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Table of Contents
Recently Added Documents as of 2025-03-04
Design Equations and Flowcharts
HAL/S Language
XPL Language
Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) / Primary Flight Software (PFS)
Backup Flight System (BFS)
Flight Control Operating System (FCOS)
Flight Software Waivers and User/Program Notes
Data Processing Subsystem (DPS)
General Purpose Computer (GPC), IBM AP-101S Avionics Computer
Flight Control System (FCS)
Software Version OI-2
Software Version OI-4
Software Version OI-5
Software Version OI-6
Software Version OI-7
Software Version OI-8
Software Version OI-20
Software Version OI-21
Software Version OI-22
Software Version OI-23
Software Version OI-24
Software Version OI-25
Software Version OI-26
Software Version OI-27
Software Version OI-28
Software Version OI-29
Software Version OI-30
Software Version OI-32
Software Version OI-33
Software Version OI-34
Flight STS-1, Columbia
Flight STS-2, Columbia
Flight STS-3, Columbia
Flight STS-4, Columbia
Flight STS-5, Columbia
Flight STS-6, Challenger
Flight STS-7, Challenger
Flight STS-8, Challenger
Flight STS 41-A (STS-9), Columbia
Flight STS 41-B (STS-11), Challenger
Flight STS 41-C (STS-13), Challenger
Flight STS 41-DR (STS-14), Discovery
Flight STS 41-G (STS-17), Challenger
Flight STS 51-A (STS-19), Discovery
Flight STS 51-C (STS-20), Discovery
Flight STS 51-E (STS-22), Challenger (Canceled)
Flight STS 51-D (STS-23), Discovery
Flight STS 51-B (STS-24), Challenter
Flight STS 51-G (STS-25), Discovery
Flight STS 51-F (STS-26), Challenger
Flight STS 51-I (STS-27), Discovery
Flight STS 51-J (STS-28), Atlantis
Flight STS 61-A (STS-30), Challenger
Flight STS 61-B (STS-31), Atlantis
Flight STS 61-C (STS-32), Columbia
Flight STS 51-L (STS-33), Challenger
Flight STS-29 (STS-29R), Discovery
Flight STS-26 (STS-26R), Discovery
Flight STS-27 (STS-27R), Atlantis
Flight STS-30 (STS-30R), Atlantis
Flight STS-28 (STS-28R), Columbia
Flight STS-34 (STS-34R), Atlantis
Flight STS-33 (STS-33R), Discovery
Flight STS-32 (STS-32R), Columbia
Flight STS-36 (STS-36R), Atlantis
Flight STS-31 (STS-31R), Discovery
Flight STS-41, Discovery
Flight STS-38, Atlantis
Flight STS-35 (STS 61-E), Columbia
Flight STS-37, Atlantis
Flight STS-39, Discovery
Flight STS-40, Columbia
Flight STS-43, Atlantis
Flight STS-48, Discovery
Flight STS-44, Atlantis
Flight STS-42, Discovery
Flight STS-45, Atlantis
Flight STS-49, Endeavour
Flight STS-50, Columbia
Flight STS-46, Atlantis
Flight STS-47, Endeavour
Flight STS-52, Columbia
Flight STS-53, Discovery
Flight STS-54, Endeavour
Flight STS-56, Discovery
Flight STS-55, Columbia
Flight STS-57, Endeavour
Flight STS-51, Discovery
Flight STS-58, Columbia
Flight STS-61, Endeavour
Flight STS-60, Discovery
Flight STS-62, Columbia
Flight STS-59, Endeavour
Flight STS-65, Columbia
Flight STS-64, Discovery
Flight STS-68, Endeavour
Flight STS-66, Atlantis
Flight STS-63, Discovery
Flight STS-67, Endeavour
Flight STS-71, Atlantis
Flight STS-70, Discovery
Flight STS-69, Endeavour
Flight STS-73, Columbia
Flight STS-74, Atlantis
Flight STS-72, Endeavour
Flight STS-75, Columbia
Flight STS-76, Atlantis
Flight STS-77, Endeavour
Flight STS-78, Columbia
Flight STS-79, Atlantis
Flight STS-80, Columbia
Flight STS-81, Atlantis
Flight STS-82, Discovery
Flight STS-83, Columbia
Flight STS-84, Atlantis
Flight STS-94 (STS-83R), Columbia
Flight STS-85, Discovery
Flight STS-86, Atlantis
Flight STS-87, Columbia
Flight STS-89, Endeavour
Flight STS-90, Columbia
Flight STS-91, Discovery
Flight STS-95, Discovery
Flight STS-88/ISS-2A, Endeavour
Flight STS-96/ISS-2A.1, Discovery
Flight STS-93, Columbia
Flight STS-103, Discovery
Flight STS-99, Endeavour
Flight STS-101/ISS 2A.2a, Atlantis
Flight STS-106/ISS 2A.2b, Atlantis
Flight STS-92/ISS 3A, Discovery
Flight STS-97/ISS 4A, Endeavour
Flight STS-98/ISS 5A, Atlantis
Flight STS-102/ISS 5A.1, Discovery
Flight STS-100/ISS 6A, Endeavour
Flight STS-104/ISS 7A, Atlantis
Flight STS-105/ISS 7A.1, Discovery
Flight STS-108/ISS UF-1, Endeavour
Flight STS-109, Columbia
Flight STS-110/ISS 8A, Atlantis
Flight STS-111/ISS UF-2, Endeavour
Flight STS-112/ISS 9A, Atlantis
Flight STS-113/ISS 11A, Endeavour
Flight STS-107, Columbia
Flight STS-114/LF-1, Discovery
Flight STS-121/ULF1.1, Discovery
Flight STS-115/ISS 12A, Atlantis
Flight STS-116/ISS 12A.1, Discovery
Flight STS-117/ISS 13A, Atlantis
Flight STS-118/ISS 13A.1, Endeavour
Flight STS-120/ISS 10A, Discovery
Flight STS-122/ISS 1E, Atlantis
Flight STS-123/ISS 1JA, Endeavour
Flight STS-124/ISS 1J, Discovery
Flight STS-126/ISS-ULF2, Endeavour
Flight STS-119/ISS-15A, Discovery
Flight STS-125, Atlantis
Flight STS-127/ISS-2JA, Endeavour
Flight STS-128 (17A), Discovery
Flight STS-129/ULF3, Atlantis
Flight STS-130/20A, Endeavour
Flight STS-131/19A, Discovery
Flight STS-132/ULF4, Atlantis
Flight STS-133/ULF5, Discovery
Flight STS-134/ULF6, Endeavour
Flight STS-135/ULF7, Atlantis
Ground Operations Aerospace Language (GOAL)
Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel
Papers, Articles, Presentations, Books
Studies, Analyses
Reviews (FRR, LSFR, LSRR, ...)
Development Tools
Flight Data Files, Checklists, Handbooks, Procedures
STS Training
STS Flight Procedures
Support Documents
Structural Design
Life Support, Environmental, Crew Station
Ground Operations and Mission Control
Recently Added Documents as of 2025-03-04
This section lists all documents updated in the last
2 months
or the last 25 files, whichever is greater.
The entries are arranged from most-recently added to least-recently added.
Added 02/04/2025
MDC E0308
, DRAFT, "Program Acquisition Plans -Test - Space Shuttle Program Phase B Systems Study Final Report", Part III-5, 02/18/1971, by McDonnell Douglas
, DRAFT, "The Programming Language HAL - A Specification", 03/01/1971, by Intermetrics Inc
- "Final Report - Standard Interface Definition for Avionics Data Bus Systems", 05/16/1971, by
Alex L. Kosmala
, Joseph A. Saponaro
, John P. Green Jr
, 12-72
, Final, "Final Report - Advanced Software Techniques for Data Management Systems - Volume I: Study of Software Aspects of the Phase B Space Shuttle Avionics System" or here, Volume I/III, 02/16/1972, by Intermetrics Inc
, Final, "Final Report - Advanced Software Techniques for Data Management Systems - Volume II: Space Shuttle Flight Executive System: Functional Design" or here, Volume II/III, 02/16/1972, by James T. Pepe
- "Shuttle Avionics Computer System Studies", Volume IV, 12/01/1972, by
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
VS70-976099 E0 A06
, Rev A, "Integrated System Schematic - Electrical Power Distribution & Control (EPD&C) - Orbiter Vehicles 099, 103, & 104", Changes only (51/96 pages), 09/18/1980, by G. R. Wrestler
Added 01/21/2025
- "Space Shuttle - First Flight of the Columbia", 04/01/1981, by
Added 01/06/2025
, Basic Rev G, "STS Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) Systems Handbook", 12/01/1988, by David R. Pennell Jr.
, James S. Schnepp
, Raymond J. Rynearson
, Daryl J. Joseph
Added 10/09/2024
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 8A: Main Propulsion Systems", Volume 8A, 10/01/1979, by M. W. Price
Added 09/05/2024
, Rev F, "Space Shuttle Model AP-101S Principles of Operation with Shuttle Instruction Set", 07/12/1994, by IBM Federal Services Division
Added 08/26/2024
- "Space Shuttle GN & C Equation Document No. 3-71 - Conic State Extrapolation", 02/1971, by
William M. Robertson
- Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN & C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 10/1971, by
William M. Robertson
Added 07/01/2024
- "Simulation Data File (SDF) Access Package", 01/30/1992, by
Craig Schulenberg
, Jeff Day
, Baseline PASS 29.0/BFS 14.0, "SDFPKG User's Guide", 02/08/1999, by Peter Koester
, Preliminary 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S-FC SDL Interface Control Document", 09/2005, by Peter Koester
Added 03/04/2024
DA8-86-52 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #25 Minutes", 11/13/1986, by Alan L. Briscoe
Added 03/03/2024
, "Space Shuttle Earth Orbital Rendezvous Targeting Techniques for Near Circular Target Satellite Orbits", 06/27/1972, by A. W. Deaton
- "HAL/S Language Forms", 04/05/1973, by
, "Space Shuttle Advanded System/4 Pi Prototype Input/Output Processor (IOP)", 10/25/1974, by IBM FSD
- "A Structured Microprogram Set for the SUMC Computer to Emulate the IBM System/360 Model 50", 1975, by
Cesar R. Gimenez
, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Model AP-101 Central Processor Unit - Technical Description", 03/31/1975, by IBM FSD
, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Input/Output Processor (IOP) - Principles of Operation", Part III, 04/26/1976, by IBM FSD
, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Input/Output Processor (IOP) - Principles of Operation", Parts I and II, 04/26/1976, by IBM FSD
, Rev 5, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Avionics Software Interface Control Document: HAL/FCOS", 07/06/1976, by IBM FSD
Design Equations and Flowcharts
Note that while a number of revisions of various volumes of the Space
Shuttle Design Equations are available, I've been unable to locate
the presumably all-important Volume V - Flow Diagrams,
as well as Volume VI - Constants and Keyboard Accessible Parameters.
, TMX-67218
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume I", Volume I, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, N7132678
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume II, Preflight Through Orbit Insertion", Volume II, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TMX-67215
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Orbital Operations", Volume III, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TMX-67219
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume IV, Deorbit and Atmospheric Operations", Volume IV, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-X-68367
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume I", Volume I, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-X-68368
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Orbital Operations", Volume III, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-X-67709
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume IV, Deorbit and Atmospheric Operations", Volume IV, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 18 - Station-Keeping Guidance", 03/01/1972, by Donald E. Gustafson
, Bernard A. Kriegsman
, T73-10849
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 06/01/1972, by William M. Robertson
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 19 - Prelaunch Alignment and Platform Compensation", 07/01/1972, by James L. Gallagher
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 20 - Fine Alignment Gyro Torquing Angles", 09/01/1972, by Joseph St. Amand
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 10/01/1972, by William M. Robertson
, CR-128961
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 21 - Shuttle Unified Navigation Filter", 11/01/1972, by Eugene S. Muller Jr
, T73-14252
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 22 - Approach Guidance", 12/01/1972, by Yee-Chee Tao
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 23 - Energy Dissipation Rate Guidance for Approach Phase", 01/01/1973, by Antonio Elias
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Guidance", Volume III, 03/15/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 24 - Unified Powered Flight Guidance", 06/01/1973, by Timothy J. Brand
, Dennis W. Brown
, John P. HIggins
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 17 - Entry and Transition Guidance", 06/01/1973, by Fred J. Marcus
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 25 - Conic State Extrapolation", 06/01/1973, by Stanley W. Sheppard
, William M. Robertson
, Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 14 - Deorbit Targeting", 06/01/1973, by Wayne H. Tempelman
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 15 - Rendezvous Terminal Phase Automatic Braking Sequencing and Targeting", 07/01/1973, by Peter M. Kachmar
, Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 21 - Shuttle Unified Navigation Filter", 07/01/1973, by Eugene S. Muller Jr.
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 7 - Rendezvous Targeting", 07/01/1973, by Wayne H. Tempelman
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Integration of Ground and On-Board System for Terminal Count", 06/28/1983, by Charles A. Abner
, Don H. Townsend
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Automation of Checkout for Shuttle Operations Era", 06/28/1983, by Judith A. Anderson
, Kenneth O. Hendrickson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Ground / Man-Machine Interfaces for Orbiter Checkout", 06/28/1983, by F. Herb Blackmon
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Evolution of Shuttle Avionics Redundancy Management / Fault Tolerance", 06/28/1983, by Jack C. Boykin
, Joseph R. Thibodeau
, Henry E. Schneider
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Man-Machine Interface and Control of the Shuttle Digital Flight System", 06/28/1983, by Richard D. Burghduff
, James L. Lewis Jr
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Avionics Software Trials, Tribulations and Successes: The Backup Flight System", 06/28/1983, by Edward S. Chevers
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Avionics Software Trials, Tribulations and Successes", 06/28/1983, by O. L. Henderson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
- "Flight Software Fault Tolerance Via the Backup Flight System", 06/28/1983, by
Terry D. Humphrey
, Charles R. Price
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "SSME Digital Control Design Characteristics", 06/28/1983, by Walter T. Mitchell
, Richard F. Searle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Integrated Design Checkout of Shuttle Payload Avionics Interfaces", 06/28/1983, by John F. Muratore
, Kathy K. Whitcomb
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Development and Implementation of the Verification Process for the Shuttle Avionics System", 06/28/1983, by H. E. Smith
, W. B. Fouts
, J. Mesmer
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Main Engine Hardware Simulation", 06/28/1983, by H. G. Vick
, P. W. Hampton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
HAL/S Language
, MSC-01845
, "Requirements for a Manned Spaceflight Programming Language and Compiler", 1970, by Intermetrics

, DRAFT, "The Programming Language HAL - A Specification", 03/01/1971, by Intermetrics Inc
. Curiously, the document internally misidentifies itself as MSC-01848 (vs the correct MSC-01846). MSC-01848 is a related but nevetheless distinct document also available in this library.
, MSC-01848
, "Final Report - Development of an MSC Language and Compiler", Volume I, 06/01/1971, by Intermetrics
, "Final Report, Volume II, A Guide To the HAL Programming Language", Volume II, 06/01/1971, by Intermetrics
, MSC-01846
, "The Programming Language HAL - A Specification", 06/01/1971, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-126137
, "HALMAT - An Intermediate Language of the first HAL compiler", 10/27/1971, by Intermetrics
. Note that this document describes HALMAT as used in a preliminary form of the HAL compiler, and unfortunately isn't consistent in detail with the later (though very incomplete) documentation (see IR-60-5) of later versions of the compiler.
, "Final Report - Continued Advancement of the Programming Language HAL to an Operational Status", 12/30/1971, by Intermetrics
"HAL/S Language Forms", 04/05/1973, by Intermetrics
, "Final Report on GOAL-to-HAL Translation Study", 06/01/1973, by J. H. Flanders
, C. T. Helmers
, S. F. Stanten
, "Final Report, SUMC/MPOS/HAL Interface Study", 12/01/1973, by Joseph A. Saponaro
, Alex L. Kosmala
, "The GOAL-to-HAL/S Translator Specification", 12/15/1973, by Intermetrics Inc.
. Ground Operations Aerospace Language, or GOAL, is a test-oriented higher order language developed by NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center for use in the checkout and launch of the Space Shuttle.
, CR-134284
, "HAL/S-360 User's Manual", 04/07/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-134285
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 04/09/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-134295
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Functional Specification", 04/29/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document defines the functional requirements to be met by the HAL/S-FC compiler. It also defines the hardware and software compatibilities between the compiler system and the environment in which the compiler system operates.
, 88-74
, MSC-05107
, "Final Report, Advancing HAL to an Operational Status", 07/01/1974, by Intermetrics
, CR-140278
, "HAL/S-360 Compiler Test Activity Report", 07/03/1974, by Carl T. Helmers
, CR-134371
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 07/03/1974, by P. M. Newbold
, R. L. Hotz
, CR-134372
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Functional Specification", 07/24/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document defines the functional requirements to be met by the HAL/S-FC compiler. It also defines the hardware and software compatibilities between the compiler system and the environment in which the compiler system operates.
, CR-140389
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 08/15/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-144652
, "On the Performance of the HAL/S-FC Compiler", 10/22/1975, by Fred H. Martin
, CR-147564
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Specification", 03/01/1976, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-147797
, "HAL/S-FC & HAL/S-360 Compiler System Program Description", 05/13/1976, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-140279
, "HAL/S Language Specification", 06/16/1976, by Intermetrics Inc

, Rev 5, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Avionics Software Interface Control Document: HAL/FCOS", 07/06/1976, by IBM FSD
, CR-134283
, Rev 5, "HAL/S-360 Compiler System Specification", Changed pages only, 02/04/1977, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document specifies the informational interfaces within the HAL/S-360 compiler, and between the compiler and the external environment. An overall description of the compiler, and the hardware and software compatibility requirements between compiler and environment are detailed in the HAL/S-360 Compiler Functional Specification.
, 1st edition, "Programming in HAL/S", 09/01/1978, by Michael J. Ryer
, "The Design of Relatively Machine-Independent Code Generators", 02/01/1979, by Robert E. Noonan
, 2nd Edition, "Programming in HAL/S", 09/01/1979, by Michael J. Ryer
. The book is intended as an introduction to programming in HAL/S. Note: I've personally added comments and highlights to this PDF, in an attempt to provide information specific to the Intermetrics compiler HAL/S-FC when Ryer indicates that some feature or other is "implementation dependent". Alas, you should take my comments with a grain of salt, since I've sometimes found errors in my own added comments!
, "Design of a Verifiable Subset for HAL/S", 12/31/1979, by James C. Browne
, Donald I. Good
, Anand R. Tripathi
, William D. Young
, TM-80793
, 80FM18
, "Shuttle Orbit IMU Alinement - Single-Precision Computational Error", 03/01/1980, by C. R. McClain
. This is a study to determine the source of computational error in the Shuttle's IMU alignment software. The principal interest (for me) is that it contains HAL/S software listings in both single precision and double precision that it used for the analysis process.
, CR-160910
, "HAL/S Language Specification", 09/01/1980, by Intermetrics Inc
TDA Progress Report 42-64
, "Current Status of the HAL/S Compiler on the Modcomp Classic 7870 Computer", 05/01/1981, by P. J. Lytle
. This document is related to the HAL/S programming language, as opposed to the Space Shuttle. What's interesting about it to me is that it describes several uses of HAL/S by the JPL, and specifically, snippets of information about its role in the flight software for the Galileo space probe. Another article with presumably more information on the subject — I don't know for sure, because I'm not willing to pay the publisher $25 to satisfy my curiosity (particularly when the article itself explicitly contains a notation that its contents are in the Public Domain) — is "Automated Optical Navigation with Application to Galileo" by Allan Klumpp, et al. (1980). I do note that the abstract of the latter article refers to HAL/S as "the NASA standard language for flight software".
, Rev 4, "Orbiter Avionics Software Programming Standards Document", 02/15/1983, by IBM FSD
. The word "Standards" is manually pencilled into the document title on the cover page, but is typewritten internally, so I suppose that its omission on the cover page is an error.
- "Basic HAL/S Programming Course - OTP080", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 1 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 10 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 11 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 2 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 3 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 4 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 5 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 6 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 7 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 8 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 9 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- PASS 29.0 / BFS 14.0 Baseline, "HAL/S Compiler Test Results Report", 01/29/1999, by
P. Koester
- "HAL/S Training Questionnaire (for Course OTP080)", 2000, by
- "HAL/S Programming Review (for Course OTP080)", Part 1, 02/01/2000, by
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.

, Preliminary 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S-FC SDL Interface Control Document", 09/2005, by Peter Koester
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Language Specification", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
. The HAL/S Programmer's Guide presents an informal description of HAL/S aimed primarily at those unfamiliar with the language.
, PASS 32.0/BFS 17.0, "HAL/S-FC User's Manual", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
. The intent of the manual is to provide the necessary information to compile and execute a HAL/S program. It is not, however, intended to serve as a guide to the HAL/S language.
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Compiler System Specification", 11/01/2005, by United Space Alliance
XPL Language
Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, the primary reference on XPL is the
book A Compiler Generator by W. M. McKeeman, J. J. Horning, and
D. B. Wortman (1970). Thus
while there are various online resources you can find that try to
digest the information in that book and to spit the cud back at you one
way or another, there are few authoritative online documents I can point to.
Less than one, actually. I invite you to purchase the book —
which, naturally, is out of print but can be found used — or to
google for resources online.
- "XPL Translator Writing System (TWS) software source code", 03/01/1969, by
William M. McKeeman
, James J. Horning
, David B. Wortman
. This includes the source code of an XPL compiler (XCOM) and several associated XPL utilities, similar if not necessarily identical to that in the appendices of the book A Compiler Generator. The version of XCOM used in the Space Shuttle development contains modifications missing from this version.
Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) / Primary Flight Software (PFS)
, R-881
, "On-Orbit Flight Control Algorithm Description", 05/01/1975, by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
, C-4576
, "Preliminary Input to the Space Shuttle Reaction Control Subsystem Failure Detection and Identification Software Requirements", 01/01/1976, by E. Bergman
, JSC-14393
, TM-79755
, "Orbit Targeting Specialist Function - Level C Formulation Requirements", 08/01/1978, by A. DuPont
, S. McAdoo
, H. Jones
, A. K. Jones
, D. Pearson
, JSC-16238
, TM-80835
, "Star Tracker Error Analysis - Roll-to-Pitch Nonorthogonality", 10/01/1979, by R. W. Corson
, McDonnell Douglas
, JSC-16463
, TM-80794
, "Onorbit IMU Alinement Error Budget", 03/01/1980, by R. W. Corson
, McDonnell Douglas
, LA-B-30220-8
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 7: Applications Software", Volume 7, 08/01/1980, by M. A. Brekke
, JSC-14713
, TM-8221
, Rev 2, "Shuttle OFT Level C Navigation Requirements - Onorbit", 09/16/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, McDonnell Douglas
, PCN H-1, "Space Shuttle Program Orbiter Project Computer Program Development Specification, Volume 1 Book 7: STS System Level Requirements, Software", Changed pages only, 01/12/1983, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "Architecture of the Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software System", 09/01/1984, by
Gene D. Carlow
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
- "AP 101S Assembly Language Introduction Course - Reading and Understanding Assembly Code - OTP275.04", 02/01/2004, by
Christopher C. Marchant
- "AP-101S Patch Fundamentals Course - OTP155", 10/11/2004, by
Chuck Wohl
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Major Accomplishments and Lessons Learned - Detail Historical Timeline Analysis", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
. This is a slideshow presentation.
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Major Accomplishments and Lessons Learned - Presentation Summary", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
. This is a slideshow presentation.
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Quality & Reliability Data", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
Backup Flight System (BFS)
, LEC-10119
, JSC-12559
, "Backup Flight Control System Functional Evaluator Software Manual", 04/01/1977, by Charles A. Helmke
, Steve H. Hasara
, Frances E. Mount
, LA-B-30220-8
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 7: Applications Software", Volume 7, 08/01/1980, by M. A. Brekke
, Rev 4, "Orbiter Avionics Software Programming Standards Document", 02/15/1983, by IBM FSD
. The word "Standards" is manually pencilled into the document title on the cover page, but is typewritten internally, so I suppose that its omission on the cover page is an error.
- "Flight Software Fault Tolerance Via the Backup Flight System", 06/28/1983, by
Terry D. Humphrey
, Charles R. Price
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Independent Orbiter Assessment - Analysis of the Backup Flight System", 12/08/1986, by E. E. Prust
, L. W. Hinsdale
, R. W. Mielke
, "Independent Orbiter Assessment - Assessment of the Backup Flight System FMEA/CIL", 02/22/1988, by E. E. Prust
, L. W. Hinsdale
, G. W. Knori
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Backup Flight System User's Guide", Sections 1-3 only, 10/14/1988, by Rockwell International
. The foldouts are poorly cropped. Sections 4-10 and Appendices are entirely absent. The table of contents is also partially missing.
- "STS-117 MDM OA2 Card 5 Failure Impacts - BFS", 06/14/2007, by
Flight Control Operating System (FCOS)
Flight Software Waivers and User/Program Notes
- "Flight Software User/Program Notes or Requirements Waivers", 01/01/1999, by
IBM Federal Services Division
. This is a collection of 645 short text files from 1980 through 1998 that can be considered as descriptions (and approvals) either of minor extensions (clarifications) of the PASS or BFS software requirements, or else as minor violations (waivers) of such requirements. I've arbitrarily marked the author as IBM FSD, but there are obviously numerous authors, and the affiliations of the authors are generally not specified within the files. At some point, I may separate out the individual files and present them one-by-one in this library. For now, since there are so very many of them, I choose to provide them in the form of a single, unindexed zipfile.
Data Processing Subsystem (DPS)
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 5: Data Processing System", Volume 5, 11/01/1978, by R. Lanier
, TD161
, A222
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual (SFOM) - Data Processing Systems", Volume 5, 03/21/1984, by Kathleen Abotteen
, Basic, Rev B PCN-5, "Data Processing System - Systems Brief", 06/15/1992, by Robert Hudson
, John D'Agostino
- "The Space Shuttle Orbiter's Advanced Display Designs and an Analysis of Its Growth Capabilities", 03/01/1995, by
Baoquoc Tranthien
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Rev B, "DPS Overview 21002 Workbook", 02/01/1999, by Jeffrey Tuxhorn
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
- "Case Study of the Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade Software", 10/30/2005, by
Roscoe C. Ferguson
, Hiram C. Thompson
, Generic Rev K PCN-3, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-121 and subsequent)", 05/11/2006, by Reneé M. Ross
- "DPS YERO FDF Issues", 09/01/2006, by
Bob Schwank
. The date was invented by me.
, Rev B Final, "Data Processing System (Hardware and System Software) Workbook, DPS HW/SW 21002", 11/15/2006, by Steven D. Hamm
, Generic Rev K PCN-5, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev K PCN-8, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/08/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
General Purpose Computer (GPC), IBM AP-101S Avionics Computer

, "Space Shuttle Advanded System/4 Pi Prototype Input/Output Processor (IOP)", 10/25/1974, by IBM FSD
, 75-SS-0582
, "IOP Modeling Study Final Report", 03/06/1975, by IBM Federal Services Division

, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Model AP-101 Central Processor Unit - Technical Description", 03/31/1975, by IBM FSD
, "Military Standard - Aircraft Internal Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus", 04/30/1975, by United States Department of Defense

, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Input/Output Processor (IOP) - Principles of Operation", Part III, 04/26/1976, by IBM FSD

, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Input/Output Processor (IOP) - Principles of Operation", Parts I and II, 04/26/1976, by IBM FSD
, "A Study of Discrete Control Signal Fault Conditions in the Shuttle DPS", 06/30/1976, by W. W. Gaertner Research
, 1.3-DN-C0504-037
, "General Purpose Computer (GPC) to GPC Systems Interface Description", 09/20/1976, by B. C. Breyer
, "Space Shuttle - Model AP-101 C/M Principles of Operation", 01/30/1979, by IBM FSD
. The scope of this document is actually the AP-101 and AP-101C model, rather than for AP-101S. I presume that the former are predecessors to model AP-101S.

