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In the list below, some documents are provided by multiple links. In general, when there's more than one link, the first one is to the one we feel most-inclined to recommend. The others may be lower resolution, larger downloads, mutilated by the OCR process, missing some pages, or have some other deficiencies that make them less preferable. But the less-preferable documents are sometimes useful.

To avoid clutter on your screens, some details we have — download size, archive from which the digitization was made, name of the person who scanned the document or financially subsidized it, the organizational affiliations of the authors, the organizations which assigned the document numbers — are omitted from the entries for the documents. You can get this kind of information anyway, should you desire it, by hovering the mouse cursor over the document title, author name, or document number. Notice the styling that's used to call your attention to the availability of the extra information; authors' names or document numbers without extra information available are not thusly highlighted.

Unless otherwise stated, documents are sorted by publication date, from earliest to latest, and those with unknown dating appear at the top of the list. Determination of the publication date is sometimes rather subjective.

Finally, this page is auto-generated from a database — actually a spreadsheet — and if you desire, you can download the spreadsheet. (In pulling it into your spreadsheet program, you mostly need to know that the columnar data is tab-delimited. There's actually a full explanation here, but I can't imagine you'll want to read it.)

Table of Contents

Recently Added Documents as of 2025-03-04

This section lists all documents updated in the last 2 months or the last 25 files, whichever is greater. Note that recently-added G&N engineering drawings may not be included in the list.

The entries are arranged from most-recently added to least-recently added.

By the way, most documents listed in this section will also appear in one or more other sections of the library. In those other sections, you find the new entries distinguished by the badge , but we don't do that in this section, since obviously every document would have such a badge.

Added 03/04/2025
  1. V-20060, Rev 015, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 12", Volume I of III, 10/27/1969, by John C. Reed.
  2. V-20060, Rev 015, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 12", Volume II of III, 10/29/1969, by John C. Reed.
  3. V-20060, Rev 017, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 13", Volume III of III, 02/20/1970, by John C. Reed.
  4. V-20060, Rev 019, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 13", Volume I of III, 03/24/1970, by John C. Reed.
  5. V-20060, Rev 020, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 13", Volume II of III, 04/02/1970, by John C. Reed.
  6. V-20060, Rev 027, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 14", Volume I of III, 01/17/1971, by John C. Reed.
  7. V-20060, Rev 027, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 14", Volume II of III, 01/21/1971, by John C. Reed.
  8. V-20060, Rev 031, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 15", Voume I of IV, 07/13/1971, by John C. Reed.
  9. V-20060, Rev 031, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 15", Volume II of IV, 07/15/1971, by John C. Reed.
Added 02/28/2025
  1. ALSEPCH, PCN-1, "ALSEP Console Handbook, Apollo 12 ALSEP 1 Through Apollo 17 ALSEP Array E", 07/29/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
Added 02/14/2025
  1. "Apollo 13 Manual", 1971, by AC Electronics.
Added 02/09/2025
  1. Course 733-GS, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation System Familiarization, Part I: Inertial and Optics", Part I, 11/25/1968, by N. H. Florence.
  2. Course 733-GS, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation System Familiarization, Part II: The Computer Subsystem", Part II, 11/25/1968, by N. H. Florence.
  3. "The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory", 1973, by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory.
Added 02/05/2025
  1. FO-K-3114-SC009, "Spacecraft Prelaunch Test Procedure - Command Module Cleaning", 08/18/1965, by North American Aviation.
  2. 65-692-500-011, Rev November 1 1965, "Certification Test Requirements", Section 22, 11/01/1965, by North American Aviation.
  3. "Apollo Training - Apollo Spacecraft & Systems Familiarization - Course Numbers APC-106 & APC-124", 04/01/1966, by North American Aviation.
  4. "Block I Command-Module Panels Foldout", 1967, by North American Aviation.
  5. V36-976021, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 104", 02/01/1967, by North American Aviation.
  6. "Apollo Training - Electrical Power Subsystem", 02/22/1967, by North American Aviation.
  7. "Apollo Training - Apollo Spacecraft & Systems Familiarization - Course Number APC-118", 02/24/1967, by North American Aviation.
  8. V36-976024, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 106", 03/01/1967, by North American Aviation.
  9. "Apollo Training - Electrical Power Subsystem, Block II CSM", 08/01/1967, by North American Aviation.
  10. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.6, Electrical Power System", 09/28/1967, by North American Aviation.
  11. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.6, Electrical Power System", 12/26/1967, by North American Aviation.
  12. SD 68-85, "Apollo Block II Wire and Wire Bundle Current Rating", 01/03/1968, by J. R. Bedford, J. L. Schaefer, T. H. Seitz.
  13. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.9, Sequential Systems", 02/29/1968, by North American Aviation.
  14. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.9, Sequential Systems", SUPPLEMENT, 02/29/1968, by North American Aviation.
  15. V36-976020, Rev B, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 103", 03/12/1968, by C. Holt.
  16. V36-976018, Rev D, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 101", 03/12/1968, by Ray Singer.
  17. "Apollo Training - Telecommunication Subsystem, Block II", 04/08/1968, by North American Aviation.
  18. "Apollo Training - Block II CSM Propulsion Subsystem", 04/19/1968, by North American Aviation.
  19. SNA-8-D-027(i), SD 68-447-1B, Rev 3, "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume I (CSM Data Book), Part I: Constraints and Performance", Volume I Part I partial, 04/15/1970, by North American Rockwell.
  20. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Rev 15 June 1970, "CSM "J" Series Mission Experiments", Section 2.11 changed pages only, 06/15/1970, by North American Rockwell.
  21. "Apollo 15 - Headquarters Flight Readiness Review, Part I: Mission Summary, Command and Service Module", Part I, 06/24/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
Added 01/31/2025
  1. LTM 4-4, "Launch Operations Center Cables Master - Firing Equipment Cables and Cable Accessories for Ground Support Equipment, Saturn Vehicles", 06/01/1965, by NASA.
  2. 3-CLGSEIB-202, "Saturn/Apollo Launch Operations Test Procedure - Telemetry Checkout Equipment Test and Calibration", 11/12/1965, by T. Munday.
  3. Course 10-101, "Student Study Guide: Saturn V LVGSE Integrated Systems Orientation", Volume 1/3, 03/01/1966, by T. N. Bass.
  4. 13M60003, Rev B, "Saturn/Apollo Frequency Plan - Instrumentation & Communications Interfaces", 05/05/1966, by NASA.
  5. "Saturn - First Apollo Launch Vehicle - Story of the Uprated Saturn I (Saturn I-B)", 1967, by NASA.
  6. "Saturn Ground Computer Systems", 1967, by NASA.
  7. SE007 003 2H, "Saturn V System Definition", Volume I of II, 08/15/1968, by Boeing.
  8. SE007 003 2H, "Saturn V System Definition", Volume II of II, 08/15/1968, by Boeing.
  9. 0-IV-36830, Rev 001, "Console, Common Bulkhead Vacuum Monitoring Maintenance and Calibration Procedure", 12/05/1968, by McDonnell Douglas.
  10. "Saturn V Operating System Redesign to Increase System Reliability - ECP-1828 Review", 01/24/1969, by NASA.
  11. "Saturn V Flight Evaluation Trend Report, AS-501 thru 508", 10/23/1970, by Boeing.
  12. GP612, OC 503 GAC, "Study Guide, LC-39 SLA Emergency Egress System (Apollo 14 & 15)", 10/27/1970, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  13. "Apollo Saturn V Milestone Chart", 01/01/1971, by NASA.
  14. Rev A, "Fault Isolation Guide, Saturn S-IVB Stage", 06/01/1971, by P. S. Johnson.
Added 01/30/2025
  1. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Model II Radio Frequency Assembly - (50M66515) Analog, (50M66516) Digital", Excerpts, 12/15/1965, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  2. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Model B1 Telemetry Oscillator Assembly (50M66503)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  3. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Model II Telemetry Calibrator (50M66508)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  4. Rev A, "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Telemetry Calibrator Power and Control Assembly (50M6621)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  5. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual, Digital Data Acquisition Subsystem / Computer Interface Unit, Model 501 (50M66520)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  6. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual, Remote Digital Multiplexer Assy, Model 410 (50M66519)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  7. III-5-510-17, 66-966-0019, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit Command Decoder (S-IU-204 Thru 212 / 501 Thru 515)", 06/01/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  8. "Saturn IB Instrumentation Systems Description, SA-206", Excerpts, 1967, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  9. III-5-509-4, 66-966-0006, Change No. 2, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit System Description and Component Data (S-IU-201-212 / 501-515)", Changed pages only, 06/01/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  10. "IU Telemetry Meas. No. Listing, IU 204 Thru EO 71", 07/25/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  11. Edition 4, "IU Telemetry Channel Listing, IU 204 Thru EO 71", 08/10/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  12. III-5-509-4, 66-966-0006, Change No. 3, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit System Description and Component Data (S-IU-201-212 / 501-515)", Changed pages only, 12/01/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  13. "Measuring and Telemetry Information Summary for CDDT and LCD", 01/18/1968, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  14. III-5-510-21, 66-966-0025, Change No. 2, "Flight Control Computer (500 Series Vehicles)", Changed pages only, 08/01/1968, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  15. III-5-509-9, 67-966-0008, Change 15 APR 69, "Measuring and Telemetry System Description", Changed pages only, 04/15/1969, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  16. MSFC-MAN-010, 67-966-0005, Change No. 3, "S-IVB Forward/Instrument Unit Umbilical Assembly, Saturn 5", Changed pages only, 05/01/1969, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  17. III-5-510-17, 66-966-0019, Change No. 2, "Command Decoder (S-IU-204 Thru 212 / 501 Thru 515)", Changed pages only, 08/01/1969, by IBM Federal Services Division.
Added 01/29/2025
  1. "CIU Test Box Schematics", 09/08/1963, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  2. "CIU Connector and Module Pinouts", 12/10/1964, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  3. "CIU Schematics, Waveforms, and Notes", 12/10/1964, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  4. "Instrumentation Unit PCM DDAS Receiver Diagrams", 12/15/1964, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  5. "Change Memorandum Electrical No. 1 SA-10 Instr. Unit", 01/14/1965, by C. C. Carter Jr.
  6. "Change Memorandum Electrical No. 2 SA-10 Instr. Unit", 03/11/1965, by C. C. Carter Jr.
  7. "Change Memorandum Electrical No. 2 SA-500/FS Instr. Unit", 04/07/1965, by C. C. Carter Jr.
  8. 6000123, "Unit Logic Device Types 322, 323, 324, Discrete Input (DIB), Design and Performance for", 11/02/1965, by C. W. Shadell, Sidney King.
  9. "270 Clock Circuit - Divide by 5, by 6, by 10, Sync", 1966, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  10. "Instrumentation Unit Telemetry Calibration Program TT01 Sequence", 1966, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  11. "LVDA Interface Drawings", 1966, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  12. "IBM Federal Services Division Cape Kennedy Organization Chart", 07/23/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  13. "Memo: Shipment of S-IU-204 to KSC", 08/16/1966, by William K. Simmons Jr.
  14. "Instrumentation Unit Calibration Error Elimination Test - AS-206", 1973, by Charles H. Bell.
  15. M-2027, Assessment copy, "Rework and install Flight Control Computer S/N 112V 50Z35300-017", 03/05/1974, by H. R. Wynn.
  16. M-2027, Final(?), "Rework and install Flight Control Computer S/N 112V 50Z35300-017", 03/05/1974, by H. R. Wynn.
Added 01/28/2025
  1. SM3A-1567, "Apollo Support Equipment Maintenance - Apollo Television Bench Maintenance Equipment Model C14-175 (Part No. 1756251-501)", 10/01/1964, by NASA.
  2. "From Simple Quadrant to Space Sextant", 04/09/1965, by Saul Moskowitz.
  3. SM3A-1567, 10 MARCH 1966, "Apollo Support Equipment Maintenance - Apollo Television Bench Maintenance Equipment Model C14-175 (Part No. 1756251-501)", Changes only, 03/10/1966, by NASA.
  4. SM3A-1639, "Apollo Support Equipment Maintenance Handbook - Carry-On PCM System - Model C14-210(-0003)", 04/15/1966, by NASA.
  5. KSC-E-165A, Rev A, "Procedure - Electrical Ground Support Equipment Fabrication", 06/30/1966, by NASA.
  6. "ACE-S/C - Acceptance Checkout Equipment - Spacecraft", 1968, by General Electric Company.
  7. SUNDISK Memo #1-68, "Incorrect Extrapolation of W Matrix", 01/12/1968, by G. M. Levine.
  8. "Alignment Optical Telescope for Apollo Lunar Module", 1969, by Kollsman Instrument Corporation.
  9. "George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Repository Index of Saturn and Apollo Engineering Reports and Procedures", 06/01/1976, by Hayes International Corporation.
Added 01/27/2025
  1. Preliminary, "Introduction to Guidance/Navigation", 04/01/1965, by Carl Bauman.
  2. SEDR 300, "Project Gemini Familiarization Manual, Rendezvous and Docking Configurations", Volume 2, 05/31/1965, by McDonnell Douglas.
  3. SPD7-E-002, Rev 5, "Apollo 5 Mission Requirements - 204/LM-1 - "B" Type Mission LM Development", 12/04/1967, by William J. McKenzie, James L. Tomberlin.
  4. "LC-37 OTV Camera Locations", 1968, by NASA.
  5. "Public Affairs Plan - Apollo 5", 01/01/1968, by NASA.
  6. Rev 2, "SA-204/LM-1 Data Evaluation Guide", Changes only, 01/16/1968, by NASA.
  7. "Apollo 5 Mission Public Information - Quick Reference Information", 01/22/1968, by NASA.
  8. "Apollo 6 Quick Reference", 04/04/1968, by NASA.
  9. "RTCC Differential Correction Process", 04/19/1968, by William M. Stoval Jr.
  10. MSFN NO. 502.6, "MSFN Network Operations Procedures for UHF Command System", 09/01/1970, by NASA.
  11. "Skylab Familiarization", 01/01/1974, by NASA.
Added 01/26/2025
  1. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - M 512, M 479, M 551, M 552, M 553, M 554, M 555", 03/01/1972, by I. R. McGeorge.
  2. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - T 027 / S 073 - S 149", 03/01/1972, by I. R. McGeorge.
  3. "Skylab Earth Resources Investigations", 02/01/1973, by NASA.
  4. "Skylab Briefing - MDA Systems", 08/01/1973, by A. Hale.
  5. "Skylab", 08/01/1973, by NASA.
  6. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - F. T. S. - Functional Test Set", 08/01/1973, by E. Papinaeu.
  7. "Volumetrics - Model 10801-MSP Volumetric Leak Measurement System and Model 10801-PCC Large Volume Leak Test System", 08/01/1973, by E. Papinaeu.
  8. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S191 Infrared Spectrometer", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner.
  9. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S193 Scatterometer/Radiometer Altimeter", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner.
  10. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - T013 Crew Vehicle Disturbances", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner.
  11. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - T020 Foot Controlled Maneuvering Unit", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner.
  12. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - EREP ESE", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor.
  13. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S190 (A&B) Multispectral Photographic Cameras", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor.
  14. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S192 Multispectral Scanner", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor.
  15. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S194 L-Band Radiometer", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor.
  16. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S009 Nuclear Emulsion", 08/01/1973, by W. A. Waddell.
  17. "A Sampling of Skylab-Related Images", 01/1975, by NASA.
Added 01/24/2025
  1. "Apollo 17 Mission Rule Sheets", 05/31/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2. Rev 2, "Apollo 17 Simulation Schedule and Two Associated Memos", 09/06/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3. MSC-07296, 72-FM-217, "Cislunar Onboard Navigation Data for Apollo 17 Launch December 6, 1972, C.S.T. (December 7, 1972, G.M.T.)", 09/12/1972, by Flora B. Lowes, F. L. Barnes, B. A. Kinsler.
  4. Rev 3, "Flight Control Division Activity Planning Guide", 09/26/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  5. Rev 4, "Flight Control Division Activity Planning Guide", 10/24/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  6. "Apollo 17 Mission Planning Briefing", 10/27/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  7. Change A, "Apollo 17 LM Malfunction Procedures", Changes only, 11/10/1972, by D. J. Hudson.
  8. MSC-07606, 72-FM-277, "Alternate Lunar Mission Profiles for Apollo 17, Launched December 6, 1972, C.S.T. (December 7, 1972, G.M.T.)", 11/24/1972, by Roger Sanders, George Weisskopf.
  9. "Apollo 17 Mission Rules, Enclosure 2: "LR is Required for Landing"", 12/07/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  10. "LM Descent Events", 12/07/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  11. "Apollo 17 Console Screenshots", 12/07/1972, by NASA.
  12. 72-FMP-2, "Apollo Lunar Landing Mission - Emergency Detection System (EDS) and Flight Dynamics Limits", 12/07/1972, by NASA.
Added 01/23/2025
  1. FO-K-0033-0007A-SC017, Rev A, "Spacecraft Operations for Space Vehicle Launch Countdown / Countdown Demonstration", 10/25/1967, by NASA.
  2. GP-642, TMX 64398, "Apollo Simulation and Simulators - A Demand Bibliography", 02/28/1969, by NASA.
  3. SM2A-08-SC106, "Apollo Postretrieval Procedures for NASA Recovery Team - Mission 10 Apollo 505/106/LM4", 05/01/1969, by North American Rockwell.
  4. Rev A, "Apollo 13 Lunar Procedures", Changes only, 04/06/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  5. V-20060, Rev 025, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 14", Volume III of III, 01/07/1971, by John C. Reed.
  6. Final Change C, "Apollo 16 Flight Plan - April 16 Launch", 04/10/1972, by Elvin B. Pippert Jr.
  7. Final, "Apollo 17 Flight Plan - December 6 Launch", Section 5 only, 10/23/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  8. Change C, "Apollo 17 LM Timeline Book - December 6 Launch", 11/03/1972, by C. O. Lewis.
  9. Change D, "Apollo 17 LM Timeline Book - December 6 Launch", 11/07/1972, by C. O. Lewis.
  10. Change E, "Apollo 17 LM Timeline Book - December 6 Launch", Changes only, 11/27/1972, by C. O. Lewis.
  11. Final Change B, "Apollo 17 Flight Plan - December 6 Launch", Changes only, 11/29/1972, by Holloway.
  12. V-20130, Rev 027, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for ASTP", Volume 2, 07/03/1975, by John C. Reed.
Added 01/22/2025
  1. LPL-850-1, Second Submittal, "Manufacturing Plan for Project Apollo - Lunar Excursion Module", 10/14/1963, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  2. LDF-2-40158, Rev B, "NASA MSC Houston Bldg 32, General Arrangement - TPA", 07/29/1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  3. Rev C, "List of OCP Start Dates", 10/30/1967, by Jim Reinhartsen.
  4. LSG 770-154-40 - LM-3, August 1968, "Instrumentation Study Guide - Lunar Module LM-3", 08/01/1968, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  5. LDW 340-54050, "General Arrangement, LEM", Sheet 3, 1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  6. LSP-14-13310B, "Assembly of Deutsch DC and NDC 500000 Series RF Coaxial Connectors", 05/29/1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  7. "LMS Console Directory", 08/13/1971, by NASA.
  8. Update #44, "LMS User's Manual", Volume 1, 03/29/1972, by Singer Education & Training Products.
  9. "LM-10 Instrumentation Packet", 07/19/1972, by NASA.
Added 01/21/2025
  1. R1-3047A-31-1, "Telemetry System for Project Apollo", 08/27/1962, by Radiation Incorporated.
  2. D5-11697, 6-12-1964, "S-IC Saturn Booster Design Data, Stage Decision - Telemetry Systems", Volume II, 06/12/1964, by S. Morton.
  3. "Telecommunication Systems Study Guide - Course Number A-624", 10/01/1965, by North American Aviation.
  4. "Technical Description - Micro PCM Telemetry System", 12/01/1965, by Radiation Incorporated.
  5. "Collins Spacecraft Communcation Systems", 1967, by Collins Radio. Disclaimer: This document is under copyright protection until 2061. View is withheld until then.
  6. "Subcourse Outline and Handout - Flight Control Orientation and Indoctrination - Apollo Command Network", 05/05/1969, by A. C. Hughes.
Added 01/20/2025
  1. E-1970, "Case History of the Apollo Guidance Computer" or here, 06/1966, by Eldon C. Hall.
  2. "Transcript of Apollo 10 Commentary", 06/01/1969, by NASA.
  3. R-644, "Final Report on Assembly and Test of Five Apollo I IRIG's (Inertial Reference Integrating Gyros) Incoporating the size R-4 (SR4HX88) Instrument Ball Bearing", 09/01/1969, by Bertram Rockower.
  4. DAC 56694B, "Orbital Workshop Design Data Document", Section 4.2 through end, 08/01/1970, by McDonnell Douglas Corporation.
  5. E-2587, "Mission J1 (AS510/CM112/LM10) G&N Error Analysis (Apollo 15)", 06/01/1971, by F. D. Grant, S. B. Helfant, B. A. Kriegsman, (R. Lones).
  6. "Lunar Roving Vehicle - Apollo 15, AS510 CM112, LM10 G&N 217, G&N 614", 07/26/1971, by Delco Electronics.
  7. "Lunar Roving Vehicle - Apollo 17, AS512 CM114, LM12", 12/07/1972, by Delco Electronics.
  8. Final, "Skylab Launch Checklist", 06/12/1973, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  9. Final, "Skylab Entry Checklist", 06/29/1973, by Michael K. Lake.
Added 01/19/2025
  1. JSC-09085, PA-N6-10100-1, Rev DC-2, "ASTP Command / Service Module and Docking Module - Systems Handbook - CSM 111", 08/01/1974, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
  2. JSC-09143, Basic, "ASTP CSM Systems Checklist", 10/01/1974, by Gary L. Doerre.
  3. JSC-09148, Basic, "Entry Checklist", 10/15/1974, by Charles O. Lewis.
  4. "EMP ASTP-76 CSM-Alone Translational Impulse Mode", 1975, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  5. JSC-09148, Reference, "Entry Checklist", 02/07/1975, by Charles O. Lewis.
  6. JSC-09144, Reference, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 03/31/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  7. JSC-09148, Final, "Entry Checklist", 05/09/1975, by Charles O. Lewis.
  8. JSC-09144, Final, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 06/02/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  9. JSC-09145, Final, "Docking Module Checklist", 06/02/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  10. JSC-09141, Final Rev A PCN-1, "ASTP Launch Checklist", 06/20/1975, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  11. JSC-09142, Final PCN-1, "ASTP G&C Checklist", 06/23/1975, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  12. JSC-09142, Final PCN-1, "ASTP G&C Checklist", Changes only, 06/23/1975, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  13. JSC-09144, Final Rev A, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 06/25/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  14. JSC-09145, Final PCN-1, "Docking Module Checklist", Changes only, 06/25/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  15. JSC-09144, Final Rev A PCN-1, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 07/01/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  16. JSC-09148, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist", Changes only, 07/01/1975, by Charles O. Lewis.
  17. ASTP 40301.8, ЭПАС 40301.8, Rev 8/9, "Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Joint Crew Activities Plan", 07/03/1975, by NASA.
  18. JSC-09148, Final PCN-2/3/4, "ASTP Entry Checklist", 07/12/1975, by Charles O. Lewis.
Added 01/18/2025
  1. "YUL System Program Sheet", 1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2. "ACE K-START / CTS Tape Format", 1965, by Raytheon.
  3. "ACE Systems Support Training, Program Analyzer Console Circuits", 1965, by Raytheon.
  4. Review, "Fixed Memory Strand Select", 1965, by Raytheon.
  5. Final, "Fixed Memory Strand Select", 1965, by Raytheon.
  6. "System Support Training, AGC Control Pulses", 1965, by Raytheon.
  7. "SUNDIAL D ACE Reference Cards", 1967, by Walter L. Whipple.
  8. 10-1-68, "Apollo G&N Manual and JDC Index", 10/01/1968, by AC Electronics.
Added 01/17/2025
  1. R-498, "The 'Braid" Transformer Memory", 09/01/1965, by Ramon L. Alonso, W. H. Aldrich.
  2. E-1760, "Performance Monitoring of the PGNS for Unpowered Lunar Orbit Flight Phases", 12/01/1965, by B. A. Kriegsman, D. S. Millard.
  3. E-1809, "Coupled Two-Degree-of-Freedom Response of Resiliently Supported Rigid Body to Random Excitations", 12/01/1965, by G. Dudley Shepard.
  4. "Apollo 7 Guidance & Navigation Information", 10/11/1968, by AC Electronics.
  5. "Apollo 9 Earth Orbit with L/M, AS 504, C/M 104 G&N 209, L/M 3 G&N 605", 03/03/1969, by AC Electronics.
  6. "Apollo 9 Guidance & Navigation Information", 03/03/1969, by AC Electronics.
  7. "Apollo 11 Guidance & Navigation Information", 07/16/1969, by AC Electronics.
  8. "Apollo 15 (LUMINARY 1E) LGC Data Cards" or here or here, 04/01/1971, by AC Electronics.
Added 01/13/2025
  1. 1014999-051, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for AS-202 G&N System", 08/25/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2. "Apollo Fuel Cell Powerplant, POWERCEL Model PC3A-2, Component Descriptions", 1967, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft.
  3. "Component Descriptions, Apollo Fuel Cell", 1967, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft.
  4. 6014999-031, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 5 G&N System", 01/22/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  5. 6014999-021, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for LTA-8 G&N System", 04/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  6. PWA-2399D, 2 April 1968, "Apollo Fuel Cell Powerplant End-Item Inspection and Test Procedures", 04/02/1968, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft.
  7. 2014999-021, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for 2TV-1 G&N System", 06/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  8. "Apollo Fuel Cell Powerplant, NASA-NR Presentation at P&WA SWEF", 08/08/1968, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft.
  9. 2014999-041, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 7 G&N System", 10/11/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  10. 2014999-081, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 8 G&N System", 12/21/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  11. 2014999-091, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 9 CM G&N System", 03/03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  12. 6014999-051, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 9 LM G&N System", 03/03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  13. 2014999-061, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 10 CM G&N System", 05/18/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  14. 6014999-061, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 10 LM G&N System", 05/18/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  15. 2014999-101, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 11 CM G&N System", 07/16/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  16. 6014999-091, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 11 LM G&N System", 07/16/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  17. 2014999-111, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 12 CM G&N System", 11/14/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  18. 6014999-071, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 12 LM G&N System", 11/14/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  19. 2014999-121, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 13 CM G&N System", 04/13/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  20. 6014999-101, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 13 LM G&N System", 04/13/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  21. 2014999-141, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 14 CM G&N System", 01/31/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  22. 6014999-111, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 14 LM G&N System", 01/31/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  23. 2014999-171, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 15 CM G&N System", 07/26/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  24. 6014999-141, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 15 LM G&N System", 07/26/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  25. 2014999-161, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 16 CM G&N System", 04/16/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  26. 6014999-151, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 16 LM G&N System", 04/16/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  27. 2014999-181, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 17 CM G&N System", 12/07/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  28. 6014999-161, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 17 LM G&N System", 12/07/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  29. 2014999-051, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Skylab 2 G&N System", 05/25/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  30. 2014999-211, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Skylab 3 G&N System", 07/28/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  31. 2014999-221, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Skylab 4 G&N System", 11/15/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  32. 2014999-151, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for ASTP G&N System", 07/1975, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
Added 01/10/2025
  1. 68-FM-181, Rev II, "Apollo Mission E (AS-504/CSM-104/LM-4) Spacecraft Reference Trajectory, Volume I - Mission Profile", Volume I, 07/31/1968, by David D. DeAtkine, Alexander Woronow. Disclaimer: [MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 20, Box 67]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.
  2. "Minutes of the COLOSSUS 2 Flight Software Readiness Review", 05/09/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith. Disclaimer: [MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 10, Box 67]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.
  3. "Apollo 11 LM Timeline Book", 07/21/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Disclaimer: [MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 4, Box 70]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.
Added 01/08/2025
  1. III-4-423-6, 66-207-0002, "LVDC Equation Defining Document for the AS-501 Flight Program", 02/25/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  2. "Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Manual", 07/15/1975, by Delco Electronics.
Added 01/06/2025
  1. D2-118198-1, "Review of Electrical Power System Math Model for Command Module Simulator", 03/05/1969, by T. E. Fundoukos.
  2. MSC-06875, "Skylab Baseline Operations Plan", 05/01/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3. "Skylab 1/2 Mission Booklet", 05/25/1973, by Delco Electronics.
  4. "Skylab 4 Mission Booklet", 11/16/1973, by Delco Electronics.


Presentations from the MAPLD '04 conference, by AGC developers and other knowledgeable folks.

Programmers' Manuals

Onboard Computer Users' Guides

Guidance System Operations Plans (GSOP)

The items below are arranged by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory document number.

Quick-Reference Cards, Data Cards, Cue Cards

AGC Pad Loads

Arranged by mission.

Erasable Memory Programs (EMP)

Software Listings and Dumps

Here are listings of actual software for the various onboard guidance computers covered by the Virtual AGC Project, as well as dumps of physical computer-memory modules. We don't have all of it, by any means, but we have what we have! While all of the software revisions listed below are equipped with comments — too many and too much, some may say — there tend to be much longer writeups on the pages specifically devoted to them. So if you want even more detail, I'd suggest looking in one of these places: the AGS page, the LVDC/PTC page, the LM AGC software page, or the CM AGC software page

The collection contains many software revisions which never flew in Apollo missions, and conversely there are missions for which we don't have some of the software. Or perhaps for which we have only a binary, without source code. And, there are missions for which we may not have the exact software revision originally used, but do have a revision which is "fine" for successfully flying a simulated mission. Here's a mission-by-mission summary of what we presently have and don't have:

Apollo 1partialn/an/ano
Apollo 4yesn/an/ano
Apollo 5n/ayesnono
Apollo 6yesn/an/ano
Apollo 7non/an/ano
Apollo 8yesn/an/ano
Apollo 9yesfinenono
Apollo 10yesyesnono
Apollo 11yesyesyesno
Apollo 12yesyesyesno
Apollo 13yesyesnono
Apollo 14noyesnono
Apollo 15yesyesyesno
Apollo 16yesyesyesno
Apollo 17yesyesyesyes
Skylab 1n/an/an/ayes
Skylab 2yesn/an/ano
Skylab 3yesn/an/ano
Skylab 4yesn/an/ano

If just seeing what went into each mission isn't enough for you, and you need to see the vast sweep of all the AGC and AGS software development from the beginning in 1963 until the end in 1971, I have a chart of that as well. Alas, there's no LVDC info in the chart, and I've had to leave out some AGC non-mission branches like LA MESH, DIANA, and so forth. But I included some non-mission branches, particularly SHEPATIN and ZERLINA, since we actually have representative copies of those. There's a small detail from the full chart to the right, and if you click that image, the full chart will appear. Admittedly, there's some guesswork involved because of lacking information, particularly in the very early years, but I think the chart captures pretty well what's going on. Each bubble in the chart represents some specific revision of some specific AGC program, or else a range of revisions when there's just too much information missing to distinguish between them. Gray bubbles are Block 1 code, brown bubbles are Block 2 CM code, yellow bubbles are LM code, and white bubble are AGS. The name of the AGC program is in red if core ropes were actually manufactured for that revision. The arrows connecting the bubbles tell you what revisions of what programs evolved into what other revisions. The arrows are also decorated with lists telling what PCRs, PCNs, software-anomaly reports, and ACB requests were involved in that particular stage of the evolution — though in many cases that's simply "TBD", as it actually is in the detail image at the right. The full chart, by the way, is about 40 times as high as it is wide, so be prepared to scroll downward a lot if you look at very much of it.

The table below is a list of all releases of AGC software (that we're aware of) for the purpose of manufacturing core-rope memory modules. This information was gleaned from many, many documents in the library, as opposed to a single authoritative source, so there are unfortunately many gaps and question marks in the table. A number of the software revisions for which we have the source code were never manufactured into memory modules, such as ZERLINA, SUPER JOB, and DAP AURORA, so they don't appear in the table at all. Conversely, there are many software revisions manufactured as ropes for which we have no contemporary source listing or modern reconstruction.

