an XPL or XPL/I program:  You first translate your program into C via XCOM-I, and then you compile the C code to get a program that actually runs on your computer.
Aside:  XCOM-I itself is written in the Python 3 language, and getting XCOM-I to run on your computer is dead simple:  Just install Python 3, copy XCOM-I onto your computer, add it to your PATH, and you're ready to go!  Setting up your computer to compile the C code is something else, though.  Once again it's dead simple, if you have the common C compiler known as gcc.  But it's not so simple on (say) Microsoft Windows where most people use the far-less-compatible Visual Studio system.  And that's a lot of people.  So let's put the installation problem aside for a few minutes and come back to it a little later.
On a properly-set-up computer, compiling an XPL or XPL/I program is quite simple.  Suppose we have an XPL program called HELLO.xpl whose contents are this:
OUTPUT = 'Hello, world!';

To compile it, we do this: --xpl HELLO.xpl
make -C
To run the compiled program, you could do this:
giving output that looks like this:

Hello, world!

Note, by the way, that on most platforms there won't be be a line feed after the final exclamation point, so when your command-line prompt reappears, it will immediately follow the ! rather than being on a separate line.

Not quite what you expected, I bet, if you're a coder and have seen lots of Hello World programs in the past!  Blame the 1960's-era computing environment.  Back then, programmers weren't sitting in front of a display screen and a keyboard when they wrote or ran their programs, but were instead punching their programs into 80-column computer cards, submitting computing jobs that would run at some later but undetermined time, and outputting the results of running their programs on physical printers, probably on fan-fold, tractor-feed paper.  Probably that paper has horizontal green-and-white bars on it, or perhaps horizontal black lines between every few lines of print.  Pages of printouts had headings printed on them, and those headings included page numbers.

If you were to write a computer program today that printed a line of text, you'd probably expect it to move to the next line after each line was "printed" on your display screen.  Not in the 1960's on IBM printers!  In that environment, it was more similar to moving to the next line and then printing the text.  That's why there's no line-feed at the end of our printout:  It came before the line was printed, not after it.  Not that this is a big deal, of course, merely that our own ingrained expectations no longer completely match those of 1960's-era IBM programmers.

As for what the compilation process above did for us, the result of running XCOM-I was that a directory called was created, containing the translation into C of our XPL program.  That new directory is completely self-contained, and no longer requires XCOM-I nor HELLO.xpl.  You could move it to an entirely-different computer before compiling the C code, if you liked.  Its contents look something like this:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey  11207 Aug 12 07:23 COMPACTIFY.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1730 Aug 12 07:23 configuration.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 16921 Jul 7 10:50 debuggingAid.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 4269 Aug 5 09:01 inline360.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1195 Aug 5 09:01 inline360.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1835 Aug 12 07:23 main.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 4545 Aug 10 17:07 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 24759 Aug 12 07:23 memory.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 883 Aug 12 07:23 procedures.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 161 Aug 12 07:23 resetAllReentryGuards.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 125864 Aug 9 13:52 runtimeC.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 18037 Jul 18 10:52 runtimeC.h
The command "make -C" simply compiles the C code in, and moves the executable (also called "HELLO" or in Windows, "HELLO.exe") up into the current working directory after it builds it.  But the executable doesn't have to be there; you can move it somewhere else before running it, and even delete the directory or the current working directory completely.

The XCOM-I command line switch --xpl, incidentally, wasn't necessary for HELLO.xpl.  You can see all of the available command-line switches with --help
In particular, the switch --xpl simply informed the compiler that the source code was standard XPL rather than XPL/I.  XPL/I is the default.  But HELLO.xpl is a perfectly-valid XPL/I program too, so we could just have omitted --xpl with no problem.  That doesn't mean that an identical result is produced, though!  For example, if we left off the --xpl switch, we might see the following messages when we ran XCOM-I:
No code is generated for the following PROCEDURE(s):
Not called: uRECORDuSEAL
Not called: uRECORDuUNSEAL
No code is generated for the following PROCEDURE(s):
No code is generated for the following PROCEDURE(s):
Not called: uATTACHuRECORD
Not called: uGETuSPACE
Not called: uHOWuMUCH
No code is generated for the following PROCEDURE(s):
Not called: uFINDuFREE
No code is generated for the following PROCEDURE(s):
Not called: uSTEAL
Not called: uMOVEuRECS
Those aren't errors or warnings, but are instead informative messages indicating that certain XPL/I procedures implicitly imported by the compiler hadn't been needed, and thus were being discarded.  Whereas the compiler wouldn't have tried to import these procedures in the first place if compiling standard XPL.  You'd also find that the contents of the directory were quite different as well:
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey   2890 Aug 12 07:52 uACTIVEuDESCRIPTORS.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 2040 Aug 12 07:52 uATTACHuBLOCK.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1485 Aug 12 07:52 uATTACHuBLOCKxJOIN.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1086 Aug 12 07:52 uCHECKuFORuTHEFT.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 21641 Aug 12 07:52 COMPACTIFY.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1747 Aug 12 07:52 COMPACTIFYxADDuDESC.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1711 Aug 12 07:52 configuration.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 16921 Jul 7 10:50 debuggingAid.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1330 Aug 12 07:52 uDETACHuRECORD.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 10136 Aug 12 07:52 uFREEBLOCKuCHECK.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1157 Aug 12 07:52 uFREEBLOCKuCHECKxADDRESSuCHECK.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 4322 Aug 12 07:52 uFREEBLOCKuCHECKxBLKPROC.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 4269 Aug 5 09:01 inline360.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1195 Aug 5 09:01 inline360.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 7047 Aug 12 07:52 main.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 4545 Aug 10 17:07 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 31342 Aug 12 07:52 memory.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1692 Aug 12 07:52 uMOVEuWORDS.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1176 Aug 12 07:52 uPREVuFREEBLOCK.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1142 Aug 12 07:52 uPREVuRECORD.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 5236 Aug 12 07:52 procedures.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 2419 Aug 12 07:52 uRECORDuFREE.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1597 Aug 12 07:52 RECORDuLINK.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 3990 Aug 12 07:52 uREDUCEuBLOCK.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 652 Aug 12 07:52 resetAllReentryGuards.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 2362 Aug 12 07:52 uRETURNuTOuFREESTRING.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 6157 Aug 12 07:52 uRETURNuUNUSED.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 125864 Aug 9 13:52 runtimeC.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 18037 Jul 18 10:52 runtimeC.h
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 475 Aug 12 07:52 uSPACEuROUND.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 2023 Aug 12 07:52 uSPMANERR.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 7067 Aug 12 07:52 uSQUASHuRECORDS.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 4714 Aug 12 07:52 uTAKEuBACK.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 rburkey rburkey 1466 Aug 12 07:52 uUNUSEDuBYTES.c
The way XCOM-I operates, each XPL PROCEDURE, even if its definition is embedded in another PROCEDURE, is given its own dedicated C file.  Our simple HELLO.xpl program didn't have even a single PROCEDURE in it, though the compiler did implicitly import a number of support procedures such as COMPACTIFY, so you can see that a COMPACTIFY.c file has been generated.  COMPACTIFY, as it happens, has an embedded PROCEDURE called ADD_DESC.  That's where the file COMPACTIFYxADD_DESC.c comes from; the little "x" indicates the embedding.

Just for grins, let's take a look at the generated C code.  When compiled with the --xpl switch, the C file that most-directly relates to HELLO.xpl is main.c, which looks like this:
File main.c generated by XCOM-I, 2024-08-12 08:01:10.
XPL/I source-code files used: XPL.LIBRARY.xpl HELLO.xpl.
To build the program from the command line, using defaults:
View the Makefile to see different options for the `make`
command above. To run the program:
Use `HELLO --help` to see the available OPTIONS.

#include "runtimeC.h"

// clang-format off
*** Memory Map ***
Address (Hex) Data Type Variable
------------- --------- --------
1318 (000526) BASED userMemory
1346 (000542) BASED privateMemory
1376 (000560) FIXED COMPACTIFYxI
1380 (000564) FIXED COMPACTIFYxJ
1384 (000568) FIXED COMPACTIFYxK
1408 (000580) BIT(16) COMPACTIFYxDX(500)
2420 (000974) BIT(1) COMPACTIFYxTRIED
// clang-format on

main(int argc, char *argv[])

// Setup for MONITOR(6), MONITOR(7), MONITOR(21). Initially,
// entire physical memory is a single pre-allocated block.

if (parseCommandLine(argc, argv)) exit(0);

static int reentryGuard = 0;
reentryGuard = guardReentry(reentryGuard, "main");
// OUTPUT = 'Hello, world!'; (0)
descriptor_t *stringRHS;
stringRHS = cToDescriptor(NULL, "Hello, world!");
OUTPUT(0, stringRHS);
stringRHS->inUse = 0;

The part I've highlighted in green is the only part that directly relates to HELLO.xpl.  All of the rest is overhead related to modeling the IBM 360 computing environment in C.  The functions cToDescriptor and OUTPUT are part of XCOM-I's runtime library.

Installation of XCOM-I

Linux or Mac OS

On a Mac, you will need to install Xcode command-line tools before doing anything else.  If you instead want to install the entirety of Xcode, I'm sure that's fine too, but the only thing you'll actually need is the much-smaller package of command-line tools.  Note that my very old Mac (Xcode 4.6) hasn't been updatable for a long time now, but apparently the instructions you'll find throughout this page do work on Xcode 14.2 as well; whether they work on the current version of Xcode, I cannot say.

On Linux, you usually don't have to go out of your way to install a C compiler, but gcc or alternately clang will be available from your package repository if you do need to explicitly install either or both of them.

  1. Download the entire Virtual AGC source tree.  For brevity, I'm going to assume that this ends up as a folder called virtualagc, but you need to substitute the actual name in the instructions below.  My personal suggestion would be to get it via git, as in the following command, because that makes it easy to keep up-to-date later via "git pull":
git clone --depth=1
  1. Add the following folders to your PATH  (Hint:  In Linux, I usually do this by editing ~/.bashrc; in Mac OS, by editing /etc/paths.  But Google it if you're unsure!)  Afterward, you may need to close and reopen any terminal windows in order for the change to take effect.: 
  2. Install Python 3, if not already installed.
  3. Optionally, install clang-format.  This allows you optionally to "pretty print" the C code that XCOM-I generates. 

Cross-compiling from Linux or Mac OS to Windows

Cross-compiling XPL files on Linux or Mac OS to create EXE files for Windows seems like a niche option.  In fact, probably nobody but me would be interested, and I'm only interested because it saves me the trouble of firing up a Windows virtual machine to make EXE files for the HAL/S compiler!   But even if it's just for myself, I need to write down how to set it up, so here are the instructions.  Basically, you just need to install a C cross-compiler (mingw-w64) and a Windows emulator (WINE).

First, you have to install XCOM-I as described in the preceding section.

In Linux (at least Linux Mint), you should install mingw-w64 using your usual package manager.  Even if WINE is available in your package manager, though, I might suggest installing it directly from the, in order to get a better outcome.  (For me, for example, that's the difference between WINE 6 and WINE 9.)

For relatively-new Mac OS versions, though, this should work:  First, install macports.  Then do this:

sudo port install mingw-w64 wine-stable
Aside:  As it turns out, my mid-2007 Mac Mini (Mac OS Lion) isn't "relatively new", and thus the steps just mentioned didn't work for me.  Nor did the seemingly very-attractive alternative of installing llvm-mingw in place of mingw-w64.  And as for WINE, its wiki says explicitly that it works only for Mac OS Catalina or later.  Oh well, no great loss!  I doubt that many Mac users want to build Windows EXE files anyway.

Windows Specific

The problem in Windows is not XCOM-I per se, which works as-is, but rather to set up some kind of reasonably-compliant environment for compiling the C files produced by XCOM-I.  That's more effort in Windows than in Linux or Mac OS, since you generally don't have to do anything to achieve it in Linux or Mac OS anyway.

Aside:  A choice that will likely be obvious to most people is to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).  I have been unable to try it.  I purchased Windows 11 to do so, but I'm running Windows 11 in a virtual machine myself, and it turns out that you cannot run WSL on Windows inside of a virtual machine.  Too bad, though hardly surprising!  If you try WSL on a physical machine and make it work, let me know.
At any rate, I'll be offering you two choices of how to install.  My recommended choice is to work with something called MSYS2, which is a development environment that's very Linux-like, and includes many of the same development tools that Linux provides.  I'll also offer a way to use Visual Studio instead, though you'll still have to end up installing so many Linux-like tools that it's not much (if any) saving of effort.  But it's your choice.

Option 1: MSYS2

  1. Install MSYS2, which gives you a Linux/Mac-like command-line working environment for compiling stuff. 
  2. Run MSYS2.
  3. Install various packages with this command:  
pacman -S mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-gcc make grep diffutils python3 python3-pip git clang
  1. Download the entire Virtual AGC source tree.  For brevity, I'm going to assume that this ends up as a folder called virtualagc, but you need to substitute the actual name in the instructions below.  My personal suggestion would be to get it via git, as in the following command, because that makes it easy to keep up-to-date later via "git pull":
git clone --depth=1
  1. Add the following folders to your PATH:  "virtualagc/XCOM-I", "virtualagc/yaShuttle/ported/PASS1.PROCS", and "virtualagc/yaShuttle/Source Code/PASS.REL32V0".  In MSYS2, you'd do that by editing the file ~/.bashrc, which you can do with the command "nano ~/.bashrc".  Google how to permanently change the PATH in Linux if you're unsure what to do.  Afterward, you will need to exit MSYS2 and rerun it to see the change take effect.

It's worth noting that if you followed these instructions to the letter, then your "home directory" in MSYS2 will probably be something like C:\msys64\home\USERNAME, whereas your home directory for a normal command-line would be c:\users\USERNAME.  That's good to keep in mind if you need to transfer any files in or out of there!

Option 2: Visual Studio

Warning:  I have never used Visual Studio prior to this, or if I have then it was so long ago I no longer remember doing so.  Besides which, for XCOM-I I'm only using Visual Studio's command-line tools rather than its Integrated Development Environment (IDE).  The upshot of this that you shouldn't interpret my giving you Visual Studio instructions as meaning you're going to get the wonderful integration into Visual Studio that you might dream of.  You might, but you'll have to work it out yourself!

Note that almost everything I'm going to tell you to do, either here in the setup, or elsewhere on the page, is done from what's called the Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio, which you can run from the Windows Start menu if you have Visual Studio installed.  You won't be working from a normal (non-developer) command prompt most of the time.  I think the main reason you have to do this is that the C compiler (cl) is in its PATH, but not in the PATH in a normal command prompt.  You'll have to 'cd' to some other directory, though, to get anything done, since you'll have no permissions to actually modify anything in the working directory this plunks you into.  Isn't that a fun feature?  It's your own choice, of course, but perhaps you could go to your normal command-line home directory.

Another thing worth knowing is that if Python programs such as XCOM-I are run from a command line in Windows, they open up in a new window in which all of their messages appear, but the window vanishes as soon as the Python program completes.  That means that you have little or no time to ponder or capture the messages it may be showing you, particularly the error messages.  You can work around this phenomenon, whenever I explicitly instruct you to run XCOM-I, by invoking XCOM-I as
python ... 
Any invocations of make I instruct you to use will already have taken care of this for you.

Here's the setup:

Testing the Installation

We can do a very quick test of your setup and of XCOM-I itself by compiling and running the HELLO.xpl program I used as an example earlier.

Do the following:


Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp --pp --xpl ~/virtualagc/XCOM-I/Tests/HELLO.xpl
make -s -C

Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp --pp --xpl ~/virtualagc/XCOM-I/Tests/HELLO.xpl
make -s CC=clang EXTRA=-w -C
(Omit --pp if clang-format not installed.)

Build/Run Windows EXE File in Linux or Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp --pp --xpl ~/virtualagc/XCOM-I/Tests/HELLO.xpl
make -s CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc EXT=.exe -C
Copy HELLO.exe to Windows or run on Linux with WINE:
export WINEDEBUG=-all
wine ./HELLO.exe


Open an MSYS2 command line.  Then:
mkdir ~/temp
cd ~/temp --pp --xpl ~/virtualagc/XCOM-I/Tests/HELLO.xpl
make -s RDYNAMIC= -C
Or from a Visual Studio developer command line,
md temp
cd temp
set PYTHONUTF8=1 --xpl ..\virtualagc\XCOM-I\Tests\HELLO.xpl
make CC=cl -C

By the way, you don't actually need to create an empty directory (~/temp) to work in, but why not?

If you were alert enough — I wouldn't have been! —, you'll have noticed a few differences from when I gave this same example earlier:
Various other helpful options will show up in later examples.

By the way, the Test/ directory from which we just retrieved HELLO.xpl has lots of other sample XPL and XPL/I files in it as well, which could be run in the same manner as HELLO.xpl.  In fact, I've cobbled together a much-more-extensive test of XCOM-I by using them, and you can run that more-extensive test like so:


Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make -f Makefile-regression
make CC=clang EXTRA=-w -f Makefile-regression

Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make CC=clang EXTRA=-w -f Makefile-regression
make CC=gcc EXTRA="-w -std=c99" -f Makefile-regression

Build/Test Windows EXE Files in Linux or Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc EXT=.exe EXER=wine -f Makefile-regression


Open an MSYS2 command line.  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make RDYNAMIC= -f Makefile-regression
Or from a Visual Studio developer command line,
make CC=cl -f Makefile-regression

What you should expect to see in any case is some messages like the following:
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
make -s -C
Files and Tests/bitsizeDemo.regression are identical
Files and are identical
Files and are identical
Files and are identical
Files and Tests/Example-6.18.3.regression are identical
Files and Tests/Example-6.18.4.regression are identical
Files and Tests/Example-6.18.5-and-6.regression are identical
Files and Tests/breakCharactersDemo.regression are identical
Files and are identical
======================== All regression tests passed! ========================
These were "regression tests", in the sense that the various programs mentioned in the output messages had been performed at some time in the past, and these new runs of those same programs were compared against those earlier outputs.  In other words, they test expectations rather than accuracy.  By the way, several of the programs, including those label Example-xxxx and ANALYZER come straight out of A Compiler Generator.  The ANALYZER.xpl program is itself quite a significant chunk of code, in that what it does is to accept a BNF grammar for a language and generate a table-driven parser for the language, in essence building a compiler for the language; in the regression test, it generates a parser for a simple language called SKELETON.

If you want still more testing to convince yourself that XCOM-I actually works on your platform, I'm going to give it to you in a moment, in a section I call "Insane Bootstrapping!".  But before that, we need to make a brief detour.

Emulating the IBM System/360 CPU

XPL or XPL/I programs compiled by XCOM-I are native to your own local computer system, and if XCOM-I has done its job properly, there should be no lingering dependencies on the IBM System/360 in the compiled programs.

Nevertheless ... XPL was designed to be a program for generating compilers, so a lot of legacy XPL or XPL/I code is actually the source code of a compiler for one or another computer language, and those compilers invariably spit out IBM System/360 object code. Suppose for example that we had an XPL program called X that was a compiler for a programming language called "X". It's true that if we compile the source code for X with XCOM-I that we'll get executable code for X that runs on our native Linux/Mac/Windows computer (rather than, say, an IBM 360). But it's also true that if we use that native-Linux, Mac, or Windows version of X to compile source-code in the X language, say for a program called Y, then the output of the compiler will still be an object file for the IBM System/360. So we still wouldn't be able to run program Y on our native computer, and would still need an IBM System/360 to run Y.

Which means that even with XCOM-I in hand, it's still very useful to have an IBM System/360 emulator in which to run not the programs produced by XCOM-I, but the programs produced by the compilers compiled by XCOM-I.  Yes, I know that makes your head swim a bit.  Well, wait until you get to the next section.

If you're already an IBM System/360 expert or even someone who wants to be an IBM System/360 user, then perhaps an IBM System/360 emulator such as Hercules might work well for you. As for myself, having tried to figure out without success how to use Hercules, I have to concede that I'm neither an expert nor want to be one, and thus I have no desire to confront that learning curve. I'd much prefer a lightweight IBM System/360 emulator, with essentially no learning curve at all. (And a lightweight emulator is far more in line with Virtual AGC's goal of integrating Space Shuttle computing support into spaceflight simulation programs than a full-blown mainframe emulator would be anyway.)

As it happens, there is an available lightweight IBM System/360 emulator. This emulator, called sim360, was written by the same Daniel Weaver who I've also mentioned earlier as the author of an earlier XPL-to-C translator for standard XPL. You can find the source code for sim360 as slightly modified for my purposes here in the Virtual AGC software repository, but the official place to get the most up-to-date version is Dan's own site.  If you follow the hyperlink to Dan's site, you'll find that it's disguised as a Pascal compiler, which it is.  But don't be confused: There's an IBM System/360 emulator in there!

Aside:  There is a limit, of course, to how "lightweight" an IBM 360 emulator can be while still remaining useful.  To run programs originally written in XPL or XPL/I, for example, just emulating the CPU's instruction set is not enough.  Such XPL or XPL/I programs depend on there being an operating system in place to allow operations like inputting data (from a files or keyboards) or outputting data (to a displays, printers, or files) to occur.  But an XPL program doesn't actually interact directly with the operating system.  Instead, an XPL program expects that there's a separate program called the submonitor running along side of it, and the XPL program makes its low-level requests for input, output, allocation of memory, and so on, to this submonitor program.  In fact, there will be a whole section later on that describes XPL's built-in functions, some of which rely on the submonitor, as well as another section covering the MONITOR procedure, all of whose functionality comes from the submonitor.  But the point is that to be useful to us, a lightweight emulator like sim360 must provide enough submonitor capability to respond correctly when the XPL program makes these requests of the submonitor, even though the IBM 360 operating system is entirely absent.  Fortunately, sim360 does so.  Thanks, Dan!

By the way, if in place of sim360 you were to use Hercules, an emulation of the XPL or XPL/I submonitor would not be built into it.  Rather, you would have to assemble the IBM System/360 Basic Assembly Language (BAL) source code for the submonitor, and presumably contrive the JCL needed to run the submonitor program along-side your compiled XPL program on the emulator.  Fortunately, although we don't need it if we are using sim360, we do have source code for the submonitor: 

What we don't have in this scenario is a BAL assembler, nor an IBM System/360 linker program, so in spite of this wealth of source code for submonitors, in the end we still have no way to build the submonitor programs that I'm aware of.

Let's build sim360.  Do this:


Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make sim360
make CC=clang EXTRA=-w sim360

Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then: 
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make CC=clang EXTRA=-w sim360
make CC=gcc EXTRA="-w -std=c99" sim360

Build Windows EXE File in Linux or Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc EXT=.exe sim360.exe
make CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc EXT=.exe sim360.exe


Open an MSYS2 command line.  Then: 
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make sim360
make CC=clang EXTRA=-w sim360
Or from a Visual Studio developer command line,
make CC=cl sim360.exe

To try out sim360, you'll need an IBM System/360 load file for some actual program.  In the next couple of sections, we'll produce a lot of such load files.  For now, I'll just point out that the IBM System/360 load file for a simple Hello World program is available in our Tests folder, and that you can run it like so:
sim360 -o0ET stdout -i0AT stdin Tests/HELLO.obj
(If you're trying to run sim360.exe in Linux or Mac OS, try this instead: "wine sim360.exe -o0ET stdout -i0AT stdin Tests/HELLO.obj".) 

Which (surprise!) gives you this output:
Hello, world!
The command-line switches for sim360 probably look mysterious, but they're not so bad. You can see a full list of command-line options with the command "sim360 --help", but what the mysterious switches in the example above mean is this:
The spectre of EBCDIC that looms over this entire enterprise will be discussed later.

Insane Bootstrapping!

And I do mean insane.

Earlier, I promised (threatened?) to give you some much heftier testing of XCOM-I on your computer, and now that we have sim360 in hand, we're going to do that with a vengeance!  We're going try bootstrapping some legacy standard-XPL compilers.  By a "legacy" compiler, I mean an IBM 360 XPL compiler from the good-old 1960's or 1970's.  We'll use our ability to do this to gauge the authenticity of XCOM-I's behavior, at least in so far as standard XPL is concerned.  We happen to have XPL source code and IBM 360 executables for two such legacy compilers.  (And by "we", I mean that I copied them from Dan Weaver's website.)

Available Legacy IBM 360 XPL Compilers
Where I Got it From
Legacy XPL Source Code for XCOM Proper
Legacy XPL Source Code for Library
Legacy IBM 360 Executable
"Modern" Patch(es) for use with XCOM-I
This is the version of XCOM listed in the book A Compiler Generator.  Printouts from it identify it as "XCOM III".

In reality, there's no way to know if it's identical to the book without comparing it line by line, which I have not done.   The notes in the download file state that the files were recovered from a legacy computer tape from the Stanford Computation Center, dated 1969-01-23.   The contemporary notes on the tape itself hint that it is the source code from the book, but stop short of saying explicitly that it's the precise version that appears in the book.  The contemporary notes further state that
However, if you run the binary executable (in sim360), its printout says that it was built on May 2, 2001, at 13:40:40.19.  I'd suggest it's rare to find files created in 2001 on tapes made in 1969.  As a separate matter, if you compile the legacy XCOM3 source code with the legacy XCOM3 executable, you do not get an identical copy of the legacy XCOM3 executable.  I'm convinced that a different version of XCOM compiled it. How the resulting 2001 executable made its way onto the 1969 tape, or at least into the download file, I cannot say.
University of Toronto XPL page
XCOM.xpl XPL.LIBRARY.xpl XCOM3-20010502.obj
The accompanying notes indicate that this is from a computer tape from the State University of New York, Stonybrook.  The notes from the tape itself date it 1977-05-22.