, Rev F, "Space Shuttle Model AP-101S Principles of Operation with Shuttle Instruction Set", 07/12/1994, by IBM Federal Services Division
- "AP 101S Assembly Language Introduction Course - Reading and Understanding Assembly Code - OTP275.04", 02/01/2004, by
Christopher C. Marchant
- "AP-101S Patch Fundamentals Course - OTP155", 10/11/2004, by
Chuck Wohl
- "(Untitled collection of pages related to AP-101S principles of operation)", 06/09/2005, by
IBM Federal Services Division
. This is a curious document — if it is a "document" rather than just a loose collection somebody threw together sometime. If you don't look at it too closely (guilty!), you might conclude that it was part of a review of IBM FSD document 85-C67-001, "Space Shuttle Model AP-101S Principles of Operation with Shuttle Instruction Set". But it has been pointed out to me that it contains material — a lot of material — found neither in 85-C67-001, nor in any other source presently available to us. Since the document has no title, date, or author, I've simply invented those for myself.
- "STS-135 GPS 4 Failure Description", 07/15/2011, by
Glen Finneman
- "MCC Flight Note - F045514 - GPC 4 Failure", 07/15/2011, by
Jon Pohlkamp
- "STS-135 GPC 4 Failure Dump Analysis Status", 07/15/2011, by
United Space Alliance
- "GPC 4 Fail on FD07", 07/17/2011, by
Glen Finneman
- "GPC PRACA History Relating to STS-135 Anomaly", 08/01/2011, by
, "Department of Defense Interface Standard - Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus", 09/21/2018, by United States Department of Defense
Flight Control System (FCS)
, "Military Standard - Aircraft Internal Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus", 04/30/1975, by United States Department of Defense
- "Space Shuttle Digital Flight Control System", 08/01/1976, by
Glenn M. Minott
, John B. Peller
, Kenneth J. Cox
, "Space Shuttle Avionics System", 01/01/1989, by John F. Hanaway
, Robert W. Moorehead
, Rev B, "FCS/Effectors Workbook - FCS/EFF 21002", 03/07/2006, by Wes Penny
, "Department of Defense Interface Standard - Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus", 09/21/2018, by United States Department of Defense
Software Version OI-2
Software Version OI-4
Software Version OI-5
Software Version OI-6
Software Version OI-7
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-7, Volume 1", Volume 1, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, Payloads OI-7 61-C 51-L 61-E, Volume 2", Volume 2, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
Software Version OI-8
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
Software Version OI-20
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
Software Version OI-21
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
Software Version OI-22
Software Version OI-23
Software Version OI-24
Software Version OI-25
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
Software Version OI-26
Software Version OI-27
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
Software Version OI-28
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Software Version OI-29
Software Version OI-30
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
Software Version OI-32
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
Software Version OI-33
, Rev A CPN 1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-33)", 12/15/2008, by United Space Alliance
- "System Failure Case Studies, STS-126: Shuttle Software Anomaly (OI-33)", 05/01/2009, by
NASA Safety Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
Software Version OI-34
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
Flight STS-1, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, 80FM7
, "Orbit Attitude Processor - STS-1 Bench Program Verification Test Plan", 01/01/1980, by C. R. McClain
, TM-81096
, 78-FM-51
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume III: Ascent - Cycle 3", Volume III, 05/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, JSC-14483
, TM-81077
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume V: Descent - Cycle 3", Volume V (through Appendix A), 05/01/1980, by Richard Moore
, Allen Baker
, Richard Carter
, Ralph Hite
, Alan Hochstein
, Jack Lyons
, Ken Strong
, JSC-14483
, TM-81098
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume VI: Abort Analysis - Cycle 3", Volume VI, 06/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, JSC-14483
, TM-81097
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume V: Descent - Cycle 3 - Appendix C: Monte Carlo Dispersion Analysis", Volume V Appendix C, 06/01/1980, by Moises N. Montez
, TM-82200
, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume I: Groundrules and Constraints", Volume I, 07/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. JSC-16883 supercedes JSC-14483.
, JSC-16683
, TM-82183
, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume IV: Onorbit Profile - Cycle 3.1.1", Volume IV, 07/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. JSC-16883 supercedes JSC-14483.
, JSC-14483
, TM-81101
, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume V: Descent - Cycle 3 - Appendix D: GRTLS Six-Degree-of-Freedom Monte Carlo Dispersion Analysis", Volume V Appendix D, 07/01/1980, by Moises N. Montez
, Final, "STS-1 Flight Data File - Ascent Checklist", 02/02/1981, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, PCN 1, "STS-1 Flight Data File - Entry Checklist", 03/02/1981, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-1 - Orbital Flight Test", 03/02/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Deorbit Prep, STS-1 (flown)", 03/02/1981, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
. The handwritten marking "CDR" on the front leads me to believe that the handwritten notations were written by John Young.
, "Post Insertion PDP, STS-1", 03/02/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
"Space Shuttle - First Flight of the Columbia", 04/01/1981, by TRW
. Note that in spite of its grandiose title, this document confines itself to TRW's involvement, which seems to relate only to telecommunication subsystems.
- "STS-1 GNC Post-Mission Report", 05/01/1981, by
Charles. A. Alford
, "STS-1 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 08/01/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Contractor Report 3561
, "Reconstruction of the 1st Space Shuttle (STS-1) Entry Trajectory", 06/01/1982, by J. T. Findlay
, G. M. Kelly
, M. L. Heck
, "Space Shuttle Flight Readiness Firing - Dress Rehearsal for STS-1", 06/28/1983, by Warren L. Riles
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
- "STS-1 In-Flight Anomalies (IFA)", 02/27/2003, by
. The date embedded in the document appears to be that at which the report was printed from a database system containing the individual anomalies, 20 years after the flight itself. As such, the document has no title or authorship. The individual reports are timestamped, apparently relative to the mission elapsed time (MET).
Flight STS-2, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, JSC-16748-A
, CR-160957
, Rev A, "STS-2 SAIL Non-Avionics Subsystems Math Model Requirements", 11/01/1980, by W. P. Bennett
, R. W. Herold
. You may wonder why this is a relevant document. From the abstract: "Simulation of the STS-2 Shuttle non-avionics subsystems in the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory (SAIL) is necessary for verification of the integrated Shuttle avionics system.".
- "Entry Cue Card, STS-2", 07/20/1981, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion Deorbit Prep, STS-2", Sections 1-6, 08/31/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-2 - Orbital Flight Test", 10/09/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-2 GNC Post-Mission Report", 12/01/1981, by
Richard N. Fitti
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Harry. J. Clancy
, "STS-2 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 02/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Preliminary Analysis of STS-2 Entry Flight Data", 04/01/1982, by NASA
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Flight STS-3, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
- "Space Shuttle Landing Site Charts. STS-3", 01/01/1982, by
Defense Mapping Agency
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-3", 03/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-3 GNC Post-Mission Report", 04/01/1982, by
Richard N. Fitti
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Harry. J. Clancy
, "STS-3 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 06/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Preliminary Analysis of STS-3 Entry Flight Data", 08/01/1982, by NASA
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Flight STS-4, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, TM-85502
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-4", 05/14/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-4", 06/11/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-4 GNC Post-Mission Report", 08/01/1982, by
Harry. J. Clancy
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Charles. A. Alford
, David W. Whittle
, "STS-4 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 09/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-4 Orbiter Final Mission Report Supplement", Supplement, 11/01/1982, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Flight STS-5, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final PCN-2, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-5 - Cycle 5 Trajectory", 09/30/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-5 GNC Quick Look Report", 11/22/1982, by
David W. Whittle
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Charles A. Alford
, "STS-5 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report", 12/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Flight STS-6, Challenger
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-6 - Cycle 3 Trajectory Updated", 03/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-6 GNC Quick Look Report", 04/01/1983, by
Harry J. Clancy
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Charles A. Alford
, David W. Whittle
, "STS-6 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report", 05/01/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Flight STS-7, Challenger
, JSC-15045
, TM-81090
, "STS-7 Conceptual Flight Profile", 06/01/1979, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, STS-7", 02/01/1983, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-7 - Cycle 3 Trajectory", 04/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-83-23 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #2 Minutes", 05/23/1983, by NASA
DA8-83-22 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #1 Minutes", 05/27/1983, by NASA
. Internally, this was marked DA3-83-22, but I suspect that's a misprint for DA8.
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
- "STS-7 Quick Look Report", 06/28/1983, by
David. W. Whittle
, Harry J. Clancy
, James C. Adamson
, Charles A. Alford
, "STS-7 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report", 07/01/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-83-45 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #3 Minutes", 07/25/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-46 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #4 Minutes", 07/28/1983, by Gary E. Coen
Flight STS-8, Challenger
DA8-83-23 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #2 Minutes", 05/23/1983, by NASA
DA8-83-22 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #1 Minutes", 05/27/1983, by NASA
. Internally, this was marked DA3-83-22, but I suspect that's a misprint for DA8.
DA8-83-45 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #3 Minutes", 07/25/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-46 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #4 Minutes", 07/28/1983, by Gary E. Coen
- "Ascent Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Basic Rev B, "Entry Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "PDRS Ops Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final, "Post Insertion, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-8 - Cycle 4.1 Trajectory", 08/10/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS 8 Quick Look Report - GNC", 09/06/1983, by
James C. Adamson
, Charles A. Alford
, Harold L. (Len) Hardwick
DA8-83-60 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #5 Minutes", 09/09/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #6 Minutes", 09/23/1983, by Gary E. Coen
, "STS-8 National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 10/01/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 41-A (STS-9), Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
DA8-83-23 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #2 Minutes", 05/23/1983, by NASA
DA8-83-22 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #1 Minutes", 05/27/1983, by NASA
. Internally, this was marked DA3-83-22, but I suspect that's a misprint for DA8.
DA8-83-45 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #3 Minutes", 07/25/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-46 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #4 Minutes", 07/28/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-60 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #5 Minutes", 09/09/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #6 Minutes", 09/23/1983, by Gary E. Coen
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-9 - Cycle 4 Trajectory - Spacelab 1", 11/10/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #7 Minutes", 11/17/1983, by Gary E. Coen
, "STS-9 National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 01/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #8 Minutes", 02/22/1984, by
Flight STS 41-B (STS-11), Challenger
DA8-83-23 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #2 Minutes", 05/23/1983, by NASA
DA8-83-22 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #1 Minutes", 05/27/1983, by NASA
. Internally, this was marked DA3-83-22, but I suspect that's a misprint for DA8.
DA8-83-45 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #3 Minutes", 07/25/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #7 Minutes", 11/17/1983, by Gary E. Coen
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-B (STS-11) - Cycle 2 (Revision A) Trajectory", 12/19/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, 41-B (STS-11) - Integrated Rendezvous Target (IRT)", 12/23/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #8 Minutes", 02/22/1984, by
, "STS 41-B National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 03/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 41-C (STS-13), Challenger
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #7 Minutes", 11/17/1983, by Gary E. Coen
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #8 Minutes", 02/22/1984, by
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-C (STS-13)", 02/29/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 41-C National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 05/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 41-DR (STS-14), Discovery
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-D", 06/06/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-D", 07/27/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 41-D National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 09/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 41-G (STS-17), Challenger
Flight STS 51-A (STS-19), Discovery
Flight STS 51-C (STS-20), Discovery
Flight STS 51-E (STS-22), Challenger (Canceled)
Flight STS 51-D (STS-23), Discovery
Flight STS 51-B (STS-24), Challenter
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 09/13/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 03/19/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 04/16/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-B National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 06/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 51-G (STS-25), Discovery
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 02/25/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 05/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 05/30/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-G National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 07/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 51-F (STS-26), Challenger
Flight STS 51-I (STS-27), Discovery
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS 51-I - SYNCOM Salvage", 07/05/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-I (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 07/15/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-I (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 08/09/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-I National Space Transportation Systems Mission Report", 10/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 51-J (STS-28), Atlantis
Flight STS 61-A (STS-30), Challenger
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-A (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 10/11/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Payload Crew Activity Plan - Blue", 10/11/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew LT Book", 10/30/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Deutsche Spacelab Mission D1.
, "STS 61-A National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 03/01/1986, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 61-B (STS-31), Atlantis
Flight STS 61-C (STS-32), Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-C (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 11/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-C (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", All except 3-1 through 3-3, 11/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, Payloads OI-7 61-C 51-L 61-E, Volume 2", Volume 2, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
, "STS 61-C National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 08/01/1987, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS 51-L (STS-33), Challenger
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, Payloads OI-7 61-C 51-L 61-E, Volume 2", Volume 2, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-L (Cycle 2B Trajectory)", 12/23/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-29 (STS-29R), Discovery
Flight STS-26 (STS-26R), Discovery
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-26 (Cycle 2R1 Trajectory)", 06/11/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-26 (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 08/19/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-26 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 01/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-27 (STS-27R), Atlantis
Flight STS-30 (STS-30R), Atlantis
Flight STS-28 (STS-28R), Columbia
Flight STS-34 (STS-34R), Atlantis
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-34 (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 09/07/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-34 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 11/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-33 (STS-33R), Discovery
Flight STS-32 (STS-32R), Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-32 (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 06/27/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev C PCN-11, "Orbit Pocket Checklist", 11/08/1989, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-32 (Cycle 2R Trajectory)", 11/22/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-32 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 02/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-36 (STS-36R), Atlantis
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
, "STS-36 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-31 (STS-31R), Discovery
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-31 (HST Deploy) (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 03/20/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-31 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 05/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-41, Discovery
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-41 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/07/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-41 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-38, Atlantis
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
, "STS-38 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-35 (STS 61-E), Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-E (Cycle 1 Trajectory)", 11/22/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, Payloads OI-7 61-C 51-L 61-E, Volume 2", Volume 2, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-35 (Cycle 3R Trajectory)", 11/16/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-35 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-37, Atlantis
Flight STS-39, Discovery
Flight STS-40, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-40 (Flight Cycle R3 Trajectory)", 04/24/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-40 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-43, Atlantis
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-43", 06/01/1991, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-43 (Flight Cycle R1 Trajectory)", 07/02/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-43 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
- "Orbit Ops Checklist STS-43", 06/13/2005, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Flight STS-48, Discovery
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-48 (CTL Cycle Trajectory)", 08/21/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev B, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-48 and subsequent)", 08/28/1991, by F. Fisher Reynolds III
, "STS-48 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
Flight STS-44, Atlantis
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-44 (CTL Trajectory)", 10/08/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
, "STS-44 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-42, Discovery
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-42 (Rotated Flight Cycle R3 Trajectory)", 01/03/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-42 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-45, Atlantis
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-45 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 02/28/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-45 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-49, Endeavour
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-49 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 03/23/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev A, "Systems Data Book (STS-49 and subsequent)", 04/20/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-49 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
Flight STS-50, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-50 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 05/04/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-50 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
Flight STS-46, Atlantis
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-46 (FRR Trajectory)", 07/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-46 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
Flight STS-47, Endeavour
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-47 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/17/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-47 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
Flight STS-52, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-52 (Proposed FRR Cycle)", 09/22/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
, "STS-52 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-53, Discovery
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-53 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 09/18/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
, "STS-53 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-54, Endeavour
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-54 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 12/02/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-54 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-56, Discovery
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-56 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 02/24/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-56 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-55, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-55 (Flight Cycle Trajectory - April 24 Launch)", 04/12/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-55 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-57, Endeavour
Flight STS-51, Discovery
Flight STS-58, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-58 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/23/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-58 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-61, Endeavour
Flight STS-60, Discovery
Flight STS-62, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-62 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 01/28/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-62 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-59, Endeavour
Flight STS-65, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-65 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/02/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, CR-197598
, "STS-65 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-64, Discovery
Flight STS-68, Endeavour
Flight STS-66, Atlantis
Flight STS-63, Discovery
Flight STS-67, Endeavour
Flight STS-71, Atlantis
Flight STS-70, Discovery
Flight STS-69, Endeavour
Flight STS-73, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-73 (FRR Trajectory)", 08/16/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-73 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-74, Atlantis
Flight STS-72, Endeavour
Flight STS-75, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-75 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 01/04/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-75 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-76, Atlantis
Flight STS-77, Endeavour
Flight STS-78, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-78 (FRR Trajectory)", 05/15/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-78 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-79, Atlantis
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-79 (Mir L-3 Month Vector)", 07/08/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-79 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/1996, by Robert W. Fricke Jr
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
, Generic Rev H PCN-2, "Deorbit Prep (STS-79 and subsequent)", 06/20/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-80, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-80 (Rotated FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 09/30/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-80 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
Flight STS-81, Atlantis
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-81", 11/25/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-81 (Mir L-3 Month Vector)", 12/18/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-81 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
Flight STS-82, Discovery
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-82 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/08/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-82 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
Flight STS-83, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-83 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 02/21/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
, "STS-83 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-84, Atlantis
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-84 (FRR Trajectory)", 04/28/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
, "STS-84 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-94 (STS-83R), Columbia
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-94 - STS-83 Reflight (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/27/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-94 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-85, Discovery
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-85 (FRR Trajectory)", 06/18/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-85 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The document number printed on the document itself is NSTS-37417, which is identical to the STS-86 report. I assume this is an error, and have taken it upon myself to change it to NSTS-37416 here in the library.
Flight STS-86, Atlantis
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-86", 06/13/1997, by Allison K. Riley
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-86 (Mir L-1 Month Vector)", 09/04/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-86 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-87, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-87 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/06/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-87 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-89, Endeavour
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-89 Flight Supplement", 09/18/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-89 Flight Supplement", 12/01/1997, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-89 (L-1 Month Trajectory)", 01/07/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-89 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-90, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-90 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 02/13/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-90 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-91, Discovery
Flight STS-95, Discovery
Flight STS-88/ISS-2A, Endeavour
Flight STS-96/ISS-2A.1, Discovery
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-96 (STS-96 L-2 Weeks Trajectory)", 05/18/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-96 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
Flight STS-93, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-93 (Rotated FRR Trajectory - July 20, 1999 GMT L/O)", 06/25/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "IUS Deploy Checklist, STS-93", 06/28/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-93 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-103, Discovery
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-103 (STS-103 OCF Trajectory)", 07/26/1998, by Scott Curtis
, Douglas Bristol
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-103 Flight Supplement", 07/30/1999, by Harold L. Scott
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-103 Flight Supplement", 08/20/1999, by Leslie M. Hammond
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-103", 08/27/1999, by Sean K. O'Rourke
, Final Rev A, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-103", 09/21/1999, by Thomas M. Arnold
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-103 (STS-103 FRR (12/02/99) Trajectory)", 10/27/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-103 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-99 report.
Flight STS-99, Endeavour
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-99 Flight Supplement", 07/23/1999, by Scott A. Bleisath
, Final, Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-99 Flight Supplement", 08/31/1999, by Harold L. Scott
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-99 (STS-99 FRR)", 12/07/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-99 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-103 report.
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
Flight STS-101/ISS 2A.2a, Atlantis
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-101 (STS-101 HY-330 Trajectory)", 03/09/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
, "STS-101 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-106/ISS 2A.2b, Atlantis
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-106 (STS-106 FRR Trajectory)", 08/10/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
, "STS-106 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-92/ISS 3A, Discovery
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-92 (STS-92 FRR Trajectory)", 09/18/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-92 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-97/ISS 4A, Endeavour
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-97 (STS-97 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 11/03/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-97 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-98/ISS 5A, Atlantis
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-98 (FRR Trajectory: Launch - January 18, 2001)", 12/15/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, "STS-98 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Flight STS-102/ISS 5A.1, Discovery
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-102 (STS-102 Post-FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/26/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-102 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Flight STS-100/ISS 6A, Endeavour
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Generic Rev C PCN-3, "Cue Cards and Procedural Decals Book (STS-100 and subsequent)", 02/09/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-100 (STS-100 FRR Trajectory)", 03/16/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-100 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-104 report.
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Flight STS-104/ISS 7A, Atlantis
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-104/7A (STS-104 Modified FRR Trajectory)", 05/15/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-104 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-100 report.
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Flight STS-105/ISS 7A.1, Discovery
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-105/ISS-7A.1 (STS-105 FRR Trajectory)", 07/09/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-105 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-108/ISS UF-1, Endeavour
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-12, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 10/18/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-13 Vol 2, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102.4, 10/22/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev H PCN-3, "Medical Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", 10/25/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-108 (STS-108 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/31/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-108 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-109, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-109", 08/24/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev E PCN-4, "Reference Data (STS-109 and subsequent)", 11/19/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-14, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-109 and subsequent)", 12/05/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Post Insertion, STS-109", 12/06/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-17, "Orbit Pocket Checklist, Vol 2 (STS-109 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 12/07/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/04/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev E PCN-23, "Entry Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/07/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E PCN-8, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-109", 01/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/17/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-2, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/18/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-109, Flight Supplement", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "EVA Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-109", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-109 (STS-109 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/29/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/31/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E PCN-1, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Payload Powerdown, STS-109", 02/04/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-14, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures, Vol 2 (STS-109 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-7, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-7, "Deorbit Prep (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-109", 02/28/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope Space Support Equipment Servicing Mission 3B, STS-109", 02/28/2002, by United Space Alliance
, "STS-109 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-110/ISS 8A, Atlantis
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-110 (STS-110 Flight Readiness Review Trajectory)", 02/26/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-110 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B CPN-3, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-29)", 01/13/2003, by United Space Alliance
Flight STS-111/ISS UF-2, Endeavour
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-111 (STS-111 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 04/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-111 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B CPN-3, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-29)", 01/13/2003, by United Space Alliance
Flight STS-112/ISS 9A, Atlantis
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-112 (FDO Provided L-7 Week Trajectory)", 08/22/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-6, "EVA Checklist (STS-112 and subsequent)", 08/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-112 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B CPN-3, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-29)", 01/13/2003, by United Space Alliance
Flight STS-113/ISS 11A, Endeavour
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-113", 06/17/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-113 (FDO Provided L-8 Week Trajectory)", 09/27/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-113 Flight Supplement", 09/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B CPN-3, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-29)", 01/13/2003, by United Space Alliance
, "STS-113 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-107, Columbia
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-107 (STS-107 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 06/21/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-107 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/09/2003, by
P. L. Engelauf
, K. B. Beck
, Rev B CPN-3, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-29)", 01/13/2003, by United Space Alliance
, "STS-107 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-114/LF-1, Discovery
- "STS Star Charts", 02/01/1988, by
Defence Mapping Agency Aerospace Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-114 (STS-114 OCFR2_RevD Cycle Trajectory)", 10/07/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-114 and subsequent)", 09/25/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-114 and subsequent)", 02/09/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "Space Shuttle Malfunction Procedures, STS-114 and subsequent", 02/09/2004, by Harold L. Scott
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 08/14/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 08/27/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Rendezvous, STS-114", 09/03/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-114 (STS-114 OCF Rev A Cycle Trajectory)", 11/19/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-114 and subsequent)", 11/22/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Post Insertion, STS-114", 11/23/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-1, "Entry Checklist (STS-114 and subsequent)", 01/21/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Checklist, STS-114", 01/25/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O, "Deorbit Prep (STS-114 and subsequent)", 02/14/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Final Rev B PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 03/30/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-LF1", 06/01/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 06/17/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
, PCN, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-LF1", 06/30/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, "STS-114 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
Flight STS-121/ULF1.1, Discovery
, Rev 00, "MELFI Flight Model User Manual", 03/03/2004, by EADS Astrium
, Basic, "EVA Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 01/10/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 01/10/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "All Vehicle D&C Procedural Nomenclature", 05/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-3, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-121 and subsequent)", 05/11/2006, by Reneé M. Ross
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 06/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Rendezvous, STS-121", 06/07/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-121 Flight Readiness Review: Systems Engineering & Integration", 06/16/2006, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-121", 06/19/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Post Insertion, STS-121", 06/19/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, "STS-121 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-121 / ULF-1.1 (STS-121 FRRR3 Trajectory)", 10/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
Flight STS-115/ISS 12A, Atlantis
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-115 (STS-115/12A Gen OCF (May 23, 2003) Trajectory)", 04/03/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
, Final Rev A, "Entry Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 06/22/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
, Basic Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss)", 04/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Checklist, STS-115", 06/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss) - STS 115/12A FRR (August 28, 2006) Trajectory", 07/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
, Final, "Joint Shuttle-ISS Operational Flight Rules Annex, 12A/STS-115 12A-12A.1 Stage", 07/31/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-115/12A MOD Systems Division FRR", 08/02/2006, by
Ladessa Hicks
- "STS-115/12A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 08/02/2006, by
J. McCullough
, P. Dye
, S. Stich
- "STS-115 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 08/02/2006, by
Ray Moreno
, Richard A. Theis
, William Seay
- Final, "NAV/Landing Aids Reference Chart, STS-115", 08/03/2006, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-115", 08/04/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Post Insertion, STS-115", 08/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-115 and subsequent)", 08/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-115", 08/11/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss) - STS 115/12A FRR (August 28, 2006) Trajectory", 08/11/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "EVA Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-12A", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-5, "EVA Checklist (STS-115 and subsequent)", 08/17/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-115/12A MOD Systems Division FRR", 08/21/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Final E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/22/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, "STS-115 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
Flight STS-116/ISS 12A.1, Discovery
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
- "YERO Concerns", 06/01/2006, by
. I invented the date.
- "YERO Preliminary PRA Analysis", 06/01/2006, by
Gary Duncan
, Paul Wilson
, Teri L. Hamlin
. I invented the date.
, Rev A, "Spacehab Malfunction Procedures and Systems Data (STS-116 and subsequent)", 06/21/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115116P", 06/22/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
- "Year End Rollover (YERO) STS-116 Impacts", 08/09/2006, by
Carolyn Jarrett
- "STS-116 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115116Q", 08/10/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 08/21/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-116 (STS-116 February 9, 2006 Launch Trajectory)", 08/24/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 09/25/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Year End Rollover (YERO) STS-116 Plans & Status", 09/26/2006, by
Carolyn Jarrett
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Final Rev A PCN-2 SIM-434, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 10/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Entry Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-116", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116/12A.1 YERO Support", 10/23/2006, by
Tony Ceccassi
, Norman Knight
- "Shuttle Year End Rollover (YERO) STS-116 SAIL TEST Plan", 10/25/2006, by
Carolyn Jarrett
- "Initial Test Results STS-116 YERO SAIL Test 10/25/06", 10/25/2006, by
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-12A.1", 10/27/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Draft, "YERO Impacts to Vehicle Monitoring", 11/01/2006, by
. I invented the date and mission.
- "STS-116/12A.1 Year End Roll-over (YERO) Options", 11/02/2006, by
Tony Ceccassi
, Norman Knight
, Steve Stich
, Final SIM-28, "Spacehab Operations Checklist, STS-116", 11/03/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-116 (12-7-06 R1 Trajectory)", 11/07/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 11/08/2006, by
John M. Curry
, Anthony J. Ceccacci
, J. Steve Stich
, Norman D. Knight
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD Systems Division FRR", 11/08/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 11/08/2006, by
R. Morgan
, R. Parker
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-116", 11/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 11/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-116", 11/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/15/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-12A.1", 11/17/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "YERO FSW Validation/checking for STS-116", 11/20/2006, by
Carlos B. Valrand
- "YERO Test Issues", 12/01/2006, by
- "Year-End Roll-Over (YERO) MCC New Year’s Eve Test - SR3674", 12/21/2006, by
Michael Moses
, "STS-116 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
Flight STS-117/ISS 13A, Atlantis
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
- "STS-117/13A MOD Systems Division FRR", 02/13/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Rev F PCN-10, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 04/25/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
- "STS-117 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115117P", 08/24/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
- "STS-117 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115117Q", 11/09/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-117 (OCFR2 Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 11/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 11/29/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 12/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Powerdown, STS-117", 12/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-117", 12/20/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-2, "Medical Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-117/13A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 02/13/2007, by
K. Beck
, C. Koerner
, N. Knight
- "STS-117 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 02/13/2007, by
David Tee
, Ray Moreno
, Roger Rojas
, Bill Jacobs
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-117", 02/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-9, "Entry Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-117", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-7, "EVA Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-117", 02/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-13A", 02/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/26/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 03/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 05/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-117 (FRR Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 05/22/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Errata, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-13A Errata", 06/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Joint Shuttle-ISS Operational Flight Rules Annex, STS-117/13A ISS Expedition 15", 06/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-117 MER 08 - MDM OA-2 Card 5 Failure", 06/14/2007, by
- "STS-117 MDM OA2 Card 5 Failure Impacts - BFS", 06/14/2007, by
- "STS-117 MDM OA2 Card 5 Failure", 06/15/2007, by
Tim Reith
, "STS-117 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
Flight STS-118/ISS 13A.1, Endeavour
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
- "STS-118 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115118K(Replacement Pkg)", 10/05/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
- "STS-118 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115118P", 11/16/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic SIM-450, "Flight Plan, STS-118 - OCFR2 Fight Cycle Trajectory (Modified for 14 day Mission)", 03/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H, "Entry Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 04/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-141, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 05/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-4, "Reference Data (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-9, "EVA Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-118", 06/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-1, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 06/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 06/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-153, "Payload Powerdown, STS-118", 06/21/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-178, "Rendezvous, STS-118", 06/22/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-3, "Medical Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/06/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-118", 07/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-4, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/10/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-118 (FRR Flight Cycle Trajectory", 07/10/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-118/13A.1 and PCS R10U MOD Flight Readiness Review", 07/11/2007, by
M. Abbott
, J. Montalbano
, S. Stich
- "STS-118/13A.1 MOD Systems Division FRR", 07/11/2007, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-118 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 07/11/2007, by
Steven K. Staas
, Alan Haggard
, Richart Theis
, Sean O'Rourke
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev I PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-2, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-118", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B PCN-1, "Spacehab Malfunction Procedures and Systems Data (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-5, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev L PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-3, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-1, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-1, "Deorbit Prep (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-13A.1", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Spacehab Operations Checklist, STS-118", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-2, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Reference Data, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/24/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 07/27/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata Addendum, STS-118", 08/07/2007, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-118", 08/07/2007, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software (FSW) STS-118 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 3981", 09/06/2007, by
David Rutishauser
, "STS-118 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
Flight STS-120/ISS 10A, Discovery
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.
, Generic Rev N PCN-6, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
- "STS-120 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115120B", 01/25/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-120/10A (OCFR1 RevA Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 04/27/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-186, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 05/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115120D", 05/24/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 06/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous Checklist, STS-120", 08/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 SIM-443, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 08/29/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Post Insertion, STS-120", 09/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev I PCN-5, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/06/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-120", 09/11/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-10A", 09/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120/10A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 09/17/2007, by
J. D. Hassmann
, R. LaBrode
, N. Knight
- "STS-120/10A MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/17/2007, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-120 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/17/2007, by
Sotirios Liolios
, Ray Moreno
, David Mayhew
, Carson Sparks
, Generic Rev L PCN-2, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-4, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-5, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/25/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Joint Shuttle-ISS Operational Flight Rules Annex, STS-120/10A ISS Expeditions 15 & 16", 09/25/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-4, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/26/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-11, "EVA Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/28/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-6, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-120", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-120", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-3, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/03/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-120/10A (FFR Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 10/04/2007, by Diane Hord
, Patrick White
, Aaron McDonald
, Rodolfo Gonzalez
, Marcos Stocco
, Generic Rev M PCN-7, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-3, "Entry Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-3, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-10A", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/09/2007, by
Donald S. Noah
, Final Rev A, "Reference Data, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120 Flight Readiness Review - Advanced Master Events Controller", 10/16/2007, by
John Hunt
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-10A", 10/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-120 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4074", 11/08/2007, by
David Rutishauser
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 11/19/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, "STS-120 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
, Final PCN-1 SIM-124, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 08/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
Flight STS-122/ISS 1E, Atlantis
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122", 11/02/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122C", 11/30/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122D", 03/08/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122G", 05/24/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-122/1E (OCFR1 Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48551-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Payload ISS-1E GROUND", 09/11/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48550-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Malfunction ISS-1E GROUND", 09/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48502-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-1E GROUND", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 10/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 10/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-4, "Deorbit Prep (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-6, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-122/1E MOD Flight Readiness Review", 11/05/2007, by
S. Davis
, M. Sarafin
, N. Knight
- "STS-122 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 11/05/2007, by
Ray Moreno
, Cathy Bupane
, Darrin Leleux
, Generic Rev I PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/07/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/07/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-122", 11/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-122", 11/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-122/1E (December 6, 2007 Launch Trajectory)", 11/13/2007, by Laura Hearon
, Telisha Harris
, Joseph Kitchen
, Samantha David
, Alex Rigas
- "STS-122 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 11/13/2007, by
Donald S. Noah
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-122", 11/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-4, "Entry Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-122 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4151", 02/21/2008, by
Alan Currie
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
, "STS-122 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
Flight STS-123/ISS 1JA, Endeavour
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-123, Flight Supplement", 11/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-123 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/09/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-123 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/09/2008, by
Steven K. Staas
, David Tee
, Jennifer Mendeck
, David Mayhew
- "STS-123/1E MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/09/2008, by
D. Weigel
, M. Moses
, B. Lunney
, R. Jones
, H. Ridings
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-123", 01/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-123", 01/25/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-4, "Medical Checklist (STS-123 and subsequent)", 02/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-123 - L-35_Mar11 Trajectory (Mar 11, 2008 Launch)", 02/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/13/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-123 Combined SSP/Joint Flight Readiness Review", 02/28/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
, Final P&I, "Post Insertion, STS-123", 03/05/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "EVA Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 03/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 03/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-123 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4173", 04/17/2008, by
David Rutishauser
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
, "STS-123 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-4 E1, "Medical Checklist (STS-123 and subsequent)", 06/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
, Generic Rev Q PCN-5, "Deorbit Prep", 03/02/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Flight STS-124/ISS 1J, Discovery
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev G PCN-4, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev H PCN-14, "EVA Checklist (STS-124 and subsequent)", 04/15/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 04/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-124", 04/18/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-6, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-124 and subsequent)", 04/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-124/1J MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/29/2008, by
A. Hasbrook
, M. Abbott
, N. Knight
, R. Jones
, H. Rarick
- "STS-124 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/29/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-124 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/29/2008, by
David Tee
, Jennifer Flinn
, Robert Stein
, Marc Abadie
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 04/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-7, "Deorbit Prep (STS-124 and subsequent)", 05/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-124", 05/05/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-124", 05/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-124 (STS-124 May 31st, Rev A Trajectory)", 05/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-1J", 05/13/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-124 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 05/13/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-124 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4230", 06/24/2008, by
Errol A. Jones
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev O PCN-4, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures", 10/22/2008, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-124 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
Flight STS-126/ISS-ULF2, Endeavour
- "STS-126 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126A", 12/13/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-126 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126C", 03/06/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-126 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126D", 05/08/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-126", 10/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-126 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 10/07/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-126/ULF2 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 10/07/2008, by
G. Kerrick
, M. Sarafin
, B. Lunney
, R. Spencer
- "STS-126 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 10/07/2008, by
David Tee
, Jared Renshaw
, Roger Rojas
, Jason Smith
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 - TPS Repair procedures", 10/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-8, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/08/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev H PCN-5, "Entry Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-7 P&I, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10 E1, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-9, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-126", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-5, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-3, "Post Insertion, STS-126", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-126 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/21/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-126/ULF2 (November 14, 2008 Trajectory)", 10/22/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-13, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/23/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-126", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J E1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-4 P&I, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. See the 5/5/2009 revision.
, Generic Rev P PCN-9 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-8 E1, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3 P&I, "Ascent Checklist. STS-126", 11/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-126 MMT L-2 Day Review - Orbiter Project (MV) - Multifunctional Display Unit Error", 11/12/2008, by
Glen Finneman
, Final P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 11/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-9, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4363", 12/09/2008, by
David Rutishauser
, Rev A CPN 1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-33)", 12/15/2008, by United Space Alliance
- "DR126366 Causal Analysis and Corrective/Preventative Actions - IFA STS-126-I-001", 01/15/2009, by
John Magley
- "System Failure Case Studies, STS-126: Shuttle Software Anomaly (OI-33)", 05/01/2009, by
NASA Safety Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-4 P&I, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Regarding the difference between this revision of the document and the 11/06/2008 revision, both are internally dated 10/22/2008, and the dates assigned to them here in the library are from the filenames as originally given to me. Both internally state that they are for STS-126 and subsequent, and the assignment of this document to STS-128 and subsequent again comes from the filename. It is difficult to determine the differences between the two documents by visual inspection, but they do have different numerical values listed in a number of places. Moreover, in a couple of places in this revision of the document, the numbers from the 11/06/2008 revision are present but are struck through. Therefore, it does seem as though the 11/06/2008 revision was superseded by this 05/05/2009 revision, however inadequate the internal markings in the document may be.
, Generic Rev P PCN-9 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. This revision of the document differs from the one dated 11/6/2008 (STS-127), but neither of them explicitly state the mission they are for. The identification with a mission comes about thusly (so I am told): Shuttle crews all received identical "generic" versions of these documents (within the "and subsequent" effectivity), but could then optionally make their own "pen & ink" (P&I) modifications. These P&I changes were treated as Errata. The document would be reprinted with the P&I changes, so that it would no longer be generic, but apparently without any special warning like "For STS-125 only". So the way to tell is to look at the Errata section. The Errata in this STS-125 P&I version relate to the shuttle Atlantis, while in contrast, the STS-127 P&I version of the document (created from the same generic version) contains changes related to Endeavour.
, Generic Rev K PCN-2 E1 P&I, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-126 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
Flight STS-119/ISS-15A, Discovery
- "STS-119 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119A", 04/03/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-119 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119B", 05/15/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-119", 07/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-119 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119C", 07/24/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-119", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-119", 10/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 11/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A CPN 1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-33)", 12/15/2008, by United Space Alliance
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-119/ISS-15A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/13/2009, by
K. Alibaruho
, P. Dye
, R. Jones
, E. Nelson
- "STS-119 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/16/2009, by
Jennifer Flinn
, Dawn Gabriel
, David Mayhew
, Bill Tracy
- "STS-119 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/16/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Generic Rev L PCN-8, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-9, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-119", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-119 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 01/21/2009, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-119 SSP Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 01/21/2009, by
Donald S. Noah
, Rev J PCN-1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-119 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 01/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final CPN-1, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH): S6 Truss Delivery", 01/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-119", 03/10/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-119 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4432", 04/09/2009, by
Errol A. Jones
- "System Failure Case Studies, STS-126: Shuttle Software Anomaly (OI-33)", 05/01/2009, by
NASA Safety Center
, "STS-119 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
Flight STS-125, Atlantis
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
- "STS-125 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115125B", 10/25/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Cargo Systems Manual: IMAX Cargo Bay Camera 3D", 01/09/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 01/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope Space Support Equipment Servicing Mission 4, STS-125", 01/18/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 03/19/2008, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-125", 03/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 03/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 03/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 03/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-148, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-125", 05/09/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-125 (STS-125 OCF Rev A Trajectory)", 05/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-156, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 05/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
- "STS-125 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/02/2008, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-125 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", Backup Documents, 09/02/2008, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", 09/02/2008, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- "STS-125 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/02/2008, by
Dawn Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bill Tracy
, Generic Rev F PCN-6, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 09/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-10, "Reference Data (STS-125 and subsequent)", 09/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-125 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 09/11/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
, Basic PCN-4, "Post Insertion, STS-125", 09/25/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 10/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-15 P&I, "EVA Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-2 E1, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-2, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-125 and subsequent)", 03/18/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev O, "Ascent Pocket Checklist", 04/07/2009, by Mary Ellen Bruce
, Generic Rev O E1, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/07/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-17, "EVA Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/07/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Entry Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/14/2009, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- Delta, "STS-125 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/14/2009, by
Dawn Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bill Tracy
, Final PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-125", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-7, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 04/20/2009, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- "STS-125 Flight Readiness Review, Flight Operations and Integration (FO&I) Status", 04/20/2009, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-125/STS-400", 04/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final Rev A, "Flight Plan Notes (Constraints and Guidelines) - STS-125", 04/23/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-125 - May 12, 2009 Launch Minus 35 Days Trajectory", 04/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 04/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final Rev A, "STS-125 Flight Plan Walkthrough (with Rationale)", 04/23/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-188, "Rendezvous, STS-125/STS-400", 04/27/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Flight Plan, STS-125 - May 12, 2009 Launch Minus 35 Days Trajectory", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-2 E1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-125 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A E1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-4 E1, "Post Insertion, STS-125", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 05/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-125 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4494", 05/21/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
, "STS-125 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-127/ISS-2JA, Endeavour
- "STS-127 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115127B(Replacement Charts)", 10/23/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Rev A CPN 1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-33)", 12/15/2008, by United Space Alliance
- "STS-127 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115127C", 01/15/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev L PCN-8, "Contingency Deorbit Prep", 01/16/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 02/19/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-206, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 04/14/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "System Failure Case Studies, STS-126: Shuttle Software Anomaly (OI-33)", 05/01/2009, by
NASA Safety Center
- "STS-127 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 05/05/2009, by
Jenny Flinn
, Rebecca Cutri-Kohart
, Josh Parris
, Richard Parker
- "STS-127 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 05/05/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-127/ISS-2JA MOD Flight Readiness Review", 05/05/2009, by
H. Ridings
, P. Dye
, B. Lunney
, C. McMillan
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-127/2J/A (June 13, 2009 FRR Trajectory)", 05/14/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-1, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-11, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-2J/A", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-8, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-6, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-127", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-127", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-127", 05/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-127 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 05/27/2009, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, PCN, "Robotics Book - Flight Specific ISS-2J/A", 06/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2 E1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-127", 06/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Entry Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final CPN-1, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH)/Data Book (DB): Japanese Exposed Facility/External Section", 06/03/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final P&I, "Payload Powerdown, STS-127", 06/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1 P&I, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/11/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Chris Cassidy Flight Rules", 07/21/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-127 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4555", 07/28/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
, "STS-127 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-128 (17A), Discovery
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- "STS-128 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128", 08/14/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "Delta STS-128 Integrated Launch Site RequirementsReview - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128C", 12/18/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-128 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128B", 01/29/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 03/27/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-128 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128E", 04/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev H PCN-6, "Entry Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 06/12/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev Q, "Deorbit Prep (STS-128 and subsequent)", 07/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-128 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 07/09/2009, by
Dawn M. Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bob Stein
- "STS-128 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 07/09/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-128/ISS-17A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 07/09/2009, by
H. Rarick
, A. Ceccacci
, R. Jones
, C. McMillan
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-128/17A (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 07/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-128", 07/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Robotics Book - Flight Specific ISS-17A", 07/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-128", 07/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 07/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 07/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 07/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-9, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 08/03/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 08/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 08/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-128/17A Mated Shuttle/ISS Operations DAP Modes and Constraints, Revision A", 08/07/2009, by
S. Bhatt
, A. Bosse
, M. Martin
, R. Martin
, R. Masterson
, E. McCants
, L. Ray
- Delta, "STS-128 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 08/17/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-128 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 08/18/2009, by
Edward M. Burns
, Final PCN-2 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-128", 08/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-128 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4584", 09/24/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
, Generic Rev H PCN-6 E1, "Entry Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 01/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-128 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
Flight STS-129/ULF3, Atlantis
, Generic Rev I PCN-7, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 06/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-129 In-Flight Anomaly Review", 12/10/2008, by
Errol A. Jones
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "STS-129 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129A", 03/19/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-129 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129B", 04/16/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-129 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129C", 06/25/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-129", 08/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 08/28/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-129 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 10/15/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-129/ISS-ULF3 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 10/15/2009, by
Bryan C. Lunney
, Michael L. Sarafin
, Brian T. Smith
, David Korth
- "STS-129 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 10/15/2009, by
Jared Renshaw
, David Tee
, Roger Rojas
, Mark Anderson
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-129/ULF3 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 10/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Powerdown, STS-129", 10/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-2, "Reference Data (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-3, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-129", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/26/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 10/29/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-129 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/29/2009, by
Donald W. Totton
, Generic Rev F PCN-10, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF3", 10/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-6 E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/06/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev Q PCN-1 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Entry Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "EVA Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Flight Plan, STS-129/ULF3 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-129", 11/12/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-18, "EVA Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
, Generic Rev Q PCN-1 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 01/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The identification with STS-130 comes from the filename of the received file, rather than being derived from the internal evidence within the file.
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
, "STS-129 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-130/20A, Endeavour
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, Generic Rev M PCN-7 P&I, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 02/04/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "STS-130 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115130A", 04/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-130 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115130B", 05/21/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH): Node 3 Delivery", 07/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 07/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-130/20A (FDO 12+1+2 OCF Trajectory)", 10/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Non-Optimal SSME Trim OMS Mass I-Load Selection - FDD AR # 2009-CAF032 / NCR #015170", 10/14/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-130", 11/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-182, "EVA Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 12/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
, Generic Rev G PCN-5, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-130 and subsequent)", 12/18/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-8, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/04/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-130 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/07/2010, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-130/ISS-20A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/07/2010, by
Robert Dempsey
, Kwatsi Alibaruho
, Norm Knight
, David Korth
- "STS-130 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/07/2010, by
Ray Moreno
, David Tee
, Jason Smith
, Bob Stein
, Generic Rev H PCN-19, "EVA Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-11, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-130", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-130", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-20A", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-130", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-130 SSP Flight Readiness Review, Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-130 Joint Shuttle/Station Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 01/19/2010, by
Travis Robinson
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-130/20A (FDO 12+1+2 FRR Trajectory)", 01/21/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-20A", 01/22/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-130 Joint Shuttle/Station Flight Readiness Review", 01/27/2010, by
Travis Robinson
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-20A", 01/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 02/03/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Reference Data, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 02/03/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-130 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4712", 03/02/2010, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
, "STS-130 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-131/19A, Discovery
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "STS-131 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115131B", 07/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-131 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115131C", 10/15/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-19A", 11/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 11/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 01/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-131 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 02/04/2010, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-131/ISS-19A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 02/04/2010, by
Ron Spencer
, Richard Jones
, Bryan Lunney
, Jerry Jason
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-131", 02/05/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-131", 02/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-8, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-131 and subsequent)", 02/18/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 02/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-131", 02/26/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
- "STS-131 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 03/10/2010, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/10/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/17/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 03/18/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 03/19/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-131/19A (FDO L-48_Mar18 Trajectory)", 03/24/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-131 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/04/2010, by
David Tee
, Jared Renshaw
, David Mayhew
, Bryan Lowman
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-131 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4751", 04/20/2010, by
Chris Hickey
, "STS-131 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-132/ULF4, Atlantis
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "STS-132 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132A", 09/24/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-132 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132B", 10/22/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-132 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132C", 01/07/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-132", 02/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 03/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-132", 03/24/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-132/ISS-ULF4 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/01/2010, by
Tony Ceccacci
, Jerry Jason
, Richard Jones
, Emily Nelson
, Michael Sarafin
- "STS-132 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/01/2010, by
Jennifer Flinn
, Ray Moreno
, Rebecca Cutri-Kohard
, Jason Smith
- "STS-132 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/01/2010, by
Whitney Maples
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-132/ULF4 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 04/19/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF4", 04/21/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/22/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-20, "EVA Checklist (STS-132 and subsequent)", 04/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-9, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-132 and subsequent)", 04/26/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/27/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-132 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 04/28/2010, by
Tony Griffith
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-132", 04/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF4", 04/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF4", 04/30/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-132 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 05/06/2010, by
Whitney Maples
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-132 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4780", 06/17/2010, by
David Rutishauser
, "STS-132 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-133/ULF5, Discovery
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-133 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133A", 01/28/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-133 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133B", 03/04/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
, Baseline, "STS-133 Level A Groundrules and Constraints - One Cycle to Flight Profile", 03/15/2010, by United Space Alliance
- "STS-133 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133C", 05/20/2010, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev Q PCN-2, "Deorbit Prep (STS-133 and subsequent)", 06/11/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 06/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF5", 06/16/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF5", 06/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-133", 07/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/24/2010, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-133 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/24/2010, by
J. Renshaw
, D. Gabriel
, D. Mayhew
, B. Lowman
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-133/ULF5 (November 1, 2010 FRR Trajectory)", 10/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/06/2010, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/07/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-12, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 10/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-133", 10/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-133", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF5", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF5", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-133", 10/28/2010, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Review copy, "Ground Year-End-Rollover Procedures for STS-133/ULF5", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- "STS-133 YERO Timeline", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- Review copy, "Year End Roll Over (YERO) Recovery Procedures", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- Review copy, "Year End Roll Over (YERO) Recovery Procedures", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
, Final, "Crew Cookbook, STS-133", 11/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 Year-End Rollover (YERO) Summary", 11/17/2010, by
Luis G. Ramirez
, Generic Rev H PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 02/07/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 02/09/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-133 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 02/17/2011, by
Whitney Maples
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-133 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4874A", 03/24/2011, by
David Rutishauser
, "STS-133 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Flight STS-134/ULF6, Endeavour
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "STS-134 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115134", 12/03/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-134 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115134B", 01/21/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-8, "Entry Checklist (STS-134 and subsequent)", 02/21/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-134", 03/09/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-134 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 03/10/2011, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-134 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 03/10/2011, by
Ray Moreno
, Roger Rojas
- "STS-134/ISS-ULF6 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 03/10/2011, by
Emily Nelson
, Richard Jones
, Gary Horlacher
, Derek Hassmann
, Tony Ceccacci
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-134/ULF-6 (l-35 FDO Trajectory)", 03/18/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-3, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/21/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-5, "Ascent Checklist, STS-134", 03/25/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/25/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/28/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-134 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 03/31/2011, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 04/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Rendezvous, STS-134", 04/18/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-134 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/25/2011, by
Whitney Maples
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-134 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4933", 06/16/2011, by
David Rutishauser
, "STS-134 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The STS-134 and STS-135 mission reports have the same document number printed on them.
Flight STS-135/ULF7, Atlantis
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
, Baseline + Change 1, "STS-335 Level A Groundrules and Constraints - One Cycle to Flight Profile", 01/20/2011, by United Space Alliance
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 04/15/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-135", 04/15/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-135", 05/05/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-135/ULF7 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 06/14/2011, by
K. Alibaruho
, C. Edelen
, R. Jones
, T. Ceccacci
, E. Van Cise
- "STS-135 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 06/14/2011, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-135 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 06/14/2011, by
Dawn G. Kyle
, Mark B. Anderson
, Final PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/16/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-135", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-135/ULF-7 (FDO L-35_Jul8 Trajectory)", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-135 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 06/21/2011, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-135 GPS 4 Failure Description", 07/15/2011, by
Glen Finneman
- "MCC Flight Note - F045514 - GPC 4 Failure", 07/15/2011, by
Jon Pohlkamp
- "STS-135 GPC 4 Failure Dump Analysis Status", 07/15/2011, by
United Space Alliance
- "GPC 4 Fail on FD07", 07/17/2011, by
Glen Finneman
- "GPC PRACA History Relating to STS-135 Anomaly", 08/01/2011, by
- "STS-135 Mission Summary Report", 08/01/2011, by
David S. Moyer
, "STS-135 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The STS-134 and STS-135 mission reports have the same document number printed on them.
Ground Operations Aerospace Language (GOAL)
, "Final Report on GOAL-to-HAL Translation Study", 06/01/1973, by J. H. Flanders
, C. T. Helmers
, S. F. Stanten
- "Final Report on Shuttle Avionics and the GOAL Language, Including the Impact of Error Detection and Redundancy Management", 06/01/1973, by
J. H. Flanders
, C. T. Helmers
, S. F. Stanten
, "GOAL Final Report Volume V - Application Studies", Volume V, 07/31/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division
, "Ground Operations Aerospace Language", 11/06/1973, by NASA
, "The GOAL-to-HAL/S Translator Specification", 12/15/1973, by Intermetrics Inc.
. Ground Operations Aerospace Language, or GOAL, is a test-oriented higher order language developed by NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center for use in the checkout and launch of the Space Shuttle.
, Release S G2, "LPS CCMS Ground Operations Aerospace Language (GOAL) User Guide", Parts I and II, 07/01/1996, by Lockheed Space Operations Company
Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel
DA8-83-23 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #2 Minutes", 05/23/1983, by NASA
DA8-83-22 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #1 Minutes", 05/27/1983, by NASA
. Internally, this was marked DA3-83-22, but I suspect that's a misprint for DA8.
DA8-83-45 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #3 Minutes", 07/25/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-46 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #4 Minutes", 07/28/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-60 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #5 Minutes", 09/09/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #6 Minutes", 09/23/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #7 Minutes", 11/17/1983, by Gary E. Coen
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #8 Minutes", 02/22/1984, by
DA8-84-16 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #9 Minutes", 05/05/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
DA8-84-24 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #10 Minutes", 05/30/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
DA8-84-27 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #11 Minutes", 06/26/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
DA8-84-48 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #12 Minutes", 10/19/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
DA8-84-55 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #13 Minutes", 11/15/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
DA8-85-04 (FT)
, "Special Topics Flight Techniques Meeting #1 - Addition/Use of Sixth GpC - Minutes", 12/18/1984, by Granvil A. Pennington
DA8-85-16 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #14 and #15 Combined Minutes", 03/12/1985, by T. Cleon Lacefield
DA8-85-32 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #16 Minutes", 06/11/1985, by T. Cleon Lacefield
DA8-85-36 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #17 Agenda", 07/15/1985, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-85-66 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #18 Action Items", 10/25/1985, by Gary E. Coen
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #19 Minutes", 02/25/1986.
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #20 Minutes", 04/08/1986, by
Alan L. Briscoe
. A number of the meeting minutes for #20 and later are digitized rather horribly. I've managed to fix some of them, and possibly will fix others later, but they came to me this way and at least they're legible, so for now we'll just have to live with them.
DA8-86-25 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #22 Minutes", 06/26/1986, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-86-27 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #21 Minutes", 08/07/1986, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-86-36 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #23 Minutes", 09/05/1986, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-86-51 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #24 Minutes", 11/05/1986.