Assembly #
Software Name
Software Revision
Release Date
System test TD R-140
[1] Drawing 1003203
[2] R-700 Vol 3 Table 4-I
[3] FR-2-115 p. 80
System test TD R-132, TR R-140
 Factory test
 Computer test
System test
[4] FR-2-115 errata p. 12
[5] R-467 p. 5
System test
 [6] R-700 Vol 1 p. 152
[7] E-1808 pp. 24-26
System test
 System test
System test
[8] JDC05278
 System test
 System test
 Factory test
 AS-202 Development
 [51] Apollo G&N Systems Index
AS-202 development
[9] TR-66-310-5 p. 29
AS-202 mission
[10] STG Memo #1415 p. 3
[11] Apollo Guidance and Control System Flight Experience p. 5
Apollo 1 (canceled)?
 Apollo 2 (canceled)?
 AS-258 (canceled)
Apollo 4 development
[12] Drawing 1021108A
[13] R-700 Vol 1 p. 31-32
Apollo 4, 6 missions
[14] SOLARIUM 55 assembly listing
Computer test Block II prototype
[15] Drawing 2021100
[16] RETREAD 44 assembly listing
[17] Drawing 2021101C
[57] Lunar Excursion Module PGNCS Manual Vol I, Table 3-IJ
System test (LEM)
[18] RADC-TR-77-213 figure 3-1
System test (LEM)
 Factory test
[19] Drawing 2021102
System test
[20] Drawing 2021103A
[21] Dumped memory modules
System test, Block II C/M
[22] Drawing 2021104B
[49] System Course 3100 p. 266
C = D?
System test, Block II C/M
C = D?
System test, Block II C/M
System test, Block II C/M
5/66, 3/13/67
[23] Dumped memory modules
[24] ND-1021043 Table 3-IC-3
[50] KSC Rope Module Status 5/18/71
System test, Block II C/M
System test, Block II C/M
 Factory test
 [25] Drawing 2021105B
 Factory test
 Factory test
 Factory test
 Apollo 5 development
[26] Drawing 2021106A
[27] R-700 Vol 3 Table 4-II
Apollo 5 development
Apollo 5
10/67, 3/67
[28] SUNBURST 120 assembly listing
 Factory test
[29] Drawing 2021107A
 Factory test
Apollo 7 development
[30] E-1142 rev 54 p. 50
Apollo 7 mission
2/68, 9/68
[31] RADC-TR-77-213 table 4-6
Apollo 9 development, LM-3 ground test
[32] Drawing 2021110B
Apollo 9 development
Apollo 9 mission
Apollo 8 development
 [33] Drawing 2021151B
Apollo 8 development
[34] Drawing 2021111B
Apollo 8 mission
8/68, 9/68
[35] COLOSSUS 237 assembly listing
Apollo 9 mission
[36] COLOSSUS 249 assembly listing
Apollo 10 development
[37] Drawing 2021112L
[38] LUMINARY 69 assembly listing
[39] Drawing 2021152N
[52] F Mission LM FSRR Minutes
Apollo 11 development
69 rev 2
Apollo 10 mission
4/2/69, (ignore) 3/69
Apollo 11 development
Apollo 11 development
99 rev 1
Apollo 11 mission
6/17/69, 4/69
[40] LUMINARY 99 rev 1 assembly listing
Apollo 12 mission
[41] LUMINARY 116 assembly listing
[56] MIT Presentation for the Mission H FSRR
Apollo 13 development
Apollo 13 development
[42] LUMINARY 131 assembly listing
131 rev 9
Apollo 13 development
131 rev 1
Apollo 13 mission
2/4/70, (ignore) 2/5/70
Apollo 14 development
Apollo 14 development
Apollo 14 mission
9/70, 4/18/70
Apollo 15-17 missions
3/22/71, (ignore) 3/20/71
[43] LUMINARY 210 assembly listing
[54] MIT LM Presentation for Mission J-1 FSRR
Apollo 10 development
[44] Drawing 2021153G
[45] Drawing 2021113G
Apollo 10 development
Apollo 11 development
45 rev 2
Apollo 10 mission
4/69, 3/69
Apollo 11 mission
[46] COMANCHE 55 assembly listing
Apollo 12 mission
7/17/69, (ignore) 7/18/69
Apollo 13 development
72 rev 3
Apollo 13 mission
Apollo 14 mission
Apollo 15 development
 [47] Drawing 2021154
Apollo 15-17 missions
[48] ARTEMIS 72 assembly listing
[55] MIT Presentation for Mission J-2 FSRR
Skylab 2-4 and ASTP missions
[59] Programmed Guidance Equations for Skylark

Math Flow

The term "math flow" refers to the underlying, implementation-independent, mathematical algorithms that are — at some point in the development process — coded as guidance-computer instructions. Or another way of looking at it, I suppose, is that the math flow encompasses the algorithms needed to program the guidance computers, as opposed to the information need to use those computers after they're programmed.

There are several ways the Apollo and Gemini guidance computers' math flow are represented in our collected documentation. For example, there may simply be a set of mathematical equations that represent the physics of spacecraft motion. At the other end of the spectrum, there may be detailed sets of flowcharts that form an almost-complete pictorial representation of the eventual computer program's control flow and handling of variables. The entire continuum of possibilities is represented in this section, for all of the types of guidance computers covered by the Virtual AGC Project.

Space Guidance Analysis Memos

If you are interested in the mathematical underpinnings of the AGC software, then this amazing series of memos from MIT's Instrumentation Lab is the place to look. It is very interesting to reflect on the fact that these mathematical memos are often written by the very same people whose names you find as authors in the software. The AGC software was written in a time ... or at least a place ... where software was regarded as the expression of mathematical knowledge as opposed to being a mere exercise in the expert employment of programming languages and tools as it is today. It is interesting also to reflect on the nature of the software this approach produced.

Apollo Project Memos

Apollo Engineering Memos

Digital Development Memos

These memos primarily relate to the electrical design of the AGC.

Electronic Design Group Memos

Inertial Sub-System (I.S.S.) Memos

XDE Notes

These are notes from AC Spark Plug Division, commenting on topics peripheral to the AGC, such as ground-support equipment.

Digital Group Memos

Mission Techniques and Memos

System Test Group Memos

AGC/AGS Software Requirements


The "LUMINARY Memos" are internal memos from the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory dealing with issues of LUMINARY software development, along with closely-related software branches such as ZERLINA.

Of particular interest, if you're concerned with the evolution of the AGC software, are the many memos used to document the changes of the LUMINARY code from one revision to the next. In theory, if you had all of them, you could come pretty close to using them to document the complete evolution of LUMINARY, or at any rate from LUMINARY 4 (memo #22) through LUMINARY 209 (memo #205).

But back to the memos. Over 250 of them are known, of which we've gotten the majority from Don Eyles's personal collection. The items which are grayed-out relate to memos about which we have some information but not the actual memos themselves.

The items are arranged according to their memo numbers.



Program Change Requests (PCR) and Notices (PCN)

Program Change Requests (PCRs) were the official mechanism by which proposed AGC software changes were submitted to the NASA's Software Control Board (SCB), for subsequent approval or rejection. The PCR was the normal tool for this, and PCRs could be created either by MIT/IL or by NASA, but did not take effect until action was taken by the SCB. The lesser-used PCN is almost the same as a PCR, except that MIT/IL unilaterally put them into effect as if NASA's SCB had approved them ... even though the SCB could end up disapproving the PCN and forcing MIT/IL to undo whatever work they had done in connection with it. Often the PCN was used for simple clerical changes in the GSOP, which were almost certain to eventually win SCB approval, but sometimes they were apparently used for issues that blocked further development and thus which would cause scheduling issues if it were necessary to stop work until the next SCB meeting. In any case, the signficance (for us) of either PCRs or PCNs is that since AGC software changes were governed by them, knowledge of the PCRs/PCNs is of tremendous importance in tracking changes between AGC software revisions ... or alternatively, of no importance whatever if you're not interested in understanding the evolution of the software.

When the full text of a PCR or PCN isn't currently available, information has instead come from other contemporary documentation, including: None of these sources are meticulous about using the exact titles of the PCRs.

All known PCRs and PCNs for which we have any information at all are listed, whether approved or disapproved by the SCB, and whether or not a copy is currently available in the library. Unless stated otherwise, PCRs/PCNs were approved for implementation. The entries below are arranged by PCR/PCN number. We've also added a rough categorization to each PCR/PCN entry as to which AGC program(s) it applies to: SUNDISK, SUNDANCE, LUMINARY, COLOSSUS (which includes COMANCHE and ARTEMIS), or SKYLARK.

Software Anomaly Reports and Assembly Control Board Requests

In this section, we cover Assembly Control Board Requests and Software Anomaly Reports. These acted similarly to PCRs and PCNs (see above), and have a similar importance for us in understanding the evolution of AGC software over time. The difference from PCRs/PCNs is that approvals or rejections were made by MIT/IL's Assembly Control Board (ACB) rather than by NASA's SCB. The scopes of the SCB's actions and the ACB's actions differed in that the SCB decided upon the contents of (or changes to) the software specification (which was regarded as the GSOP document), whereas the ACB examined discrepancies between the software and the specification, or else items left unspecified altogether by the GSOP (and therefore presumably of little or no importance to the SCB). Thus being entirely internal to MIT/IL, ACB Requests and Software Anomaly Reports could presumably be acted upon much more quickly and easily than was the case for PCRs and PCNs.

ACB Requests and Software Anomaly Reports have no titles as such, so the titles given below are actually extracts from the (often rather long) problem descriptions given in forms. The entries are sorted by document number.

Software Control Board (SCB)

Software Development Plans

Block I Specifics

Abort Guidance System (AGS)

Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) and Friends

We have precious little LVDC documentation, and even less LVDC software. The Wikipedia article on the LVDC at the time I first wrote on this subject lamented that all of the LVDC software has probably vanished and does not exist any longer. Fortunately, that has turned out to be false, although there may be enough truth in it to make us very uncomfortable.

Apollo Experience Reports

Training and Study Guides

Systems Handbooks

Operations Handbooks

Operational Data Books

Technical Crew Debriefings

Mission Reports and Trajectory Reconstructions

Flight Plans and Planned Trajectories

Flight Data Files (Checklists, G&N Dictionaries, ...)

Spacecraft Familiarization Manuals

Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft Flight Evaluation Reports

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 3

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 4

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 5

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 6

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 7

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 8

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 9

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 10

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 11

Mission-Specific Documentation: Gemini 12

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 1

Mission-Specific Documentation: AS-202 ("Apollo 3")

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 4

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 5

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 6

Mission-Specific Documentation: 2TV-1

Mission-Specific Documentation: LTA-8

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 7

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 8

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 9

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 10

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 11

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 12

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 13

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 14

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 15

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 16

Mission-Specific Documentation: Apollo 17

Mission-Specific Documentation: Skylab 1

Mission-Specific Documentation: Skylab 2

Mission-Specific Documentation: Skylab 3

Mission-Specific Documentation: Skylab 4

Mission-Specific Documentation: ASTP

Status Reports


The Press

Gemini On-Board Computer (OBC)

Integrated Mission Control Center (IMCC)

This section relates to the Integrated Mission Control Center (IMCC), and to its facilities, particularly the Mission Control Center in Houston (MCC-Houston) and the Real Time Computer Complex (RTCC). Emphasis is on the physical facilities and their development and history, rather than anything they accomplished in so far as specific Gemini or Apollo missions are concerned.

Real-Time Computer Complex (RTCC)

Sound and Fury

The title of this section is a little misleading, in that many people, upon seeing the lead-in "sound and fury ...", would immediately fill in the ending "... signifying nothing".

I certainly don't intend to imply that the items in this section "signify nothing", but you may nevertheless have to put in a little more effort to determine just what they do signify within the context of AGC development. That's because these memos share some common characteristics that add to your confusion, such as:
And there may be individually-complicating features as well. One of the memos, for example, was written on April Fools' Day. Is it fooling, or is it not? I can't say. What I can say is that if you decode the memos properly, it's possible that there may be lessons to be learned from them.

Something Different

In this section, we provide some stuff that doesn't directly pertain to any of the computers in Apollo or Gemini. But if the original developers give me interesting and sometimes unique material, or if I find interesting material related to them, I'd like to present it anyway.

Electrical and Mechanical Design

Electrical and mechanical engineering drawings of Apollo systems cannot be represented well in this Document Library page, because there are hundreds of thousands of them.

Large numbers of engineering drawings are presented here indirectly, in two ways. The first way is in the form of "drawing trees". For example, Apollo 11 contained 2 Guidance & Navigation systems, one for the CM (drawing 2014999-101) and one for the LM (drawing 6014999-091). Each of these, in turn, represents a set of drawings, with one drawing for each of its assemblies. And each of those assembly drawings represents yet another set of drawings, one for each of its subassemblies. And so on. But only the two top-level drawings for any given mission are explicitly presented here. It is those top-level drawings that serve as a portal to allow you to navigate throughout the entire hierarchy of drawings. The second way engineering drawings are represented indirectly is in the guise of NARA-SW (National Archives, Ft. Worth) aperture-card boxes, each of which holds ~1800 microform images of drawings. This aperture-card box form is useful for seeing entire groups of engineering drawings that have been newly added to the Document Library as new aperture-card boxes are scanned.

You also have the option of instead going to our G&N engineering-drawing search engine which allows you to find engineering drawings by fragments of drawing numbers or drawing titles. Or you can try our Electro-Mechanical page, which may provide additional resources or related information.

Everything Skylab

This section is devoted to Skylab-related documents in general, since so many of them were either common to all Skylab missions, or at least can't be confidently associated with any specific mission.


If none of the sections above coincides with your special interests, this section may help. It contains every item in our Document Library, whether or not those documents were already included in the preceding sections. (Excluding, of course, some G&N system engineering drawings, as explained in the immediately-preceding section.) The entries are ordered by publication date.

If an item appears only in this section, then perhaps it should be categorized better! If so, you'll find it marked with the emoji 😮. Feedback about additional sections for the library or membership of individual documents in specific library sections is welcome.

If you still can't find what you need after you've looked in this section, you might consider using the Google searchbar that appears near the top of this page. It has the great advantage of searching not only document titles, document numbers, and authors, but in fact does a complete search of the text within the documents ... and not only here on this Document Library page, but for all pages on the Virtual AGC website. Alas, the optical character recognition (OCR) process that creates the text index is not perfect, so your search may still fail even if the document you want is present. But then, what is perfect in this old world?
  1. 😮EP0593, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation Hardware Difference Summary, Command Module and Lunar Module" or here (not dated), by AC Electronics. The two copies appear to be identical in content, but not necessarily identical to the version dated 10/15/1970.
  2. "ISCMC Reference Information", Missing pages (not dated), by AC Electronics. Unfortunately, this set of reference cards is missing the front cover and seemingly other pages. There's no way to know what mission they're for, unless that is discovered by checking the info (such as the lists of program, verbs, nouns, or i/o channels) vs other mission-specific sources. I haven't tried doing that, as of yet.
  3. 😮"6 How's + Why's, Basic Objectives for LM Powered-Landing Guidance-and-Navigation System" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  4. "AGC Test Set Switches" (not dated), by Anonymous. Alas! most of us don't have one of those.
  5. 😮"Apollo Drawing Numbers for PIPA Electronics" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  6. "Block II Instructions" (not dated), by Anonymous. A one-side-of-one-page reference to all Block II AGC instructions.
  7. 😮"Block II Self-Check" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  8. "Computer Programs, AGC Block I & II and LGC" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  9. 😮"Equivalent Simplified P66VERT Diagram" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  10. "G&N Cable Breakout Adapter Sets, for Block I-Series 100, Block II and LEM Design Criteria" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  11. "Geophysical Constants for Use in Gemini" (not dated), by Anonymous. Some of the constants listed no longer agree with current values, but they're what were used at the time. According to our best understanding at present, the symbol Φ is the gravitational potential. Gene adds that he thinks that "the angle, phi (f) in the three-term expansion of the earth's oblate geo-gravity model, is measured from the ascending node of a Gemini orbit rather than latitude.".
  12. 😮"Glossary of IMU Errors" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  13. "LEM Math Flow Diagrams" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  14. "LGC - Astronaut Interfaces During Rendezvous" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  15. "OBC presentation slides" (not dated), by Anonymous. A summary of the OBC, its software, and peripherals in 80 pages.
  16. 😮"Plan of Action: Saturn Development Facility S-II LIEF Training Exercise" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  17. 😮"Steerable Antenna Control (?)" (not dated), by Anonymous.
  18. "An excerpt from the source code of the YUL assembler", Pass 0 (not dated), by Hugh Blair-Smith.
  19. "Notes on Self Test Failure at KSC - Apollo 12" (not dated), by D. Estabrook.
  20. "Collection of GAEC (Grumman) Interface Control Drawings (ICD)" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  21. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW140-11430 to LDW270-53010" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  22. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW270-53020 to LDW-280-10319" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  23. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-10321 to LDW280-10743" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  24. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-10744 to LDW280-11216" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  25. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-1127 to LDW280-11532" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  26. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-11533 to LDW280-11869" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  27. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-11870 to LDW280-14316" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  28. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-14317 to LDW280-16065" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  29. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-16066 to LDW280-17381" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  30. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-17382 to LDW280-17677" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  31. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-17682 to LDW280-18029" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  32. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-18030 to LDW280-18425" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  33. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-18426 to LDW280-18797" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  34. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-18800 to LDW280-23074" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  35. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-23075 to LDW280-23543" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  36. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-23544 to LDW280-25661" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  37. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-25662 to LDW280-28176" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  38. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-28178 to LDW280-28555" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  39. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-28559 to LDW280-28885" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  40. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-28887 to LDW280-51607" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  41. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-51608 to LDW280-52663" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  42. "Grumman Lunar Module Engineering Drawings LDW280-52665 to LDW280-53279" (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  43. 😮LMA790-3-LM TBD, "Exterior and interior lighting/color tables", Tables 2.10-1 and 2.10-2 only (not dated), by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. Tables from the operations handbook describing colors, brightnesses, etc., for the Apollo spacecraft interior and exterior lighting.
  44. 😮"Annotations to Eldon Hall's Journey to the Moon" (not dated), by Hugh Blair-Smith. This is an etext created by Hugh Blair-Smith, rather than a scan of a historical document.
  45. DRL-008A, 71W-00199, Change 4, "Saturn Instrument Unit - SLCC Programmer's Reference Manual" (not dated), by IBM Federal Services Division. The acronym SLCC stands for Saturn Launch Computer Complex. As the document itself states: "The Saturn Operating System ... contains many programs, routines, and subroutines which together provide the software control functions necessary for automatic cheekout of the Saturn Launch Vehicle, (both Saturn V and Saturn I-B). ... This manual is specifically prepared for experienced test programmers familiar with RCA 110A programming techniques".
  46. "Saturn Instrument Unit Fact Sheet" (not dated), by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  47. 😮"Portions of IBM 709 Data Processing System Reference Manual and FORTRAN Automatic Coding System for the IBM 709" (not dated), by International Business Machines. Includes an assembly-language manual.
  48. 😮"Project Apollo; Command and Lunar Modules Flight Software Verification and Validation - A Case History" (not dated), by Russell A. Larson.
  49. 😮LED-540-32, Preliminary, "Functional Requirements of the Abort Guidance System" (not dated), by F. Lemazor, F. DeVito, A. Schnur.
  50. "Gemini orbit rate compensation note" (not dated), by Gene Mertz.
  51. "AURORA 85 & 86 - SUNDIAL Mode Bits" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  52. 2014669, "Block 2 Interconnect Diagram" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Completely awful; don't look at it.
  53. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1000283-1002237" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  54. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1002240-1002323" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  55. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1002323-1002325" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  56. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1002325-1002349" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  57. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1002349-1003081" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  58. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1003082-1003733" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  59. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1003733-1005799" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  60. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1006002-1006898" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  61. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1006904-1007131" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  62. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1007141-1007547" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  63. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1007548-1008271" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  64. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1008283-1010253" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  65. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1010254-1010493" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  66. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1010494-1011399" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  67. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1011400-1014219" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  68. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1014221-1014999" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  69. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1015000-1015739" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  70. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1015740-1016118" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  71. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1016122-1019690" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  72. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1019691-1021200" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  73. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 102010-1000275" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  74. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1021200-1897187" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  75. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1897190-1900098" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  76. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1900100-1900712" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  77. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1900713-1900943" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  78. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1900943-1901695" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  79. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1901700-1902397" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  80. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 1902404-2003120" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  81. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2003121-2005061" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  82. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2005062-2007114" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  83. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2007115-2007239" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  84. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2007240-2010084" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  85. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2010085-2012508" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  86. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2012509-2014643" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  87. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2014644-2015500" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  88. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2015502-2018632" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  89. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2018634-2021670" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  90. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2021971-2900541" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  91. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2900542-2901129" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  92. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 2901143-6010677" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  93. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 6010678-6015000" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  94. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings 6015000-8106098" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  95. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings JDC0001-JDC04390" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  96. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings JDC10710-JDC12621" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  97. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings JDC12622-JDC18874" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  98. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings JDC19021-MC25922" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  99. "CM/LM Guidance System Engineering Drawings JDC4409-JDC10709" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  100. "MIT/IL Software Development Plan for LGC Off-Line Assemblies" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  101. 😮"Program Sheet, MAC H-1800 System, Apollo IRIG Data Format" (not dated), by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  102. "Apollo Guidance Computer Programming Information" (not dated), by Raytheon. Pretty darn handy; you can replace our entire assembly-language page with handy reference cards!
  103. "Block II Instructions vs Control Pulses" (not dated), by Raytheon. A funny thing to make reference cards for, but Raytheon did so!
  104. FR-65-114, "Introduction to the Apollo Guidance Computer and Associated Ground Support Equipment" (not dated), by Raytheon.
  105. 😮"Typical Characteristics of RCA High-Temperature Memory core Type 233 MI" (not dated), by RCA.
  106. 😮CR-56215, Draft, "Guidance & Computer Scheme for Manned Lunar Landing" (not dated), by C. N. Shen.
  107. "Sundance - Luminary Differences" (not dated), by T. F. Gibson.

  108. 😮"IBM 704 Electronic Data-Processing Machine Manual of Operation", 1954, by International Business Machines.
  109. 😮E-364, "A Program for Translation of Mathematical Equations for Whirlwind I", 01/1954, by J. Hal Laning, N. Zierler.

  110. 😮"Programmers' Reference Manual: Fortran Automatic Coding System for the IBM 704", 10/15/1956, by International Business Machines.
  111. 😮R-101, "Handbook on the Assembly and Testing of the M.I.T. 20IG Integrating Gyro Unit", 12/1956, by Lester R. Grohe, Jacque A. Hogg, Andrew C. Lattanzi. Of course, this Instrumentation Laboratory document predates the Apollo program. In fact, it predates NASA, which didn't begin operation until 1958. However, it is not unreasonable to suppose that there are relevant similarities to the eventual design of the Apollo IMU, and I have been assured there is indeed interesting and relevant information in the document.

  112. 😮"General Information Manual: Programmer's Primer for FORTRAN Automatic Coding System for the IBM 704 Data Processing System", 1957, by International Business Machines.
  113. 😮E-638, "Digitally Controlled Pulse Torquing of Precision Inertial Instruments", 09/1957, by Frank E. Gauntt.

  114. 😮"Reference Manual: FORTRAN II for the IBM 704 Data Processing System", 1958, by International Business Machines.
  115. 😮DSP-TN-13-58, "Comments on Problems Relating to the Lunar Landing Vehicle", 11/04/1958, by James P. Gardner, Harry O. Ruppe, Warren H. Straly.

  116. 😮E-823, "Miniature Packaging of Electronics in Three-Dimensional Form", 06/1959, by Eldon C. Hall, Richard Jansson.

  117. 😮R-276, "Design Principles for a General Control Computer", 04/1960, by Ramon L. Alonso, J. Hal Laning, Jr.
  118. 😮"Systems Manual for IBM 704 and 709 FORTRAN", 04/01/1960, by International Business Machines.
  119. 😮"Handbook of Theory and Manufacturing Procedures for AC Spark Plug Gyros", 09/30/1960, by AC Electronics.

  120. 😮"FORTRAN ASSEMBLY PROGRAM (FAP) for the IBM 709/7090", 1961, by International Business Machines.
  121. 😮ER 12007-1, "Final Report: Guidance and Controls", Part I of II, 06/1961, by Martin Company.
  122. 😮ER 12007-2, "Final Report: Guidance and Controls", Part II of II, 06/1961, by Martin Company.
  123. E-1067, "Technical Progress Report", 09/1961, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  124. E-1068, "Technical Progress Report", 10/1961, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  125. 😮E-1074, "Erasable Ferrite Memory - Mod 3C Computer", 10/1961, by D. Shansky.
  126. 😮8976-0008-RU-000, "An Analysis of Moon-to-Earth Trajectories", 10/30/1961, by P. A. Penzo.
  127. E-1077, "Preliminary MOD 3C Programmers Manual", 11/1961, by R. Alonso, J. H. Laning, Jr., H. Blair-Smith.
  128. E-1099, "Technical Progress Report", 11/1961, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  129. 😮"Letter: Charles Stark Draper volunteering to become an astronaut", 11/21/1961, by C. S. Draper.
  130. 😮"Letter: Robert C. Seamans responding to C. S. Draper's request to become an astronaut", 11/27/1961, by Robert C. Seamans, Jr.
  131. "Apollo Mission Control Center", 11/30/1961, by NASA.
  132. Rough draft, "Apollo Recovery Control Centers", 11/30/1961, by NASA. This may be a portion of the "Apollo Mission Control Center" document of 11/30/1961.

  133. "Handwritten notes on IMCC bids", 1962, by Christopher C. Kraft Jr.Document date and title are guessed.
  134. "Handwritten notes on proposed IMCC and contractors", 1962, by Christopher C. Kraft Jr.Document date and title are guessed.
  135. "Slides Required for Apollo Talk", 1962, by Christopher C. Kraft Jr.Document date is guessed.
  136. "5-Year projections of IMCC contracter accrued cost, manpower, and obligations", 1962, by NASA.
  137. "Agenda for presentation by prospective contractors on the Integrated Mission Control Center procurement", 1962, by NASA.
  138. "Events Leading to Evaluation - IMCC Development", 1962, by NASA. The document date is a guess.
  139. "GOSS Obligations - Supporting Tabulation", 1962, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  140. "IMCC Contractor Evaluation", 1962, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  141. "IMCC Evaluation", 1962, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  142. "MCC Plotboard Displays", 1962, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  143. Rough draft, "MCC Remote Sites", 1962, by NASA. Document data and title are guessed.
  144. "Mercury Flight Control Facilities", 1962, by NASA. Document date and title are guessed.
  145. "Mercury Flight Control Facilities and Operation", 1962, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  146. "Operations Control Plans for Manned Spaceflight", 1962, by NASA. The document date is a guess.
  147. "Philco Visualizations", 1962, by NASA. Document date and title are guessed. This seems to consist of artists' conceptions of the IMCC facility and MCC control room. Maybe.
  148. "Table of Organization - IMCC Development", 1962, by NASA. Document date and title are guessed.
  149. 😮E-1105, "Computer Displays", 01/1962, by Eldon C. Hall.
  150. E-1097, "Work Statement for Industrial Support", 01/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  151. "Exhibit A - Apollo Operational Control and Information Flow Design and Development Contract", 01/17/1962, by NASA. This may be a supplement to the "Apollo Mission Control Center" document of 11/30/1961.
  152. 😮"Gyroscope Fundamentals", 02/01/1962, by Earl D. Taylor, Robert L. Way.
  153. "Memo - Technical Evaluation Plan - Apollo Operational Control and Information Flow Design and Development Contract", 02/05/1962, by Christopher C. Kraft Jr.
  154. 😮E-1134, "Photometric Units in the MKS System", 03/1962, by Arthur C. Hardy.
  155. E-1142, "Weight and Balance Report", 03/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  156. "Final Report on the Technical Evaluation of the Industry Response to NASA RFP MSC-60-12", 03/20/1962, by NASA.
  157. "Memo - Technical Evaluation Report - Apollo Operational Control and Information Study Contract MSC-62-12", 03/21/1962, by Christopher C. Kraft Jr.
  158. "Letter Contract NAS9-366 - Apollo Information Flow", 03/28/1962, by C. D. Sword.
  159. 😮R-358, "A Digital Control Computer Developmental Model 1B", 04/1962, by R. L. Alonso, A. I. Green, H. E. Maurer, R. E. Oleksiak.
  160. 😮E-1114, "Glossary of Terms and Symbols", 04/1962, by Jerome E. Levy.
  161. E-1157, "Technical Progress Report", 04/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  162. 😮R-341, Rev 5/1/1962, "A Statistical Optimizing Navigation Procedure for Space Flight", 05/1962, by Richard H. Battin.
  163. 😮"MIT/IL Apollo Organization Chart", 05/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  164. 😮SID 62-158, "Apollo Spacecraft Launch Vehicle Integration Report", 05/12/1962, by North American Aviation.
  165. 😮E-1173, "The Heat Transfer Properties of Structural Elements for Space Instruments", 06/1962, by Richard M. Jansson.
  166. E-1174, "Slide Reprints, Quarterly Management Review Meeting NASA, in Houston, June 11, 1962", 06/11/1962, by Perry K. Bryant.
  167. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #9, "Precise Circumlunar trajectory Calculations", 06/27/1962, by R. H. Battin.
  168. 😮R-373, "Guidance and Navigation System for Lunar Excursion Module", 07/1962, by John M. Dahlen, Phillip G. Felleman, Richard D. Goss, Norman E. Sears, Milton B. Trageser, Robert L. White.
  169. E-1235, "Technical Progress Report", 07/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  170. E-1142, Rev A, "Weight and Balance Report", 07/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  171. 😮R-367, "A Multirange Precision Torque Measuring Device", 07/1962, by P. J. Gilinson, Jr., C. R. Dauwalter, J. A. Scoppettuolo.
  172. 😮E-1156, "Erasable Store Mod 3C", 07/1962, by David Shansky.
  173. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #11, "SGA Studies Presently Underway", 07/16/1962, by Richard H. Battin.
  174. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #12, "Storing Position of Moon", 07/16/1962, by James E. Potter.
  175. 😮R-348, Rev A, "Specification for Procurement of Apollo Inertial Reference Integrating Gyro", 08/1962, by Eldon C. Hall, J. Miller, J. Aronson, A. Lattanzi.
  176. 😮"Analysis of a Pulse Restrained Accelerometer", 08/01/1962, by John C. Goclowski.
  177. "Writeup of Problem 6056 — 26 Bit Orbit Calculation", 08/02/1962, by Gene Mertz. A hand-written memo, presumably by Gene Mertz, regarding issues such as roundoff and step size in the Gemini orbital calculation.
  178. XDE-34-D-501, Rev A, "List of AGE System Engineering Drawings", 08/08/1962, by C. A. Fischer.
  179. "Memo - Plan to issue an RFP for implementation of IMCC", 08/16/1962, by Dave W. Lang. Title is invented.
  180. "Request for Proposal No. MSC-62-40 as Amended", 08/17/1962, by Dave W. Lang.
  181. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #20, "Optimum Use of Acceleration Measurements to Determine Altitude-Rate During Re-entry", 08/20/1962, by Bard S. Crawford.
  182. 😮R1-3047A-31-1, "Telemetry System for Project Apollo", 08/27/1962, by Radiation Incorporated. This is a technical proposal submitted to Collins Radio.
  183. 😮E-1212, Preliminary, "IMU Error Data for Apollo Trajectories", 09/1962, by Frederic D. Grant, Jr.
  184. 😮E-1206, "The Blue-White Boundary Horizon Sensor", 09/1962, by H. H. Seward.
  185. "Design Criteria and Concepts for Integrated Mission Control Center", 09/01/1962, by Kaiser Engineers.
  186. WDL-TR-E120, Rev 1, "IMCC Systems and Performance Requirements Specification", 09/07/1962, by Philco Corporation.
  187. WDL-TR-E120, Rev 2, "IMCC Systems and Performance Requirements Specification", Changes only, 09/07/1962, by Philco Corporation.
  188. 😮MTP-AERO-62-73, TM X-51382, "Earth-Moon Transit Studies Based on Ephemeris Data and Using Best Available Computer Program, Part 1: Periselenum conditions as function of injection conditions", 09/27/1962, by Byrd Tucker.
  189. 😮"August 16 to 31, 1962 trip to MIT Instrumentation Laboratory", 09/28/1962, by Charles D. Brady.
  190. "Flight Control Computer for Saturn Space Vehicles", 10/1962, by John M. Caudle, Donald C. Colbert.
  191. 😮Apollo Memo #218, "Proposed Tolerance for Misalignments of IRIGs and PIPAs With Respect to the Stable Member Axis System", 10/05/1962, by J. H. Flanders.
  192. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #22, "Calculation of the Roots of u C (u) = A", 10/10/1962, by James E. Potter.
  193. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #25, "Guidance Dynamic Requirements on SCS", 10/19/1962, by E. M. Copps.
  194. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #26, "Investigation of Minimum Mid-Course Attitude Maneuvers", 10/23/1962, by C. A. Muntz, J. E. Potter.
  195. 😮"Designations for Apollo Missions", 10/26/1962, by Charles W. Frick.
  196. "Summary of Fixed Point Orbital Navigation Using Modified Euler Integration and a Two Term Potential Function", 10/26/1962, by Gene Mertz. There are some hand-drawn corrections on the first page that may be hard to read. In two places it say "t+h", and later in the same paragraph, the y in "y=f(t)" has been dotted.
  197. E-1250, "Astronauts' Guidance and Navigation Course Notes", Section I, 11/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  198. E-1142, Rev 2, "Weight and Balance Report", 11/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  199. 😮ND-1002005, Rev -, A, D, E, F, G, H, "Apollo Requirements for Process Control and Fabrication of Resistance-Welded Electronic Circuit Modules and Assemblies", 11/05/1962, by NASA. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material. To quote from the document itself, "This document covers the minimum requirements for process control and fabrication of applicable electronic circuit modules by use of resistance welding. It establishes certification and qualification requirements for welding machines, materials, and operators, and defines the responsibilities for quality control and acceptance of resistance-welded circuits.".
  200. 😮MTP-AERO-62-79, "Earth-Moon Transit Study Based on Ephemeris Data and Using Best Available Computer Program: Return Flight to Earth from Lunar Orbit", Volume 2, Part 2, 11/08/1962, by Arthur J. Schwaniger.
  201. "Eligibility of General Electric Company to participate in the IMCC Implementation Contract Proposal", 11/08/1962, by D. Brainerd Holmes.
  202. XDE-34-A-513, "16 PIP Electronics" or here, 11/14/1962, by C. R. Ross. Of the two PDFs provided, they appear to me to be two separate scans of the same physical hardcopy.
  203. "Evaluation of Proposals", 11/16/1962, by Christopher C. Kraft Jr.
  204. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #29, "Error Ellipsoids", 11/20/1962, by James E. Potter.
  205. E-1142, Rev 3, "Weight and Balance Report", 12/1962, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  206. "Guidelines for the Technical Panels in Conducting the Evalutation of the Bidder's Response to RFP No. MSC-63-297P", 12/03/1962, by Tecwyn Roberts.
  207. "IMCC Milestones", 12/19/1962, by NASA.
  208. XDE-34-T-504, "Assembly and Test Procedure for the Optics Subsystem", 12/26/1962, by R. Erickson.
  209. XDE-34-S-519, "Preliminary Performance Specification Stabilization Loops", 12/31/1962, by John C. Goclowski.