No information is given about how the binary executable of the compiler was created.  Its printout (when run in sim360) identifies itself as "XCOM 4.5", compiled on July 19, 1976, at 21:05:40.16.  Fortunately, unlike XCOM3, that's consistent with the date of the tape itself.  But as with XCOM3, and for the same reasons, I'm convinced that XCOM45 had not itself been used to compile the XCOM45 binary executable on the tape.
Dan Weaver's XPL project
XCOM4.5.xpl XPLIB4.5.xpl XCOM45-19760719.obj patch0.c

To avoid confusion, from now on I'll refer to these specific compilers as XCOM3 or XCOM45, rather than via vague references like "A Compiler Generator's XCOM" as I've been doing up to now.  Also from now on, if I'm speaking generically about any of these old compilers, I'll simply refer to XCOMx.  (For the legacy binary executables, I'll generically call those XCOMx-YYYYMMDD.)  As for the "patches" mentioned in the rightmost column of the table above, this refers to the fact that XPL programs may contain inline IBM System/360 machine code inserted directly by the programmer.   XCOM-I has a framework for providing C-language patch files to replace the functionality the original XPL source code implemented by such inline IBM System/360 machine code.  Fortunately, XCOM3 has no such inlined IBM 360 code, and XCOM45 has merely has a single block of 19 consecutive machine-code instructions.  The patch file, of course, was not on the legacy computer tape; I wrote it myself.

"Bootstrapping" is a process employed by folks who feel compelled to write computer-language compilers that can "self-compile"; in the case of XPL, that means that an XCOM executable can compile the XPL source code for XCOM, and get back an binary executable identical to itself when it does so.  Its a chicken-and-egg problem, though.  How could it have possibly worked the very first time back in the 1960's, when there was XPL source code but no XCOM executable yet to compile it with?  Well, obviously the initial versions of XCOM must have been very cut-rate; and they must have been compiled with something other than XCOM, something presumably with very-constrained functionality itself and not written in XPL itself.  But over time, as XCOM became more and more capable, XCOM was eventually able to compile itself.  That process is called "bootstrapping", as in "hauling yourself up by your own bootstraps".  We're now going to try doing that with XCOMx.
Aside:  To be clear, XCOM-I is not self-compiling.  It's written in Python, not XPL.  Rather, XCOM3 and XCOM45 are what I expect to be self-compiling once they're bootstrapped.  In the bootstrapping scenario, XCOM-I is that other compiler used to compile the initial version of XCOMx before an XCOMx executable exists.  Except that unlike the normal bootstrapping scenario, XCOM-I, XCOM3, and XCOM45 are full-blown compilers rather than being the initial weak-and-feeble versions thereof.
Also to be clear, the use case for XCOM-I I'm personally interested in is building HAL/S-FC and then forgetting that XPL and XCOM-I even exist.    We don't need a single one of these XCOMx programs to do that.  But still, compiling HAL/S-FC is going to go much more smoothly if we can have confidence that XCOM-I works properly in the first place.  And if we can use XCOM-I for bootstrapping XCOMx, that will give us a certain degree of confidence that XCOM-I does in fact work as intended. And if in that process XCOM-I can be made useful for somebody who (unlike myself) actually wants to play around with XPL, then why not?

Here's the bootstrapping game-plan as it applies to either or both of the legacy XCOMx compilers:
  1. We'll use XCOM-I to compile the XPL source code for XCOMx. That will give us an executable which I'll call XCOMx-native that runs natively on our Linux, Windows, or Mac computer.
  2. We'll then use XCOMx-native to compile the XPL source code for XCOMx again. That will give us an executable which I'll call XCOMx-360 that's native to the IBM 360. I.e., it only runs on an IBM 360 or a simulation thereof, producing IBM 360 object code as well.
  3. Finally, we'll run XCOMx-360 under sim360 to compile the source code for XCOMx one last time. That will give us an executable which I'll call XCOMx-360A.  If everything worked perfectly, XCOMx-360A should be byte-for-byte identical to XCOMx-360.
  4. Finally finally, we'll run the legacy XCOMx-YYYYMMDD executable under sim360 to compile source code for XCOMx one really-truly last time.  That will give us an executable which I'll call XCOMx-360C.  If everything worked perfectly, XCOMx-360C should be byte-for-byte identical to XCOMx-360 and XCOMx-360A.
That's a lot of XPL compilers floating around to keep straight.  Here's a synopsis of the XCOM variants relevant to the discussion, color coded for cuteness:

Summary of XPL Compilers in Bootstrapping Process
Compiler Variant
Compiler's Own
Source-Code Files
Compiled With
Runs on IBM 360?
Runs on Linux/Mac/Windows
Source-Code Language
 and Encoding Accepted
By Compiler
Object Files Directly
Output By Compiler
Encoding of
Textual I/O When
Running the
Object Files et al.
XPL or XPL/I, ASCII (or UTF-8) coding
C-language files
XPL, ASCII coding IBM 360 load file EBCDIC
XCOM45-native XCOM4.5.xpl, XPLIB4.5.xpl
XCOM.xpl, XPL.LIBRARY.xpl XCOM3-native
Only under sim360 or similar XPL, EBCDIC coding IBM 360 load file EBCDIC
XCOM45-360.obj XCOM4.5.xpl, XPLIB4.5.xpl XCOM45-native
XCOM.xpl, XPL.LIBRARY.xpl XCOM3-360.obj
Only under sim360 or similar XPL, EBCDIC coding IBM 360 load file EBCDIC
XCOM45-360A.obj XCOM4.5.xpl, XPLIB4.5.xpl XCOM45-360.obj
XCOM.xpl, XPL.LIBRARY.xpl n/a Yes Only under sim360 or similar XPL, EBCDIC coding IBM 360 load file EBCDIC
XCOM4.5.xpl, XPLIB4.5.xpl n/a
XCOM.xpl, XPL.LIBRARY.xpl XCOM3-20010502.obj Yes
Only under sim360 or similar
XPL, EBCDIC coding
IBM 360 load file
XCOM4.5.xpl, XPLIB4.5.xpl XCOM45-19760719.obj

There are other possible scenarios the table doesn't cover for compiling stuff with other stuff.  Those are left as an exercise for the reader, though I don't think they have any relevance vis-à-vis bootstrapping.

Rather than tediously walking you through all of the steps required to carry out this complicated bootstrapping scheme, a Makefile has provided so that you can carry it out in one easy step.  If you want to see the gory details, just look into the Makefile itself.


Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make CC=clang EXTRA=-w

Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make CC=clang EXTRA=-w
make CC=gcc EXTRA="-w -std=c99"

Build/Test Windows EXE Files in Linux or Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc EXT=.exe EXER=wine


Open an MSYS2 command line.  Then:  
cd virtualagc/XCOM-I
make RDYNAMIC= EXTRA=-w EXT=.exe
make CC=clang EXTRA="-w" EXT=.exe

Or from a Visual Studio developer command line,
make CC=cl

Having done this, you should see that all of the XPL compilers in the table of XPL compilers have now been created, such as XCOM3-360A.obj, and if all of the tests comparing them have been passed, you'll see messages similar to these:
Bootstrapping XCOM3 -----------------------------------------
Files XCOM3-360.obj and XCOM3-360C.obj match within tolerance (2 <= 4 mismatches)
Cross-comparison to output of legacy compiler successful
Files XCOM3-360.obj and XCOM3-360A.obj match within tolerance (1 <= 4 mismatches)
Bootstrap of XCOM3 successful
Bootstrapping XCOM45 -----------------------------------------
Files XCOM45-360.obj and XCOM45-360C.obj match within tolerance (1 <= 4 mismatches)
Cross-comparison to output of legacy compiler successful
Files XCOM45-360.obj and XCOM45-360A.obj match within tolerance (1 <= 4 mismatches)
Bootstrap of XCOM45 successful
You may wonder about the messages that some of the files were "within tolerance" for the IBM 360 object files.  The object files are, of course, not text files, but rather are non-human-readable binary files.  A perfect match would be if the files were the same length, and each byte of one file were identical to the corresponding byte of the other file.  So why would it be okay if 1 or 2 bytes (as in the printout above) were different?

Consider the following selection from the report the XPL compiler printed when generating the object file XCOM45-360C.obj:

TODAY IS AUGUST 12, 2024. CLOCK TIME = 15:6:40.38.

3 I I 1286
5 I I 1286
12 I DECLARE V(92) CHARACTER INITIAL ( '< DUMMY >', '<', '(', '+', '|', I 1286

SET UP TIME 0:0:0.03.
Notice the part I've highlighted in red.  The compilation report includes the date and time on which the compiler generating the report was compiled, which means that the compilation date and time must themselves be embedded in the executable of the XPL compiler ... which means that the same XPL compiler, if compiled on two different occasions, would have different timestamps embedded in its two object files.  Since a timestamp requires 3 bytes for the time and 3 bytes for the date, that means that up to 6 bytes may differ simply due to an embedded timestamp.

That's fine theory, all right, but can we see it happening in practice?  I.e., were the bytes that were different really part of a timestamp?  Here's a spot check:  I've made hexadecimal dumps of the two of the object files that we want to be identical, and then used a file-comparison utility to compare the hex dumps side-by-side.  Here's a screenshot of the only difference found between the two files, with XCOM45-360.obj on the left and XCOM45-360A.obj on the right:

In this case, only 3 bytes are different.  XCOM45-360.obj was built (according to the report it printed out when I made the screenshot above) at time 19:53.37.27, while XCOM45-360A.obj was built at 17:5:6.24 on the same date.  XCOM gets the compile time using the XPL built-in function TIME_OF_GENERATION, which returns the number of centiseconds since midnight.  For XCOM45-360.obj, that computes to 100*(19*3600+60*53+37.27)=7161727=0x6D477F.  Similarly, for XCOM45-360A.obj, 100*(17*3600+5*60+6.24)=6150624=0x5DD9E0.  Both perfectly match the screenshot above.  (Incidentally, IBM 360 programs all store their integer data in big-endian form, so that the most-significant bytes come first in memory.)  Q.E.D.
Aside:  By the way, XCOM3 has plenty of quirks specific to it, quite aside from any quirks XPL more-generally may have as a computer language.  XCOM3-native and XCOM3-360 inherit these quirks.  I mention this just in case you become excited about using XCOM3-native and start writing new XPL programs for it!  Here are a few quirks I've noticed:

How to Build HAL/S-FC

Hopefully you're now convinced that XCOM-I works reasonably correctly, at least in so far as compiling standard XPL programs is concerned.  But we'll do one last test, and it's a big one!

Recall that our motivation in creating XCOM-I was to compile XPL/I programs, and in particular to be able to compile the original HAL/S compiler for Space Shuttle flight software, which was known as HAL/S-FC back in the day, or HALSFC in its modern incarnation.  While usage of HALSFC is the subject of a different web page, we'll talk about how to compile HALSFC itself here.

Once again, a Makefile has been provided that performs the entire compilation, as well as compiling a short HAL/S test file, and doing a regression test of the HAL/S compiler's outputs vs an earlier build of the same test file on my own Linux box.  Admittedly, the regression test only compiles a very simple HAL/S test program, which looks like this:
DEBUG ¢0¢3¢4¢5¢6¢8¢9¢C¢D¢E¢F H(202)

DO FOR I = 1 TO 5;
DO FOR J = 2 TO 8 BY 2;

But a test is a test, right?  You may notice that HAL/S bears a creepy similarity to XPL/I.  The similarity is superficial, and the two languages are quite different in reality.  (But it fooled me at first!)


Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/yaShuttle/"Source Code"/PASS.REL32V0
make -s XEXTRA=--quiet regression
make -s XEXTRA=--quiet CC=clang EXTRA=-w regression

Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/yaShuttle/"Source Code"/PASS.REL32V0
make -s XEXTRA=--quiet CC=clang EXTRA=-w regression
make -s XEXTRA=--quiet CC=gcc EXTRA="-w -std=c99" regression

Build/Test Windows EXE Files in Linux or Mac OS

Open a "terminal" (i.e., a command line).  Then:
cd virtualagc/yaShuttle/"Source Code"/PASS.REL32V0
make -s XEXTRA=--quiet CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc EXT=.exe EXER=wine regression


Open an MSYS2 command line.  Then:
cd virtualagc/yaShuttle/"Source Code"/PASS.REL32V0
make -s XEXTRA=--quiet RDYNAMIC= regression
Or from a Visual Studio developer command line,
make -s XEXTRA=--quiet CC=cl regression

Aside:  By the way, XEXTRA is something you can use on a make command line to pass extra options to XCOM-I, while EXTRA can be used to pass extra options to the C compiler.  In particular, the --quiet in XEXTRA is a way to eliminate certain informative messages from XCOM-I that (after seeing them a hundred times) I personally no longer find quite so informative and would rather not see any longer.
If everything was found to be successful, you should see messages that terminate with lines similar to these:

Processing regression/HELLO ==========================================
Comparing ...
Files cA.rpt and pyA.rpt are identical
Files FILE1.bin and halmat.bin are identical
Files LISTING2.txt and listing2.txt are identical
Files pass1-new.rpt and pass1-old.rpt are identical
Files halmat.bin and regression/halmat.bin are identical
Files litfile.bin and regression/litfile.bin are identical
Files listing2.txt and regression/listing2.txt are identical
Files COMMON-PASS1-new.out and COMMON-PASS1-old.out are identical
Files optmato.bin and regression/optmato.bin are identical
Files auxmata.bin and regression/auxmata.bin are identical
Files pass2-new.rpt and pass2-old.rpt are identical
Files cards2.bin and regression/cards2.bin match within tolerance (17 <= 18 mismatches)
Files cards2.bin and regression/cards2.bin match
Files COMMON-PASS2-new.out and COMMON-PASS2-old.out are identical
Regression test passed.
You should also find 5 new executable files:
  1. PASS1[.exe]
  2. FLO[.exe]
  3. OPT[.exe]
  4. AUXP[.exe]
  5. PASS2[.exe]
Aside:  This isn't actually a full build of HAL/S-FC, but merely of the compiler passes needed to run the regression test.  You could have gotten the additional passes PASS3 and PASS4, along with the BFS versions of the passes (discussed later),  namely PASS1B[.exe], OPTB[.exe], PASS2B[.exe], and PASS3B[.exe], by using the make targets "all regression" rather than just "regression" in the instructions above.
These passes of HAL/S-FC are chained together to perform a full compilation of a HAL/S program.  For those passes having two programs listed, (xxxx and xxxxB), the B version is used when compiling Backup Flight Software, whereas the non-B version is used for compiling the Primary Flight Software; if there's no B version, then the non-B version is used for both primary and backup.  I'd note that there's something like 700K lines of XPL/I code in this compilation, so it's a non-negligible test of the XPL/I compiler ... assuming of course, that the HAL/S compiler actually works correctly once installed.

But again, there's a dedicated HALSFC page covering these topics in more detail, so I'll not discuss them further here.

The Peculiarities of Standard XPL and Intermetrics XPL/I

It is a truth universally acknowledged that there is no satisfactory introductory information available concerning programming in XPL.  Or at least, it would be universally acknowledged if anybody had ever heard of XPL and wanted to use it for anything. 

The best you can do, generally speaking, is to purchase an out-of-print, used copy of the book A Compiler Generator.  If you do, you'll find a book that's densely packed with information, but that that information is the source code for an XPL compiler (written in XPL), lots of BNF descriptions of the language, lots of theory on how to write a compiler-generator program, and very little of direct interest to a programmer who wants to come up to speed quickly on how to write or understand a program written in XPL. Not to mention the fact — though I am mentioning it! — that some of the most-critical counter-intuitive information is buried in easy-to-miss, easy-to-misunderstand comments made in passing, rather than as big, bold-face warnings.   As a bonus, the book provides an index of almost no use at all to a newby XPL programmer.  Beyond the book itself, most online information about XPL, in my experience, is simple condensing or other rehashing of A Compiler Generator, and adds little extra of value in a tutorial sense, since it's almost never written by anybody actually working with XPL.  With that said, you may find some useful online information in a couple of places:

And as for Intermetrics XPL/I ... well, from a tutorial perspective, it's orders of magnitude worse. From the standpoint of surviving documentation, XPL/I may as well never have existed at all.

Taking all of that into account, I wish I could provide a full tutorial here how to write XPL or XPL/I programs, similar in nature to Michael Ryer's book Programming in HAL/S.  But there's so little to do, and so much time.  No, scratch that, the other way around!  There's just not enough time, and maybe not enough skill.  So for now, I'll just cover some of the quirks of the language(s) that might be unexpected to programmers already skilled in other programming languages. Send in suggestions for improvement, if you like; I'm sure I can use them somehow to make the discussion even worse.

Character Set and Modern Character Substitutions

The most basic characteristic of a language is the character set in which the language is expressed.  Above all else, we need to recognize that IBM 360 computers encoded textual information using so-called EBCDIC coding, which defined somewhat-different characters than the ASCII coding common today, as well as entirely different numerical codes for the characters it did include.

Neither A Compiler Generator nor Intermetrics specifies the character set.  I've given it a lot of thought, and my conclusion is that the originally-supported character set was:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
_ % + - * . / | & = < > # @ $ , ; : ( ) ' " ! ? [ ] { }
¢ ¬ <eof>

Here, by <space> I mean a space character, and by <eof> I mean an end-of-file character.

You'll notice that several characters common today were not originally supported, including:

` ~ ^ \

Contrariwise, there are three characters (¢, ¬, and <eof>) that don't exist at all in the 7-bit ASCII character set that's the common core for the character sets typically used today when writing software source code.  The first two are EBCDIC characters, while the third isn't even EBCDIC, but merely something (a Hollerith code, I guess) which could be encoded on punchcards.  HAL/S-FC somewhat arbitrarily assigned the <eof> character the numerical code 0xFE, which I believe was otherwise unused in the then-available version of EBCDIC.

Therefore, when working with XCOM-I, we can use the fortunately otherwise-unused ASCII characters in place of the three unsupported characters:

Aside:  The <eof> character — not to be confused with the EOF token that appears at the end of the source code in an XPL or XPL/I program — is an unusual case.  It is not a special character in XPL programs.  However, it is used as a bookkeeping device by HAL/S compilers, or at least by HAL/S-FC, in padding that the HAL/S compiler automatically appends to a stream of input HAL/S source code.  Thus we have to have a way of representing it in the XCOM-I framework, even though it's not a character anyone would ever have occasion to use in either an XPL or HAL/S source-code file, unless that file was itself part of a HAL/S compiler!  To the best of my knowledge, <eof> appears only within a single string variable, INPUT_PAD, that occurs in the HAL/S-FC source-code file STREAM.xpl.  See the comments for INPUT_PAD in STREAM.xpl.

These substitutions allow us to completely translate the original XPL or XPL/I source code back-and-forth between the original EBCDIC and ACII without any loss of information, and without insisting that you adopt any specific "locale" like ISO-8859-15 or UTF-8 for your computer that's not optimal for your other (non-XPL'ing) activities.  With that said, I suspect that in most of today's common computer setups, you can probably use ¢ and ¬ in your XPL/I source code if you insist on doing so, but I neither recommend nor guarantee it.

Aside: All previously-existing XPL or XPL/I source code files I've found, or HAL/S source code for that matter, has already substituted ~ or ^ for ¬ anyway. And indeed, some early HAL/S documentation suggests the former substitution. I suspect that's because some IBM printers at the time printed ~ in place of ¬. But whatever the explanation, the substitutions I'm suggesting are not exactly daring in their originality. As far as the ¢ symbol is concerned, it's not actually used in XPL or XPL/I code, as far as I know, but it is used in HAL/S, so we still need to have a reliable way of dealing with it.

Case Sensitivity

XPL programs are not case-sensitive, except in so far as the contents of quoted strings are concerned.  E.g., lower-case or mixed-case symbols are treated as being identical to their upper-case correspondents, but quoted strings are case-sensitive.

Source-Code Formatting

Input to an XPL or XPL/I program (via the INPUT built-in function) is expected to conform to computer punch-card-like conventions. I.e., input lines are always exactly 80 characters long, and XCOM-I enforces this by truncating or right-padding input lines as necessary. If the input lines are longer than 80 columns physically — say, because they have punch-card sequence numbers in columns 81-88 — the extra columns are stripped off.

As for the source-code proper, other than being confined to columns 1-80, it is entirely free-form. I.e., line breaks are ignored; several statements may exist on the same input card, or conversely, a single statement may be split across multiple cards. Even though XPL CHARACTER strings are limited to 256 characters, there is seemingly no limit to the length of an XPL statement.

There are hints in the error messages of XCOM3 (and I believe, in A Compiler Generator text) that some contemporary computer systems may have treated column 1 specially, perhaps accepting some kind of non-blank control characters there. If so, it was a issue outside XCOMx proper and is irrelevant to XCOM-I. However, you do find that legacy XPL source code does often begin in column 2 rather than column 1, and I suspect that this hypothetical column-sensitivity is the reason for it.

Regarding this column-1 ambiguity, however, there is the practical question of what to do when a long quoted string is split across multiple cards. (Yes, that does happen.)  Does column 1 belong to the string or not? In XCOM-I, I take my cue from XCOM3 source code in this matter: In spite of the fact that XCOMx's source code generally avoids column 1 in all other cases, column 1 does belong to any multi-line quoted strings.


Identifiers cannot begin with a digit, but otherwise consist of any sequence of upper- or lower-case alphanumeric characters, or any of the characters @ _ # $.  For example, @_26$8ab# is a legal name for a variable.

Identifiers cannot exceed 256 characters in length.

The Basic XPL Datatypes

There are only three basic datatypes:

Regarding the BIT(n) datatypes, you might suppose that since one has gone to all the trouble to define separate datatypes like BIT(1), BIT(2), ..., BIT(8), that there is some distinction between them.  That they behave differently in some way.  That there's some reason for making such a distinction.  You would be cruelly mistaken, as I was.  There is literally no difference between these 8 datatypes.  Nor is there any distinction between the 8 datatypes BIT(9) through BIT(16).  Nor is there any distinction between the 16 datatypes BIT(17) through BIT(32).  The distinctions between the BIT(n) datatypes for n>32 are left as a thought experiment for the reader.  Thus we're left with seemingly ridiculous code, like the following from PASS1 of HAL/S-FC:

Or in other words, first you declare COMPILING to have a single bit, and then later you check it to see what the value of its 8th bit is!  This particular bit of hilarity caused me months worth of trouble.

The storage formats in memory duplicate those that would have been expected on an IBM System/360 computer.  While the storage formats are not significant in abstract terms, they'll be seen to be quite significant in dealing with certain aspects of HAL/S-FC's source code, such as its so-called "virtual memory" system, and indeed I think it would be impossible to run HAL/S-FC unless these underlying IBM 360 storage formats were used.

You'll notice that there is no floating-point datatype, a fact which will be discussed in some detail later.

The three basic datatypes can also be incorporated into single-dimension arrays. Multi-dimensional arrays are not allowed.  There is no maximum array length beyond that dictated by IBM 360 memory-addressing peculiarities.  Array indices start at 0.  Indices (or "subscripts") are enclosed in parentheses, as in A(3) or B(N)
Aside: It's easy to become confused and to imagine (incorrectly!) that you can treat a CHARACTER variable (as opposed to an array of CHARACTER variables) as an array itself, in order to access its individual characters.  You cannot!  In fact, the XPL language does not provide any syntactical means to access individual characters of a string.  For that, you must rely on built-in functions provided by the runtime library to directly manipulate memory.  The most-direct method is to use the BYTE function, which can either retrieve the EBCDIC numerical encoding of an individual character in a CHARACTER variable, or else to store a new EBCDIC numerical value at a given position in a CHARACTER variable.  Thus if we had a CHARACTER variable C which held the value 'HELLO!', then BYTE(C, 3) would return 211 (the EBCDIC encoding for the letter 'L'), while the assignment statement "BYTE(C, 3) = 198;" would change the contents of C to 'HELFO' since 198 is the EBCDIC code for the letter 'F'.  That sounds cumbersome, since very few of us have memorized the EBCDIC table, but it's really not.  You generally don't have to look up the EBCDIC encoding for anything, because you would actually have programmed operations such as this as "BYTE(C, 3) = BYTE('F');".  Another, less-generally-useful method would be to use the built-in SUBSTR function to retrieve a specific character position as a new CHARACTER object of length 1.
The BIT(N) datatype is actually quite problematic.  It would be reasonable to assume that since BIT(N) seems to represent support for collections of bits, then XPL should provide some syntactical sugar for reading the values of these bits or modifying them.  For BIT(1) through BIT(32), you'd be somewhat correct, in that XPL largely treats these as being interchangeable with integers (i.e., FIXED), and automatically converts them back and forth between FIXED.  The runtime library's built-in logical-shift-left and logical-shift-right functions (SHL and SHR) work just as easily with them as with the FIXED, as do the logical operators &, |, and ¬ (~), and the relational operators <, >, =, !=, >=, and <=.  Swell!