DA8-86-52 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #25 Minutes", 11/13/1986, by Alan L. Briscoe
DA8-88-56 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #45 Minutes", 06/23/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-67 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #46 Minutes", 08/09/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-76 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #47 Minutes", 09/22/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-77 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #48 Minutes", 09/22/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-78 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #49 Minutes", 09/22/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-86 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #50 Minutes", 11/02/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-91 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #51 Minutes", 11/18/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-96 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #52 Minutes", 12/19/1988, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
DA8-89-05 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #53 Minutes", 02/14/1989, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
DA8-89-11 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #54 Minutes", 03/08/1989, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
DA8-89-19 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #55 Minutes", 05/05/1989, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
DA8-90-05 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #60 Minutes", 01/11/1990, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
- "Ascent Flight Changes Due To SCR 93087 (RTLS ET Separation Improvements)", 10/13/2006, by
Mike Cagle
, David Almanza
, Raymond Haraway
, Andrew Flottorp
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #238 Minutes", 02/01/2008.
Papers, Articles, Presentations, Books
, "A Conceptual Design of the Space Shuttle Integrated Avionics System", 02/03/1970, by Fred E. Digesu
- "Space Shuttle Digital Flight Control System", 08/01/1976, by
Glenn M. Minott
, John B. Peller
, Kenneth J. Cox
- "The "Bug" Heard 'Round the World", 10/05/1981, by
John R. Garman
, "Integration of Ground and On-Board System for Terminal Count", 06/28/1983, by Charles A. Abner
, Don H. Townsend
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Automation of Checkout for Shuttle Operations Era", 06/28/1983, by Judith A. Anderson
, Kenneth O. Hendrickson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Aerodynamic Challenges of SRB Recovery", 06/28/1983, by D. L. Bacchus
, D. A. Kross
, R. D. Moog
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Launch Processing System: Concept to Reality", 06/28/1983, by William W. Bailey
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Ground / Man-Machine Interfaces for Orbiter Checkout", 06/28/1983, by F. Herb Blackmon
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Evolution of Shuttle Avionics Redundancy Management / Fault Tolerance", 06/28/1983, by Jack C. Boykin
, Joseph R. Thibodeau
, Henry E. Schneider
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Man-Machine Interface and Control of the Shuttle Digital Flight System", 06/28/1983, by Richard D. Burghduff
, James L. Lewis Jr
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "External Tank Processing From barge to Pad", 06/28/1983, by J. E. Carpenter
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Avionics Software Trials, Tribulations and Successes: The Backup Flight System", 06/28/1983, by Edward S. Chevers
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle External Tank Performance Improvements - The Challenge", 06/28/1983, by Harold R. Coldwater
, Richard R. Foll
, Gayle J. Howell
, Jon A. Dutton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Space Shuttle Ascent Vehicle Aerodynamic Challenges: Configuration Design and Data Base Development", 06/28/1983, by Charlie C. Dill
, J. C. Young
, B. B. Roberts
, M. K. Craig
, J. T. Hamilton
, W. W. Boyle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Support Systems Design and Analysis", 06/28/1983, by Robert M. Ferguson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Development and Application of Aerodynamic Uncertainties; and Flight Test Verification for the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 06/28/1983, by Joe D. Gamble
, Douglas R. Cooke
, Jimmy M. Underwood
, Howard W. Stone Jr.
, Donald C. Schlosser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Other Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Environmental Control Hardware", 06/28/1983, by John W. Gibb
, M. E. McIntosh
, Steven R. Heinrich
, Emory Thomas
, Mike Steele
, Franz Schuber
, E. P. Koszenski
, R. A. Wynveen
, R. W. Murray
, J. D. Schelkopf
, J. K. Mangialardi
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Handling Qualities", 06/28/1983, by David W. Gilbert
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Orbiter Structural Design and Verification", 06/28/1983, by Philip C. Glynn
, Thomas L. Moser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Avionics Software Trials, Tribulations and Successes", 06/28/1983, by O. L. Henderson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Orbiter Air Data System", 06/28/1983, by Ernest R. Hillje
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Aerodynamic Challenges of ALT", 06/28/1983, by Ivy Hooks
, David Homan
, Paul Romere
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
- "Flight Software Fault Tolerance Via the Backup Flight System", 06/28/1983, by
Terry D. Humphrey
, Charles R. Price
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Descent Guidance and Mission Planning for Space Shuttle", 06/28/1983, by B. Kent Joosten
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Structural Load Challenges During Space Shuttle Development", 06/28/1983, by Alden C. Mackey
, Ralph e. Gatto
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Technical Conference", Part 2, 06/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. This is Part 2 of a collection of paper from the Space Shuttle Technical Conference in June 1983. I've provided separate links for each paper in Part 1, but since only one of the six sessions in Part 1 turned out to be related to the Shuttle's DPS with which we're concerned, I've chosen not to index Part 2 at the present time, and thus present it as a single PDF. The sessions in Part 2 are "Propulsion and Power", "Communications and Tracking", "Mechanisms and Mechanical Systems", "Thermal and Contamination Environments and Protection Systems".
, "Challenges in the Development of the Shuttle Extravehicular Mobility Unit", 06/28/1983, by Harold J. McMann
, James W. McBarron II
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "SSME Digital Control Design Characteristics", 06/28/1983, by Walter T. Mitchell
, Richard F. Searle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Structural Dynamics Characteristics, the Analysis and Verification", 06/28/1983, by C. Thomas Modlin Jr.
, George A. Zupp Jr.
Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Integrated Design Checkout of Shuttle Payload Avionics Interfaces", 06/28/1983, by John F. Muratore
, Kathy K. Whitcomb
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Some Effects of Digital Sampling on Orbiter Flight Control System Operation", 06/28/1983, by S. V. Murray
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Active Thermal Control Subsystem", 06/28/1983, by John R. Nason
, et al
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Managing Computer-Controlled OPerations", 06/28/1983, by John B. Plowden
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Low-Speed Longitudinal Orbiter Flying Qualities", 06/28/1983, by Bruce G. Powers
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Atmospheric Revitalization Subsystem", 06/28/1983, by R. Norman Prince
, Joe Swider
, John Wojnarowski
, Angelo Decrisantis
, George R. Ord
, James J. Walleshauser
, John W. Gibb
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Solid Rocket Booster Retrieval Operations", 06/28/1983, by Anker M. Rasmussen
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Flight Readiness Firing - Dress Rehearsal for STS-1", 06/28/1983, by Warren L. Riles
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Transition to the Space Shuttle Operations Era", 06/28/1983, by Rockwell International
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Automatic Software for Controlling Cryogenic Systems", 06/28/1983, by James W. Rudolph
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "SSME Lifetime Prediction and Verification, Integrating Environments, Structures, Materials: The Challenge", 06/28/1983, by Robert S. Ryan
, Larry D. Salter
, George M. Young III
, Paul M. Munafo
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Navigation Status", 06/28/1983, by Emil R. Schiesser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Challenging "Scales of the Bird" (Shuttle Tile Structural Integrity)", 06/28/1983, by William C. Schneider
, Glenn J. Miller
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Development and Implementation of the Verification Process for the Shuttle Avionics System", 06/28/1983, by H. E. Smith
, W. B. Fouts
, J. Mesmer
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Mathematical Models for Space Shuttle Ground Systems", 06/28/1983, by Edward G. Tory
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Main Engine Hardware Simulation", 06/28/1983, by H. G. Vick
, P. W. Hampton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle Aerodynamic Verification Challenges", 06/28/1983, by R. O. Wallace
, L. D. Austin
, J. G. Hondros
, T. E Surber
, L. M. Gaines
, J. T. Hamilton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "History, Design and Performance of the Space Shuttle Hazardous Gas Detection System", 06/28/1983, by William R. Helms
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Radiator System", 06/28/1983, by J. L. Williams
, J. A. Oren
, M. F. Modest
, H. R. Howell
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Structural and Mechanical Design Challenges of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters Separation and Recovery Subsystems", 06/28/1983, by William R. Woodis
, Roy E. Runkle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges of Developing an Electro-Optical System for Measuring Man's Operational Envelope", 06/28/1983, by Barbara Woolford
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Aerodynamic Challenges of the Design and Development of the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 06/28/1983, by James C. Young
, Jimmy M. Underwood
, et al
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
- "Architecture of the Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software System", 09/01/1984, by
Gene D. Carlow
, "Computers in Spaceflight: The NASA Experience - Chapter 4: Computers in the Space Shuttle Avionics System", Chapter 4, 01/01/1988, by James E. Tomayko
, "Space Shuttle Avionics System", 01/01/1989, by John F. Hanaway
, Robert W. Moorehead
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Major Accomplishments and Lessons Learned - Detail Historical Timeline Analysis", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
. This is a slideshow presentation.
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Major Accomplishments and Lessons Learned - Presentation Summary", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
. This is a slideshow presentation.
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Quality & Reliability Data", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
Studies, Analyses
, 73-FM-47
, "Space Shuttle System Baseline Reference Missions - Volume III - Mission 3A and Mission 3B", Volume III, 03/26/1973, by Johnson Space Center
, 73-FM-47
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle System Baseline Reference Missions - Volume IV - Mission 3B", Volume IV, 07/28/1975, by NASA
. Mission reference type 3B, apparently never used is: Launch, capture a satellite, and return to Vandenberg in a single orbit.
, TMX-67218
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume I", Volume I, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, N7132678
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume II, Preflight Through Orbit Insertion", Volume II, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TMX-67215
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Orbital Operations", Volume III, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TMX-67219
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume IV, Deorbit and Atmospheric Operations", Volume IV, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "System Configuration and Executive Requirements Specifications for Reusable Shuttle and Space Station/Base", 05/01/1971, by J. R. Kennedy
, R. T. Curran
, W. S. Fitzpatrick
, J. M. Johnson
- "Display Requirements and Concepts for Space Shuttle Recovery and Landing", 07/01/1971, by
Walter B. Gartner
, Larry L. Jenney
, TM-X-68367
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume I", Volume I, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-X-68368
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Orbital Operations", Volume III, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-X-67709
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume IV, Deorbit and Atmospheric Operations", Volume IV, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 18 - Station-Keeping Guidance", 03/01/1972, by Donald E. Gustafson
, Bernard A. Kriegsman
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Guidance, Navigation and Control - Software Functional Requirements - Horizontal Flight Operations", 03/24/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, T73-10849
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 06/01/1972, by William M. Robertson
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 19 - Prelaunch Alignment and Platform Compensation", 07/01/1972, by James L. Gallagher
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 20 - Fine Alignment Gyro Torquing Angles", 09/01/1972, by Joseph St. Amand
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 10/01/1972, by William M. Robertson
, CR-128961
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 21 - Shuttle Unified Navigation Filter", 11/01/1972, by Eugene S. Muller Jr
, T73-14252
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 22 - Approach Guidance", 12/01/1972, by Yee-Chee Tao
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 23 - Energy Dissipation Rate Guidance for Approach Phase", 01/01/1973, by Antonio Elias
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Guidance", Volume III, 03/15/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 24 - Unified Powered Flight Guidance", 06/01/1973, by Timothy J. Brand
, Dennis W. Brown
, John P. HIggins
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 17 - Entry and Transition Guidance", 06/01/1973, by Fred J. Marcus
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 25 - Conic State Extrapolation", 06/01/1973, by Stanley W. Sheppard
, William M. Robertson
, Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 14 - Deorbit Targeting", 06/01/1973, by Wayne H. Tempelman
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 15 - Rendezvous Terminal Phase Automatic Braking Sequencing and Targeting", 07/01/1973, by Peter M. Kachmar
, Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 21 - Shuttle Unified Navigation Filter", 07/01/1973, by Eugene S. Muller Jr.
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 7 - Rendezvous Targeting", 07/01/1973, by Wayne H. Tempelman
, LEC-5479
, "Detailed Requirements Document for Common Software of the Shuttle Program Information Management System", 02/01/1975, by J. M. Everette
, L. D. Bradfield
, C. L. Horton
, R-881
, "On-Orbit Flight Control Algorithm Description", 05/01/1975, by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
, 73-FM-47
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle System Baseline Reference Missions - Volume IV - Mission 3B", Volume IV, 07/28/1975, by NASA
. Mission reference type 3B, apparently never used is: Launch, capture a satellite, and return to Vandenberg in a single orbit.
, C-4546
, Preliminary, "Space Shuttle On-Orbit Flight Control Software Requirements", 12/01/1975, by Draper Laboratory
, C-4576
, "Preliminary Input to the Space Shuttle Reaction Control Subsystem Failure Detection and Identification Software Requirements", 01/01/1976, by E. Bergman
, 1.4-8-015
, "Navigation Input to Level C OFT Navigation Functional Subsystem Software Requirements (Rendezvous - ONORBIT-2)", 10/22/1976, by J. V. Dees
, L. M. Duncan
, J. J. Ewell
, M. L. Howard
, M. J. Little
, D. A Lukaszewski
, R. C. Pocklington
, J. L. Spencer
, 77-SS-3576
, "Approach and Landing Test (ALT) System Software Design Specification", 02/28/1977, by IBM Federal Services Division
. A lot of this document deals with FCOS.
, JSC-14393
, TM-79755
, "Orbit Targeting Specialist Function - Level C Formulation Requirements", 08/01/1978, by A. DuPont
, S. McAdoo
, H. Jones
, A. K. Jones
, D. Pearson
, 79-SS-4095
, "Software Design Specification: Orbital Flight Test (OFT) Detailed Design Specification, Applications System Management", Part II Volume III Book 2, 10/16/1979, by IBM Federal Services Division
, JSC-14713
, TM-8221
, Rev 2, "Shuttle OFT Level C Navigation Requirements - Onorbit", 09/16/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, McDonnell Douglas
, PCN H-1, "Space Shuttle Program Orbiter Project Computer Program Development Specification, Volume 1 Book 7: STS System Level Requirements, Software", Changed pages only, 01/12/1983, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
Reviews (FRR, LSFR, LSRR, ...)
, 78-SS-3937
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Avionic Software - Post Review Report for the Entry FACI", 05/11/1978, by H. Markos
- "STS-107 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/09/2003, by
P. L. Engelauf
, K. B. Beck
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
- "STS-117/13A MOD Systems Division FRR", 02/13/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-121 Flight Readiness Review: Systems Engineering & Integration", 06/16/2006, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "STS-116 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115116P", 06/22/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-115/12A MOD Systems Division FRR", 08/02/2006, by
Ladessa Hicks
- "STS-115/12A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 08/02/2006, by
J. McCullough
, P. Dye
, S. Stich
- "STS-115 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 08/02/2006, by
Ray Moreno
, Richard A. Theis
, William Seay
- "STS-116 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115116Q", 08/10/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- Delta, "STS-115/12A MOD Systems Division FRR", 08/21/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-117 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115117P", 08/24/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-118 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115118K(Replacement Pkg)", 10/05/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122", 11/02/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 11/08/2006, by
John M. Curry
, Anthony J. Ceccacci
, J. Steve Stich
, Norman D. Knight
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD Systems Division FRR", 11/08/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 11/08/2006, by
R. Morgan
, R. Parker
- "STS-117 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115117Q", 11/09/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-118 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115118P", 11/16/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122C", 11/30/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-120 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115120B", 01/25/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-117/13A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 02/13/2007, by
K. Beck
, C. Koerner
, N. Knight
- "STS-117 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 02/13/2007, by
David Tee
, Ray Moreno
, Roger Rojas
, Bill Jacobs
- "STS-122 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122D", 03/08/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-120 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115120D", 05/24/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122G", 05/24/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-118/13A.1 and PCS R10U MOD Flight Readiness Review", 07/11/2007, by
M. Abbott
, J. Montalbano
, S. Stich
- "STS-118/13A.1 MOD Systems Division FRR", 07/11/2007, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-118 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 07/11/2007, by
Steven K. Staas
, Alan Haggard
, Richart Theis
, Sean O'Rourke
- "Flight Software (FSW) STS-118 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 3981", 09/06/2007, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-120/10A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 09/17/2007, by
J. D. Hassmann
, R. LaBrode
, N. Knight
- "STS-120/10A MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/17/2007, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-120 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/17/2007, by
Sotirios Liolios
, Ray Moreno
, David Mayhew
, Carson Sparks
- "STS-120 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/09/2007, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-120 Flight Readiness Review - Advanced Master Events Controller", 10/16/2007, by
John Hunt
- "STS-125 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115125B", 10/25/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122/1E MOD Flight Readiness Review", 11/05/2007, by
S. Davis
, M. Sarafin
, N. Knight
- "STS-122 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 11/05/2007, by
Ray Moreno
, Cathy Bupane
, Darrin Leleux
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-120 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4074", 11/08/2007, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-122 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 11/13/2007, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-126 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126A", 12/13/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-123 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/09/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-123 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/09/2008, by
Steven K. Staas
, David Tee
, Jennifer Mendeck
, David Mayhew
- "STS-123/1E MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/09/2008, by
D. Weigel
, M. Moses
, B. Lunney
, R. Jones
, H. Ridings
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-122 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4151", 02/21/2008, by
Alan Currie
- "STS-123 Combined SSP/Joint Flight Readiness Review", 02/28/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-126 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126C", 03/06/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-119 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119A", 04/03/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-123 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4173", 04/17/2008, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-124/1J MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/29/2008, by
A. Hasbrook
, M. Abbott
, N. Knight
, R. Jones
, H. Rarick
- "STS-124 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/29/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-124 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/29/2008, by
David Tee
, Jennifer Flinn
, Robert Stein
, Marc Abadie
- "STS-126 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126D", 05/08/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-124 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 05/13/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-119 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119B", 05/15/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-124 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4230", 06/24/2008, by
Errol A. Jones
- "STS-119 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119C", 07/24/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-128 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128", 08/14/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-125 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/02/2008, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-125 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", Backup Documents, 09/02/2008, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", 09/02/2008, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- "STS-125 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/02/2008, by
Dawn Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bill Tracy
- "STS-400 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/02/2008, by
Ray Moreno
, Jennifer Mendeck
- "STS-125 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 09/11/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-126 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 10/07/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-126/ULF2 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 10/07/2008, by
G. Kerrick
, M. Sarafin
, B. Lunney
, R. Spencer
- "STS-126 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 10/07/2008, by
David Tee
, Jared Renshaw
, Roger Rojas
, Jason Smith
- "STS-126 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/21/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-127 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115127B(Replacement Charts)", 10/23/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-126 MMT L-2 Day Review - Orbiter Project (MV) - Multifunctional Display Unit Error", 11/12/2008, by
Glen Finneman
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4363", 12/09/2008, by
David Rutishauser
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-129 In-Flight Anomaly Review", 12/10/2008, by
Errol A. Jones
- "Delta STS-128 Integrated Launch Site RequirementsReview - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128C", 12/18/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-119/ISS-15A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/13/2009, by
K. Alibaruho
, P. Dye
, R. Jones
, E. Nelson
- "STS-127 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115127C", 01/15/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-119 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/16/2009, by
Jennifer Flinn
, Dawn Gabriel
, David Mayhew
, Bill Tracy
- "STS-119 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/16/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-119 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 01/21/2009, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-119 SSP Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 01/21/2009, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-128 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128B", 01/29/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-129 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129A", 03/19/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-119 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4432", 04/09/2009, by
Errol A. Jones
- Delta, "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/14/2009, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- Delta, "STS-125 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/14/2009, by
Dawn Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bill Tracy
- Delta, "STS-400 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/14/2009, by
Ray Moreno
, Jennifer Mendeck
- "STS-129 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129B", 04/16/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- Delta, "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 04/20/2009, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- "STS-125 Flight Readiness Review, Flight Operations and Integration (FO&I) Status", 04/20/2009, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "STS-128 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128E", 04/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-130 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115130A", 04/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-127 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 05/05/2009, by
Jenny Flinn
, Rebecca Cutri-Kohart
, Josh Parris
, Richard Parker
- "STS-127 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 05/05/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-127/ISS-2JA MOD Flight Readiness Review", 05/05/2009, by
H. Ridings
, P. Dye
, B. Lunney
, C. McMillan
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-125 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4494", 05/21/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-130 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115130B", 05/21/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-127 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 05/27/2009, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "STS-129 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129C", 06/25/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-128 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 07/09/2009, by
Dawn M. Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bob Stein
- "STS-128 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 07/09/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-128/ISS-17A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 07/09/2009, by
H. Rarick
, A. Ceccacci
, R. Jones
, C. McMillan
- "STS-131 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115131B", 07/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-127 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4555", 07/28/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- Delta, "STS-128 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 08/17/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-128 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 08/18/2009, by
Edward M. Burns
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-128 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4584", 09/24/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-132 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132A", 09/24/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-129 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 10/15/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-129/ISS-ULF3 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 10/15/2009, by
Bryan C. Lunney
, Michael L. Sarafin
, Brian T. Smith
, David Korth
- "STS-129 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 10/15/2009, by
Jared Renshaw
, David Tee
, Roger Rojas
, Mark Anderson
- "STS-131 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115131C", 10/15/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-132 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132B", 10/22/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-129 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/29/2009, by
Donald W. Totton
- "STS-134 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115134", 12/03/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-130 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/07/2010, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-130/ISS-20A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/07/2010, by
Robert Dempsey
, Kwatsi Alibaruho
, Norm Knight
, David Korth
- "STS-130 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/07/2010, by
Ray Moreno
, David Tee
, Jason Smith
, Bob Stein
- "STS-132 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132C", 01/07/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-130 SSP Flight Readiness Review, Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-130 Joint Shuttle/Station Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 01/19/2010, by
Travis Robinson
- "STS-134 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115134B", 01/21/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-130 Joint Shuttle/Station Flight Readiness Review", 01/27/2010, by
Travis Robinson
- "STS-133 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133A", 01/28/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-131 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 02/04/2010, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-131/ISS-19A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 02/04/2010, by
Ron Spencer
, Richard Jones
, Bryan Lunney
, Jerry Jason
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-130 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4712", 03/02/2010, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-133 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133B", 03/04/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
- "STS-131 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 03/10/2010, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "STS-132/ISS-ULF4 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/01/2010, by
Tony Ceccacci
, Jerry Jason
, Richard Jones
, Emily Nelson
, Michael Sarafin
- "STS-132 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/01/2010, by
Jennifer Flinn
, Ray Moreno
, Rebecca Cutri-Kohard
, Jason Smith
- "STS-132 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/01/2010, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-131 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/04/2010, by
David Tee
, Jared Renshaw
, David Mayhew
, Bryan Lowman
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-131 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4751", 04/20/2010, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-132 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 04/28/2010, by
Tony Griffith
- Delta, "STS-132 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 05/06/2010, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-133 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133C", 05/20/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-335 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115335A", 05/20/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-132 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4780", 06/17/2010, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-335 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115335C", 07/22/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-133 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/24/2010, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-133 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/24/2010, by
J. Renshaw
, D. Gabriel
, D. Mayhew
, B. Lowman
- "STS-133 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/06/2010, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- Review copy, "Ground Year-End-Rollover Procedures for STS-133/ULF5", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- Review copy, "Year End Roll Over (YERO) Recovery Procedures", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- Review copy, "Year End Roll Over (YERO) Recovery Procedures", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- Delta, "STS-133 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 02/17/2011, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-134 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 03/10/2011, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-134 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 03/10/2011, by
Ray Moreno
, Roger Rojas
- "STS-134/ISS-ULF6 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 03/10/2011, by
Emily Nelson
, Richard Jones
, Gary Horlacher
, Derek Hassmann
, Tony Ceccacci
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-133 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4874A", 03/24/2011, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-134 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 03/31/2011, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- Delta, "STS-134 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/25/2011, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-135/ULF7 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 06/14/2011, by
K. Alibaruho
, C. Edelen
, R. Jones
, T. Ceccacci
, E. Van Cise
- "STS-135 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 06/14/2011, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-135 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 06/14/2011, by
Dawn G. Kyle
, Mark B. Anderson
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-134 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4933", 06/16/2011, by
David Rutishauser
- "STS-135 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 06/21/2011, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Development Tools
, "Ground Operations Aerospace Language", 11/06/1973, by NASA
, "The GOAL-to-HAL/S Translator Specification", 12/15/1973, by Intermetrics Inc.
. Ground Operations Aerospace Language, or GOAL, is a test-oriented higher order language developed by NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center for use in the checkout and launch of the Space Shuttle.
, CR-134284
, "HAL/S-360 User's Manual", 04/07/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-134285
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 04/09/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-134295
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Functional Specification", 04/29/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document defines the functional requirements to be met by the HAL/S-FC compiler. It also defines the hardware and software compatibilities between the compiler system and the environment in which the compiler system operates.
, CR-140278
, "HAL/S-360 Compiler Test Activity Report", 07/03/1974, by Carl T. Helmers
, CR-134371
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 07/03/1974, by P. M. Newbold
, R. L. Hotz
, CR-134372
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Functional Specification", 07/24/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document defines the functional requirements to be met by the HAL/S-FC compiler. It also defines the hardware and software compatibilities between the compiler system and the environment in which the compiler system operates.
, CR-140389
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 08/15/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-144652
, "On the Performance of the HAL/S-FC Compiler", 10/22/1975, by Fred H. Martin
, CR-147564
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Specification", 03/01/1976, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-147797
, "HAL/S-FC & HAL/S-360 Compiler System Program Description", 05/13/1976, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-140279
, "HAL/S Language Specification", 06/16/1976, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-134283
, Rev 5, "HAL/S-360 Compiler System Specification", Changed pages only, 02/04/1977, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document specifies the informational interfaces within the HAL/S-360 compiler, and between the compiler and the external environment. An overall description of the compiler, and the hardware and software compatibility requirements between compiler and environment are detailed in the HAL/S-360 Compiler Functional Specification.
, 1st edition, "Programming in HAL/S", 09/01/1978, by Michael J. Ryer
, 2nd Edition, "Programming in HAL/S", 09/01/1979, by Michael J. Ryer
. The book is intended as an introduction to programming in HAL/S. Note: I've personally added comments and highlights to this PDF, in an attempt to provide information specific to the Intermetrics compiler HAL/S-FC when Ryer indicates that some feature or other is "implementation dependent". Alas, you should take my comments with a grain of salt, since I've sometimes found errors in my own added comments!
, "Design of a Verifiable Subset for HAL/S", 12/31/1979, by James C. Browne
, Donald I. Good
, Anand R. Tripathi
, William D. Young
, CR-160910
, "HAL/S Language Specification", 09/01/1980, by Intermetrics Inc
, Release S G2, "LPS CCMS Ground Operations Aerospace Language (GOAL) User Guide", Parts I and II, 07/01/1996, by Lockheed Space Operations Company
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Language Specification", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
. The HAL/S Programmer's Guide presents an informal description of HAL/S aimed primarily at those unfamiliar with the language.
, PASS 32.0/BFS 17.0, "HAL/S-FC User's Manual", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
. The intent of the manual is to provide the necessary information to compile and execute a HAL/S program. It is not, however, intended to serve as a guide to the HAL/S language.
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Compiler System Specification", 11/01/2005, by United Space Alliance
Flight Data Files, Checklists, Handbooks, Procedures
- Generic Rev A & H, "NAV STAR REFERENCE TABLE" (not dated), by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4A: Audio System and UHF", Volume 4A, 05/01/1978, by E. Rainey
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 5: Data Processing System", Volume 5, 11/01/1978, by R. Lanier
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10D: Landing/Deceleration", Volume 10D, 12/15/1978, by J. A. Poffinbarger
, Basic, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10C: Payload Bay Doors/Radiators", Volume 10C, 01/22/1979, by R. Hahne
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10B: Active Vent Doors", Volume 10B, 02/28/1979, by L. M. VandeZande
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 3: Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS)", Volume 3, 03/03/1979, by K. E. Haithcoat

, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 8A: Main Propulsion Systems", Volume 8A, 10/01/1979, by M. W. Price
, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Ascent/Aborts", 02/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, LA-B-30220-8
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 7: Applications Software", Volume 7, 08/01/1980, by M. A. Brekke
- First Edition, "Space Shuttle World Map Book", 01/01/1981, by
Defense Mapping Agency
, Final, "STS-1 Flight Data File - Ascent Checklist", 02/02/1981, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, PCN 1, "STS-1 Flight Data File - Entry Checklist", 03/02/1981, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-1 - Orbital Flight Test", 03/02/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Deorbit Prep, STS-1 (flown)", 03/02/1981, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
. The handwritten marking "CDR" on the front leads me to believe that the handwritten notations were written by John Young.
, "Post Insertion PDP, STS-1", 03/02/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 6: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Hardware", Volume 6, 06/15/1981, by S. K. Sinclair
- "Entry Cue Card, STS-2", 07/20/1981, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion Deorbit Prep, STS-2", Sections 1-6, 08/31/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-2 - Orbital Flight Test", 10/09/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Space Shuttle Landing Site Charts. STS-3", 01/01/1982, by
Defense Mapping Agency
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-3", 03/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-85502
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-4", 05/14/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-4", 06/11/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-5 - Cycle 5 Trajectory", 09/30/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-6 - Cycle 3 Trajectory Updated", 03/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-F", 04/23/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-7 - Cycle 3 Trajectory", 04/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Preliminary, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-12 - 17:24 GMT Launch Time", 05/23/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Ascent Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Basic Rev B, "Entry Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "PDRS Ops Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final, "Post Insertion, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-8 - Cycle 4.1 Trajectory", 08/10/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Preliminary, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-16", 11/04/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-9 - Cycle 4 Trajectory - Spacelab 1", 11/10/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-B (STS-11) - Cycle 2 (Revision A) Trajectory", 12/19/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, 41-B (STS-11) - Integrated Rendezvous Target (IRT)", 12/23/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, Rev B, "Entry Flight Procedures Handbook", 01/23/1984, by W. M. Anderson
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-C (STS-13)", 02/29/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TD161
, A222
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual (SFOM) - Data Processing Systems", Volume 5, 03/21/1984, by Kathleen Abotteen
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-D", 06/06/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-D", 07/27/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-G", 09/03/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 09/13/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-A", 10/30/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 2: Electrical Power Systems", Volume 2, 11/28/1984, by Ava J. Lunsford
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-E", 02/19/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 02/25/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 03/19/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-D", 03/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 04/16/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 05/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 05/30/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-F - Spacelab 2", 07/02/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS 51-I - SYNCOM Salvage", 07/05/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-I (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 07/15/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-I (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 08/09/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-A (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 10/11/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Payload Crew Activity Plan - Blue", 10/11/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew LT Book", 10/30/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Deutsche Spacelab Mission D1.
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-B (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 11/15/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-E (Cycle 1 Trajectory)", 11/22/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-C (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 11/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-C (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", All except 3-1 through 3-3, 11/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-L (Cycle 2B Trajectory)", 12/23/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Location Coding Workbook - Loc Code 2102", 09/01/1986, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. See also the succeeding document, JSC-26419.
, Basic, Rev A PCN 3, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4D: Television (CCTV)", Volume 4D, 11/01/1986, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4B: S-band", Volume 4B, 01/01/1987, by Tony M. Patiño
, Basic Rev B, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual (SFOM) - Crew Systems", Volume 12, 08/14/1987, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic, "Orbit Operations Checklist", 10/30/1987, by Eric Joern
, Generic, "Photo/TV Checklist", 11/13/1987, by Donald C. Carico
- "STS Star Charts", 02/01/1988, by
Defence Mapping Agency Aerospace Center
, Generic, "Ascent Checklist", 03/01/1988, by Robert L. Walsh
, Generic, "Contingency Deorbit Prep", 04/18/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev B, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures", 04/20/1988, by D. M. Robinson
, Basic, "System AOA Procedures", 04/25/1988, by Carl Guderian
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-26 (Cycle 2R1 Trajectory)", 06/11/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-26 (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 08/19/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-27", 11/01/1988, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan (Crew Activity Plan), STS-29 (Cycle 2R4 Trajectory)", 02/17/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, PCN-6, "Malfunction Procedures", 02/20/1989, by Vivian M. Hardwick
, Robert E. Armstrong
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-30 (Cycle 2A Trajectory)", 04/07/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-32 (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 06/27/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-34 (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 09/07/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev C PCN-11, "Orbit Pocket Checklist", 11/08/1989, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-32 (Cycle 2R Trajectory)", 11/22/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev A, "Space Shuttle Reference Data", 01/10/1990, by Paul Hancock
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-31 (HST Deploy) (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 03/20/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-41 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/07/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-35 (Cycle 3R Trajectory)", 11/16/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-37 (CTL-A Trajectory)", 02/22/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-39 (CTLP Trajectory)", 04/09/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-40 (Flight Cycle R3 Trajectory)", 04/24/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-43", 06/01/1991, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-43 (Flight Cycle R1 Trajectory)", 07/02/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-48 (CTL Cycle Trajectory)", 08/21/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev B, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-48 and subsequent)", 08/28/1991, by F. Fisher Reynolds III
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-44 (CTL Trajectory)", 10/08/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-42 (Rotated Flight Cycle R3 Trajectory)", 01/03/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-45 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 02/28/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-49 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 03/23/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev A, "Systems Data Book (STS-49 and subsequent)", 04/20/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-50 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 05/04/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-46 (FRR Trajectory)", 07/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-47 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/17/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-53 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 09/18/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-52 (Proposed FRR Cycle)", 09/22/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-54 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 12/02/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-56 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 02/24/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-55 (Flight Cycle Trajectory - April 24 Launch)", 04/12/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-57 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 04/12/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-51 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 06/25/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-58 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/23/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-61 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/25/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-60 (Rotated FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 12/14/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-62 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 01/28/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-59 (FRR Cycle Trajectory - April 7 Launch)", 03/18/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-65 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/02/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-68 (FRR Trajectory)", 07/14/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-64 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 07/25/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-66 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 09/14/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-63 (Pre-FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 12/23/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-67 (FRR Trajectory)", 02/10/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-70 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/10/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-69 (FRR Trajectory)", 05/30/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-71 (FBN-2 Cycle Trajectory)", 06/09/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, Rev D, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Entry", 07/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-73 (FRR Trajectory)", 08/16/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-74 (TNT Trajectory)", 11/06/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-72 (FRR Trajectory)", 12/07/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-75 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 01/04/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-76 (FRR Cycle: L-3 Mir Vector Trajectory)", 02/28/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-77 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 03/02/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-78 (FRR Trajectory)", 05/15/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-79 (Mir L-3 Month Vector)", 07/08/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume III, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume I, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume II, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-80 (Rotated FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 09/30/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-81", 11/25/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-81 (Mir L-3 Month Vector)", 12/18/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-82 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/08/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-83 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 02/21/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-84 (FRR Trajectory)", 04/28/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-94 - STS-83 Reflight (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/27/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-86", 06/13/1997, by Allison K. Riley
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-85 (FRR Trajectory)", 06/18/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-2, "Deorbit Prep (STS-79 and subsequent)", 06/20/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-86 (Mir L-1 Month Vector)", 09/04/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-89 Flight Supplement", 09/18/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-87 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/06/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-89 Flight Supplement", 12/01/1997, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-89 (L-1 Month Trajectory)", 01/07/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-90 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 02/13/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-91 (L-1 Month Trajectory)", 05/06/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-103 (STS-103 OCF Trajectory)", 07/26/1998, by Scott Curtis
, Douglas Bristol
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-95 (FRR Trajectory)", 09/25/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-88 (STS-88 Inc 0 Rev E Preliminary Trajectory)", 11/13/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-96 (STS-96 L-2 Weeks Trajectory)", 05/18/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-93 (Rotated FRR Trajectory - July 20, 1999 GMT L/O)", 06/25/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "IUS Deploy Checklist, STS-93", 06/28/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-99 Flight Supplement", 07/23/1999, by Scott A. Bleisath
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-103 Flight Supplement", 07/30/1999, by Harold L. Scott
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-103 Flight Supplement", 08/20/1999, by Leslie M. Hammond
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-103", 08/27/1999, by Sean K. O'Rourke
, Final, Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-99 Flight Supplement", 08/31/1999, by Harold L. Scott
, Final Rev A, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-103", 09/21/1999, by Thomas M. Arnold
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-103 (STS-103 FRR (12/02/99) Trajectory)", 10/27/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-99 (STS-99 FRR)", 12/07/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-101 (STS-101 HY-330 Trajectory)", 03/09/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-106 (STS-106 FRR Trajectory)", 08/10/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-92 (STS-92 FRR Trajectory)", 09/18/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-97 (STS-97 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 11/03/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-98 (FRR Trajectory: Launch - January 18, 2001)", 12/15/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-102 (STS-102 Post-FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/26/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev C PCN-3, "Cue Cards and Procedural Decals Book (STS-100 and subsequent)", 02/09/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-100 (STS-100 FRR Trajectory)", 03/16/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-104/7A (STS-104 Modified FRR Trajectory)", 05/15/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-105/ISS-7A.1 (STS-105 FRR Trajectory)", 07/09/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-109", 08/24/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-12, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 10/18/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-13 Vol 2, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102.4, 10/22/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev H PCN-3, "Medical Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", 10/25/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-108 (STS-108 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/31/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev E PCN-4, "Reference Data (STS-109 and subsequent)", 11/19/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-14, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-109 and subsequent)", 12/05/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Post Insertion, STS-109", 12/06/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-17, "Orbit Pocket Checklist, Vol 2 (STS-109 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 12/07/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/04/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev E PCN-23, "Entry Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/07/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E PCN-8, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-109", 01/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/17/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-2, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/18/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-109, Flight Supplement", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "EVA Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-109", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-109 (STS-109 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/29/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/31/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E PCN-1, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Payload Powerdown, STS-109", 02/04/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-14, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures, Vol 2 (STS-109 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-7, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-7, "Deorbit Prep (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic CPN-2, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope", 02/13/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-110 (STS-110 Flight Readiness Review Trajectory)", 02/26/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-109", 02/28/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope Space Support Equipment Servicing Mission 3B, STS-109", 02/28/2002, by United Space Alliance
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-111 (STS-111 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 04/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-113", 06/17/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-107 (STS-107 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 06/21/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-112 (FDO Provided L-7 Week Trajectory)", 08/22/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-6, "EVA Checklist (STS-112 and subsequent)", 08/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-113 (FDO Provided L-8 Week Trajectory)", 09/27/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-113 Flight Supplement", 09/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-114 (STS-114 OCFR2_RevD Cycle Trajectory)", 10/07/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-115 (STS-115/12A Gen OCF (May 23, 2003) Trajectory)", 04/03/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-114 and subsequent)", 09/25/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-114 and subsequent)", 02/09/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "Space Shuttle Malfunction Procedures, STS-114 and subsequent", 02/09/2004, by Harold L. Scott
, Rev 00, "MELFI Flight Model User Manual", 03/03/2004, by EADS Astrium
, Rev B, "Location Coding Workbook - Loc Code 21002", 06/17/2004, by Rob Tomaro
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 08/14/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 08/27/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Rendezvous, STS-114", 09/03/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-114 (STS-114 OCF Rev A Cycle Trajectory)", 11/19/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-114 and subsequent)", 11/22/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Post Insertion, STS-114", 11/23/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book - Generic", 12/22/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "EVA Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 01/10/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 01/10/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-1, "Entry Checklist (STS-114 and subsequent)", 01/21/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Checklist, STS-114", 01/25/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O, "Deorbit Prep (STS-114 and subsequent)", 02/14/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 03/30/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, Rev E, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Entry", 04/01/2005, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book - Generic", 04/25/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-LF1", 06/01/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Orbit Ops Checklist STS-43", 06/13/2005, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 06/17/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Book", 06/20/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Entry Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 06/22/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "ISS/Shuttle Joint Operations Book", 06/28/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-LF1", 06/30/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "ISS/Shuttle Joint Operations Book", 07/06/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev D, "Cue Cards and Procedural Decals Book", 07/08/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B, "FCS/Effectors Workbook - FCS/EFF 21002", 03/07/2006, by Wes Penny
, Basic Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss)", 04/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-10, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 04/25/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "All Vehicle D&C Procedural Nomenclature", 05/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-3, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-121 and subsequent)", 05/11/2006, by Reneé M. Ross
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 06/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Rendezvous, STS-121", 06/07/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Checklist, STS-115", 06/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-121", 06/19/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Post Insertion, STS-121", 06/19/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Spacehab Malfunction Procedures and Systems Data (STS-116 and subsequent)", 06/21/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Annex C Rev C CPN-1, "Space Shuttle Flight Data File Standards and Specifications", 06/28/2006, by United Space Alliance
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss) - STS 115/12A FRR (August 28, 2006) Trajectory", 07/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final, "NAV/Landing Aids Reference Chart, STS-115", 08/03/2006, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-115", 08/04/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Post Insertion, STS-115", 08/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-115 and subsequent)", 08/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-115", 08/11/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss) - STS 115/12A FRR (August 28, 2006) Trajectory", 08/11/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "EVA Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-12A", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-5, "EVA Checklist (STS-115 and subsequent)", 08/17/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 08/21/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/22/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-116 (STS-116 February 9, 2006 Launch Trajectory)", 08/24/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 09/25/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Final Rev A PCN-2 SIM-434, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 10/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-6, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Entry Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-116", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-12A.1", 10/27/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-28, "Spacehab Operations Checklist, STS-116", 11/03/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-116 (12-7-06 R1 Trajectory)", 11/07/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-116", 11/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 11/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-117 (OCFR2 Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 11/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-116", 11/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/15/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-12A.1", 11/17/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 11/29/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 12/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Powerdown, STS-117", 12/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-117", 12/20/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-2, "Medical Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-117", 02/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-9, "Entry Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-117", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-7, "EVA Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-117", 02/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-13A", 02/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/26/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic SIM-450, "Flight Plan, STS-118 - OCFR2 Fight Cycle Trajectory (Modified for 14 day Mission)", 03/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H, "Entry Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 03/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 04/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-120/10A (OCFR1 RevA Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 04/27/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-141, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 05/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 05/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-186, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 05/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-117 (FRR Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 05/22/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Errata, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-13A Errata", 06/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-7, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 06/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-4, "Reference Data (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 06/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-9, "EVA Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-118", 06/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-1, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 06/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 06/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-153, "Payload Powerdown, STS-118", 06/21/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-178, "Rendezvous, STS-118", 06/22/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-3, "Medical Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/06/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-118", 07/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-4, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/10/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-118 (FRR Flight Cycle Trajectory", 07/10/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev I PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-2, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-118", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B PCN-1, "Spacehab Malfunction Procedures and Systems Data (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-5, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev L PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-3, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-1, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-1, "Deorbit Prep (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-13A.1", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Spacehab Operations Checklist, STS-118", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-2, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Reference Data, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/24/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 07/27/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata Addendum, STS-118", 08/07/2007, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-118", 08/07/2007, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-122/1E (OCFR1 Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous Checklist, STS-120", 08/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 SIM-443, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 08/29/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Post Insertion, STS-120", 09/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev I PCN-5, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/06/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48551-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Payload ISS-1E GROUND", 09/11/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-120", 09/11/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48550-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Malfunction ISS-1E GROUND", 09/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48502-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-1E GROUND", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-10A", 09/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-2, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-4, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-5, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/25/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-4, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/26/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-11, "EVA Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/28/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-6, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-120", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-120", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-3, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/03/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-120/10A (FFR Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 10/04/2007, by Diane Hord
, Patrick White
, Aaron McDonald
, Rodolfo Gonzalez
, Marcos Stocco
, Generic Rev M PCN-7, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-121 / ULF-1.1 (STS-121 FRRR3 Trajectory)", 10/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-3, "Entry Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-3, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-10A", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Reference Data, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 10/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-10A", 10/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 10/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-4, "Deorbit Prep (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-6, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/07/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/07/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-122", 11/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-122", 11/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-122/1E (December 6, 2007 Launch Trajectory)", 11/13/2007, by Laura Hearon
, Telisha Harris
, Joseph Kitchen
, Samantha David
, Alex Rigas
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-122", 11/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-4, "Entry Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 11/19/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-123, Flight Supplement", 11/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Cargo Systems Manual: IMAX Cargo Bay Camera 3D", 01/09/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope", 01/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 01/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope Space Support Equipment Servicing Mission 4, STS-125", 01/18/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-123", 01/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-123", 01/25/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-4, "Medical Checklist (STS-123 and subsequent)", 02/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-123 - L-35_Mar11 Trajectory (Mar 11, 2008 Launch)", 02/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/13/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final P&I, "Post Insertion, STS-123", 03/05/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "EVA Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 03/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 03/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 03/19/2008, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-125", 03/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 03/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 03/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 03/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-4, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev H PCN-14, "EVA Checklist (STS-124 and subsequent)", 04/15/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 04/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-124", 04/18/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-6, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-124 and subsequent)", 04/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 04/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-7, "Deorbit Prep (STS-124 and subsequent)", 05/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-124", 05/05/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-124", 05/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-124 (STS-124 May 31st, Rev A Trajectory)", 05/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-148, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-125", 05/09/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-1J", 05/13/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-125 (STS-125 OCF Rev A Trajectory)", 05/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-156, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 05/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-400 (STS-400 OCF Trajectory)", 06/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-119", 07/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-400 Flight Supplement", 09/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-6, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 09/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-10, "Reference Data (STS-125 and subsequent)", 09/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-400", 09/15/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-400", 09/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Quoting from the relevant Wikipedia article: "STS-400 was the Space Shuttle contingency support (Launch On Need) flight that would have been launched using Space Shuttle Endeavour if a major problem occurred on Space Shuttle Atlantis during STS-125, the final Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission (HST SM-4).".
, Basic PCN-4, "Post Insertion, STS-125", 09/25/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 10/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-126", 10/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 - TPS Repair procedures", 10/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-8, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/08/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev H PCN-5, "Entry Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-7 P&I, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10 E1, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-400 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-9, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-126", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-5, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-119", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-3, "Post Insertion, STS-126", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-119", 10/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-4, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures", 10/22/2008, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-126/ULF2 (November 14, 2008 Trajectory)", 10/22/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-13, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/23/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-126", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J E1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-4 P&I, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. See the 5/5/2009 revision.
, Generic Rev P PCN-9 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-15 P&I, "EVA Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-8 E1, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3 P&I, "Ascent Checklist. STS-126", 11/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-2 E1, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 11/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-9, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 11/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-8, "Contingency Deorbit Prep", 01/16/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-8, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-9, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-119", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-119 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 01/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final CPN-1, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH): S6 Truss Delivery", 01/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-7 P&I, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 02/04/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 02/19/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-119", 03/10/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-2, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-125 and subsequent)", 03/18/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 03/27/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev O, "Ascent Pocket Checklist", 04/07/2009, by Mary Ellen Bruce
, Generic Rev O E1, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/07/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-17, "EVA Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/07/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Entry Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-206, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 04/14/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-125", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-7, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-125/STS-400", 04/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final Rev A, "Flight Plan Notes (Constraints and Guidelines) - STS-125", 04/23/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-125 - May 12, 2009 Launch Minus 35 Days Trajectory", 04/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 04/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final Rev A, "STS-125 Flight Plan Walkthrough (with Rationale)", 04/23/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-188, "Rendezvous, STS-125/STS-400", 04/27/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-206, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-400 Flight Supplement", 04/28/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-4 P&I, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Regarding the difference between this revision of the document and the 11/06/2008 revision, both are internally dated 10/22/2008, and the dates assigned to them here in the library are from the filenames as originally given to me. Both internally state that they are for STS-126 and subsequent, and the assignment of this document to STS-128 and subsequent again comes from the filename. It is difficult to determine the differences between the two documents by visual inspection, but they do have different numerical values listed in a number of places. Moreover, in a couple of places in this revision of the document, the numbers from the 11/06/2008 revision are present but are struck through. Therefore, it does seem as though the 11/06/2008 revision was superseded by this 05/05/2009 revision, however inadequate the internal markings in the document may be.
, Generic Rev P PCN-9 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. This revision of the document differs from the one dated 11/6/2008 (STS-127), but neither of them explicitly state the mission they are for. The identification with a mission comes about thusly (so I am told): Shuttle crews all received identical "generic" versions of these documents (within the "and subsequent" effectivity), but could then optionally make their own "pen & ink" (P&I) modifications. These P&I changes were treated as Errata. The document would be reprinted with the P&I changes, so that it would no longer be generic, but apparently without any special warning like "For STS-125 only". So the way to tell is to look at the Errata section. The Errata in this STS-125 P&I version relate to the shuttle Atlantis, while in contrast, the STS-127 P&I version of the document (created from the same generic version) contains changes related to Endeavour.
, Final Rev A P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Flight Plan, STS-125 - May 12, 2009 Launch Minus 35 Days Trajectory", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-2 E1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-125 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A E1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-4 E1, "Post Insertion, STS-125", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 05/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-2 E1 P&I, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-127/2J/A (June 13, 2009 FRR Trajectory)", 05/14/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-1, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-11, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-2J/A", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-8, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-6, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-127", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-127", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-127", 05/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "Robotics Book - Flight Specific ISS-2J/A", 06/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2 E1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-127", 06/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Entry Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final CPN-1, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH)/Data Book (DB): Japanese Exposed Facility/External Section", 06/03/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final P&I, "Payload Powerdown, STS-127", 06/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-4 E1, "Medical Checklist (STS-123 and subsequent)", 06/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1 P&I, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/11/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-6, "Entry Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 06/12/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev Q, "Deorbit Prep (STS-128 and subsequent)", 07/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-128/17A (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 07/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-128", 07/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Robotics Book - Flight Specific ISS-17A", 07/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH): Node 3 Delivery", 07/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 07/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-128", 07/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 07/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 07/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 07/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-9, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 08/03/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 08/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 08/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-128", 08/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-129", 08/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 SIM-124, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 08/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 08/28/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-130/20A (FDO 12+1+2 OCF Trajectory)", 10/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-129/ULF3 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 10/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Powerdown, STS-129", 10/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-2, "Reference Data (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-3, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-129", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/26/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 10/29/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-10, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF3", 10/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-6 E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/06/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev Q PCN-1 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Entry Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "EVA Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Flight Plan, STS-129/ULF3 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-129", 11/12/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-18, "EVA Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-19A", 11/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 11/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-130", 11/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-182, "EVA Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 12/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-5, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-130 and subsequent)", 12/18/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-8, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/04/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-19, "EVA Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-11, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 01/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-130", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-130", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-20A", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-130", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-130/20A (FDO 12+1+2 FRR Trajectory)", 01/21/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-20A", 01/22/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev Q PCN-1 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 01/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The identification with STS-130 comes from the filename of the received file, rather than being derived from the internal evidence within the file.
, Generic Rev H PCN-6 E1, "Entry Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 01/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-20A", 01/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-132", 02/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 02/03/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Reference Data, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 02/03/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-131", 02/05/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-131", 02/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-8, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-131 and subsequent)", 02/18/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 02/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-131", 02/26/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 03/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/10/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/17/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 03/18/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 03/19/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-131/19A (FDO L-48_Mar18 Trajectory)", 03/24/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-132", 03/24/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-132/ULF4 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 04/19/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF4", 04/21/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/22/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-20, "EVA Checklist (STS-132 and subsequent)", 04/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-9, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-132 and subsequent)", 04/26/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/27/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-132", 04/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF4", 04/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF4", 04/30/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev Q PCN-2, "Deorbit Prep (STS-133 and subsequent)", 06/11/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 06/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF5", 06/16/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF5", 06/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-133", 07/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-133/ULF5 (November 1, 2010 FRR Trajectory)", 10/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/07/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-12, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 10/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-133", 10/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-133", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF5", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF5", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-133", 10/28/2010, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Cookbook, STS-133", 11/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Working, "Flight Plan, STS-335, Working data", Timeline only, 01/04/2011, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 02/07/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 02/09/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-8, "Entry Checklist (STS-134 and subsequent)", 02/21/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev Q PCN-5, "Deorbit Prep", 03/02/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-134", 03/09/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-134/ULF-6 (l-35 FDO Trajectory)", 03/18/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-3, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/21/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-5, "Ascent Checklist, STS-134", 03/25/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/25/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/28/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 04/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 04/15/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-135", 04/15/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Rendezvous, STS-134", 04/18/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-135", 05/05/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/16/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-135", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-135/ULF-7 (FDO L-35_Jul8 Trajectory)", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
STS Training
, "Space Transportation System User Handbook", 06/01/1977, by NASA
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4A: Audio System and UHF", Volume 4A, 05/01/1978, by E. Rainey
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 5: Data Processing System", Volume 5, 11/01/1978, by R. Lanier
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10D: Landing/Deceleration", Volume 10D, 12/15/1978, by J. A. Poffinbarger
, Basic, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10C: Payload Bay Doors/Radiators", Volume 10C, 01/22/1979, by R. Hahne
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10B: Active Vent Doors", Volume 10B, 02/28/1979, by L. M. VandeZande
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 3: Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS)", Volume 3, 03/03/1979, by K. E. Haithcoat
- "GNC ENT 2102 - GN and C Entry Operations Guidance and Navigation", 04/01/1979, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "GNC ASC 2102 - Ascent Guidance, Navigation, and Flight Control Workbook", 05/15/1979, by
Jennifer Herrman

, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 8A: Main Propulsion Systems", Volume 8A, 10/01/1979, by M. W. Price
, LA-B-30220-8
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 7: Applications Software", Volume 7, 08/01/1980, by M. A. Brekke
, LA-B-11180-4D
, Preliminary, "Flight Procedures Handbook: OMS/RCS On-Orbit Operations", 11/01/1980, by C. R. Hofacker
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 6: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Hardware", Volume 6, 06/15/1981, by S. K. Sinclair
, Basic, Rev C, "Inertial Measurement Unit Alignment Flight Procedures Handbook", 09/01/1981, by John W. Bearley
, LA-B-11180-4G
, Final, "Attitude and Pointing Handbook Flight Procedures Handbook", 01/01/1982, by J. G. Walding
- "Space Transportation System User Handbook", 05/01/1982, by
- "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, STS-7", 02/01/1983, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
, A198
, "GNC Overview Workbook - GNC OV 2102", 08/30/1983, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, A220
, "Star Tracker/Crew Optical Alignment Sight Workbook - S TRK/COAS 2102", 09/30/1983, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, A221
, "Navigation Workbook - NAV 2102", 01/20/1984, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, TD161
, A222
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual (SFOM) - Data Processing Systems", Volume 5, 03/21/1984, by Kathleen Abotteen
- "GNC Hardware/Software Overview - GNC HS OV 2102", 05/17/1984, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "Ascent Targeting Workbook - ASC TGT-S 2102", 07/01/1984, by
Stuart Keister
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 2: Electrical Power Systems", Volume 2, 11/28/1984, by Ava J. Lunsford
, Rev A, "Attitude and Pointing Handbook Flight Procedures Handbook", 01/01/1985, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Rendezvous/Proximity Operations Workbook", 02/01/1985, by Daniel T. Sedej
, Steven F. Clarke
, "SMS Systems Instructor Handbook", 07/01/1985, by Patrick G. Yarbrough
, "Hewlett-Packard 41 Calculator/Shuttle Portable Onboard Computer Training Manual - HP 41/SPOC 2102", 11/01/1985, by Tom A. Mulder
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-7, Volume 1", Volume 1, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, Payloads OI-7 61-C 51-L 61-E, Volume 2", Volume 2, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
, "Contingency Abort Training Manual", 01/01/1986, by Charles O. Lewis
- "Location Coding Workbook - Loc Code 2102", 09/01/1986, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. See also the succeeding document, JSC-26419.
, Basic, Rev A PCN 3, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4D: Television (CCTV)", Volume 4D, 11/01/1986, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4B: S-band", Volume 4B, 01/01/1987, by Tony M. Patiño
, Basic Rev B, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual (SFOM) - Crew Systems", Volume 12, 08/14/1987, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Data Processing System Principles and Interfaces - DPS PRINC 2102", 11/01/1987, by M. D. Erminger
, S. L. O'Roark
, "Systems Management Training Manual - SM TM 2102", 01/01/1988, by James T. Ruszkowski
, Rev B, "Attitude and Pointing Handbook", 02/01/1988, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Commanding 1102", 03/01/1988, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. This document is not about how to be a "commander"; that's the subject of other training documents, not included in this library. Rather, it's about how to "command" the Shuttle to perform certain operations.
, "PDRS Malfunction Workbook - PDRS MAL 2102", 04/01/1988, by Lonnie Cundieff
, "Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Handbook, Appendix A: STS Rendezvous/PROX OPS Experience", Appendix A, 05/16/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. This document fragment is undated, but the latest material it referenced internally was from late 1986, as far as I can determine easily. I've therefore assumed it is dated the same as our copy of the fully document (which does not mention an Appendix).
, Basic, "Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Handbook", 05/16/1988, by James E. Oberg
, Basic, marked up for Rev A, "Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Handbook", without Appendix, 05/16/1988, by James E. Oberg
. This manually marked-up document has scanning issues, in that some pages appear to be missing, others are oriented in a way that they cannot be completed read, and still others seem to be in the wrong order.
, Final, Rev A, "Ascent/Aborts Flight Procedures Handbook", 06/01/1988, by John V. Turner
, Basic, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Shuttle Portable Computer (SPoC)", 07/01/1988, by R. L. Tucker
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Backup Flight System User's Guide", Sections 1-3 only, 10/14/1988, by Rockwell International
. The foldouts are poorly cropped. Sections 4-10 and Appendices are entirely absent. The table of contents is also partially missing.
, Final, Rev A, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Deorbit Prep", 12/01/1988, by Christopher J. McKenna
, Generic, Rev C PCN-11, "Orbit Pocket Checklist", 11/08/1989, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, Rev A, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Contingency Deorbit Prep", 02/28/1990, by Nancy Popple
, "MCC Trajectory and Orbit Determination Software Workbook", missing pages 2-45 through 3-32, 04/01/1991, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Navigation Aids - NAV AIDS 2102", 06/01/1991, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
, Basic, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Approach, Landing and Rollout", 11/01/1992, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
, Rev A, "Ascent Guidance and Flight Control Training Manual - ASC G&C 2102", 01/01/1993, by David S. Matthews
, "G&C I/O/D 2102A - G&C Systems Training Manual - Guidance and Flight Control - Insertion, On-Orbit, and Deorbit", 02/01/1993, by Bill Lane
, Rev A, "Training Data File", 06/07/1993, by William F. Lane
- "DPS Familiarization 2102 Workbook", 04/01/1994, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Controllers Workbook - CONT 2102", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. The "controllers" are items in the spacecraft, such as rotational hand controllers.
, Rev A, "Guidance and Control Sensors - GNC Systems - SENSORS 2102", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Reaction Control System Training Manual - RCS 2102A", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Space Flight Technical Language Handbook", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Entry Digital Autopilot", 01/01/1995, by Larry Manofsky
, Rev A, "Flight Data File 2102 Workbook", 01/01/1995, by Michelle Truly
, "Navigation Overview - NAV 2102B", 03/01/1995, by Gregory J. Byrne
, "Orbiter Systems Training Manual - OMS 2102", 04/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Inertial Measurement Unit Workbook - IMU 2102", 04/01/1995, by Lisa Martignetti
, "ATO/AOA/TAL Training Manual 2102", 05/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Air Data System Workbook - ADS 2102", 09/01/1995, by David A. Rose
, Walter J. Barnett
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume III, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume I, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume II, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, "Data Processing System (Hardware and System Software) Training Manual - DPS HW/SW 2102", 09/01/1996, by Steven D. Hamm
, "Crew Escape Systems 2102", 10/01/1996, by C. Scott Gill
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
- "Basic HAL/S Programming Course - OTP080", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 1 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 10 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 11 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 2 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 3 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 4 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 5 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 6 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 7 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 8 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 9 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
, Rev A, "Assigned Crew Study Guide - Orbiter Systems", 12/16/1997, by Stephen Messersmith
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Rev B, "FCS/Effectors Training Manual - FCS/EFF 2101", 01/29/1999, by Wes Penny
, Rev B, "Crew Software Interface - CSI 21002", 02/01/1999, by Walter Barnett
, Tina Jones
, Rev B, "DPS Overview 21002 Workbook", 02/01/1999, by Jeffrey Tuxhorn
, Rev B, "Caution and Warning - C&W 21002", 07/01/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
- "HAL/S Training Questionnaire (for Course OTP080)", 2000, by
- "HAL/S Programming Review (for Course OTP080)", Part 1, 02/01/2000, by
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Rev B CPN-3, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-29)", 01/13/2003, by United Space Alliance
- "AP 101S Assembly Language Introduction Course - Reading and Understanding Assembly Code - OTP275.04", 02/01/2004, by
Christopher C. Marchant
, Basic, "Guidance and Control - Insertion/Orbit/Deorbit Workbook - G&C I/O/D 21002", 05/14/2004, by Peter W. Pruyn
, Rev B, "Location Coding Workbook - Loc Code 21002", 06/17/2004, by Rob Tomaro
, Basic CPN-1, "Entry Digital Autopilot Workbook - ENTRY DAP 21002", 08/24/2004, by Mark A. Veile
, Basic, "Ku-band Operations Workbook - KU OPS 21002", 09/21/2004, by Robert C. Murray II
- "AP-101S Patch Fundamentals Course - OTP155", 10/11/2004, by
Chuck Wohl
, "Space Shuttle Vehicle Familiarization - SSV FAM 11007", 11/12/2004, by United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Crew Escape Systems 21002", 01/17/2005, by J. Lynn Coldiron
, Basic, "Androgynous Peripheral Docking System Reference Guide", 02/14/2005, by Gary Rowen
, E. Grant Slusser Jr.
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Rev A, "Crew Systems Reference Manual, Volume 1: Crew Escape", Volume 1, 04/15/2005, by Reina Winters
, Rev B, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Approach, Landing and Rollout", 05/01/2005, by Scott A. Hartman
- Final, "Contengency Shuttle Crew Support Undock/Separation/Disposal Timeline", 06/27/2005, by
United Space Alliance
. All metadata about this presumably-fragmentary document has been invented.
, Final, "Contingency Shuttle Crew Support (CSCS)/Rescue Flight Resource Book", 07/12/2005, by Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Paul F. Dye
, Basic, "Entry, TAEM, and Approach/Landing Guidance Workbook 21002", 01/23/2006, by J. W. (Wesley) Penny
, Mark A. Veile
, Final Rev C, "DPS Familiarization Workbook - DPS FAM 21002", 02/23/2006, by Carla Sugar
, Final Rev B, "Inertial Measurement Unit Workbook - IMU 21002", 02/28/2006, by Carl Sugar
, Rev B, "FCS/Effectors Workbook - FCS/EFF 21002", 03/07/2006, by Wes Penny
, Final Rev A, "Audio/UHF Training Manual - AUD/UHF 21002", 03/17/2006, by Cindy Fuqua
, Final Rev B, "DPS Overview Workbook - DPS OV 21002", 04/11/2006, by Kelsey W. Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final Rev A, "Navigation Overview Workbook - NAV 21002", 07/13/2006, by Kelsey W. Berumen
, Final Rev A, "Main Propulsion System Thrust Vector Control Workbook - MPS TVC 21002", 10/10/2006, by Timothy A. Beauregard
, Final Rev A, "Main Propulsion System Workbook - MPS 21002", 10/10/2006, by Timothy A. Beauregard
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Guidance and Flight Control Workbook - ASC G&C 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Final Rev A, "Orbital Maneuvering System Workbook - OMS 21002", 10/10/2006, by Eric Zumdieck
, Final Rev A, "Electrical Power System Training Manual - EPS 21002", 10/20/2006, by Tina Weber
, Final Rev B, "Environmental Control and Life Support System - ECLSS 21002", 10/23/2006, by Michael Sadowski
, Final Rev A, "Reaction Control System Workbook - RCS 21002", 10/24/2006, by Richard Bush
, Lia Matthews
, Rev B Final, "Data Processing System (Hardware and System Software) Workbook, DPS HW/SW 21002", 11/15/2006, by Steven D. Hamm
, Rev D, "Contingency Aborts - 21007/31007", 02/14/2007, by United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "S-Band Comm/Inst Workbook - S-BD COMM/IN 21002", 06/04/2007, by R. Donald Carson
, Final Rev B, "Star Tracker/Heads-Up Display/Crew Optical Alignment Sight Workbook - S TRK/HUD/COAS 21002", 06/06/2008, by Carla Sugar
, Final Rev A, "Payload Communications/Orbiter Interface Unit Workbook - PL COM/OIU 21002", 06/30/2008, by Laura Vincent
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "APU/Hydraulic/Water Spray Boiler Systems Training Manual - APU/HYD/WSB 21002", 10/15/2008, by Russell L. Newland III
, Rev J, "Shuttle Crew Training Catalog", 11/07/2008, by Steven Williams
, Final Rev B, "Mechanical Systems Training Manual - MECH SYS 21002", 11/11/2008, by Genie Rheinhardt
, Final Rev B, "Systems Management Training Manual - SM TM 21002", 11/24/2008, by John Kennard
, Rev A CPN 1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-33)", 12/15/2008, by United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "Caution and Warning - C&W 21002", 12/16/2008, by Russell L. Newland III
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
, Generic, Rev O, "Ascent Pocket Checklist", 04/07/2009, by Mary Ellen Bruce
STS Flight Procedures
, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Ascent/Aborts", 02/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, Rev B, "Entry Flight Procedures Handbook", 01/23/1984, by W. M. Anderson
, Final, Rev D, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Entry", 07/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, Rev E, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Entry", 04/01/2005, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-4, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures", 10/22/2008, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Support Documents
, "The Aerodynamic Challenges of SRB Recovery", 06/28/1983, by D. L. Bacchus
, D. A. Kross
, R. D. Moog
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Space Shuttle Ascent Vehicle Aerodynamic Challenges: Configuration Design and Data Base Development", 06/28/1983, by Charlie C. Dill
, J. C. Young
, B. B. Roberts
, M. K. Craig
, J. T. Hamilton
, W. W. Boyle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Development and Application of Aerodynamic Uncertainties; and Flight Test Verification for the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 06/28/1983, by Joe D. Gamble
, Douglas R. Cooke
, Jimmy M. Underwood
, Howard W. Stone Jr.
, Donald C. Schlosser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Orbiter Air Data System", 06/28/1983, by Ernest R. Hillje
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Aerodynamic Challenges of ALT", 06/28/1983, by Ivy Hooks
, David Homan
, Paul Romere
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle Aerodynamic Verification Challenges", 06/28/1983, by R. O. Wallace
, L. D. Austin
, J. G. Hondros
, T. E Surber
, L. M. Gaines
, J. T. Hamilton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Aerodynamic Challenges of the Design and Development of the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 06/28/1983, by James C. Young
, Jimmy M. Underwood
, et al
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Structural Design
, "Space Shuttle External Tank Performance Improvements - The Challenge", 06/28/1983, by Harold R. Coldwater
, Richard R. Foll
, Gayle J. Howell
, Jon A. Dutton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Orbiter Structural Design and Verification", 06/28/1983, by Philip C. Glynn
, Thomas L. Moser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Structural Load Challenges During Space Shuttle Development", 06/28/1983, by Alden C. Mackey
, Ralph e. Gatto
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Structural Dynamics Characteristics, the Analysis and Verification", 06/28/1983, by C. Thomas Modlin Jr.
, George A. Zupp Jr.
Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "SSME Lifetime Prediction and Verification, Integrating Environments, Structures, Materials: The Challenge", 06/28/1983, by Robert S. Ryan
, Larry D. Salter
, George M. Young III
, Paul M. Munafo
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Challenging "Scales of the Bird" (Shuttle Tile Structural Integrity)", 06/28/1983, by William C. Schneider
, Glenn J. Miller
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Structural and Mechanical Design Challenges of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters Separation and Recovery Subsystems", 06/28/1983, by William R. Woodis
, Roy E. Runkle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Life Support, Environmental, Crew Station
, "Other Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Environmental Control Hardware", 06/28/1983, by John W. Gibb
, M. E. McIntosh
, Steven R. Heinrich
, Emory Thomas
, Mike Steele
, Franz Schuber
, E. P. Koszenski
, R. A. Wynveen
, R. W. Murray
, J. D. Schelkopf
, J. K. Mangialardi
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Shuttle Extravehicular Mobility Unit", 06/28/1983, by Harold J. McMann
, James W. McBarron II
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Active Thermal Control Subsystem", 06/28/1983, by John R. Nason
, et al
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Atmospheric Revitalization Subsystem", 06/28/1983, by R. Norman Prince
, Joe Swider
, John Wojnarowski
, Angelo Decrisantis
, George R. Ord
, James J. Walleshauser
, John W. Gibb
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Radiator System", 06/28/1983, by J. L. Williams
, J. A. Oren
, M. F. Modest
, H. R. Howell
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges of Developing an Electro-Optical System for Measuring Man's Operational Envelope", 06/28/1983, by Barbara Woolford
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
Ground Operations and Mission Control
, Basic, Rev C, "Inertial Measurement Unit Alignment Flight Procedures Handbook", 09/01/1981, by John W. Bearley
, "Launch Processing System: Concept to Reality", 06/28/1983, by William W. Bailey
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "External Tank Processing From barge to Pad", 06/28/1983, by J. E. Carpenter
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Support Systems Design and Analysis", 06/28/1983, by Robert M. Ferguson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Managing Computer-Controlled OPerations", 06/28/1983, by John B. Plowden
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Solid Rocket Booster Retrieval Operations", 06/28/1983, by Anker M. Rasmussen
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Flight Readiness Firing - Dress Rehearsal for STS-1", 06/28/1983, by Warren L. Riles
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Transition to the Space Shuttle Operations Era", 06/28/1983, by Rockwell International
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Automatic Software for Controlling Cryogenic Systems", 06/28/1983, by James W. Rudolph
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Mathematical Models for Space Shuttle Ground Systems", 06/28/1983, by Edward G. Tory
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "History, Design and Performance of the Space Shuttle Hazardous Gas Detection System", 06/28/1983, by William R. Helms
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, Basic Rev D, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) System Briefs, Section 16: Closed Circuit Television", Section 16, 09/15/1987, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, Rev A, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Deorbit Prep", 12/01/1988, by Christopher J. McKenna
, Final, Rev A, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Contingency Deorbit Prep", 02/28/1990, by Nancy Popple
, Basic Rev D PCN-2, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) System Briefs, Section 16: Closed Circuit Television", Section 16 Changes only, 03/20/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "MCC Trajectory and Orbit Determination Software Workbook", missing pages 2-45 through 3-32, 04/01/1991, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev B CPN-6, "Flight Control Operations Handbook (FCOH) - Shuttle Operations", 03/29/1999, by George Egan
, Basic, "Flight Controller Interviewing/Hiring Guidelines", 07/01/2001, by Jimmy L. Spivey
, Rev F PCN-15, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", Part 1, 11/04/2002, by David N. Miller
, Rev F PCN-15, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", Part 2, 11/04/2002, by David N. Miller
, Rev F PCN-15, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", Part 3, 11/04/2002, by David N. Miller
, Rev F PCN-1, "EGIL Console Handbook", 12/18/2003, by H. Preston Easton
, Rev A PCN1, "LDO Console Handbook", 01/12/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev G PCN-1, "Booster Standard Console Procedures", 04/19/2005, by Andrew S. Hamilton
, Rev B PCN-2, "Rendezvous GPO Console Handbook", 06/27/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev C PCN-4, "Flight Director Console Handbook", 01/20/2006, by B. A. Levy
, Basic, "MOD International Liaison Console Handbook - Generic and RIO Operations", 02/10/2006, by James Lyons
, Rev G, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) System Briefs", 03/01/2006, by Eric Wingrove
, Final Rev D PCN-2, "FDO Console Handbook, Voume IV: Deorbit/Entry and EMCC", Volume IV, 06/01/2006, by Keith W. Fletcher
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "FDO Console Handbook, Voume V: Ascent", Volume V, 06/23/2006, by J. Chris Edelen
, Rev A, "FDO Console Handbook, Voume 3: On-Orbit Trajectory Operations", Volume 3, 06/23/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN 06-1, "Abort Region Determinator Support Console Handbook", 06/27/2006, by Sarah R. Graybeal
, Basic Rev E, "In-Flight Maintenance Console Handbook", 02/01/2007, by David Wisniewski
, Rev F PCN-2, "EGIL Console Handbook", 06/08/2007, by H. Preston Easton
, Rev G PCN-6, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", 08/03/2007, by David N. Miller
, Rev A CPN-1, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 5: TPS Inspection and Repair", Volume 5, 09/20/2007, by Leah M. Joyce
, Rev J PCN-13, "Guidance and Control Systems Console Handbook", 09/25/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev G PCN-11, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", 06/13/2009, by David N. Miller
, Rev A CPN-2, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 1: Standard Console Procedures", Volume 1, 01/22/2010, by Adele M. Luta
, Rev B CPN-1, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 3: ISS EVA Operations", Volume 3, 01/22/2010, by Adele M. Luta
, Rev B CPN-1, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 4: EMU Operations", Volume 4, 01/22/2010, by Adele M. Luta
, "Preparing for the Space Shuttle Program's Retirement: A Review of NASA's Disposition of Information Technology Equipment", 12/07/2010, by NASA Inspector General
. This is a report by the NASA Inspector General, basically criticizing NASA's attempts to "sanitize" computers previously used in the Shuttle program before resale. This is, of course, sensible regardless of the nature of the data inadvertently left on the computers. I'd note that while the report repeatedly mentions "software", it's the software that's used to wipe the computers that's being referenced ... not Shuttle software source code. I'd note also that while ITAR vulnerability is frequently mentioned, there is no hint of what the ITAR-sensitive data may be, and certainly no hint that it is Shuttle source code or documentation.
This section contains every document, in chronological order of publication,
regardless of whether or not already appearing above.
If an item appears only in this section, then perhaps we need to
categorize it better. Such documents are marked with the emoji 😮. Feel free to suggest better categorizations to us.
- Generic Rev A & H, "NAV STAR REFERENCE TABLE" (not dated), by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Functional Requirements for Spaceborne Computers on Advanced Manned Missions", 10/24/1966, by E. L. Gruman
, P. S. Schaenman
"XPL Translator Writing System (TWS) software source code", 03/01/1969, by William M. McKeeman
, James J. Horning
, David B. Wortman
. This includes the source code of an XPL compiler (XCOM) and several associated XPL utilities, similar if not necessarily identical to that in the appendices of the book A Compiler Generator. The version of XCOM used in the Space Shuttle development contains modifications missing from this version.
- 😮
, CR-102554
, "Space Shuttle Final Technical Report, Volume VII: Integrated Electronics", Volume VII, 10/31/1969, by General Dynamics
, MSC-01845
, "Requirements for a Manned Spaceflight Programming Language and Compiler", 1970, by Intermetrics
, "A Conceptual Design of the Space Shuttle Integrated Avionics System", 02/03/1970, by Fred E. Digesu
- 😮
TM X-52876
, "Space Transportation System Technology Symposium VI - Integrated Electronics", 07/17/1970, by NASA
. I haven't indexed the individual papers within.
- 😮
, MDC G0492A
, Phase A Task 2, "Astronaut/Computer Communication Study", 09/01/1970, by McDonnell Douglas
- 😮
, MDC G0852
, Phase A Task 3 and Intermediate, "Astronaut/Computer Communication Study", 11/01/1970, by McDonnell Douglas
- 😮
, SP-209-0339-3
, "General Purpose Simulator System Study", 11/04/1970, by J. Scoggins
, J. Taras
- 😮
, First Interim Report, "Advanced Software Techniques for Space Shuttle Data Management System", 11/20/1970, by Michael D. Richter
, Richard C. Rountree
, Raymond J. Rubey
, Steven A. Vere
😮"Self-Test Techniques for Redundant Data Management Systems", 1971, by Myron Kayton
, H. S. E. Tsou
😮"Space Shuttle GN & C Equation Document No. 3-71 - Conic State Extrapolation", 02/1971, by William M. Robertson
. See also Document No. 25.
😮MDC E0308
, DRAFT, "Program Acquisition Plans -Test - Space Shuttle Program Phase B Systems Study Final Report", Part III-5, 02/18/1971, by McDonnell Douglas
- 😮
, CS-7107-R0216
, Final Report, "Advanced Software Techniques for Space Shuttle Data Management System", 02/26/1971, by Raymond J. Rubey
, Wayne A. Ganzel
, Michael D. Richter
, Steven A. Vere

, DRAFT, "The Programming Language HAL - A Specification", 03/01/1971, by Intermetrics Inc
. Curiously, the document internally misidentifies itself as MSC-01848 (vs the correct MSC-01846). MSC-01848 is a related but nevetheless distinct document also available in this library.
- 😮
, MDC G0985
, Final, "Astronaut/Computer Communication Study", 03/01/1971, by McDonnell Douglas
- 😮
, "NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria (Guidance and Control) - Spaceborne Digital Computer Systems", 03/01/1971, by NASA
, TMX-67218
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume I", Volume I, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, N7132678
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume II, Preflight Through Orbit Insertion", Volume II, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TMX-67215
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Orbital Operations", Volume III, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TMX-67219
, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume IV, Deorbit and Atmospheric Operations", Volume IV, 04/15/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "System Configuration and Executive Requirements Specifications for Reusable Shuttle and Space Station/Base", 05/01/1971, by J. R. Kennedy
, R. T. Curran
, W. S. Fitzpatrick
, J. M. Johnson
- 😮
TM X-58063
, "Proceedings of the Space Shuttle Integrated Electronics Conference", Volume I, 05/13/1971, by NASA
. I haven't indexed the individual papers within.
- 😮
TM X-58063
, "Proceedings of the Space Shuttle Integrated Electronics Conference", Volume II, 05/13/1971, by NASA
. I haven't indexed the individual papers within.
- 😮
TM X-58063
, "Proceedings of the Space Shuttle Integrated Electronics Conference", Volume III, 05/13/1971, by NASA
. I haven't indexed the individual papers within.
😮"Final Report - Standard Interface Definition for Avionics Data Bus Systems", 05/16/1971, by Alex L. Kosmala
, Joseph A. Saponaro
, John P. Green Jr
, MSC-01848
, "Final Report - Development of an MSC Language and Compiler", Volume I, 06/01/1971, by Intermetrics
, "Final Report, Volume II, A Guide To the HAL Programming Language", Volume II, 06/01/1971, by Intermetrics
, MSC-01846
, "The Programming Language HAL - A Specification", 06/01/1971, by Intermetrics Inc
- "Display Requirements and Concepts for Space Shuttle Recovery and Landing", 07/01/1971, by
Walter B. Gartner
, Larry L. Jenney
😮Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN & C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 10/1971, by William M. Robertson
- 😮
, "Spaceborne Computer Executive Routine Functional Design Specification, Volume I: Functional Design of a Flight Computer Executive Program for the Reusable Shuttle", Volume I, 10/01/1971, by R. T. Curran
- 😮
, "Spaceborne Computer Executive Routine Functional Design Specification, Volume II: Computer Executive Design for Space Station/Base", Volume II, 10/01/1971, by J. R. Kennedy
, W. S. Fitzpatrick
- 😮
, "Spaceborne Computer Executive Routine Functional Design Specification, Volume III: Executive Routine Primitives and Process Control", Volume III, 10/01/1971, by James R. Kennedy
, CR-126137
, "HALMAT - An Intermediate Language of the first HAL compiler", 10/27/1971, by Intermetrics
. Note that this document describes HALMAT as used in a preliminary form of the HAL compiler, and unfortunately isn't consistent in detail with the later (though very incomplete) documentation (see IR-60-5) of later versions of the compiler.
- 😮
, Final, "Alternate Avionics System Study and Phase B Extension", 11/12/1971, by North American Rockwell
, TM-X-68367
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume I", Volume I, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-X-68368
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Orbital Operations", Volume III, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TM-X-67709
, Rev B, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume IV, Deorbit and Atmospheric Operations", Volume IV, 12/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Final Report - Continued Advancement of the Programming Language HAL to an Operational Status", 12/30/1971, by Intermetrics
, Interim, "Air Data Measurement System for Space Shuttle", 1972, by J. C. deJesus
, Delroy J. Sowada
, Fred A. Moynihan
, 12-72
, Final, "Final Report - Advanced Software Techniques for Data Management Systems - Volume I: Study of Software Aspects of the Phase B Space Shuttle Avionics System" or here, Volume I/III, 02/16/1972, by Intermetrics Inc
- 😮
, Final, "Final Report - Advanced Software Techniques for Data Management Systems - Volume III: Programming Language Characteristics and Comparison Reference", Volume III/III, 02/16/1972, by T. A. James
, B. C. Hall
, P. M. Newbold
, Final, "Final Report - Advanced Software Techniques for Data Management Systems - Volume II: Space Shuttle Flight Executive System: Functional Design" or here, Volume II/III, 02/16/1972, by James T. Pepe
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 18 - Station-Keeping Guidance", 03/01/1972, by Donald E. Gustafson
, Bernard A. Kriegsman
- 😮
, CR-123570
, "Flight Program Language Requirements, Volume II: Requirements and Evaluations", Volume II, 03/07/1972, by M&S Computing
- 😮
, CR-123569
, "Flight Program Language Requirements, Volume III: Appendices", Volume III, 03/07/1972, by M&S Computing
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Guidance, Navigation and Control - Software Functional Requirements - Horizontal Flight Operations", 03/24/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, T73-10849
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 06/01/1972, by William M. Robertson
, "Space Shuttle Earth Orbital Rendezvous Targeting Techniques for Near Circular Target Satellite Orbits", 06/27/1972, by A. W. Deaton
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 19 - Prelaunch Alignment and Platform Compensation", 07/01/1972, by James L. Gallagher
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 20 - Fine Alignment Gyro Torquing Angles", 09/01/1972, by Joseph St. Amand
- 😮
, E-2713
, "Rendezvous Targeting for Space Missions", 09/01/1972, by Wayne H. Tempelman
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 4 - Precision State and Filter Weighting Matrix Extrapolation", 10/01/1972, by William M. Robertson
, CR-128961
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 21 - Shuttle Unified Navigation Filter", 11/01/1972, by Eugene S. Muller Jr
😮"Shuttle Avionics Computer System Studies", Volume IV, 12/01/1972, by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
, T73-14252
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 22 - Approach Guidance", 12/01/1972, by Yee-Chee Tao
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 23 - Energy Dissipation Rate Guidance for Approach Phase", 01/01/1973, by Antonio Elias
- 😮
, E-2736
, "Integrated Digital Flight Control System for the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 03/01/1973, by Draper Laboratory
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation, and Control Design Equations - Volume III, Guidance", Volume III, 03/15/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, 73-FM-47
, "Space Shuttle System Baseline Reference Missions - Volume III - Mission 3A and Mission 3B", Volume III, 03/26/1973, by Johnson Space Center
"HAL/S Language Forms", 04/05/1973, by Intermetrics
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 24 - Unified Powered Flight Guidance", 06/01/1973, by Timothy J. Brand
, Dennis W. Brown
, John P. HIggins
, "Final Report on GOAL-to-HAL Translation Study", 06/01/1973, by J. H. Flanders
, C. T. Helmers
, S. F. Stanten
- "Final Report on Shuttle Avionics and the GOAL Language, Including the Impact of Error Detection and Redundancy Management", 06/01/1973, by
J. H. Flanders
, C. T. Helmers
, S. F. Stanten
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 17 - Entry and Transition Guidance", 06/01/1973, by Fred J. Marcus
, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 25 - Conic State Extrapolation", 06/01/1973, by Stanley W. Sheppard
, William M. Robertson
, Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 14 - Deorbit Targeting", 06/01/1973, by Wayne H. Tempelman
- 😮
, MDC E0857
, Final, "Development of Simulation Computer Complex Specification", 06/29/1973, by McDonnell Douglas
- 😮
, E-2736
, Rev 1, "Integrated Digital Flight Control System for the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 07/01/1973, by Draper Laboratory
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 15 - Rendezvous Terminal Phase Automatic Braking Sequencing and Targeting", 07/01/1973, by Peter M. Kachmar
, Rev 1, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 21 - Shuttle Unified Navigation Filter", 07/01/1973, by Eugene S. Muller Jr.
, Rev 3, "Space Shuttle GN&C Equation Document No. 7 - Rendezvous Targeting", 07/01/1973, by Wayne H. Tempelman
- 😮
, Rev A, "Project/Space Shuttle - Digital Flight Control Software Design Requirements", 07/06/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "GOAL Final Report Volume V - Application Studies", Volume V, 07/31/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division
, "Ground Operations Aerospace Language", 11/06/1973, by NASA
, "Final Report, SUMC/MPOS/HAL Interface Study", 12/01/1973, by Joseph A. Saponaro
, Alex L. Kosmala
, "The GOAL-to-HAL/S Translator Specification", 12/15/1973, by Intermetrics Inc.
. Ground Operations Aerospace Language, or GOAL, is a test-oriented higher order language developed by NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center for use in the checkout and launch of the Space Shuttle.
, MDC G5312
, Final, "Crew/Computer Communcations Study", Volume I, 02/01/1974, by J. D. Johannes
- 😮
, MDC G5312
, Final, "Crew/Computer Communcations Study", Volume II, 02/01/1974, by J. D. Johannes
, CR-134284
, "HAL/S-360 User's Manual", 04/07/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-134285
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 04/09/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-134295
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Functional Specification", 04/29/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document defines the functional requirements to be met by the HAL/S-FC compiler. It also defines the hardware and software compatibilities between the compiler system and the environment in which the compiler system operates.
, 88-74
, MSC-05107
, "Final Report, Advancing HAL to an Operational Status", 07/01/1974, by Intermetrics
, CR-140278
, "HAL/S-360 Compiler Test Activity Report", 07/03/1974, by Carl T. Helmers
, CR-134371
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 07/03/1974, by P. M. Newbold
, R. L. Hotz
, CR-134372
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Functional Specification", 07/24/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document defines the functional requirements to be met by the HAL/S-FC compiler. It also defines the hardware and software compatibilities between the compiler system and the environment in which the compiler system operates.
, CR-140389
, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 08/15/1974, by Intermetrics Inc
- 😮
, TM-X-58153
, "Coordinate Systems for the Space Shuttle Program", 10/01/1974, by Larry D. Davis

, "Space Shuttle Advanded System/4 Pi Prototype Input/Output Processor (IOP)", 10/25/1974, by IBM FSD
😮"A Structured Microprogram Set for the SUMC Computer to Emulate the IBM System/360 Model 50", 1975, by Cesar R. Gimenez
, LEC-5479
, "Detailed Requirements Document for Common Software of the Shuttle Program Information Management System", 02/01/1975, by J. M. Everette
, L. D. Bradfield
, C. L. Horton
- 😮
, CR-147813
, "Analytic Drag Controller Guidance Gains Evaluation", 02/28/1975, by J. H. Treybig
, 75-SS-0582
, "IOP Modeling Study Final Report", 03/06/1975, by IBM Federal Services Division

, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Model AP-101 Central Processor Unit - Technical Description", 03/31/1975, by IBM FSD
, "Military Standard - Aircraft Internal Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus", 04/30/1975, by United States Department of Defense
, R-881
, "On-Orbit Flight Control Algorithm Description", 05/01/1975, by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
, 73-FM-47
, Rev 2, "Space Shuttle System Baseline Reference Missions - Volume IV - Mission 3B", Volume IV, 07/28/1975, by NASA
. Mission reference type 3B, apparently never used is: Launch, capture a satellite, and return to Vandenberg in a single orbit.
, CR-144652
, "On the Performance of the HAL/S-FC Compiler", 10/22/1975, by Fred H. Martin
- 😮
, 75-0043
, "HAL/SM Language Specification", 11/21/1975, by C. Ross
, G. P. W. Williams Jr
, C-4546
, Preliminary, "Space Shuttle On-Orbit Flight Control Software Requirements", 12/01/1975, by Draper Laboratory
- 😮
, 75-0044
, "HAL/SM System Functional Design Specification", 12/01/1975, by C. Ross
, G. P. W. Williams Jr
- 😮
, 75-0045
, "HAL/SM System Software Requirements Specification", 12/01/1975, by C. Ross
, G. P. W. Williams Jr
, SD 76-SA-0028-1
, "Spacelab User Implementation Assessment Study (Software Requirements Analysis), Volume I: Executive Summary", Volume I, 1976, by L. R. Hogan
, C-4576
, "Preliminary Input to the Space Shuttle Reaction Control Subsystem Failure Detection and Identification Software Requirements", 01/01/1976, by E. Bergman
, CR-147564
, "HAL/S-FC Compiler System Specification", 03/01/1976, by Intermetrics Inc

, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Input/Output Processor (IOP) - Principles of Operation", Part III, 04/26/1976, by IBM FSD

, "Space Shuttle Advanced System/4 Pi Input/Output Processor (IOP) - Principles of Operation", Parts I and II, 04/26/1976, by IBM FSD
- 😮
, TM-X-58183
, "Cubic Spline Function Interpolation in Atmosphere Models for the Software Development Laboratory: Formulation and Data", 05/01/1976, by James C. Kirkpatrick
, CR-147797
, "HAL/S-FC & HAL/S-360 Compiler System Program Description", 05/13/1976, by Intermetrics Inc
, CR-140279
, "HAL/S Language Specification", 06/16/1976, by Intermetrics Inc
- 😮
, "A Study of Discrete Control Signal Fault Conditions in the Shuttle DPS", 06/30/1976, by S. S. Reddi
, C. T. Retter
, "A Study of Discrete Control Signal Fault Conditions in the Shuttle DPS", 06/30/1976, by W. W. Gaertner Research

, Rev 5, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Avionics Software Interface Control Document: HAL/FCOS", 07/06/1976, by IBM FSD
- "Space Shuttle Digital Flight Control System", 08/01/1976, by
Glenn M. Minott
, John B. Peller
, Kenneth J. Cox
, 1.3-DN-C0504-037
, "General Purpose Computer (GPC) to GPC Systems Interface Description", 09/20/1976, by B. C. Breyer
- 😮
, 1.4-4-22
, "Drag Bias Feedback for the Analytic Drag Control Entry Guidance System", 09/24/1976, by H. C. Kyle
, 1.4-8-015
, "Navigation Input to Level C OFT Navigation Functional Subsystem Software Requirements (Rendezvous - ONORBIT-2)", 10/22/1976, by J. V. Dees
, L. M. Duncan
, J. J. Ewell
, M. L. Howard
, M. J. Little
, D. A Lukaszewski
, R. C. Pocklington
, J. L. Spencer
, CR-134283
, Rev 5, "HAL/S-360 Compiler System Specification", Changed pages only, 02/04/1977, by Intermetrics Inc
. This document specifies the informational interfaces within the HAL/S-360 compiler, and between the compiler and the external environment. An overall description of the compiler, and the hardware and software compatibility requirements between compiler and environment are detailed in the HAL/S-360 Compiler Functional Specification.
, 77-SS-3576
, "Approach and Landing Test (ALT) System Software Design Specification", 02/28/1977, by IBM Federal Services Division
. A lot of this document deals with FCOS.
- 😮
, 1.3-DN-C0613-001
, "Data Processing System and Interfacing Elements Time Base Analysis", 03/21/1977, by J. D. Blackburn
, LEC-10119
, JSC-12559
, "Backup Flight Control System Functional Evaluator Software Manual", 04/01/1977, by Charles A. Helmke
, Steve H. Hasara
, Frances E. Mount
, "Space Transportation System User Handbook", 06/01/1977, by NASA
- 😮
, 1.4-4-30
, "Optimization of the Space Shuttle Entry Guidance Lateral Deadband, Minimum Bank Angle Logic", 07/25/1977, by P. B. Bump
- 😮
, CR-141581
, "Independent Evaluation of Shuttle Flight Control System - Final Report", 10/14/1977, by R. Lee
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4A: Audio System and UHF", Volume 4A, 05/01/1978, by E. Rainey
- 😮
, SD78-SH-0141
, "Integrated Guidance, Navigation and Control Verification Plan, Primary Flight System - Ascent", 05/01/1978, by Rockwell International
, 78-SS-3937
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Avionic Software - Post Review Report for the Entry FACI", 05/11/1978, by H. Markos
- 😮
, JSC-14262
, TM-79516
, "Space Shuttle Astrodynamical Constants", 06/01/1978, by B. F. Cockrell
, Bruce Williamson
- 😮
, JSC-14270
, TM-79515
, "Orbit IMU Alinement - Interpretation of Onboard Display Data", 06/01/1978, by Roger Corson
- 😮
, JSC-14292
, TM-79514
, "The 1980-90 Shuttle Star Catalog for Onboard and Ground Programs", 06/01/1978, by Sandy Richardson
, Rosemary Killen
, JSC-14393
, TM-79755
, "Orbit Targeting Specialist Function - Level C Formulation Requirements", 08/01/1978, by A. DuPont
, S. McAdoo
, H. Jones
, A. K. Jones
, D. Pearson
, 1st edition, "Programming in HAL/S", 09/01/1978, by Michael J. Ryer
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 5: Data Processing System", Volume 5, 11/01/1978, by R. Lanier
, Rev G, "Orbiter OV-102 Display and Control Panel Configuration", 11/03/1978, by Rockwell International
. This is an engineering drawing. OV-102 was the Columbia.
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10D: Landing/Deceleration", Volume 10D, 12/15/1978, by J. A. Poffinbarger
, Basic, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10C: Payload Bay Doors/Radiators", Volume 10C, 01/22/1979, by R. Hahne
, "Space Shuttle - Model AP-101 C/M Principles of Operation", 01/30/1979, by IBM FSD
. The scope of this document is actually the AP-101 and AP-101C model, rather than for AP-101S. I presume that the former are predecessors to model AP-101S.
, "The Design of Relatively Machine-Independent Code Generators", 02/01/1979, by Robert E. Noonan
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 10B: Active Vent Doors", Volume 10B, 02/28/1979, by L. M. VandeZande
- 😮"The Space Shuttle - Design and Construction", 03/1979, by
George W. Jeffs
- 😮
, . JSC-14675
, TM-79944
, "Onboard Navigation System Characteristics", 03/01/1979, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, McDonnell Douglas
- 😮
, JSC-13853
, "Schematic Displays for the Space Shuttle Orbiter Multifunction Cathode-Ray-Tube Display System", 03/01/1979, by William Weiss
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 3: Environmental Control and Life Support Systems (ECLSS)", Volume 3, 03/03/1979, by K. E. Haithcoat
- "GNC ENT 2102 - GN and C Entry Operations Guidance and Navigation", 04/01/1979, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "GNC ASC 2102 - Ascent Guidance, Navigation, and Flight Control Workbook", 05/15/1979, by
Jennifer Herrman
, JSC-15045
, TM-81090
, "STS-7 Conceptual Flight Profile", 06/01/1979, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- 😮
, CR-160775
, LEC-13790
, "TACAN Operational Description for the Space Shuttle Orbital Flight Test Program", 09/01/1979, by C. L. Hughes
, Paul J. Hudock
, 2nd Edition, "Programming in HAL/S", 09/01/1979, by Michael J. Ryer
. The book is intended as an introduction to programming in HAL/S. Note: I've personally added comments and highlights to this PDF, in an attempt to provide information specific to the Intermetrics compiler HAL/S-FC when Ryer indicates that some feature or other is "implementation dependent". Alas, you should take my comments with a grain of salt, since I've sometimes found errors in my own added comments!

, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 8A: Main Propulsion Systems", Volume 8A, 10/01/1979, by M. W. Price
, JSC-16238
, TM-80835
, "Star Tracker Error Analysis - Roll-to-Pitch Nonorthogonality", 10/01/1979, by R. W. Corson
, McDonnell Douglas
, 79-SS-4095
, "Software Design Specification: Orbital Flight Test (OFT) Detailed Design Specification, Applications System Management", Part II Volume III Book 2, 10/16/1979, by IBM Federal Services Division
, "Design of a Verifiable Subset for HAL/S", 12/31/1979, by James C. Browne
, Donald I. Good
, Anand R. Tripathi
, William D. Young
😮Reference Publication 1056
, "Orbiter Landing Loads Math Model Description and Correlation with ALT Flight Data", 01/01/1980, by David A. Hamilton
, John A. Schliesing
, George A. Zupp Jr
- 😮
, 80FM9
, TM-80941
, "HP-9825A HFRMP Trajectory Processor (#TRAJ) - Detailed Description", 01/01/1980, by S. M. Kindall
, 80FM7
, "Orbit Attitude Processor - STS-1 Bench Program Verification Test Plan", 01/01/1980, by C. R. McClain
- 😮
, TM-80850
, 80FM3
, "Simple Computations for Near-Optimum Ascent and Abort Maneuver Targets and Deorbit Ignition Time", 01/01/1980, by R. Leroy McHenry
, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Ascent/Aborts", 02/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, TM-80793
, 80FM18
, "Shuttle Orbit IMU Alinement - Single-Precision Computational Error", 03/01/1980, by C. R. McClain
. This is a study to determine the source of computational error in the Shuttle's IMU alignment software. The principal interest (for me) is that it contains HAL/S software listings in both single precision and double precision that it used for the analysis process.
, JSC-16463
, TM-80794
, "Onorbit IMU Alinement Error Budget", 03/01/1980, by R. W. Corson
, McDonnell Douglas
- 😮
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Avionics Software Flight Software Memory Sizing and CPU Loading Estimates", 05/01/1980, by IBM Federal Services Division
, TM-81096
, 78-FM-51
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume III: Ascent - Cycle 3", Volume III, 05/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, JSC-14483
, TM-81077
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume V: Descent - Cycle 3", Volume V (through Appendix A), 05/01/1980, by Richard Moore
, Allen Baker
, Richard Carter
, Ralph Hite
, Alan Hochstein
, Jack Lyons
, Ken Strong
- 😮"Space Shuttle System Summary", 05/01/1980, by
Rockwell International
, JSC-14483
, TM-81098
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume VI: Abort Analysis - Cycle 3", Volume VI, 06/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, JSC-14483
, TM-81097
, Rev 1, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume V: Descent - Cycle 3 - Appendix C: Monte Carlo Dispersion Analysis", Volume V Appendix C, 06/01/1980, by Moises N. Montez
, TM-82200
, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume I: Groundrules and Constraints", Volume I, 07/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. JSC-16883 supercedes JSC-14483.
, JSC-16683
, TM-82183
, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume IV: Onorbit Profile - Cycle 3.1.1", Volume IV, 07/01/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. JSC-16883 supercedes JSC-14483.
, JSC-14483
, TM-81101
, "STS-1 Operational Flight Profile, Volume V: Descent - Cycle 3 - Appendix D: GRTLS Six-Degree-of-Freedom Monte Carlo Dispersion Analysis", Volume V Appendix D, 07/01/1980, by Moises N. Montez
, LA-B-30220-8
, Final, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 7: Applications Software", Volume 7, 08/01/1980, by M. A. Brekke
, CR-160910
, "HAL/S Language Specification", 09/01/1980, by Intermetrics Inc
, JSC-14713
, TM-8221
, Rev 2, "Shuttle OFT Level C Navigation Requirements - Onorbit", 09/16/1980, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, McDonnell Douglas
😮VS70-976099 E0 A06
, Rev A, "Integrated System Schematic - Electrical Power Distribution & Control (EPD&C) - Orbiter Vehicles 099, 103, & 104", Changes only (51/96 pages), 09/18/1980, by G. R. Wrestler
, JSC-16748-A
, CR-160957
, Rev A, "STS-2 SAIL Non-Avionics Subsystems Math Model Requirements", 11/01/1980, by W. P. Bennett
, R. W. Herold
. You may wonder why this is a relevant document. From the abstract: "Simulation of the STS-2 Shuttle non-avionics subsystems in the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory (SAIL) is necessary for verification of the integrated Shuttle avionics system.".
, LA-B-11180-4D
, Preliminary, "Flight Procedures Handbook: OMS/RCS On-Orbit Operations", 11/01/1980, by C. R. Hofacker
First Edition, "Space Shuttle World Map Book", 01/01/1981, by Defense Mapping Agency
, Final, "STS-1 Flight Data File - Ascent Checklist", 02/02/1981, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- 😮Draft, "Rough draft of SM OPS 2 display for the DPS encyclopedia", 02/04/1981, by
David C. Leestma
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd005.
, Final, PCN 1, "STS-1 Flight Data File - Entry Checklist", 03/02/1981, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-1 - Orbital Flight Test", 03/02/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Deorbit Prep, STS-1 (flown)", 03/02/1981, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
. The handwritten marking "CDR" on the front leads me to believe that the handwritten notations were written by John Young.
, "Post Insertion PDP, STS-1", 03/02/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Facilities at John F. Kennedy Space Center, NASA and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station", 04/01/1981, by
"Space Shuttle - First Flight of the Columbia", 04/01/1981, by TRW
. Note that in spite of its grandiose title, this document confines itself to TRW's involvement, which seems to relate only to telecommunication subsystems.
- "STS-1 GNC Post-Mission Report", 05/01/1981, by
Charles. A. Alford
TDA Progress Report 42-64
, "Current Status of the HAL/S Compiler on the Modcomp Classic 7870 Computer", 05/01/1981, by P. J. Lytle
. This document is related to the HAL/S programming language, as opposed to the Space Shuttle. What's interesting about it to me is that it describes several uses of HAL/S by the JPL, and specifically, snippets of information about its role in the flight software for the Galileo space probe. Another article with presumably more information on the subject — I don't know for sure, because I'm not willing to pay the publisher $25 to satisfy my curiosity (particularly when the article itself explicitly contains a notation that its contents are in the Public Domain) — is "Automated Optical Navigation with Application to Galileo" by Allan Klumpp, et al. (1980). I do note that the abstract of the latter article refers to HAL/S as "the NASA standard language for flight software".
, Preliminary, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 6: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Hardware", Volume 6, 06/15/1981, by S. K. Sinclair
- "Entry Cue Card, STS-2", 07/20/1981, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-1 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 08/01/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion Deorbit Prep, STS-2", Sections 1-6, 08/31/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, Rev C, "Inertial Measurement Unit Alignment Flight Procedures Handbook", 09/01/1981, by John W. Bearley
- 😮"The "Bug" Heard 'Round the World", 10/01/1981, by
John R. Garman
- "The "Bug" Heard 'Round the World", 10/05/1981, by
John R. Garman
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-2 - Orbital Flight Test", 10/09/1981, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-2 GNC Post-Mission Report", 12/01/1981, by
Richard N. Fitti
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Harry. J. Clancy
"Space Shuttle Landing Site Charts. STS-3", 01/01/1982, by Defense Mapping Agency
, LA-B-11180-4G
, Final, "Attitude and Pointing Handbook Flight Procedures Handbook", 01/01/1982, by J. G. Walding
, "STS-2 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 02/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-3", 03/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-3 GNC Post-Mission Report", 04/01/1982, by
Richard N. Fitti
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Harry. J. Clancy
, "Preliminary Analysis of STS-2 Entry Flight Data", 04/01/1982, by NASA
- "Space Transportation System User Handbook", 05/01/1982, by
, TM-85502
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-4", 05/14/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
Contractor Report 3561
, "Reconstruction of the 1st Space Shuttle (STS-1) Entry Trajectory", 06/01/1982, by J. T. Findlay
, G. M. Kelly
, M. L. Heck
, "STS-3 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 06/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, "The Analysis of the Statistical and Historical Information Gathered During the Development of the Shuttle Orbiter Primary Flight Software", 06/01/1982, by Dick B. Simmons
, Miner P. Marchbanks Jr.
, Michael J. Quick
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-4", 06/11/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-4 GNC Post-Mission Report", 08/01/1982, by
Harry. J. Clancy
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Charles. A. Alford
, David W. Whittle
, "Preliminary Analysis of STS-3 Entry Flight Data", 08/01/1982, by NASA
, "STS-4 Orbiter Final Mission Report", 09/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-5 - Cycle 5 Trajectory", 09/30/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-4 Orbiter Final Mission Report Supplement", Supplement, 11/01/1982, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "STS-5 GNC Quick Look Report", 11/22/1982, by
David W. Whittle
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Charles A. Alford
, "STS-5 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report", 12/01/1982, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN H-1, "Space Shuttle Program Orbiter Project Computer Program Development Specification, Volume 1 Book 7: STS System Level Requirements, Software", Changed pages only, 01/12/1983, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- 😮
, UVA-528208-AMCS83-102
, "On the Engineering of Crucial Software", 02/01/1983, by Terence W. Pratt
, John C. Knight
, Samuel T. Gregory
- "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, STS-7", 02/01/1983, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
, Rev 4, "Orbiter Avionics Software Programming Standards Document", 02/15/1983, by IBM FSD
. The word "Standards" is manually pencilled into the document title on the cover page, but is typewritten internally, so I suppose that its omission on the cover page is an error.
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-6 - Cycle 3 Trajectory Updated", 03/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-6 GNC Quick Look Report", 04/01/1983, by
Harry J. Clancy
, Frank E. Trlica Jr.
, Charles A. Alford
, David W. Whittle
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-F", 04/23/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-7 - Cycle 3 Trajectory", 04/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-6 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report", 05/01/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Preliminary, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-12 - 17:24 GMT Launch Time", 05/23/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-83-23 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #2 Minutes", 05/23/1983, by NASA
DA8-83-22 (FT)
, "STS-7-11 Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #1 Minutes", 05/27/1983, by NASA
. Internally, this was marked DA3-83-22, but I suspect that's a misprint for DA8.
, "Integration of Ground and On-Board System for Terminal Count", 06/28/1983, by Charles A. Abner
, Don H. Townsend
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Automation of Checkout for Shuttle Operations Era", 06/28/1983, by Judith A. Anderson
, Kenneth O. Hendrickson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Aerodynamic Challenges of SRB Recovery", 06/28/1983, by D. L. Bacchus
, D. A. Kross
, R. D. Moog
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Launch Processing System: Concept to Reality", 06/28/1983, by William W. Bailey
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Ground / Man-Machine Interfaces for Orbiter Checkout", 06/28/1983, by F. Herb Blackmon
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Evolution of Shuttle Avionics Redundancy Management / Fault Tolerance", 06/28/1983, by Jack C. Boykin
, Joseph R. Thibodeau
, Henry E. Schneider
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Man-Machine Interface and Control of the Shuttle Digital Flight System", 06/28/1983, by Richard D. Burghduff
, James L. Lewis Jr
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "External Tank Processing From barge to Pad", 06/28/1983, by J. E. Carpenter
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Avionics Software Trials, Tribulations and Successes: The Backup Flight System", 06/28/1983, by Edward S. Chevers
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle External Tank Performance Improvements - The Challenge", 06/28/1983, by Harold R. Coldwater
, Richard R. Foll
, Gayle J. Howell
, Jon A. Dutton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Space Shuttle Ascent Vehicle Aerodynamic Challenges: Configuration Design and Data Base Development", 06/28/1983, by Charlie C. Dill
, J. C. Young
, B. B. Roberts
, M. K. Craig
, J. T. Hamilton
, W. W. Boyle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Support Systems Design and Analysis", 06/28/1983, by Robert M. Ferguson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Development and Application of Aerodynamic Uncertainties; and Flight Test Verification for the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 06/28/1983, by Joe D. Gamble
, Douglas R. Cooke
, Jimmy M. Underwood
, Howard W. Stone Jr.
, Donald C. Schlosser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Other Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Environmental Control Hardware", 06/28/1983, by John W. Gibb
, M. E. McIntosh
, Steven R. Heinrich
, Emory Thomas
, Mike Steele
, Franz Schuber
, E. P. Koszenski
, R. A. Wynveen
, R. W. Murray
, J. D. Schelkopf
, J. K. Mangialardi
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Handling Qualities", 06/28/1983, by David W. Gilbert
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Orbiter Structural Design and Verification", 06/28/1983, by Philip C. Glynn
, Thomas L. Moser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Avionics Software Trials, Tribulations and Successes", 06/28/1983, by O. L. Henderson
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Orbiter Air Data System", 06/28/1983, by Ernest R. Hillje
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Aerodynamic Challenges of ALT", 06/28/1983, by Ivy Hooks
, David Homan
, Paul Romere
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
- "Flight Software Fault Tolerance Via the Backup Flight System", 06/28/1983, by
Terry D. Humphrey
, Charles R. Price
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Descent Guidance and Mission Planning for Space Shuttle", 06/28/1983, by B. Kent Joosten
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Structural Load Challenges During Space Shuttle Development", 06/28/1983, by Alden C. Mackey
, Ralph e. Gatto
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Technical Conference", Part 2, 06/28/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. This is Part 2 of a collection of paper from the Space Shuttle Technical Conference in June 1983. I've provided separate links for each paper in Part 1, but since only one of the six sessions in Part 1 turned out to be related to the Shuttle's DPS with which we're concerned, I've chosen not to index Part 2 at the present time, and thus present it as a single PDF. The sessions in Part 2 are "Propulsion and Power", "Communications and Tracking", "Mechanisms and Mechanical Systems", "Thermal and Contamination Environments and Protection Systems".
, "Challenges in the Development of the Shuttle Extravehicular Mobility Unit", 06/28/1983, by Harold J. McMann
, James W. McBarron II
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "SSME Digital Control Design Characteristics", 06/28/1983, by Walter T. Mitchell
, Richard F. Searle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Structural Dynamics Characteristics, the Analysis and Verification", 06/28/1983, by C. Thomas Modlin Jr.
, George A. Zupp Jr.
Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Integrated Design Checkout of Shuttle Payload Avionics Interfaces", 06/28/1983, by John F. Muratore
, Kathy K. Whitcomb
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Some Effects of Digital Sampling on Orbiter Flight Control System Operation", 06/28/1983, by S. V. Murray
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Active Thermal Control Subsystem", 06/28/1983, by John R. Nason
, et al
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Managing Computer-Controlled OPerations", 06/28/1983, by John B. Plowden
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Low-Speed Longitudinal Orbiter Flying Qualities", 06/28/1983, by Bruce G. Powers
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Atmospheric Revitalization Subsystem", 06/28/1983, by R. Norman Prince
, Joe Swider
, John Wojnarowski
, Angelo Decrisantis
, George R. Ord
, James J. Walleshauser
, John W. Gibb
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Solid Rocket Booster Retrieval Operations", 06/28/1983, by Anker M. Rasmussen
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Flight Readiness Firing - Dress Rehearsal for STS-1", 06/28/1983, by Warren L. Riles
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Transition to the Space Shuttle Operations Era", 06/28/1983, by Rockwell International
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Automatic Software for Controlling Cryogenic Systems", 06/28/1983, by James W. Rudolph
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "SSME Lifetime Prediction and Verification, Integrating Environments, Structures, Materials: The Challenge", 06/28/1983, by Robert S. Ryan
, Larry D. Salter
, George M. Young III
, Paul M. Munafo
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Shuttle Navigation Status", 06/28/1983, by Emil R. Schiesser
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Challenging "Scales of the Bird" (Shuttle Tile Structural Integrity)", 06/28/1983, by William C. Schneider
, Glenn J. Miller
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Overview of STS Ground Operations / Orbiter Turnaround, STS-1 Through STS-7", 06/28/1983, by Richard Schwartz
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Development and Implementation of the Verification Process for the Shuttle Avionics System", 06/28/1983, by H. E. Smith
, W. B. Fouts
, J. Mesmer
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Mathematical Models for Space Shuttle Ground Systems", 06/28/1983, by Edward G. Tory
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Space Shuttle Main Engine Hardware Simulation", 06/28/1983, by H. G. Vick
, P. W. Hampton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle Aerodynamic Verification Challenges", 06/28/1983, by R. O. Wallace
, L. D. Austin
, J. G. Hondros
, T. E Surber
, L. M. Gaines
, J. T. Hamilton
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
- "STS-7 Quick Look Report", 06/28/1983, by
David. W. Whittle
, Harry J. Clancy
, James C. Adamson
, Charles A. Alford
, "History, Design and Performance of the Space Shuttle Hazardous Gas Detection System", 06/28/1983, by William R. Helms
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges in the Development of the Orbiter Radiator System", 06/28/1983, by J. L. Williams
, J. A. Oren
, M. F. Modest
, H. R. Howell
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Structural and Mechanical Design Challenges of Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters Separation and Recovery Subsystems", 06/28/1983, by William R. Woodis
, Roy E. Runkle
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "Challenges of Developing an Electro-Optical System for Measuring Man's Operational Envelope", 06/28/1983, by Barbara Woolford
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "The Aerodynamic Challenges of the Design and Development of the Space Shuttle Orbiter", 06/28/1983, by James C. Young
, Jimmy M. Underwood
, et al
. Paper from Space Shuttle Techical Conference.
, "STS-7 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report", 07/01/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-83-45 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #3 Minutes", 07/25/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-46 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #4 Minutes", 07/28/1983, by Gary E. Coen
- "Ascent Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Basic Rev B, "Entry Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "PDRS Ops Checklist, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final, "Post Insertion, STS-8", 08/01/1983, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-8 - Cycle 4.1 Trajectory", 08/10/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Introduction to Shuttle Mission Simulation", 08/12/1983, by
Sunny Tsiao
, Nenzi Marena
, A198
, "GNC Overview Workbook - GNC OV 2102", 08/30/1983, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "STS 8 Quick Look Report - GNC", 09/06/1983, by
James C. Adamson
, Charles A. Alford
, Harold L. (Len) Hardwick
DA8-83-60 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #5 Minutes", 09/09/1983, by Gary E. Coen
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #6 Minutes", 09/23/1983, by Gary E. Coen
, A220
, "Star Tracker/Crew Optical Alignment Sight Workbook - S TRK/COAS 2102", 09/30/1983, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-8 National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 10/01/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Preliminary, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-16", 11/04/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-9 - Cycle 4 Trajectory - Spacelab 1", 11/10/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-83-64 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #7 Minutes", 11/17/1983, by Gary E. Coen
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-B (STS-11) - Cycle 2 (Revision A) Trajectory", 12/19/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, 41-B (STS-11) - Integrated Rendezvous Target (IRT)", 12/23/1983, by Manned Spacecraft Center
😮Revised, "Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) User's Guide", 1984, by Boeing
, "STS-9 National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 01/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, A221
, "Navigation Workbook - NAV 2102", 01/20/1984, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, Rev B, "Entry Flight Procedures Handbook", 01/23/1984, by W. M. Anderson
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #8 Minutes", 02/22/1984, by
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-C (STS-13)", 02/29/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 41-B National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 03/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, TD161
, A222
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual (SFOM) - Data Processing Systems", Volume 5, 03/21/1984, by Kathleen Abotteen
, "STS 41-C National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 05/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-84-16 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #9 Minutes", 05/05/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
- "GNC Hardware/Software Overview - GNC HS OV 2102", 05/17/1984, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
DA8-84-24 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #10 Minutes", 05/30/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-D", 06/06/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-84-27 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #11 Minutes", 06/26/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
- "Ascent Targeting Workbook - ASC TGT-S 2102", 07/01/1984, by
Stuart Keister
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-D", 07/27/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Architecture of the Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software System", 09/01/1984, by
Gene D. Carlow
, "STS 41-D National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 09/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-41-G", 09/03/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 09/13/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-84-48 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #12 Minutes", 10/19/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
, Final PCN-2, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-A", 10/30/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 41-G National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 11/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-84-55 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #13 Minutes", 11/15/1984, by T. Cleon Lacefield
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 2: Electrical Power Systems", Volume 2, 11/28/1984, by Ava J. Lunsford
, "STS 51A National Space Transportation Systems Mission Report", 12/01/1984, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-85-04 (FT)
, "Special Topics Flight Techniques Meeting #1 - Addition/Use of Sixth GpC - Minutes", 12/18/1984, by Granvil A. Pennington
, Rev A, "Attitude and Pointing Handbook Flight Procedures Handbook", 01/01/1985, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Rendezvous/Proximity Operations Workbook", 02/01/1985, by Daniel T. Sedej
, Steven F. Clarke
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-E", 02/19/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 02/25/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Basic, Rev A PCN 3, "Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) Flight Procedures Handbook", 03/01/1985, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS 51-C National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 03/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-85-16 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #14 and #15 Combined Minutes", 03/12/1985, by T. Cleon Lacefield
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 03/19/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-D", 03/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-B - Spacelab 3", 04/16/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 05/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-D National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 05/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-G", 05/30/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-B National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 06/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-85-32 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #16 Minutes", 06/11/1985, by T. Cleon Lacefield
, "STS 51-G National Space Transportation Systems Program Mission Report", 07/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "SMS Systems Instructor Handbook", 07/01/1985, by Patrick G. Yarbrough
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-F - Spacelab 2", 07/02/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS 51-I - SYNCOM Salvage", 07/05/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-85-36 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #17 Agenda", 07/15/1985, by Gary E. Coen
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-I (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 07/15/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-I (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 08/09/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-F National Space Transportation Systems Mission Report", 09/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-I National Space Transportation Systems Mission Report", 10/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-A (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 10/11/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Payload Crew Activity Plan - Blue", 10/11/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-85-66 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #18 Action Items", 10/25/1985, by Gary E. Coen
, Final, "Crew LT Book", 10/30/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Deutsche Spacelab Mission D1.
, "Hewlett-Packard 41 Calculator/Shuttle Portable Onboard Computer Training Manual - HP 41/SPOC 2102", 11/01/1985, by Tom A. Mulder
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-B (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 11/15/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-E (Cycle 1 Trajectory)", 11/22/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-C (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 11/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-61-C (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", All except 3-1 through 3-3, 11/26/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS 51-J National Space Transportation Systems Mission Report", 12/01/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-7, Volume 1", Volume 1, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
- OI-7, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, Payloads OI-7 61-C 51-L 61-E, Volume 2", Volume 2, 12/01/1985, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Sally K. Ride Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2014.0025-bx007-fd008.
, Final, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-51-L (Cycle 2B Trajectory)", 12/23/1985, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Contingency Abort Training Manual", 01/01/1986, by Charles O. Lewis
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #19 Minutes", 02/25/1986.
, "STS 61-A National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 03/01/1986, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #20 Minutes", 04/08/1986, by
Alan L. Briscoe
. A number of the meeting minutes for #20 and later are digitized rather horribly. I've managed to fix some of them, and possibly will fix others later, but they came to me this way and at least they're legible, so for now we'll just have to live with them.
, "STS 61-B National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 05/01/1986, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Technology Influence On the Space Shuttle Development", 06/1986, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-86-25 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #22 Minutes", 06/26/1986, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-86-27 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #21 Minutes", 08/07/1986, by Ronald D. Dittemore
- "Location Coding Workbook - Loc Code 2102", 09/01/1986, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. See also the succeeding document, JSC-26419.
DA8-86-36 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #23 Minutes", 09/05/1986, by Ronald D. Dittemore
- 😮
, "Independent Orbiter Assessment - Analysis of the DPS Subsystem", 10/24/1986, by H. J. Lowery
, W. A. Haufler
, K. C. Pietz
, Basic, Rev A PCN 3, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4D: Television (CCTV)", Volume 4D, 11/01/1986, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
DA8-86-51 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #24 Minutes", 11/05/1986.

DA8-86-52 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #25 Minutes", 11/13/1986, by Alan L. Briscoe
- 😮
, "Independent Orbiter Assessment of the Data Processing System FMEA/CIL", 11/28/1986, by H. J. Lowery
, W. A. Haufler
, "Independent Orbiter Assessment - Analysis of the Backup Flight System", 12/08/1986, by E. E. Prust
, L. W. Hinsdale
, R. W. Mielke
, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual, Volume 4B: S-band", Volume 4B, 01/01/1987, by Tony M. Patiño
, "STS 61-C National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 08/01/1987, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev B, "Shuttle Flight Operations Manual (SFOM) - Crew Systems", Volume 12, 08/14/1987, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Basic Rev D, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) System Briefs, Section 16: Closed Circuit Television", Section 16, 09/15/1987, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, "The Development Process for the Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software System", 10/20/1987, by T. W. Weller
, Generic, "Orbit Operations Checklist", 10/30/1987, by Eric Joern
, "Data Processing System Principles and Interfaces - DPS PRINC 2102", 11/01/1987, by M. D. Erminger
, S. L. O'Roark
, Generic, "Photo/TV Checklist", 11/13/1987, by Donald C. Carico
😮"Verifying Shuttle Onboard Software Using Expert Systems", 1988, by William B. Wingert
. The document is undated.
- 😮
, Rev E, "Shuttle Operational Data Book, Volume 1: Shuttle Systems Performance and Constraints Data", Volume I, 01/01/1988, by Manned Spaceflight Center
, "Systems Management Training Manual - SM TM 2102", 01/01/1988, by James T. Ruszkowski
, "Computers in Spaceflight: The NASA Experience - Chapter 4: Computers in the Space Shuttle Avionics System", Chapter 4, 01/01/1988, by James E. Tomayko
- "STS Star Charts", 02/01/1988, by
Defence Mapping Agency Aerospace Center
, Rev B, "Attitude and Pointing Handbook", 02/01/1988, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Independent Orbiter Assessment - Assessment of the Backup Flight System FMEA/CIL", 02/22/1988, by E. E. Prust
, L. W. Hinsdale
, G. W. Knori
, "Commanding 1102", 03/01/1988, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. This document is not about how to be a "commander"; that's the subject of other training documents, not included in this library. Rather, it's about how to "command" the Shuttle to perform certain operations.
, Generic, "Ascent Checklist", 03/01/1988, by Robert L. Walsh
, "PDRS Malfunction Workbook - PDRS MAL 2102", 04/01/1988, by Lonnie Cundieff
, Generic, "Contingency Deorbit Prep", 04/18/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev B, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures", 04/20/1988, by D. M. Robinson
, Basic, "System AOA Procedures", 04/25/1988, by Carl Guderian
- 😮
NSTS 07700
, ICD-2-19001
, Rev J, "Shuttle Orbiter/Cargo Standard Interfaces", Volume XIV Attachment 1, 05/01/1988, by NASA
STS 83-0002B
, PCN-3, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part A: Guidance, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part A, 05/06/1988, by Rockwell International
, "Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Handbook, Appendix A: STS Rendezvous/PROX OPS Experience", Appendix A, 05/16/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. This document fragment is undated, but the latest material it referenced internally was from late 1986, as far as I can determine easily. I've therefore assumed it is dated the same as our copy of the fully document (which does not mention an Appendix).
, Basic, "Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Handbook", 05/16/1988, by James E. Oberg
, Basic, marked up for Rev A, "Rendezvous and Proximity Operations Handbook", without Appendix, 05/16/1988, by James E. Oberg
. This manually marked-up document has scanning issues, in that some pages appear to be missing, others are oriented in a way that they cannot be completed read, and still others seem to be in the wrong order.
- 😮"National Space Transportation System Reference, Volume 1: Systems and Facilities", Volume 1, 06/01/1988, by
, Final, Rev A, "Ascent/Aborts Flight Procedures Handbook", 06/01/1988, by John V. Turner
, Final Rev A, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-26 (Cycle 2R1 Trajectory)", 06/11/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-88-56 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #45 Minutes", 06/23/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
, Basic, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Shuttle Portable Computer (SPoC)", 07/01/1988, by R. L. Tucker
DA8-88-67 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #46 Minutes", 08/09/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
, Final Rev B, "Crew Activity Plan, STS-26 (Cycle 3 Trajectory)", 08/19/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"National Space Transportation System Reference, Volume 2: Operations", Volume 2, 09/01/1988, by
DA8-88-76 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #47 Minutes", 09/22/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-77 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #48 Minutes", 09/22/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-78 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #49 Minutes", 09/22/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Backup Flight System User's Guide", Sections 1-3 only, 10/14/1988, by Rockwell International
. The foldouts are poorly cropped. Sections 4-10 and Appendices are entirely absent. The table of contents is also partially missing.
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-27", 11/01/1988, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-88-86 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #50 Minutes", 11/02/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
DA8-88-91 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #51 Minutes", 11/18/1988, by Ronald D. Dittemore
, Final, Rev A, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Deorbit Prep", 12/01/1988, by Christopher J. McKenna
, Basic Rev G, "STS Inertial Upper Stage (IUS) Systems Handbook", 12/01/1988, by David R. Pennell Jr.
, James S. Schnepp
, Raymond J. Rynearson
, Daryl J. Joseph
DA8-88-96 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #52 Minutes", 12/19/1988, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
, "Space Shuttle Avionics System", 01/01/1989, by John F. Hanaway
, Robert W. Moorehead
- 😮Change 1, "Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs), System Engineer Handbook", 01/01/1989, by
, "STS-26 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 01/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-27 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 02/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
STS 83-0008B
, PCN-3A, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 1", Part C, Volume 1, 02/06/1989, by Rockwell International
DA8-89-05 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #53 Minutes", 02/14/1989, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan (Crew Activity Plan), STS-29 (Cycle 2R4 Trajectory)", 02/17/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, PCN-6, "Malfunction Procedures", 02/20/1989, by Vivian M. Hardwick
, Robert E. Armstrong
DA8-89-11 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #54 Minutes", 03/08/1989, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
STS 83-0008B
, PCN 2(?), "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part C: Flight Control -- ASCENT Flight Phase, Volume 2", Part C, Volume 2, 03/15/1989, by Rockwell International
. The page describing the changes from the preceding revision is partially illegible, so the PCN #, document date, and applicable software revision (and associated flights) are speculative.
, "STS-29 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 04/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-30 (Cycle 2A Trajectory)", 04/07/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
DA8-89-19 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #55 Minutes", 05/05/1989, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
- 😮
, "Orbiter Flying Qualities (OFQ) Workstation User's Guide", 06/01/1989, by Thomas T. Myers
, Zareh Parseghian
, Jeffrey R. Hogue
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-32 (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 06/27/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-30 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 07/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
STS 83-0005B
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter - Operational - Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements - Guidance, Navigation, and Control - Part B: Navigation, Guidance Ascent/RTLS", Part B, 07/31/1989, by Rockwell International
. Note that there is at least one illegible page.
, "STS-28 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 09/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-34 (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 09/07/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, "STS Investigators' Guide", 10/01/1989, by Teledyne Brown Engineering
, "STS-34 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 11/01/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev C PCN-11, "Orbit Pocket Checklist", 11/08/1989, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-32 (Cycle 2R Trajectory)", 11/22/1989, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-33 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 01/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev A, "Space Shuttle Reference Data", 01/10/1990, by Paul Hancock
DA8-90-05 (FT)
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #60 Minutes", 01/11/1990, by N. Wayne Hale Jr.
, "STS-32 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 02/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, Rev A, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Contingency Deorbit Prep", 02/28/1990, by Nancy Popple
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-31 (HST Deploy) (Cycle 2 Trajectory)", 03/20/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev D PCN-2, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) System Briefs, Section 16: Closed Circuit Television", Section 16 Changes only, 03/20/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-36 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-31 National Space Transportation System Mission Report", 05/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Space Shuttle Requirements / Configuration Evolution", 06/27/1990, by
E. P. Andrews
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-41 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/07/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮Rev C, "MPS Flight Measurement Location Document", 10/01/1990, by
Rockwell International
, "STS-41 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-35 (Cycle 3R Trajectory)", 11/16/1990, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- OI-20, "PASS User's Guide", 12/20/1990, by
IBM Federal Services Division
, "STS-35 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-38 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev D, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Sequence Requirements", 01/25/1991, by Rockwell International
- 😮
, "A New Method for Determining Which Starts Are Near a Star Sensor Field-of-View", 02/01/1991, by Russel E. Yates Jr
, John D. Vedder
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-37 (CTL-A Trajectory)", 02/22/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "MCC Trajectory and Orbit Determination Software Workbook", missing pages 2-45 through 3-32, 04/01/1991, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-39 (CTLP Trajectory)", 04/09/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-40 (Flight Cycle R3 Trajectory)", 04/24/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-37 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Navigation Aids - NAV AIDS 2102", 06/01/1991, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
- "Orbit Ops Checklist, STS-43", 06/01/1991, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-39 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-40 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-43 (Flight Cycle R1 Trajectory)", 07/02/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-48 (CTL Cycle Trajectory)", 08/21/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev B, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-48 and subsequent)", 08/28/1991, by F. Fisher Reynolds III
, "STS-43 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-48 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-44 (CTL Trajectory)", 10/08/1991, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, "Space Shuttle Entry Terminal Area Energy Management", 11/01/1991, by Thomas E. Moore
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 1/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd003.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 2/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd002.
, Rev 1.0, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-20)", Part 3/3, 11/01/1991, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx011-fd004.
, "STS-44 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-42 (Rotated Flight Cycle R3 Trajectory)", 01/03/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
😮"Simulation Data File (SDF) Access Package", 01/30/1992, by Craig Schulenberg
, Jeff Day
, "STS-42 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-45 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 02/28/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-49 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 03/23/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev A, "Systems Data Book (STS-49 and subsequent)", 04/20/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-45 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-50 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 05/04/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, Rev B PCN-5, "Data Processing System - Systems Brief", 06/15/1992, by Robert Hudson
, John D'Agostino
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-46 (FRR Trajectory)", 07/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-49 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, "Independent Verification and Validation for Space Shuttle Flight Software", 07/01/1992, by National Research Council
, "STS-50 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-47 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/17/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-53 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 09/18/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-52 (Proposed FRR Cycle)", 09/22/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-46 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-47 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Approach, Landing and Rollout", 11/01/1992, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Rev 1.2, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-21) (Partial)", Part 1, 11/01/1992, by Science Applications International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, Kathryn D. Sullivan Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2019.0007-bx012-fd002.
, "STS-52 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-54 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 12/02/1992, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Ascent Guidance and Flight Control Training Manual - ASC G&C 2102", 01/01/1993, by David S. Matthews
, "G&C I/O/D 2102A - G&C Systems Training Manual - Guidance and Flight Control - Insertion, On-Orbit, and Deorbit", 02/01/1993, by Bill Lane
, "STS-53 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-56 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 02/24/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-54 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-55 (Flight Cycle Trajectory - April 24 Launch)", 04/12/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-57 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 04/12/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Training Data File", 06/07/1993, by William F. Lane
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-51 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 06/25/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-55 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-56 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, CR-195739
, "STS-57 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-58 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/23/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, CR-197667
, Rev T, "Shuttle Flight Data and In-Flight Anomaly List - STS-1 through STS-50, and STS-52 through STS-56", 10/01/1993, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-61 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/25/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-51 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-60 (Rotated FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 12/14/1993, by Manned Spacecraft Center
😮"User Formal Methods and Object-Oriented Analysis to Reverse Engineer Shuttle Software", 1994, by Betty H. C. Cheng
, Brent Auernheimver
, "STS-58 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-62 (Rotated Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 01/28/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-61 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-59 (FRR Cycle Trajectory - April 7 Launch)", 03/18/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "DPS Familiarization 2102 Workbook", 04/01/1994, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-60 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-62 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-65 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/02/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-59 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center