  210. 😮R-393, "Logical Description for the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC4)" or here, 1963, by Albert L. Hopkins, Jr., Ramon Alonso, Hugh Blair-Smith.
  211. 😮"The Compatible Time-Sharing System: A Programmer's Guide", 1963, by International Business Machines.
  212. 😮SP 33, "Space Flight Handbooks, Volume 1: Orbital Flight Handbook", Volume 1 of 2, Part 1 of 3, 1963, by Martin Company. Note that this document does not contain Volume 1, parts 2 and 3.
  213. 😮SP 34, "Space Flight Handbooks, Volume 2: Lunar Flight Handbook", Volume 2 of 2, Part 1 of 3, 1963, by Martin Company. Note that this document does not contain Volume 2, parts 2 and 3.
  214. "Status - Foundation-Steel-Deck contract", 1963, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  215. "Visualizations of MCC-Houstion Floorplans", 1963, by NASA. Document data and title are invented. Actually, there was no document: I simply made a PDF of a bunch of seemingly-related images.
  216. FR-2-103A, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 3: Central Processor", 1963, by Raytheon.
  217. FR-2-1-107, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 7: Sequence Generator (Subsystem Description)", 1963, by Raytheon.
  218. "Telegram - Implementation of IMCC and Integration of GOSS", 1963, by James Stroup. Document date and title are invented.
  219. E-1142, Rev 4, "Weight and Balance Report", 01/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  220. LED-500-4, "Abort Guidance System Redefinition Studies", 01/14/1963, by H. Rothstein, R. Schindwolf, P. Hoffman.
  221. "Eligibility of General Electric and Western Electric for IMCC Implementation Contract", 01/16/1963, by D. Brainerd Holmes.
  222. "Report of the Source Evaluation Board for the Integrated Mission Control Center", 01/16/1963, by NASA.
  223. 62-564-0020, "Gemini Computer Math Flow Diagram Ascent", Appendix E only, 01/31/1963, by Anonymous. The ascent-guidance math flow begins on p. 3 of the linked document. I'm unclear on the relationship of this math flow to our copy of the presumed MF-2 math flow. It appears generally similar, but it's so different in appearance that you can't really tell at a glance how similar they are ... and I haven't reallly done the work needed to compare them in detail. They also have different drawing numbers, in that the ascent guidance here is 62-564-0020 rather than 6444540 S/N2. From the dates on the drawings, and from the information in the "abbreviated" Gemini software history, it appears to me that:
    1. The initial 62-564-0020 may have been a part of MF-1.
    2. There were a couple of revisions of it after MF-1, turning it into Rev B.
    3. It was then integrated into 6444540, where it was now an "initial" non-revision again.
    4. There were a couple more revisions to it, bringing it to Rev B.
    5. And finally, voila!, now it's part of MF-2
    Or something else entirely happened. The document (actually, just an Appendix E) contains a lot of other helpful stuff like detailed explanations of the variables, some additional theory, and source code of a FORTRAN implementation. The Appendix comes from the following report, of which we don't have an electronic version at present: "Preliminary Ascent Guidance Simulation Report (Analytic Report No. 6)", IBM No. 63-564-0159, 31 January 1963, by D.P. Bedford, R.E. Cofer, T.W. Hill, R.B. Jasinski, J. Park, J.R. Sims, R.V. Wadding.
  224. 63-564-0159, "Preliminary Ascent Guidance Simulation Report (Analytic Report No. 6)" or here, 01/31/1963, by D. P. Bedford, R. E. Cofer, T. W. Hill, R. B. Jasinski, J. Park, J. R. Sims, R. V. Wadding.
  225. XDE-34-S-504, Rev A, "Preliminary AGC Interface Specification", 01/31/1963, by T. W. DeSwarte, J. E. Kernan.
  226. 😮E-1287, "Backup Thrust Vector Control", 02/1963, by John M. Dahlen, James H. Long.
  227. 😮E-1230, Preliminary, "Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Alignment Tests", 02/1963, by James H. Flanders. The document is marked Washington Engineering Services Company (WESCO), rather than MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  228. E-1142, Rev 5, "Weight and Balance Report", 02/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  229. E-1142, Rev 6, "Weight and Balance Report", 03/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  230. FR-2-102A, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 2: Machine Instructions", 03/10/1963, by Raytheon.
  231. 😮SID 62-1000-R-1, Rev 1, "Preliminary Apollo Guidance and Navigation System Performance and Interface Requirements Specification", 03/20/1963, by North American Aviation.
  232. 😮CR-125090, "Display and Control Recommendations Made During the Gemini-Apollo Guidance and Navigation Comparison Study - Case 110", 03/21/1963, by L. R. Zeitlin.
  233. CR-118220, FR-3-53, "Apollo Guidance Computer and Associated Ground Support Equipment, Quarterly Technical Report No. 3", 03/31/1963, by Raytheon.
  234. E-1142, Rev 7, "Weight and Balance Report", 04/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  235. 😮LED-540-1, "Radar Requrements Report", 04/03/1963, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  236. 😮ND-1002019, Rev D, E, F, G, H, J, L, "Marking, General Specification For", 04/08/1963, by Pratti. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material.
  237. Fact Sheet #170, "Fact Sheet - Mission Control for Manned Space Flight", 04/23/1963, by Christopher C. Kraft Jr., John D. Hodge, Eugene F. Kranz.
  238. 😮Apollo Note #52, "The Use of an Earth Tracker for Earth Controlled Navigation and Guidance of the CM Vehicle in Severe Abort Situations", 04/24/1963, by R. Harte, S. Cushner.
  239. 😮Apollo Note #51, "The Maximum Likelihood Estimators of the Parameters Appearing in a Curve Fitting Problem When Both of the Observed Variables Are Subject to Random Errors", 04/24/1963, by J. Holdsworth.
  240. "Statement of Facts Developed by General Accounting Office Relative to the Management of Automatic Data Processing Facilities and Related Contracts by NASA, Manned Spacecraft Center", 04/24/1963, by John J. Reese.
  241. 😮Apollo Note #53, "Emergency Re-Entry With Zero-Lift", 04/25/1963, by G. F. Floyd, Eugene F. Styer.
  242. 😮Apollo Note #54, "Definition of R1(t) and Use for DSIF Lunar Orbit Determination", 04/29/1963, by G. F. Floyd.
  243. 😮Apollo Note #55, "The Use of Television in Landing an Unmanned LEM", 04/29/1963, by R. Harte.
  244. CR-116734, FR-3-60, "Apollo Guidance Computer and Associated Ground Support Equipment, Monthly Technical Report No. 10", 04/30/1963, by Raytheon.
  245. E-1142, Rev 8, "Weight and Balance Report", 05/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  246. 😮Apollo Note #56, "Effect of Small Boosts on Accuracy of Earth Orbit Determination", 05/01/1963, by G. F. Floyd.
  247. 6444540 S/N2, Rev B, "Gemini — IGS — Computer Math Flow Diagram, Operational", 05/01/1963, by J. W. Joachim. Includes OBC developer Alden Minnick's handwritten notes. (The illegible notes at the left margin of p. 17 are: "TE = AT LIFT OFF T" and "TE > TE0 = LIFT OFF".) The entire math flow comprises 27 sheets, labeled "Size F", which is apparently 28×40 inches, so it's pretty big. I don't see any markings indicating an overall version code, but the individual pages range from "initial" to Rev B. The latest date I can find on any drawing is 5/1/1963, so I assumed it's reasonable to just think of this as the 5/1/1963 version. Referring to the "Abbreviated Gemini Software History", I find that the only listed version that this could correspond to — assuming it corresponds to any of them — is math flow MF-2. Thus, I'd tentatively identify this with MF-2.
  248. 😮M-D M 8000.001, "Apollo System Specification", 05/02/1963, by NASA.
  249. 😮Apollo Note #57, "Optimum Smoothing With Imperfectly Executed Commands", 05/03/1963, by G. F. Floyd.
  250. 😮Apollo Note #59, "Physical Constants", 05/06/1963, by H. L. Engel.
  251. 😮Apollo Note #60, "Error Analysis for Determining In-Plane Orbit Parameters Using DSIF Doppler Measurements During Descent Into Synchronous Orbit", 05/06/1963, by B. Saltzberg.
  252. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #44, "Optimization of Midcourse Correction Times", 05/07/1963, by Robert J. Fitzgerald.
  253. 😮Apollo Note #61, "Determination of Selenocentric Orbit Parameters With the DSIF", 05/07/1963, by L. Lustick.
  254. 😮Apollo Note #63, "DSIF Capability on Trans-Earth Trajectory", 05/10/1963, by G. F. Floyd.
  255. 😮Apollo Note #62, "Trans-Earth Injection Errors", 05/10/1963, by L. Lustick, H. Engel.
  256. 😮00.213, "LEM Emergency Abort Guidance System Study", 05/10/1963, by A. D. Schaezler.
  257. 😮LMO-370-16, "Minutes of Radar Requirements Coordination Meeting #1 Between Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation (GAEC) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)", Day 1 of 2, 05/14/1963, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  258. 😮LMO-540-61, "Minutes of Radar Requirements Coordination Meeting #1 Between Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation (GAEC) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)", Day 2 of 2, 05/14/1963, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  259. 😮CR-129396, SM-43658, "Handout for Saturn S-IVB Vehicle Dynamics & Control Working Group Meeting", 05/14/1963, by McDonnell Douglas.
  260. 😮Apollo Note #64, "Capability of the DSIF for Determining In-Plane Orbit Parameters During Ascent", 05/14/1963, by B. Saltzberg.
  261. 😮Apollo Note #65, "Determination of the Co-Ordinates of an LEM on the Moon from DSIF Measurements from One Station", 05/15/1963, by L. Lustick.
  262. 😮Apollo Note #66, "LLV Landing on a Tilted or Mountainous Lunar Surface", 05/20/1963, by C. H. Dale.
  263. 😮MTP-AERO-63-39, "Survey and Classification of Earth-Moon Trajectories Based on Newly Discovered Properties", 05/20/1963, by R. F. Hoelker, N. J. Braud.
  264. 😮Apollo Note #67, "Calculation of the Covariance Matrices, I", 05/22/1963, by H. Engel, J. Holdsworth.
  265. 😮Apollo Note #68, "Tracking Error Calculation", 05/22/1963, by H. Engel.
  266. 😮Apollo Note #70, "The LEM As a Recovery Vehicle", 05/27/1963, by H. Dale.
  267. 😮Apollo Note #58, "LEM Terminal Landing and the Necessity of an Inertial Platform", 05/29/1963, by C. H. Dale.
  268. 😮Apollo Note #69, "An Approximate Technique to Arrive at the DSIF Smoothing Accuracy for Circular or Nearly Circular Orbits--Discussion of Numerical Results", 05/29/1963, by H. Epstein.
  269. 😮Apollo Note #71, "Selection of the Optimum Abort Trajectory", 05/29/1963, by R. Roche.
  270. 😮MTP-AERO-63-44, TM X-51383, "An Iterative Guidance Scheme for Ascent to Orbit (Suborbital Start of the Third Stage)", 05/29/1963, by Isaac E. Smith, Emsley T. Deaton, Jr.
  271. 😮E-1359, "Flight Test Plan, Apollo Guidance and Navigation System AGE-5", 05/31/1963, by John Dahlen, Thomas Heinsheimer, John Suomala.
  272. 😮"Orbit and Landmark Determination During Lunar Orbit", 06/1963, by Eugene J. DeNezza, Mark S. Dittrich.
  273. 😮R-410, "General Design Characteristics of the Apollo Guidance Computer", 06/1963, by Eldon C. Hall.
  274. E-1389, "Technical Progress Report", 06/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  275. E-1142, Rev 9, "Weight and Balance Report", 06/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  276. 😮Apollo Note #73, "Some Additional Error Calculations for Determining Three In-Plane Orbit Parameters from DSIF Doppler Measurements", 06/03/1963, by B. Saltzberg.
  277. 😮Apollo Note #74, "Techniques for Remotely Aligning the LLV IMU from the Attached CM", 06/11/1963, by C. H. Dale.
  278. 😮Apollo Note #75, "The Fuel Cost of Various Two Boost Ascents", 06/17/1963, by H. Dale.
  279. 😮E-1297, Preliminary, "Inertial Subsystem (ISS) Calibration Tests", 06/18/1963, by James H. Flanders.
  280. 😮Apollo Note #76, "Notes on L. S. Pontryagin's Theory of Optimal Processes", 06/18/1963, by L. Horowitz.
  281. 😮Apollo Note #77, "Calculation of Covariance Matrices for Multiple Uncorrelated Data Sources", 06/19/1963, by J. Holdsworth.
  282. 😮Apollo Note #78, "DSIF Determination of LEM Altitude Rate", 06/20/1963, by H. Engel.
  283. 😮Apollo Note #79, "An Approach to Estimating the Allowable Injection Errors for the DSIF Aided LEM Ascent and Rendezvous", 06/26/1963, by C. H. Dale.
  284. 😮R-415, "Apollo Reentry Guidance", 07/1963, by D. J. Lickly, H. R. Morth, B. S. Crawford.
  285. E-1410, "Technical Progress Report", 07/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  286. E-1142, Rev 10, "Weight and Balance Report", 07/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  287. "Report on a Technical Comparison of the Apollo Spacecraft Guidance Computer with a Proposed New Design", 07/03/1963, by MSC.
  288. "Guidance Computer for Apollo", 07/09/1963, by David W. Gilbert.
  289. 😮LED-540-3, "Back-up Guidance Requirements", 07/09/1963, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Company.
  290. 😮Apollo Note #80, "Correction to Calculation of Covariance Matrices I", 07/15/1963, by J. Holdsworth.
  291. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #52, "Midcourse Guidance", 07/15/1963, by Gerald M. Levine.
  292. 😮Apollo Note #81, "Maximum Allowable Injection Errors for a Particular DSIF Aided Rendezvous Scheme", 07/15/1963, by C. P. Siska.
  293. 😮Apollo Note #82, "Calculation of Covariance Matrices III", 07/16/1963, by H. Engel.
  294. 😮Apollo Note #84, "Notes on L. S. Pontryagin's Theory of Optimal Processes (II)", 07/17/1963, by L. Horowitz.
  295. 😮Apollo Note #83, "Use of Range and Range Rate Data", 07/18/1963, by H. Engel.
  296. 😮"Technical Note: IMU Alignment", 07/18/1963, by R. J. Phagan.
  297. 😮Apollo Note #85, "The Equivalence of Data Processing Schemes in a Linearized Error Analysis", 07/22/1963, by J. Holdsworth.
  298. 😮Apollo Note #86, "Optimal Control Through Hazardous Region in a 3-Dimensional Gravitational Field", 07/22/1963, by L. Horowitz.
  299. 😮Apollo Note #87, "Rendezvous Aids", 07/26/1963, by G. F. Floyd.
  300. 😮Apollo Note #89, "On the Numerical Computation of Optimum Controls", 07/26/1963, by L. Horowitz.
  301. "Agenda - Philco IMCC Contract Review", 07/26/1963, by NASA.
  302. 😮Apollo Note #88, "Kalman-Schmidt Method for Orbit Determination", 07/31/1963, by H. Engel.
  303. 😮"IMU Error Compilation (Preliminary Memo #1, LEM Prime Guidance System Study)", 07/31/1963, by R. J. Phagan.
  304. 😮R-416, "The Apollo Guidance Computer", 08/1963, by Ramon L. Alonso, Albert L. Hopkins.
  305. 😮E-1398, "Comments on the Lunar Landing Mission Plan of 15 April 1963", 08/1963, by John Dahlen, John Suomala.
  306. E-1445, "Technical Progress Report", 08/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  307. E-1142, Rev 11, "Weight and Balance Report", 08/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  308. 😮E-1388, "Summary of Error Propagation in an Inertial System", 08/1963, by Janusz Sciegienny.
  309. 😮E-1386, "Report on Clear Resins", 08/1963, by Samuel C. Smith.
  310. 😮Apollo Note #91, "Minimum-Time Rendezvous", 08/05/1963, by L. Horowitz.
  311. 😮Apollo Note #92, "Optimum Abort Trajectories", 08/06/1963, by L. Horowitz.
  312. 😮Apollo Note #90, "Further Examination of Far-Side Relay Trajectories", 08/06/1963, by C. Siska.
  313. 😮Project Apollo Working Paper #1084, "Study of Powered Descent Trajectories for Manned Lunar Landings", 08/09/1963, by Floyd V. Bennett, Thomas G. Price.
  314. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #56, "Deriving Random Error Vectors from Covariance Matrix", 08/13/1963, by R. D. Goss, E. S. Muller.
  315. 😮Apollo Note #93, "Ground System Computation of LEM Orbit", 08/14/1963, by H. Engel.
  316. DG Memo #20, "Description of Command Module G & N Displays and Controls", 08/15/1963, by J. C. Dunbar.
  317. 😮Apollo Note #95, "Ground Assistance to LEM, Including Mid-Course Correction", 08/15/1963, by H. Engel.
  318. 😮Apollo Note #96, "Use of LEM/CM Observations", 08/15/1963, by L. Horowitz.
  319. XDE-34-S-529, "Preliminary Performance Specification - Inertial Coupling Display Unit", 08/15/1963, by A. Laubenstein.
  320. 😮Apollo Note #97, "Minimum Boost Velocity Requirement for Far-Side Relay", 08/20/1963, by C. Siska.
  321. "Note to Mr. Webb", 08/20/1963, by R. P. Young.
  322. 😮Apollo Note #98, "Multiple Data Sources With Fixed Biases", 08/21/1963, by H. Engel.
  323. 😮Apollo Note #100, "Orbit Parameters from Three Stations Using Range and Range-Rate", 08/23/1963, by H. Dale.
  324. 😮E-1429, "Lunar Orbit Determination by Star Occultations and MSFN Tracking", 09/1963, by David S. Baker, Norman E. Sears, John B. Suomala, Robert L. White.
  325. E-1474, "Technical Progress Report", 09/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  326. E-1142, Rev 12, "Weight and Balance Report", 09/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  327. 😮E-1420, "On the Extrapolation of Accelerated Stress Conditions to Normal Stress Conditions of Germanium Transistors", 09/1963, by Jayne Partridge.
  328. 😮E-1425, "A Comparison of the Readout Resolutions of the Proportional Elastance vs Constant Elastance Torque-to-Balance Systems", 09/1963, by Charles C. Perez.
  329. 😮"Gemini and Apollo Spacecraft Controls and Displays", 09/06/1963, by P. R. Knaff.
  330. 😮LPL-610-1, "Feasibility Study and Detailed Test Plans for LEM-1 and LEM-2", 09/06/1963, by J. H. Semcken.
  331. "CIU Test Box Schematics", 09/08/1963, by IBM Federal Services Division. This is not a "document", but rather a collection of sketches, photos, and engineering drawings. The title was therefore invented. The assigned date comes for the most-recent legible date found on the engineering drawings.
  332. 😮ND-1002136, Rev -, A, B, D, J, M, "Specification for the Procurement and Assembly of Electrical Wrapost Contacts and Insulators", 09/12/1963, by E. P. Armstrong. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material.
  333. 😮Apollo Note #99, "Preliminary Results of Computer Analyses", 09/13/1963, by H. Engel.
  334. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #57, "Coordinate System Used in the Moon Position Subroutine" or here, 09/16/1963, by Larry D. Brock.
  335. "Memo - Interim Audit Progress and Status Report on IMCC Contract NAS 9-1261 with Philco Corporation", 09/20/1963, by NASA.
  336. FR-2-104, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 4: Erasable Memory", 09/25/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  337. FR-2-106A, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 6: Interpreter and Interpretive Instructions", 09/25/1963, by Raytheon.
  338. "Results of Planning Meeting for Apollo Spacecraft Guidance and Navigation Review", 09/30/1963, by David W. Gilbert.
  339. SM2A-02, CR-154579, 30 September 1963, "Apollo Spacecraft Familiarization Manual", Changes only, 09/30/1963, by North American Aviation.
  340. 😮E-1432, "GSE (Ground Support Equipment) Familiarization Manual", 10/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  341. E-1142, Rev 13, "Weight and Balance Report", 10/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  342. CR-123824, 63-928-129, "IBM Apollo Study Report, Volume I: AGC", Volume I of II, 10/01/1963, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  343. CR-123823, 63-928-130, "IBM Apollo Study Report, Volume II: LVDC", Volume II of II, 10/01/1963, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  344. "Critique of IBM Apollo Study Report — IBM #63-928-129 — 1 Oct 1963", 10/07/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  345. "Problems with IBM Approach as it is Defined in the IBM Apollo Study Report No. 63-928-129", 10/08/1963, by Eldon C. Hall.
  346. 😮LPL-850-1, Second Submittal, "Manufacturing Plan for Project Apollo - Lunar Excursion Module", 10/14/1963, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  347. 63-928-137, CR-155998, "Saturn V Guidance Computer, Semiannual Progress Report", 10/31/1963, by IBM Federal Systems Division. This sounds like a managerial thing, but is actually is a huge technical document.
  348. E-1142, Rev 14, "Weight and Balance Report", 11/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  349. 😮Engineering Paper #1740, "Component Failure Effect on Systems: An Analytic Model", 11/1963, by R. L. Parkhill, J. Pauperas, Jr.
  350. 😮"LEM Guidance and Navigation Validation Study", 11/06/1963, by C. R. Moster.
  351. DG Memo #96, "A last chance procedure for determination and correction of the LEM abort orbit", 11/07/1963, by A. R. Klumpp.
  352. MTP-ASTR-S-63-15, TM X-51818, "Saturn IB/V Astrionics System", 11/14/1963, by S. M. Seltzer.
  353. 😮1300-TR1, "Final Report: Advanced Control System for the Saturn V Configuration", 11/27/1963, by R. Hendrick, C. Wandrey, S. Hummel, R. Sackett.
  354. TM X-61619, "Project Gemini Quarterly Status Report no. 7, for the period ending November 31, 1963", 11/31/1963, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  355. 😮"Some Aspects of the Logical Design of a Control Computer: A Case Study", 12/1963, by Ramon L. Alonso, Hugh Blair-Smith, Albert L. Hopkins.
  356. 😮E-1473, "Analysis of LEM Mission Inertial Uncertainties", 12/1963, by John M. Dahlen, Malcolm W. Johnston.
  357. R-429, "Reliability and Quality Assurance Progress Report, December 1963", 12/1963, by Edward T. Driscoll.
  358. 😮E-1482, "Inflight Alignment Errors of the IMU Stable Member", 12/1963, by Frederic D. Grant, Jr.
  359. E-1142, Rev 15, "Weight and Balance Report", 12/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  360. 😮MIL-C-25050A(ASG), "Military Specification: Colors, Aeronautical Lights and Lighting Equipment, General Requirements for", 12/02/1963, by U. S. Departement of Defense.
  361. 😮ND-1002187, Rev -, A, C, "Process Specification, Adhesive Bonding of Non-Rubber Parts", 12/03/1963, by AC Electronics. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material.
  362. "Assembly Listing of AGC Program TRIVIUM", 12/05/1963, by Hugh Blair-Smith. TRIVIUM is a sample AGC program presented in a document called "YUL Programming System", as an example of how to write and assemble an AGC program using the YUL assembler. It is the earliest AGC program presently known to us, though as its name implies, it is trival in nature. (Though knowing Hugh, he may have meant it had something to do with grammar, logic, and rhetoric ... which to a certain extent it does.) As short as the program is, it has several intentional errors in it, in order to illustrate YUL's errors and warnings.
    See also:
  363. FR-2-113, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 13: YUL Programming System", 12/05/1963, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Includes a YUL assembly listing for the AGC program TRIVIUM.
  364. "IMCC Program Cost Summary", 12/05/1963, by NASA.