But once you advance to BIT(32) through BIT(2048), you are cruelly disappointed.   XPL provides no built-in methods of working with this data qua bits, beyond the ability to initialize BIT(N) variables with data when they're declared.  (More on that later.)  As far as actually using this data for anything, there are no built-in means to do anything at all with that data.  While you can manipulate the data by cobbling together various runtime-library memory-access functions, A Compiler Generator gives none of the technical information about the storage format that would allow you to do so, in so far as I was able to discover.  What do I mean about cobbling together memory-access functions?  Well, suppose that you want to access bit 43 of a BIT(86) variable called B.  First, you must know where the data for B is located in memory.  There's a function that can tell you that.  Then you must know which byte in that block contains bit 43.  There's no function that tells you that, but if you do know it somehow then there's a function that gives you the value of a byte at that address.  Then you must know which bit in the byte corresponds to bit 43.  Again, there's no function for that, but if you know it, then you can use library functions like SHL or SHR, probably in conjunction with a logical operator like &, to isolate the value of that bit.  If you wanted to change the value of that bit, different but similar awfulness is involved.

But doing any of that requires that you have intimate knowledge of how such BIT data is packed into memory.  It's hard to write unambiguously about these matters, but I'll try to do so using the following concepts:  An n-bit value, when written out in human-readable form has a leftmost bit and a rightmost bit; meanwhile, a block of m bytes in memory has a byte that's at the lowest address, a byte at the highest address, and within each byte has a most-significant bit and a least-significant bit.  With those ideas in mind, here's how XPL packs the various BIT datatypes into memory:
Or to put it concisely if ambiguously, short bit strings are right justified, while long bit strings are left justified.
Aside:  Since I say that the bit-packing is undocumented, what's my justification for claiming that what I said just above is true?  The short answer is trial-and-error!  The longer answer is that one of the intermediate milestones in trying to get XCOM-I to the point of being able to compile the original source code for HAL/S-FC was first to be able to compile XCOM3 and run it with a verifiably correct result.  (Recall "insane bootstrapping" from earlier.)  But I couldn't get it to work!  After messing with it for days on end, I eventually got the answer in a dream, and then experimented with a couple of different bit-packing schemes before finally getting XCOM3 to run properly.  The packing scheme I describe above is the one that worked.
Aside: If all that wasn't bad enough, there's also a trap waiting for you if you're already used to doing bit manipulations with logical operators and shifts in other computer languages.  This trap is in the behavior of conditional tests in XPL's IF and DO WHILE statements.  Conditional tests in these statements depend only on the least significant bit; i.e., it as if any conditional test involves an extra "& 1" operation that you can't see.  Thus if you wanted to detect (say) that bit 3 of the BIT(5) variable A was set, a statement like "IF A & 8 THEN ...;" wouldn't help you at all, since the implicit "& 1" in the conditional would cause the test always to fail!  You would instead need to use a shift-right operation, such as "IF SHR(A, 3) THEN ...;".
But enough of these measly BIT-based frustrations!

Variables in general are supposedly strictly typed, and every variable used must have an associated declaration statement.  This is a particularly comical assertion when you consider the effect that I call subscripting sloppiness.  Suppose you had the following brief example of a program:
declare x fixed, y fixed, z fixed;
x(0) = 1;
x(1) = 2;
x(2) = 3;
output = x(0) || ' ' || x(1) || ' ' || x(2);
output = x || ' ' || y || ' ' || z;
What is this little example supposed to do?  First, it declares 3 variables of the fixed datatype; fixed means that x, y, and z are 32-bit signed integers.  It then proceeds to use x as if it were a three-element array, though x wasn't declared that way, assigning values to each of its elements.  The program simply assumes that x(0) corresponds to x, x(1) corresponds to y, and x(2) corresponds to z.  Finally, the program "prints out" both the elements of x (as an array) and the values of x (as a non-array), y, and z.  Naturally, those two lines of printout are identical.  In case you're wondering, we could have used z(-1) as an equivalent to y, or z(-2) as x.  For that matter, we could have used this feature to read or write areas of memory in which no variables at all had been declared.  Or to a certain extent, if we had declared variables of some other datatype than FIXED, we could have used this same trick to access them as if they were FIXED.

Subscripting sloppiness indeed!

Here are a few examples of declarations of variables, both scalar and array:

These are pretty self-explanatory in most ways, so I won't dissect them for you in detail.  What's perhaps most confusing is that the three arrays declared here (FS, CS, and BS) each have eleven elements in them, because the number 10 in their declarations is not the number of elements, but rather the highest legal index.  As mentioned above, indices start at 0, so the total number of elements in each is 11.
Aside: Standard XPL, as in A Compiler Generator, doesn't allow expressions when expressing array sizes, whereas XPL/I does allow them.  For example, the following is fine in XPL/I but is a no-no in XPL:
This example will be continued in the next section, where it will make a little more sense.
There are additional attributes which can be applied to such declarations, of which the most important is probably INITIAL.  This attribute allows you to supply an initial value for the variable, such as:
DECLARE B BIT(5) INITIAL("(1) 10100");
DECLARE FS(10) FIXED INITIAL(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);

It's important to understand that the initializer has its affect only at compile-time, and is not applied at run-time.  That means that if you declare variables within a PROCEDURE, they're not reinitialized each time the PROCEDURE is executed.

You may have been confused by the initializers shown above for the variables F2, F3, and B, since they naively appear to be strings instead of numbers; but the naive interpretation is wrong.  Which brings up the nature of literals in XPL:
These numeric literals are the only syntactical reason that the double-quote character (") appears in XPL source code.

Another important attribute is LITERALLY. It's not strictly related to declaration of variables, even though appearing in DECLARE statements and so it's discussed later on.

Automatic Datatype Conversions

To a limited extent, XPL will convert one datatype to another when appropriate.  Table 6.8.2 in A Compiler Generator supposedly covers all conversions, if you can understand what it's telling you.  Here's the way I think it works:

The final conversion just mentioned, conversion of integer datatypes to decimal-string representations, is quite problematic, because it is entirely ambiguous as to what the appropriate conversion may be.  The usual usages are something like the following:


C = I;

I.e., assigning an integer value to a string variable, or concatenating an integer value with a string value.  Autoconversion seems logical and sensible at first glance, particularly in string concatenation.

Looking deeper, however, recall that CHARACTER values are passed around in the form of so-called string descriptors, which are themselves indistinguishable from FIXED.  Thus in C=I, should the integer I be converted to a string and assigned to C, or should it be treated as a string descriptor and the string it points to be assigned to C instead?  There's literally no way for the compiler to know for sure what was intended by the programmer.  XCOM-I makes an attempt to guess which is appropriate, and I assume so did the original XPL/I compiler.  But the rules to be used are undocumented, and the two compilers sometimes disagree.

In cases of disagreement between the intention of the programmer and the guess of the compiler, there's a built-in function (STRING) that can be used to communicate the programmer's intention to the compiler.  As near as I can tell (with A Compiler Generator, perhaps no longer shockingly to us, being unclear about it), STRING(I) would tell the compiler to treat I as a string descriptor, while STRING(C) might tell it to treat the string descriptor of C as if it were an integer.  Thus judicious use of STRING can be used to override the compiler's guesses as to where automatic conversions are needed.  Unfortunately, at present, there are some (though fortunately very few) cases in which XCOM-I would require the use of STRING while the original XPL/I compiler did not, or vice-versa.  In these cases, the only recourse at present is to insert and extra STRING (or to remove one) from XPL source code, which in my world-view is a very undesirable thing to do in legacy XPL source code such as that of HAL/S-FC.

XPL/I ARRAY and BASED Data ... and an Exception

XPL/I provides a separate kind of statement which can declare arrays, which syntactically differs only in that the keyword ARRAY is used in place of the keyword DECLARE, and in that it can only be used for arrays of FIXED or BIT, and not for CHARACTER.
Aside: For the original XPL/I compiler, there was a distinction in the way ARRAY variables were stored in memory vs DECLARE array variables.  The distinction was that a pointer was stored in the variable and the data for the array was stored elsewhere, much as a string descriptor is used for character values.  That was apparently a trick get around limitations on IBM 360 memory-segment sizes.  At the present time, I don't see this distinction as being operationally significant, so XCOM-I treats the two keywords identically.  This is subject to change, if I discover my thinking was in error.  As, unfortunately, I often do.
More significantly, XPL/I adds an additional kind of datatype that it calls a BASED variable.  These are basically pointers to arrays of FIXED, BIT, or CHARACTER.  Note that I said "pointers to arrays" rather than "arrays of pointers".  By changing the address stored in the BASED variable's pointer, you can instantly interpret an entirely different chunk of memory as the array.  Moreover, besides the basic types just mentioned, the BASED variable can point to an array of "records", where each "record" is a collection of the basic datatypes.  I.e., a record can hold any combination of FIXED, BIT, or CHARACTER fields, or arrays thereof.  Using the BASED mechanism, XPL/I can thus mimic both pointers and primitive types of structures, neither of which is available in XPL proper.  I say that the structures are "primitive", because BASED variables cannot themselves be fields of BASED variables, hence only structures that are a single-level deep are available. 

Here are a couple of examples of declarations of BASED variables:
A(10) BIT(5),

Although BASED variables are always (or almost always) arrays, you'll note that the declarations of FB and RB don't indicate any dimensional information.  That's because no memory for them, other than for the pointer, is allocated at compile-time.  Space is instead explicitly allocated at runtime by user code.  Thus XCOM-I has knowledge of the size of each array entry, but not of the number of elements in the array. 
"Dope Vectors"

When I said that a BASED is a "pointer to an array", I was glossing over the fact that to be useful a BASED must track a lot more information about the BASED than just its data's location in memory.  In fact, a BASED is stored as a 28-byte structure plus the separately-positioned data for the array.  The 28-byte structure is referred to as a "dope vector".   In other words, if you had a BASED called (say) MYBASED and you executed the built-in function ADDR(MYBASED), it would return the address of the dope vector for MYBASED.  As usual, the HAL/S-FC documentation and source code do not actually provide any useful facts about this setup, but various factoids can be inferred from HAL/S-FC source code, to a greater or lesser degree of confidence, and here are my feeble inferences about the fields of dope vectors.  The fields with green highlighting are those of conceivable interest to an application programmer, though all of them are managed entirely transparently in most cases.
The XCOM-I implementation mimics this dope-vector structure, though only the fields I've highlighted in green are significant in XCOM-I ... which is fortunate, since they're the only ones I imagine I understand somewhat.

With that discussion in mind, in understanding some of the things that need to happen with BASED variables in actual XPL/I source code (and in particular, in HAL/S-FC), let's consider various space-management macros and/or procedures used:
User code that initially allocates free memory — let's say 25 records to start with — for a BASED variable is typically a two-step process that looks something like this:
Or, if you knew that you were going to need more elements later, you might allocate a bit extra, for example:
MYBASED) = 25;
Having allocated the space for it, you can now use MYBASED just like any other array of FIXED, such as in assignments like "MYBASED(27) = 6;" or "X = MYBASED(N) + 12;". 

To actually increase the number of elements later, you'd do something like this:
This will increment RECORD_USED(MYBASED) by 1 — if possible while still keeping it below RECORD_ALLOC(MYBASED) — or else will reallocate and possibly move MYBASED into a larger space, if possible.

In a more-complex case, we might have a BASED RECORD variable:
Accessing MYNEWBASE requires the dotted style often used these days for accessing fields of structures or classes.  Some examples include:
MYNEWBASED(10).C = 'XPL is where it is at!';
MYNEWBASED(20).A(6) = 15;

and so on.
The Exception
There is one — count 'em, one! — exception I've found to the somewhat-documented behavior I've described above.  This undocumented use is seen in the IND_STACK variable found in PASS2 of HAL/S-FCIND_STACK is declared using the following bastardized mash-up of a DECLARE statement and a BASED statement:

Unlike a BASED declaration, in which specifying an array size at compile time is illegal, or as IR-182-1 states, "ignored if present", the array size is indeed found in this declaration.  Nor is there any runtime adjustment to the size, as would be expected with a BASED.  Nonetheless, IND_STACK is subsequently accessed by the dotted, structure-type notation used only by BASED variables.

Rather than implement an entirely new but undocumented class of structure objects to handle this single instance, XCOM-I implements this case as if it were a
BASED declaration followed by an appropriate RECORD_CONSTANT operation.  IND_STACK is one of the very few objects stored in region 7 of the XPL memory model, and by far the largest of them.

LITERALLY and Macros

Another attribute that can appear in DECLARE statements is the LITERALLY attribute.  Here's an example:

Notice that ARRAYTOP has no datatype assigned to it.  That's because its declaration is not actually the declaration of a variable called "ARRAYTOP", but rather of a macro of that name.  Wherever the identifier ARRAYTOP is encountered subsequently, it's simply replaced literally by the string 255, now unquoted:
This clarifies an example of a commonly-desirable declaration I mentioned earlier, which in this section would be expressed as:

As noted earlier, standard XPL's grammar wouldn't allow an expression (like RECSIZE-1) in the context of an array declaration, so the convenience of (compile-time computable) expressions in declarations is only available in XPL/I.

Macro expansions — not macro declarations (I hope!) — can be nested, so you can do things like this if you want:
OUT = 'My message';

This expands to
OUTPUT(6) = 'My message';
Macros can expand to portions of statements, as the ones above have, or to multiple statements, such as

which expands to:
DO; X=1; Y=X+3; END;

Macros can also have arguments.  Consider the following:
This declaration means that MYMAC has 2 arguments, and that when the macro is expanded, the first argument will replace %1% and the second argument will replace %2%.  Thus "MYMAC(X, 3 * Y)" expands to "X = 3 * Y".
Warning:  As with macros in any other computer language, this can quickly get out of hand.  XCOM-I, for example, won't detect recursive, endlessly-expanding macros.  There's also no guarantee when multiple macros are in play that XCOM-I will necessarily expand macros in the same order that XCOMx would have.  Neither A Compiler Generator nor Intermetrics documentation makes any mention of what that ordering should be.

Warning:  The scope of macro definitions is also different in XPL vs XPL/I.  In XPL, macro definitions don't respect any nested scopes they appear in; i.e., any macro definition will simply remain in effect until the end of the source code.  In XPL/I, macro definitions remain in effect only until the end of the procedure in which they're defined, including embedded procedures.  In neither case does a macro definition have any effect on source code prior to it.  XCOM-I uses the XPL/I scoping convention, even when the command-line switch --xpl is used, and thus is not compatible with standard XPL in this respect.  I've so far found no instance in legacy XPL code in which this caused any problem.

Perplexing Multiple Assignments

XPL allows multiple variables to be assigned the same value in a single assignment statement, with a syntax like:

X1, X2, ..., XN = Y;

According to A Compiler Generator (p. 137), these assignments are performed in right-to-left order.  In other words, it should be equivalent to:

XN = Y;
X1 = Y;

In most cases, the ordering of these assignments is of no significance, and in fact I've found no legacy standard XPL programs in which the ordering matters.  However, there are instances in XPL/I code, specifically in PASS1 of HAL/S-FC in which the order matters a lot.  That's when you have assignments of the form:

Y(I), I = J;

because obviously

I = J;
Y(I) = J;

is a lot different than

Y(I) = J;
I = J;

Unfortunately, in the cases I've encountered, the XPL/I code seems to rely on the latter interpretation.  I.e., it seems to believe that the assignments are performed in left-to-right order, in direct contradiction to A Compiler Generator.  What's going on here?

Of course, we have no way of knowing what Intermetrics XCOM did with this, but as far as A Compiler Generator's XCOM3, it appears (thanks to Dan Weaver for this explanation) that while the assignments are indeed performed in a right-to-left manner as documented, the peculiarities of the IBM 360 object-code generation in XCOM3, shove the index I into a CPU register and reuse it without change throughout both assignments.  So seemingly by accident, the net result is that the assignments appear to have been done in a left-to-right order.  I would also note that there is an example in A Compiler Generator (Fig. 6.18.1) that shows assembly code generated for the XPL expression

I, J, K = 2;

which supports the documented right-to-left order, namely,

LA	1,2(0,0)	[This gets a 2]
STC 1,1346(0,11) [This sticks it into K]
STH 1,1344(0,11) [This sticks it into J]
ST 1,1340(0,11) [This sticks it into I]

Vis-à-vis Dan's explanation, it doesn't appear to me to be a reliable design choice in XCOMx:  what if there are more than 2 assignments on the left-hand side, and if they don't all use the same index I?  What would the order appear to be then?  Well, perhaps XCOMx does something else in that situation.

Aside:  When I wrote this, perhaps I didn't have a working XCOM3 yet, or perhaps it did not occur to me that I could just use XCOM3 and compile any test cases I like, so that I could see what the assembly code did.  Well, I realize it now.  I still haven't done it, but perhaps I should.  Some day.

To sum it all up:

Important NoteXCOM-I ignores the statement in A Compiler Generator that assignments are performed in a right-to-left manner.  Rather, it performs them in a left-to-right manner, and any indices of arrays are computed at the moment the assignment is performed.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this doesn't explode in my face.  If it does, I would be tempted to just fix the XPL source code that was doing it, rather than to fix XCOM-I.  We'll see.

Logical Expressions

XPL's logical operators are &, |, and ~ (¬, ^), for "and", "or", and "not", respectively. The documentation in A Compiler Generator is maddeningly unclear as to what these operators do. True, table 6.8.1 calls them "logical and", "logical or", and "logical complement", but the word "logical" isn't defined ... just as my sloppy usage of the word "logical" at the beginning of this paragraph makes no distinction. Which leaves open a few loopholes that have to be closed up. The issues which we must understand are:

In case you're not in the mood for a technical discussion of the matter, I'll give you the short answer up front, and having read that, you can either bypass or proceed to the long discussion according to your desires:

As for how I came up with this "information", there are several places we can look for guidance in guessing the answers. For one thing, according to A Compiler Generator's account, the XPL language was derived from the PL/I language, so we can look at PL/I documentation and hope that it applies to XPL. Of course, we can look at the source code for A Compiler Generator's XPL compiler (XCOM3) as listed in the book, and see if there are any hints there. Or we can even examine the IBM 360 object code that XCOMx generates for these operators. (All the while wondering how things came to this, that we have to resort to lame measures like consulting object code to figure out the basic features of the language?)

As far as PL/I is concerned, IBM's PL/I Language Reference (2017) tells us on p. 66 that for the &, |, and ¬ operators, "bit operations are performed on a bit-by-bit basis". As far as object code produced by XCOM is concerned, A Compiler Generator (p. 150) shows an example in which object code for the expression "SHL(K,1) & SHR(I,J)" is produced, and we do find that it simply uses the IBM 360 NR ("And Logical") instruction:

Although I had to consult more than one IBM assembly-language manual to find the answer to the seemingly-simple question of what NR does, IBM's z/Architecture Principles of Operation (p. A-8) does tell us that the NR (and its cousins N, NC, and NI) are indeed bitwise operations.

Aside: Figure B-2, "Instructions Arranged by Mnemonic" of the latter document is very helpful in trying to decipher such listings of IBM 360 object code.

Short-circuiting is a natural consideration for strictly bipolar operands and operators, but is a bit trickier to consider once we've concluded that the logical operators operate bitwise rather than in a bipolar fashion. Certainly the object-code example from A Compiler Generator that was mentioned in the preceding paragraph shows no signs at all of short circuiting: Both of the operands of the & operator in that example are evaluated, with no attempt at checking the value of the first operation before proceeding to the second one. On the other hand, that example of object-code generation by XCOMx happens to be for an assignment statement rather than for the conditional expression of an IF, DO WHILE, or DO UNTIL. Perhaps the evaluation of a conditional expression might be very different in those contexts. One reason to believe that it might be different is that the final result of a conditional expression is masked to just the least-significant bit, and thus (eventually) is indeed a bipolar value; i.e., even if all of the bits were involved in the computation, all but one of them is discarded in the end, so perhaps the extra bits are discarded at the beginning rather than at the end of the computation, even though it's more work to do so. Moreover, the PL/I Language Reference document mentioned earlier does cover short-circuit evaluation (see p. 245), and it says that short-circuiting is only in the context of the conditional of an IF statement (versus assignment statements). Plus, even then the short-circuiting occurs only in certain special circumstances, such as the leading operand being a BIT(1) literal or constant variable, which leads one to believe that the value of the leading operand has to be determined to be 0 or 1 at compile-time rather than at run-time for the short-circuiting to occur.

Unfortunately, the example of object-code generation in A Compiler Generator doesn't show us how an IF statement would compile. But as we saw earlier, we have been able to use XCOM-I to create a working copy of A Compiler Generators's XCOM3, so we can make our own example of IF, compile it with XCOM3 and see! Imagine we have the following ridiculous little XPL program:

DO I = 1 TO 10;
IF (I * I) & (100 - I * I) THEN OUTPUT = 'hello';
DO I = 1 TO 10;
IF 0 & (100 - I * I) THEN OUTPUT = 'hello';
Compiling this silly program with XCOM3, and pulling just the relevant portion of the XCOM3's report gives us the following IBM 360 object code for the conditional expressions of the IF statements:
  20 |    IF (I * I) & (100 - I * I) THEN OUTPUT = 'hello';                           |  1314 C7 = 10.
1314: CODE = L 1,1340(0,11)
1318: CODE = M 0,1340(0,11)
1322: CODE = L 2,1340(0,11)
1326: CODE = L 3,1340(0,11)
1330: CODE = MR 2,2
1332: CODE = LA 2,100(0,0)
1336: CODE = SR 2,3
1338: CODE = NR 1,2
1340: CODE = N 1,164(0,11)
24 | IF 0 & (100 - I * I) THEN OUTPUT = 'hello'; | 1400
1400: CODE = L 1,1340(0,11)
1404: CODE = M 0,1340(0,11)
1408: CODE = LA 2,100(0,0)
1412: CODE = SR 2,1
1414: CODE = N 2,1300(0,1048571)
1418: CODE = N 2,164(0,11)

Not shown above is that the symbol table tells us variable I is stored at address 1340(11), which is why all of the 1340(0,11)'s appear above. I don't understand IBM 360 assembly language too well, but what I think the code probably does is:

But whether or not my interpretation is 100% correct, at least in this example there's no evidence of short-circuiting. The 2nd IF in particular is pretty shocking. Perhaps there's supposed to be some subsequent optimization I'm not aware of that would have cleaned it up.


XPL/I also introduces the notion of COMMON memory, not present in XPL.  The notion behind COMMON memory is that a very large application program like HAL/S-FC won't be loaded entirely in memory at once, but will instead be run as a sequence of "passes".  Since COMMON memory is not supported in standard XPL, compiling a program with XCOM-I's --xpl switch will disable the COMMON memory features described in this sections.

Thus, a program like HAL/S-FC isn't a single application program, but rather a set of them:  PASS1, FLO, OPT, AUX, PASS2, PASS3, and PASS4.  Each of these applications is loaded, run, and unloaded from memory, in succession.

But!  Each of these application programs may receive some kind of input data or state data from the preceding application program, and transmit output data or state data to the next application program in succession.  In XPL/I's visualization, some of that data is passed in files.  But other data is instead just assumed to remain in computer memory, unchanged from whatever the preceding application has left behind.  The term XPL/I applies to this leftover memory is COMMON memory.  It's formalized when you explicitly declare variables as being in COMMON.  Variables declared to be in COMMON are not initialized by an XPL/I program, except for the very first program in a chain of programs, but are simply assumed to already contain the data needed.  On the other hand, variables not declared COMMON are up for grabs, and no assumption can be made about their initial contents other than whatever initialization their declarations explicitly provide.

Syntactically, COMMON data is declared in XPL/I by three methods:

Another distinction is that CHARACTER variables cannot declared in COMMON, though CHARACTER variables can appear as fields in COMMON BASED RECORD variables.

Each cooperating application running in succession needs to declare COMMON in exactly the same way, using exactly the same ordering of variables and the same datatypes, at the same addresses.  When "dope vectors" of BASED variables were discussed earlier, it was mentioned that BASED variables could be set as "constant" or "unmoveable", and this necessity for remaining at the same location when successor programs are executed is part of the reason for this feature.

Aside:  If BASED variables were always manipulated by an XPL/I program as intended by the original compiler design — i.e., allowing SPACELIB to manipulate them via their dope vectors — there would be no reason for these restrictions on moveability.  However, the "virtual memory" system employed by HAL/S-FC, as implemented by the files HALINCL/VMEMx.xpl, bypasses the dope-vector system.  Specifically, "pages" of memory managed by the virtual-memory system are tracked only by an array of addresses (rather than dope vectors).  But SPACELIB manages dope vectors, and has no cognizance of arrays of addresses whose interpretation exists only in the mind of a programmer.  It is therefore necessary to make sure that the virtual-memory system's pages of memory never move.  One might ask the programmer why they didn't use arrays of dope vectors rather than arrays of addresses?  But that might be interpreted as being rude.  On the other hand, I've known enough engineers to be pretty sure they'd think that since it worked for them, it was good enough.