, Rev F, "Space Shuttle Model AP-101S Principles of Operation with Shuttle Instruction Set", 07/12/1994, by IBM Federal Services Division
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-68 (FRR Trajectory)", 07/14/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-64 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 07/25/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, CR-197598
, "STS-65 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-66 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 09/14/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-63 (Pre-FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 12/23/1994, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Controllers Workbook - CONT 2102", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. The "controllers" are items in the spacecraft, such as rotational hand controllers.
, Rev A, "Guidance and Control Sensors - GNC Systems - SENSORS 2102", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Reaction Control System Training Manual - RCS 2102A", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Space Flight Technical Language Handbook", 01/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-64 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-68 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Entry Digital Autopilot", 01/01/1995, by Larry Manofsky
, Rev A, "Flight Data File 2102 Workbook", 01/01/1995, by Michelle Truly
, "STS-66 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-67 (FRR Trajectory)", 02/10/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "The Space Shuttle Orbiter's Advanced Display Designs and an Analysis of Its Growth Capabilities", 03/01/1995, by
Baoquoc Tranthien
, "Navigation Overview - NAV 2102B", 03/01/1995, by Gregory J. Byrne
, "Orbiter Systems Training Manual - OMS 2102", 04/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "Inertial Measurement Unit Workbook - IMU 2102", 04/01/1995, by Lisa Martignetti
, "ATO/AOA/TAL Training Manual 2102", 05/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-67 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-70 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/10/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-69 (FRR Trajectory)", 05/30/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-63 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-71 (FBN-2 Cycle Trajectory)", 06/09/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, Rev D, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Entry", 07/01/1995, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-71 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-73 (FRR Trajectory)", 08/16/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-70 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Air Data System Workbook - ADS 2102", 09/01/1995, by David A. Rose
, Walter J. Barnett
- OI-25, "CRT Reference Summary, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls, OI-25", 10/01/1995, by
Rockwell International
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-74 (TNT Trajectory)", 11/06/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-69 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-73 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-72 (FRR Trajectory)", 12/07/1995, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-75 (Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 01/04/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-74 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-76 (FRR Cycle: L-3 Mir Vector Trajectory)", 02/28/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-77 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 03/02/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I, "Data Processing System Dictionary (OI-25 and subsequent)", 03/29/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx011-fd003.
, "STS-72 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-75 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-76 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-78 (FRR Trajectory)", 05/15/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-77 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Release S G2, "LPS CCMS Ground Operations Aerospace Language (GOAL) User Guide", Parts I and II, 07/01/1996, by Lockheed Space Operations Company
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-79 (Mir L-3 Month Vector)", 07/08/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-78 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume III, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume I, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, Rev E DCN-6, "Space Shuttle Systems Handbook", Volume II, 08/14/1996, by Alan L. Simon
, "Data Processing System (Hardware and System Software) Training Manual - DPS HW/SW 2102", 09/01/1996, by Steven D. Hamm
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-80 (Rotated FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 09/30/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Crew Escape Systems 2102", 10/01/1996, by C. Scott Gill
, "STS-79 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/1996, by Robert W. Fricke Jr
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-81", 11/25/1996, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-81 (Mir L-3 Month Vector)", 12/18/1996, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-82 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/08/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-80 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-83 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 02/21/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-81 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-82 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-84 (FRR Trajectory)", 04/28/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 1/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd009.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 2/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx015-fd010.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 3/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd001.
, SFOC-FL0884
, Rev 1.6, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-25)", Part 4/4, 05/12/1997, by TBD
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx016-fd002.
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-94 - STS-83 Reflight (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 05/27/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-83 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-86", 06/13/1997, by Allison K. Riley
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-85 (FRR Trajectory)", 06/18/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-2, "Deorbit Prep (STS-79 and subsequent)", 06/20/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Basic HAL/S Programming Course - OTP080", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 1 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 10 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 11 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 2 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 3 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 4 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 5 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 6 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 7 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 8 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
- "HAL/S Programming Fundamentals Quiz 9 (for Course OTP080)", 06/23/1997, by
Craig Schulenberg
, "STS-84 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-94 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-86 (Mir L-1 Month Vector)", 09/04/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-89 Flight Supplement", 09/18/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-85 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The document number printed on the document itself is NSTS-37417, which is identical to the STS-86 report. I assume this is an error, and have taken it upon myself to change it to NSTS-37416 here in the library.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-87 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/06/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-86 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/1997, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Rev G, "Shuttle Launch Commit Criteria and Background Document, Section 7: Hold/Cutoff Guidelines", Section 7, 11/01/1997, by NASA
. This is section 7 of NSTS-16007 Rev G; whereas section 7 is intentionally blank in the full NSTS-16007 Rev H.
- 😮
, DR SE61 WBS 3.6.6
, NAS8-36200
, "Space Shuttle External Tank - System Definition Handbook SLWT - Volume 1: Configuration and Operation", Volume 1, 12/01/1997, by Lockheed Martin
- 😮
, DR SE61 WBS 3.6.6
, NAS8-36200
, "Space Shuttle External Tank - System Definition Handbook SLWT - Volume 2: Layout Drawings", Volume 2, 12/01/1997, by Lockheed Martin
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-89 Flight Supplement", 12/01/1997, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Rev A, "Assigned Crew Study Guide - Orbiter Systems", 12/16/1997, by Stephen Messersmith
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-89 (L-1 Month Trajectory)", 01/07/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-87 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-90 (FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 02/13/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-89 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-91 (L-1 Month Trajectory)", 05/06/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-90 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-91 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-103 (STS-103 OCF Trajectory)", 07/26/1998, by Scott Curtis
, Douglas Bristol
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-95 (FRR Trajectory)", 09/25/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- OI-27, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1998, by
- OI-27, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-27", 10/01/1998, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-88 (STS-88 Inc 0 Rev E Preliminary Trajectory)", 11/13/1998, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "NASA Historical Data Book, Volume V: NASA Launch Systems, Space Transportation, Human Spaceflight, and Space Science - 1979-1988", Volume V, 1999, by Judy A. Rumerman
- "Flight Software User/Program Notes or Requirements Waivers", 01/01/1999, by
IBM Federal Services Division
. This is a collection of 645 short text files from 1980 through 1998 that can be considered as descriptions (and approvals) either of minor extensions (clarifications) of the PASS or BFS software requirements, or else as minor violations (waivers) of such requirements. I've arbitrarily marked the author as IBM FSD, but there are obviously numerous authors, and the affiliations of the authors are generally not specified within the files. At some point, I may separate out the individual files and present them one-by-one in this library. For now, since there are so very many of them, I choose to provide them in the form of a single, unindexed zipfile.
, "STS-95 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- PASS 29.0 / BFS 14.0 Baseline, "HAL/S Compiler Test Results Report", 01/29/1999, by
P. Koester
, Rev B, "FCS/Effectors Training Manual - FCS/EFF 2101", 01/29/1999, by Wes Penny
, Rev B, "Crew Software Interface - CSI 21002", 02/01/1999, by Walter Barnett
, Tina Jones
, "STS-88 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B, "DPS Overview 21002 Workbook", 02/01/1999, by Jeffrey Tuxhorn
, Baseline PASS 29.0/BFS 14.0, "SDFPKG User's Guide", 02/08/1999, by Peter Koester
- 😮
NSTS 08209
, Rev B, "Shuttle Systems Design Criteria, Volume I: Shuttle Performance Assessment Databook", Volume I, 03/16/1999, by Johnson Space Center
, Rev J PCN-4, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-96 and subsequent)", 03/26/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev B CPN-6, "Flight Control Operations Handbook (FCOH) - Shuttle Operations", 03/29/1999, by George Egan
- 😮
, Final PCN-8, "Space Shuttle Operational Flight Rules", Volume A, 04/22/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-96 (STS-96 L-2 Weeks Trajectory)", 05/18/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-93 (Rotated FRR Trajectory - July 20, 1999 GMT L/O)", 06/25/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "IUS Deploy Checklist, STS-93", 06/28/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B, "Caution and Warning - C&W 21002", 07/01/1999, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-96 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
OMI S0007VL1
, Rev AT-1, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", Vol 1 of 5, 07/01/1999, by NASA
- 😮
OMI S0007VL5
, Rev Z-1, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", Vol 5 of 5, 07/01/1999, by NASA
- 😮
OMI S0007VL2
, Rev CR, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", Vol 2 of 5, 07/07/1999, by NASA
- 😮
OMI S0007VL3
, Rev BF-1, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", Vol 3 of 5, 07/08/1999, by NASA
- 😮
OMI S0007VL4
, Rev AY, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", Vol 4 of 5, 07/08/1999, by NASA
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-99 Flight Supplement", 07/23/1999, by Scott A. Bleisath
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-103 Flight Supplement", 07/30/1999, by Harold L. Scott
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-103 Flight Supplement", 08/20/1999, by Leslie M. Hammond
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-103", 08/27/1999, by Sean K. O'Rourke
, Final, Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-99 Flight Supplement", 08/31/1999, by Harold L. Scott
, "STS-93 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-103", 09/21/1999, by Thomas M. Arnold
- OI-28, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS)", 10/01/1999, by
- OI-28, "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide, Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT, HUD, DDU & MEDS), OI-28", 10/01/1999, by
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx030-fd010.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-103 (STS-103 FRR (12/02/99) Trajectory)", 10/27/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-99 (STS-99 FRR)", 12/07/1999, by Manned Spacecraft Center
"HAL/S Training Questionnaire (for Course OTP080)", 2000, by Anonymous
- 😮
, "NASA Historical Data Book, Volume VI: NASA Space Applications, Aeronautics and Space Research and Technology, Tracking and Data Acquisition/Support Operations, Commercial Programs, and Resources - 1979-1988", Volume VI, 2000, by Judy A. Rumerman
- "HAL/S Programming Review (for Course OTP080)", Part 1, 02/01/2000, by
, "STS-103 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-99 report.
, "STS-99 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-103 report.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-101 (STS-101 HY-330 Trajectory)", 03/09/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-106 (STS-106 FRR Trajectory)", 08/10/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-27)", Chapter 2 only, 09/01/2000, by United Space Alliance
. The date is invented. The revision is unknown.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-92 (STS-92 FRR Trajectory)", 09/18/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 1/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd007.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 2/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd008.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 3/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd009.
, Rev. B, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Part 4/4, 10/04/2000, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx020-fd010.
- 😮"Space Shuttle Software Development and Certification", 10/12/2000, by
James K. Orr
, Johnnie A. Henderson
, "STS-106 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-97 (STS-97 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 11/03/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-98 (FRR Trajectory: Launch - January 18, 2001)", 12/15/2000, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-92 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev. B CPN-1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-28)", Changes only, 01/05/2001, by United Space Alliance
. Disclaimer: From the Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum Archives, David M. Brown Papers collection, UAN: NASM-NASM.2006.0013-bx021-fd001.
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-102 (STS-102 Post-FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/26/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-97 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev C PCN-3, "Cue Cards and Procedural Decals Book (STS-100 and subsequent)", 02/09/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-100 (STS-100 FRR Trajectory)", 03/16/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-98 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 04/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-102 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
OMI S0017.200
, A28, "Terminal Demonstration (LPS)", 05/13/2001, by NASA
- 😮
OMI S0017.300
, A28, "Terminal Demonstration (LPS)", 05/13/2001, by NASA
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-104/7A (STS-104 Modified FRR Trajectory)", 05/15/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-100 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-104 report.
, "STS-101 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Controller Interviewing/Hiring Guidelines", 07/01/2001, by Jimmy L. Spivey
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-105/ISS-7A.1 (STS-105 FRR Trajectory)", 07/09/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-109", 08/24/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-104 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The same document number is marked on the STS-100 report.
, Rev J PCN-9, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-108 and subsequent)", 09/24/2001, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, "STS-105 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-12, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 10/18/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-13 Vol 2, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102.4, 10/22/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev H PCN-3, "Medical Checklist (STS-108 and subsequent)", 10/25/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-108 (STS-108 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 10/31/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev E PCN-4, "Reference Data (STS-109 and subsequent)", 11/19/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-14, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-109 and subsequent)", 12/05/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Post Insertion, STS-109", 12/06/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-17, "Orbit Pocket Checklist, Vol 2 (STS-109 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 12/07/2001, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/04/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev E PCN-23, "Entry Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/07/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E PCN-8, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-109", 01/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/17/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-2, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/18/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-109, Flight Supplement", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "EVA Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-109", 01/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-109 (STS-109 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 01/29/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 01/31/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev E PCN-1, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-108 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Payload Powerdown, STS-109", 02/04/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-14, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures, Vol 2 (STS-109 and subsequent)", Volume II OV102,4, 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-7, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-7, "Deorbit Prep (STS-109 and subsequent)", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-109 Flight Supplement", 02/11/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic CPN-2, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope", 02/13/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-110 (STS-110 Flight Readiness Review Trajectory)", 02/26/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-109", 02/28/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope Space Support Equipment Servicing Mission 3B, STS-109", 02/28/2002, by United Space Alliance
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-111 (STS-111 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 04/25/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-109 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-110 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-113", 06/17/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-107 (STS-107 FRR Cycle Trajectory)", 06/21/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-111 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-112 (FDO Provided L-7 Week Trajectory)", 08/22/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-6, "EVA Checklist (STS-112 and subsequent)", 08/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-113 (FDO Provided L-8 Week Trajectory)", 09/27/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-113 Flight Supplement", 09/30/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Rev J PCN-8, "Single Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Landing - Manual Speedbrake Setting", SCP 5.7, 10/04/2002, by J. H. Wyrick
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-114 (STS-114 OCFR2_RevD Cycle Trajectory)", 10/07/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-15, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", Part 1, 11/04/2002, by David N. Miller
, Rev F PCN-15, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", Part 2, 11/04/2002, by David N. Miller
, Rev F PCN-15, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", Part 3, 11/04/2002, by David N. Miller
- 😮
, Final PCN-1, "Space Shuttle Operational Flight Rules", Volume A, 11/21/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-112 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 12/01/2002, by Manned Spacecraft Center
"STS-107 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/09/2003, by P. L. Engelauf
, K. B. Beck
, Rev B CPN-3, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-29)", 01/13/2003, by United Space Alliance
, "STS-113 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-1 In-Flight Anomalies (IFA)", 02/27/2003, by
. The date embedded in the document appears to be that at which the report was printed from a database system containing the individual anomalies, 20 years after the flight itself. As such, the document has no title or authorship. The individual reports are timestamped, apparently relative to the mission elapsed time (MET).
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-115 (STS-115/12A Gen OCF (May 23, 2003) Trajectory)", 04/03/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-107 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Basic Rev F, "SRB (Solid Rocket Booster) Overview", SB 4.1, 07/07/2003, by NASA
- 😮
, Basic Rev F, "SSME (Space Shuttle Main Engines) Overview", SB 1.1, 07/07/2003, by NASA
, Generic Rev F, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-114 and subsequent)", 09/25/2003, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-1, "EGIL Console Handbook", 12/18/2003, by H. Preston Easton
😮"Recovery of the Space Shuttle Columbia Avionics - Investigation, Analysis, and Lessons Learned", 2004, by Kevin L. Hames
, Rev A PCN1, "LDO Console Handbook", 01/12/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "AP 101S Assembly Language Introduction Course - Reading and Understanding Assembly Code - OTP275.04", 02/01/2004, by
Christopher C. Marchant
, Rev F, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-114 and subsequent)", 02/09/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "Space Shuttle Malfunction Procedures, STS-114 and subsequent", 02/09/2004, by Harold L. Scott
, Rev 00, "MELFI Flight Model User Manual", 03/03/2004, by EADS Astrium
, Basic, "Guidance and Control - Insertion/Orbit/Deorbit Workbook - G&C I/O/D 21002", 05/14/2004, by Peter W. Pruyn
, Rev B, "Location Coding Workbook - Loc Code 21002", 06/17/2004, by Rob Tomaro
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 08/14/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic CPN-1, "Entry Digital Autopilot Workbook - ENTRY DAP 21002", 08/24/2004, by Mark A. Veile
, Basic Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 08/27/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Rendezvous, STS-114", 09/03/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade (MAPLD 2004 Presentation)", 09/08/2004, by
Todd Smithgall
, Basic, "Ku-band Operations Workbook - KU OPS 21002", 09/21/2004, by Robert C. Murray II
- "AP-101S Patch Fundamentals Course - OTP155", 10/11/2004, by
Chuck Wohl
, "Space Shuttle Vehicle Familiarization - SSV FAM 11007", 11/12/2004, by United Space Alliance
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-114 (STS-114 OCF Rev A Cycle Trajectory)", 11/19/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-114 and subsequent)", 11/22/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Post Insertion, STS-114", 11/23/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book - Generic", 12/22/2004, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "EVA Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 01/10/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 01/10/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Crew Escape Systems 21002", 01/17/2005, by J. Lynn Coldiron
, Generic Rev G PCN-1, "Entry Checklist (STS-114 and subsequent)", 01/21/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Checklist, STS-114", 01/25/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O, "Deorbit Prep (STS-114 and subsequent)", 02/14/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Androgynous Peripheral Docking System Reference Guide", 02/14/2005, by Gary Rowen
, E. Grant Slusser Jr.
, Rev F, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Ascent/Aborts (OI-30)", 03/01/2005, by Joseph Jones
, Final Rev B PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 03/30/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, Rev E, "Flight Procedures Handbook - Entry", 04/01/2005, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Rev A, "Crew Systems Reference Manual, Volume 1: Crew Escape", Volume 1, 04/15/2005, by Reina Winters
, Final Rev G PCN-1, "Booster Standard Console Procedures", 04/19/2005, by Andrew S. Hamilton
, Basic Rev F, "Data Processing Systems Console Handbook", 04/22/2005, by Carla A. Santiago
, PCN, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book - Generic", 04/25/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B, "Flight Procedures Handbook: Approach, Landing and Rollout", 05/01/2005, by Scott A. Hartman
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-LF1", 06/01/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Rev 6, Change Q, "Ground Launch Sequencer", Appendix A, 06/04/2005, by NASA
. The date and title of this document are unknown, because we only have a portion of it.
- "(Untitled collection of pages related to AP-101S principles of operation)", 06/09/2005, by
IBM Federal Services Division
. This is a curious document — if it is a "document" rather than just a loose collection somebody threw together sometime. If you don't look at it too closely (guilty!), you might conclude that it was part of a review of IBM FSD document 85-C67-001, "Space Shuttle Model AP-101S Principles of Operation with Shuttle Instruction Set". But it has been pointed out to me that it contains material — a lot of material — found neither in 85-C67-001, nor in any other source presently available to us. Since the document has no title, date, or author, I've simply invented those for myself.
- Release 32V0, "HAL/S-FC compiler source code, release 32V0", 06/10/2005, by
, United Space Alliance
. The date was invented: It's simply the last date in the change histories of the individual source-code files.
- 😮"Orbiter Main Propulsion Subsystem Handbook", 06/12/2005, by
STS Propulsion
, Power Test
, Checkout
. This document has no date, no document number, no revision history, and does not even list the organization preparing it (but rather just the subdivision). Consequently, neither the date I've listed here, nor the author, can be taken seriously.
- "Orbit Ops Checklist STS-43", 06/13/2005, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 06/17/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Book", 06/20/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Entry Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 06/22/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-114 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B PCN-2, "Rendezvous GPO Console Handbook", 06/27/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final, "Contengency Shuttle Crew Support Undock/Separation/Disposal Timeline", 06/27/2005, by
United Space Alliance
. All metadata about this presumably-fragmentary document has been invented.
, "ISS/Shuttle Joint Operations Book", 06/28/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-114 Flight Readiness Review", 06/29/2005, by
John F. Muratore
, PCN, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-LF1", 06/30/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "ISS/Shuttle Joint Operations Book", 07/06/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev D, "Cue Cards and Procedural Decals Book", 07/08/2005, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Contingency Shuttle Crew Support (CSCS)/Rescue Flight Resource Book", 07/12/2005, by Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Paul F. Dye