  365. "IMCC - Mission Operation Wing Layout", 1964, by NASA. Document date and title are guessed.
  366. "IMCC Console Layout", 1964, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  367. "Manned Spaceflight Control Center", 1964, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  368. "Memo - Transfer of Electronic Computing Equipment from MSC-Langley to MSC-Houston", Page 3 of 3 only, 1964, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  369. "Real Time Computer Complex", 1964, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  370. 😮"Excerpt from document FR-2-113, about YUL punch cards, illustrated", 01/1964, by Anonymous.
  371. 😮R-417, "A Class of Unified Explicit Methods for Steering Throttleable and Fixed-Thrust Rockets", 01/1964, by George W Cherry.
  372. 😮E-1492, "On the Perception of Flashes of Light at the Limit of their Perceptibility", 01/1964, by George A. Davidson, Arthur C. Hardy.
  373. E-1142, Rev 16, "Weight and Balance Report", 01/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  374. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #1-64, "Effects of Correlated Measurement Errors on Midcourse Performance", 01/03/1964, by Peter J. Philliou.
  375. 😮ND-1002031, Rev -, A, B, C, "Description and Requirements for Process for Solderless Wrapped Connections Process", 01/07/1964, by A. Granese. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material.
  376. 😮"Standard Astrodynamic Constants and Conversion Factors for Project Apollo", 01/08/1964, by J. O. Cappellari, Jr.
  377. 😮LMO-540-211, "FMES Math Model: Kinematic Relationship Between LEM Attitude Angles (Euler Angles) and IMU Pickoff Values", 01/13/1964, by E. Gorczycki.
  378. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #2-64, "Primary G&N Rendezvous Guidance Equations", 01/13/1964, by E. S. Muller, N. E. Sears.
  379. 😮LMA-790-1, Preliminary, "Lunar Excursion Module - First Manned Lunar Landing - Familiarization Manual", 01/15/1964, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  380. DG Memo #88, "Description and Status of AGC Programs", 01/20/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  381. 😮Apollo Working Paper #1104, "Simplified Analysis of LEM Midcourse Corrections", 01/23/1964, by Paul J. Stull, Amelia J. Gray.
  382. E-1142, Rev 17, "Weight and Balance Report", 02/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  383. 😮E-1524, "Evaluation of Urethane Foam for Potting", 02/1964, by Samuel C. Smith.
  384. 😮TM X-881, "Apollo Systems Description, Volume II, Saturn Launch Vehicles", Volume II, 02/01/1964, by NASA.
  385. ND-1021037, "Apollo Guidance & Navigation Equipment Familiarization Manual, Chapter 5: Computer Subsystem", Chapter 5, 02/03/1964, by Raytheon.
  386. 😮8408-6039-RC-000, "Lunar Orbit Rendezvous Reference Trajectory Data Package", 02/10/1964, by Bellcomm.
  387. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #11-64, "The Transition Matrix for a Circular Orbit", 02/10/1964, by Gerald M. Levine.
  388. FR-2-110, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 10: Fixed Memory", 02/14/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  389. 😮64-EG-2, "Project Apollo: A Brief Investigation of CSM Rescue of LEM", 02/25/1964, by Charles R. Price, Floyd V. Bennett.
  390. E-1573, "Technical Progress Report", 03/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  391. E-1142, Rev 18, "Weight and Balance Report", 03/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  392. 😮E-1539, "Thermal Properties of Some Structural Members for Space-Borne Computer Assemblies", 03/1964, by Theodore C. Taylor, Thomas A. Zulon.
  393. "Bellcomm Activities on Programmers for Unmanned Apollo Missions (Interim Progress Report)", 03/13/1964, by C. M. Klingman, J. L. Marshall.
  394. 😮R-443, "Reprints of Presentation to Northeast Executive's Visit", 03/13/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  395. FR-2-115, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 15: Block I Apollo Guidance Computer Subsystem", 03/27/1964, by Raytheon.
  396. 😮E-1541, "Test Results on Apollo Inertial Subsystem (ISS) #4", 04/1964, by James H. Flanders, Richard A. McKern.
  397. 😮E-1560, "A Manual LEM Backup Guidance System", 04/1964, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  398. 😮R-446, "Primary G&N Lunar Orbit Operations", Volume I of II, 04/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  399. 😮R-446, "Primary G&N Lunar Orbit Operations", Volume II of II, 04/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  400. E-1142, Rev 19, "Weight and Balance Report", 04/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  401. 😮E-1557, "Average Power Profiles for Apollo Guidance and Navigation in the Command Module and Lunar Excursion Module", 04/1964, by William Nadler.
  402. R-445, "Technical Development Status of Apollo Guidance and Navigation", 04/1964, by Norman E. Sears.
  403. 😮LMO-540-286, "Fundamental Navigation Matrices", 04/01/1964, by M. J. Fish, J. E. Kmiecik.
  404. "Proposal for LEM Mission Simulator, Volume II, Technical Addendum: Glossary of Symbols", Volume II, 04/13/1964, by General Precision Inc. Despite the unimpressive name, this document includes a lot of flowcharts showing the mathematical equations backing the LMS. Plus, it has quaternions. Does life get any better than that?
  405. FR-2-112A, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 12A: Job Control and Task Control", 04/17/1964, by Raytheon.
  406. 😮R-447, "Navigation for the Apollo Program", 05/1964, by J. M. Dahlen, J. L. Nevins.
  407. E-1142, Rev 20, "Weight and Balance Report", 05/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  408. "Memo - RTCC Interim Facility Digital to Television (D/TV) Display Formats Test & Evaluation Report", 05/06/1964, by A. J. Pittock.
  409. "Saturn V / Apollo Spacecraft Guidance Computer Conference", 05/14/1964, by Samuel C. Phillips.
  410. "Saturn V / Apollo Spacecraft Guidance Computer Development Programs", 05/14/1964, by Samuel C. Phillips.
  411. 😮Report No. A344, "Gemini Guidance and Control Performance Summary", 05/15/1964, by B. B. Barnes, R. C. Wamser.
  412. 😮CR-59067, WT 20-583, "Captive dynamic stability tests of the GEMINI abort-seat configuration in the JPL 20-inch supersonic wind tunnel", 05/15/1964, by John J. Minich.
  413. Digital Development Memo #196, "Block II AGC/LGC Characteristics, General", 05/22/1964, by Ramon Alonso.
  414. Digital Development Memo #195, "Changes to the First Delivered Tray C", 05/22/1964, by Don Bowler.
  415. Digital Development Memo #193, "AGC Block II Instructions", 05/22/1964, by Albert Hopkins.
  416. Digital Development Memo #194, "Erasable Memory for Block II Computer", 05/22/1964, by Albert Hopkins.
  417. 😮"A Description of the ST-124M Inertial Stabilized Platform and its Application to the Saturn V Launch Vehicle", 05/26/1964, by B. J. O'Connor. Yes, there are two different documents here with the identical title, date, and author ... and yet, are different internally.
  418. 😮7511-64-R11, "A Description of the ST-124M Inertial Stabilized Platform and its Application to the Saturn V Launch Vehicle", 05/26/1964, by B. J. O'Connor. Yes, there are two different documents here with the identical title, date, and author ... and yet, are different internally.
  419. FR-2-105B, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 5B: Timer and Sequence Generator", 05/29/1964, by Raytheon.
  420. FR-2-106B, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 6B: Interpreter and Interpretive Instructions", 05/29/1964, by Raytheon.
  421. CR-117718, FR-4-306, "Apollo Guidance Computer and Associated Ground Support Equipment, Monthly Technical Report No. 23", 05/31/1964, by Raytheon.
  422. 😮"Human Performance during a Simulated Apollo Mid-Course Navigation Sighting", 06/1964, by Charles M. Duke, Jr., Michael S. Jones.
  423. 😮E-1574, "Keyboard and Display System Program for AGC (Program SUNRISE)", 06/1964, by Alan I. Green, Joseph J. Rocchio.
  424. DG Memo #145, "A Manual Abort Guidance Procedure Based On Range and Altitude Measurements", 06/1964, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  425. 😮TN D-2338, "A Simple Abort Scheme for Lunar Landings", 06/1964, by G. Kimball Miller, Jr., L. Keith Barker.
  426. 😮E-1167, Rev 1, "MIT Apollo Drawing Standards", 06/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  427. E-1142, Rev 21, "Weight and Balance Report", 06/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  428. 😮"Integrated Circuits in Military Equipment", 06/1964, by Robert N. Noyce.
  429. ND-1021036, Rev B, "Apollo Command Module Guidance and Navigation System, Block 1: Guidance and Navigation System Checkout, Maintenance, and Repair Manual", Supplement, 06/01/1964, by AC Electronics.
  430. 😮NASw-410-AM-13, "ACE-S/C Description Manual", 06/01/1964, by General Electric.
  431. 😮D5-11697, 6-12-1964, "S-IC Saturn Booster Design Data, Stage Decision - Telemetry Systems", Volume II, 06/12/1964, by S. Morton. A mimeograph! (I think.) This document doesn't have a title page as such, so the title and date were invented from other internal info.
  432. 😮64-216-4-1, "Command Module Programmers for Unmanned Apollo Missions", 06/15/1964, by C. M. Klingman, J. L. Marshall.
  433. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #25-64, "Midcourse Monte Carlo Simulation Model", 06/16/1964, by Gerald M. Levine.
  434. 😮LTM-(B)-7029-1, "Math Model of Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU) and Coupling Data Unit (CDU) of LEM Primary Guidance and Navigation System", 06/19/1964, by A. V. Lazuk.
  435. CR-96985, LMSC-A604100, SP-129-64-15, "Subsystem D: Engineering Analysis Report for Gemini Agena Target Vehicles", 06/22/1964, by Lockheed.
  436. 😮"NASA transmittal of document(s) to GAEC", 06/24/1964, by Sam H. Nassiff.
  437. 😮"IMCC and AMS Mathematical Model: Comments and Recommendations", 06/30/1964, by Harold D. Beck.
  438. CR-116741, FR-4-362, "Apollo Guidance Computer and Associated Ground Support Equipment, Quarterly Technical Report No. 8", 06/30/1964, by Raytheon.
  439. 1003133-18, "Rope-memory module B29 for SUNRISE 33+", 07/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B29 rope-memory module for SUNRISE 33, unchanged thereafter for SUNRISE 38, 45, 69.
  440. E-1142, Rev 22, "Weight and Balance Report", 07/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  441. 😮LMO-540-327, "Modifications of Program for Allocating System Errors", 07/01/1964, by F. DeVito, D. Lowen.
  442. "Manned Spaceflight Control Center Maintenance and Operations Activity Indoctrination Booklet", 07/01/1964, by Philco Corporation.
  443. 😮LMO-410-200, "Trip Report: XTASI Hardware Meeting No. 4 at MIT/IL June 30 - July 1, 1964", 07/06/1964, by L. J. Armani, H. K. Dunton.
  444. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #32-64, "ROOTFINDER 3 -- 20th Order Polynomial Factoring Program", 07/14/1964, by Robert W. Baker.
  445. 😮ND-1021003, Rev A, "AGC Simulator technical manual", 07/21/1964, by Stanislaus S. Pacholski.
  446. 😮E-1551, "Functions and Mechanization of the Apollo Guidance and Navigation System, Volume one: Inertial Subsystem", Volume 1, 08/1964, by R. Larson, Allan R. Klumpp.
  447. E-1142, Rev 23, "Weight and Balance Report", 08/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  448. "Saturn V Guidance Computer for Use as Apollo Back Computer", 08/01/1964, by Joseph F. Shea.
  449. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #23-64, Rev 1, "Universal Conic Time of Flight Computations", 08/04/1964, by William Marscher.
  450. 😮"Saturn V Vehicle Electronics", 08/07/1964, by H. J. Fichtner.
  451. 😮ND-1002069, Rev -, A, C, "Apollo Minimum Workmanship, Fabrication, and Inspection Requirements for Wiring and Resistance-Welding of Electronic Circuit Module and Assemblies", 08/13/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material.
  452. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #34-64, "Orbital Navigation Using Unknown Landmarks", 08/20/1964, by Gerald M. Levine.
  453. XDE-34-S-11, Rev B, "Preliminary Apollo Block II Performance Specification Inertial Subsystem Coupling Data Units", 08/25/1964, by M. Mastandrea.
  454. SID 63-313, CR-117248, "Apollo Command and Service Module System Specification (Block I)", 08/28/1964, by North American Aviation.
  455. 😮R-467, "The Compleat Sunrise being a description of Program Sunrise (Sunrise 33 - NASA DWG# 1021102)", 09/1964, by R. Battin, R. Crisp, A. Green, T. J. Lawton, C. A. Muntz, J. Rocchio, E. Smally.
  456. CR-71613, "Progress Report — Reliability & Quality Assurance", 09/1964, by General Electric.
  457. 1003133-19, "Rope-memory module B21 for SUNRISE 38+", 09/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B21 rope-memory module for SUNRISE 38, unchanged thereafter for SUNRISE 45, 69.
  458. E-1142, Rev 24, "Weight and Balance Report", 09/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  459. R-462, "Dissimilar Metals: Compilation of Contacting Interfaces Between G&N Parts, G&N Airborne Equipments (Block I)", 09/1964, by E. T. Ogrodnik.
  460. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #35-64, "Optimization of Reentry 'Up-Phase' Guidance", 09/08/1964, by Bard S. Crawford.
  461. 😮LIS-300-10003, "Attitude Steering Error Signal (Body Referenced) Electrical Interface with PGNS", 09/09/1964, by F. W. Ellis.
  462. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #38-64, "Optimal Guidance Laws", 09/23/1964, by Peter J. Philliou.
  463. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #37-64, "Computer Program Description -- Root Locus Technique", 09/25/1964, by Donald Fraser.
  464. 😮R-466, "Vibration Effects on Apollo Guidance", 10/1964, by Frederic D. Grant, Jr.
  465. E-1142, Rev 25, "Weight and Balance Report", 10/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  466. 😮TN D-1837, "A Simplified Technique for Determining Deviation in the Lunar Transfer Orbit Ephemeris", 10/1964, by Richard Reid.
  467. 😮E-1687, "An Optical Earth Horizon Profile Based Upon Tabulated Solutions of Chandrasekhar's Equations", 10/1964, by Milo Wolff.
  468. 😮SM3A-1567, "Apollo Support Equipment Maintenance - Apollo Television Bench Maintenance Equipment Model C14-175 (Part No. 1756251-501)", 10/01/1964, by NASA.
  469. SID 63-313-1-R1, CR-116671, Rev 1, "Apollo Command and Service Module System Specification (Block I)", 10/01/1964, by North American Aviation.
  470. 😮TM X-53150, "Progress Report No. 6 on Studies in the Fields of Space Flight and Guidance Theory", 10/16/1964, by MSC. This is a collection (about 400 pages) of technical reports sponsored by NASA. Alas, nearly 20 pages are missing, including the pages that would presumably have contained a Table of Contents. Nor have I personally chosen to index it myself as of yet. So unfortunately, if you have any interest, you need to page through the document itself to find out what's in it. Or, as long as you're doing that, you could make an index of it yourself, and send it to me!
  471. 😮LED-570-10, "Detailed Presimulation Report for Simulation IIIB: Hover and Landing; Separation and Docking", 10/23/1964, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  472. CR-1336931, "Saturn V: Laboratory Maintenance Instruction for LTE, Volume I: ACME, ADAPT, and ASTEC", Volume I of V, 10/23/1964, by IBM Federal Systems Division. The acronyms stand for "Aerospace Computer Manual Exerciser", "Aerospace Data Adapter/Processor Tester", and "Aerospace System Test and Evaluation Console".
  473. CR-124291, "Saturn V: Laboratory Maintenance Instruction for LTE, Volume III: LVDC Manual Exerciser", Volume III of V, 10/23/1964, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  474. 😮CR-69085, 523-0556527-001D3M, "Design Analysis - Unified S-Band System for Apollo Network", Volume 1 (Parts I and II), 10/28/1964, by Collins Radio Company.
  475. 😮MM-64-9, "Documentation of Digital Computer Programs for Lunar Landing", 11/1964, by Bendix.
  476. E-1142, Rev 26, "Weight and Balance Report", 11/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  477. 😮E-1679, "Progress Report on Attainable Reliability of Integrated Circuits for Systems Application", 11/1964, by Jayne Partridge, L David Hanley, Eldon C. Hall.
  478. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #48-64, "Collection of Conic Equations", 11/01/1964, by William Marscher.
  479. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #4850, "The Fine System of the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (ECDU) Part I (Paper IV)", 11/03/1964, by P. Grant.
  480. Digital Development Memo #219, "Core Rope Memory Selection, Block II", 11/03/1964, by Albert L. Hopkins.
  481. 😮CR-74713, 523-0556527-001D3M, "Design Analysis - Unified S-Band System for Apollo Network", Volume 3 (additional appendix), 11/09/1964, by Collins Radio Company.
  482. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #4927, "The Fine System of the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (ECDU) Part II (Paper V)", 11/13/1964, by P. Grant.
  483. 😮SID 64-1860-14, "Extended Apollo Systems Utilization Study, Final Report, Volume 14, Guidance and Navigation", 11/16/1964, by AC Electronics.
  484. 😮"More Apollo Guidance Flexibility Sought", 11/16/1964, by Anonymous.
  485. 😮64-EG-27, "Project Apollo: A Proposed Terminology for the LEM Powered Descent and Landing Maneuver", 11/23/1964, by Donald C. Cheatham.
  486. 64-FM-55, "Project Gemini: Determination of Orbital Arrival Times and the Relative Conditions Between the Agena and Gemini Spacecraft Vehicles at an Orbital Comparison Point", 11/23/1964, by Alan J. Moore, William A. Reini.
  487. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #4481, Rev A, "An Introduction to the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (ECDU) (Paper I)", 11/25/1964, by P. Grant.
  488. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #5009, "The Quadrature Rejection Network of the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (ECDU) (Paper VI)", 11/25/1964, by P. Grant.
  489. 😮64-FM-57, "Project Gemini: Logic for Real Time Computation of Relative Vehicular Quantities Used by the Terminal Phase Subprocessor and Gemini Computer Checklist Processor", 11/26/1964, by Jerome A. Bell.
  490. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #4544, Rev A, "The Coarse System of the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (ECDU) (Paper II)", 11/27/1964, by P. Grant.
  491. 1003133-20, "Defective rope-memory module B28 for SUNRISE 45+", 11/28/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B28 rope-memory module for SUNRISE 45, unchanged thereafter for SUNRISE 69. This particular module was partially broken, resulting in a defective dump; what we tentatively believe is a repaired dump is provided separately. Note that this is the same as 1003733-021, though defective in a different way.
  492. 1003733-021, "Defective rope-memory module B28 for SUNRISE 45+", 11/28/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B28 rope-memory module for SUNRISE 45, unchanged thereafter for SUNRISE 69. This particular module was partially broken, resulting in a defective dump; what we tentatively believe is a repaired dump is provided separately. Note that this is the same as 1003133-20, though defective in a different way.
  493. 1003133-20, "Repaired rope-memory module B28 for SUNRISE 45+", 11/28/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B28 rope-memory module for SUNRISE 45, unchanged thereafter for SUNRISE 69. This particular module was partially broken, resulting in a defective dump, but this file tentatively repairs it entirely.
  494. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #5041, "The Digital to Analog Converter of the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (Paper VII)", 11/30/1964, by B. Hobbs.
  495. 😮TR-64-222-1, "Management Procedures in Computer Programming for Apollo - Interim Report", 11/30/1964, by W. M. Keese, B. H. Liebowitz, W. J. Martin, I. D. Nehama, A. H. Scheinman, C. S. Sherrerd, W. C. Dennis, S. E. Fliege, D. A. Jackson, B. J. Thielen.
  496. TM X-61620, "Project Gemini Quarterly Status Report no. 11, for the period ending November 30, 1964", 11/30/1964, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  497. 😮TN D-2504, "A Simplified Guidance Scheme for Aborting Lunar Landings", 12/1964, by G. Kimball Miller, Jr.
  498. 😮E-1713, "Combustion of Polyolefin Insulation and Toxicity of Teflon Under Electrical Overloads" or here, 12/1964, by A. O. Mirarchi.
  499. E-1142, Rev 27, "Weight and Balance Report", 12/1964, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  500. 😮E-1699, "A Proposed Circuit Structure for Computer Logic Based on Semiconductor Flat Packs Interconnected by Multilayer Circuit Boards", 12/1964, by Theodore C. Taylor.
  501. 😮SID 64-1344, "CSM Technical Specification (Block II)", 12/01/1964, by W. L. Wheeler, R. L. Cook.
  502. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #49-64, "Noise Through a Derived Rate Controller", 12/03/1964, by Edward M. Copps, Jr.
  503. FR-2-108A, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 8A: Priority Control", 12/04/1964, by Raytheon.
  504. "CIU Connector and Module Pinouts", 12/10/1964, by IBM Federal Services Division. This collection of pages is neither titled nore dated. The title and date I've assigned to it are arbitrarily based on the CIU Schematics, Waveforms, and Notes.
  505. "CIU Schematics, Waveforms, and Notes", 12/10/1964, by IBM Federal Services Division. This is not a "document" as such, but rather a collection of information concerning the CIU. As such, it is neither titled nor dated. The title was invented, and the date taken from the youngest drawing in the collection. "CIU" is short for Computer Interface Unit, which was a device present in some but not all Saturn Instrumentation Units (IU). The CIU assisted the LVDC in temporary storage of telemetry data when out of range of a receiving station.
  506. 😮64-FM-74, "Project Gemini: Logic and Equations for Real-Time Computation of Arrival Time at an Equatorial Crossing, a Specified Longitude, a Specified Radius, and Apsis Points", 12/14/1964, by Thomas Buckman, Stan Mann.
  507. 😮LMO-540-433, "Preferred Gyro Orientation for the Abort Sensor Assembly (ASA)", 12/15/1964, by S. Chomak, A. Schnur.
  508. "Instrumentation Unit PCM DDAS Receiver Diagrams", 12/15/1964, by IBM Federal Services Division. PCM stands for "pulse code modulation", while DDAS stands for "digital data acquisition system". Since this document is neither titled nor dated, the title and date I've assigned to it are somewhat arbitrary. The date is taken from some drawings comprising the document. A possibly-interesting factoid is that on one such drawing the IU's CIU component is accompanied by the handwritten marking "Not used". Since the CIU was not used in Instrumentation Units (IU) S-IU-201 and S-IU-202, this may indicate that this training material was used in conjunction with either the AS-201 or AS-202 unmanned mission.
  509. FR-2-101D, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 1D: Apollo Mission and Guidance", 12/18/1964, by Raytheon.