Aside:  Speaking of the relationship between BASED variables and COMMON memory, it's important to note the following points:

Of course, XCOM-I makes no effort at all to pass COMMON data from one application to another using actual memory. Rather, each XPL/I application program compiled by XCOM-I can optionally (depending on its command-line options) load a file containing data into its COMMON areas of memory; and similarly, it automatically writes out its COMMON areas of memory into a file upon termination. By using the --commoni and --commono command-line switches of the application, a close degree of control can be exercised over which previously-saved COMMON blocks, if any, are passed to which application programs.  The command-line options are needed because by default, an executable produced by XCOM-I does not read in a COMMON file at startup, and outputs a file literally called "COMMON.out" upon termination.  The command-line options override either or both of those defaults.

COMMON files are in a human-readable format.  See the comments for the writeEntryCommon function in the runtime-library file runtimeC.c if you have any interest in the file format.  It's actually pretty useful for debugging certain kinds of problems.

Memory Model for a Compiled XPL Program

The theoretical memory space available at runtime for a compiled XPL program is 224=16,777,216 bytes in size, although the Wikipedia article on IBM System/360 tells us that the actual physical maximum was only 8 MB.  In the C object code generated by XCOM-I, this is represented by the byte array called memory.

For the original XPL and XPL/I compilers, the lowest portion and highest portion of this (theoretical) 16 MB space was dedicated to the executable code for the program and the data used by it.  The middle of the area was used for the program's data.  But in the XCOM-I framework, all of the program code is stored elsewhere, thus the entire 16MB space can be dedicated just for the variables actually DECLARE'd in the XPL source code ... plus those few elements of data which the operating system needs to communicate to the program, such as run-time program options, and a few other items I'll talk about in a moment.

The memory nevertheless still needs to be partitioned into blocks dedicated to specific types of data, in order to facilitate management of dynamic data like CHARACTER or BIT(n>32) strings and BASED variables.  I try to follow the same partitioning scheme as used by the original compilers, at least roughly.  The broad outline of this partitioning scheme is seen in the diagram to the right. 

Regions 4 and 6 naturally did not exist in XPL, since BASED variables are an XPL/I extension to standard XPL.  So when XCOM-I is run with the --xpl command-line switch, those regions both have fixed sizes of 0.

Mostly, the boundaries of these memory regions are established at compile-time, by which I mean they're established by XCOM-I and don't change thereafter. The exceptions are the boundaries between regions 5, 6, and 7. As you may recall, at program startup, BASED variables have already been DECLARE'd and XCOM-I has thus made space for their dope vectors (region 4), but considered as arrays their sizes are 0. At program start, region 6 is empty. But memory region 6 grows downward when BASED variables are allocated memory at runtime, simultaneously shrinking the free-string memory region 5. String data meanwhile occupies the space from FREEBASE to FREEPOINT in region 5, which means that the space between FREEPOINT and FREELIMIT is available both for growing the string data upward (thus increasing FREEPOINT) or growing the BASED data downward (thus decreasing FREELIMIT).

Aside:  It would seem reasonable, at least to me, that if BASED allocations proceed downward in memory, then the indices of the BASED should also proceed downward as well.  I mean that if we had a decoration such as BASED MYBASED, then MYBASED(0) would be at a higher address than MYBASED(1), which would be at a higher address than MYBASED(2), and so on.  If that were the case, then growing MYBASED after its initial allocation would be more efficient (if it happened to border on unallocated space), since it just involves snatching an unallocate chunk of memory rather than moving the entire array.  However, if I am reading the code in SPACELIB correctly this does not appear to be the case:  Indices of BASED variables seem to increase upward in memory, just as they do in any other XPL/I array. 
Region 7 is a bit trickier to explain.  It is an area dedicated to data which XCOM-I wants to use for XPL objects it creates at compile time that need to be accessible to the XPL program as normal XPL variables, but that need to be exempt from the normal memory-management procedures applied to regions 5 and 6.  These are items which the original XPL compilers would have stored in regions 1 through 6, but that the different implementation of XCOM-I would have made difficult.  XCOM-I allocates this area and the objects in it at compile-time.  Though shown as beginning at 0xFFE000, that's misleading.  The 0xFFE000 limit is the default, and is appropriate for compiling HAL/S-FC, but in fact is controlled by XCOM-I's --reserved=N (default 8192) command-line option.  There will be compile-time messages if the size of the reserved memory needs to be increased.  It's important to note that all XPL programs sharing the same COMMON memory need to have the same size for region 7.  Specifically, all passes of HAL/S-FC need to have the same size of reserved memory, and that's why this particular default value for it was chosen.
Aside:  In fact, the use of reserved memory has proven to be extremely rare.  The only instances of use, to date, have been in PASS2 and PASS4 of HAL/S-FC, each of which stores a single object declared in a previously-unencountered, idiosyncratic way.

Memory Layout
Region Number


Reserved memory


Data pointed to by "dope vectors" of

512-byte zone




Data pointed to by "string descriptors" of CHARACTER or BIT(>32)


dope vectors for non-COMMON


or BIT(>32) string descriptors


FIXED, BIT(≤32) , and BASED dope vectors for non-COMMON


FIXED, BIT(≤32) , and BASED dope vectors for COMMON

Data supplied by MONITOR(13) and MONITOR(23)


Understanding COMPACTIFY

At runtime, changes to sizes of BASED arrays may cause those arrays to move around within memory region 6 (see the preceding section). Depending on the type of changes, this can cause "holes" of unused memory to develop in memory region 6. Similarly, operations on CHARACTER variables such as INPUT or string concatenation (||) can cause holes of unused memory to develop in memory region 5. As long as FREEPOINT is comfortably less than FREELIMIT, these holes don't cause any problem and can just be ignored. However, it may eventually become necessary to repack these memory regions to consolidate the free space and eliminate the holes.

As far as memory region 6 is concerned, that's handled transparently by the tools already discussed in the section on BASED variables earlier, and won't be discussed here. The COMPACTIFY procedure which handles this for memory region 5, unfortunately, does require some clarification, even though you typically don't need to explicitly call COMPACTIFY yourself, and can assume it will just be called automatically whenever needed.

Most importantly, while COMPACTIFY doesn't handle memory management of BASED variables, the existence of based variables does affect how COMPACTIFY operates, with the result that different versions of COMPACTIFY must be used for XPL code than for XPL/I code. But there's a quirk in XPL's implementation: While COMPACTIFY is considered a "built-in" function of the XPL runtime library, in point of fact it's not present in the XPL (or XPL/I) runtime library, and must instead be explicitly provided in the form of XPL source code.

Fortunately, that doesn't entail any effort on your part, since XCOM-I can usually figure out what to do on its own. But still, it may be helpful to understand what's going one behind the scenes, for those cases in which you need to intervene. The XCOM-I approach to the inclusion of COMPACTIFY is that prior to loading any of the XPL or XPL/I source-code files you explicitly specify, it automatically preloads a "library file", which is an XPL or XPL/I source-code file containing at least the source code for COMPACTIFY. The library file it chooses is governed by the following rules:

  1. By default, it chooses SPACELIB.xpl, which is a duplicate of the Intermetrics file of the same name provided with the XPL/I source code for the HAL/S-FC program. It should be good for compiling all XPL/I source code.
  2. But if the XCOM-I command-line switch --xpl is used, the default library changes to XPL.LIBRARY.xpl. This a duplicate of the library of the same name provided with the source code of XCOM3 program. It should be good for compiling all standard XPL source code.
  3. But if the XCOM-I command-line switch --lib-file=FILENAME is used, then FILENAME is used in place of the default library file. This gives you the option of using some other version of COMPACTIFY, perhaps experimenting with it yourself. If used along with an --xpl switch, then --lib-file must follow --xpl on the command line.
That's all you really need to know, and perhaps more than you needed.  Unfortunately, I need to know more about it, in order to make it work in XCOM-I, and here's as good a place as any to write down some of that need-to-know info!

The principal difficulty is that while XPL.LIBRARY.xpl works immediately for XPL programs, as-is, as long as the memory partitioning described in the preceding section is compatible enough with A Compiler Generator, the same cannot be said of SPACELIB.xpl for XPL/I programs.

In brief, here's how the XPL COMPACTIFY of XPL.LIBRARY.xpl works.  All of the "string descriptors" (providing the addresses and sizes of the character strings in region 5 which need to be repacked) are found, contiguously, in memory region 3, which they completely fill.  Because of this convenient arrangement, all of the string descriptors can all be accessed as if they were a single FIXED array.  Standard XPL's built-in DESCRIPTOR and NDESCRIPT respectively give the location and size of this array of string descriptors.  Repacking region 5 is a relatively-simple matter of sorting DESCRIPTOR array by address, using the sorted array to find the "holes", then moving the string data downward in region 5 to eliminate the holes, and finally updating the original descriptors in the DESCRIPTOR array to preserve the strings but to change the addresses.

The only mild complication in the description above is that the DESCRIPTOR array can't be sorted in place.  Rather, a separate scratch array is needed to help out the process:
This DX array is set up to contain the indices into the DESCRIPTOR array, and it's DX that's sorted rather than DESCRIPTOR.  This is undoubtedly a good strategy, although it limits the total number of DECLARE'd CHARACTER variables to 500.  On the other hand, the limit of 500 is completely arbitrary, and if you have enough memory (we do!) there's no reason it couldn't be increased as high as 64K.  And by the simple expedient of declaring DX as FIXED rather than BIT(16), the limit could be made much higher.

Unfortunately, the relatively-simple processing fails for XPL/I code — or at least, for any XPL/I code having BASED variables containing CHARACTER data or BIT(≥32) data — because no longer are all of the string descriptors nicely lined up for us in memory region 3.  Rather, many of them are smeared all over memory region 6.  Nor is a limit of 500 strings remotely adequate for compiling programs like HAL/S-FC.  Here is what I understand of the differences between how the XPL/I COMPACTIFY has to operate, as compared to the description I just gave of the XPL COMPACTIFY:

Aside: I'd venture the guess that DX_SIZE is initially set and space for DX is initially allocate by the XPL/I compiler to handle the string descriptors which are DECLARE'd and therefore known at compile time. At runtime, SPACELIB would then take over the task of maintaining DX and DX_SIZE to handle additional string descriptors that come into existence (or leave it) when BASED variables containing them grow (or shrink).

More TBD

Structure of an XPL Program vs XPL/I

An XPL program consists of any sequence of XPL statements, followed by the token EOF.  In particular:

Note:  The original XPL compiler, XCOM3, performed a single pass.  It required that the declaration of any particular identifier as an object (such as a variable) had to precede the use of that identifier, although there were provisions for making a forward declaration for a PROCEDURE, so that the PROCEDURE could be used before it was defined.  XCOM-I relaxes this requirement.

Each of the sample programs I've encountered in standard XPL so far has been contained in a single relatively-small file. For example, ANALYZER has a little over 1500 lines of source code, while XCOM has a little over 4200 lines.

In contrast, the XPL/I source code for Intermetrics's HAL/S compiler HAL/S-FC has over 120,000 lines of source code spread across over 600 files, though any individual pass of the compiler has no more than around 35,000 lines. This necessitated different methods for managing that source-code base in XPL/I vs XPL, and some of those methods are reflected by compiler directives embedded within the source code. Insofar as HAL/S-FC and its related applications are concerned, the top-level source-code file (##DRIVER.xpl) for each application always contains all of the necessary directives for compiling the other source-code files needed, in the correct order, so in using XCOM-I to compile these applications you don't need to worry about any file other than ##DRIVER.xpl itself.

Aside: Well, the comment about ##DRIVER.xpl isn't exactly right. Any XPL or XPL/I program will expect that there's a separate "library file" containing source code for the COMPACTIFY procedure, but the XPL/I source code for the program won't explicitly include the library file. That's the compiler's responsibility.

Aside: Due to the lack of relevant Intermetrics documentation, what I'm about to describe is not only speculative on my part, but also represents certain pragmatic compromises that I don't believe literally existed in Intermetrics's XPL compiler or development procedures. But if it will work for us using XCOM-I on HAL/S-FC and if there are no other lurking XPL/I programs that we need to worry about, why complain?

Compiler directives in XPL/I are comments or comment-like constructions which aren't documented in A Compiler Generator and have no other obvious purpose.  The specifics are covered by the subsections below.

Compiler Directive Type:  /?c ... XPL/I source code ... ?/

This type of compiler directive is a conditional inclusion of source code, similar to the C language's #if c.  Here, c is supposed to be an upper-case alphabetical letter that represents the particular condition that needs to be "true".  All conditions, A through Z, are by default "false".  You make condition c "true" by using XCOM-I's --cond=c command-line switch.

Interpretations of the possible conditions are entirely at the user's disposal; i.e., they vary by the particular source-code being compiled by XCOM-I.  In the particular case of the XPL/I source code for the HAL/S-FC program, there are 4 possible conditions c, plus 2 additional ones I invented personally:

Preprocessor Conditionals
XCOM-I Command-Line Switch
HAL/S-FC will be specialized for compiling the Space Shuttle's Primary Flight Software (PASS).
--cond=B HAL/S-FC will be specialized for compiling the Space Shuttle's Backup Flight Software (BFS).
Note:  Either --cond=P or --cond=B must be used, but not both at the same time.
--cond=A Produce debugging output related to memory management of BASED variables.
--cond=C Produces debugging output related to actions by the COMPACTIFY procedure.
For code specific to the Virtual AGC Project.  This is my own innovation, and of course was not used in any legacy code.  It is used in those few cases (2 at the present count) in which legacy code is appropriate for modern usage, or XCOM-I has some bug which cannot be overcome, and thus the legacy code needs to be replaced to make the program that's being compiled usable.
The opposite of --cond=V.

Aside: This implies that you don't just compile HAL/S-FC once to get a HAL/S compiler that works for all HAL/S programs. Rather, you compile HAL/S-FC twice, once to get a version of the HAL/S compiler that works for the primary flight software, and once to get a version of the compiler that works for the backup flight software.

Compiler Directive Type:  /%INCLUDE module %/

This type of compiler directive inserts an entire XPL/I source-code file, module.xpl, at the current point.  It is used for importing COMMON-block declarations or macros which are used identically by all source-code files.  By default, the included module is taken from the folder ../HALINCL/.  As far as I know this covers every use in HAL/S-FC source code.  However, if necessary, XCOM-I has a command-line option (--include=folder) which can be used to change the folder containing the modules.

Compiler Directive Type:  /* ...comment... $%module */

This is a variant of the /%INCLUDE module ...comment... %/ directive, which acts the same way, and for which my comments are otherwise the same.

Compiler Directive Type:  /**MERGE module procedure */

This is yet another directive for including an XPL/I source-code file in the current XPL/I source-code file, but it differs from the other include-directives described above in that instead of importing definitions used in common by multiple source-code files, it instead is typically used for importing the source code for a single PROCEDURE.  As above, module.xpl is the source-code file to include, while procedure is the name of the PROCEDURE contained in that file.  In point of fact, XCOM-I simply ignores the procedure name.
Aside: Procedure names don't match the filenames, usually, because the naming conventions for System/360 files were severely limited vs identifiers in XPL.  Thus the filenames were normalized, truncated forms of the procedure names.
Also, module.xpl is expected to be within the same folder as the source-code file being compiled; no other folders are searched for it, and there are no command-line switches to alter this behavior.

PROCEDUREs, RETURNs, and Their Peculiarities

In a view from a height, an XPL program consists of PROCEDURE definitions and of code that uses those definitions.

A procedure definition looks something like this:

PROCEDURE(... parameter list ...) ReturnType;
DECLARE ... for the parameters ...;
DECLARE ... for local variables ...;

... code ...;
END label;

A lot of this is optional. Thus while the initial label: is required (since it's the name of the procedure), the label at the end of the definition is optional, and is really there only for readability purposes. If the procedure needs no parameters, then the parameter list, including its enclosing parentheses, is omitted. If the procedure returns no value, then ReturnType is omitted; if present, it is one of the basic non-subscripted datatypes FIXED, BIT(n), or CHARACTER. Each parameter in the parameter list must have a declaration within the body of the procedure, and while those declarations don't technically have to precede the declarations of the local variables as shown above, it was apparently customary to do so.

PROCEDURE definitions in the source code can be nested, to any desired depth. PROCEDURE definitions and DO...END blocks provide the program with a hierarchical structure of "scopes".  The hierarchical structure is provided by the parent/child relationships among the scopes. Variables are accessible within the scope in which they're declared, along with any descendant scopes. If a variable is declared in more than one scope of the hierarchy, the one in the innermost enclosing scope is the one that is applicable.

In standard XPL, variables can be declared only at the global level or in a PROCEDURE, and not within DO...END blocks. 

In XPL/I, variable (and PROCEDURE) definitions can be declared anywhere, even within DO...END blocks.  XCOM-I mimics the XPL/I usage, since it's compatible with standard XPL.  But there's a trap!  Or at least, it's a trap for me, and by projection, I assume it's a trap for you as well.  The trap is that you'd suppose the scope of a variable or PROCEDURE was the DO...END block in which it was declared.  Not so!  The scope is the entire enclosing PROCEDURE and its descendants.  So beware.  Fortunately, such abominations are very rare, and only a handful appear in the entire HAL/S-FC source-code base.  Here's an example from the DUMP_SDF PROCEDURE of PASS4 of the compiler, cleaned up a little for readability.  Observe the declaration and usage of the variable SYM_DATA_CELL_ADDR within the two distinct DO...END blocks:
            IF NODE_B(3) > 0 THEN DO; 

A PROCEDURE may be invoked in two different ways.  If it returns a value via a RETURN statement, it can be used in an arithmetical expression or a string expression.  If it doesn't return a value, or if it does return a value and you simply want to ignore the value, a CALL statement can be used to invoke the PROCEDURE but to discard any returned value.  But don't be deceived!  Cases in which these rules are simply ignored exist in legacy code, and we'll talk a little bit more about that below.

Important:  All variables local to a PROCEDURE definition retain their values after the PROCEDURE returns.  If the PROCEDURE is re-executed, those local variables retain the values they previously had in the prior invocation of the PROCEDURE.  The values of those local variables, though retained, are inaccessible to code outside of the PROCEDURE, because the namespaces of the local variables prevent it. (In C code, this would be the same thing as saying that every local variable of every function is automatically declared as static.)

Very important: Any (or even all) parameters at the trailing end of the calling list of a PROCEDURE can be omitted from when calling the PROCEDURE, and if omitted, they too retain the same values as the last time the PROCEDURE was invoked or the values previously assigned to those parameters from within the PROCEDURE itself!  (In essence, this is like saying that parameters of a PROCEDURE are not passed to the PROCEDURE, but rather that they are just aliases for some set of global variables dedicated to the PROCEDURE.)  That's so weird that we need to see an example.  Consider the following XPL PROCEDURE definition, and CALLs to it:

procedure(x, y, z);
declare (x, y, z) fixed; /* Declare x,y,z as integers */
output = x || ' ' || y || ' ' || z; /* Print out x,y,z */
x = 29;
y = y + 1;
end weirdo;

call weirdo(1, 2, 3);
call weirdo(4, 5);
call weirdo(6);
call weirdo();
call weirdo;

The five calls successively print out the following:

1 2 3
4 5 3
6 6 3
29 7 3
29 8 3

PROCEDUREs cannot be recursive, either directly or indirectly.

Taking these facts altogether, XCOM-I implements both parameters and local variables of PROCEDUREs essentially as global variables in they way they are stored:  i.e., each parameter and each local variable of each PROCEDURE has its own static address (in the global memory model), assigned at compile time and unchanging thereafter.  The compiler enforces the logical scoping of these variables by means of their namespace.  There will be more on this when the concept of "mangling" of identifiers is discussed.

Regarding the RETURN statement, A Compiler Generator explains that it is used to exit from a PROCEDURE and optionally to return a value. Furthermore, the calling code can either use that return value or else ignore it. Which makes perfect sense. But as usual, there are some documented and undocumented peculiarities to the RETURN statement as well:

Blocks and Loops

Compound statements in XPL are groupings of simple statements (such as assignments or if-then-else statements) enclosed within a DO ... END block:

DO ...;
... simple statements ...

There are five different kinds of DO ... END blocks. First, there is a stand-alone simple grouping as shown above.

Then there are 3 different kinds of loops:

... simple statements ...

... simple statements ...

... simple statements ...

Note that DO UNTIL is new in XPL/I and is not present in standard XPL.

In these loops, COUNTER, START, END, and the optional STEP are all integers. STEP defaults to 1, but must be positive. START, END, and STEP may be expressions, but if so they are evaluated only a single time, at the start of the loop, and are not reevaluated thereafter. CONDITION, on the other hand, is an expression evaluated on each loop; it is treated as "true" if its least-significant bit is 1, or "false" if its least-significant bit is 0.  When I say they are "integers", I don't mean that they are necessarily FIXED; they could also be BIT(≤32), which evaluate to integers.

The fifth kind of DO ... END block is:


The EXPRESSION must also evaluate to an integer. If 0, then STATEMENT0 is executed; if 1, then STATEMENT1 is executed; and so on. At most, a single statement is executed, and there is no "fall through" from one statement to the next. If the EXPRESSION is negative or beyond the number of available statements, A Compiler Generator tells us that "a random jump is executed". In XCOM-I, no statement is executed under those circumstances, and control passes to the next statement after the END.


The ESCAPE and REPEAT keywords appear to be undocumented XPL/I features not present in standard XPL. Unfortunately, from the available material I can't think of any way to be sure what they do, so I can only speculate.

ESCAPE appears in two different forms:

It should be noted that the HAL/S language has the keyword EXIT, which also has these two forms. (See Ryer, p. 5-12.) EXIT has the following behavior in HAL/S:

Until a more-plausible explanation comes along, my assumption is that ESCAPE in XPL/I has the same behavior as HAL/S's EXIT.

For example, consider the following XPL/I code:

DO ...
    DO ...
        ESCAPE; /* Escape #1 */
        ESCAPE MYBLOCK; /* Escape #2 */
      /* Escape #1 comes here! */
/* Escape #2 comes here! */
REPEAT also appears in those same two forms:
And again, there's a REPEAT keyword in HAL/S as well.  In this case, though, from examining the actual usage in HAL/S-FC source code, I believe that while the keyword has a similar behavior in HAL/S and XPL/I, there is nevertheless a distinction between them.  Here's what I believe the behavior is in XPL/I:
Aside:  The way my XPL/I implementation is different from HAL/S is that in HAL/S, REPEAT (without a label) goes to the beginning of the innermost enclosing loop (DO WHILE or DO UNTIL or DO I = X TO Y) rather than the innermost enclosing DO ... END.  Which makes sense, since that's what you'd normally want.
Note:  Neither ESCAPE nor REPEAT accepts a label attached to an arbitrary statement.  It must be a label attached to a DO ... END block, and it must at some level enclose the ESCAPE or REPEAT statement itself.

Counter Value After Normal Loop Termination

For XPL code such as
DO I = 1 to 100;

it appears to be undocumented what value I holds after the loop ends.  Not all computer languages handle this in the same way.  My considered opinion is that the loop counter holds the value at which the condition for continuation fails: in this example, 101.  Or, if the loop is broken prematurely (as with ESCAPE from the preceding section), then the value the counter held when the ESCAPE occurred is retained.
Aside:  This would match the behavior of C.  Whereas in Python, for example, the counter for an equivalent loop would have the value 100 rather than 101 after normal termination of the loop.

Order of Evaluation of Procedure Operands

In an XPL string-concatenation expression like this one,


while I've found no documentation concerning it, XPL/I expects the operands to be evaluated in left-to-right order.  I.e., EXPRESSION1 is evaluated first, then EXPRESSION2 is evaluated, and then they are concatenated.  Normally this ordering doesn't matter, but it matters if as a side-effect of EXPRESSION1 some values needed to compute EXPRESSION2 are altered, or vice-versa.  I know that this is the expectation because I have found code in PASS2 of HAL/S-FC that does not work as needed if a right-to-left order of evaluation is used.

Presumably, the left-to-right ordering should be enforced on all calls to procedures, and possibly all operator expressions, rather than just this string-concatenation example.  XCOM-I already enforces left-to-right order in calls to all XPL procedures, but prior to this finding it did not enforce an ordering on parameter evaluation in calls to runtime-library functions.  Frankly, it had never occurred to me that a C compiler might evaluate such arguments in right-to-left order.  But some do, under some circumstances, and can do so because the C standard apparently does not specify the ordering.

As it stands presently:

In A Compiler Generator, Fig. 6.18.1 depicts the assembly code generated for a sample XPL program having several library-function calls with 2 or 3 parameters.  In those examples, the code for the arguments is always in left-to-right order.

The example:  Look at this line in HAL/S-FC's PASS2.PROCS/OBJECTGE.xpl:
S2=GENERATE_OPERANDS || TAG_NAME;                                07411000

Here, GENERATE_OPERANDS is a PROCEDURE, and calling it has the side-effect of setting the TAG_NAME appropriately.  GENERATE_OPERANDS therefore must be executed before TAG_NAME is used.  (And it does no good to argue that TAG_NAME is merely string descriptor rather than a string so that it doesn't "evaluate" anything, since when GENERATE_OPERANDS modifies the string it modifies the string descriptor too.)  In XCOM-I, the string-concatenation operator is implemented as a function, xsCat, so the two string operands are the two function parameters.  I found that clang evaluated the function parameters left-to-right in a test program I created, while gcc evaluated them right-to-left.  Whether they do that consistently or not, I don't know, but if they ever do it right-to-left it's a problem!  If the ordering were not forced by XCOM-I to be correct, clang would print assembly code in PASS2 correctly, such as

00000 E8F3 0000                              LHI    R0,0()              TIME: 0.25; @0HELLO

while gcc would print it incorrectly, such as

00000 E8F3 0000                              LHI    R0,0()              @0HELLO
The printout that includes the TIME must be the correct one, because otherwise the elaborate XPL procedure that constructs the time (EXECUTION_TIME) would have no effect at all.