, Preliminary 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S-FC SDL Interface Control Document", 09/2005, by Peter Koester
- "Case Study of the Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade Software", 10/30/2005, by
Roscoe C. Ferguson
, Hiram C. Thompson
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Language Specification", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Programmer's Guide", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
. The HAL/S Programmer's Guide presents an informal description of HAL/S aimed primarily at those unfamiliar with the language.
, PASS 32.0/BFS 17.0, "HAL/S-FC User's Manual", 11/01/2005, by Intermetrics Inc
, United Space Alliance
. The intent of the manual is to provide the necessary information to compile and execute a HAL/S program. It is not, however, intended to serve as a guide to the HAL/S language.
, 32.0/17.0, "HAL/S Compiler System Specification", 11/01/2005, by United Space Alliance
, Rev C PCN-4, "Flight Director Console Handbook", 01/20/2006, by B. A. Levy
, Basic, "Entry, TAEM, and Approach/Landing Guidance Workbook 21002", 01/23/2006, by J. W. (Wesley) Penny
, Mark A. Veile
, Basic, "MOD International Liaison Console Handbook - Generic and RIO Operations", 02/10/2006, by James Lyons
- "STS-117/13A MOD Systems Division FRR", 02/13/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Final Rev C, "DPS Familiarization Workbook - DPS FAM 21002", 02/23/2006, by Carla Sugar
, Final Rev B, "Inertial Measurement Unit Workbook - IMU 21002", 02/28/2006, by Carl Sugar
, Rev G, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) System Briefs", 03/01/2006, by Eric Wingrove
, Rev B, "FCS/Effectors Workbook - FCS/EFF 21002", 03/07/2006, by Wes Penny
, Final Rev A, "Audio/UHF Training Manual - AUD/UHF 21002", 03/17/2006, by Cindy Fuqua
, Basic Rev B, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss)", 04/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "DPS Overview Workbook - DPS OV 21002", 04/11/2006, by Kelsey W. Berumen
, Final Rev B, "Crew Software Interface", 04/14/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-10, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 04/25/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "All Vehicle D&C Procedural Nomenclature", 05/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-3, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-121 and subsequent)", 05/11/2006, by Reneé M. Ross
- "YERO Concerns", 06/01/2006, by
. I invented the date.
- "YERO Preliminary PRA Analysis", 06/01/2006, by
Gary Duncan
, Paul Wilson
, Teri L. Hamlin
. I invented the date.
, Final Rev D PCN-2, "FDO Console Handbook, Voume IV: Deorbit/Entry and EMCC", Volume IV, 06/01/2006, by Keith W. Fletcher
, "STS-114 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 06/01/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-121 Flight Supplement", 06/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Rendezvous, STS-121", 06/07/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Checklist, STS-115", 06/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-121 Flight Readiness Review: Systems Engineering & Integration", 06/16/2006, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-121", 06/19/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Post Insertion, STS-121", 06/19/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A, "Spacehab Malfunction Procedures and Systems Data (STS-116 and subsequent)", 06/21/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115116P", 06/22/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "FDO Console Handbook, Voume V: Ascent", Volume V, 06/23/2006, by J. Chris Edelen
, Rev A, "FDO Console Handbook, Voume 3: On-Orbit Trajectory Operations", Volume 3, 06/23/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN 06-1, "Abort Region Determinator Support Console Handbook", 06/27/2006, by Sarah R. Graybeal
, Annex C Rev C CPN-1, "Space Shuttle Flight Data File Standards and Specifications", 06/28/2006, by United Space Alliance
, Final Rev B, "Navigation Aids Workbook - NAVAIDS 21002", 06/30/2006, by Kelsey Berumen
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss) - STS 115/12A FRR (August 28, 2006) Trajectory", 07/05/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Air Data System Workbook ADS 21002", 07/07/2006, by Christopher Edwards
, Final Rev A, "Navigation Overview Workbook - NAV 21002", 07/13/2006, by Kelsey W. Berumen
, Final, "Joint Shuttle-ISS Operational Flight Rules Annex, 12A/STS-115 12A-12A.1 Stage", 07/31/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-115/12A MOD Systems Division FRR", 08/02/2006, by
Ladessa Hicks
- "STS-115/12A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 08/02/2006, by
J. McCullough
, P. Dye
, S. Stich
- "STS-115 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 08/02/2006, by
Ray Moreno
, Richard A. Theis
, William Seay
- Final, "NAV/Landing Aids Reference Chart, STS-115", 08/03/2006, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-115", 08/04/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Post Insertion, STS-115", 08/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Year End Rollover (YERO) STS-116 Impacts", 08/09/2006, by
Carolyn Jarrett
, Generic Rev K PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-115 and subsequent)", 08/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115116Q", 08/10/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-115", 08/11/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-115/12A (P3/P4 Truss) - STS 115/12A FRR (August 28, 2006) Trajectory", 08/11/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "EVA Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-12A", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/16/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-5, "EVA Checklist (STS-115 and subsequent)", 08/17/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-115/12A MOD Systems Division FRR", 08/21/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 08/21/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-115 Flight Supplement", 08/22/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-116 (STS-116 February 9, 2006 Launch Trajectory)", 08/24/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"PRCB Action Response S060900ER3, Action 1-1 (non-flight-like boxes in the SAIL facility)", 08/24/2006, by
Daryl Peltier
- "STS-117 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115117P", 08/24/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "DPS YERO FDF Issues", 09/01/2006, by
Bob Schwank
. The date was invented by me.
- 😮"IPL Source Switch IFM Bypass", 09/01/2006, by
Victor Badillo
. The date was invented by me.
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 09/25/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Year End Rollover (YERO) STS-116 Plans & Status", 09/26/2006, by
Carolyn Jarrett
- "STS-118 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115118K(Replacement Pkg)", 10/05/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "Main Propulsion System Thrust Vector Control Workbook - MPS TVC 21002", 10/10/2006, by Timothy A. Beauregard
, Final Rev A, "Main Propulsion System Workbook - MPS 21002", 10/10/2006, by Timothy A. Beauregard
, Rev A, "Controllers Workbook - CONT21002", 10/10/2006, by Thérèse Huning
, Final Rev A, "Ascent Guidance and Flight Control Workbook - ASC G&C 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Rev A, "Intact Ascent Aborts Workbook - Workbook 21002", 10/10/2006, by Henry Lampazzi
, Final Rev A, "Orbital Maneuvering System Workbook - OMS 21002", 10/10/2006, by Eric Zumdieck
- "Ascent Flight Changes Due To SCR 93087 (RTLS ET Separation Improvements)", 10/13/2006, by
Mike Cagle
, David Almanza
, Raymond Haraway
, Andrew Flottorp
, Final Rev A PCN-2 SIM-434, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 10/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-6, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Entry Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-116", 10/18/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Electrical Power System Training Manual - EPS 21002", 10/20/2006, by Tina Weber
- "STS-116/12A.1 YERO Support", 10/23/2006, by
Tony Ceccassi
, Norman Knight
, Final Rev B, "Environmental Control and Life Support System - ECLSS 21002", 10/23/2006, by Michael Sadowski
, Final Rev A, "Reaction Control System Workbook - RCS 21002", 10/24/2006, by Richard Bush
, Lia Matthews
- "Shuttle Year End Rollover (YERO) STS-116 SAIL TEST Plan", 10/25/2006, by
Carolyn Jarrett
- "Initial Test Results STS-116 YERO SAIL Test 10/25/06", 10/25/2006, by
, OI32, "PASS User's Guide, OI-32", 10/26/2006, by United Space Alliance
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-12A.1", 10/27/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Draft, "YERO Impacts to Vehicle Monitoring", 11/01/2006, by
. I invented the date and mission.
- "STS-116/12A.1 Year End Roll-over (YERO) Options", 11/02/2006, by
Tony Ceccassi
, Norman Knight
, Steve Stich
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122", 11/02/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Final SIM-28, "Spacehab Operations Checklist, STS-116", 11/03/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-116 (12-7-06 R1 Trajectory)", 11/07/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 11/08/2006, by
John M. Curry
, Anthony J. Ceccacci
, J. Steve Stich
, Norman D. Knight
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD Systems Division FRR", 11/08/2006, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-116/12A.1 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 11/08/2006, by
R. Morgan
, R. Parker
- "STS-117 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115117Q", 11/09/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-116", 11/10/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-116", 11/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-117 (OCFR2 Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 11/13/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-116", 11/14/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B Final, "Data Processing System (Hardware and System Software) Workbook, DPS HW/SW 21002", 11/15/2006, by Steven D. Hamm
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-116 Flight Supplement", 11/15/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-118 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115118P", 11/16/2006, by
United Space Alliance
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-12A.1", 11/17/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "YERO FSW Validation/checking for STS-116", 11/20/2006, by
Carlos B. Valrand
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 11/29/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122C", 11/30/2006, by
United Space Alliance
- "YERO Test Issues", 12/01/2006, by
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 12/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Powerdown, STS-117", 12/08/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-117", 12/20/2006, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Year-End Roll-Over (YERO) MCC New Year’s Eve Test - SR3674", 12/21/2006, by
Michael Moses
😮"Significant Endeavour Production Upgrades", 2007, by Janet Dean
- 😮"Space Shuttle Emulator Software", 2007, by
- 😮
, "Lessons Learned From Seven Space Shuttle Missions", 01/01/2007, by John Goodman
- 😮"PRCB Action S063515R1 1-1 - Recommend Space Shuttle System Year End Rollover (YERO) Requirement", 01/25/2007, by
Darrell Stamper
- "STS-120 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115120B", 01/25/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- 😮Rev S PCN-1, "Space Shuttle Missions Summary, First Hundred Flights (STS-1 Through STS-92)", Volume 1, 02/01/2007, by
R. D. Legler
, F. V. Bennett
, Basic Rev E, "In-Flight Maintenance Console Handbook", 02/01/2007, by David Wisniewski
, Rev K PCN-2, "Medical Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-117/13A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 02/13/2007, by
K. Beck
, C. Koerner
, N. Knight
- "STS-117 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 02/13/2007, by
David Tee
, Ray Moreno
, Roger Rojas
, Bill Jacobs
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-117", 02/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-9, "Entry Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev D, "Contingency Aborts - 21007/31007", 02/14/2007, by United Space Alliance
- 😮"Space Shuttle Program Year-End Roll-Over (YERO) - S063515", 02/15/2007, by
Michael Moses
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-3, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-117", 02/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-7, "EVA Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-117", 02/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-13A", 02/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 02/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-117 Flight Supplement", 02/26/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-121 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-122 Integrated Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122D", 03/08/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic SIM-450, "Flight Plan, STS-118 - OCFR2 Fight Cycle Trajectory (Modified for 14 day Mission)", 03/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H, "Entry Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 03/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 03/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 04/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-120/10A (OCFR1 RevA Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 04/27/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-115 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 05/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-141, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 05/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"S042013GE: Update Flight Program Definition And Planning for YERO", 05/15/2007, by
Darryl May
, Generic Rev F PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-117 and subsequent)", 05/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-186, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 05/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-117 (FRR Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 05/22/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Final PCN-8, "Space Shuttle Operational Flight Rules", Volume A, 05/24/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115120D", 05/24/2007, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-122 Integrated Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115122G", 05/24/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "S-Band Comm/Inst Workbook - S-BD COMM/IN 21002", 06/04/2007, by R. Donald Carson
, Errata, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-13A Errata", 06/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Joint Shuttle-ISS Operational Flight Rules Annex, STS-117/13A ISS Expedition 15", 06/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-7, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 06/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-4, "Reference Data (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-2, "EGIL Console Handbook", 06/08/2007, by H. Preston Easton
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 06/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-117 MER 08 - MDM OA-2 Card 5 Failure", 06/14/2007, by
- "STS-117 MDM OA2 Card 5 Failure Impacts - BFS", 06/14/2007, by
, Generic Rev H PCN-9, "EVA Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-118", 06/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-117 MDM OA2 Card 5 Failure", 06/15/2007, by
Tim Reith
, Generic Rev L PCN-1, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-118 and subsequent)", 06/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 06/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 06/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-153, "Payload Powerdown, STS-118", 06/21/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-178, "Rendezvous, STS-118", 06/22/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-116 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-3, "Medical Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/06/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-118", 07/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-4, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/10/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-118 (FRR Flight Cycle Trajectory", 07/10/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-118/13A.1 and PCS R10U MOD Flight Readiness Review", 07/11/2007, by
M. Abbott
, J. Montalbano
, S. Stich
- "STS-118/13A.1 MOD Systems Division FRR", 07/11/2007, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-118 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 07/11/2007, by
Steven K. Staas
, Alan Haggard
, Richart Theis
, Sean O'Rourke
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev I PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/13/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-2, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-118", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev B PCN-1, "Spacehab Malfunction Procedures and Systems Data (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-5, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/16/2007, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev L PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev J PCN-3, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-1, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-1, "Deorbit Prep (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-13A.1", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Spacehab Operations Checklist, STS-118", 07/18/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "EVA Checklist, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-2, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-118 and subsequent)", 07/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Reference Data, STS-118 Flight Supplement", 07/24/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, "Space Shuttle GNC System Brief", 07/26/2007, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-118", 07/27/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev G PCN-6, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", 08/03/2007, by David N. Miller
- "Flight Data File Errata Addendum, STS-118", 08/07/2007, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-118", 08/07/2007, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-122/1E (OCFR1 Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 08/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Shuttle Architecture and Identical Inputs", 08/23/2007, by
Christopher Scott Cox
, Final, "Rendezvous Checklist, STS-120", 08/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 SIM-443, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 08/29/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Post Insertion, STS-120", 09/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev I PCN-5, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/06/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software (FSW) STS-118 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 3981", 09/06/2007, by
David Rutishauser
JSC-48551-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Payload ISS-1E GROUND", 09/11/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-120", 09/11/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48550-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Malfunction ISS-1E GROUND", 09/12/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
JSC-48502-1E GND
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-1E GROUND", 09/14/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-10A", 09/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120/10A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 09/17/2007, by
J. D. Hassmann
, R. LaBrode
, N. Knight
- "STS-120/10A MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/17/2007, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-120 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/17/2007, by
Sotirios Liolios
, Ray Moreno
, David Mayhew
, Carson Sparks
, Generic Rev L PCN-2, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev A CPN-1, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 5: TPS Inspection and Repair", Volume 5, 09/20/2007, by Leah M. Joyce
, Generic Rev J PCN-4, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev N PCN-5, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/25/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-13, "Guidance and Control Systems Console Handbook", 09/25/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Joint Shuttle-ISS Operational Flight Rules Annex, STS-120/10A ISS Expeditions 15 & 16", 09/25/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-4, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/26/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"S063723 - FY08 Flight Software Transition and Retirement Funding Request", 09/26/2007, by
Daryl Peltier
, Generic Rev H PCN-11, "EVA Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 09/28/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Survey and Evaluation of NASA-Owned Historic Facilities and Properties in the Context of the U.S. Space Shuttle Program - John F. Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, Florida", Volume I of V, 10/01/2007, by
Archaeological Consultants
, Generic Rev M PCN-6, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-120", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-120", 10/01/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-3, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/03/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-120/10A (FFR Flight Cycle Trajectory)", 10/04/2007, by Diane Hord
, Patrick White
, Aaron McDonald
, Rodolfo Gonzalez
, Marcos Stocco
, Generic Rev M PCN-7, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-121 / ULF-1.1 (STS-121 FRRR3 Trajectory)", 10/04/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-120", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-3, "Entry Checklist (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/05/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-3, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-120 and subsequent)", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-10A", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/09/2007, by
Donald S. Noah
, Final Rev A, "Reference Data, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-120 Flight Readiness Review - Advanced Master Events Controller", 10/16/2007, by
John Hunt
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 10/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-10A", 10/17/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 10/23/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-125 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115125B", 10/25/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev P PCN-4, "Deorbit Prep (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-6, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/02/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-122/1E MOD Flight Readiness Review", 11/05/2007, by
S. Davis
, M. Sarafin
, N. Knight
- "STS-122 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 11/05/2007, by
Ray Moreno
, Cathy Bupane
, Darrin Leleux
, Generic Rev I PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/07/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/07/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-122", 11/08/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-120 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4074", 11/08/2007, by
David Rutishauser
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-122", 11/09/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-122/1E (December 6, 2007 Launch Trajectory)", 11/13/2007, by Laura Hearon
, Telisha Harris
, Joseph Kitchen
, Samantha David
, Alex Rigas
- "STS-122 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 11/13/2007, by
Donald S. Noah
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-122", 11/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-4, "Entry Checklist (STS-122 and subsequent)", 11/16/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 11/19/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-123, Flight Supplement", 11/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-122 Flight Supplement", 11/20/2007, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-126 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126A", 12/13/2007, by
United Space Alliance
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Entry Through Landing Guidance", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part A: Guidance On-Orbit/Deorbit", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Entry Through Landing Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: Navigation Ascent/RTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part B: On-Orbit Navigation", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent Flight Phase, Volume 1", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control - Ascent, Volume 2", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Entry -- GRTLS", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part C: Flight Control Orbit DAP", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part D: Redundancy Management", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Flight Control - Sensor/Controller Subsystem Operating Program (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Inertial Measurement Unit Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Navigation Aids Subsystem Operating Program", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Star Tracker Subsystem Operating Programs (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation and Control, Part E: Subsystem Operating Programs, Flight Control Effector (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Sequence Requirements (OI-34)", 12/14/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 1: Guidance, Navigation and Control (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 2: Systems Management (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "Space Shuttle Orbiter Operational Level C Functional Subsystem Software Requirements: Displays and Controls Volume 3: Appendixes A, B, and F (OI-34)", 12/21/2007, by C. Bergman
, et al
, "STS-117 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-123 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/09/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Basic, "Cargo Systems Manual: IMAX Cargo Bay Camera 3D", 01/09/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-123 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/09/2008, by
Steven K. Staas
, David Tee
, Jennifer Mendeck
, David Mayhew
- "STS-123/1E MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/09/2008, by
D. Weigel
, M. Moses
, B. Lunney
, R. Jones
, H. Ridings
, Basic Rev A, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope", 01/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 01/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Cargo Systems Manual: Hubble Space Telescope Space Support Equipment Servicing Mission 4, STS-125", 01/18/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-123", 01/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-123", 01/25/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Ascent/Entry Flight Techniques Panel Meeting #238 Minutes", 02/01/2008.
, Rev K PCN-4, "Medical Checklist (STS-123 and subsequent)", 02/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-123 - L-35_Mar11 Trajectory (Mar 11, 2008 Launch)", 02/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/13/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 02/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-122 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4151", 02/21/2008, by
Alan Currie
- "STS-123 Combined SSP/Joint Flight Readiness Review", 02/28/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
, "STS-118 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final P&I, "Post Insertion, STS-123", 03/05/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-126 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126C", 03/06/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Final E1, "EVA Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 03/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-123 Flight Supplement", 03/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 03/19/2008, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-125", 03/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 03/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 03/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 03/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev G PCN-4, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-7, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-124 and subsequent)", 03/26/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
- "STS-119 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119A", 04/03/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev H PCN-14, "EVA Checklist (STS-124 and subsequent)", 04/15/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 04/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-123 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4173", 04/17/2008, by
David Rutishauser
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-124", 04/18/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-6, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-124 and subsequent)", 04/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-124/1J MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/29/2008, by
A. Hasbrook
, M. Abbott
, N. Knight
, R. Jones
, H. Rarick
- "STS-124 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/29/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-124 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/29/2008, by
David Tee
, Jennifer Flinn
, Robert Stein
, Marc Abadie
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 04/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-7, "Deorbit Prep (STS-124 and subsequent)", 05/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-124", 05/05/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-124", 05/07/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-124 (STS-124 May 31st, Rev A Trajectory)", 05/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-126 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115126D", 05/08/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Final SIM-148, "Payload Systems Data and Malfunction Procedures, STS-125", 05/09/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-124 Flight Supplement", 05/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-1J", 05/13/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-124 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 05/13/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-119 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119B", 05/15/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-125 (STS-125 OCF Rev A Trajectory)", 05/19/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-156, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 05/20/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-400 (STS-400 OCF Trajectory)", 06/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Star Tracker/Heads-Up Display/Crew Optical Alignment Sight Workbook - S TRK/HUD/COAS 21002", 06/06/2008, by Carla Sugar
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-124 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4230", 06/24/2008, by
Errol A. Jones
, Final Rev A, "Payload Communications/Orbiter Interface Unit Workbook - PL COM/OIU 21002", 06/30/2008, by Laura Vincent
, "STS-120 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-119", 07/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-119 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115119C", 07/24/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Rev A, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-32)", 08/01/2008, by United Space Alliance
- "STS-128 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128", 08/14/2008, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-125 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/02/2008, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-125 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", Backup Documents, 09/02/2008, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", 09/02/2008, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- "STS-125 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/02/2008, by
Dawn Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bill Tracy
- "STS-400 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/02/2008, by
Ray Moreno
, Jennifer Mendeck
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-400 Flight Supplement", 09/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-6, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 09/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-10, "Reference Data (STS-125 and subsequent)", 09/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-125 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 09/11/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
, Basic PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-400", 09/15/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-400", 09/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Quoting from the relevant Wikipedia article: "STS-400 was the Space Shuttle contingency support (Launch On Need) flight that would have been launched using Space Shuttle Endeavour if a major problem occurred on Space Shuttle Atlantis during STS-125, the final Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission (HST SM-4).".
, Basic PCN-4, "Post Insertion, STS-125", 09/25/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 10/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-122 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-123 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-126", 10/02/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Rev H, "Shuttle Launch Commit Criteria and Background Document", 10/06/2008, by NASA
- "STS-126 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 10/07/2008, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-126/ULF2 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 10/07/2008, by
G. Kerrick
, M. Sarafin
, B. Lunney
, R. Spencer
- "STS-126 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 10/07/2008, by
David Tee
, Jared Renshaw
, Roger Rojas
, Jason Smith
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 - TPS Repair procedures", 10/08/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-8, "Data Processing System Dictionary (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/08/2008, by Reneé M. Ross
, Generic Rev H PCN-5, "Entry Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/10/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-7 P&I, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10 E1, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-400 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "APU/Hydraulic/Water Spray Boiler Systems Training Manual - APU/HYD/WSB 21002", 10/15/2008, by Russell L. Newland III
, Generic Rev N PCN-9, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/16/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-126", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-5, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-119", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-3, "Post Insertion, STS-126", 10/17/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-119", 10/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-126 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/21/2008, by
Donald S. Noah
, Generic Rev O PCN-4, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures", 10/22/2008, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-126/ULF2 (November 14, 2008 Trajectory)", 10/22/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev F PCN-13, "In-Flight Maintenance (IFM) Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/23/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-127 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115127B(Replacement Charts)", 10/23/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Final PCN-3, "Ascent Checklist, STS-126", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Entry Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/24/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J E1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 10/30/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-4 P&I, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. See the 5/5/2009 revision.
, Generic Rev P PCN-9 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-15 P&I, "EVA Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-8 E1, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 11/06/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J, "Shuttle Crew Training Catalog", 11/07/2008, by Steven Williams
, Final PCN-3 P&I, "Ascent Checklist. STS-126", 11/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-2 E1, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/11/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Mechanical Systems Training Manual - MECH SYS 21002", 11/11/2008, by Genie Rheinhardt
- "STS-126 MMT L-2 Day Review - Orbiter Project (MV) - Multifunctional Display Unit Error", 11/12/2008, by
Glen Finneman
, Final P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-126 Flight Supplement", 11/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/12/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev P PCN-9, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 11/14/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 11/21/2008, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Systems Management Training Manual - SM TM 21002", 11/24/2008, by John Kennard
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4363", 12/09/2008, by
David Rutishauser
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-129 In-Flight Anomaly Review", 12/10/2008, by
Errol A. Jones
, Rev A CPN 1, "Shuttle Crew Operations Manual (SCOM, OI-33)", 12/15/2008, by United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "Caution and Warning - C&W 21002", 12/16/2008, by Russell L. Newland III
- "Delta STS-128 Integrated Launch Site RequirementsReview - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128C", 12/18/2008, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-119/ISS-15A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/13/2009, by
K. Alibaruho
, P. Dye
, R. Jones
, E. Nelson
- "DR126366 Causal Analysis and Corrective/Preventative Actions - IFA STS-126-I-001", 01/15/2009, by
John Magley
- "STS-127 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115127C", 01/15/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-119 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/16/2009, by
Jennifer Flinn
, Dawn Gabriel
, David Mayhew
, Bill Tracy
- "STS-119 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/16/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Generic Rev L PCN-8, "Contingency Deorbit Prep", 01/16/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev L PCN-8, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-9, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-119", 01/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-119 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 01/21/2009, by
Donald S. Noah
- "STS-119 SSP Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 01/21/2009, by
Donald S. Noah
, Rev J PCN-1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-119 and subsequent)", 01/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-119 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 01/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-128 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128B", 01/29/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final CPN-1, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH): S6 Truss Delivery", 01/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-119 Flight Supplement", 01/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-124 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 02/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-7 P&I, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 02/04/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 02/19/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- OI-34, "CRT Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD)", 03/01/2009, by
- "Orbiter Displays Reference Guide - Space Shuttle Orbiter Displays and Controls (CRT & HUD), OI-34", 03/01/2009, by
- 😮
, Rev H+, "Shuttle Launch Commit Criteria and Background Document, Section 39: Ground Support Equipment", Section 39, 03/01/2009, by NASA
. This is an update of just Section 39 of the full NSTS-16007, for STS-119 and STS-125 and subsequent. The date was derived from the STS-119 launch date.
- 😮"Space Shuttle Usage of z/OS", 03/05/2009, by
Jan Green
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-119", 03/10/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-2, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-125 and subsequent)", 03/18/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-129 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129A", 03/19/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 03/27/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic, Rev O, "Ascent Pocket Checklist", 04/07/2009, by Mary Ellen Bruce
, Generic Rev O E1, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/07/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-17, "EVA Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/07/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-119 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4432", 04/09/2009, by
Errol A. Jones
, Final PCN-3, "Entry Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/14/2009, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- Delta, "STS-125 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/14/2009, by
Dawn Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bill Tracy
, Final SIM-206, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 04/14/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-400 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/14/2009, by
Ray Moreno
, Jennifer Mendeck
- "STS-129 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129B", 04/16/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev C, "Payload Operations Checklist, STS-125", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-125", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-7, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-125 and subsequent)", 04/17/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-125/HST SM4 & STS-400/LON MOD Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 04/20/2009, by
Anthony J. Ceccacci
, Norman D. Knight
, Paul F. Dye
- "STS-125 Flight Readiness Review, Flight Operations and Integration (FO&I) Status", 04/20/2009, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-125/STS-400", 04/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final Rev A, "Flight Plan Notes (Constraints and Guidelines) - STS-125", 04/23/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Flight Plan, STS-125 - May 12, 2009 Launch Minus 35 Days Trajectory", 04/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev B, "Hubble Space Telescope Deploy Checklist, STS-125", 04/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Final Rev A, "STS-125 Flight Plan Walkthrough (with Rationale)", 04/23/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-128 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115128E", 04/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-130 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115130A", 04/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 04/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-188, "Rendezvous, STS-125/STS-400", 04/27/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-206, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-400 Flight Supplement", 04/28/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "System Failure Case Studies, STS-126: Shuttle Software Anomaly (OI-33)", 05/01/2009, by
NASA Safety Center
- "STS-127 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 05/05/2009, by
Jenny Flinn
, Rebecca Cutri-Kohart
, Josh Parris
, Richard Parker
- "STS-127 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 05/05/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
, Generic Rev O PCN-4 P&I, "Ascent/Entry Systems Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. Regarding the difference between this revision of the document and the 11/06/2008 revision, both are internally dated 10/22/2008, and the dates assigned to them here in the library are from the filenames as originally given to me. Both internally state that they are for STS-126 and subsequent, and the assignment of this document to STS-128 and subsequent again comes from the filename. It is difficult to determine the differences between the two documents by visual inspection, but they do have different numerical values listed in a number of places. Moreover, in a couple of places in this revision of the document, the numbers from the 11/06/2008 revision are present but are struck through. Therefore, it does seem as though the 11/06/2008 revision was superseded by this 05/05/2009 revision, however inadequate the internal markings in the document may be.
, Generic Rev P PCN-9 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. This revision of the document differs from the one dated 11/6/2008 (STS-127), but neither of them explicitly state the mission they are for. The identification with a mission comes about thusly (so I am told): Shuttle crews all received identical "generic" versions of these documents (within the "and subsequent" effectivity), but could then optionally make their own "pen & ink" (P&I) modifications. These P&I changes were treated as Errata. The document would be reprinted with the P&I changes, so that it would no longer be generic, but apparently without any special warning like "For STS-125 only". So the way to tell is to look at the Errata section. The Errata in this STS-125 P&I version relate to the shuttle Atlantis, while in contrast, the STS-127 P&I version of the document (created from the same generic version) contains changes related to Endeavour.
, Final Rev A P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "Flight Plan, STS-125 - May 12, 2009 Launch Minus 35 Days Trajectory", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-2 E1, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-125 and subsequent)", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A E1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-125 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic PCN-4 E1, "Post Insertion, STS-125", 05/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-127/ISS-2JA MOD Flight Readiness Review", 05/05/2009, by
H. Ridings
, P. Dye
, B. Lunney
, C. McMillan
, Final PCN-3 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-125", 05/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev K PCN-2 E1 P&I, "Systems AOA Procedures (STS-126 and subsequent)", 05/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-127/2J/A (June 13, 2009 FRR Trajectory)", 05/14/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev O PCN-1, "Ascent Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-11, "Entry Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Pocket Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/15/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-2J/A", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-8, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-6, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-127 and subsequent)", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-127", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-127", 05/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-125 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4494", 05/21/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-130 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115130B", 05/21/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-127", 05/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 05/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-127 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 05/27/2009, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, PCN, "Robotics Book - Flight Specific ISS-2J/A", 06/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2 E1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-127", 06/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Entry Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final CPN-1, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH)/Data Book (DB): Japanese Exposed Facility/External Section", 06/03/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final P&I, "Payload Powerdown, STS-127", 06/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Reference Data, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev K PCN-4 E1, "Medical Checklist (STS-123 and subsequent)", 06/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1 P&I, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-127 Flight Supplement", 06/11/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-6, "Entry Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 06/12/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev G PCN-11, "Instrumentation and Communications Officer (INCO) Console Handbook", 06/13/2009, by David N. Miller
- "STS-129 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115129C", 06/25/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev Q, "Deorbit Prep (STS-128 and subsequent)", 07/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-128 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 07/09/2009, by
Dawn M. Gabriel
, Jennifer Flinn
, Bob Stein
- "STS-128 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 07/09/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-128/ISS-17A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 07/09/2009, by
H. Rarick
, A. Ceccacci
, R. Jones
, C. McMillan
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-128/17A (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 07/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Chris Cassidy Flight Rules", 07/21/2009, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-128", 07/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "Robotics Book - Flight Specific ISS-17A", 07/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Basic, "Assembly Operations Handbook (AOH): Node 3 Delivery", 07/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-131 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115131B", 07/23/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 07/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-128", 07/24/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-127 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4555", 07/28/2009, by
Chris Hickey
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 07/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-5, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 07/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 07/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-126 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 08/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-9, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 08/03/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 08/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-128 Flight Supplement", 08/05/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-128/17A Mated Shuttle/ISS Operations DAP Modes and Constraints, Revision A", 08/07/2009, by
S. Bhatt
, A. Bosse
, M. Martin
, R. Martin
, R. Masterson
, E. McCants
, L. Ray
- Delta, "STS-128 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 08/17/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-128 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 08/18/2009, by
Edward M. Burns
, Final PCN-2 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-128", 08/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-129", 08/21/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1 SIM-124, "Entry Checklist, STS-120 Flight Supplement", 08/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 08/28/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-128 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4584", 09/24/2009, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-132 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132A", 09/24/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Basic, "Flight Plan, STS-130/20A (FDO 12+1+2 OCF Trajectory)", 10/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/08/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Non-Optimal SSME Trim OMS Mass I-Load Selection - FDD AR # 2009-CAF032 / NCR #015170", 10/14/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-129 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 10/15/2009, by
Michael Interbartolo
- "STS-129/ISS-ULF3 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 10/15/2009, by
Bryan C. Lunney
, Michael L. Sarafin
, Brian T. Smith
, David Korth
- "STS-129 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 10/15/2009, by
Jared Renshaw
, David Tee
, Roger Rojas
, Mark Anderson
- "STS-131 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115131C", 10/15/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-129/ULF3 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 10/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Payload Powerdown, STS-129", 10/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-2, "Reference Data (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/22/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-132 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132B", 10/22/2009, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev M PCN-3, "Contingency Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Rev J PCN-4, "Malfunction Procedures (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Rendezvous, STS-129", 10/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 10/26/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 10/29/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-129 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/29/2009, by
Donald W. Totton
, Generic Rev F PCN-10, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 10/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF3", 10/31/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-119 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 11/01/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
, Rev H+, "Shuttle Launch Commit Criteria and Backgound Document, Section 4: Weather Rules", Section 4, 11/01/2009, by NASA
. This is an update of just Section 4 of the full NSTS-16007, for STS-129 and subsequent. The date was derived from the STS-129 launch date.
, Generic Rev M PCN-6 E1, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/06/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev Q PCN-1 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF3", 11/09/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Entry Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "EVA Checklist, STS-129 Flight Supplement", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Flight Plan, STS-129/ULF3 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 11/10/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2 P&I, "Ascent Checklist, STS-129", 11/12/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-18, "EVA Checklist (STS-129 and subsequent)", 11/16/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-19A", 11/20/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 11/23/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-130", 11/30/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final SIM-182, "EVA Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 12/02/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-134 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115134", 12/03/2009, by
United Space Alliance
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-126 In-Flight Anomaly Action Response - S063997A", 12/15/2009, by
David Rutishauser
, Generic Rev G PCN-5, "Flight Maps and Charts, All Flights (STS-130 and subsequent)", 12/18/2009, by Manned Spacecraft Center
😮"Evolution of the Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software and Avionics for Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicles", 2010, by Roscoe C. Ferguson
. This document is undated.
, "STS-127 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 01/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev I PCN-8, "Photo/TV Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/04/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-130 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 01/07/2010, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-130/ISS-20A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 01/07/2010, by
Robert Dempsey
, Kwatsi Alibaruho
, Norm Knight
, David Korth
- "STS-130 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 01/07/2010, by
Ray Moreno
, David Tee
, Jason Smith
, Bob Stein
- "STS-132 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115132C", 01/07/2010, by
United Space Alliance
, Generic Rev H PCN-19, "EVA Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-11, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-130 and subsequent)", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 01/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-130", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-130", 01/14/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-20A", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Payload Powerdown, STS-130", 01/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-130 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-130 SSP Flight Readiness Review, Flight Software Summary", 01/19/2010, by
J. A. Hamilton
- "STS-130 Joint Shuttle/Station Flight Readiness Review", Backup Charts, 01/19/2010, by
Travis Robinson
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-130/20A (FDO 12+1+2 FRR Trajectory)", 01/21/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-134 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115134B", 01/21/2010, by
United Space Alliance
, Rev A CPN-2, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 1: Standard Console Procedures", Volume 1, 01/22/2010, by Adele M. Luta
, Rev B CPN-1, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 3: ISS EVA Operations", Volume 3, 01/22/2010, by Adele M. Luta
, Rev B CPN-1, "EVA Console Handbook, Volume 4: EMU Operations", Volume 4, 01/22/2010, by Adele M. Luta
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-20A", 01/22/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-130 Joint Shuttle/Station Flight Readiness Review", 01/27/2010, by
Travis Robinson
, Generic Rev Q PCN-1 P&I, "Deorbit Prep (STS-129 and subsequent)", 01/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The identification with STS-130 comes from the filename of the received file, rather than being derived from the internal evidence within the file.
, Generic Rev H PCN-6 E1, "Entry Checklist (STS-128 and subsequent)", 01/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 Integrated Launch Site Requirements Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133A", 01/28/2010, by
United Space Alliance
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-20A", 01/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-132", 02/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A P&I, "EVA Checklist, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 02/03/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final E1, "Reference Data, STS-130 Flight Supplement", 02/03/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-131 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 02/04/2010, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-131/ISS-19A MOD Flight Readiness Review", 02/04/2010, by
Ron Spencer
, Richard Jones
, Bryan Lunney
, Jerry Jason
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-131", 02/05/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-131", 02/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-8, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-131 and subsequent)", 02/18/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 02/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-131", 02/26/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 03/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-125 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-128 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 03/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-130 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4712", 03/02/2010, by
Chris Hickey
- "STS-133 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133B", 03/04/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-131 - SSP Flight Readiness Review - Flight Software Summary", 03/10/2010, by
John Magley
- "STS-131 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 03/10/2010, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/10/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-3, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Baseline, "STS-133 Level A Groundrules and Constraints - One Cycle to Flight Profile", 03/15/2010, by United Space Alliance
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-131 Flight Supplement", 03/17/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 03/18/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations ISS-19A", 03/19/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Flight Plan, STS-131/19A (FDO L-48_Mar18 Trajectory)", 03/24/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-132", 03/24/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-132/ISS-ULF4 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 04/01/2010, by
Tony Ceccacci
, Jerry Jason
, Richard Jones
, Emily Nelson
, Michael Sarafin
- "STS-132 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/01/2010, by
Jennifer Flinn
, Ray Moreno
, Rebecca Cutri-Kohard
, Jason Smith
- "STS-132 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/01/2010, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-131 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 04/04/2010, by
David Tee
, Jared Renshaw
, David Mayhew
, Bryan Lowman
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-132/ULF4 (L-35 FDO Trajectory)", 04/19/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-131 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4751", 04/20/2010, by
Chris Hickey
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF4", 04/21/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/22/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev H PCN-20, "EVA Checklist (STS-132 and subsequent)", 04/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/23/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-9, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-132 and subsequent)", 04/26/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 04/27/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-132 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 04/28/2010, by
Tony Griffith
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-132", 04/28/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, PCN, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF4", 04/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF4", 04/30/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-132 Flight Supplement", 05/05/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-132 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 05/06/2010, by
Whitney Maples
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 05/20/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115133C", 05/20/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "STS-335 Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115335A", 05/20/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- 😮Rev T PCN-5, "Space Shuttle Missions Summary (STS-97 Through STS-131)", Volume 2, 06/01/2010, by
R. D. Legler
, F. V. Bennett
, Generic Rev Q PCN-2, "Deorbit Prep (STS-133 and subsequent)", 06/11/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 06/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF5", 06/16/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-132 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4780", 06/17/2010, by
David Rutishauser
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF5", 06/29/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-129 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-133", 07/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-335 Delta Launch Site Flow Review - Program Freeze Point - PRCB Presentation - S115335C", 07/22/2010, by
United Space Alliance
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Major Accomplishments and Lessons Learned - Detail Historical Timeline Analysis", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
. This is a slideshow presentation.
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Major Accomplishments and Lessons Learned - Presentation Summary", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
. This is a slideshow presentation.
- "Space Shuttle Program - Primary Avionics Software System (PASS) - Success Legacy - Quality & Reliability Data", 08/24/2010, by
James K. Orr
, "STS-130 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 09/24/2010, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-133 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 09/24/2010, by
J. Renshaw
, D. Gabriel
, D. Mayhew
, B. Lowman
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-133/ULF5 (November 1, 2010 FRR Trajectory)", 10/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-131 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "STS-132 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 10/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 10/06/2010, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/07/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Generic Rev F PCN-12, "PDRS Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 10/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Post Insertion, STS-133", 10/08/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-2, "Ascent Checklist, STS-133", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Assembly Operations Book ISS-ULF5", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/12/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "EVA Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, "International Space Station Robotics Group Robotics Book ISS-ULF5", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-133 Flight Supplement", 10/15/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "Flight Data File Errata, STS-133", 10/28/2010, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
- Review copy, "Ground Year-End-Rollover Procedures for STS-133/ULF5", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- "STS-133 YERO Timeline", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- Review copy, "Year End Roll Over (YERO) Recovery Procedures", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
- Review copy, "Year End Roll Over (YERO) Recovery Procedures", 11/01/2010, by
. I invented the date.
, Final, "Crew Cookbook, STS-133", 11/01/2010, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-133 Year-End Rollover (YERO) Summary", 11/17/2010, by
Luis G. Ramirez
, "Preparing for the Space Shuttle Program's Retirement: A Review of NASA's Disposition of Information Technology Equipment", 12/07/2010, by NASA Inspector General
. This is a report by the NASA Inspector General, basically criticizing NASA's attempts to "sanitize" computers previously used in the Shuttle program before resale. This is, of course, sensible regardless of the nature of the data inadvertently left on the computers. I'd note that while the report repeatedly mentions "software", it's the software that's used to wipe the computers that's being referenced ... not Shuttle software source code. I'd note also that while ITAR vulnerability is frequently mentioned, there is no hint of what the ITAR-sensitive data may be, and certainly no hint that it is Shuttle source code or documentation.
😮"Space Shuttle Day-of-Launch Trajectory Design Operations", 2011, by Brian E. Harrington
- Working, "Flight Plan, STS-335, Working data", Timeline only, 01/04/2011, by
Manned Spacecraft Center
, Baseline + Change 1, "STS-335 Level A Groundrules and Constraints - One Cycle to Flight Profile", 01/20/2011, by United Space Alliance
- 😮"Shuttle Risk Progression: Use of the Shuttle Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) to Show Reliability Growth", 02/01/2011, by
Teri L. Hamlin
, Eric Thigpen
, Joseph Kahn
, Yunnhon Lo
, Generic Rev H PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 02/07/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev M PCN-10, "Orbit Operations Checklist (STS-133 and subsequent)", 02/09/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-133 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 02/17/2011, by
Whitney Maples
, Generic Rev H PCN-8, "Entry Checklist (STS-134 and subsequent)", 02/21/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Generic Rev Q PCN-5, "Deorbit Prep", 03/02/2011, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-2, "Post Insertion, STS-134", 03/09/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-134 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 03/10/2011, by
Whitney Maples
- "STS-134 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 03/10/2011, by
Ray Moreno
, Roger Rojas
- "STS-134/ISS-ULF6 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 03/10/2011, by
Emily Nelson
, Richard Jones
, Gary Horlacher
, Derek Hassmann
, Tony Ceccacci
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-134/ULF-6 (l-35 FDO Trajectory)", 03/18/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-3, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/21/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
OMI S0007.500
, Rev A23, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", 03/23/2011, by NASA
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-133 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4874A", 03/24/2011, by
David Rutishauser
, Final PCN-5, "Ascent Checklist, STS-134", 03/25/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/25/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 03/28/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-134 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 03/31/2011, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final Rev A, "EVA Checklist, STS-134 Flight Supplement", 04/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Entry Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 04/15/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Post Insertion, STS-135", 04/15/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final Rev A PCN-2, "Rendezvous, STS-134", 04/18/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- Delta, "STS-134 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 04/25/2011, by
Whitney Maples
, Final, "Rendezvous, STS-135", 05/05/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮"Orbiter Mass Properties", 06/01/2011, by
- "STS-135/ULF7 MOD Flight Readiness Review", 06/14/2011, by
K. Alibaruho
, C. Edelen
, R. Jones
, T. Ceccacci
, E. Van Cise
- "STS-135 MOD Space Transportation Vehicle Division FRR", 06/14/2011, by
Jim Azbell
- "STS-135 MOD FRR - Flight Design and Dynamics", 06/14/2011, by
Dawn G. Kyle
, Mark B. Anderson
, Final PCN-1, "Orbit Operations Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/16/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
OMI S0007.200
, Rev A23, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", 06/16/2011, by NASA
- "Flight Software Office (FSO) STS-134 In-Flight Anomaly Review - SR 4933", 06/16/2011, by
David Rutishauser
, Final PCN-1, "Ascent Checklist, STS-135", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "Flight Plan, STS-135/ULF-7 (FDO L-35_Jul8 Trajectory)", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final PCN-1, "Photo/TV Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/17/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-135 SSP Flight Readiness Review", 06/21/2011, by
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
, Final PCN-1, "EVA Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
, Final, "PDRS Operations Checklist, STS-135 Flight Supplement", 06/24/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- 😮
OMI S0007.400
, Rev A23, "Shuttle Countdown - (LPS)", 06/24/2011, by NASA
, "STS-133 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 07/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
- "STS-135 GPS 4 Failure Description", 07/15/2011, by
Glen Finneman
- "MCC Flight Note - F045514 - GPC 4 Failure", 07/15/2011, by
Jon Pohlkamp
- "STS-135 GPC 4 Failure Dump Analysis Status", 07/15/2011, by
United Space Alliance
- "GPC 4 Fail on FD07", 07/17/2011, by
Glen Finneman
- 😮"Space Shuttle GN&C Development History and Evolution", 07/21/2011, by
Douglas Zimpfer
, Phil Hattis
, John Ruppert
, Don Gavert
- "GPC PRACA History Relating to STS-135 Anomaly", 08/01/2011, by
- "STS-135 Mission Summary Report", 08/01/2011, by
David S. Moyer
- 😮"Space Shuttle Missions Summary", 09/01/2011, by
R. D. Legler
, F. V. Bennett
, "STS-134 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The STS-134 and STS-135 mission reports have the same document number printed on them.
, "STS-135 Space Shuttle Mission Report", 09/01/2011, by Manned Spacecraft Center
. The STS-134 and STS-135 mission reports have the same document number printed on them.
- 😮"The Legacy of Space Shuttle Flight Software", 09/27/2011, by
Christopher J. Hickey
, Andrew L. Klausman
, James B. (Brad) Loveall
, James K. Orr
- 😮
, Rev 3, "History of Space Shuttle Rendezvous", 10/01/2011, by John L. Goodman
😮"Spacecraft Avionics Software development then and now: different but the same", 09/13/2012, by Mark L. Mangieri
, Jack Garman
, Jason Vice
😮"Space Shuttle Flight Software - Potential Loss of Crew Errors", 08/27/2015, by James K. Orr
, "Department of Defense Interface Standard - Digital Time Division Command/Response Multiplex Data Bus", 09/21/2018, by United States Department of Defense
149 of 1586 documents appear only in this section (😮), and perhaps might therefore be categorized better than they are right now.
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Last modified by Ronald Burkey on 2025-03-04