  510. 65ICD9304, Preliminary, "MSFC/KSC Interface Control Document - Definition of Electrical Interface Saturn IB - 100 Day Type I Count Clock System/KSC Timing", 1965, by General Electric. The document is actually undated, though there are stamps and signatures on it from 1970. From the visual aging of the document, however, it's unlikely (in my not-so-humble opinion) to have been created in 1970. The document number, 65ICD9304, may indicate that it was created in 1965. As for the stamps and signatures from 1970, I'd note that missions AS-206 through AS-210 were originally scheduled for 1967 or thereabouts, but were canceled after the Apollo 1 disaster. The launch vehicles were eventually repurposed for Skylab and ASTP missions, for which some preparations apparently began in 1970. I would therefore theorize that this preliminary document was revived in 1970 as part of the early preparations for Skylab missions, and that that's where the references to 1970 in it came from.
  511. 😮E-1758, "Organization of Computation and Control in the Apollo Guidance Computer", 1965, by T. J. Lawton, C. J. Muntz.
  512. 😮"YUL System Program Sheet", 1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Back in the days of mainframe computers, it was often the practice for programmers to hand-write the software source code they were creating on sheets of this kind, and keypunch operators would then create the associated computer punch-cards from whatever was written on these sheets. This is the specific sheet used (at some point, anyway) by the AGC developers for that purpose. The date of this document has been assigned arbitrarily.
  513. 😮"ACE K-START / CTS Tape Format", 1965, by Raytheon. The date and title of this document have been assigned arbitrarily.
  514. "ACE Systems Support Training, Program Analyzer Console Circuits", 1965, by Raytheon. The date and title of this document have been assigned arbitrarily.
  515. 😮SISD-4 (2-2M) I2-65, "Apollo Guidance Computer", 1965, by Raytheon. Basically a Raytheon marketing brochure for the AGC and DSKY "products", created at a time when only the Block I system existed but the Block II system was "in design" ... targeted at whom? Fun quote: "Raytheon's Digital Systems staff welcomes your inquiries concerning design and application of this and similar equipment to your needs, and our staff can supply a wide range of analytical, design, and manufacturing talent to your programs' computer needs, be they airborne, spaceborne, or on the ground." It leaves out that the design targets an MTBF of something like 30 days. Although in my experience, such materials may have been created more as an advertisement for the company than in the serious expectation of a demand for the product, so perhaps that's the case here as well.
  516. Review, "Fixed Memory Strand Select", 1965, by Raytheon. I've dated this document and assigned a revision arbitrarily.
  517. Final, "Fixed Memory Strand Select", 1965, by Raytheon. I've dated this document and assigned a revision arbitrarily.
  518. "System Support Training, AGC Control Pulses", 1965, by Raytheon. The date and title of this document have been assigned arbitrarily.
  519. R-477, "Guidance and Navigation System Operations Plan, Apollo Mission 202", 01/1965, by John M. Dahlen, Albrecht Kosmala, Daniel J. Lickly, John T. Shillingford, Balraj Sokkappa.
  520. E-1142, Rev 28, "Weight and Balance Report", 01/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  521. 😮B-231, "Apollo Portable Life Support and Oxygen Purge Systems", 01/01/1965, by Hamilton Standard. This document is completely undated, but I've arbitrarily assigned a date based on the fact that the cover looks ... old.
  522. CR-124279(?), "Laboratory Maintenance Instructions: Saturn V Launch Vehicle Digital Computer, Simplex Models", Volume I of II, 01/04/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division. While the title of this document is undoubtedly correct from the standpoint of IBM Federal Systems Division (the corporate author), the document is more usefully viewed as a complete explanation of the theory of operation of the LVDC, albeit of a very early breadboard version. Topics of Volume 1 include a complete description of the computer's instruction set.
  523. CR-124280, "Laboratory Maintenance Instructions: Saturn V Launch Vehicle Digital Computer, Simplex Models", Volume II of II, 01/04/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division. Topics of Volume 2 include interfaces to the computer.
  524. 😮TM-X-69194, "Gemini Program Mission Planning Report", 01/06/1965, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  525. "IBM Tour - Manned Spaceflight Center", 01/10/1965, by B. L. Sarahan.
  526. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #4636, Rev A, "The Power Supply and Common Circuits of the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (Paper III)", 01/11/1965, by P. Grant.
  527. 😮R-ASTR-NG-157, "Memo: Action Item 10.6.2 of the Guidance and Control Implementation Sub-panel (Determining the Number of Roll Maneuvers that the S-IVB Auxiliary Propulsion System can Perform in Earth Orbit on Saturn IB and Saturn V", 01/11/1965, by J. L. Mack.
  528. 😮R-ASTR-NG-156, "Memo: Definition of Maximum Expected S-IVB Attitude Rates for Use in Evaluation of LEM Recontact During Withdrawal", 01/11/1965, by J. L. Mack.
  529. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #2-65, "A Modified Encke", 01/11/1965, by William Marscher.
  530. "Change Memorandum Electrical No. 1 SA-10 Instr. Unit", 01/14/1965, by C. C. Carter Jr. See the notes for Change Memorandum Electrical No. 2.
  531. XDE-34-S-12, "Preliminary Performance Specification - Apollo Inertial Subsystem Power Supplies - Block II", 01/22/1965, by L. Gompert.
  532. Digital Development Memo #295, "Proper Use of Flash by Internal Programs", 01/25/1965, by Alan Green.
  533. DG Memo #320, "Description of Block I, Series 100 G & N Displays and Controls", 01/29/1965, by R. R. Harlow.
  534. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #3-65, "A Generalized Solution to the Impulsive Guidance Problem", 01/29/1965, by Wayne Tempelman.
  535. E-1142, Rev 29, "Weight and Balance Report", 02/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  536. XDE-34-T-33, "PSA Adaptor Box Performance Requirements (Series 100 GSE)", 02/02/1965, by F. Zarse.
  537. XDE-34-T-35, "Apollo GSE Oscillograph Signal Selector Block I (Series 100) System Design Criteria", 02/03/1965, by W. Hines.
  538. ISS Memo #186, "Proposal of System Tests of Block II ECDU", 02/09/1965, by Mark D. Birnbaum.
  539. Digital Development Memo #234, "Tabulation of Block II Rope Addresses", 02/09/1965, by Albert Hopkins.
  540. AGC4 MEMO #8, "AGC4 MEMO #8 Appendices", Appendix, 02/12/1965, by Hugh Blair-Smith.
  541. Digital Development Memo #237, "Preliminary List of Block II Interface Pulse Timing", 02/17/1965, by Don Bowler.
  542. 😮R-ASTR-NG-12-65, "Memo: Auxiliary Propulsion Requirements for the S-IVB/IB during J-2 Engine Firing", 02/18/1965, by J. L. Mack.
  543. DG Memo #362A, "Description of Command Module Block II Displays, Controls and PNGS Interfaces", 02/19/1965, by Russell A. Larson.
  544. 3300-6001-RC000, CR-103858, "Apollo Mission SA 501 Preliminary Mission Profile", 02/22/1965, by J. M. Dreyfus.
  545. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #5896, "Errata Sheet for the Electronic Coupling Data Unit Memos", 02/26/1965, by P. Grant.
  546. Digital Development Memo #239, "Block II Rope Memory Circuits and Timing", 02/26/1965, by Albert Hopkins, Donald Reible.
  547. CR-124311, "Saturn V Simplex Models: Laboratory Maintenance Instructions for LVDA, Volume I: General Description and Theory", Volume I of II, 02/26/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division. I am told that this manual (as of this writing) contains our only source of electrical schematics for the LVDA.
  548. CR-124313, "Saturn V Simplex Models: Laboratory Maintenance Instructions for LVDA, Volume II: Maintenance Data", Volume II of II, 02/26/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division. I am told that this manual (as of this writing) contains our only source of electrical schematics for the LVDA.
  549. E-1142, Rev 30, "Weight and Balance Report", 03/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  550. 😮CR-65006, "Gemini Celestial Display Device Study", 03/01/1965, by Army Corps of Engineers.
  551. X-554-66-283, TMX-60547, "Goddard Real Time Programming System, Volume I: Introduction", Volume I, 03/01/1965, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  552. 😮TN-D-2208, "Unified S-Band Telecommunications Techniques for Apollo, Volume 1: Functional Description", Volume 1 of 3, 03/01/1965, by John H. Painter, George Hondros.
  553. 😮TN-D-3397, "Unified S-Band Telecommunications Techniques for Apollo, Volume 2: Mathematical Models and Analysis", Volume 2 of 3, 03/01/1965, by John H. Painter, George Hondros.
  554. Apollo Project Memo #1223, "CEI Detail Specification, Part I, CM Block II G&N", 03/02/1965, by D. G. Hoag.
  555. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #5995, "Ambiguity and the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (Paper IX)", 03/04/1965, by B. Hobbs.
  556. CR-124292, "Assembly Listing of PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program (LVDC)", Volume V Chapter 7, 03/05/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division. The Programmable Test Controller (PTC) is laboratory-based test equipment (LTE) associated with the LVDC. In fact, it contains a modified LVDC, for which the PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program is the software. In other words, this software is essentially an LVDC program, though with some small differences. The syntax is very slightly different from that of a standard LVDC program. The principal distinction we are aware of right now is that multiplication and division instructions are replaced by i/o instructions; i.e., multiplications and divisions are performed by some peripheral device rather than by the CPU itself. Because it is not guidance software — it is a self-test program — there is no reason to suppose that there is any restriction for its "export" under ITAR; thus, it is presented in full here. In any case, it's freely available elsewhere online, without restrictions. Comparatively, the source-code portion of the listing is 170 pages, whereas an LVDC flight program has around 300 source-code pages, so while the PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program is smaller than an LVDC Flight Program, it is not trivial in comparison either. It's worth noting that the software listing is found in Chapter 7 of the PTC manual, but that preceding it in the manual, you can also find the user instructions for running the program.
    See also:
  557. CR-124292, "Flowcharts for PTC ADAPT Self-Test Program. (LVDC)", Volume V of V, 03/05/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  558. CR-124293, "Saturn V: Laboratory Maintenance Instruction for LTE, Volume II: Test Stand and Temperature Modulator", Volume II of V, 03/05/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  559. CR-124282, "Saturn V: Laboratory Maintenance Instruction for LTE, Volume IV: LVDA Manual Exerciser", Volume IV of V, 03/05/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  560. CR-124292, "Saturn V: Laboratory Maintenance Instruction for LTE, Volume V: Programmable Test Controller", Volume V of V, 03/05/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  561. "Change Memorandum Electrical No. 2 SA-10 Instr. Unit", 03/11/1965, by C. C. Carter Jr. Quoting from Wikipedia, "AS-105 was the fifth and final orbital flight of a boilerplate Apollo spacecraft, and the third and final launch of a Pegasus micrometeoroid detection satellite. It was launched by SA-10, the tenth and final Saturn I rocket, in 1965." The document is a change notice, the nature of which isn't fully clear to me, for the associated Instrumentation Unit (IU).
  562. 1003733-71, "Defective rope-memory module B22 for SUNRISE 69", 03/15/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B22 rope-memory module for SUNRISE 69. This particular module was partially defective, resulting in a defective dump. However, the defects are repairable, and a repaired dump is provided separately.
  563. 1003733-71, "Repaired rope-memory module B22 for SUNRISE 69", 03/15/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B22 rope-memory module for SUNRISE 69. This particular module was partially defective, resulting in a defective raw dump, provided separately. However, the defects were repaired in this file.
  564. 😮R-ASTR-NG-21-65, "Memo: Saturn IB and Saturn V, S-IVB Auxliary Propulsion System (APS) Attitude Control Engine Minimum On-time", 03/24/1965, by J. L. Mack.
  565. E-1142, Rev 31, "Weight and Balance Report", 04/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  566. R-489, "Users Guide to the Block II AGC/LGC Interpreter", 04/1965, by Charles A. Muntz.
  567. 😮R-491, "On Optimal Steering to Achieve "Required Velocity"", 04/1965, by Balraj G. Sokkappa.
  568. CR-92124, Report 68-5, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Landing Site Determination Using Onboard Observations", Part II, 04/01/1965, by George A. Austin, Paul F. Flanagan.
  569. Preliminary, "Introduction to Guidance/Navigation", 04/01/1965, by Carl Bauman. This book was intended for use with an ACceler-aide teaching machine. What, you don't have one? What, Google doesn't return even a single result about such a thing?!!! Shocking, isn't it? There's a note on p. 3 that covers how to use the book without the machine.
  570. "Change Memorandum Electrical No. 2 SA-500/FS Instr. Unit", 04/07/1965, by C. C. Carter Jr. I don't know what SA-500/FS was. Perhaps it's referring to this (from Wikipedia): "SA-500F (alternately SA500F, 500F, or Facilities Integration Vehicle) was a Saturn V test model used by NASA to test facilities at Launch Complex 39 at the Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida throughout 1966." The document is a change notice, the nature of which isn't fully clear to me, for the Instrumentation Unit (IU).
  571. 😮R-ASTR-NG-27-65, "Memo: Control Engine Deflection Patterns for S-II Stage Flight", 04/08/1965, by J. L. Mack.
  572. 😮"From Simple Quadrant to Space Sextant", 04/09/1965, by Saul Moskowitz.
  573. 😮R-ASTR-IP-65-236, "Minutes of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Instrumentation and Communication Panel on March 31, 1965", 04/16/1965, by Douglas Broome, Otto A. Hoberg.
  574. "Apollo", 04/20/1965, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  575. Digital Development Memo #252, "Attitude Hand Controller", 04/20/1965, by Don Bowler, Jack McKenna.
  576. Apollo Project Memo #1259, "Block II Moding & Programming Requirements", 04/20/1965, by J. Gilmore.
  577. FR-2-117, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 17: KEYRUPT, UPRUPT, Mark and DSKY Functions", Partial, 04/20/1965, by Raytheon.
  578. System Test Group Memo #386, "IMU & AGC Warmup Time Requirements", 04/21/1965, by G. L. Silver.
  579. 😮R-ASTR-NG-30-65, "Memo: Change to Saturn IB Flight Program Routines for Prelaunch Checkout", 04/26/1965, by J. L. Mack.
  580. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #6629, "The Coarse Align Loop Using the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (CDU) (Paper X)", 04/28/1965, by R. Farmer.
  581. 😮E-1186, Rev 3, "Technical Data Release Procedures", 05/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. All about TDRR's.
  582. 😮E-1186, Rev 6, "Technical Data Release Procedures", 05/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. All about TDRR's.
  583. E-1142, Rev 32, "Weight and Balance Report", 05/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  584. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #8-65, "An Analysis of Control of Track Deviation During Lunar Deboost", 05/03/1965, by E. M. Copps, Jr.
  585. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #6790, "Error of the Electronic Coupling Data Unit (Paper XI)", 05/07/1965, by R. Haigler.
  586. 4160-6047-TC000, MSC-G-R-65-2, TM X-61009, "Gemini Program Mission Report, GT-3 (Gemini 3) — Supplemental Report 4: "Inertial Guidance System Evaluation and Trajectory Reconstruction"", 05/17/1965, by P. M. Jackson, W. R. Anders.
  587. Final, "GT-4 Flight Plan", 05/19/1965, by T. W. Holloway.
  588. Digital Development Memo #255, "Block II Alarm Circuits", 05/20/1965, by Donald Reible.
  589. 😮TM X-53268, "A Method of Implementing Cutoff Conditions for Saturn V Lunar Missions Out of Earth Parking Orbit Assuming a Continuous Ground Launch Window", 05/25/1965, by F. Don Cooper.
  590. R-ASTR-NG-43-65, "LVDC Mission Defining Document for the SA-203 Mission", 05/28/1965, by J. L. Mack.
  591. XDE-34-S-15, "Preliminary Block II and LEM Performance Specifications - Apollo Stabilization Loops", 05/28/1965, by R. Picard.
  592. TR-65-222-1, "Status and Schedules Monitoring of Apollo Software", 05/31/1965, by W. M. Keese, B. H. Liebowitz, W. J. Martin, I. D. Nehama, A. H. Scheinman.
  593. SEDR 300, "Project Gemini Familiarization Manual, Rendezvous and Docking Configurations", Volume 2, 05/31/1965, by McDonnell Douglas.
  594. 😮"Apollo Spacecraft Control Systems", 06/1965, by Robert G. Chilton.
  595. 😮R-500, "Space Navigation Guidance and Control", Volume II Introduction, 06/1965, by C. S. Draper, W. Wrigley, D. G. Hoag, R. H. Battin, J. E. Miller, D. A. Koso, A. L. Hopkins, W. E. Vander Velde.
  596. 😮R-500, "Space Navigation Guidance and Control", Volume II Part IV, 06/1965, by C. S. Draper, W. Wrigley, D. G. Hoag, R. H. Battin, J. E. Miller, D. A. Koso, A. L. Hopkins, W. E. Vander Velde.
  597. 😮R-500, "Space Navigation Guidance and Control", Volume II Part V, 06/1965, by C. S. Draper, W. Wrigley, D. G. Hoag, R. H. Battin, J. E. Miller, D. A. Koso, A. L. Hopkins, W. E. Vander Velde.
  598. 😮R-500, "Space Navigation Guidance and Control", Volume II Part VI, 06/1965, by C. S. Draper, W. Wrigley, D. G. Hoag, R. H. Battin, J. E. Miller, D. A. Koso, A. L. Hopkins, W. E. Vander Velde.
  599. 😮R-500, "Space Navigation Guidance and Control", Volume II Part VII, 06/1965, by C. S. Draper, W. Wrigley, D. G. Hoag, R. H. Battin, J. E. Miller, D. A. Koso, A. L. Hopkins, W. E. Vander Velde.
  600. 😮R-500, "Space Navigation Guidance and Control" or here, Volume I of II, 06/1965, by C. S. Draper, W. Wrigley, D. G. Hoag, R. H. Battin, J. E. Miller, D. A. Koso, A. L. Hopkins, W. E. Vander Velde.
  601. 😮R-500, "Space Navigation Guidance and Control" or here, Volume II of II, 06/1965, by C. S. Draper, W. Wrigley, D. G. Hoag, R. H. Battin, J. E. Miller, D. A. Koso, A. L. Hopkins, W. E. Vander Velde.
  602. 😮"System Test Determination of Apollo IRIG Drift Coefficients", 06/1965, by George Thomas Schmidt.
  603. 😮E-1808, "Rope Memory Module Assembly Processing Procedures", 06/1965, by A. LaPointe.
  604. E-1142, Rev 33, "Weight and Balance Report", 06/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  605. 😮R-495, "Apollo Spacecraft Guidance System" or here, 06/1965, by Milton B. Trageser, David G. Hoag.
  606. 😮LTM 4-4, "Launch Operations Center Cables Master - Firing Equipment Cables and Cable Accessories for Ground Support Equipment, Saturn Vehicles", 06/01/1965, by NASA.
  607. 😮SE 008-001-1, "Project Apollo Coordinate System Standards", 06/01/1965, by NASA.
  608. FR-2-115, Change, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 15: Block I Apollo Guidance Computer Subsystem", Changes only, 06/01/1965, by Raytheon.
  609. Apollo Project Memo #1259, Addendum A, "Block II Moding & Programming Requirements", 06/04/1965, by J. Gilmore.
  610. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #10-65, "b-Vectors for Angle and Angle Rate Measurements in Arbitrary Coordinate System", 06/04/1965, by E. S. Muller.
  611. 3730-6003-RC000, "Apollo Flight Software Validation Plan, Final Report, Task 4, ASSAP, Contract NAS9-2938", 06/09/1965, by TRW.
  612. 😮"Minutes of Meeting Between North American Aviation (NAA) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)", 06/15/1965, by Anonymous.
  613. Digital Development Memo #256, Rev B, "Block 2 Computer Interfaces", 06/15/1965, by Don Bowler.
  614. 😮PS2015000, Rev A, "Master End Item Detail Specification: Airborne Guidance and Navigation Equipment - Block II for Apollo Command Module", Part I of II, 06/21/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  615. Preliminary, "Preliminary Reliability Profile for Mission 204A", 06/22/1965, by General Electric.
  616. 😮R-ASTR-NG-67-65, "Memo: Expected Tolerance on Center of Gravity Location for SA-203/S-IVB at J-2 ETD", 06/25/1965, by Melvin Brooks.
  617. "List of CDUs and PSAs", 06/30/1965, by Anonymous.
  618. R-477, Rev 1, "Guidance and Navigation System Operations Plan, Apollo Mission 202", 07/1965, by John M. Dahlen, Albrecht Kosmala, Daniel J. Lickly, Raymond H. Morth, John t. Shillingford, Balraj Sokkappa.
  619. 😮TN D-2869, "An Iterative Guidance Scheme and its Application to Lunar Landing", 07/1965, by Helmut J. Horn, Daniel T. Martin, Doris C. Chandler.
  620. E-1142, Rev 34, "Weight and Balance Report", 07/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  621. 😮E-1823, "The Design of Series-Loaded Thermal Conductors for Minimum Weight", 07/1965, by Theodore C. Taylor.
  622. "Apollo, Guidance and Navigation System", 07/01/1965, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  623. 😮AIAA Paper #65-304, "Guidance and Control of Saturn Launch Vehicles", 07/01/1965, by Walter Haeussermann.
  624. SM-6T-2-02, SID 65-974-1, Preliminary, "Apollo Mission Simulator Instructor Handbook, Volume I: Description" or here, Volume I of II, 07/01/1965, by North American Aviation.
  625. SM-6T-2-02, SID 65-974-2, Preliminary, "Apollo Mission Simulator Instructor Handbook, Volume II: Operation and Utilization", Volume II of II, 07/01/1965, by North American Aviation.
  626. 3300-H007-RC000, "Apollo Mission SA-206A Spacecraft Preliminary Reference Trajectory", Volume I, 07/01/1965, by TRW.
  627. Digital Development Memo #262, "Block II Program Retread", 07/07/1965, by Alan Green.
  628. V14-900111, Rev A, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Automated Control Subsystem, Spacecraft 011", Volume 13, 07/07/1965, by E. R. Kyllonen.
  629. 2021100, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program RETREAD 44", 07/09/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. RETREAD was the program created when Block 1 CM AGC software began to be adapted for the Block 2 AGC in the LM. RETREAD 44 (p/n 2021100-011) was released for manufacturing of memory modules containing it in July 1965, but those memory modules never flew any missions. They were for a while used for computer testing in Block II CM prototypes.
    See also:
  630. Apollo Project Memo #1318, "G & N Operations During Integrated Systems Tests in the Spacecraft", 07/15/1965, by Ain Laats.
  631. 😮SP-87, "Proceedings of the Apollo Unified S-Band Technical Conference", 07/15/1965, by NASA. As conference proceedings, this document obviously has many authors. I have not produced a list of them, however, nor prepared a table of independent links to each individual paper.
  632. Digital Development Memo #267, "Vlock II Keyboard and Display Program", 07/28/1965, by Alan Green.
  633. 😮CR-65338, "Final Report - Integrated Circuit Application to Apollo UDL", 07/28/1965, by R. H. Herring. UDL is the acronym for Up Data Link.
  634. 😮3030-1-10, "Final Report: Integrated Circuit Application to Apollo UDL", 07/28/1965, by R. H. Herring.
  635. 😮TM X-53274, "Techniques of Implementing Launch Automation Programs (Saturn IB Space Vehicle System)", 07/30/1965, by William G. Bodie.
  636. MSC-G-R-65-4, CR-157791, 3-260-6145, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini V — Supplemental Report 6: "Inertial Guidance System and Computer Analysis"", 08/1965, by T. L. Anthony, R. B. Jasinski, A. D. Melgaard, R. F. Miller.
  637. MSC-G-R-65-4, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini V", 08/1965, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  638. E-1828, "G&N System Data for Mission AS-202 Development Engineering Inspection", 08/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  639. E-1142, Rev 35, "Weight and Balance Report", 08/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  640. IV-4-401-1, 68-966-0002, Rev 1 August 1965, "Astrionics System Handbook, Saturn Launch Vehicles", missing chapters 10 and 11, 08/01/1965, by IBM Federal Systems Division. Chapter 11 is particularly relevant to the LVDC, as it discusses the flight software in some detail. Sadly, it does not show any actual sample snippets of LVDC software. You'll notice that we have three different revisions of this document. This earliest revision simply says that chapter 11 is "to be supplied later". One especially-important difference between the later two revisions, other than the fact that the final version has more-legible foldouts and is a much larger download, is that the aforementioned Chapter 11 has been completely rewritten between the 2nd and 3rd revisions: while the earlier version describes the LVDC software used in Apollo 11, the later version describes a new "generalized" LVDC program as used in Apollo 12. Another Apollo 12 vs 11 change is that the flight-sequence table (Chapter 4) differs.
  641. FR-2-114, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 14: Mode Switching and Mark", 08/01/1965, by Raytheon.
  642. EG44-362-65, "Memo: Block II computer design deficiency", 08/10/1965, by Apollo G&N Program Office.
  643. EG44-360-65-568, "Telegram: MIT/IL is requested to take the following action to insure that the Block II/LEM guidance computer design and manufacturing will continue on schedule....", 08/11/1965, by Apollo G&N Program Office.
  644. 😮"Apollo Product Comparison Chart", 08/11/1965, by R. Wolff.
  645. V14-900111, Rev B, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Guidance and Navigation Subsystem, Spacecraft 011", Volume 6, 08/12/1965, by L. M. Lee.
  646. System Test Group Memo #472, "Earth Rate Corrections for IRIG Scale Factor Tests Performed in a Block I Spacecraft", 08/12/1965, by George L. Silver.
  647. 😮AG 736-65, "Summary of AGC Program Processing Procedures", 08/13/1965, by Michael D. Richter. MIT/IL memo providing a 22-month timeline for the various tasks in AGC program development, starting from requirements meetings and ending with launch.
  648. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #14-65, "Time to go and Delta-v", 08/16/1965, by Edward M. Copps, Jr.
  649. 😮FO-K-3114-SC009, "Spacecraft Prelaunch Test Procedure - Command Module Cleaning", 08/18/1965, by North American Aviation.
  650. PB5-M295, "Memo: AGC problem", 08/20/1965, by O. O. Ohlsson.
  651. Digital Development Memo #252, "Attitude Hand Controller", Addition 1, 08/24/1965, by Donald Bowler.
  652. System Test Group Memo #478, "Erasable Memory Zeroing Program", 08/27/1965, by A. Laats.
  653. 😮3300-HO17-RU000, "Apollo Circumlunar Abort Guidance Capability", 08/31/1965, by Ina L. Cooper, M. L. Einhorn, D. B. Erwin, W. R. Lee, Jr.
  654. ISS Memo #247, "Block II CGC Inertial Component Compensation Programs", 08/31/1965, by R. Crisp.
  655. TM X-61625, "Project Gemini Quarterly Report no. 14, for the period ending August 31, 1965", 08/31/1965, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  656. E-1142, Rev 36, "Weight and Balance Report", 09/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  657. 😮TN D-2983, "A General Description of the ST124-M Inertial Platform System", 09/1965, by Herman E. Thomason.
  658. ND-1021041, "Apollo Command Module, Block I Series 100 Guidance and Navigation System Manual" or here, Volume II of II, 09/01/1965, by AC Electronics.
  659. ND-1021041, "Apollo Command Module, Block I Series 100 Guidance and Navigation System Manual" or here, Volume I of II, 09/01/1965, by AC Electronics.
  660. 😮R-498, "The 'Braid" Transformer Memory", 09/01/1965, by Ramon L. Alonso, W. H. Aldrich.
  661. "Apollo Training - Stabilization & Control System Study Guide", 09/01/1965, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  662. 😮GY-203-DAC, Rev September 1965, "Automatic Checkout Equipment Familiarization, Saturn IB & Saturn V", 09/01/1965, by Douglas Missile & Space Systems Division.
  663. XDE-34-T-50, "Resolver Circuit Tester Block II and LEM System Design Criteria", 09/01/1965, by R. Glasgow.
  664. 😮65-AN-2.0, TM X-61728, "Apollo Navigation: Ground and Onboard Capabilities" or here, 09/01/1965, by F. O. Vonbun, John P. Mayer.
  665. XDE-34-T-38, Rev B, "Apollo GSE Gyro Caging Panel Block II and LEM System Design Criteria", 09/02/1965, by W. Nowak.
  666. XDE-34-T-41, Rev B, "Apollo GSE Monitor Panel (Block I, Series 100, Block II, and LEM) System Design Criteria", 09/07/1965, by D. Gothard.
  667. FR-2-121, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 21: System Test", 09/15/1965, by Raytheon.
  668. XDE-34-T-51, "Requirement for Commercial Equipment in Apollo GSE Series 100 - Block II - LEM Compatible", 09/20/1965, by W. Hines.
  669. 😮65-EG-25, "Project Apollo: A Preliminary Simulation Study of the Required Velocity Meter Sensitivity and Touchdown Control Performance During Lunar Landing", 09/20/1965, by Richard Reid, Herbert G. Patterson.
  670. CR 588-147, CR-68281, Final, "Flight Data Display Studies for Real Time Computer Flight Evaluation", 09/25/1965, by C. F. Matthews, J. W. Tuttle, J. C. Flint.
  671. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #20-65, "Notes for Ephemeris Programs for the AGC", 09/29/1965, by Larry Brock.
  672. SEDR 300, "Project Gemini Familiarization Manual, Long Range and Modified Configurations", Volume 1 except Section VIII, 09/30/1965, by McDonnell Douglas.
  673. SEDR 300, "Project Gemini Familiarization Manual, Long Range and Modified Configurations", Volume 1 Section VIII, 09/30/1965, by McDonnell Douglas. As far as the onboard computer is concerned, it is Section VIII that is relevant. This describes (among other things), the on-board computer architecture, memory layout, and CPU instruction-set.
  674. R-477, Rev 2, "Guidance and Navigation System Operations Plan, Apollo Mission 202", 10/1965, by John M. Dahlen, Albrecht Kosmala, Daniel J. Lickly, Raymond H. Morth, John T. Shillingford, Balraj Sokkappa.
  675. 😮E-1838, "The Application of Failure Analysis in Procuring and Screening of Integrated Circuits", 10/1965, by David L. Hanley, Jayne Partridge, Eldon C. Hall.
  676. 😮TM X-1146, "Apollo Digital Up-Data Link Description", 10/1965, by Stuard D. Lenett.
  677. MSC-G-R-65-6, TM X-61012, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini VI-A", 10/1965, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  678. E-1142, Rev 37, "Weight and Balance Report", 10/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  679. 😮"Documentation Repository", 10/1965, by NASA.
  680. 😮TM X-55378, X-543-65-399, "Two Reference Apollo Lunar Parking Orbits", 10/1965, by T. P. Timer.
  681. "Apollo Training, Electrical Power System Study Guide, Course No. A212", 10/01/1965, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  682. 😮"The Iterative Guidance Law for Saturn", 10/01/1965, by Helmut J. Horn.
  683. "Telecommunication Systems Study Guide - Course Number A-624", 10/01/1965, by North American Aviation.
  684. 😮FFNo 672 Aug 65, "Saturn Data Summary Handbook", 10/01/1965, by W. L. Osterhout, Jr.
  685. 😮V34-900001, Rev H, "Elementary Functional Integrated System Schematic - Block II Design Reference Mission", 10/01/1965, by L. R. Roth.
  686. 😮SID 65-299, "GFE Guidance, Navigation, and Control Performance and Interface Specification, Block II", 10/02/1965, by North American Aviation.
  687. EG25-65-725, "Contract NAS 9-4065, shielding of LEM Guidance Computer (LGC) interface wiring", 10/14/1965, by Apollo G&N Program Office.
  688. LMA790-1, CR-129890, "Lunar Excursion Module Familiarization Manual" or here, 10/15/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  689. SM-6T-2-02, SID 65-974-2, Preliminary 2, "Apollo Mission Simulator Instructor Handbook, Volume II: Operation and Utilization", Volume II of II, 10/15/1965, by North American Aviation.
  690. Apollo Project Memo #1373, "CM/LEM Control and Display Nomenclature", 10/19/1965, by J. L. Nevins.
  691. 😮MH01-01380-216, Rev -, Rev A, "Command Module Guidance Computer Electrical Interfaces, Block II, NAA-MIT", 10/19/1965, by A. Silagyi. The poor quality of this digitization is due to my experimentation with cost/time-saving methods, not the quality of the archival material.
  692. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #25-65, "Equations for non-optimum estimate of mean square mid-course velocity correction", 10/20/1965, by E. S. Muller, R. J. Phaneuf.
  693. R-ASTR-NG-107-65, "Mission Defining Document for the AS-501 Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC)", 10/21/1965, by S. M. Seltzer.
  694. TM X-53350, "Saturn Instrument Unit Command System", 10/22/1965, by H. R. Lowery.
  695. 😮CR-69094, 523-0556527-001D3M, "Design Analysis - Unified S-Band System for Apollo Network", Volume 2 (Parts III, IV, appendices), 10/28/1965, by Collins Radio Company.
  696. "Gemini Operations Handbook, Spacecraft 7", Sections 2.5.2 and 2.5.7, 10/29/1965, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This is something like a user manual for the Gemini computer. This particular revision relates to spacecraft 7 (Gemini 7) and math flow MF-6.
  697. FR-2-132, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 32: Block II Machine Instructions", 10/29/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  698. FR-2-100J, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Preface and List of Issues", 10/29/1965, by Raytheon.
  699. 😮AG #937-65, "LEM Guidance Computer Programs to be Supplied by MIT", 11/1965, by David G. Hoag.
  700. 😮TN D-2967, "Application of an Iterative Guidance Mode to a Lunar Landing", 11/1965, by Helmut J. Horn.
  701. 😮X-643-65-430, "Injection Conditions for Lunar Trajectories", 11/1965, by Ronald Kolenkiewicz, William Putney.
  702. "Apollo Block II Command Module and LEM Guidance Navigation and Control System - Mechanization and Block Diagrams", 11/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The numbered drawings included are 2015500, 2015562, 2015563, 2015564, 2015566, 2015567, 2015568, 6015562, 6015563, 6015564. These same drawings may (or may not) be available as well on our Electro-Mechanical page, and may or may not be more legible here than there. However, here they have the advantage of being provided in a one-image-per-sheet format, whereas large drawings are instead usually presented on the Electro-Mechanical page as sequence of "frames" that each provide only a portion of a drawing sheet. There are additional unnumbered drawings included here as well.
  703. E-1142, Rev 38, "Weight and Balance Report", 11/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  704. 😮X-507-65-471, TM X-55434, "Go, No-Go for Apollo Based on Orbital Life Time", 11/1965, by F. O. Vonbun.
  705. 65-692-500-011, Rev November 1 1965, "Certification Test Requirements", Section 22, 11/01/1965, by North American Aviation.
  706. DG Memo #571, Rev 1, "Definitions for Apollo Computer Logic Checklist Interface", 11/02/1965, by Russell A. Larson, J. C. Dunbar.
  707. DG Memo #571, "Preliminary DSKY Displays for Programs and Routines (AS204)", 11/02/1965, by Russell A. Larson, J. C. Dunbar.
  708. 6000123, "Unit Logic Device Types 322, 323, 324, Discrete Input (DIB), Design and Performance for", 11/02/1965, by C. W. Shadell, Sidney King.
  709. ISS Memo #275, "Block II IRIG Pulse Torquing", 11/09/1965, by R. Crisp.
  710. 😮O&N Memo #45, "Final List of Navigational Stars", 11/12/1965, by George Karthas.
  711. 😮3-CLGSEIB-202, "Saturn/Apollo Launch Operations Test Procedure - Telemetry Checkout Equipment Test and Calibration", 11/12/1965, by T. Munday.
  712. 😮2191-6002-T0000, "Multilayer Printed Wiring Board Investigation", 11/15/1965, by Robert W. Korb.
  713. 😮Technical Report #32-503, "Earth-Moon Trajectories, 1965-70", 11/15/1965, by R. J. Richard, V. C. Clarke, Jr., R. Y. Roth, W. E. Kirhofer.
  714. 😮"Block 2 CSM Design Slides", Pp. 396-479, 11/16/1965, by NASA. The date and title I've listed here are simply invented. Nearly the first 400 pages are missting, and we have no idea what the title is, who wrote it, or when, or even what it was for. But it does contain some material of interest, such as lists of Block 2 vs Block 1 differences.
  715. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #28-65, "Conic Time of Flight Calculations to Radius of Specified Length", 11/19/1965, by Robert Bairnsfather.
  716. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #29-65, "Recursive Filtering Applied to System Identification", 11/23/1965, by Donald C. Fraser.
  717. Apollo Project Memo #1398, "G&N Connector Keying, Blk II and LEM", 11/29/1965, by N. Abraham.
  718. 204 Memo #12-65, "Verbs and Nouns for Flight AS 204", 11/30/1965, by T. J. Lawton.
  719. 😮E-1880, "A Case history of the AGC Integrated Logic Circuits", 12/1965, by Eldon C. Hall.
  720. 2003053-031, "Repaired rope-memory module B1 for RETREAD 50", 12/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B1 rope-memory module for RETREAD 50. This particular module was partially defective, resulting in a defective raw dump. This file is the repair of the dump.
  721. 2003053-041, "Rope-memory module B2 for RETREAD 50", 12/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B2 rope-memory module for RETREAD 50.
  722. E-1142, Rev 39, "Weight and Balance Report", 12/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  723. 😮R-525, "Hybrid Simulation of the Apollo Guidance and Navigation System", 12/1965, by Madeline M. Sullivan.
  724. 😮E-1760, "Performance Monitoring of the PGNS for Unpowered Lunar Orbit Flight Phases", 12/01/1965, by B. A. Kriegsman, D. S. Millard.
  725. 😮Rev B, "Apollo Mission Rules - AS-201", 12/01/1965, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  726. 2003053-031, "Defective rope-memory module B1 for RETREAD 50", 12/01/1965, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B1 rope-memory module for RETREAD 50. This particular module was partially defective, resulting in a defective but repairable dump. The repaired dump is provided separately.
  727. 😮"Technical Description - Micro PCM Telemetry System", 12/01/1965, by Radiation Incorporated.
  728. 😮E-1809, "Coupled Two-Degree-of-Freedom Response of Resiliently Supported Rigid Body to Random Excitations", 12/01/1965, by G. Dudley Shepard.
  729. 65-256-0005H, "AS-205 Instrument Unit Model Specification ("As Specified" Systems)", 12/01/1965, by R. T. Smith.
  730. XDE-34-R-158, "ISS Test Description and Analysis, JDC's 00050, 00051, 15053, 15057, 00059, 00060, Temperature Control Tests", 12/03/1965, by L. Gompert.
  731. CR-70878, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume VI, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  732. CR-70879, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume XVI, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  733. CR-70880, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume VIII, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  734. CR-70881, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume VII, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  735. CR-70882, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume XI, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  736. CR-70883, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume V, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  737. CR-70900, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume IX, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  738. CR-70905, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume X, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  739. CR-70905, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume IV, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  740. CR-70909, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume III, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  741. CR-70910, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume II, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  742. CR-70911, "Apollo Extension Systems — Lunar Excursion Module, Phase B Final Report", Volume XXVI, 12/08/1965, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  743. R-ASTR-NG-130-65, "Memo: Conflicting attitude constraints in the paking orbit phase of the AS-501 mission and the inability of performing J-2 engine restart in the first orbit", 12/09/1965, by S. M. Seltzer.
  744. 😮65-FM-157, "Apollo Reentry Guidance and Navigation Equations and Flow Logic", 12/13/1965, by Gerald L. Hunt.
  745. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Model II Radio Frequency Assembly - (50M66515) Analog, (50M66516) Digital", Excerpts, 12/15/1965, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.
  746. FR-2-116, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 16: Progress Control and Fresh Start and Restart", 12/15/1965, by Raytheon.
  747. "Memo: Status of the development of the AS-501 navigation equations", 12/22/1965, by Harrold E. Brown.
  748. XDE-34-T-53, "Preinstallation G&N Testing of the Lunar Excursion Module Optical Rendezvous System", 12/22/1965, by H. Neuville.
  749. V14-900111, Rev C, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Sequential Events Control Subsystem, Spacecraft 011", Volume 10, 12/28/1965, by J. M. Hicks.
  750. Digital Development Memo #286, "Some Idiosyncrasies of Block 2 AGC Logic", 12/28/1965, by Herb Thaler.
  751. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #32-65, "Updating the Determinant of the Covariance Matrix", 12/31/1965, by Donald C. Fraser.
  752. 65-554-0097, "Gemini Catch-Up and Rendezvous Analysis and Simulation Report #4", pp. 58-59 foldout, 12/31/1965, by F. Reiner.
  753. 65-554-0097, "Gemini Catch-Up and Rendezvous Analysis and Simulation Report #4", pp. 60-61 foldout, 12/31/1965, by F. Reiner.
  754. 65-554-0097, "Gemini Catch-Up and Rendezvous Analysis and Simulation Report #4", pp. 62-63 foldout, 12/31/1965, by F. Reiner.
  755. 65-554-0097, "Gemini Catch-Up and Rendezvous Analysis and Simulation Report #4", pp. 64-65 foldout, 12/31/1965, by F. Reiner.
  756. 65-554-0097, "Gemini Catch-Up and Rendezvous Analysis and Simulation Report #4", pp. 66-67 foldout, 12/31/1965, by F. Reiner.
  757. 65-554-0097, "Gemini Catch-Up and Rendezvous Analysis and Simulation Report #4", 12/31/1965, by F. Reiner. This "report" actually contains the full source code for the mixed FORTRAN II and IBM 7090/7094 assembly language program that was used to verify algorithms and simulate flight-computer behavior for the Catch-Up and Rendezvous flight phases. Therefore, although it is not flight software per se, it is presently the closest thing we have to Gemini flight software. There are also 5 fold-out flowcharts which are split into multiple pages in the PDF, which I've pulled out, deskewed, rescaled, and rejoined. They're not perfect, but they're a little easier to read than the pages in the PDF file.