Program Options

As far as I've been able to determine, the standard XPL of A Compiler Generator did not support program options presented at program-start time.  The submonitor program provided with XCOM3 did have some such program options, but they were consumed only by the submonitor and were not passed to the XPL program.

In XPL/I, on the other hand, the XPL program could indeed accept a rich set of options, from a JCL object known as the "PARM field".  One of the XPL built-in functions, the MONITOR function, was provided to access submonitor services, but A Compiler Generator left it basically undefined, presumably since any functionality it provided would be highly program-specific.  In XPL/I, on the other hand, the MONITOR function is indeed defined with a rich set of features, and in particular, MONITOR(13) passes the submonitor the name of an "options processor", and the submonitor returns a set of program options (as interpreted by the selected options processor) back to the XPL/I program.

In HAL/S-FC, there are three different options processors defined, "COMPOPT" for pass 1 of the compiler, "LISTOPT" for pass 4 of the compiler, and "MONOPT" for the submonitor.  At the present time, the XCOM-I runtime library supports these three options processors, and none other.  Since the particular program options supported are specific to HAL/S-FC, they won't be covered here, but are covered in great detail on the HALSFC page.

Besides the program options passed to the XPL program at startup, there were position-dependent options ("control toggles") which could be inserted directly into the XPL program within its comments.  Early documentation indicates that control toggles could appear also appear in the PARM field.  XCOM-I does not support either of these features.

Control toggles are two-character strings which normally would be embedded in program comments.  Generally speaking, program comments are ignored by compilers.  But when these particular two-character strings are found within a program comment of an XPL program, they are used to enable certain program features from the point they appear until a countermanding control toggle is found.  The control toggles I'm aware of that were supported by one or another version of XCOMx are listed below.  Not all of them are necessarily suitable for command-line usage anyway; for example, the action of "$|" depends on its particular punch-card column in which it appears.  The list below has been merged from A Compiler Generator (p. 148), IR-182-1 (section 13.4), and XCOM45 source code:
Although XCOM-I doesn't support control toggles in the PARM field, there is a command-line option that can be made to serve the same purpose:  The --extra=N,'STRING' option causes the STRING to be returned to the XPL program upon the first invocation of INPUT(N); subsequent invocations of INPUT(N) get data from the file attached to input N.  So for example, if you wanted to use the control toggle $E, but didn't want to modify your XPL source code to add it into a comment, you could use the command-line option --extra=0,'/* $E */'.
Aside:  Again, to be clear, XCOM-I itself has no cognizance whatever of control toggles.  Control toggles, if available, are provided to and used by legacy versions of XCOMx which XCOM-I may have compiled for you!
If you're writing new XPL or XPL/I programs, of course, then you still may want your own custom command-line options for it.  The built-in library function PARM_FIELD returns a string containing the value of the --parm command-line switch as-is. You can therefore just write XPL code to parse PARM_FIELD.

Built-In Runtime-Library Functions

Standard XPL has a variety of so-called "built-ins", comprising runtime-library functions callable from XPL code. Some of these bullt-ins can appear on either the right-hand or left-hand side of assignments, and some have to be CALL'd like user-defined PROCEDUREs. XPL/I has roughly the same built-ins, plus-or-minus a few, mostly (but not entirely) defined to have the same functionality. The compiler recognizes these built-ins, and there is no need for them to be declared in any way prior to use. Since these built-ins were mostly written originally in IBM System/360 basic assembly language, the runtime library supplied with XCOM-I has been entirely written in C, without any reference to the original runtime-library source code.

The list below is from A Compiler Generator (p. 140-142), with some alterations due to XPL/I, and some hopefully-helpful notes from me. The parameter descriptions in the list below identify the datatypes of parameters by the following convention:

I suppose I should make it clear that the XCOM-I environment is not precisely like that envisaged in the original XPL language as confined to an IBM 360 runtime environment, and as such, built-in functions don't work exactly the same way either. What's described here is how the XCOM-I runtime library's functions corresponding to the original built-in functions work.

Library Function
Description From Original Documentation
Additional Notes
This function returns the absolute value of NE.  (Note: "80000000", the maximum negative number, has no representable absolute value and returns "7FFFFFFF", the maximum positive number.)
(XPL/I only.)
ADDR(V) A function with numeric value which is the (at most) 24-bit absolute address of the variable (subscripted or not) V.  Mostly used in conjunction with COREWORD or COREBYTE.
If the variable has a subscript, then the returned address is that of a specific array element, rather than of the beginning of the array.  For a CHARACTER or long BIT string (i.e., for BIT(33) through BIT(2048) datatypes), the returned address is that of the descriptor for the variable, and if you want to find the actual data, you then must first fetch the value of the descriptor and then massage it further.  For XPL/I's BASED variables (see IR-182-1 p. 13-3), using the unsubscribed name of the variable for V will return the address in memory where the pointer to the BASED variable's data is stored; whereas adding the subscript (0) to V returns the address of the variable's data itself.

There are two exceptional cases, due to the fact that unlike the original XPL compilers, program code in XCOM-I exists in a separate memory space outside of the simulated XPL memory in which variable exist.  Therefore, attempts to use ADDR(V) to find addresses in code space, such as addresses of XPL built-ins or of program labels, have to be treated very differently than addresses of variables, if sensible results are to be obtained.

Insofar as addresses of runtime-library functions are concerned, the only case I'm aware of is ADDR(DESCRIPTOR).  In this case, ADDR returns the address immediately following COMMON memory.  The reason for this ad hoc behavior is that the XPL/I memory-management system (SPACELIB) uses the location of the built-in variable DESCRIPTOR (see below) to determine the cutoff between COMMON (in low memory) and non-COMMON (in higher memory).  But I realized this fact too late in the development process, after I had made decisions about implementation and memory layout that were incompatible with the interpretation of DESCRIPTOR as a normal variable with the desired properties.
Aside:   It isn't terribly difficult to undo the incompatible design decisions I mentioned, and sometime in the future I may do so.  Technically, I think it's mainly a matter of swapping memory regions 2 and 3.  Again technically, it is necessary for the dope vectors of all BASED variables to reside in the lowest 64K of memory, so it would have the effect of reducing the possible number of non-COMMON BASED variables; fortunately, if existing XPL/I code is any guide, that's a pretty-negligible problem.
Insofar as program labels are concerned, as far as I know, there's no mechanism in XPL itself for using the memory address of a program label.  Consequently, the only reason for finding the address of an XPL program label is that assembly language (in a CALL INLINE) wants either to branch to that address, or else to somehow use the data in another CALL INLINE at that address.  But this notion is based on various assumptions that are false in XCOM-I.   Nevertheless, in spite of that fact, we still need some uniform method of handling such "addresses" that allows ADDR and CALL INLINE to interact smoothly. 

XCOM-I handles addresses of XPL labels as follows:  The labels in any PROCEDURE are assigned a predictable sequence of unique negative addresses.  Thus the first label encountered has the address -1, the second has address -2, and so on.  The addresses are local to the PROCEDURE, and restart at -1 in each PROCEDUREADDR returns these negative addresses.  C implementations of the branch instructions in CALL INLINE statements can exploit that by having a jump table of a form similar to:
switch (address) {
case -1: goto LABEL1;
case -2: goto LABEL2;
Admittedly, this is not a terribly-efficient solution, but C has no practical computed-goto other than this, as far as I'm aware.
A function with numeric value given by the NEth 8 bits of the string described DE.
By "string", A Compiler Generator means either CHARACTER data or BIT data.  As far as BIT data is concerned, this function works for any data-width; i.e., for BIT(1) through BIT(2048), and not just for "long" BIT string.  However, there's some difference between how CHARACTER and BIT data is treated.  BIT data is retrieved from memory as-is, whereas CHARACTER data is transparently translated between EBCDIC encoding (in memory) vs ASCII encoding (for manipulation) by the software.  The latter behavior is specific to XCOM-I, and wouldn't have been needed by the original XCOM, since back then, all CHARACTER data was encoded in EBCDIC all the time, whether or not it resided in "memory".  Moreover, if you try to do so, it is possible to fool XCOM-I's BYTE function into thinking an area of memory is a different datatype than it really is, thus defeating the translation mechanism ... so please don't try to do that.

Note that BYTE can appear either in an expression (such as on the right-hand side of an assignment), in which case it returns a value as just described, or else on the left-hand side of an assignment, in which case it modifies the value stored in memory.  A Compiler Generator recommends not using BYTE on the left-hand side of an assigment, due to the possibility of unintended consequences.

The documentation does not explain what's supposed to happen if NE<0 or NE>=len(DE).  Alas, that's not a theoretical question, because such uses of BYTE really appear in legacy XPL code.  Given the sloppy subscripting accepted by XPL, my guess is that BYTE just grabs whatever happens to reside wherever NE leads it.  Unlike the usual sloppy subscripting in XPL code, this would almost certainly be a mistake by the programmer, because the location of string data in memory is dynamically assigned and liable to change during the course of execution, so the programmer can't really know reliable what lies beyond the bounds of a string.  Thus my guess is that when NE is out of bounds for the string size, it's probably a mistake on the part of the program that was never detected because it never produced any error messages.
Aside: For example, it happens in the SCAN procedure of XCOM, in the vicinity of line 835 at this writing,
CP = 1;                                                          
DO WHILE BYTE(TEXT, CP) = BYTE(' ') & CP <= TEXT_LIMIT;         
CP = CP + 1;                                                 
where TEXT happens to be a string with LEN(TEXT)=1 containing a single blank space, and TEXT_LIMIT=0.  Here, BYTE(TEXT,CP) is out of bounds on the very first iteration of the loop.  In C, if the operands of the & operator were reversed, then BYTE(TEXT,CP) would never be executed, and the problem would be avoided.  But if that kind of optimization of conditionals is a feature of XPL, it's not a feature that's mentioned anywhere to my knowledge, and XCOM-I does not attempt it.
Whether or not that's a true in interpretation, in XCOM-I the BYTE function returns a value of 0 (corresponding to an EBCDIC NUL) if NE is out of bounds, or else silently does nothing at all if on the left-hand side of an assignment.
Same as BYTE(DE,0)
Not supported in XCOM. And it's not supported in XCOM-I either.
A procedure called automatically to repack the free storage area for string data when it is exhausted. Calls can be triggered by ||, INPUT, number-to-string conversions, or an explicit call:
The "free-storage area" is where the data for CHARACTER and long BIT-string variables is stored.  As a program which involves string variables executes, the strings tend to change size and move around in the free-storage area, thus causing unused "holes" in memory to develop.  COMPACTIFY repacks the area so as to remove the holes.
Aside:  While long BIT-strings (>32 bits) are technically similar to CHARACTER strings, they differ in the fact that the amount of storage they require is determined at compile-time and does not change after that.  The original A Compiler Generator and Intermetrics compilers therefore stored them outside of the free-storage area — or at least in the very lowest addresses of the free-string area in order to save any execution time that would otherwise have been wasted during allocation of memory or garbage allocation.  XCOM-I is not so picky, since even the most feeble modern computer will be approximately 14.3926 gazillion times faster than an IBM 360 was.  XCOM-I thus saves (me) a little effort by grouping the long bit strings with the character strings in memory, at an immeasurably-small cost in execution time.
XPL/I's BASED variables are stored in a separate memory region and do not participate in garbage collection by COMPACTIFYSee the earlier discussion of this.
A byte array identical to the IBM System/360 memory.  The subscript is the absolute byte address of the byte selected.  COREBYTE may be used on either side of the replacement operator (i.e., =).
The function returns a FIXED value, if used in an expression, but only the least-significant 8 bits contain the value.  Similarly, if used on the left-hand side of an assignment, it receives a FIXED value from the right-hand side, but only stores the least-significant 8 bits at the specified memory address.  The XCOM-I version of this function performs no EBCDIC translation as BYTE (see above) does, so it does not expect the data in memory to be CHARACTER data.  Whether this will turn out to be an issue remains to be seen.
Like COREBYTE, except the subscript corresponds to the word address in memory.  Thus an assignment to COREBYTE(4) can change COREWORD(1).
Since XPL has only a 24-bit address space, only the least-significant 3 bytes of the "4-byte word address" NE are used.  According to IR-182-1 (p. 13-3), this function differs in XPL/I as follows:
According to "A COMPILER GENERATOR", NE is a word index, or word-aligned address. However, in the Intermetrics version, NE must be a byte address, and the user must himself guarantee that the lower-most two bits are 0's (full word aligned).
I think that what's being implied by this cryptic comment is that A Compiler Generator's COREWORD in XPL worked like this:
  • COREWORD(0) consists of COREBYTE(0) through COREBYTE(3).
  • COREWORD(1) consists of COREBYTE(4) through COREBYTE(7).
  • COREWORD(2) consists of COREBYTE(8) through COREBYTE(11).
  • and so on.

whereas Intermetrics's COREWORD in XPL/I worked like this:

  • COREWORD(0) consists of COREBYTE(0) through COREBYTE(3).
  • COREWORD(1) is illegal.
  • COREWORD(2) is illegal.
  • COREWORD(3) is illegal.
  • COREWORD(4) consists of COREBYTE(4) through COREBYTE(7).
  • COREWORD(5) is illegal.
  • COREWORD(6) is illegal.
  • COREWORD(7) is illegal.
  • COREWORD(8) consists of COREBYTE(8) through COREBYTE(11).
  • COREWORD(9) is illegal.
  • and so on.

To my way of thinking, A Compiler Generator's description doesn't say what IR-182-1 says it says, and unfortunately, A Compiler Generator's clarification that "an assignment to COREBYTE(4) can change COREWORD(1)", does not in fact clarify it very much either.

XCOM-I conforms to the latter (Intermetrics) usage, with the exception that addresses like 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, ... are perfectly fine: COREWORD(1) consists of COREBYTE(1) through COREBYTE(4), and so on. Which conforms just fine to the description in A Compiler Generator as well, if not necessarily to A Compiler Generator's actual usage.

Aside:  In point of fact, COREWORD is not used in any software written in standard XPL that's available to me, so I cannot determine empirically which of these choices (if either) is correct.  If it is somehow discovered later that XCOM3 really does need to behave in the manner Intermetrics claimed that it did, then XCOM-I's --xpl command-line switch will be extended to select between the two behaviors.  But I don't intend to waste any effort implementing that until/unless I have enough evidence to justify it.  For now, it's a moot point.
A function with the numeric value of the date, coded as
(day of year) + 1000 * (year - 1900)
A Compiler Generator doesn't inform us of anything so mundane as the time zone to which the DATE and TIME built-ins relate, at least not in the text of the book. 

I have been told that A Compiler Generator would have use local time here.  The submonitor function supplying this value would appear to be called GETIME, and identical versions of GETIME are used by the XCOM3, XCOM45, and HAL/S-FC submonitors, so if A Compiler Generator used local time, then all other legacy compilers available at present did so as well.  Exactly how GETIME works isn't clear to me.  But if what I understand from looking at the IBM System/360 Operating System MFT Supervisor manual is correct, the IBM 360 seems to have had no conception of UTC at all, or for that matter, of local timezones either; it simply knew whatever time and date the operator  manually input into the system at each power-up, and what the operator was supposed to input was the local time and date.

Consequently, the DATE and TIME built-ins return the local date and time, according to whatever locale your computer is set for.
A word variable initialized with the value of DATE during compilation of the program being run.
See DATE above.
The description of the NEth string as a numeric value.
This cryptic description is referring to the fact that in the way memory is allocated for the variables declared by XCOM, the 32-bit string descriptors for all CHARACTER and BIT(n) (n>32) variables appear consecutively in memory.  By symbolically labeling the very first of those descriptors as DESCRIPTOR, and treating DESCRIPTOR as of the FIXED datatype, DESCRIPTOR becomes an easily-accessible array of all the string descriptors.  This is useful, for example, for memory-management procedures like COMPACTIFY.  The number of elements of the array is given by the built-in NDESCRIPT (see below).
A procedure
which causes an abnormal exit form XPL execution.
In fact, XCOM-I models this a C-language exit(1).
An array-valued pseudovariable for manipulation of random-access bulk storage.  Examples of its use are
FILE(I-1, J) = BUFF;

One record is transferred into or out of the buffer array by the assignments shown above.  FILE cannot appear on both sides of the same assignment. 
I've actually truncated A Compiler Generator's description of FILE, because it is so long and so much of it is specific to IBM System/360, while being quite irrelevant to us.  The key facts are these:
  • "Random access files" may be attached to the running program. 
  • Once attached, they are identified by a "device number" that ranges from 1 to 9. 
  • Each attached random-access file may be for input-only, output-only, or both. 
  • Each of the attached files consists of records of a fixed size.
  • Different files may have different record sizes.
  • These random-access files, and the associated FILE operations, are completely distinct from the "sequential files" (numbered 0 through 9) accessed via the INPUT and OUTPUT functions (see below).
  • Record sizes typically do not change during program execution. (But see the continued comments below.)
By default, no random-access files are attached to programs.  Originally (back in 1970), they were attached at runtime via Job Control Language (JCL) DD cards.  But with programs compiled via XCOM-I, files are attached at program startup by using the program's command-line switches.  The relevant switch is --raf, and multiple instances can be used on the same command line.
The parameters of the --raf switch are:
  • I is either a literal I (for "input"), a literal O (for "output"), or a literal B (for "both input and output"). Note that for O, an empty file will always be created by the program; for B, if there's an existing file of the specified name, then it will be used, but an empty file will be created otherwise.
  • R is the record size associated with the file. 3600 and 7200 are typical values, but not the only ones in use. They must match the expectations of the program's XPL code for using the data.
  • N is the device number, from 1 through 9, to which the file should be attached.
  • F is the relative or absolute path to the file.

In spite of what I said above, the XPL/I documentation (IR-182-1, p. 13-5) does describe one way to change the record size of a random-access file once the program has begun operation, and that is via a call to MONITOR(4,R,N) (see below), where R and N have the same meanings as for --raf. It also tells us that such a call must precede the first use of FILE(N). XCOM-I relaxes this restriction, though it seems that the original restriction should be treated as very good advice to follow. Note, by the way, that the call to MONITOR(4,R,N) has no way to distinguish between input files and output files, so its record-size manipulation is applied simultaneously to input file N and output file N, if they differ.

A word variable containing the absolute address of the top of constant strings and thus the bottom of the repackable area.
In XCOM-I, this is implemented as a function rather than a variable, and is not directly modifiable by user code. 

What the description from the original documentation is trying to say is that most kinds of variables — such as FIXED or BIT(1) types, or descriptors for CHARACTER or long BIT-string types, or arrays thereof, or pointers to BASED variables — are stored in memory at low addresses determined at compile time, and remain unchanged in address thereafter.  In contrast, data for CHARACTER variables can grow or shrink or move at runtime.  FREEBASE is the boundary between those regions of memory.

In XCOM-I, data allocated at runtime via the MONITOR(6,...) or MONITOR(19,...) function (see below), sometimes for storing data of for BASED variables, also appears above the FREEBASE boundary.
A word variable containing the absolute address of the last usable byte in the string-data area.
I believe that the description lies, and that FREELIMIT is the first unusable byte beyond the string-data area, rather than the last usable byte in it.

In XPL, all memory beyond FREELIMIT is unused by the program.  In XPL/I, the data for BASED variables is stored at FREELIMIT and above.  However, the memory-management technique for is to push FREELIMIT downward in order to make room for BASED variables.  So for either XPL or XPL/I, the initial value of FREELIMIT is the highest memory location used by the program.  XCOM-I sets the initial value of FREELIMIT at "FFFC00" (i.e., 1024 bytes below the top of physical memory), in order to leave a small amount of space for COMPACTIFY to use as scratch memory.
A word variable containing the absolute address of the next free byte in the string-data area.  When FREEPOINT passes FREELIMIT, COMPACTIFY must be called.
In other words, at any given time, only the memory region between FREEPOINT and FREELIMIT is available for dynamically-allocating new free memory for BASED variables or CHARACTER variables.  as the program continues to execute, dynamic memory allocation and subsequent memory-freeing may cause FREEPOINT to steadily creep upward, and the area from FREEBASE to FREEPOINT to become increasingly fully of unusable holes.  Eventually, COMPACTIFY will be automatically called, repacking the data to eliminate the holes, and moving FREEPOINT downward in memory once again.
Inserts arbitrary IBM System/360 machine code directly into the instruction stream.
The applicability of the original functionality has change drastically in the 55 years (as of this writing) since A Compiler Generator was written.  XCOM-I provides three different mechanisms for supporting direct insertion of inline non-XPL code, none of which are identical to those in A Compiler Generator.  Thankfully, no available legacy standard XPL program I've encountered contains any CALL INLINE statements, so the difficulties presented by them are limited to XPL/I code such as HAL/S-FC.

Support mechanism 1:  insertion of C code

You can use
CALL INLINE('C-language source code');
to insert an arbitrary string of C-language source code directly into the instruction stream.  If the string contains newline characters ('\n'), then a single INLINE can insert multiple lines of C code.  But recall that an XPL string can be no longer than 256 characters, so the inserted C code can be no longer than 256 characters in any one CALL INLINE statement.

Support mechanism 2:  insertion of IBM 360 machine code

XCOM-I will automatically translate IBM 360 machine code to C.  Full-blown IBM 360 emulation is not provided, but support is available for those IBM 360 instructions used in XPL code I have personally encountered, which includes the entire source-code base of HAL/S-FC.  Instructions that are not (yet) supported cause compilation to abort.

This feature is not normally enabled.  You must use the XCOM-I command-line switch --auto-inline to enable it.

Support mechanism 3:  other

If --auto-inline is not enabled (see support mechanism 2 above), any CALL INLINE statements not caught by support mechanism 1 are commented out by default, but "patched" with C code if a "patch file" is available.    This important but far from automatic mechanism is the topic of a later section.
A function with descriptor value specifying the next record on input file NE.
I've truncated A Compiler Generator's rather roundabout description, because I don't find it very informative as-is to more-modern readers.

What A Compiler Generator is trying to say is that any given program can have several files attached to it for so-called sequential input.  You can think of these files as consisting of lines of text, and you can read them, one text-line at a time, by using the INPUT built-in function.  For the original A Compiler Generator XCOM (or the Intermetrics version of XCOM), the text in the sequential files would have been encoded in EBCDIC, but for use with XCOM-I they are encoded in ASCII.

Because XPL comes from the era and computing environment it did, it expects input to be supplied on computer punch cards.  As such, it expects lines of input to actually be 80 columns wide, even if they need to be padded by spaces to do so.  Not all XPL programs have problems with lines of other lengths have a problem with lines of a different length, but some do.  Notably, the original XCOM is one of the programs that behaves incorrectly unless it gets its way.  Because of that, XCOM-I's built-in INPUT function transparently truncates lines to 80 columns or pads them 80 columns as necessary.

There are up to 9 input files attached to the program, numbered, 0 through 9 — yes, I know that's 10 files, but just keep reading — and you access them via those "device numbers".  For example,
C = INPUT(5);

reads a single line from sequential file number 5 into the variable C.
Important: These "sequential files" and the INPUT mechanism are completely separate from the "random-access files" described in FILE's notes earlier!
By default, there is a single sequential file attached to the program, though it is attached to both device number 0 and device number 1.  The default attached file is stdin, and thus any text piped into the program via a redirector (<) on the program's command line will be available on both INPUT(0) and INPUT(1).
Aside:  In case you're wondering, I don't think that the reason two separate devices are associated with stdin is very deep or interesting.  I imagine it's just kind of symmetric to the fact that OUTPUT(0) and OUTPUT(1) (see below) are both attached by default to stdout.  In situations like this I'm tempted to quote Emerson — "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" — but I suspect the decision was pragmatic rather than foolish.
There's no explanation or obvious provision in the documentation for what happens when an end-of-file is reached, and XCOM-I makes no particular provision for it either.  I suppose it must depend on the particular program.  For example, some XPL programs assume that a blank line terminates a file.  Other programs may look for special patterns, such as the string "EOF".  XCOM-I returns an empty string for reads past the end of the file.

Additional input files can be attached via the program's command-line switch --ddi:
Here, F is the pathname to the file, and N is the device number to which it should be attached.  By the way, if you want to debug your program once it has been translated by XCOM-I to C and then the C has been compiled to an exectuable, I've sometimes found piping input into the program via a command-line redirector (<) to be somewhat problematic.  It's handy in those situations to override the default attachment of stdin to device 0 by using --ddi=0,F instead of piping. 

There is no way to change the attachments once the program is running, although there are MONITOR calls (see below) which can close attached files at runtime.

In XPL/I, there's an additional alternative, in which Partioned Data Set (PDS) files can be attached for use by INPUT instead of sequential files. A PDS is partitioned into sections, each with its own 8-character identifying name (right-padded with blanks if necessary).  An attempted read past the end of a partition returns an empty string.

Only one partition of the PDS is available via INPUT at any given time, but
(see below) can be used at any time to switch device N to the partition whose name is contained in the string called NAME.  The value returned, F, is 0 if the switch was successful, or 1 if there was no such partition.

A PDS is thus similar to a folder of sequential files, with the partition names corresponding to filenames within the folder. 

By default, no there is no PDS attached to programs.  However, a PDS can be attached for input via the program's command-line switch --pdsi:
Because of PDS similarity to folders, that's how they're implemented in XCOM-I. So F should be the pathname of a folder, and the partitions should be ASCII text files within the folder.  N, of course, is the device number on which the attachment is to be made.  However, no specific partition is selected for reading until the necessary MONITOR(2, N, NAME) call has been made.
Same as INPUT(0)

Not supported in XCOM.
Not supported in XCOM-I.
A function with the numeric value equal to the number of characters in the string denoted by the parameter.

This function returns the number of lines which have been printed on the SYSPRINT file since the last page eject.
(XPL/I only.)  "SYSPRINT" refers to OUTPUT(0) and OUTPUT(1) (see below).
This procedure performs the functions necessary to exit the current program phase and pass control to the next phase on the PROGRAM DD sequence, preserving COMMON data and any other dynamically allocated space which has not been deallocated.
(XPL/I only.)  This refers to the notion that a sequence of XPL/I programs is being run via Job Control Language (JCL), with each program passing data to the next program in sequence.  However, this LINK built-in is specific to the original computing environment, and performs no function in XCOM-I, which has a different mechanism sharing data between program passes.  Refer to the extensive discussion concerning COMMON memory.
Calls the "submonitor".
The "submonitor" is a separate program from whatever XPL or XPL/I program is being compiled and run, providing some kine of system-specific functionality.  In so far as A Compiler Generator is concerned, the submonitor's functionality and even its calling sequence was unknowable, and thus the A Compiler Generator XCOM system simply discarded all calls to the submonitor.

Not so with XPL/I: There is an extensive set of functions provided by the submonitor, and the XPL/I program HAL/S-FC uses them extensively as well, so XCOM-I needs to support them.  Most (I hope!) but not all submonitor functions are known from their descriptions in section 13.3 of IR-182-1.  Besides which, HAL/S-FC source code contains the source code for MONITOR (written in IBM 360 Basic Assembly Language), from which additional information can be obtained.

Because of the complexity of MONITOR, an entire separate section is devoted to explaining it.
A fixed array which can be used for transmission of information between a program and the submonitor.
(See Table 8.4.6 in A Compiler Generator.)  I'm not presently aware of any need to implement this in XCOM-I.  However, there are MONITOR functions (see above) whose operations remain a mystery, so there's a possibility that that could change.
A word variable containing the upper bound in the array DESCRIPTOR (see above) of the descriptions.
This is the analog of INPUT (see above) but for outputting textual data rather than inputting it.
Most of the comments concerning INPUT (see above) are directly applicable to OUTPUT, or else are analogous in a very obvious way, so I'll try to confine my remarks to the clear differences between the two.

The most common use of OUTPUT is to "print" to the "SYSPRINT" device.  Unlike the original XCOM computing environment, in which SYSPRINT was an actual printer, in XCOM-I SYSPRINT by default refers to stdout.  And by default, stdout is attached to both OUTPUT(0) and OUTPUT(1). But there are differences between the two!  Use of OUTPUT(0) is simpler, and therefore more common, but OUTPUT(1) is more flexible.  Let's start with OUTPUT(0).

Output statements via OUTPUT(0) might look something like this:
OUTPUT(0) = 'Hello, world!';
OUTPUT(0) = 'Hello' || ',' || ' ' || 'world' || '!';
OUTPUT(0) = 'This is OUTPUT statement number ' || 3;
OUTPUT(0) = 25;

Thus we can print any character strings or numbers we like, and can concatenate them using the string-concatenation operator (||), with XCOM-I doing the work of automatically converting numbers to strings where necessary.

Each use of OUTPUT(0) results in another physical line being printed.  When printing messages with OUTPUT, since it is expected that the lines are being output to a physical printer, the system keeps track of the number of lines being printed, and automatically inserts page breaks in the output once a page has been filled up.  At the tops of pages, a page number and optional headings and subheadings are also printed.  The headings and subheadings, though, are simply whatever has been previously set up, and you can't change them or otherwise influence them using OUTPUT(0).

With OUTPUT(1), on the other hand, there's quite a bit of additional functionality.  For example, it isn't necessarily true that each use of OUTPUT(1) prints another line.  The first character of each OUTPUT(1) isn't directly printed, but instead is a "carriage-control character" (or "ANSI control character"), as follows:
  • ' ' (i.e., a space) — Single-space the line and print. This is the same behavior as OUTPUT(0): i.e., any line you print to OUTPUT(0), you could instead prefix it with a space character and send it to OUTPUT(1) instead.
  • '0' — Double-space the line and print.
  • '-' — Triple-space the line and print.
  • '+' — Overstrike the preceding line. In other words, go back to column 1, without advancing to the next line, and then print the remainder of the string. Unfortunately, that's behavior suitable for a physical printer, but not really for outputting text to stdout on most computers today.  Yes, we may be able to emulate it using strange maneuvers which most computers aren't set up for, but not in any universal, easily-set-up way.  So in XCOM-I, the string is instead printed on a new line, almost as if the ANSI control character had been ' '  (see above) rather than '+'.  Almost!  You see, what these overstruck lines are mostly used for is underlining text.  In HAL/S-FC, for example, text which has undergone replacement via macro expansion is underlined in compiler reports.  The temptation is to mimic underlining by using underscore characters (_), but when underscore characters are printed on a separate line from the text they're underlining, they don't really look like underlining, but rather like overlining on the succeeding line ... which while it may be better than nothing, is absolutely not what you want it to look like!  XCOM-I thus takes a slightly-different approach:  It replaces such underscores by carats (^), which in my opinion are more-effective visually.  For example, where one would have gotten something like
... MYTEXT ... 
on a line printer back in the olden times, today with XCOM-I you'll instead see the uglier but still effective
... MYTEXT ...

  • '1' — Form feed. I.e., advance to the top of the next page, regardless of how many left-over lines remain on the current page. In XCOM-I, this is accomplished by embedding the ASCII form-feed character ('\l') in the output.
  • 'H' — Heading line. This doesn't print anything, but takes the remainder of the line and sets it as the heading for subsequent pages.
  • '2' — Subheading line. This doesn't print anything, but takes the remainder of the line and sets it as the subheading for subsequent pages.
Note:  What this explanation of OUTPUT(1) fails to explain is what happens if the string doesn't have a first character; i.e., what if it's empty?  Well, the obvious response would be that that would be an illegal use.  Unfortunately for us, that obvious fact didn't stop some of the coders of HAL/S-FC from strewing their code — perhaps an exaggeration — with assignments OUTPUT(1) = '', thus forcing us to deal with it.  Lacking any particular rationale for what such a thing might mean, XCOM-I treats it as OUTPUT(0) = ''; i.e., it prints a newline.
If you experiment with OUTPUT(1), and even to a certain extent with OUTPUT(0), you may become very confused, because various things won't work as you expect.  Or at least, I was very confused at first.  To get past this confusion, you need to grasp the following
Very important point:  For the computer systems most people are familiar with today, when we print a line of text, we expect that line of text to end with an implicit advance to the next line; i.e., with a "newline" character, often signified in programming languages by '\n'.  Whereas in System/360 (and therefore in XPL or XPL/I), the implicit newline occurs prior to the text being printed by the OUTPUT command.  I.e., today we typically ask ourselves "what happens at the end of the line"", whereas for XPL you need to ask "what happens at the beginning of the line?".
Similarly to INPUT, you can attach additional sequential output files (F) on device numbers (N),
Or for Partitioned Data Sets,
For selecting partitions of a PDS, you don't use the same MONITOR call as for INPUT, but instead use:
OUTPUT commands targets for a PDS don't immediately write data to the physical PDS.  Rather, the data being output is buffered in memory until the MONITOR(1, N, NAME) call occurs, and the data is then written out to the selected partition in its entirety.  The return value (F) is 0 if the partition is new (i.e., if it didn't previously exist in the PDS), while it is 1 if the partion previously existed but has now been overwritten with entirely new contents.
The same as OUTPUT(0).

This function returns a character string which contains the entire parameter specification coded on the PARM= option on the EXEC card.  If no PARM is specified, a null string will be returned.
(XPL/I only.)  A program of any complexity generally has a number of options selectable at runtime.  For XPL/I programs like HAL/S-FC, the mechanism for selecting such options was originally a Job Control Language (JCL) card such as:
Thus, PARM_FIELD would have had the value 'SYTSIZE=1800,REFSIZE=20000,LISTING2,$I,$V,$U,$W' in such a case.

In XCOM-I, PARM_FIELD is implemented as a function rather than a variable, but nevertheless returns data of the kind described.  Of course, there is no JCL supplying such parameters, but the compiled program nevertheless has a command-line option that does the same job:
Aside: Depending on your operating system, some trickery may be involved in correctly forming such a command-line option.  In Linux or (I suppose) Mac OS, the command shell expects the dollar sign ($) to indicate that the value of an environment variable is desired.  In other words, if the string in the command-line option shown above had no quotes, then (for example) $I would be replaced by the value of the environment-variable I ... probably a blank!  And the same thing would happen if the option were enclosed in double-quotes.  But by using single-quotes, we defeat that substitution, and $I is reported in PARM_FIELD literally as $I.  Alternate tricks to defeating substitution could include using the backslash ('\') escape character in front of all dollar signs ($). 

Aside: It has been decades since I used Windows in any serious way, so I don't really know whether there's any similar problem with it.  Probably not.


(XPL/I only.)  IR-182-1 doesn't mention it, but it appears to me that RECORD_WIDTH is a new built-in in XPL/I which when given the symbolic name of a BASED variable returns the variable's record size (in bytes).  In HAL/S-FC's XPL/I source code (the only available example of use of RECORD_WIDTH), I find it used only for a couple of BASED RECORD variables, which makes sense according to the naming, but I have no way to tell just from those few examples what the actual applicability was.  In XCOM-I, it will work for any BASED variable, RECORD or not.
This procedure establishes the number of lines which will be printed on the SYSPRINT file before an automatic page eject and header line will be printed.
(XPL/I only.)  See OUTPUT(NE).
A function with the numeric value given by shifting the value of NE1 left (logical shift, zeroes appear in the least significant bit position) the number of positions indicated by the value of NE2.
One point I found confusing for quite a while is that you'd suppose that logical shifts would operate on BIT variables, and particularly on long-BIT variables, for which XPL provides no conveniences at all for accessing individual bits.  Not so!  SHL operates only on FIXED values, and can only shift by up to 32 positions.  BIT variables are converted to FIXED if shift operations on them are needed.
Logical shift right.  SHL and SHR are used in conjunction with &, |, and ¬ for masking and data packing.
But recall that it is preferable to use ~ rather than ¬ with XCOM-I.

This function transforms the variable NE (which should be FIXED for proper usage) into a CHARACTER descriptor.  NE should have the form:

Length - 1
 Data Address
8 bits
24 bits

(XPL/I only.) I admit that the description at left is confusing.  The whole concept is confusing.  Here's my take on it:  I believe that STRING is used in one of two situations:
  • You have an IDENTIFIER for a CHARACTER variable, and you want the string descriptor for the string contained in that variable; or
  • By some kind of arithmetical process, a INTEGER value has been created that you want to treat as a string descriptor.
These are respectively equivalent to

XCOM-I implements STRING using these equivalences, and there is no runtime library function as such that's called STRING.

To make things a bit more confusing, STRING is the one built-in I'm aware of that is also commonly used as a name for a variable. If names of built-ins are declared as variables (or procedures), the user's declaration overrides the built-in for the scope of the declaration.

This function returns a TRUE value if the contents of string DE1 is greater than the contents of string DE2, based on the collating sequence of the characters, irrespective of the lengths of DE1 and DE2. Otherwise, the value is FALSE. This is functionally equivalent to padding the shorter of DE1 or DE2 with blanks and then comparing the strings.
(XPL/I only.)  If this seems confusing, it may be helpful to recall that when the XPL relational operators <, >, <=, and >= compare two CHARACTER values, they look first at the lengths of the values, and only if the lengths are equal do they compare the actual character data.  For example,
'ZZZ' < 'AAAA'
because 'ZZZ' has only 3 characters, while 'AAAA' has 4.  Presumably STRING_GT was introduced because somebody at Intermetrics didn't think that kind of behavior was great, and thus STRING_GT('ZZZ', 'AAAA') will report instead that 'ZZZ' is greater than 'AAAA'.

The collating sequence in either case is EBCDIC rather than the more-usual ASCII.  The primary visually-obvious consequence of this is that digits come after letters rather than before them.
A function with descriptor value specifying the substring of the string specified by DE, starting at position with NE1 with length NE2.
I.e., it allocates and returns a new string created by taking a substring of length NE2, starting at position NE1 in string DE.
Like the above except that all characters from NE to the end of the string are taken.

A function with numeric value given by the time-of-day coded as centiseconds since midnight.
See the notes for the DATE function above.
A word variable initialized with the value of TIME during compilation of the program.
TIME (see above) isn't literally available during compilation.  Moreover, XCOM-I implements this as a function rather than as a variable, which should be transparent to the programmer. 
A procedure,
which causes activation of the instruction-by-instruction trace at runtime.
This is described in quite a lot of detail in A Compiler Generator's Appendix 2.  At present, it is accepted during compilation but does nothing at runtime in code generated by XCOM-I.
A procedure,
which turns off run-time trace.
An array of length 2 — actually a function in the XCOM-I runtime library — in which the first element is the major version of the XPL compiler (XCOM-I in this case), and the second element is the minor version, both in the range 0-99.
This is just speculation on my part, based on how an undeclared variable with this name is used when it appears a couple of times in PASS2 of HAL/S-FC.  Nearby code also provides the interesting information that the XPL version name is "TITAN--XPL".  You may recall my earlier observation that Intermetrics merged with Titan Corporation in March 2000, which is obviously the origin of the "TITAN" portion of the name.  The other interesting  point is that no effort is made to distinguish it in any way from standard XPL.

Of course, I have no inkling whatever of how the versions for the Intermetrics/Titan XPL compiler were numbered.  I was tempted to set the major version to 32 and the minor version to 0, but that would only serve to obscure the fact that XCOM-I is in fact not TITAN--XPL, nor even related to it other than that I've tried to imitate it.  Instead, XCOM-I will always return a major and minor versions appropriate to itself:  major = 0 preliminary versions, 1 for first release, and so on.

As an ad hoc measure, XCOM-I also transparently performs string substitions replacing 'TITAN--XPL', wherever it may be found, by 'RSB-XCOM-I'.

The MONITOR Built-In Runtime-Library Function

As mentioned before, an XPL/I program obtained various services outside what the XPL/I language proper or runtime library could provide, by instead making requests to the separate "submonitor" program. The mechanism was a call of the MONITOR procedure. For XCOM-I, on the other hand, there is no separate submonitor program, and we may as well think of MONITOR as being just another built-in runtime-library function. Well, not just any runtime-library function. A big difference is that it provides a very large number of functions, each one of which can require its own unique syntax, thus necessitating a somewhat more-flexible discussion of how to use it.

The only uniform feature among the many aspects of MONITOR usage is that each separate function it provides is identified by a number, and such a function number is passed to MONITOR as its first parameter. My explanations in the table below are mostly pulled from Chapter 13 of IR-182-1, and then altered according to my understanding (or lack thereof). Functions 24 through 32 are deduced, poorly, from the HAL/S-FC BAL source-code file for the submonitor program (which happens to be called "MONITOR").

A number of the MONITOR(...) functions work with what's called "IBM hexadecimal floating-point" format, and specifically to the 64-bit (double-precision) version of that format, as opposed to the 32-bit (single-precision) version of it. To make the discussion more concise, I'll just refer to it as "DP floating point".

To be perfectly clear, there is no floating-point datatype in XPL/I, there are no floating-point literal constants, and there is no provision whatever to make it convenient for you (the programmer!) to hard-code such constants into your XPL source code, nor to interpret any such hexadecimal constants you find within legacy source code. Rather, you must somehow obtain the hexadecimal equivalents for whatever floating-point constants you wish to use, and then hard-code those hexadecimals into your code. For your convenience — or more accurately, for mine — I've included a little utility called that you can use to convert back-and-forth between human-readable floating-point numbers and DP floating point. Just run --help for instructions. This little utility can either be run in a stand-alone fashion, or else you can import it as a Python module. But I digress!

To understand DP floating point, imagine 8 groups of 8 bits each:


where S is the sign, E is the exponent, and F is the fraction. (SP floating point is the same, but with 3 FFFFFFFF-groups rather than 7 of them.) The exponent is a power of 16, biased by 64, and thus represents 16-64 through 1663. The fraction is an unsigned number, of which the leftmost bit represents 1/2, the next bit represents 1/4, and so on. As a special case, 0 is encoded as all zeroes.

For example, the 64-bit hexadecimal pair 0x42640000 0x00000000 parses as:

or in total, 1100100 (binary), or 100 decimal.

As in the preceding section, I want to make it clear that the descriptions given here are how the XCOM-I runtime library's MONITOR functions work, and not how the original MONITOR functions as confined to an IBM 360 runtime environment worked!

MONITOR Functions
Description From Original Documentation
Additional Notes
Closes output file n.
I believe this refers to the sequential file or PDS attached for use with OUTPUT(n), and not the random-access file (if any) attached for use with FILE(n).
Assumes that a PDS is attached to output device n.  Physically writes any data previously buffered in memory by OUTPUT(n) operations into the PDS's member named name.  The name parameter is a string 8 characters long, padded with blanks as necessary.  Returns 0 if the member hadn't existed previously in the PDS, or 1 if the contents of an existing member of that name was replaced.

Assumes that a PDS is attached to input device n.  Sets future INPUT(n) operations to pull data from the PDS's member named name.  The name parameter is a string 8 characters long, padded with blanks as necessary.  Returns 0 if the member was found, or 1 if it was not found.
The end-of-data for the member is detected when an input string of 0 length is encountered.

IR-182-1 asserts that devices 4 and 7 have the following abnormal ad hoc behavior very specific to HAL/S-FC.  A PDS called "INCLUDE" is normally attached to input device 4, while either "INCLUDE" or "OUTPUT6" is normally attached to input device 7.  But member name  is sought in device 4 or 7, then name is first sought in "INCLUDE" but upon failure is then sought in "OUTPUT6".
Closes input file n. I believe this refers to the sequential file or PDS attached for use with INPUT(n), and not the random-access file (if any) attached for use with FILE(n).
Changes the record size of random-access file n to b.  Must precede the first use of FILE(n).

Sets the location of the double-word work area (DW) for subsequent use by MONITOR(9,...) and MONITOR(10,...).
DW is meant to be literal here, at least for HAL/S-FC, and should not be replaced by anything else.

DW refers to an array of FIXED variables used in pairs, to hold 64-bit values. In particular, these pairs are often used to hold double-precision floating-point numbers in IBM System/360 format.   MONITOR(9,op) (see below) is then capable of performing various arithmetical operations on those numbers.  Since XPL/I itself has no facilities for floating-point variables or operations on them, this workaround is the only available way to employ floating-point numbers in XPL/I programs.

In legacy HAL/S code, I've found that at least 14 words of memory are needed for this work area.  In the XCOM-I implementation, the
MONITOR(5) call is rejected within 14 words of the end of memory.
Allocates n bytes of storage in free memory, clearing that memory to 0, and assigns the pointer of the basedVariable to point to that newly-allocated space.  Returns 0 upon success, or 1 upon failure.
It would be natural to suppose that MONITOR(6) is the mechanism used to allocate memory for BASED variables declared in the XPL/I code.  In general, this is not true.  Memory for BASED variables declared in user XPL code comes from a large pre-allocated contiguous block of memory, and the sub-allocations of individual BASED variables within that large block are managed using means other than MONITOR(6) and MONITOR(7).
Aside:  It appears to me that once upon a time, the intention may indeed have been for BASED variables to be managed by MONITOR(6).  The evidence for this is a procedure called DESCRIPTOR_MONITOR in SPACELIB, which does try to allocate or deallocate space for BASED variables in just that fashion.  However, DESCRIPTOR_MONITOR is never called, and some of the variables upon which it depends are never declared, making DESCRIPTOR_MONITOR uncompilable.  (XCOM-I transparently deletes it, and other functions which are never called.)   But in spite of the historical evidence of DESCRIPTOR_MONITOR, I see no such behavior in any of the active code, with a single exception:  The memory-management system itself (i.e., SPACELIB) does have a BASED variable, DX, which it continues to manage using MONITOR(6) and MONITOR(7).
My observation is that MONITOR(6) must update more of the basedVariable than just its pointer to its data.   Recall that a BASED variable is associated with a 28-byte structure known as a "dope vector", of which the pointer to the data comprises only bytes 0-3.  Beyond that, bytes 4-5 give the sizes (in bytes) of each record, while bytes 8-11 give the total number of records allocated so far.  (Not to be confused with the total number of records in use; for growth, more records may have been allocated than were strictly needed at that moment.)  While MONITOR(6) may not need an entire dope vector to be present at the address it has been given, it needs the first 12 bytes to be present, so that it can use/update the fields just mentioned.  I don't see evidence of that in the submonitor source code, but then I don't fully understand that source code; at any rate, this is how XCOM-I treats it.

Note that MONITOR(6) increases the size of basedVariable by n bytes; it does not set the size to n bytes.
Frees memory previously allocated via MONITOR(6,ADDR(basedVariable),n).  However, basedVariable's pointer is not changed, and thus will continue to point to the freed area until explicitly changed.
See the comments for MONITOR(6)

If n is less than the total number of bytes allocated for basedVariable, then the number of records available in basedVariable has shrunk, but basedVariable continues to be usable, with a reduced number f records.

Although described as having the address of a BASED variable as a parameter, this isn't entirely true.  It is also sometimes the address of a FIXED variable.
CALL MONITOR(8, dev, filenum);
Apparently, the use of MONITOR(8) changed after the only documentation of it (in IR-182-1) was produced, leaving us to try to infer its usage from context in the HAL/S-FC and MONITOR's source code.  The purpose seems to be to change the association of files to device numbers, à la DD's in JCL, but to do so dynamically during execution rather than statically at program startup. 

The dev parameter, an integer, would appear to be the logical device number as used in an XPL INPUT(dev) or OUTPUT(dev) (or in a HAL/S READ(dev) or WRITE(dev)).

The filenum parameter is trickier for me to understand, because I'm unclear how DD in JCL associates a dataset name with a file number, so take what I say with a grain of salt.  My inference, subject to change, is that if you have a dataset identified with the DD name "INPUTn" (where n is a digit), then that is filenum=n; whereas a dataset named "OUTPUTn" is associated with filenum="80000000"|n.  Recall that "80000000" is XPL-speak for 0x80000000.  So the filenum is implicit in the dataset name, and the most-significant bit is used to indicate the direction of data flow.

For example, INPUT(4) invocations might normally input data from INPUT4, but you could associate it instead with INPUT2 via
CALL MONITOR(8, 4, "80000000" | 2);
and then reassociate it later with INPUT4 via
CALL MONITOR(8, 4, "80000000" | 4);
The description "Set PDS DDNAME" I've given as the description comes from the associated program comment in MONITOR.bal, the source-code for the MONITOR procedure.  It would seem to imply that it has something specifically do with Partitioned Data Sets (PDS).  It's difficult to see why that would be so; I think it merely reflects the specific usage in HAL/S-FC, which indeed relates to PDS.  The XCOM-I runtime library allows it to be used for and PDS or sequential dataset.  It is not applicable to random-access files.

Of course, there is no JCL, and consequently no DD statements, associated with an XPL or XPL/I file compiled with XCOM-I, nor with a HAL/S file compiled with HAL/S-FC.  The description above has to be applied instead to command-line switches in a hopefully-obvious way.
Performs floating point evaluation as specified by value of op.  Operands are obtained from work area whose address was set up via a MONITOR(5) call. The first operand is taken from the first double word of the work area and the second operand from the second double word. The result is placed in the first double word of the work area. The return code is 0 if the operation succeeds, or 1 if the operation fails (under or overflow).

The values of op are:
arg1 + arg2
arg1 - arg2
arg1 * arg2
arg1 / arg2

"arg1" refers to the DP floating-point number stored in the pair of work-area valued DW(0),DW(1).

"arg2" refers to the DP floating-point number stored in the pair of work-area valued DW(2),DW(3).

The DP floating-point result of the operation is stored back into DW(0),DW(1), although not all of the operations can necessarily produce results of full DP accuracy from DP operands.

The angular unit for trigonometric operations is the radian.

Note that the values stored in these registers of the work-area are in the binary format of "IBM hexadecimal floating-point", which are not used anywhere else in XPL memory (unless copied from the working area).
Performs character to DP floating-point conversion upon characters in string. The return code is 0 if the result is valid, or 1 if conversion was not possible. The result is placed in the first double word of the work area provided by the MONITOR(5) call.
In other words, string is interpreted as a DP floating-point number and stored in DW(0),DW(1).  Any of the usual representations for decimal numbers are accepted in the string, including the usual E notation for exponents.