  758. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Model B1 Telemetry Oscillator Assembly (50M66503)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. This document is undated, so I've dated it similarly to seemingly-related documents I received at the same time.
  759. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Model II Telemetry Calibrator (50M66508)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. This document is undated, so I've dated it similarly to seemingly-related documents I received at the same time.
  760. Rev A, "Maintenance and Instruction Manual for Telemetry Calibrator Power and Control Assembly (50M6621)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. This document is undated, so I've dated it similarly to seemingly-related documents I received at the same time.
  761. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual, Digital Data Acquisition Subsystem / Computer Interface Unit, Model 501 (50M66520)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. This document is undated, so I've dated it similarly to seemingly-related documents I received at the same time.
  762. "Maintenance and Instruction Manual, Remote Digital Multiplexer Assy, Model 410 (50M66519)", Excerpts, 1966, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. This document is undated, so I've dated it similarly to seemingly-related documents I received at the same time.
  763. LDW370-54001, Rev A, Rev D, Rev E, "Level 3 Schematic Primary Guidance Navigation & Control Subsystem", 1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  764. LDW370-28001, Rev C, "Level 3 Schematic, LTA-8, (MIT) Guidance, Navigation & Control Subsystem", 1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  765. "270 Clock Circuit - Divide by 5, by 6, by 10, Sync", 1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. An arbitrary date has been assigned to this undated fragment of a document.
  766. "Instrumentation Unit Telemetry Calibration Program TT01 Sequence", 1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. This collection of drawings is untitled and undated, so the title and date I've assigned are arbitrary.
  767. "LVDA Interface Drawings", 1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. This collection of drawings is untitled and undated, so the title and date I've assigned are arbitrary.
  768. R-547, Draft, "Guidance System Operations Plan, AS-278, Vol. I, Sect. 3: Block II GNC System Description", Volume I Section 3, 1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  769. R-547, Draft, "Guidance System Operations Plan, AS-278, Vol. II, Sect. 3: LEM PGNC System Description", Volume II Section 3, 1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  770. ND-102323, Rev J, L, M, N, P, R, S, "Post-Installation Checkout Specification for LM G&N System", 1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material. Though the title does not say so, this document pertains to using an AGC loaded with AURORA 88 software. The use of AURORA is significant, because it is the last AGC program that includes a full suite of built-in-test code; LUMINARY and COLOSSUS, in contrast, contain only the code for checking the memory-rope checksums. Furthermore, this document is significant in that it provides a better understanding of how to use the test facilities in AURORA. The archive had earlier revisions of the document as well as the ones I scanned, but it appeared to me that they comprised perhaps 800 additional scans, and there wasn't time available at that point to do the extra scanning needed to acquire those earlier revisions.
  771. 66-FM-50, "Apollo Command Module Guidance Computer Software Requirements, Mission AS-204", 1966, by MSC.
  772. 66-FM-50, "Apollo Command Module Guidance Computer Software Requirements, Mission AS-205", 1966, by MSC.
  773. 66-FM-50, "Apollo Command Module Guidance Computer Software Requirements, Mission AS-207/208", 1966, by MSC.
  774. 66-FM-50, "Apollo Command Module Guidance Computer Software Requirements, Mission AS-502", 1966, by MSC.
  775. 66-FM-52, "Apollo Lunar Excursion Module Abort Guidance System Software Requirements, Mission AS-207/208", 1966, by MSC.
  776. 66-FM-51, "Apollo Lunar Excursion Module Guidance Computer Software Requirements, Missions AS-207/208(278)", 1966, by MSC.
  777. 😮GD/C-DBE-66-004, "Visibility in Space: Target Description Subroutine", 1966, by J. T. Neu, R. S. Dummer, W. T. Breckenridge, Jr., John Geanacou.
  778. ND-1002324, Rev -, A, "Post-Installation Checkout Process Specification for the Apollo Guidance & Navigation System (Spacecraft 14, KSC)", 1966, by North American Aviation. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material. By the way, this document is for a Block I spacecraft, using SUNSPOT software.
  779. 😮"LM PGNS Turn on Sequence", 1966, by George L. Silver.
  780. 😮E-1905, "Keyboard and Display Program and Operation", 01/1966, by Alan Green.
  781. MSC-G-R-66-1, TM X-62892, Change 1, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini VII", 01/1966, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  782. E-1142, Rev 40, "Weight and Balance Report", 01/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  783. 😮TMX-57213, "Initial Results of Studies of Handling Qualities of a Simulated Lunar Landing Vehicle", 01/1966, by Thomas C. O'Bryan.
  784. 1021106-021, "Octal Dump of AS-202 Core-Rope Memory Modules (Corona 261)", 01/01/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Flown software for Apollo mission AS-202.
  785. 😮"The Coriolis Equation", 01/07/1966, by A. R. Klumpp.
  786. MH01-01380-216, Rev A, "Command Module Guidance Computer Electrical Interfaces, Block II, NAA-MIT" or here, 01/10/1966, by A. Silagyi. The poor quality of the secondary digitization is due to my experimentation with cost/time-saving methods, not the quality of the archival material.
  787. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #1-66, "Apollo Spacecraft-Engine Equations and Actuator Load", 01/14/1966, by T. C. Lu.
  788. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #3-66, "Derivation of the Optimum Control Program for Steering the LEM Using the Gimballed Descent Engine", 01/14/1966, by William S. Widnall.
  789. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #4-66, "Controlling the Attitude and Attitude Rate of the LEM with the Gimballed Descent Propulsion System", 01/20/1966, by George W. Cherry.
  790. Digital Development Memo #293, "AGC II Interfaces which are Active during Standby", 01/20/1966, by Albert Hopkins.
  791. FR-2-122, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 22: Prelaunch Alignment", 01/20/1966, by Raytheon.
  792. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #2-66, "Some Minor Discrepancies between the performance of the AGC4 Block I Interpreter and its R-467 specifications", 01/21/1966, by Roy Beasley.
  793. Digital Development Memo #294, "Hand Controller Multiple Use Proposal", 01/21/1966, by Donald Bowler.
  794. 😮66-EG-6, "Analysis of Current LEM Powered-Descent Trajectories", 01/26/1966, by Thomas G. Price.
  795. DG Memo #637, Rev A, "Interpretation of Vector Quantities in the Coriolis Equation", 01/27/1966, by P. C. Watson.
  796. FR-2-130, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 30, Appendix A: Command Module AGC Subsystem Input and Output Signals", Appendix A, 01/28/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  797. FR-2-130, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 30, Appendix B: Lunar Excursion Module AGC Subsystem Input and Output Signals", Appendix B, 01/28/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  798. FR-2-130, Change, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 30: Block II Apollo Guidance Computer Subsystem", Changes only, 01/28/1966, by Raytheon.
  799. 😮"The Coriolis Equation — A Sequel", 01/30/1966, by D. S. Baker.
  800. Rev A, "Hardware Functions & Mechanization" or here, 01/31/1966, by AC Electronics.
  801. E-1142, Rev 41, "Weight and Balance Report", 02/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  802. 😮R-531, "Whole Number Strapdown Computations" or here, 02/1966, by J. C. Pennypacker. What this document concerns is an alternate type of IMU which does not have a gimballed stable inertial platform the way the actual mission IMU did, but instead was "strapped down" to the spacecraft. In order to use such an IMU, it is necessary to be able to efficiently convert between a coordinate system fixed to the spacecraft and an inertial one, using only AGC integer computations, and this document shows that that is possible, as well as the fact that the strap-down IMU can achieve an adequate accuracy. The author, Jim Pennypacker, also offered me this observation:
    The document was prepared while I was working for Al Hopkins and Ray Alonso at the Instrumentation Laboratory and describes the analysis of the crux of a proposed backup system if the AGC became overloaded during the LEM trajectory. Although the backup method described was never used, the document shows the type of analysis that went on "behind the scenes" in support of the entire mission.
  803. 😮TM X-55460, X-507-66-60, "Variations of the Lunar Orbital Parameters of the Apollo CSM-Module", 02/1966, by T. P. Timer.
  804. ND-1021042, "Apollo Lunar Excursion Module, Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual" or here, Volume I of II, 02/01/1966, by AC Electronics. If you have looked at our 1972 version of volume 1, you will have noted that roughly 175 pages are missing from that 1972 version. Those 175 pages are the ones discussing the theory of operation of the "control sequences" (microcode of the CPU) in detail. Those pages are not missing from this version! I daresay those pages form the most-extensive discussion of the Block II AGC microcode to which we have access.
  805. ND-1021042, "Apollo Lunar Excursion Module, Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual" or here, Volume II of II, 02/01/1966, by AC Electronics. This volume is notable because it contains a lot of electrical-schematic data for the Block II AGC, relating to stuff like (for example) decoding of the "control sequences" (microcode) of the CPU. Those schematics are not merely a supplemental form of the 1972 version of this document, but also differ from them in some significant ways.
  806. ND-1021042, Rev AJ, "Project Apollo Lunar Excursion Module Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual" or here, Volume I of II, minus pp. 4-1 through 4-176, 02/01/1966, by AC Electronics. Unfortunately, pages 1 through 176 in chapter 4 are missing in this scan. Incidentally, note that the table of contents incorrectly indicates where the break between volume I and volume II is (perhaps because the pages were reshuffled when the missing pages were removed), so don't let that confuse you. This missing pages are present in a 1966 version of the document that we also have, though obviously their content may have changed somewhat over the intervening 6 years. Several topics are covered in the missing pages, but the principal topic is the theory of operation of the CPU's "control sequences" (microcode).
  807. ND-1021042, Rev AJ, "Project Apollo Lunar Excursion Module Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual" or here, Volume II of II, 02/01/1966, by AC Electronics. The DSKY description starts in section 4-5.10. The AGC description precedes that.
  808. 😮TM X-53384, "The Astrionics System of Saturn Launch Vehicles", 02/01/1966, by Rudolf Decher.
  809. III-5-510-9, 66-966-0001, "Saturn 1B/V Instrument Unit, Switch Selector, Model II", 02/01/1966, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  810. "LEM Crew Systems Study Guide", 02/01/1966, by Joseph M. Jackson.
  811. 😮"Changes Between Prototype and Production CGC/LGC's (GSEC-5)", 02/02/1966, by Allen A. Harano.
  812. "Abbreviated Summary of Gemini Software History", 02/10/1966, by H. F. Branning. A short memo about the versioning of Gemini OBC software, up and including Gemini 10.
  813. MSC-G-R-66-1, 3150-6024-R8-000, CR-89388, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini VII — Supplemental Report 4: "Gemini 7 Inertial Guidance System Evaluation and Trajectory Reconstruction"", 02/15/1966, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  814. 😮G14-981168, "Functional Unit Schematic A14-052, Heater Power Supply, Fuel Cell and Cryogenic Gas Storage System", 02/15/1966, by R. Morgan.
  815. "Instrument Unit to Navigate Saturn IB's First Flight", 02/17/1966, by Anonymous.
  816. "Apollo Training - Environmental Control Subsystem Study Guide - Course Number C2-A-712", 02/18/1966, by North American Aviation.
  817. "Flight 207-8 Preliminary Trajectory Profile for Initial Rendezvous", 02/21/1966, by N. E. Sears.
  818. 😮TM X-53398, "Saturn I Block II Guidance Summary Report", 02/23/1966, by R. A. Chapman.
  819. "Final Gemini VIII Flight Plan", Section III missing, 02/24/1966, by T. W. Holloway.
  820. III-4-423-6, 66-207-0002, "LVDC Equation Defining Document for the AS-501 Flight Program", 02/25/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. This is a Saturn V EDD, for the very first Saturn V mission.
  821. FR-2-130, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 30: Block II Apollo Guidance Computer Subsystem", 02/25/1966, by Raytheon.
  822. G14-900708, Rev C, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Spacecraft 008 Houston MSC SESL", Volume 2, 02/25/1966, by T. Sugamura. According to Wikipedia, SC-008 was used for three rounds of "Thermal Vacuum Tests", one uncrewed (94 hours), one with MSC volunteers as crew (183 hours), and one (173 hours) with a crew that included astronaut Joe Kerwin.
  823. 3902-H012-R0-000, CR-133283, 66-FMT-402, "Apollo Mission AS-206A Spacecraft Reference Trajectory", Volume I, 02/28/1966, by TRW.
  824. "RETREAD 50, AURORA, and SUNDIAL B & C Data Cards" or here, 03/1966, by AC Electronics.
  825. 😮E-1926, "A Design Procedure for Radiation Hardening Certain NOR Gate Logic Circuits", 03/1966, by Harold E. Maurer.
  826. 2003053-061, "Rope-memory module B1 for AURORA 85+", 03/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B1 rope-memory module for AURORA 85 and 88.
  827. 2003053-071, "Rope-memory module B2 for AURORA 85", 03/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B2 rope-memory module for AURORA 85.
  828. E-1142, Rev 42, "Weight and Balance Report", 03/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  829. 😮E20-191, Research & Analysis Section Tech Memo #175, "Analysis and Mechanization of Launch Window and Rendezvous Computation, Part I: Circular Orbits", 03/1966, by J. L. Shady.
  830. Course 10-101, "Student Study Guide: Saturn V LVGSE Integrated Systems Orientation", Volume 1/3, 03/01/1966, by T. N. Bass. LVGSE stands for Launch Vehicle Ground Support Equipment.
  831. 😮NASw-410-AM-04, "Operator's manual, Acceptance Checkout Equipment — Spacecraft", 03/01/1966, by General Electric. Insofar as the AGC is concerned, refer particularly to the section on the "K-Start". I'm told that K-Start was the mechanism used to interact with the AGC during tests, and for performing all padloads. Note that the later 06/01/1966 revision of this document is also in the library.
  832. "LEM Guidance, Navigation, and Control Subsystem Course No. 30315, 30415, Study Guide", 03/01/1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  833. 6449883, "Gemini Computer System Math Flow Diagram, Module II — Catch-Up and Rendezvous", 03/07/1966, by D. G. Ferneyhough, Jr.From the "abbreviated" Gemini software history, this could be a part of math flow MF-7. But probably not flown. Incidentally, accompanying the diagrams, there's some interesting text, including the interpretations of a list of 100+ fixed memory locations.
  834. ND-1021043, "Apollo Command Module, Block 2, Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual" or here, 03/10/1966, by AC Electronics.
  835. ND-1021043, Rev AG, "Apollo Command Module, Block 2, Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual", Through Section 2, 03/10/1966, by AC Electronics.
  836. ND-1021043, Rev AG, "Apollo Command Module, Block 2, Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual", Section 3, 03/10/1966, by AC Electronics.
  837. 😮ND-1021043, Rev AG, "Apollo Command Module, Block 2, Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual", Section 4, 03/10/1966, by AC Electronics.
  838. ND-1021043, Rev AG, "Apollo Command Module, Block 2, Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Manual", Section 5 onward, 03/10/1966, by AC Electronics.
  839. Rev March 1967, "Study Guide: LM Environmental Control Subsystem", 03/10/1966, by EdwardFerner.
  840. 😮R-539, "A Manually Retargeted Automatic Descent and Landing System for LEM", 03/10/1966, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  841. 😮SM3A-1567, 10 MARCH 1966, "Apollo Support Equipment Maintenance - Apollo Television Bench Maintenance Equipment Model C14-175 (Part No. 1756251-501)", Changes only, 03/10/1966, by NASA.
  842. 😮"More on Coriolis", 03/11/1966, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  843. III-4-418-12, 66-256-0006, "Apollo Saturn AS-207 Instrument Unit System Functional Interconnection Diagram", 03/12/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. AS-207 (see the write-up at Encyclopedia Astronautica) and AS-208 were initially intended to be missions that launched CSM-101 into orbit on a Saturn IB (AS-207), while launching LM-2 into orbit on a separate Saturn IB (AS-208), and then rendezvousing the CSM and LM. Those original missions were canceled in the wake of the Apollo fire, and the launch vehicles eventually repurposed for Skylab missions. This document, of course, was written at the time of the originally-intended missions.
  844. Digital Development Memo #303, "Standby Operation in Pre-Installation Test", 03/14/1966, by Albert Hopkins.
  845. Rev B, "Block I (Series 100) G&N System Familiarizatioin" or here, 03/15/1966, by AC Electronics.
  846. III-5-510-15, 66-966-0015, "IBM Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit Technical Manual, Flight Control Computer", 03/15/1966, by IBM Federal Systems Division. This is the version of the manual that corresponds to the Saturn IB (AS-20x).
  847. "Apollo Mission 204 Reference Cards", 03/16/1966, by AC Electronics. This is pretty preliminary. It's interesting — your opinion may vary — that it appears to be based on SUNRISE 69 AGC software, as opposed to the SUNSPOT (247?) software that would have flown in Apollo 1. To the best of my present understanding, CORONA was forked from SUNRISE 69, and SUNSPOT was eventually branched from CORONA 261. Thus over 500 software revisions of CORONA and SUNSPOT existed between the one on which these reference cards are based and the one which would have flown. Preliminary indeed!
  848. 😮LSP-370-3, "Lunar Excursion Module Primary Guidance, Navigation and Control Subsystem Equpment (GFE), Performance and Interface Specification", 03/18/1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  849. 66-FM-26, TM X-72203, "AS-202 Reentry Guidance and Navigation Equations and Flow Logic", 03/18/1966, by Oliver Hill.
  850. Digital Development Memo #307, "AGC II Ruptlock Timing", 03/18/1966, by Albert Hopkins.
  851. 😮CF33-6M-36, "Simulation of spacecraft guidance computer in the Command Module and Lunar Excursion Module mission simulations", 03/23/1966, by D. K. Slayton.
  852. "Apollo Training, Guidance and Navigation Subsystem, Course No. A-920", 03/25/1966, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  853. FR-2-132, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 32: Block II Machine Instructions", Errata, 03/25/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  854. FR-2-117, Change, "Apollo Guidance Computer Information Series, Issue 17: KEYRUPT, UPRUPT, Mark and DSKY Functions", Changes only, 03/25/1966, by Raytheon.
  855. SID 65-1702, "Spacecraft 012 G&C Data Book", 03/31/1966, by North American Aviation.
  856. G14-900708, Rev D, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Spacecraft 008 Houston MSC SESL", Volume 2, 03/31/1966, by T. Sugamura.
  857. 😮R-544, "Use of Body Mounted Inertial Sensors in an Apollo Guidance, Navigation and Control System", 04/1966, by J. McNeil, J. E. Miller, J. Sitomer.
  858. E-1142, Rev 43, "Weight and Balance Report", 04/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  859. 😮TP 1265, "Mathematical Subroutine Manual, Saturn Ground Computer Sytem 2112000-501 Thru 2112000-524, Specification Identification Number 2186699", 04/1966, by RCA. Unknown assembly from an CA-110A computerThe ground computer with which the LVDC cooperated was an RCA 110A. "Mathematical Subroutine Manual" sounds very exciting until you find that it means "multiplication", "division", "cosine", "sine", etc. It is still an interesting document, in the sense that it reveals what life was like for the computer programmer in that time-frame. These algorithms are each accompanied by RCA 110A assembly language showing exactly how they were implemented, and give the full theory for each method, duly written up as if the description were a mechanical drawing, with a proper page border appropriate to such a drawing, and accompanied by notations such as the units, scale, and tolerance of the drawing! The image at right (supplied by Dimitris Vitoris) is a photo of an unknown (to me) assembly from an RCA-110A.
  860. 7322.3-17, "Abort Electronic Assembly Programming Reference", 04/1966, by H. L. Stiverson. This document is the principle (and almost complete) reference for understanding the operation of the AEA CPU per se, the AEA assembly language and assembler, and the operation of the CPU's i/o ports. There are, however, some confusing aspects to the document:
    • Perhaps the most confusing thing is that while the portion of the document that covers the LEMAP assembler makes it clear that the integer -1 would be encoded in octal as 0777777 (as anyone working with a modern PC would expect), the portion of the document that covers assembly language repeatedly refers to the octal 0400000 as being "-1". (More specifically, the reference on these occasions is to "A0 = 1, A1 thru A17 = 0", where A0 is the sign bit and A1-A17 are the data bits.) In fact, this octal pattern encodes the "largest" 18-bit negative number, namely -131072. In this detail, the assembly-language portion of the manual is thus incorrect.
    • Perhaps the most serious omission is that the explanation of division (the DVP instruction) in the case where the dividend and/or divisor is negative is completely lacking and (in the absence of this explanation) I've never figured out satisfactorily how it is supposed to work.
  861. "Apollo Training - Structures and Mechanical Subsystems, Course Number A-512S", 04/01/1966, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  862. V14-900112, Rev H, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Spacecraft 012 & 014", Volume 2, 04/01/1966, by R. A. Dagsher. SC-012 was for Apollo 1. According to Wikipedia, The CM SC-014 was disassembled as part of the Apollo 1 accident investigation, then later reassembled and used for ground testing, whereas the SM was used for Apollo 6.
  863. "Apollo Training - Apollo Spacecraft & Systems Familiarization - Course Numbers APC-106 & APC-124", 04/01/1966, by North American Aviation.
  864. "Apollo Training - Structures and Mechanical Systems - Course Number A-512S", 04/01/1966, by North American Aviation.
  865. System Test Group Memo #715, "Block II and LEM Temperature Thermistor Resistance Values", 04/06/1966, by R. Erickson.
  866. 😮66-EG-18, "Project Apollo: Determination of the LEM Landing Site Inertial Coordinates by CSM Landmark Type Sightings", 04/08/1966, by Victor R. Bond.
  867. 😮SM3A-1639, "Apollo Support Equipment Maintenance Handbook - Carry-On PCM System - Model C14-210(-0003)", 04/15/1966, by NASA.
  868. "LEM Electrical Power Subsystem Study Guide", 04/15/1966, by Henry Sabot.
  869. Digital Development Memo #260, Rev B, "Block II Alarm Indications", 04/26/1966, by Albert Hopkins, Herbert Thaler.
  870. Digital Development Memo #254, Rev B, "Block II Channel Assignments", 04/27/1966, by Albert Hopkins.
  871. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #10-66, "The Minimum Fuel Return Problem", 04/28/1966, by Kurth Krause.
  872. 😮TN D-3402, "Manual Abort Guidance from the Midcourse Region of a Lunar Mission", 05/1966, by George P. Callas, Robert B. Merrick.
  873. 😮E-1964, "Apollo Command and Service Module Reaction Control by the Digital Autopilot", 05/1966, by Robert Crisp, D. Keene.
  874. 😮E-1956, "An Automated Documentation Technique for Integrating Apollo Crew Procedures and Computer Logic", 05/1966, by J. C. Dunbar, Russell A. Larson, P. T. Augart.
  875. E-1142, Rev 44, "Weight and Balance Report", 05/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  876. V14-900208, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Spacecraft 008", Volume 1 (partial), 05/01/1966, by North American Aviation. The title page is missing, so the title, date, and some other information I've listed here is somewhat speculative.
  877. 😮13M60003, Rev B, "Saturn/Apollo Frequency Plan - Instrumentation & Communications Interfaces", 05/05/1966, by NASA.
  878. V34-900001, "CSM Functional Integrated System Schematics — Block II", 05/06/1966, by L. R. Roth.
  879. "Gemini Operations Handbook, Spacecraft 10", Section 3.8.1, 05/10/1966, by Robert A. Boulware.
  880. 😮3062/0481-2, "Support Manual for the Apollo Block II Special Test Equipment PM RECEIVER", 05/10/1966, by Motorola.
  881. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #12-66, "Characteristics of Entry Starting at 300,000 Feet", 05/13/1966, by Raymond H. Morth.
  882. 40M33622C, Rev C, "Interface Control Document - Definition of Saturn SA-502 Flight Sequence Program", 05/13/1966, by NASA.
  883. Digital Development Memo #317, "Simplified ACE Voltage Margin Test for AGC Block II", 05/16/1966, by Albert Hopkins.
  884. DG Memo #571, Rev B, "A Summary of DSKY Displays for Programs and Routines for AS204", 05/19/1966, by Russell A. Larson, J. C. Dunbar.
  885. 😮R-ASTR-NG-74-66, "Control System Information for SA-203", 05/19/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  886. 66-542-01 A, "Gemini Programming Manual", 05/24/1966, by C. A. Leist, J. C. Condell. Written by original Gemini programmers Charlie Leist and Jim Condell, and describes programming the on-board computer from the programmers' perspectives; as such, it discusses various pragmatic difficulties rather than just the theoretical ideal, though it also covers the on-board computer's CPU instruction set and similar topics in a way that both overlaps and differs from the "Guidance and Control Systems" documents listed in the item above. Charlie has additionally (in 2011) thoughtfully recreated a missing document page for us.
  887. "Fact Sheet: IBM Computer Will Direct Saturn Orbital Test Flight", 06/1966, by Anonymous.
  888. 😮66-894-0008, "All digital Simulation of Saturn I, IB, and V Boost Vehicle and Guidance and Control Systems", 06/1966, by W. D. Carson, R. E. Poupard, T. D. Steele, F. W. Eubank.
  889. 😮E-1970, "Case History of the Apollo Guidance Computer" or here, 06/1966, by Eldon C. Hall.
  890. 😮66-825-1992, "Design and Use of Fault Simulation for Saturn Computer Design", 06/1966, by F. Hardie, R. Suhocki.
  891. R-507, "G&N System Operations Plan Mission AS-204A", Section IV only, 06/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  892. E-1142, Rev 45, "Weight and Balance Report", 06/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  893. 😮NASw-410-AM-04, Change 1, "Operator's Manual - Acceptance Checkout Equipment - Spacecraft", 06/01/1966, by General Electric Company. Note that the earlier 03/01/1966 revision of this document is also in the library.
  894. FSD-22, "Saturn IB - Saturn V Instrument Unit - Technical Facts", 06/01/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  895. III-5-510-17, 66-966-0019, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit Command Decoder (S-IU-204 Thru 212 / 501 Thru 515)", 06/01/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. Note the later (8/1/1969) document revision with a modified title.
  896. III-5-509-1, 65-966-0021, CR-123904, Rev 1 Jun 66, "Saturn 1B/V Instrument Unit System Description and Component Data (S-IU-202 thru 204/501 thru 503)", 06/01/1966, by IBM Federal Systems Division. It looks like I managed to accidentally duplicate this document. I'm not sure which, if either, is better. Note that at least one later version is available in this library.
  897. 😮X-550-66-282, TM-X-55707, "Apollo Systems", 06/01/1966, by Carl O. Roberts Jr., W. Paul Varson, William E. Willis Jr., Keith D. Fellerman, Charles E. Trevathan, William A. Dentel, Carl B. Knox, Paul J. Pashby.
  898. TM X-53470, "AS-202 Launch Vehicle Operational Flight Trajectory", 06/03/1966, by Pamelia B. Pack.
  899. 😮"Characteristics of Apollo-Type Lunar Orbits", 06/06/1966, by George H. Born.
  900. LA-3544, Rev 6/8/1966, "Apollo Block II and LEM Computer Design Review", 06/08/1966, by AC Electronics.
  901. Digital Development Memo #319, Rev A, "Nouns and Scales for 204", 06/13/1966, by Robert J. Filene, Alan I. Green.
  902. 😮R-ASTR-S-85-66, "AS-203 Technical Information Summary", 06/14/1966, by NASA.
  903. 2003053-121, "Rope-memory module B1 for SUNDIAL B+", 06/16/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B1 rope-memory module for SUNDIAL B, D, and E.
  904. 2003053-131, "Rope-memory module B2 for SUNDIAL B", 06/16/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B2 rope-memory module for SUNDIAL B.
  905. "Gemini 10 Systems Book", 06/17/1966, by McDonnell Aircraft. This scan lacks clear metadata, so the title, date, and so on is guessed from the filename and/or handwritten notations. For example, there is a handwritten notation on the first page that reads "GT-X 17 June '66"; but is this the actual document date, or is it simply a mistake that was meant to be "18 July '66" (the launch date of the mission)? Nor is it entirely clear that the document was prepared by McDonnell Aircraft. In so far as the flight-computer is concerned, it would appear that the astronauts' interface is covered primarily on PDF pages 54-59, though related material appears elsewhere in the document as well.
  906. SM2A-03-SC012/CL, Working copy, "Crew Abbreviated Checklist, Mission AS-204A, Apollo SC012", 06/17/1966, by North American Aviation.
  907. Final, "Gemini X Flight Plan" or here, 06/22/1966, by E. B. Pippert Jr., J. V. Rivers, T. W. Holloway. Of the two copies offered, the secondary copy is missing the entire 1st half of the document. However, I've kept it because it was scanned from a different physical copy, and therefore may still be of some value.
  908. 😮KSC-E-165A, Rev A, "Procedure - Electrical Ground Support Equipment Fabrication", 06/30/1966, by NASA.
  909. 3150-6027-R8-00, MSC-G-R-66-2, 66-FMT-230, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini VI-A — Supplemental Report 4: "Gemini 6 Inertial Guidance System Evaluation and Trajectory Reconstruction"", 06/30/1966, by TRW.
  910. TM X-60017, MSC-G-R-66-4, 3150-6036-R8-000, 66-FMT-224, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini VIII — Supplemental Report 4: "Gemini 8 Inertial Guidance System Evaluation and Trajectory Reconstruction"", 06/30/1966, by TRW.
  911. R-537, "Guidance and Navigation System Operations Plan, Apollo Mission 501", Volume I (Sections 1-7), 07/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  912. 2003053-181, "Rope-memory module B3 for AURORA 88", 07/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B3 rope-memory module for AURORA 88.
  913. E-1142, Rev 46, "Weight and Balance Report", 07/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  914. 😮67-U60-0010, "A Real Time Operating System for the Saturn V Launch Computer Complex", 07/1966, by Frank R. Palm.
  915. AGC4 MEMO #9, Rev 1, "Block II Instructions" or here, 07/01/1966, by Hugh Blair-Smith. This is the source for info on AGC assembly language. Incidentally, I've taken to calling this the "infamous memo", simply because I think it's funny, but I notice that this phrase is being used occasionally on the web. I don't actually know that there's anything infamous about it, so if you plan to quote me, you might want to leave out the word "infamous".
  916. Rev A, "Gemini Operations Handbook, Spacecraft 10", Second half of Section III, 07/01/1966, by Jeremy B. Jones, Robert E. Nettles, Robert A. Boulware.
  917. Rev A, "Gemini Operations Handbook, Spacecraft 10", First half of Section II, 07/01/1966, by Jeremy B. Jones, Robert E. Nettles. This is something like a user manual for the Gemini computer.
  918. Rev A, "Gemini Operations Handbook, Spacecraft 10", Second half of Section II and first half of Section III, 07/01/1966, by Jeremy B. Jones, Robert E. Nettles. This is something like a user manual for the Gemini computer, especially section 2.5.7.
  919. Preliminary, "LM/Abort Guidance System, Performance and Interface Specifications Document", 07/01/1966, by TRW.
  920. "G&N Design and Mechanization Course Notebook", 07/05/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  921. 😮TR-66-310-4, "Summary of Apollo Guidance and Navigation Error Analysis", 07/06/1966, by D. A. Corey, T. S. Englar, B. G. Niedfeldt, R. V. Sperry.
  922. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #17-66, "A Computer Program for Block Diagram Reduction", 07/11/1966, by Donald C. Fraser.
  923. ISS Memo #339, "Block II C/M & LEM IMU Parameter Compensation", 07/14/1966, by R. McKern.
  924. III-5-510-21, 66-966-0025, "IBM Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit Technical Manual, Flight Control Computer", 07/15/1966, by IBM Federal Systems Division. This is the version of the manual that corresponds to the Saturn V (AS-50x). A later revision (1967) of this document is available in the archives of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, though unfortunately we don't presently have a scan of that one. Note that this book contains redrawn electrical schematics of the FCC, though it's unclear the extent to which those schematics are complete.
  925. "Gemini 10 Experiment Log", 07/21/1966, by Michael Collins. This document isn't really by Mike Collins, but his is the handwriting in the log. The title and date are mere suppositions.
  926. "IBM Federal Services Division Cape Kennedy Organization Chart", 07/23/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. The final page is the one principally relevant to Apollo LVDC and Gemini On-Board Computer (OBC) flight software.
  927. 😮LDF-2-40158, Rev B, "NASA MSC Houston Bldg 32, General Arrangement - TPA", 07/29/1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation. "TPA" seems to stand for Test Preparation Area. Thus this drawing is the floor plan of the building at the Manned Spacecraft Center used by Grumman for LM test preparation. There are so many handwritten notes on this drawing that it's unclear to me if it continues to be Rev B (as the drawing identifies itself). The dating is also uncertain, since I basically used the only date on the document that was crisp enough that I could confidently read it.
  928. "Acceptance Checkout Equipment - Spacecraft, Operator Course Study Guides", 07/31/1966, by General Electric Company.
  929. "AURORA 88 and SUNDIAL C Data Cards" or here, 08/1966, by AC Electronics.
  930. MSC-G-R-66-7, TM X-60402, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini X", 08/1966, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  931. E-1142, Rev 47, "Weight and Balance Report", 08/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  932. 😮NPC 275-1, "Microelectronic Device Data Handbook", 08/01/1966, by ARINC Research Corporation.
  933. "Block II / LM Reference Cards", 08/01/1966, by O. Oh. Cerbins. The cover (if any) is missing, so the title is one we invented after the fact. The thing that interests me most is that for some reason the final card is a proposed list of Apollo missions, none of which had as-yet occurred. Mostly (all?) wrong, of course, but fun anyway.
  934. X-552-66-424, TM X-55854, "Calculation of Signal Margins for the CSM Unified S-Band Downlink Channel Apollo AS-202 to Aircraft NASA 432", 08/01/1966, by David A. Dalgleish.
  935. System Test Group Memo #824, "Changes made to AURORA 85 Program for Re-release as AURORA 88", 08/02/1966, by George Silver.
  936. TR-66-310-5, "Capabilities of the Entry Guidance Equations for Mission AS-202", 08/09/1966, by I. Bogner, W. G. Heffron.
  937. 😮R-ASTR-NG-118-66, "Memo: Request for Thrust and Mass Data", 08/10/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  938. 😮AC-MIT-016-66, "Summary of Significant Events Up To Time of Failure of IRIGs 4A-27, 6A-30, 5A-8, 5A-15, 5A-21", 08/12/1966, by W. J. Beaton.
  939. 😮R-ASTR-NG-120-66, "Memo: Request for GRR time", 08/12/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  940. 😮NAA-6-117, "Investigation of SXT STLOS/LLOS Parallelism Problem", 08/12/1966, by P. Tanner.
  941. CR-71607, Rev 15 AUG 66, "Astrionics System Handbook, Saturn Launch Vehicles", 08/15/1966, by IBM Federal Systems Division. See the comments for the 08/01/1965 revision of the document.
  942. "Memo: Shipment of S-IU-204 to KSC", 08/16/1966, by William K. Simmons Jr. Unfortunately, I do not how (or if) the numerical designations S-IU-NNN were related to the launch vehicles in which the Instrumentation Units were installed. However, I think the dates are consistent with the assumption that S-IU-204 was intended for installation in AS-204. AS-204 would have been the launch vehicle for Apollo 1, but was repurposed for Apollo 5 after the Apollo 1 tragedy.
  943. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #16-66, "Gimbal Lock Avoidance Schemes", 08/18/1966, by Raymond Morth.
  944. SEDR 300, "Project Gemini Familiarization Manual, Rendezvous and Docking Configurations", Volume 2 except Section VIII, 08/22/1966, by McDonnell Douglas.
  945. SEDR 300, "Project Gemini Familiarization Manual, Rendezvous and Docking Configurations", Volume 2 Section VIII, 08/22/1966, by McDonnell Douglas. As far as the onboard computer is concerned, it is Section VIII that is relevant. This describes (among other things), the on-board computer architecture, memory layout, and CPU instruction-set.
  946. 1014999-051, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for AS-202 G&N System", 08/25/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  947. 66-232, "ATM/Skylab Press release", 08/29/1966, by NASA.
  948. "LEM, CES and AGS", 09/1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. This is a set of block diagrams and other high-level data concerning the LEM. It is excerpted from a larger training course by Grumman.
  949. E-1142, Rev 48, "Weight and Balance Report", 09/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  950. 😮E-2026, "Users' Guide to the AGC Monitor (Core Rope Simulator)", 09/1966, by James D. Wood.
  951. SID 66-1177, CR-130391, "Mission Modular Data Book, First Block I Manned Mission", 09/01/1966, by North American Aviation.
  952. 😮Digital Development Report #10, "Block II AGC Self-Check and Show-Banksum", 09/01/1966, by Edwin D. Smally.
  953. 66-FM-92, "AS-204 Reentry Guidance and Navigation Equations and Flow Logic", 09/02/1966, by Oliver Hill, Donald Beggs.
  954. 66-226, "Gemini XI Press Kit", 09/02/1966, by NASA.
  955. V14-900111, Rev B, "Functional Integrated System Schematics, Reaction Control Subsystem, Spacecraft 011", Volume 8, 09/06/1966, by J. M. Hicks.
  956. 😮R-ASTR-NG-121-66, "Memo: Clarification of Sperry support of Saturn Flight Program Development in support of R-ASTR-NG under Schedule Order #3", 09/12/1966, by C. M. McMahen, Frank Hopkins.
  957. System Test Group Memo #864, "Block II Gyrocompass", 09/12/1966, by George T. Schmidt.
  958. R-ASTR-NG-129-66, "Memo: Final LVDC Mission Defining Document for the AS-502 Mission", 09/12/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  959. 😮R-ASTR-NG-130-66, "Memo: Oxygen and Hygrogen Venting Data", 09/13/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  960. 😮R-ASTR-NG-137-66, "Memo: Steady-State responses for accelerometer control and SMC control", 09/19/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  961. "Letter: ... The computer subsystem has continued to be an area of concern to me owing to the quality of workmanship at Raytheon and quality shortcomings in the components employed in the computer and DSKY....", 09/19/1966, by Joseph F. Shea.
  962. 😮R-ASTR-NG-133-66, "Memo: Area of responsibility for Saturn IB and V control computer verification", 09/26/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  963. 😮CR-80132, TR-66-320-2, "Procedures for Management Control of Computer Programming in Apollo", 09/28/1966, by B. H. Liebowitz, C. S. Sherrerd, E. B. Parker III.
  964. R-ASTR-NG-141-66, "Memo: Digital Command System (DCS) functions", 09/30/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  965. R-ASTR-NG-144-66, "Memo: LVDC Flight Program Input Data Schedule", 09/30/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  966. R-507, Rev 1, "G&N System Operations Plan, Mission AS-204A/205", Volume II, 10/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  967. R-547, "Guidance System Operations Plan, AS-278, Vol. I: CM GNCS Operations", Volume I, 10/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. AS-278 was a cancelled mission (because of Apollo 1), which would have been the first orbital test of the LM. Instead, the same crew provided that first test in Apollo 9, at a much later date.
  968. R-547, "Guidance System Operations Plan, AS-278, Vol. III: Control Data", Volume III, 10/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  969. R-547, "Guidance System Operations Plan, AS-278, Vol. IV: Error Analysis", Volume IV, 10/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  970. 66-FM-116, "Logic and Equations for the Real-Time Computation of AS-207/208 Insertion Elements and Specialized Orbital Maneuvers" or here, 10/09/1966, by R. K. McDonough, W. A. Sullivan.
  971. MSC-A-R-66-5, "Postlaunch Report for Mission AS-202 (Apollo Spacecraft 011)", 10/12/1966, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  972. System Test Group Memo #886, "G&N Operations During Simulated LM Battery Switchover, Descent to Ascent", 10/13/1966, by G. L. Silver.
  973. R-ASTR-NG-147-66, "Memo: Formal approval of AS-501 Equation Defining Document", 10/14/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  974. "G&N Design of Mechanization Course Notebook", 10/17/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  975. SM2A-03-SC014, "Apollo Operations Handbook - Command and Service Module - Spacecraft 014", Volume 1, 10/17/1966, by North American Aviation.
  976. SM2A-03-SC014, "Apollo Operations Handbook - Command and Service Module - Spacecraft 014", Volume 2, 10/17/1966, by North American Aviation.
  977. SM2A-03-SC014, First issue, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Command and Service Module, Spacecraft 014", Volume 1, 10/17/1966, by North American Aviation. According to wikipedia, CSM-014's service module flew on Apollo 6, while its command module was disassembled as part of the Apollo 1 investigation and then later reassembled and used for ground testing.
  978. 😮R-ASTR-NG-148-66, "Memo: Control Computer servo amplifier null tolerances for system testing", 10/19/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  979. SID 65-298, "GFE Guidance and Navigation Performance and Interface Specification, Block I", 10/25/1966, by North American Aviation.
  980. Flight 501 Memo #10, "Summary of Results of AS-501 Digital Simulations", 10/26/1966, by Jay A. Sampson.
  981. FC027, Rev A, "Lunar Module Systems Handbook - Vehicle LM-1 - AS-206", 10/27/1966, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  982. ISS Memo #359, "Inertial Component Compensation Parameters, Block 2 and LEM", 10/31/1966, by Robert Crisp.
  983. System Test Group Memo #896, "The LM Alignment Optical Telescope: A Functional Review", 10/31/1966, by J. A. Hand.
  984. November 1966, "LM Orientation, Course No. 30005-012", 11/01/1966, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. I don't really know that this is a Grumman document; the document itself merely states that it was prepared by the "Product Support Department".
  985. III-5-509-2, 66-966-0003, Updated to AS-206/502, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit Technical Manual - Navigation, Guidance, and Control System Description", 11/01/1966, by IBM Federal Services Division. There's a lot a material in this particular volume related to the LVDC and the flight software.
  986. SID 66-1424, CR-129871, "Mission Modular Data Book, Second Block I Manned Mission", 11/01/1966, by North American Aviation. Apollo 2 was, of course, canceled, due to the Apollo 1 fire.
  987. 66-FM-131, "AS-503A/504A Requirements for the RTCC: Generalized Iterator" or here, 11/04/1966, by William E. Moore.
  988. TM-AP-66-125, "AS-206A Preliminary L/V Operational Trajectory and Guidance Presettings", 11/07/1966, by G. W. Klug, T. B. Pederson.
  989. MSC-G-R-66-6, 75-100-0014, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini IX — Supplemental Report 5: "GT-9 Post Flight Analysis Report Supplement"", 11/09/1966, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  990. "IU-502 Photographs - Locations 1-24", 11/09/1966, by D. L. Peabody.
  991. "Assembly Listing of AGC Program DAP AURORA 12", 11/10/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. AURORA was the successor to RETREAD, and like RETREAD it never flew any missions. We have three records of AURORA being manufactured as memory modules, but those seem to reduce to only two actual releases: AURORA 85 (p/n 2021101-011) in March 1966 and AURORA 88 (p/n 2021101-021) in July 1966. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to correlate too well with our own printout of AURORA, which according to the printout is REVISION 12 OF PROGRAM AURORA BY DAP GROUP, with the assembly having been run on November 10, 1966. Why was an assembly of AURORA 12 being made in November 1966, when AURORA 88 had already been released in July? The answer is that AURORA 12 was not being assembled or printed in November 1966, but that our assembly listing is instead that of a program (which I call "DAP AURORA"), which was forked by the Digital Autopilot (DAP) Group from the true AURORA at either AURORA 86 or AURORA 87. After being forked, the DAP Group apparently used it for developing the SUNBURST program, and there's a lot of buggy SUNBURST code appended to the end. (By which I mean, past the last of the memory sectors used by true AURORA.) In other words, what we have here is indeed revision 12, but it is revision 12 of DAP AURORA rather than revision 12 of true AURORA.