Converts floating-point number in the first double word of the work area to standard HAL/S character form. Value of p indicates whether the operand is SP (p=0) or DP (p=8).
In other words, this is the inverse of MONITOR(10,string) (see above).

As far as the "standard HAL/S character form" is concerned, it's described in HAL/S documentation (Programming in HAL/S, p. 3) as follows:
  • 0.0: Printed as " 0.0" (notice the leading space).
  • Positive: Printed as " d.ddd...E±ee"
  • Negative: Printed as "-d.ddd...E±ee"
Except for the special case 0.0, the number of printed fractional digits is always the same, although we're not told exactly how many that it is:  merely that it is "implementation dependent".  I believe, without any basis — and therefore XCOM-I implements — that the number of fractional digits is chosen to provide the maximum accuracy, which is 6 for single precision and 15 for double precision.
Performs DELETE of current option processor and then LOADs an option processor specified by name. The option processor loaded is called and passed a pointer to the PARM field in effect at the time of compiler invocation. The option processor passes the PARM field and establishes an options table (see Chapter 9 [of document IR-182-1]) whose address is passed back as a return value.  If name is a null string, the pointer to the existing options table is returned.
See the earlier discussion concerning program options.  In brief, each XPL or XPL/I program has some defined set of "Type 1" options and "Type 2" options.  The former are binary (on/off) options, whereas the latter are options with integer or string values.

MONITOR(13,name) returns an address which is used by the XPL program to find options settings for it that have been set up by the run-time library.  In C terms, it's the equivalent for argv[] but with more behind-the-scenes interpretation of the parameters.  Those program options would originally have been provided by the Job Control Language (JCL) which initiated execution of the program, by means a "PARM field" given on one of the JCL cards.  For example, in the JCL

the PARM field is the string 'SYTSIZE=1800,REFSIZE=20000,LISTING2,$I,$V,$U,$W', and the comma-delimited items are the individual options selected.  Presumably, the operating system wouldn't have been able to directly interpret the meaning of this PARM field on its own, since the types of options would have been specific to the program being run.  So an "option processor" specific to the allowed parameters must be loaded to perform that interpretation.  In the case of the Intermetrics version of HAL/S-FC, the particular options processor for compiler pass 1 was name='COMPOPT ', whereas it was an empty string for passes 2 and 3, and 'LISTOPT ' for pass 4.  (Note the trailing spaces to make the non-empty strings come out to 8 characters.  These trailing spaces are not required in XCOM-I.) 

Again, just to be doubly clear, MONITOR(13) provides access to options settings not for XCOM or XCOM-I, but rather for the XPL program being compiled by XCOM-I, and specifically for HAL/S-FC.

XCOM-I supports the pre-existing built-in options processors 'COMPOPT', 'LISTOPT' and 'MONOPT'.  (MONOPT provides the parameters described in A Compiler Generator but they are passed to the XPL/I program in the Intermetrics manner rather than being confined to the submonitor as in A Compiler Generator.)  Plus, it is possible (as described in the discussion of program options) for the user to define their own custom options processor called 'USEROPT'.  Whenever MONITOR(13) is called, it saves the name and the PARM field to a file called "monitor13.parms".  If called with an empty name, or more typically as MONITOR(13,0), it simply reloads the contents of monitor13.parms and reuses those.

The address returned by MONITOR(13) is a pointer in memory to the beginning of a block of 6 consecutive FIXED values:
  • The first is a FIXED value (called OPTIONS_CODE or OPTION_BITS) that collects 32 bit flags, each of them (in principle) itself representing a type 1 (on/off) option. Refer to the source-code files COMPOPT.bal, LISTOPT.bal, and MONOPT.bal (in the MONITOR.ASM folder of the HAL/S-FC source code) for the detailed list of which options correspond to which of the 32 bits.
  • The remaining five values are the pointer addresses for BASED FIXED arrays: CON, PRO, TYPE2, VALS, NPVALS (or MONVALS), each of which the options processor has already allocated memory for and equipped with data:
    • CON: This is an array of string descriptors for the selected type 1 options. HAL/S-FC uses it just for printing a report in pass 1, while using OPTIONS_CODE in place of it for any more-significant purpose. Our earlier section on program options lists the order in which the parameters appear in CON.
    • PRO: In principle, this is like CON, but instead contains the opposites of the selected options. For example, if "LISTING2" appears in CON, then "NOLISTING2" appears in PRO.
    • TYPE2: This array contains the names (as string descriptors) of options of type 2 (i.e., options which can be assigned value other than on/off). They are presented in the order listed in the discussion of program options.
    • VALS: This array contains the values of the options of type 2, in the same order as the names in the TYPE2 array. Once again, see the discussion of program options.
    • NPVALS/MONVALS: This is like CON/PRO, except that in principle it contains values of options which are not among the list printed by HAL/S-FC, which roughly speaking, is half of them.
For creating Simulation Data Files.  The value of n selects a function; the value of a supplies supplementary data:

n Function
option flags
area address
Stow & Close
member name

Unfortunately, the only documentation of this is from 1976, and it may be somewhat preliminary in nature.

For example, from the source code of HALS/FC (see the OUTPUT_SDF procedure in PASS3), the function numbers (n) appear to be 0, 4, and 8 (rather than 0, 1, and 2 as it says in the description to the neighboring column).

It appears to me that it's used somewhat like this: 
  1. First you "open" the SDF file.  It apparently consists of "pages", numbered from 0 upward.  The only "option" you can give it is the maximum page number.
  2. Then you "write" to the file a page at a time, starting at page 0.  Each "write" transfers data from the "area address" you specify to the next higher page in the buffer.
  3. Finally, you "stow&close" the SDF file.  This is the step which writes the memory buffer out to the actual SDF file (if it hasn't been doing so already), which is a partitioned data set (PDS).  The member name of the PDS is assigned at this point.  Note that the member name can be one that already exists in the PDS, which will cause the existing member to be overwritten.

Thus you start with a presumably-empty PDS (which happens to be attached to output device 5), and end up with a PDS populated with lots of named members, each one of which consists of some integral number of "pages".

Returns Revision Level and Catenation Number from last MONITOR(2) call.  Catenation number is obtained from PDS directory data and Revision Level from user data field as specified in the HAL/SDL ICD. The values are returned in the left and right halfwords of the result.
Sets flags in byte to be returned as high order byte of return code at end of compilation. Flags are passed as right most byte of fullword n. If high order bit of n is zero, flags are OR'ed into existing flags. If high order bit of n is one, flags replace existing flags.
CALL MONITOR(17,name);
Causes name to be copied to third parm field (if any) passed to MONITOR by the program that invoked the compiler. See HAL/SDL ICD.
Returns elapsed CPU time since beginning of run in units of .01 seconds.

This is an extended form of MONITOR(6) (see above), accepting arrays of addresses of BASED variables and their block sizes.  Unlike MONITOR(6), the newly-allocated blocks of memory are not cleared to 0.
XCOM-I does not implement this function.  Besides, it's unclear how to represent a "list".
CALL MONITOR(20,addressList,sizeList);
This is an extended form of MONITOR(7) (see above), accepting arrays of addresses of BASED variables and their block sizes.
XCOM-I does not implement this function.
Returns remaining amount of memory (in bytes) that's free for allocation via MONITOR(6).
For Intermetrics XCOM, I believe, MONITOR(6) could use any contiguous block of free memory, including those that were candidates for garbage collection.  Whereas XCOM-I only allocates memory within the contiguous block at the end of the free-memory space.  Consequently, this function would originally have found the largest free block wherever it was located, whereas XCOM-I merely reports the size of the final block of free memory.

Calls SDF access package.
SDF stands for Simulation Data File.  The "SDF access package" (SDFPKG) was a separate program, similar to the submonitor itself, with which the XPL/I program could communicate via MONITOR(22).  And like the submonitor, in the XCOM-I framework, SDFPKG equivalents are built into the runtime library rather than being provided by a separate SDFPKG program. 

Documentation can be found in TBD.  There is not space for a full description here, so I'm only giving a brief summary; the documentation should be consulted for more details.

The first form, F=MONITOR(22,0,n2), initializes the SDFPKG functionality.  The n2 parameter points to an array of 30 FIXED values which serves as a "communications area" holding data for subsequent calls.

For calls of the second form, F=MONITOR(22,n1), the n1 parameter specifies a function number ("mode"):
  1. Terminate SDFPKG.
  2. Augment paging area.
  3. Rescind paging area augments.
  4. Select an SDF.
  5. Locate pointer.
  6. Set disposition parameters.
  7. Locate directory root cell.
  8. Locate block data cell given block number.
  9. Locate symbol data cell given symbol number.
  10. Locate statement data cell given statement number.
  11. Locate block data cell given block name.
  12. Locate symbol data cell given block name and symbol name.
  13. Locate symbol data cell given only symbol name.
  14. Locate statement data cell given SRN.
  15. Locate block node given block number.
  16. Locate symbol node given symbol number.
  17. Locate statement node given statement number.
  18. Locate initialization data given symbol number.
  19. Deselect an SDF.
There's some confusion in the available software/documentation, in that sometimes function #19 is missing; and when #19 is missing, #18 may either be as shown or else may be deselection of the SDF.  I have no explanation for that discrepancy.  However, the functional lineup listed above is consistent with the version of HAL/S-FC source code we have.

Additionally, the function number n1 may have high-order bits set, such as 0x10000006 or 0x80000007.  The significance of that is TBD.

The return code, F, for all calls is 0 upon success, or non-zero for various failures.  See section 11 of the documentation.
Returns the descriptor of the 10-character string obtained from the ID field of the File Control Block of the first phase of the compiler.  The ID field is maintained by the XPLZAP program and contains the identifying string printed on the header of each page of the HAL listing". I think that what the original documentation was trying to get at is that HAL/S-FC's version code, printed on each of the report pages printed by XCOM (or now, XCOM-I), is given by this ID string, and that the ID string is provided to each pass of HAL/S-FC via a call to MONITOR(23).  Of course, in the modern reimplementation, there is no XPLZAP program, and it wouldn't be compatible with XCOM-I if there were one.  In XCOM-I, the ID string itself is by default 'REL32V0   ', but it can be changed via the XCOM-I command-line parameter --identifier.

As for what a "descriptor" is, see the description of the CHARACTER datatype.   In brief, the return value is not itself the ID string, but an integer value (i.e., of the FIXED datatype) that provides an index for finding the ID string in memory.
Read a block of a load module.
Read a mass-memory load block.
Read a MAF (memory analysis file) block
Write a MAF block
Link to dump analysis service routine
Return current page number
Return JFCB as string
CALL MONITOR(31,n,recnum)
Virtual-memory lookahead service.
This function is seemingly only used internally by the virtual-memory system.

In looking at the the usage in actual XPL/I code, as well as the assembly-language source code for the submonitor (see VMEMSRV in MONITOR.bal), which admittedly I can only follow very imperfectly,  it appears to me that this function is used in three distinct ways:
  • MONITOR(31,n,-1), n > 0, sets the default file number for future MONITOR(31,...) calls to n.    The default file number is initially 2.
  • MONITOR(31,bufferAddress,recnum) , recnum ≥ 0, immediately initiates an operation that reads record recnum from the default file, into a memory buffer at address bufferAddress.  In IBM 360 terms, that's an "XDAP" operation.  I think it's like what we'd call a DMA operation now, so this read operation may take some time to complete, but it's a background operation while it's doing so.
  • MONITOR(31,0,-1) waits until a previously-initiated read operation on the default file has completed.
There's an additional subtlety — really, that's astounding?! —, in that the bufferAddress in MONITOR(31,bufferAddress,recnum) may sometimes have its most-significant bit set to 1, thus turning it into a negative number.  I think in that case what happens is that the function waits for any background read-operation already in progress to complete, and then clears the sign bit of bufferAddress and commences a new read operation.

The XCOM-I runtime library, doesn't really need any of these subtleties, so implements this function basically as immediate FILE operations, as appropriate.
Find out subpool minimum size
The memory-allocation and -deallocation functions (MONITOR 6, 7, 19, and 20) are supposed to get their memory from something called "SUBPOOL 22".  SUBPOOLs apparently have block-sizes which are either 2048 or 4096 bytes, depending on the operating system.  MONITOR(32) returns the appropriate block size for the operating system.  Given that the block size is bigger in later versions of the operating system, I infer that bigger is better, within certain limits, and hence XCOM-I arbitrarily returns 4096.
Find out FILE max REC# and BLKSIZ

Debugging XPL Programs

It is admittedly unlikely that many people will be writing new XPL or XPL/I programs nowadays, and will instead be compiling only legacy XPL or XPL/I programs ... assuming that I haven't already compiled all of them first! (Which is a distinct possibility.) Since such legacy programs will presumably all have been debugged decades before, there's not as much need for a debugger as there is for computer languages in which there are many active developers. Nevertheless, XPL or XPL/I programs can be run under a debugger to a certain extent.

The trick is to realize that while we have no debugger for the XPL language, we do have debuggers for C, and once XCOM-I has translated XPL or XPL-I software into C, such C debuggers can be used. It is merely necessary when compiling your XPL program to use the appropriate command-line switches for incorporating debugging information into the executable.  There are actually two aspects to this:  Including the debugging aids provided by XCOM-I, and including the debugging information appropriate for whatever debugger software you're using.  If you're using GNU gdb or any debugger than accepts gdb-style data to debug your program then, and for the sake of discussion ignoring any other options you chose to use (such as CC=clang), you'd compile your XPL program like this: --xpl --debugging-aid SOURCEFILE.xpl
However, the C compiler undoubtedly has other debugging options as well, which you might use in place of -ggdb.  I won't provide advice, since if you want to do this in the first place, it's very likely you know more about it than I do.  You can, of course, use graphical-interface front-ends for gdb as well, at least in Linux and Mac OS, though I'm at a loss as to how to do this in Windows because of probably having to work under MSYS2.  There is a primitive but useful interface that works in MSYS2, provided directly by gdb (namely gdb --tui), that's a step up from its default command-line-style interface.  And there are reports of people debugging MSYS2-generated programs is Visual Studio, although the descriptions of how to do it are greek to me.

But debugging XPL code via its C translation is not as convenient as using a native XPL debugger would be.  The principal difficulty in debugging the code in C vs in XPL is that XCOM-I doesn't model XPL variables as C variables, but rather as numerical locations in a byte-array called memory.  Moreover, the format of this data in "memory" is that of the IBM System/360 rather than the native format of the computer on which debugging is being performed.  So if you had an XPL variable called (say) MYVAR, neither would the debugger recognize that there was a variable called MYVAR, nor would its value be interpreted by the debugger as anything meaningful even if it were found.   In my opinion these design choices for XCOM-I were are all necessary and unavoidable, but there's no denying that they make it trickier to use a debugger to see the how the values of variable change during execution. 

I have provided a few C functions in the XCOM-I runtime library to make it a little less painful to examine XPL variables within a debugger.  You can also use the XPL CALL INLINE feature to directly embed calls to these functions within your program, without running a debugger at all, if it's more convenient for you to do so.

The most-useful debugging functions are:

There are other runtime-library functions and debugging-aid functions that are useful from time to time, though the ones listed above are the bread-and-butter, but I won't bother describing them here until/unless somebody asks me about them.  You can see them all by examining the file XCOM-I/runtimeC.c.

In using these debugging functions, note that they all require mangled forms of variable names and parameters of PROCEDUREs.

First, recall that XPL is case-insensitive in so far as identifiers (and keywords are concerned), therefore:

Second, XCOM-I wants to use identifiers in the generated C code which are as close to the identifiers originally used in the XPL code as possible, even it's only to make it easier for we mere humans to read and to match against the original code.  But XPL identifiers can contain not only the alphanumeric characters, but also the characters '#', '@', and '$', which are not legal characters for identifiers in C.  Part of the mangling process is therefore to make the following substitutions in identifier mangling:

Additionally, though, the underscore character ('_') is problematic in some C compilers.  The worst offender I'm aware of is the cl compiler from Microsoft's Visual Studio.  I quote directly from Microsoft (emphasis mine):

"Don't select names for identifiers that begin with two underscores or with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter. The ANSI C standard allows identifier names that begin with these character combinations to be reserved for compiler use. Identifiers with file-level scope should also not be named with an underscore and a lowercase letter as the first two letters. Identifier names that begin with these characters are also reserved. By convention, Microsoft uses an underscore and an uppercase letter to begin macro names and double underscores for Microsoft-specific keyword names. To avoid any naming conflicts, always select identifier names that don't begin with one or two underscores, or names that begin with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter."

There are a number of such XPL identifiers in the source code for HAL/S-FC, and cl blasts them to infinity (or beyond) if they appear as-is in the generated C code.  To work around this problem, XCOM-I performs the additional automatic substitution in identifier mangling:

Note that these four substitutions are everywhere within an identifier, and not merely in the leading character. 

Note:  Names of fields within the RECORD of a BASED variable are exempt from mangling.  There's no deep reason for omitting the field names from the mangling process, other than that I forgot to do it, and it turned out to be unnecessary.  Although unnecessary, I did attempt to implement it later, just for consistency.  But it turned out to be tricky to do, so I chucked the attempt. 

Finally, while PROCEDURE definitions and variable declarations can be embedded inside of PROCEDURE definitions in XPL, functionally these embedded entities all act as if they were globally declared.  It is only their namespaces which are restricted.  Therefore:




Then the mangled variable, parameter, and PROCEDURE names would be:


Thus while we have lots of global and local variables and function parameters named X, Y, and Z, their mangled names are all distinct.

Patches for Insertion of Arbitrary Inline Code

A serious difficulty in working with XPL or XPL/I code is that they are often not written entirely in XPL/I, but also have insertions of inline machine code at various junctures. 

For example, XCOM45 and HAL/S-FC source code both have such inlined code.  However good XCOM-I may (or may not) be at translating XPL or XPL/I to C, it is not capable of inferring the intent of arbitrary assembly language, nor of translating such code into C with the level of reliability required for automating it.   While it can help with such translation (as described in the next section), some amount of manual intervention is still required on the part of the coder.  The basic principles underlying the framework provided for that are discussed in this section.
Aside:  In reality, such inlined code is numerical in nature, and consists of IBM 360 machine code ... whereas the term "assembly language" implies that the insertions are symbolic in nature rather than just numbers.  I'll continue to call the insertions BAL, because they undoubtedly began as BAL before somebody assembled them to determine which numerical values to use.  But it is certainly technically incorrect to do so.
Of course, one possible approach would be to replace offending inline code directly by C code in the XPL source-code files of the program being compiled, using the XCOM-I built-in INLINE function:
CALL INLINE('...arbitrary C code of no more than 256 characters...');
In your use case, whatever that may be, perhaps that's adequate.  However, the Virtual AGC Project aims to provide a way to work with legacy code — i.e., code from the past, rather than newly-written code —, and that implies being able to compile such source code as-is, without syntactical or functional modification to source code.  Which means that from our point of view, irreversible modification of legacy source code is unacceptable.
Aside:  It is, of course, arguable the extent to which modifications are acceptable.  The Virtual AGC Project allows insertion of modern comments, as long as modern comments are clearly distinguishable from original program comments.  It has occasionally allowed clearly-commented simple changes of a line or two of code, when it was thought impossible for modern compilers to duplicate some undocumented behavior of the original compilers ... although improvements to the modern compilers almost always eventually allowed reversal of such modifications.  My personal judgment is that replacement of dozens or hundreds of lines of code by code that's not obviously functionally identical, written in another language, is taking it farther than I'd like.  Better to leave the source code the same, so that it's in principle verifiable by the user as being the authentic source code.
Don't worry!  XCOM-I lets us satisfy these criteria.  But to understand how, you need to know a little more about this IBM Basic Assembly Language (BAL) code that's causing the problem.

Let's let a real-life example guide the discussion.  The XPL source-code for SUNY's XCOM45 program — which as you'll recall is an XPL compiler from the State University of New York in the mid-1970's — contains a single block of 19 consecutive CALL INLINE statements that we need to work around if we want to compile and run a version of XCOM45 with XCOM-I:
DECLARE TRT(1) FIXED INITIAL("DD003000", "10000000");

CALL INLINE("1B", 2, 2); /* CLEAR REG. 2 */
CALL INLINE("8D", 2, 0, 0, 8); /* SHIFT LENGTH FIELD TO REG. 2 */
CALL INLINE("47", 7, 0, 12, 18); /* BRANCH ON CC~=0 */
CALL INLINE("18", 1, 2); /* LOAD REG. 1 WITH LENGTH(\) - 1 */
CALL INLINE("41", 0, 0, 0, 1); /* LOAD REG. 0 WITH 1 */
CALL INLINE("41", 3, 0, 0, 1); /* LOAD 1 INTO RETURN REGISTER */

Actually, to be clear, XCOM-I will compile XCOM45 just fine, whether we work around this embedded assembly-language stuff or not; the compiled program simply won't run correctly, because vital IBM 360 instructions will be missing in the midst of the program.  As it happens, though, part of the process of creating the workaround depends on us compiling XCOM45 in advance, without any workarounds in place.  So let's just do that.  In the compilation process, the XPL procedure SCAN_FINDS_END_OF turns into a C file called SCANxSCAN_FINDS_END_OF.c that contains the following harmless but useless C representation of it:
File SCANxSCAN_FINDS_END_OF.c generated by XCOM-I, 2024-05-19 12:14:14.

#include "runtimeC.h"
#include "procedures.h"

bit_t *
; // (0) CALL INLINE( 88, 3, 0, TEXT);
; // (1) CALL INLINE( 27, 2, 2);
; // (2) CALL INLINE( 25, 3, 2);
; // (3) CALL INLINE( 7, 8, 12);
; // (4) CALL INLINE( 141, 2, 0, 0, 8);
; // (5) CALL INLINE( 136, 3, 0, 0, 8);
; // (6) CALL INLINE( 88, 1, 0, TABLE);
; // (7) CALL INLINE( 65, 12, 0, TRT);
; // (8) CALL INLINE( 68, 2, 0, 12, 0);
; // (9) CALL INLINE( 5, 12, 0);
; // (10) CALL INLINE( 71, 7, 0, 12, 18);
; // (11) CALL INLINE( 24, 1, 2);
; // (12) CALL INLINE( 65, 0, 0, 0, 1);
; // (13) CALL INLINE( 26, 1, 0);
; // (14) CALL INLINE( 27, 3, 3);
; // (15) CALL INLINE( 71, 15, 0, 12, 24);
; // (16) CALL INLINE( 27, 1, 3);
; // (17) CALL INLINE( 65, 3, 0, 0, 1);
; // (18) CALL INLINE( 80, 1, 0, CP);
return 0;

Basically, XCOM-I has simply commented out each CALL INLINE statement, while replacing it with an empty statement.  So why did we bother compiling it at all?  The answer is that we want the parenthesized numbers that have been added to the comments!  The parenthesized numbers will be the same every time we compile XCOM45, unless you take it upon yourself to mess us up by removing some of the CALL INLINE statements or adding new ones in the meantime.  Pro tip:  Don't do that!
Aside:  There is even one (!) instance in HAL/S-FC in which there is a RETURN INLINE statement as well, and it is treated by XCOM-I the same way as CALL INLINEs are treated:  namely, it is numbered and commented out.  As it happens, A Compiler Generator does not give even the slightest hint that INLINE can return a value.  In point of fact, I don't think the value returned by the RETURN INLINE statement in the case I mention even comes from the INLINE at all, but is instead generated by other means.  Technically, I think that if you have a block of CALL INLINEs terminated by a RETURN INLINE, then whatever value happens to remain in the CPU's R0 register will be returned, regardless of where in the block of INLINEs R0 was set up.  But regardless of the underlying details, it demonstrates that syntactically, both CALL INLINE and RETURN INLINE are possible in XPL/I source code.

Important note:  If you must write a C-language patch-file for a block of INLINEs that include an
XPL RETURN INLINE(...), you should use the C macro RETURN() rather than simply return, or RETURN(something) rather than return something.  That's because the RETURN(...) macro takes into account extra code which XCOM-I may need to insert in conjunction with XPL RETURN statements.  For example, if XCOM-I is run with its --reentry-guard switch, then XCOM-I inserts code at the entry point and exit points of each XPL PROCEDURE that allows the runtime library to detect illegal reentries.  (Recall that recursion is illegal in XPL.)  The RETURN(...) macro handles this for you transparently, and if a simple return is used instead, then the runtime library will falsely detect recursion the second time any individual PROCEDURE is executed.
In this particular example, since XCOM45 has a single block of CALL INLINE statements, we were guaranteed in advance that the block would start with number 0.  In a more-complex example like HAL/S-FC, there would be a number of blocks of inlines, strewn throughout the source code, and lieu of XCOM-I printing them all out for us the numbering would be unpredictable.  But because the numbers never change, we can use them as unique, persistent identifiers for the CALL INLINE statements. 

Why is that important?  The way we're going to work around the CALL INLINE statements is to create a series of numbered "patch files", written in C:  patch0.c, patch1.c, patch2.c, and so on.  The patch files are placed in the same folder that contains the source code of the XPL program being compiled, though XCOM-I does have a command-line option (--patch=PATHNAME) that allows a different folder to be specified.  When XCOM-I encounters a CALL INLINE statement, it looks for a patch file with the same number, and if it finds one, it directly inserts the contents of the patch file into the object code.   If there's no matching patch file, then the CALL INLINE simply remains a comment.  In principle, you could have a different patch file for each CALL INLINE, but it's usually more practical and more aesthetically pleasing to have a single patch file for each contiguous block of CALL INLINE statements. 
Note:  In working with the source code for HAL/S-FC specifically, it's a little more complex than what I just indicated.  As I've mentioned previously, there are two different methods of compiling HAL/S-FC source code:  One to create a compiler intended to compile Primary Flight Software (PFS) via XCOM-I's --cond=P command-line switch, and one to create a compiler intended to compile Backup Flight Software (BFS) via XCOM-I's --cond=B command-line switch.  Unfortunately, the numbering of the CALL INLINE statements, or even the inlined code itself, can a bit different in these two cases, which makes it unwieldy to rely on the generic naming patchN.c for the patch files.  My description above is what happens when neither --cond=P nor --cond=B is used.  But if --cond=P is used, then XCOM-I actually looks for patch files with names like patchNp.c first, falling back to patchN.c if patchNp.c isn't found.  And similarly, if --cond=B is used, it prefers patch files named patchNb.c, falling back to patchN.c.  This method allows the generic names patchN.c to be used up the point at which the numbering of the INLINE's begins to differ, switching to the patchNp.c/patchNb.c naming thereafter, without any ambiguity or conflicts between the two.
In this real-life example, since there's a single block of CALL INLINE statements, we need a single patch file, patch0.c.
* This is a C-language "patch" for CALL INLINE #0 in xcom4.xpl, as compiled
* by
* The patch spans the entirety of the `SCAN_FINDS` procedure embedded in
* the `SCAN` procedure. This comprises every `CALL INLINE` statement in
* the entire xcom4 program.
* What the procedure does is this: It's given the address of a "translation
* table" of one of the following types:
* `BLANKTABLE` (Blanks)
* `ALPHATABLE` (Identifier)
* `STRINGTABLE` (Quoted string)
* `COMMENTABLE` (Comment)
* Starting at position `CP=0` (already set up upon entry so that we know the
* first character is of the asked-for type) in the string `TEXT`, searches
* for the end of the pattern of the selected type, and updates `CP` to the
* length of the found string. It returns 0 on failure and 1 on success. An
* empty string counts as a failure.
* This was apparently coded in BAL because the IBM 360 has a translation-table
* instruction, TRT, that does this efficiently. But from my perspective,
* considering that there's no other embedded BAL code in the entire program,
* it seems as though it's a big price to pay, maintenance-wise and
* portability-wise, for a pretty small gain in efficiency. Yes, you can
* always make assembly-language go faster than a high-level language; this is
* news?

static memoryMapEntry_t *mapCP = NULL, *mapTEXT = NULL, *mapTABLE,
char *s, *TEXT;
uint32_t TABLE;

if (mapCP == NULL)
mapCP = lookupVariable("CP");
mapTEXT = lookupVariable("TEXT");
mapTABLE = lookupVariable("SCANxSCAN_FINDS_END_OFxTABLE");
mapBLANKTABLE = lookupVariable("BLANKTABLE");
mapALPHATABLE = lookupVariable("ALPHATABLE");
mapSTRINGTABLE = lookupVariable("STRINGTABLE");
mapCOMMENTABLE = lookupVariable("COMMENTABLE");

TABLE = getFIXED(mapTABLE->address);
TEXT = descriptorToAscii(getCHARACTER(mapTEXT->address));

if (*TEXT == 0)
return fixedToBit(1, 0);
if (TABLE == mapBLANKTABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; s++);
else if (TABLE == mapALPHATABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT;
isalnum(*s) || *s == '_' || *s == '@' || *s == '#' || *s == '$';
else if (TABLE == mapSTRINGTABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT; *s && *s != '\''; s++);

else if (TABLE == mapCOMMENTABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT; *s && *s != '*' && *s != '$'; s++);
abend("Requested translation table for SCAN_FINDS_END_OF not found");
if (*s == 0)
putFIXED(mapCP->address, s + 1 - TEXT);
return fixedToBit(1, 0);
putFIXED(mapCP->address, s - TEXT);
return fixedToBit(1, 1);
Aside:  The patch file given above uses a technique that I consider a bit obsolete.  In it, I wrote C code that I thought expressed the same intent as the inline assembly-language it was replacing.  It's fine to do that!  But after a while I found that technique a bit wearing and error-prone, not to mention time-consuming when there are dozens of patches to consider.  Nowadays, I would be much more likely to write C code that slavishly mimics each assembly-language instruction individually, without worrying much about the intent of the instruction being replaced.  It is more efficient to do this than it may appear at first glance.  More on this later.
Now that we actually have a patch file, when XCOM-I again compiles XCOM45, the SCAN_FINDS_END_OF procedure is now translated to the following C code:
File SCANxSCAN_FINDS_END_OF.c generated by XCOM-I, 2024-05-25 14:05:21.

#include "runtimeC.h"

descriptor_t *

{ // (0) CALL INLINE ( 88, 3, 0,TEXT);
* This is a C-language "patch" for CALL INLINE #0 in xcom4.xpl, as compiled
* by
* The patch spans the entirety of the `SCAN_FINDS` procedure embedded in
* the `SCAN` procedure. This comprises every `CALL INLINE` statement in
* the entire xcom4 program.
* What the procedure does is this: It's given the address of a "translation
* table" of one of the following types:
* `BLANKTABLE` (Blanks)
* `ALPHATABLE` (Identifier)
* `STRINGTABLE` (Quoted string)
* `COMMENTABLE` (Comment)
* Starting at position `CP=0` (already set up upon entry so that we know the
* first character is of the asked-for type) in the string `TEXT`, searches
* for the end of the pattern of the selected type, and updates `CP` to the
* length of the found string. It returns 0 on failure and 1 on success. An
* empty string counts as a failure.
* This was apparently coded in BAL because the IBM 360 has a translation-table
* instruction, TRT, that does this efficiently. But from my perspective,
* considering that there's no other embedded BAL code in the entire program,
* it seems as though it's a big price to pay, maintenance-wise and
* portability-wise, for a pretty small gain in efficiency. Yes, you can
* always make assembly-language go faster than a high-level language; this is
* news?

static memoryMapEntry_t *mapCP = NULL, *mapTEXT = NULL, *mapTABLE,
char *s, *TEXT;
uint32_t TABLE;

if (mapCP == NULL)
mapCP = lookupVariable("CP");
mapTEXT = lookupVariable("TEXT");
mapTABLE = lookupVariable("SCANxSCAN_FINDS_END_OFxTABLE");
mapBLANKTABLE = lookupVariable("BLANKTABLE");
mapALPHATABLE = lookupVariable("ALPHATABLE");
mapSTRINGTABLE = lookupVariable("STRINGTABLE");
mapCOMMENTABLE = lookupVariable("COMMENTABLE");

TABLE = getFIXED(mapTABLE->address);
TEXT = descriptorToAscii(getCHARACTER(mapTEXT->address));

if (*TEXT == 0)
return fixedToBit(1, 0);
if (TABLE == mapBLANKTABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT; *s == ' ' || *s == '\t'; s++);
else if (TABLE == mapALPHATABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT;
isalnum(*s) || *s == '_' || *s == '@' || *s == '#' || *s == '$';
else if (TABLE == mapSTRINGTABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT; *s && *s != '\''; s++);

else if (TABLE == mapCOMMENTABLE->address)
for (s = TEXT; *s && *s != '*' && *s != '$'; s++);
abend("Requested translation table for SCAN_FINDS_END_OF not found");
if (*s == 0)
putFIXED(mapCP->address, s + 1 - TEXT);
return fixedToBit(1, 0);
putFIXED(mapCP->address, s - TEXT);
return fixedToBit(1, 1);
; // (1) CALL INLINE ( 27, 2, 2);
; // (2) CALL INLINE ( 25, 3, 2);
; // (3) CALL INLINE ( 7, 8, 12);
; // (4) CALL INLINE ( 141, 2, 0,0,8);
; // (5) CALL INLINE ( 136, 3, 0,0,8);
; // (6) CALL INLINE ( 88, 1, 0,TABLE);
; // (7) CALL INLINE ( 65, 12, 0,TRT);
; // (8) CALL INLINE ( 68, 2, 0,12,0);
; // (9) CALL INLINE ( 5, 12, 0);
; // (10) CALL INLINE ( 71, 7, 0,12,18);
; // (11) CALL INLINE ( 24, 1, 2);
; // (12) CALL INLINE ( 65, 0, 0,0,1);
; // (13) CALL INLINE ( 26, 1, 0);
; // (14) CALL INLINE ( 27, 3, 3);
; // (15) CALL INLINE ( 71, 15, 0,12,24);
; // (16) CALL INLINE ( 27, 1, 3);
; // (17) CALL INLINE ( 65, 3, 0,0,1);
; // (18) CALL INLINE ( 80, 1, 0,CP);
return 0;

Notice that the patch is automatically placed within a C {...} block, which is important if the CALL INLINE(...) happens to have been preceded by something like IF ... THEN or ELSE.

More on IBM System/360 Inline Code

Let's start with the executive summary:

In this section, we revisit the problem of inline machine code discussed in the preceding section, describing a tool that may be of assistance in writing patch files for IBM System/360 inline code.  In brief, if you run XCOM-I with the command-line switch --guess=-1,  it will create a set of files (guess*.c) that are XCOM-I's best guess of what the patch-files (patch*.c) should be like.  (You can also use --guess=N1,N2,N3,... to generate just the files for specific patch numbers, whereas -1 generates every patch.)  You can then manually tweak these "guessed" files with (hopefully!) much-reduced effort to get patch-files you're satisfied with.  There are three ways in which this guessing facility is known to fail,  and thus to require manual fixes:

  1. Only the IBM 360 instructions I've actually encountered in legacy XPL programs (specifically, XCOM3, XCOM4, and HAL/S-FC) are supported.  At this writing, that's about ~10% of the full IBM 360 instruction set.  So the guesser will not understand anything about the 90% of possible-but-currently-unused instruction types.
  2. Self-modifying code, or pseudo-self-modifying code due to the use of the IBM 360 instruction EX, will not work properly.  Translations of the EX instruction are specifically detected and marked with a comment of "***FIXME***".  In my experience, most manual tweaks are related to these EX instructions, and specifically to the use of EX to execute modified MVC instructions; this is covered in more detail later.
  3. Code which accesses or modifies CPU registers associated with subroutine linkage requires attention, because XCOM-I does not set up these registers upon entry to a procedure, nor does it use the contents of these registers upon exit from a procedure.  Or more succinctly, C translations of XPL procedures do not follow IBM 360 calling conventions.  This is rare problem in my experience, but it does occur occasionally.

That's the summary, which may be everything you actually need to know.  Here's the longer explanation.

Having now gone through the process of manually writing many patch files for IBM 360 inline code, I've come to realize that I had overestimated the difficulty of translating that inline code to C code.  With experience, I've now observed that: As part of a systematic framework for exploiting this, the XCOM-I the runtime library defines the IBM 360 CPU registers as the following global variables:
int32_t GR[16]; // CPU general-purpose registers.
double FR[16]; // CPU floating-point registers.
uint8_t CC; // CPU condition code register. Only the least two bits are significant.

Aside: If unlike me you're actually familiar with IBM 360 programming, I'm sure you'll call the CPU's general-purpose registers R0, R1, R2, and so on.  IBM documentation calls them that.  It also calls the floating-point registers, which are completely separate and independent of the general-purpose registers, by those very same names:  R0, R1, R2, ....  Perhaps it's just me, but I found that confusing.  And because I was so stupid as to be confused by this apparently obvious and trivial point, it has cost me considerable amount of time.  Consequently, I now make a point of calling the general-purpose registers GRn and the floating-point registers FRn.  Yes, it's a departure from tradition.  No, in this particular case I don't care that I've departed from tradition.  A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

Meanwhile, memory can always be accessed and/or converted from IBM 360 formats to native C formats, also via XCOM-I runtime-library features:

Additional globals are provided by the runtime library for holding commonly-needed temporary results:

int32_t address360A, address360B, dsw360, lsw360;
int64_t scratch; // Results of integer operations; input to setCC (see above).
double scratchd; // Results of floating-point operations; input to setCCd (see above).
int64_t dummy360; // Use for anything you like.
double dummy360d;
// Use for anything you like. double epsilon360; // A small number, used for tolerance in some floating-point comparisons.
For floating-point operations, native C formats and arithmetical operators are used.  Conversion from/to IBM hexadecimal format occurs only when floating-point values are read from the memory array or written into the memory array.  This is why the CPU's floating-point registers are modeled as the C double type.  The alternative would have been to model them as pairs of uint32_t values, and to provide C functions that directly implemented exact IBM 360 arithmetic (like addition, subtraction, and so on) directly upon such pairs.  I admit that wisdom of my decision is arguable, but have no present plans to change the implementation.
Aside:  Actually, there is one case in which this decision to use C floating-point causes problems, and that involves the IBM 360 instructions which perform "unnormalized" floating-point arithmetic.  Recall that floating-point numbers have two parts, the exponent and the significand.  For example, in 3.14156×10, the exponent is 10 and the significand is 3.14156.   Almost all floating-point arithmetic on the IBM 360 is in "normalized" form, which means that the exponent and significant are adjusted so as to produce the maximum precision (number of bits) in the significand, given the number of bytes of storage allocated for the number in memory and the nature of the format used for storage.  Thus in principle, 3.14156×10 is more precise than 0.03142×12, and is less precise than 314.15654×8.  In the case of IBM hexadecimal floating-point, the exponent field is 7 bits wide and represents a power of 64 (rather than 10), and is offset by 64.  I.e., if the exponent is (say) E, then the powers represented are 64-64 through 64+63.  The significand, meanwhile, is 56 bits wide and always positive, since there's a separate sign bit  So in principle, an IBM hexadecimal double-precision floating-point number could represent exact positive or negative 56-bit integers.  That'll be important in a minute.

Supplementing the instructions for normalized arithmetic, the IBM 360 includes instructions for both unnormalized addition and subtraction as well, which means they perform the indicated operations, but the results are taken as-is, without any normalization.  Whereas the choice to use C double for all arithmetic in the XCOM-I framework means that all arithmetical results have maximum precision all the time.

Doesn't sound like a problem to you?  Well, in practice CALL INLINE code uses a single unnormalized instruction, namely AW, which adds two floating-point numbers (normalized or unnormalized), producing an unnormalized result.  It always does so in precisely the same manner, in order to perform the trick of converting a positive floating-point number (in IBM hexadeximal format) to a binary integer.  In assembly language, that trick works as follows:

You probably don't care, but the reason this trick works is that IBM floating-point addition functions by unnormalizing the operand with the smaller exponent to match the exponent of the other operand, and then performing a binary addition of the significands.  But no 56-bit integer can have an exponent in IBM hexadecimal format that's larger than 0x4E, so the representation of 0.0 to have an exponent of 0x4E guarantees that it's the other operand that becomes unnormalized, and the way in which it's unnormalized is to be shifted rightward by exactly the right number of bits to turn into a binary representation of the integer.

Regardless of how it works, the reason this causes us a problem is that the native-C arithmetic we perform doesn't track any of this, so the AW is wasted, and doesn't produce an integer usable by the STD instructions that succeed the AW instructions.  In other words, after the AW occurs, the CALL INLINE for the STD instruction that's supposed to store the 2's-complement integer has no 2's-complement integer to store!

The workaround for this in the XCOM-I runtime library is that the floating-point registers are supplemented by an additional array that tracks whether the register should be treated as normalized or unnormalized, and then interprets the value stored in that floating-point register accordingly when an STD instruction is performed that stores the value in the register to memory:

double FR[16];
uint8_t unnormFR[16]; // 0 to treat FRn as normalized, 1 as unnormalized.

Thus an AW instruction on FR[n] sets unnormFR[n], while an STD instruction storing FR[n] resets unnormFR[n].
Yes, it's a bit of a hack, and if you were writing new CALL INLINE statements you could easily defeat it, but for right now it seems more economical than reworking the entire floating-point arithemetic system for a handful (less than 10) of uses of
AW.  My advice to you is this:  If you're writing new XPL code, don't try to subvert my hack with perverted usage of the AW instruction in CALL INLINE statements; AW (and CALL INLINE, for that matter) is perverted enough already, and doesn't need your help.

Let's get the question of IBM 360 calling conventions out of the way.  The conventional usage of the IBM 360 CPU's general registers in calling subroutines, as I understand it, is summarized in the bullet list below.  But I've added a couple of apparently non-traditional extensions or differences (highlighted in green) that I've inferred from some of the CALL INLINE statements I've encountered in the legacy code; take them with a grain of salt!

As for how a translation from IBM 360 machine code to C uses the various concepts described above, consider the very common statement CALL INLINE("58", n, v), where n is a an integer 0-15 and v is the name of an XPL variable.  This inline has IBM 360 opcode 0x58, which has the assembly-language mnemonic L, and means to load register GR[n] with the contents of variable v.  Such an inline can be translated into C as:

Or consider CALL INLINE("41", n, v), which has the mnemonic LA, to store the address of the variable into the register:
GR[n] = ADDR(v);
Or CALL INLINE("50", n, v), mnemonic ST, to store the value of a register into a variable:
In the 19-instruction patch used in the preceding section as an example, 6 of the instructions used are already of one or the other of these three types.  Other instructions may have much-more-complex implementations in C than these, of course.

Recognizing that the majority of all CALL INLINE statements — though unfortunately not all of them — can be handled using these simple maneuvers, XCOM-I has a built-in tool that can create guessed versions of patch-files for you, in which most of the INLINEs have been translated, but with the ones that were too difficult for XCOM-I to handle left in the draft files for you to manually perfect.

To use this tool, simply run XCOM-I as normal, using either or neither of the --cond=P or --cond=B options, plus the --guess=... switch as I summarized it earlier.  When doing so, in addition to the normal compilation outputs, files named guessN.c, guessNp.c, or guessNb.c are output as well.  You can then make manual changes to the guess-files and rename them as patch-files when you're satisfied.

Regarding the effectiveness of the procedure, in the combined source code for the XPL programs XCOM3, XCOM45, and HAL/S-FC, there's a total of 81 blocks of CALL INLINEs, and thus in principle a total of 81 patch files.  In generating guess-files for these programs, XCOM-I flags 11 of those guess-files with the comment ***FIXME***, which you can easily search for in order to fix the associated issue.  Problems not detectable by --guess, though rare, unfortunately are neither marked nor easy to find or fix.
Aside:  Regarding the process of manually fixing up the EX instructions not supported by XCOM-I --guess, it's actually not that hard once you understand the trick involved.  Admittedly, right now it will seem simpler to me than to you, given our relative positions on this particular learning curve.

An EX instruction is syntactically of the form
EX	R1,D2(X2,B2)
where R1 is the number of a CPU general register, and D2(X2,B2) points to an IBM 360 machine code instruction.  While it looks confusing, it's always easy to figure out which instruction is targeted, because in the XPL source code it will be set off by itself and there will be no way to reach it in C to execute it directly.  Sometimes, the XPL source code will contain a binary representation of that target instruction, which makes the task a lot harder for you, but in the XPL I've seen it will almost always be represented as a CALL INLINE, which makes it much easier.  The reason it's easy is because XCOM-I --guess will have made a guessed patch file for it, and will have printed the assembly-language syntax and the proposed C translation of it for you in the patch file. 

To make what I'm saying concrete, consider an example taken from PASS1 of HAL/S-FC.  Here's a small excerpt of the XPL source-code file HALINCL/VMEM.xpl:
         ELSE DO;                                                               00102100
CALL INLINE("18",0,4); /* LR 0,4 */00102300
CALL INLINE("58",2,0,INTO); /* L 2,INTO */00102400
CALL INLINE("58",3,0,FROM); /* L 3,FROM */00102500
CALL INLINE("48",1,0,LEGNTH); /* LH 1,LEGNTH */00102600
CALL INLINE("06",1,0); /* BCTR 1,0 */00102700
CALL INLINE("58",4,0,ADDRTEMP); /* L 4,ADDRTEMP */00102800
CALL INLINE("44",1,0,4,0); /* EX 1,0(0,4) */00102900
CALL INLINE("18",4,0); /* LR 4,0 */00103000
RETURN; 00103100
END; 00103200
END; 00103300
MOVECHAR: 00103400
CALL INLINE("D2",0,0,2,0,3,0); /* MVC 0(0,2),0(3) */00103500

Those blocks of CALL INLINE statements correspond to patches 25 and 32 respectively.  Thus XCOM-I --guess produces guessed patch files guess25p.c for lines 00102300-00103000 and guess32p.c for line 00103500.  The latter is the target instruction for the EX instruction at line 00102900.  It's visually obvious (since it's separated!), but you can tell it from reading the code too:  Line 00102200 puts the address of the label MOVECHAR into the variable ADDRTEMP, while line 00102800 it moves it into the CPU general register GR4, and then at line 00102900 the EX instruction says that the base register GR4 holds the address of the target instruction.  Here's how XCOM-I has done its best in guess25p.c to translate the EX instruction,
p25_24: ;
// (31) CALL INLINE("44", 2, 0, 3, 0); /* EX 2,0(0,3) */
address360B = GR[3] + 0;
// Type RX, p. 7-74: EX 2,0(0,3)
// ***FIXME*** Unsupported opcode EX

and in guess32p.c the target instruction,
p32_0: ;
// (32) CALL INLINE("D2", 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0); /* MVC 1(0,1),0(1) */
address360A = GR[1] + 1;
address360B = GR[1] + 0;
// Type SS, p. 7-83: MVC 1(0,1),0(1)
mvc(address360A, address360B, 0);

In fact, in my experience, most EX instructions have targeted MVC instructions, as this example does, so this is great for covering the typical case!

Now, the action of an
EX instruction is to replace bits 8-15 of the target machine-code instruction by the contents of the general register the EX instruction specifies, and then to execute that modified target instruction (without actually jumping to it).  All you have to figure out is what in the C translation of the target instruction corresponds to bits 8-15 of the machine code.  It will usually be something simple.  For a target MVC instruction, I can tell you that it's just the final parameter of the mvc(...) function in the C translation.  Thus, the change needed to the guessed file guess25p.c, in which the "***FIXME***" is replaced by actually-executable code, is this:
p25_24: ;
// (31) CALL INLINE("44", 2, 0, 3, 0); /* EX 2,0(0,3) */
address360B = GR[3] + 0;
// Type RX, p. 7-74: EX 2,0(0,3)
address360A = GR[1] + 1;
address360B = GR[1] + 0;
// Type SS, p. 7-83: MVC 1(0,1),0(1)
mvc(address360A, address360B, GR[2]);
Not perfect, of course, but not bad either.  By my reckoning, close to 90% of the guessed files seem to be perfect as-is.    And of the files which are not perfect, probably around 90% of the CALL INLINEs translated in those files are still perfect.
Aside:  As an example where XCOM-I fails to produce a perfect guessed result not due to an EX instruction, I can point to the single block of CALL INLINEs in the legacy program XCOM45.  A number of its instructions involve use of the seemingly-uninitialized register GR12, as well as usage of the register GR3, that make sense (to me!) only if registers GR3 and GR12 are viewed as having a non-traditional conventional role in the subroutine linkage for calling their parent procedure (namely, SCAN_FINDS_END_OF):  i.e., GR3 contains the return value of the procedure (rather than GR0 as documented by IBM), and GR12 contains the size of the procedure's code (other than the linkage code), in bytes.

As another example, I'd point to the one case I know of (in the INTEGER_VALUED procedure of program HAL/S-FC) in which a RETURN INLINE statement is used rather than a CALL INLINE statement.  The INLINE XPL built-in is not specified in such a way as to return a value, but the calling procedure (INTEGER_VALUE) does check the returned value.   Moreover, the INLINEs in INTEGER_VALUED do in fact manipulate the GR3 register in such a way as to contain either a 0 or a 1, without there being any other evident reason to do so, so it's easy to suppose once again that GR3 is indeed the return value. 

Appendix:  Suitable C Compilers

Since XCOM-I is merely a translator from the XPL or XPL/I languages to C, it's necessary to have a functioning, compatible C compiler to use XCOM-I in its intended way.  In theory, any reasonably-modern C compiler should be compatible with the C code XCOM-I produces.  However, the nature of the XCOM-I runtime library is that it must necessarily provide some services that are system-dependent, and thus it is in the runtime library that there is is a much higher likelihood of finding C compatibility problems.

While bugs in XCOM-I itself are under my control and can in principle be fixed, within the limits of my skill and time, problems with C compilers themselves (or with their libraries) are outside of my control.  Here I'll let you know what some of those problems with C compilers are.  However, I'm in no position to try every C compiler everywhere, so my coverage is hardly extensive.  At best, I can let you know my current beliefs about the compilers I've checked out.

Linux and Mac OS

No current problems with gcc or clang.


For gcc variants in the MSYS2 development environment:

For clang in the MSYS2 development environment: 
For cl (Visual Studio command-line compiler):

Cross-Compile (Linux to Windows)

For Mingw-64 variants:

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Last modified by Ronald Burkey on 2024-08-18

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