    True AURORA 85 and 88 seem to have been used in LM system tests, presumably displacing the RETREAD 50 software which had been used previously. (Fortunately, as far as we know, DAP AURORA 12 has inherited all of the relevant test code from true AURORA 86 or 87.) However, AURORA was more highly functional than RETREAD, and was officially used for checkouts of the LM guidance system. In fact, after AURORA 88, most of the self-test code (other than memory-bank checksums) was removed from later LM software, and AURORA 88 is the last LM software having a full suite of test code. That fact alone has made DAP AURORA invaluable in terms of validating the correct behavior of the Virtual AGC Project's AGC CPU emulator, yaAGC. While it doesn't derive from true AURORA 88, it's at least very, very close.
    See also:
  992. R-ASTR-NG-159-66, "Memo: AS-204 Flight Program errors", 11/10/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  993. 😮R-ASTR-NG-161-66, "Memo: R-ASTR-NG support for Guidance Backup Studies", 11/10/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  994. R-ASTR-NG-156-66, "Memo: Saturn V/501 open loop transient response study", 11/10/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.
  995. SM2A-03-SC012, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Command and Service Module, Spacecraft 012" or here, 11/12/1966, by North American Aviation.
  996. 😮"Apollo-Saturn AS-207 Vehicle Systems Information Drawings", 11/16/1966, by Chrysler. AS-207 was a planned mission that was canceled in the wake of the Apollo 1 disaster. The document itself is undated, so the date I've assigned is simply the most recent legible date I found on any of the drawings comprising the document. Note that the final page is a table cross-referencing individual document numbers for missions AS-201 through AS-212, from which it can be seen that none of the drawings herein apply unchanged to any other mission; though for all I know, the necessary changes may be little more than updating the mission number in the sentence "REFERENCE INFORMATION FOR AS-207" found on most of the drawings' title blocks.
  997. "Apollo Training - Sequential Systems (SECS, EDS, LES, ELS), Course No. A-324", 11/18/1966, by North American Aviation.
  998. Digital Development Memo #340, "Block II GOJAM Actions", 11/23/1966, by Albert Hopkins.
  999. "Apollo Command Module Primary Guidance Navigation and Control System Student Study Guide - System Mechanization", 11/25/1966, by AC Electronics. Think of this as a complement to other AC documents such as ND-1021042 and ND-1021043, with less schematic diagrams but more useful explanation of theory. The final ~140 pages focus on the AGC.
  1000. CR-93473, BSR 1472, "Lunar Navigation Study Final Report", Volume II, 12/1966, by J. T. Broadbent, R. B. Odden, T. T. Trexler, J. J. Vary.
  1001. 😮E-2066, "Hybrid Simulation of the Apollo Guidance Navigation and Control System", 12/1966, by Philip G. Felleman.
  1002. "AGC Handbook", 12/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1003. R-537, Rev 1, "Guidance and Navigation System Operations Plan, Apollo Mission 501, Vol. II: Control Data and Error Analysis" or here, Volume II (Sections 6-7), 12/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1004. 😮E-2065, "Block II AGC Self-Check and Show-Banksum" or here, 12/1966, by Edwin D. Smally.
  1005. SM2A-02, "Apollo Spacecraft Familiarization Manual", 12/01/1966, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1006. 😮CR-81728, 675-TM-112, SSD-66-374, "Data Conditioning and Display for Apollo Prelaunch Checkout", 12/01/1966, by Richard D. Pepler, Associates.
  1007. R-ASTR-NG-166-66, "Memo: Delivery of final flight program requirements for AS-501", 12/02/1966, by Melvin Brooks.
  1008. LSP-300-3B, "Design Control Specification for Abort Guidance Section, Guidance, Navigation and Control Subsystem", 12/02/1966, by C. Jones.
  1009. 1021108-021, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program SOLARIUM 55", 12/04/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. SOLARIUM 55 flew as the CM AGC software on the unmanned Apollo 4 and Apollo 6 missions. In theory, SOLARIUM 54 is the software which officially flew on the unmanned Apollo 4 mission, but it's difficult to escape the conclusion that SOLARIUM 54 and 55 were identical even though given differing revision numbers for some reason. The Apollo 4 and 6 Command Modules were Block 1 spacecraft, and hence unlike almost all other AGC programs in our library, SOLARIUM is a Block 1 AGC program.
    See also:
  1010. 😮TM-66-1031-3, "Noise Margin Testing of the Apollo Guidance Computer", 12/07/1966, by J. J. Rocchio.
  1011. "Assembly Listing of AGC Program SUNBURST 37 (SHEPATIN)", 12/13/1966, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. SUNBURST, a successor to AURORA, was the first AGC LM software to fly in a mission ... albeit, not this specific revision of SUNBURST.
    See also:
  1012. 05952-H093-R0-00, 66-FMT-470, CR-133319, "Independent Flight Software Validation Test Results for Mission AS-204A", 12/13/1966, by TRW.
  1013. "Apollo G & N Manual and JDC Index", 12/15/1966, by AC Electronics. A tiny, reference-card approach to listing all of the documentation for Apollo G&N and GSE. Only 150 pages long. But tiny! Like a Bible the size of a matchbox.
  1014. Digital Development Memo #343, "Affect of Transients of +28 AGC Power Bus", 12/16/1966, by Allen Harano.
  1015. 😮SM6A-41-1-1, "Apollo Mission Simulator - Maintenance and Repair Procedures Manual - 012 Configuration - Basic Manual", Volume I/II (=Sections I-VII), 12/22/1966, by General Precision.
  1016. 😮SM6A-41-1-2, "Apollo Mission Simulator - Maintenance and Repair Procedures Manual - 012 Configuration - Basic Manual", Volume II/II (=Section VIII) pp. 1 through 510, 12/22/1966, by General Precision.
  1017. 😮SM6A-41-1-2, "Apollo Mission Simulator - Maintenance and Repair Procedures Manual - 012 Configuration - Basic Manual", Volume II/II (=Section VIII) pp. 511 through 1006, 12/22/1966, by General Precision.
  1018. 😮SM6A-41-2-1, "Apollo Mission Simulator - Maintenance and Repair Procedures Manual - 012 Configuration - Visual System Manual", Volume I/II (=Sections I-VII), 12/22/1966, by General Precision.
  1019. R-ASTR-NG-175-66, "Memo: Unacceptability of Final Mission Definition Document for AS-204", 12/23/1966, by S. M. Seltzer.

  1020. "The TV System for the Apollo Telescope Mount", 1967, by Anonymous.
  1021. "Saturn IB Instrumentation Systems Description, SA-206", Excerpts, 1967, by George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. Launch vehicle AS-206 was originally scheduled for use in Apollo 5, but instead eventually flew on the Skylab 2 mission instead. But in addition to AS-206, this document refers also to AS-205 (Apollo 7), so it clearly had Apollo 5 rather than Skylab 2 in mind when written. The document is undated, so I've arbitrarily assigned it a date prior to the reassignment of AS-206 away from Apollo 5.
  1022. 😮"Lunar Module Environmental Control Subsystem", 1967, by Hamilton Standard. There's no internal info in this document that allows much of a guess as to when it was created, as far as I can tell. I've arbitrarily assigned it to 1967, based simply on my subjective reaction to the aged appearance of its cover. (Yes, I've judged this book by its cover. Too bad.).
  1023. 😮"Computer Redundancy: Design, Performance, and Future", 1967, by Ralph E. Kuehn.
  1024. 😮"Saturn - First Apollo Launch Vehicle - Story of the Uprated Saturn I (Saturn I-B)", 1967, by NASA. I assigned this undated brochure to 1967 because it refers to events that had already occurred in 1966.
  1025. 😮"Saturn Ground Computer Systems", 1967, by NASA. This collection of drawings is neither titled nor dated, so I've arbitrarily assigned those.
  1026. "Block I Command-Module Panels Foldout", 1967, by North American Aviation. This is a stand-alone, untitled, undated, anonymous drawing, so I've liberally invented my own metadata for it.
  1027. 😮"Apollo Fuel Cell Powerplant, POWERCEL Model PC3A-2, Component Descriptions", 1967, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft. The document is undated. Some of the foldouts contained in it were updated as late as 1966, so I've chosen 1967 as the date for the document itself.
  1028. 😮"Component Descriptions, Apollo Fuel Cell", 1967, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft. The document is undated, and I've entirely arbitrarily assigned a date to it.
  1029. 😮Paper #4040, "S-IVB Saturn High Energy Upper Stage and its Development", 1967, by L. Roth, W. M. Shempp.
  1030. "KSC Collection of Tindallgrams - 1967", 1967, by Howard W. Tindall Jr.
  1031. "SUNDIAL D ACE Reference Cards", 1967, by Walter L. Whipple. The date and title of this document have been assigned arbitrarily. Though we've entitled this as "reference cards", as if it were an official publication, it appears to me to be a collection of reference tables assembled by the author for his own purposes in (I suppose) performing his job function. So the "author" I've listed probably was probably just his own self-appointed editor. Which doesn't make the collection any less interesting. Among the interesting tables included is the SUNDIAL D downlink list.
  1032. MSC-G-R-67-1, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini XII", 01/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1033. E-1142, Rev 49, "Weight and Balance Report", 01/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1034. 😮E-2081, "Man-Machine Simulations for the Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control System", 01/1967, by J. L. Nevins, E. A. Woodin, R. W. Metzinger.
  1035. E-2052, "AGC4 Basic Training Manual" or here, Volume I of II, 01/1967, by Bernard I. Savage, Alice Drake.
  1036. LMA790-3-LM 2, Final, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 2 - Mission AS-205/208A", Volume II of II, 01/01/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1037. LMA790-3-LM 2, Final, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 2 - Mission AS-205/208A", Volume I of II, 01/01/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. LM-2, now in the Smithsonian NASM, was originally intended for mission AS-205/208A (incorrectly referred to sometimes in the document as AS-207/208A), the 2nd unmanned-LM test flight. However, that mission was cancelled due to the success of the 1st unmanned-LM test flight, so LM-2 was instead used for ground testing.
  1038. 😮B-231A, Rev. A, "Apollo Portable Life Support Systems", 01/01/1967, by Hamilton Standard. The document is undated. I've invented a date on the speculation that this is Rev A of the Hamilton Standard document B-231 (for which a date also had been invented).
  1039. 05952-6088-R800, MSC-G-R-66-7, 66-FMT-270, CR-89428, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini X — Supplemental Report 4: "Gemini 10 Inertial Guidance System Evaluation and Trajectory Reconstruction"", 01/03/1967, by TRW.
  1040. TN-AP-67-158, CR-89333, "AS-205 Revised Launch Vehicle Reference Trajectory", 01/04/1967, by Chrysler.
  1041. 😮"Electronic Navigator Charts Man's Path to the Moon", 01/09/1967, by Albert L. Hopkins, Jr.
  1042. Digital Development Memo #185, "Computer listing of Block I vs Block II vs LEM AGC hardware differences", 01/10/1967, by Don Bowler. Control & status signals, spare inbits/outbits, signals, counters, etc.
  1043. System Course 3100, "Computer Utility Programs", 01/15/1967, by AC Electronics.
  1044. FC007 1/16/67, "Command Service Module System Handbook, AS-501", 01/16/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1045. 05952-6076-T000, "LM AGS Flight Equations", 01/25/1967, by T. S. Bettwy.
  1046. SM2A-03-SC014-(2), Final, "Apollo Operations Handbook - Spacecraft 012 - Volume 2" or here, Volume 2, Section 9, 01/27/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Of the two scans, the primary one is much shorter, primarily because large sheets spanning multiple frames in the secondary scan comprise single pages in the primary scan. However, the scans appear to have been made from different physical hardcopies, and do differ in other ways in terms of readability and inclusions. This is just a fragment of the full document, and the metadata I've provided (date, title, revision, document number) is speculative. While it does have accompanying metadata, as well as a link providing additional metadata to the archive from which it came, that metadata isn't fully correct, thus forcing some guessed corrections from me. But from the page markings, it is clear that it relates to Apollo 1 (Spacecraft 012) and to the Apollo Operations Handbook. The date I've listed, 1/27/1967, comes directly from the page markings, and coincidentally was the exact day of the fire that destroyed the spacecraft. The document revision, "FINAL", is also what's marked on the pages. All of that, combined with these being "malfunction" procedures, is a bit too on the nose. Thankfully, none of the listed procedures relate to fires in the cockpit.
  1047. 😮TM-X-66796, "Gemini Program Corrective Action Listing - Gemini I Through XII", 01/31/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1048. 😮67-EG-6, "A Study of Lunar Module Navigation Systems Accuracies for Powered Descent, Ascent, and Aborts", 01/31/1967, by Charles R. Price, Rudolph L. Saldana, John R. Henson.
  1049. "Lunar Module Radars Study Guide", 02/1967, by William Barber.
  1050. "Study Guide: LM Control Electronics Section and Abort Guidance Section", 02/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  1051. 😮TN D-3873, "Analysis of Sextant Navigation Measurements During Lunar Module Rendezvous", 02/1967, by T. B. Murtagh.
  1052. E-2089, CR-96154, "Final Report on Phase I of Contract NAS 12-140 DSR 55-27600", 02/1967, by James Pennypacker. This is about OLLS, a kind of early CAD system for electrical designs, including provisions for simulation, as well as for drawing schematics.
  1053. Rev February 1967, "LM Propulsion and RCS Course No. 30217 Study Guide", 02/1967, by William Strasburger.
  1054. V36-976021, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 104", 02/01/1967, by North American Aviation. Unfortunately, this engineering drawing's date is illegible, so I've arbitrarily dated it.
  1055. "Apollo Training, Guidance and Control Systems, Block II", 02/10/1967, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  1056. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #3-67, "Constraints on Selecting b-Vectors to Represent Measurements", 02/13/1967, by P. Kachmar, E. Muller.
  1057. "Lunar Module Structures, Mechanical Systems and Electroexplosive Devices", 02/15/1967, by Walt Miller.
  1058. MSC-G-R-67-1, TM X-60628, 67-M56-0004, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini XII — Supplemental Report 5: "GT-12 Post Flight Analysis Report"", 02/21/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1059. "Apollo Training - Electrical Power Subsystem", 02/22/1967, by North American Aviation. Pay attention especially to the drawing on the second page.
  1060. "Block II Restarts", 02/23/1967, by John E. Miller.
  1061. "Apollo Training - Apollo Spacecraft & Systems Familiarization - Course Number APC-118", 02/24/1967, by North American Aviation.
  1062. 😮E-2097, "A Multiprocessing Structure", 03/1967, by Ramon L. Alonso, Albert L. Hopkins, Herbert A. Thaler.
  1063. 😮CSDL-81-624, "Man-Computer Interface for the Apollo Guidance, Navigation and Control System", 03/1967, by J. L. Nevins, I. S. Johnson.
  1064. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), First issue, "Apollo Operations Handbook - Block II Spacecraft, Volume 1: Spacecraft Description", Volume 1 of 2, 03/01/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1065. "Mechanical Blueprint Interpretation", 03/01/1967, by E. T. Morrissey. This is a general North American Aviation document from the Apollo era, intended for NAA personnel training, but it covers their document numbering for Apollo in pretty-good detail.
  1066. V36-976024, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 106", 03/01/1967, by North American Aviation. Unfortunately, this engineering drawing's date is illegible, so I've arbitrarily dated it.
  1067. 😮"Digital Simulation of an Aerospace Vehicle", 03/09/1967, by J. R. Mitchell, J. W. Moore, H. H. Trauboth.
  1068. 2003053-151, "Rope-memory module B2 for SUNDIAL E", 03/13/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B2 rope-memory module for SUNDIAL E.
  1069. 2003972-211, "Rope-memory module B3 for SUNDIAL E", 03/13/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B3 rope-memory module for SUNDIAL E.
  1070. "The Development and Implementation of the Cross Product Guidance Equations - Case 310", 03/15/1967, by D. A. Corey.
  1071. 😮TM X-53590, "Report on Digital Computers Used in Automatic Checkout", 03/16/1967, by B. Funderburk.
  1072. FC027, Rev B, "Lunar Module Systems Handbook - Vehicle LM-1 - AS-206", 03/16/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1073. LMA790-3-LM 2, 20 March 1967, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 2 - Mission AS-205/208A", Volume II of II, 03/20/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. This revision is identical the preceding revision ("Final") in our library, except that it includes the entirety of Section 9 ("Malfunction Procedures"), which the earlier revision did not.
  1074. Flight 206 Memo #11, "Prelaunch Erasable Memo Load Definition for AS206", 03/31/1967, by Jay Sampson.
  1075. E-1142, Rev 50, "Weight and Balance Report", 04/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1076. "Study Guide: LM Electrical Power Subsystem", 04/01/1967, by H. Dunham.
  1077. LMA790-2-LMS, "Lunar Module Mission Simulator, Instructors Handbook, Volume I: Simulator Description", Volume I, 04/01/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation. This manual contains detail on every switch and display, as well as information about how all of the subsystems are simulated.
  1078. "Study Guide: LM Communications Subsystem", 04/01/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  1079. 😮"LPC 4-1 - Procedure for the Preparation and Processing of the Test Preparation Sheet", 04/05/1967, by A. J. Salvi.
  1080. FC007 4/7/67, "Command Service Module System Handbook, CSM 101", incomplete, 04/07/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1081. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #7-67, "Correcting Fixed Dimension Kalman Gain Vectors to Account for Colored Measurement Noise", 04/14/1967, by Donald C. Fraser.
  1082. "Memory Requirements for the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) - Case 330", 04/25/1967, by J. J. Rocchio.
  1083. 😮E-2129, "Keyboard and Display Program and Operation", 05/1967, by Alan I. Green, Robert J. Filene.
  1084. 😮DDF67-003, "A Study of Minimax Solutions for Saturn Control Problems", 05/1967, by C. D. Johnson.
  1085. Digital Development Memo #362, "Restart Monitor (Channel 77 Alarm Box)", 05/01/1967, by Allen Harano.
  1086. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #8-67, "Explicit Universal Series Solutions for the Universal Variable x", 05/01/1967, by William M. Robertson.
  1087. 😮"New GEOMETRY Routines", 05/03/1967, by Don Eyles.
  1088. Digital Development Memo #363, "RESTART Indications When Coming Out of STANDBY and During Power Turn-On", 05/04/1967, by Allen Harano.
  1089. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #15868, "PIP Troubleshooting Procedures for the ISS Level of Testing", 05/09/1967, by D. Fischer.
  1090. D5-15481-1, "Saturn V AS-504 Launch Vehicle Reference Trajectory, Volume I", Volume I/II, 05/15/1967, by D. B. Jacobs.
  1091. D5-15481-1, "Saturn V AS-504 Launch Vehicle Reference Trajectory, Volume II Book 1", Volume II/II, Book 1, 05/15/1967, by D. B. Jacobs.
  1092. D5-15481-1, "Saturn V AS-504 Launch Vehicle Reference Trajectory, Volume II Book 2", Volume II/II, Book 2, 05/15/1967, by D. B. Jacobs.
  1093. D5-15481-1, "Saturn V AS-504 Launch Vehicle Reference Trajectory, Volume II Book 3", Volume II/II, Book 3, 05/15/1967, by D. B. Jacobs.
  1094. D5-15481-1, "Saturn V AS-504 Launch Vehicle Reference Trajectory, Volume II Book 5", Volume II/II, Book 5, 05/15/1967, by D. B. Jacobs. In case you're wondering ... no, I don't have or know how to find Volume II Book 4. However, Book 3 ends with page 10-295 and Book 5 begins with page 10-811, so wherever Book 4 is, it must contain 516 pages of goodness.
  1095. System Test Group Memo #1016, "Supplement to Gyro Drift Test", 05/18/1967, by Warren Prince, Jr.
  1096. Preliminary, "CMC Guidance & Navigation Equations, Lunar Landing Mission GSOP", Section 5, 06/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1097. Preliminary, "LGC Guidance & Navigation Equations, Lunar Landing Mission GSOP", Section 5, 06/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1098. E-1142, Rev 51, "Weight and Balance Report", 06/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1099. AGC4 MEMO #9, Rev 2, "Block II Instructions", 06/01/1967, by Hugh Blair-Smith.
  1100. III-5-509-4, 66-966-0006, Change No. 2, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit System Description and Component Data (S-IU-201-212 / 501-515)", Changed pages only, 06/01/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1101. III-5-509-8, 67-966-0007, "Saturn Instrument Unit Technical Manual - Command System Description", 06/01/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1102. 😮"Sines and Cosines of CDU's", 06/02/1967, by Don Eyles.
  1103. Digital Development Memo #368, "Sunburst 206 SELF-CHECK - Additions & Corrections", 06/02/1967, by Frank Gauntt.
  1104. 😮R-ASTR-NG-40-67, 211-67-013, "Memo: Control system information for AS-204L", 06/05/1967, by S. M. Seltzer.
  1105. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #9-67, "A Recursive CG Correction Scheme", 06/07/1967, by Edward Womble.
  1106. "Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) Requirements for the Apollo Applications Program", 06/20/1967, by J. J. Rocchio.
  1107. R-ASTR-NG-45-67, "Memo: Final LVDC Mission Defining Document for the Dual Launch Mission (AS-205X/208)", 06/29/1967, by Melvin Brooks.
  1108. 😮05952-H223-R0-00, "Site Accessibility Analysis for Advanced Lunar Missions, Final Report", Volume I, 06/30/1967, by H. Patapoff.
  1109. PHO-FAM001, June 1967, "Familiarization Manual - Mission Control Center Houston", 06/30/1967, by Philco Western Development Laboratories.
  1110. III-5-509-3, 66-966-0004, Change 1, "Saturn Instrument Unit System Test Reference Manual, Volume I: Control System", 07/01/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1111. FC027, Rev C, "Lunar Module Systems Handbook, Vehicle LM-1, AS-204/LM-1", 07/07/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1112. "Trip Report on AS-501 Meeting at MIT-IL on July 6, 1967", 07/07/1967, by Jay A. Sampson.
  1113. 😮R-ASTR-NG-52-1967, "Memo: Orbital limit cycle rates for AS-208", 07/12/1967, by C. M. McMahen.
  1114. 😮R-ASTR-NG-54-67, "Memo: Review of "Final Flight Simulation Report for AS-206, Flight Control Computers"", 07/14/1967, by Melvin Brooks.
  1115. D5-15706-4, CR-107159, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Guidance Equations, SA-504", 07/15/1967, by Boeing.
  1116. Rev 2, "LM G&C Data Book", 07/15/1967, by TRW.
  1117. 😮R-ASTR-NG-56-67, "Memo: AS-206, S-IVB restart alternate mission flight program definition", 07/17/1967, by Melvin Brooks.
  1118. 😮PUB.943-G-32, "Apollo Electrical Installation Manual", 07/18/1967, by North American Aviation.
  1119. "18 LM Structural Sketches", 07/19/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation. This is not a document per se, but simply a small collection of LM drawings. Why they are collected together in this manner, I don't know.
  1120. EB-67-3314-U, MSC-A-R-66-5, "Supplemental Report on Communication System Performance During Mission AS-202", Supplements Section 7.16, 07/21/1967, by M. R. Franklin. The document numbers I've listed are a bit confusing. This document was issued with the "EB-..." document number on 7/21/1967. At the same time, it claims to be the "Supplements Section 7.16) of the "MSC-..." document number released on 10/12/1966.
  1121. "IU Telemetry Meas. No. Listing, IU 204 Thru EO 71", 07/25/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1122. BB-3.1.3-10-M01, TN-AP-67-255, CR-92838, Rev 1, "AS-204/LM-1 Launch Vehicle Operational Flight Trajectory (Revision I)", Part IV, 07/25/1967, by T. J. Wharton, A. C. Genter, B. B. Barrett.
  1123. Digital Development Memo #376, "Absence of Clear Rope Signals In Block II AGC's", 07/27/1967, by Allen Harano.
  1124. 😮R-ASTR-NG-61-67, "Memo: Flight control system gain calculations at KSC", 07/31/1967, by J. E. Blauton.
  1125. 😮E-2159, "Computer Controlled Steering of the Apollo Spacecraft", 08/1967, by Frederick H. Martin, Richard H. Battin.
  1126. E-1142, Rev 52, "Weight and Balance Report", 08/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1127. E-2160, "Verification Results Summary for LGC SUNBURST (LM-1 Mission)", 08/1967, by Jay A. Sampson.
  1128. 😮TN D-4027, "A Linearized Error Analysis of Onboard Primary Navigation Systems for the Apollo Lunar Module", 08/1967, by Jerrold H. Suddath, Robert H. Kidd III, Arnold G. Reinhold.
  1129. 😮"Collection of Technical Papers on Guidance and Control, AIAA Guidance, Control, and Flight Dynamics Conference", 08/1967, by various authors. Since this volume doesn't specifically relate to Apollo, I haven't gone to the trouble of indexing it for you, and you'll have to actually look in the document yourself if it seems interesting. I'd point out the following papers, for example:
    • #67-533, "Lunar Orbiter Attitude Control System"
    • #67-553, "Application of Redundancy in the Saturn V Guidance and Control System"
    • #67-588, "Apollo Guidance, Navigation and Control System Gyro Reliability"
    • #67-591, "Advanced Control Systems for the Saturn Launch Vehicle"
    • #67-622, "A Performance Study of the Lunar Module (LM) Landing Radar System"
    I'm not actually certain of the legality of providing this document to you; it has no correctly formed copyright notice in it, and I believe that in 1967 that would mean it had no copyright at all. In 1989, I think, the law was changed so that for stuff published after then, no actual copyright notice was needed, and any random belch from everybody would automatically copyrighted by them at all times — good job, Congress! — but that foolish concept didn't apply retroactively, and thus didn't apply in 1967; nor do later extensions to copyright law retroactively provide such protection, as far as I'm aware. But I'm not a lawyer, so if you have an informed beef to the contrary, let me know and I'll take the document down.
  1130. 😮67-U60-0019, "Computer Controlled Power Application for the Saturn Launch Vehicle", 08/01/1967, by Henry D. Felber.
  1131. LSG-770-430-23-LTA-8, "Electrical Power Subsystem Study Guide, Lunar Module LTA-8", 08/01/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  1132. "Apollo Training - Electrical Power Subsystem, Block II CSM", 08/01/1967, by North American Aviation.
  1133. "Leaks in LM-1 at KSC" or here, 08/08/1967, by NASA.
  1134. Edition 4, "IU Telemetry Channel Listing, IU 204 Thru EO 71", 08/10/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1135. "Apollo Training - Apollo Spacecraft & Systems Familiarization - Course Number APC-118", 08/15/1967, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  1136. 😮"Letter to the editor of the Sunliter", 08/15/1967, by Don Eyles.
  1137. 😮"TWIDDLE", 08/16/1967, by Don Eyles.
  1138. Preliminary, "(Preliminary) Apollo CSM 101 Flight Crew Abbreviated Chcklist", 08/18/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1139. Preliminary, "(Preliminary) Block II CSM Flight Crew Abbreviated Checklist (for use in CSM 103 and on)", 08/18/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1140. "Apollo Training - Telecommunications Subsystem, Block II", 08/21/1967, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  1141. Digital Development Memo #382, "Erasable Memory Preservation - Block II AGC", 08/22/1967, by Allen Harano.
  1142. Digital Development Memo #379, "Night Watchman Noise Problems II", 08/22/1967, by R. Howie, W. Prince.
  1143. 😮R-ASTR-NG-64-67, "Memo: Saturn IB Flight Program presettings", 08/23/1967, by Melvin Brooks.
  1144. "Software Development Meeting #20", 08/23/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1145. 😮OCP-B-63005-LTA-8, "Checklist and Procedure - Vehicle Support Systems Installation Chamber B", 08/24/1967, by Manned Spacecraft Center, Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  1146. "Potential Deletion List, Colossus-Sundance", 08/29/1967, by Anonymous.
  1147. 😮Paper #4396, "The Role of the S-IVB in the Apollo and Post Apollo Programs", 08/30/1967, by Ludwig Roth.
  1148. Flight 501 Memo #14, "Values Used for the Final Verification of the AS-501 Prelaunch Erasable Memory Data Load on the MIT/IL Digital Simulator", 08/31/1967, by Jay A. Sampson.
  1149. MSC-G-R-66-2, TM X-62860, 3-260-6186, "Gemini Program Mission Report, Gemini VII — Gemini 7/6 Supplemental Report 5, "Gemini GT-6A Post Flight Analysis Report, Gemini GT-6 Rendezvous and Catch-Up Post Flight Report, and GT-7/6 Re-Entry Mission Reconstruction Report"", 09/1967, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  1150. 😮CSDL-81-617, "Man-Machine Design for the Apollo Navigation, Guidance and Control System", 09/1967, by J. L. Nevins.
  1151. 😮PD-AC/M39, "Review of Command Module Computer (CMG) and Lunar Guidance Computer (LGC) fixed memory storage requirements", 09/01/1967, by Aaron Cohen.
  1152. 😮EG-67-27, "Apollo Program: Maximum Allowable Lateral Velocity Errors During LM Powered Descent", 09/01/1967, by Gene McSwain.
  1153. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #15-67, "Preliminary Design of the RCS Autopilots Required for Task 2 of the Apollo Application Program", 09/08/1967, by Edward Womble.
  1154. Apollo Engineering Memo AP-M #16949, "Notes on the Block II Coarse Align Loop", 09/13/1967, by R. Vander Voort.
  1155. "Apollo Training, Guidance and Control Systems - Block II, S/C 101", 09/15/1967, by Apollo Logistics Training.
  1156. R-ASTR-S-67-65, "Technical Information Summary - AS-501 - Apollo Saturn V Flight Vehicle", 09/15/1967, by NASA.
  1157. BB-3.1.3-10-MO3, TN-AP-67-264, CR-92805, "AS-206 S-IV-B Restart Alternate Mission, L/V Operational Flight Trajectory", Part III, 09/15/1967, by T. B. Pederson, B. B. Barrett. The AS-206 Restart Alternate Mission, though only an unflown backup mission for the also-canceled AS-206A mission, remains significant today, due to the fact that it is the only mission for which the Saturn launch vehicle's LVDC software is known to have survived. At this writing, I am loath to post that software online, because it may be subject to severe "exporting" penalties under U. S. ITAR regulations. Its release is authorized only to "United States persons", which includes citizens and some others. If you want the software, and can convincely demonstrate that you are a U. S. person under the law, contact us directly.
  1158. 😮LED-553-EFD-LTA-8, 2nd Edition, "Elementary Functional Diagrams (EFD) for LTA-8", 09/19/1967, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation. The document itself does not seem to be dated, but many (all?) of the engineering drawings it contains were approved on 9/19/1967, so I've taken the liberty of assigning that date to the document as a whole. Note also that anyone who is inclined to ignore this document in favor of the corresponding documents for the later LM-7 through LM-12 is advised to consider the fact that this document is far more legible than those. Thus where the documents overlap, it may still be useful to consult this one.
  1159. 😮A784590-I, "Final Report, Launch & Space Vehicle Control Studies, Volume I: Digitized Non-Linear Filter for Launch Vehicle Application", Volume I of II, 09/22/1967, by G. R. Hewitt, J. G. Tuck, N. Kovalevsky.
  1160. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.6, Electrical Power System", 09/28/1967, by North American Aviation.
  1161. 05952-H282-R0-00, 67-FMT-548, CR-133300, "Results of Independent Flight Software Validation Test of the BURST116 Program for the LM-1 Mission", 09/28/1967, by D. B. Urfrig.
  1162. R-ASTR-NG-75-67, "Memo: AS-502 Final Flight Data Document", 09/29/1967, by Melvin Brooks.
  1163. E-1142, Rev 53, "Weight and Balance Report", 10/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1164. 😮"Apollo Guidance Software Development and Validation Plan", 10/04/1967, by Guidance Software Validation Committee.
  1165. 😮"DSKY Display Program", 10/09/1967, by Eldon Hall.
  1166. Rev 10/10/1967, "Guide to OP CODES Recognized by YUL System for BLK2 and AGC", 10/10/1967, by Hugh Blair-Smith.
  1167. "S/C 101 Software First Article Configuration Inspection - Case 310", 10/10/1967, by W. G. Heffron.
  1168. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #1", 10/13/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1169. K-1B-029/4, Rev 2, "Apollo/Saturn Consolidated Instrumentation Plan for AS-204/LM-1", 10/16/1967, by C. R. Berghult, W. T. Cooper.
  1170. 😮"GENTRAN", 10/17/1967, by Don Eyles.
  1171. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #2", 10/17/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1172. 😮Draft, "Mission Program Development Calendar", 10/18/1967, by D. G. Hoag, A. Kosmala.
  1173. FO-K-0033-0007A-SC017, Rev A, "Spacecraft Operations for Space Vehicle Launch Countdown / Countdown Demonstration", 10/25/1967, by NASA. One of the checkout tests listed in this document verification of the so-called "bugger words" (i.e., memory-bank checksums) for the AGC's memory banks. (See PDF pages 340 and 372.) Apollo 4, by our reckoning, should use the AGC program SOLARIUM 55. One notable fact about SOLARIUM 55, however, is that while I was able to scan Eldon Hall's physical hardcopy of the assembly listing, that assembly listing was lacking the octal listing of the assembled form of the program which such printouts normally have, and since the octal listing was absent, the checksums of the memory banks weren't listed either. Mike Stewart notes that the buffer words listed in the checkout tests in this document do agree with the bugger words for SOLARIUM 55 as computed by our AGC assembler (yaYUL).
  1174. Rev C, "List of OCP Start Dates", 10/30/1967, by Jim Reinhartsen. "OCP" apparently stands for Operational Checkout Procedures. This document relates to the OCPs for LTA-8.
  1175. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #3", 10/31/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1176. "Apollo 4 Spurs Lunar Landing Program", 11/1967, by Anonymous.
  1177. "This is the First of the Big Shots", 11/1967, by Anonymous.
  1178. System Course 3100, Rev B, "Computer Utility Programs", 11/01/1967, by AC Electronics.
  1179. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #4", 11/07/1967, by K. W. Greene.
  1180. COLOSSUS Memo #1, "Nothing's Here to Stay - Not Even KKK", 11/07/1967, by J. Rhode.
  1181. LUMINARY Memo #1, "Nothing's Here to Stay — Not Even KKK", 11/07/1967, by J. Rhode.
  1182. "Apollo 4 Pre-Launch Press Conference", 11/08/1967, by NASA.
  1183. 1014999-111, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 4 G&N System", 11/09/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1184. R-AERO-F-187-67, "Saturn AS-501 Flight Evaluation Bulletin No. 1", 11/14/1967, by J. P. LIndberg.
  1185. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #5", 11/14/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1186. 😮67-EG-32, "Project Apollo: Use of the Landing Point Designator to Land the Lunar Module to a Given Target", 11/14/1967, by Jerrold H. Suddath, Rudolph L. Saldana.
  1187. 😮TM X-53673, "Structural Deformations in the Saturn Instrument Unit", 11/20/1967, by Larry A. Kiefling.
  1188. R-ASTR-NG-93-67, "Memo: Predicted propellant consumption for the AS-204/LM-1 S-IVB Auxiliary Propulsion System", 11/21/1967, by Melvin Brooks.
  1189. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #6", 11/21/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1190. 😮"LM-1 Engine Recommendation", 11/22/1967, by Joseph G. Thibodaux, Jr.
  1191. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #7", 11/28/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1192. LUMINARY Memo #4, "LGC Computer Program Execution Time During Lunar Landing", 11/29/1967, by George Cherry.
  1193. 😮E-2218, "Lead Failure Study for the Motorola 1-mil Wedge-Bonded 1006323 Transistor", 12/1967, by William Day, Jayne Partridge.
  1194. R-527, Rev 2, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Unmanned LM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SUNBURST, Section 7: G&N Error Analyses", Section 7, 12/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1195. E-1142, Rev 54, "Weight and Balance Report", 12/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1196. 😮DS-2164, Rev A, "Model Specification Ground Support Equipment, Saturn S-IVB Stage", 12/01/1967, by Douglas Missile & Space Systems Division.
  1197. 67-K05-002, "Instrument Unit Systems Description", 12/01/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division. The document is undated, so I've invented a date based on the document number.
  1198. III-5-509-4, 66-966-0006, Change No. 3, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit System Description and Component Data (S-IU-201-212 / 501-515)", Changed pages only, 12/01/1967, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1199. 05952-H341-R0-000, EB-R-67-7, "Apollo Communications Systems Performance and Coverage Analysis for Mission AS-204 / LM-1", 12/01/1967, by TRW.
  1200. SPD7-E-002, Rev 5, "Apollo 5 Mission Requirements - 204/LM-1 - "B" Type Mission LM Development", 12/04/1967, by William J. McKenzie, James L. Tomberlin.
  1201. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #8", 12/05/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1202. 40M33627B, "Interface Control Document: Definition of Saturn SA-507 & Subsequent Flight Sequence Program", 12/05/1967, by NASA.
  1203. 2021106-031, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program SUNBURST 120", 12/07/1967, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. SUNBURST 120 flew in Apollo 5, an unmanned mission to test the LM.
    See also:
  1204. "Source code of the original YUL AGC assembler", 12/12/1967, by Hugh Blair-Smith. This is the Honeywell H-800 source code of the original YUL assembler for AGC code. It was superseded by the GAP assembler, for which we have no source code. While YUL's source code is for the H-800 computer, it is not written in the H-800's assembly language, ARGUS, but is instead written in something called MITIGUS. We don't have an exact description of MITIGUS, nor the preprocessor software that converts MITIGUS to ARGUS ... which we'd have no way to run anyway. Nevertheless, as is our usual practice, we've transcribed the scanned assembly listing of YUL into source-code files, which are a bit more readable than the original scan!
    See also:
  1205. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #9", 12/12/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1206. Rev 12/13/1967, "Guide to OP CODES Recognized by YUL System for BLK2 and AGC", 12/13/1967, by Hugh Blair-Smith.
  1207. 😮AN-1.3, "Apollo Missions and Navigation Systems Characteristics", 12/15/1967, by NASA.
  1208. R-ASTR-S-67-63, "Technical Information Summary, Apollo 5 (AS-204/LM-1), Apollo Saturn 1B Flight Vehicle", 12/15/1967, by NASA.
  1209. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #10", 12/19/1967, by R. C. Millard.
  1210. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.6, Electrical Power System", 12/26/1967, by North American Aviation.
  1211. 67-FM-195, "Apollo 5 Mission (AS-204/LM-1) Spacecraft Operational Trajectory", Volume I, 12/29/1967, by Edwin G. Dupnick, Veit Hanssen.

  1212. SKB 32100038-201, "Apollo 8 Charts & Graphs", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1002.
  1213. SKB 32100028-201, "Apollo 8 CMP Checklist", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1004.
  1214. SKB 32100040-201, "Apollo 8 Crew Log", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1005, blank pages.
  1215. SKB 32100040-201, "Apollo 8 Crew Log", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1006, not blank.
  1216. SKB 32100024-301, "Apollo 8 Entry Checklist", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1003.
  1217. SKB 32100024-301, "Apollo 8 Entry Checklist", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1004, differs from 1003.
  1218. SKB 32100029-201, "Apollo 8 LMP Checklist", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1004.
  1219. SKB 32100026-301, "Apollo 8 Maps & Photos", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1004.
  1220. SKB 32100020-301, "Apollo 8 TLI Procedures", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1003.
  1221. SKB 32100020-301, "Apollo 8 TLI Procedures", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1004, differs from 1003.
  1222. SKB 32100042-201, "Apollo 8 Updates", 1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1004.
  1223. S-68-5196, "Apollo Applications Program artist's concept of the Apollo Telescope Mission", 1968, by Anonymous.
  1224. S-68-2887, "Apollo Applications Program artist's concept of the Apollo Telescope Mount", 1968, by Anonymous.
  1225. S-68-1762, "Apollo Applications Program artist's concept of the Saturn I Workshop", 1968, by Anonymous.
  1226. 😮"ACE-S/C - Acceptance Checkout Equipment - Spacecraft", 1968, by General Electric Company. This document is undated, so I've invented the date. I find this document particularly interesting in regard to its explanation of K START.
  1227. "IBM's Prime-Contracting Role in the Apollo/Saturn Program", 1968, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1228. "Flight Control Computer SIB System Schematics for Production #2 through #5" or here, 1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division. These are electrical schematics of the Saturn IU's Flight Control Computer (FCC) for AS-501 through AS-503 and AS-201 through AS-206. Here's a crude index:
    • p. 1: Cover
    • p. 40:  A hand-drawn sketch.
    • pp. 61:  Rear cover
  1229. CR-92180, "Project Gemini Final Report Summary", 1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  1230. 😮"Apollo Navigational Star Chart / Navigation Instruments for Apollo", 1968, by Kollsman Instrument Corporation. The document is undated, so I've simply invented a date out of thin air.
  1231. SM2A-03-SC101-(2), "Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM-101 - Volume 2: Flight Crew Operational Procedures", Volume 2, Section 6, 1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This is just a fragment of the full document, and the metadata I've provided (date, title, document number) is speculative. While it does have accompanying metadata, as well as a link to the archive from which it came, that metadata isn't fully correct. However, because of the several references in the document fragment to Sundisk software (Apollo 7), and a handwritten "Swigert" (one of the Apollo 7 backup crew), it is reasonable to associate this with CSM-101 and the Apollo 7 mission.
  1232. 😮"LC-37 OTV Camera Locations", 1968, by NASA. This document is undated and untitled, so those have been invented for it. "LC-37" is Launch Complex 37. "OTV" may correspond to the following description (probably from a different date, but hopefully correct in spirit) from the Saturn V Flight Manual: "Visual surveillance of launch vehicle checkout is provided to the launch management team and for distribution to MSC and MSFC through the operational television system (OTV). Sixty cameras provide this capability, 27 of which are located on the ML, 15 in the pad area, 12 on the MSS and 6 in the LCC. Any camera may be requested for viewing on the 10 x 10 foot screens in the firing room.".
  1233. "List of Technical Reports and Memorandums Concerning Human Factor Engineering Design of NASA-MSC Equipment", 1968, by NASA. Document date is guessed.
  1234. "AS-503 C' MIssion Operational Trajectory", Appendix A, 1968, by TBD.
  1235. "KSC Collection of Tindallgrams - 1968", 1968, by Howard W. Tindall Jr.
  1236. 😮MSC-APOLLO-2, "Apollo Engineering and Technology Index", Volume 3, 01/1968, by ITT-Federal Electric Corporation.
  1237. MSC-PA-R-68-1, "Apollo 4 Mission Report", 01/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1238. 😮MSC-APOLLO-2, "Apollo Engineering and Technology Index", Volume 1, 01/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1239. 😮MSC-APOLLO-2, "Apollo Engineering and Technology Index", Volume 2, 01/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1240. 😮R-599, "Digital Simulation Manual", 01/1968, by Pieter Mimno.
  1241. R-600, CR-99676, "Control, Guidance, and Navigation for Advanced Manned Missions (Final Report on Task II of Contract NAS-9-6823)", Volume II of IV, 01/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1242. R-600, CR-99675, "Control, Guidance, and Navigation for Advanced Manned Missions (Final Report on Task II of Contract NAS-9-6823)", Volume I of IV, 01/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1243. R-600, CR-99677, "Control, Guidance, and Navigation for Advanced Manned Missions (Final Report on Task II of Contract NAS-9-6823)", Volume III of IV, 01/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1244. LMA790-3-LM3, "Apollo Operations Handbook - Lunar Module 3", Volume II of II, 01/01/1968, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1245. "Public Affairs Plan - Apollo 5", 01/01/1968, by NASA.
  1246. 😮SD 68-85, "Apollo Block II Wire and Wire Bundle Current Rating", 01/03/1968, by J. R. Bedford, J. L. Schaefer, T. H. Seitz.
  1247. 05952-6191-T000, "LM AGS Guidance Software Final Design Report - Flight Program No. 2 (Unmanned B Mission Only)", 01/05/1968, by TRW.
  1248. 😮68-FM-4, "Trajectory Information for Initial Planning of Terminal Phase of Coelliptic Sequence Rendezvous in Lunar Orbit", 01/08/1968, by James D. Alexander, Mary T. Alexander.
  1249. CR-92108, R68-4125, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program SUPER JOB", 01/08/1968, by Raytheon. SUPER JOB never flew in any missions. In fact, we can't even say that it's LM software or CM software, but merely that it is AGC software. And it wasn't even written by the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, but actually by Raytheon (the manufacturer of the AGC) instead. It was part of a test of an "auxiliary memory" system for the AGC. The auxiliary memory was a magnetic tape drive, from which programs could be loaded into the AGC in flight. Apparently the auxiliary memory worked, but it never ended up being used.
    See also:
  1250. 68-FM-9, TMX-65090, "Operational Support Plan for the Real-Time Auxiliary Computing Facility - Apollo 5 Flight Annex", 01/09/1968, by Larry D. Davis, Ronald D. Davis.
  1251. 😮"Limits of Gimbal Rates", 01/09/1968, by R. Cushing.
  1252. 68-6K, "Apollo 5 Press Kit", 01/11/1968, by NASA.
  1253. LUMINARY Memo #6, "Summary of Information from Level III Testing Status Reports for LUMINARY Development Plan, Week of 8 January 1968", 01/12/1968, by George Cherry.
  1254. SUNDISK Memo #1-68, "Incorrect Extrapolation of W Matrix", 01/12/1968, by G. M. Levine.
  1255. MPR-SAT-FE-68-1, TM X-60911, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — A-501, Apollo 4 Mission", 01/15/1968, by NASA.
  1256. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #14", 01/16/1968, by R. C. Millard.
  1257. Rev 2, "SA-204/LM-1 Data Evaluation Guide", Changes only, 01/16/1968, by NASA.
  1258. "Measuring and Telemetry Information Summary for CDDT and LCD", 01/18/1968, by IBM Federal Services Division. This document describes personnel assignments, duties, and tasks — I suppose just for IBM FSD staff — during the actual flight of Apollo 5. CDDT stands for Countdown Demonstration Test. I'm not sure what the acronym LCD stands for; perhaps Launch Count Down.
  1259. 😮Report F917, CR-86041, "Mercury/Gemini Program Design Survey", 01/21/1968, by McDonnell Douglas.
  1260. "Apollo 5 Pre-Launch Press Conference", 01/21/1968, by NASA.
  1261. 6014999-031, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 5 G&N System", 01/22/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1262. "Apollo 5 Mission Public Information - Quick Reference Information", 01/22/1968, by NASA. This document is undated, so I've used the mission launch date.
  1263. "Apollo 5 Post-Launch Press Conference", 01/22/1968, by NASA.
  1264. "LM-1 Trip Report at MSC - Flight Support and Debriefing", 01/25/1968, by Jay A. Sampson.
  1265. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #15", 01/26/1968, by K. W. Greene.
  1266. 😮68-FM-23, "Logic and Equations for the Real-Time Computation of the Lunar Module Descent Planning Table" or here, 01/26/1968, by William A. Sullivan.
  1267. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #16", 01/30/1968, by R. C. Millard.
  1268. 😮"A Proposed Plan for Geologic Exploration on the Second Apollo Landing Mission - Case 710", 01/31/1968, by A. F. H. Goetz.
  1269. 😮TN D-4131, "Lunar Module Pilot Control Considerations", 02/1968, by Clarke T. Hackler, James R. Brickel, Herbert E. Smith, Donald C. Cheatham.
  1270. E-1142, Rev 55, "Weight and Balance Report", 02/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1271. 68-FM-2, TMX-65257, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Landing Site Determination Using Onboard Observations", Part I, 02/01/1968, by Paul F. Flanagan, George A. Austin.
  1272. III-5-510-19, 66-966-0021, Rev 1 Feb 68, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit Technical Manual - Flight Control Computer (S-IU-204 and S-IU-205)", 02/01/1968, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1273. 68-FM-30, TMX-65260, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Selecting and Verifying USBS Doppler Data Sources During LM Ascent and Descent", 02/01/1968, by Alan D. Wylie.
  1274. Digital Development Memo #399, "Restarts Due to a Momentary Loss of Primary Power", 02/08/1968, by Allen Harano.
  1275. 😮ST-CM-AD-10673, "Considerations on the Return Trajectories from the Moon to the Earth", 02/08/1968, by V. A. Yegorov.
  1276. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #18", 02/13/1968, by R. C. Millard.
  1277. 😮"NASA Manned Spacecraft Center Flight Crew Operations Branch Simulator Operations", 02/14/1968, by Riley David McCafferty.
  1278. 😮"Data Priority Meeting - DOI - February 14, 1968", 02/15/1968, by Russell A. Larson.
  1279. 😮68-FM-46, 05952-H364-R0-00, "Formulation of Rendezvous Navigation Plans for Missions D, E, and G", 02/18/1968, by Frederick W. Lipps.
  1280. "LM-1 Operations Team Report", 02/21/1968, by NASA.
  1281. 68-FM-52, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Lunar Module Attitude Determination Using Onboard Observations", 02/23/1968, by B. F. Cockrell.
  1282. 68-FM-52, Change 1, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Lunar Module Attitude Determinations Using Onboard Observations", 02/23/1968, by B. F. Cockrell.
  1283. 68-FM-53, TMX-65086, "RTCC Requirements for Missions E, F, and G: Greenwich Hour Angle Formulation for the Predictor", 02/26/1968, by Paul F. Flanagan.
  1284. "MIT Management Development Plan Meeting #20", 02/27/1968, by R. C. Millard.
  1285. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.9, Sequential Systems", 02/29/1968, by North American Aviation. See also the SUPPLEMENT.
  1286. "Apollo Training - Apollo Operations Handbook - CSM Block II, Preliminary - Subsection 2.9, Sequential Systems", SUPPLEMENT, 02/29/1968, by North American Aviation.
  1287. 😮TN D-4481, "Saturn V Manual Backup Guidance and Control Piloted Simulation Study", 03/1968, by Richard L. Kurkowski, Gordon H. Hardy.
  1288. 😮TN D-4481, "Saturn V Manual Backup Guidance and Control Piloted Simulation Study", 03/1968, by Richard L. Kurkowski, Gordon H. Hardy.
  1289. MSC-PA-R-68-7, "Apollo 5 Mission Report", 03/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1290. MSC-PA-R-68-7, TM X-72405, "Apollo 5 Mission Report: Apollo Mission 5/AS-204/LM-1 Trajectory Reconstruction and Postflight Analysis", Supplement 2 Volume I, 03/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1291. "Apollo Telescope Mount — Fact Sheet", 03/01/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1292. LUMINARY Memo #19, "Comparison of Body Drive & Gimbal Drive FINDCDUW Routines", 03/04/1968, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  1293. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #5-68, "A Modified Acceleration Expression for Bodies in Gravitation Fields", 03/04/1968, by Wayne H. Tempelman.
  1294. 😮68-FM-67, "Logic and Equations for the Real-Time Computation of the LM Launch Targeting and Display" or here, 03/08/1968, by Jerome W. Kahanek.
  1295. 😮CR-92107, R68-4125, "Final Report: Auxiliary Memory for Apollo Guidance Computer", Volume 1 of 2, 03/11/1968, by Raytheon.
  1296. 😮CR-92108, R68-4125, "Final Report: Auxiliary Memory for Apollo Guidance Computer", Volume 2 of 2, 03/11/1968, by Raytheon.
  1297. V36-976020, Rev B, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 103", 03/12/1968, by C. Holt.
  1298. "Procedure for Earth Rate Compensation for MSC Simulation Laboratory Testing using SUNDISK 282", 03/12/1968, by George L. Silver, Romilly G. Gilbert.
  1299. V36-976018, Rev D, "Design Layout - Main Display Console, Command Module 101", 03/12/1968, by Ray Singer.
  1300. 68-FM-62, "Apollo 6 (A-2 or AS-502/CSM-020) Spacecraft Operational Trajectory, Volume I - Mission Profile", Volume I, 03/13/1968, by William J. Bennett, Ronny H. Moore, Jon C. Harpold.
  1301. FC027 3/15/68, "Lunar Module Systems Handbook, Vehicle LM-3", 03/15/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1302. 68-FM-74, "LM Powered Ascent Trajectory for the Apollo Lunar Landing Mission", 03/20/1968, by Joe D. Payne, William C. Lamey, Burl G. Kirkland.
  1303. "Joint NASA/MIT Development Plan Meeting #24", 03/26/1968, by R. C. Millard.
  1304. 😮"Organization of Half Size AGC Computer Program - Case 310", 03/27/1968, by W. G. Heffron.
  1305. 68-54K, "Apollo 6 Press Kit", 03/28/1968, by NASA.
  1306. 68-FM-78, "Project Apollo: LM Powered Descent Trajectory for the Apollo Lunar Landing Mission", 03/29/1968, by James H. Alphin, Billy G. Taylor, Burl G. Kirkland.
  1307. 😮"Feasibility Study for Simplified Apollo Guidance - Case 310", 03/29/1968, by Bellcomm.
  1308. 68-5, CR-92124, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Landing Site Determination Using On-Board Observations", Part II, 04/1968, by George A. Austin, Paul F. Flanagan.
  1309. 😮E-2254, "Auxiliary Memory System, Final Report on Phase I", 04/1968, by D. J. Bowler.
  1310. MSC-PA-R-68-8, "Apollo 6 Mission 3-Day Report", 04/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1311. 😮MSC-APOLLO-3, Supplement, "Apollo Engineering and Technology Index", Volume 2, 04/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1312. 😮"Computer Controlled Steering of the Apollo Spacecraft", 04/1968, by Frederick H. Martin, Richard H. Battin.
  1313. CR-110075, SM-47004, "Saturn S-IVB-501 Stage Flight Evaluation Report", Volume I, 04/1968, by McDonnell Douglas.
  1314. 6014999-021, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for LTA-8 G&N System", 04/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1315. E-1142, Rev 56, "Weight and Balance Report", 04/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1316. BB-3.1.5-4-201, TN-AP-68-311, CR-94709, "Saturn AS-204/LM-1 Postflight Trajectory", Part IV, 04/1968, by J. W. Nichols.
  1317. 😮"NORM UNIT and QUICTRIG", 04/01/1968, by Don Eyles.
  1318. 2003972-371, "Rope-memory module B1 for SUNDANCE 292", 04/01/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B1 rope-memory module for SUNDANCE 292.
  1319. 2003972-391, "Rope-memory module B3 for SUNDANCE 292", 04/01/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B3 rope-memory module for SUNDANCE 292.
  1320. 2003972-421, "Rope-memory module B5 for SUNDANCE 292", 04/01/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B5 rope-memory module for SUNDANCE 292.
  1321. CR-92123, Report 68-4, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Trajectory Computers for TLI and MCC Processors", Part I, 04/01/1968, by William E. Moore, Brody O. McCaffety, Bernard F. Morrey.
  1322. 68-4, CR-92123, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Trajectory Computers for TLI and MCC Processors", Part I, 04/01/1968, by William E. Moore, Brody O. McCaffety.
  1323. 😮PWA-2399D, 2 April 1968, "Apollo Fuel Cell Powerplant End-Item Inspection and Test Procedures", 04/02/1968, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft.
  1324. "Apollo 6 Pre-Launch Press Conference", 04/03/1968, by NASA.
  1325. S-68-14175, "Apollo Applications Program artist's concept of the Saturn I Workshop", 04/04/1968, by Anonymous.
  1326. 1014999-121, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 6 G&N System", 04/04/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1327. "Apollo 6 Quick Reference", 04/04/1968, by NASA. This document is undocumented and untitled, so those have been invented. Note that while the document superficially seems to be for Apollo 6, it also contains a lot of information unrelated to Apollo 6, such as:
  1328. COLOSSUS Memo #48, "Addenda COLOSSUS Level 3 Verification Plan", 04/05/1968, by C. Braunhardt.
  1329. "Apollo Training - Telecommunication Subsystem, Block II", 04/08/1968, by North American Aviation.
  1330. LUMINARY Memo #22, "LUMINARY Revisions 4, 5 and 6", 04/15/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1331. "Apollo Training - Block II CSM Propulsion Subsystem", 04/19/1968, by North American Aviation.
  1332. "RTCC Differential Correction Process", 04/19/1968, by William M. Stoval Jr. As far as authorship is concerned, it's unclear to me whether the person I've listed wrote the document or merely the memo to which the document is attached.
  1333. 😮LPC 92-31, OCP-B-90000-B-1-LTA-8, "LTA-8 Manrating Test / Thermal Procedures", 04/20/1968, by A. La Cognata.
  1334. LUMINARY Memo #23, "LUMINARY Revisions 7 and 8", 04/22/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1335. COLOSSUS Memo #52, "Standards for Verification Plans", 04/24/1968, by C. Braunhardt.
  1336. LUMINARY Memo #24, "Standards for Verification Plans", 04/24/1968, by C. Braunhardt.
  1337. CF241-8M-51, "Rendezvous Procedures, C Mission, AS-205/101", 04/29/1968, by Duane K. Mosel.
  1338. 68-FMT-643, 05952-H494-R0-00, "Apollo CMC/LGC Software Development Plan", 04/30/1968, by J. V. Mutchler.
  1339. LUMINARY Memo #25, "LUMINARY Revisions 9, 10 and 11", 04/30/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1340. 68-FM-105, TMX-64345, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Selecting and Verifying USBS Doppler Data Sources During LM Ascent and Descent", 04/30/1968, by Alan D. Wylie.
  1341. E-2265, CR-86088, "On-Line Logical Simulation (OLLS)", 05/1968, by R. L. Alonso, H. R. Howie, J. C. Pennypacker, G. Schwartz, H. A. Thaler. This is about OLLS, a kind of early CAD system for electrical designs, including provisions for simulation, as well as for drawing schematics.
  1342. 😮E-2246, "Computer-Aided Inertial Platform Realignment in Manned Space Flight", 05/1968, by James A. Hand.
  1343. MSC-PA-R-68-9, "Apollo 6 Mission Report", 05/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1344. TM X-72405, "Apollo Mission 5/AS-204/LM-1 Trajectory Reconstruction and Postflight Analysis, Volume I", Volume I, 05/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1345. 😮68-FM-106, "Apollo CSM and LM Onboard Navigation System Constraints", 05/01/1968, by T. J. Blucker.
  1346. COLOSSUS Memo #56, "COLOSSUS Revisions 197, 198, 199, and 200", 05/02/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1347. COLOSSUS Memo #57, "COLOSSUS Revisions 201 and 202", 05/06/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1348. LUMINARY Memo #27, "FINDCDUW Guidance Autopiliot Interface Routine", 05/10/1968, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  1349. FC007, "Command/Service Module Systems Handbook - CSM 103", 05/10/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1350. DG Memo #1068, "Trip Report to AMES - 504 1st Stage Simulation with Manual Takeover", 05/10/1968, by J. L. Nevins, Russell A. Larson.
  1351. COLOSSUS Memo #58, "RTB", 05/13/1968, by Don Eyles.
  1352. LUMINARY Memo #26, "RTB", 05/13/1968, by Don Eyles.
  1353. COLOSSUS Memo #59, "Problems Concerning the Lunar Sphere of Influence", 05/13/1968, by J. A. Saponaro.
  1354. COLOSSUS Memo #60, "COLOSSUS Revisions 203, 204 and 205", 05/14/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1355. LUMINARY Memo #28, "LUMINARY Revisions 12 - 16", 05/14/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1356. 68-FM-117, TMX-64468, "RTCC Requirements for Missions F and G: Selenography-MNBY Velocity Transformation Formulation", 05/15/1968, by Paul F. Flanagan. MNBY is the acronym for the Mean Besselian Year system.
  1357. SM2A-03-SC104-(2), "Apollo Operations Handbook, Comand and Service Modules, Volume 2: Operational Procedures - CSM 104", Volume 2, 05/15/1968, by NASA.
  1358. 68-U60-0013, "A Hybrid Simulation for Dynamic Verification of Saturn Guidance and Control Subsystems", 05/15/1968, by Ronald T. Patray. I've included this document in the library primarily because I like the simplified diagrammatic description of the Saturn G&C system found in slides 5 et seq..
  1359. Electronic Design Group Memo #46, "Block II CDU Failure Mode while Operating Outside Acceptable IX Resolver Phase and Voltage Magnitudes. (22 Vrms with phase varied from 18 degrees to 63 degrees.)", 05/21/1968, by John Barker.
  1360. 😮68-FM-119, "Logic for the Earth Orbital AEG in the Apollo Real-Time Rendezvous Support Program" or here, 05/21/1968, by Edward J. Kenyon.
  1361. COLOSSUS Memo #61, "COLOSSUS Revisions 206, 207 and 208", 05/22/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1362. 68-FM-125, TMX-65091, Rev 5/28/1968, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Lunar Module Attitude Determination Using Onboard Observations", 05/28/1968, by B. F. Cockrell.
  1363. Preliminary, "Flight Plan, Apollo 7, AS 205/101", 05/31/1968, by W. M. Anderson.
  1364. CR-130939, "Real Time Computer Complex - Apollo Programming Systems - Book: Mission Systems, Volume 3: AS-200 Systems Integration", Volume 3/17, 05/31/1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  1365. 😮CR-1106, "Project Gemini: A Technical Summary", 06/1968, by P. W. Malik, G. A. Souris.
  1366. 2014999-021, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for 2TV-1 G&N System", 06/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1367. E-1142, Rev 57, "Weight and Balance Report", 06/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1368. SD 68-442, CR-129963, "Mission Evaluation Presimulation Report", Part II, 06/1968, by North American Rockwell. The document describes using a modified version of SUNDISK 281 or 282 — there is some ambiguity — Table 7-1 specifically lists the differences, in octal, between SUNDISK 282 and the modified program.
  1369. 😮"Apollo Spacecraft News Reference (CSM)", 06/01/1968, by North American Rockwell.
  1370. COLOSSUS Memo #62, "COLOSSUS Revisions 209 and 210", 06/03/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1371. LUMINARY Memo #29, "LUMINARY Revisions 17 and 18", 06/06/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1372. Digital Development Memo #409, "AGC Alarm Simulation Tests for Field Checking the Restart Monitors", 06/06/1968, by Phil Ward.
  1373. 😮68-FM-133, "Preliminary Analyses of LM Abort and CSM Rescue from 60 Nautical Mile CSM Orbit During the Hohmann Descent Phase", 06/07/1968, by Jerome A. Bell, Mary T. Alexander.
  1374. LUMINARY Memo #30, "LUMINARY Level 4 Test Plan", 06/07/1968, by Jim Kernan, Schulenberg.
  1375. (LUMINARY) PCR-210, "Increase DPS Throttle Recovery Limit", 06/11/1968, by Bennett.
  1376. LUMINARY Memo #31, "LUMINARY Revisions 19 - 26", 06/12/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1377. COLOSSUS Memo #64, "COLOSSUS Revisions 213 and 214", 06/14/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1378. 😮"Detail Data Evaluation Report, LM-3 OCP 61018, Run Between 11 May and 13 May 1968", 06/18/1968, by LM-3 Data Evaluation Team.
  1379. (LUMINARY) PCR-470, "Added P68, Confirm Lunar Landing", 06/19/1968, by Eyles, Cherry.
  1380. COLOSSUS Memo #66, "A Multiplier Effect While Using TLOSS During Simulations", 06/19/1968, by Fred H. Martin.
  1381. CR-96175, "Apollo Command System - Ground Network Data Flow - Case 900", 06/20/1968, by J. E. Johnson.
  1382. COLOSSUS Memo #67, "COLOSSUS Revisions 215 and 216", 06/21/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1383. LUMINARY Memo #33, "Z-Axis Tracking in LUMINARY", 06/24/1968, by George Cherry.
  1384. LUMINARY Memo #32, "Undocumented Aspects of R03 (Verb 48)", 06/24/1968, by Peter Weissman.
  1385. 68-FM-155, TM-X-72390, "RTCC Requirements for the TLI Burn GO/NO-GO Procedure", 06/25/1968, by Herbert S. Estes.
  1386. MPR-SAT-FE-68-3, TM X-61038, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-502, Apollo 6 Mission", 06/25/1968, by NASA.
  1387. COLOSSUS Memo #68, "COLOSSUS Revision 217", 06/26/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1388. R-ASTR-NG-96-68, "AS-205/CSM-101 Final Flight Data Document (FFDD)", 06/27/1968, by Melvin Brooks.
  1389. Apollo Project Memo #1933, "LM Program Items Discussed and Acted on at the 19th SCB Meeting" or here, 06/27/1968, by George W. Cherry.
  1390. E-2164, Preliminary, "Guidance, Navigation, and Control Lunar Module Functional Description and Operation Using Flight Program SUNDANCE", Volume I, 07/1968, by J. E. Heybl. There is a later revision of this document also in the library, though I'm told that the earlier one also has value, in that "a lot" of interesting material in it was removed from the later revision. An example pointed out to me is the complete flagbit listing ... which we would normally find in the source code, but can't in this case since we don't have a contemporary listing of SUNDANCE, and only have attempted reconstructions. The two revisions of the document have almost exactly the same number of pages, so plenty of information must also have been added in the later one that's missing in this earlier one. Perhaps whoever prepared them was told to "keep it under 500 pages".
  1391. 😮MSC-APOLLO-4, Supplement, "Apollo Engineering and Technology Index", Volume 1, 07/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1392. CR-109979, SM-57005, "Saturn S-IVB-502 Stage Flight Evaluation Report", 07/1968, by McDonnell Douglas.
  1393. E-2150, Rev 1, "Guidance, Navigation, and Control Block II Command and Service Module Functional Description and Operation Using Flight Program SUNDISK (Rev. 282)", 07/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The preface reads: "The purpose of this document is twofold. The first is to provide a functional description (operationally oriented) of the CSM GNCS hardware and software and the interfaces with other SC systems. The level of detail is that required to identify and define telemetry outputs. Also included are functional flow diagrams of the Sundisk 282 programs and routines together with lists of verbs, nouns, option codes, and checklist codes for this flow. The second purpose is to provide the operational procedures for this hardware and software including malfunction procedures, and program notes. The nominal airborne expanded and condensed checklist for Sundisk appear in the Guidance System Operation Plan, R547.".
  1394. 2003972-451, "Rope-memory module B2 for SUNDANCE 302", 07/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B2 rope-memory module for SUNDANCE 302.
  1395. 2003972-461, "Rope-memory module B3 for SUNDANCE 302", 07/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B3 rope-memory module for SUNDANCE 302.
  1396. 2003972-471, "Rope-memory module B4 for SUNDANCE 302", 07/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B4 rope-memory module for SUNDANCE 302.
  1397. 😮E-2305, "Man/Machine Allocation in the Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control System", 07/1968, by J. L. Nevins, I. S. Johnson, T. B. Sheridan.
  1398. G34-909101, "GSE Functional Integrated System Schematics, Spacecraft 101, ETR LC 34", 07/03/1968, by S. A. Doles.
  1399. COLOSSUS Memo #69, "COLOSSUS Revisions 218 and 219", 07/08/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1400. Apollo Project Memo #1951, "Highlights of the 20th Software Configuration Control Board Meeting" or here, 07/10/1968, by George W. Cherry.
  1401. COLOSSUS Memo #70, "COLOSSUS Revision 220", 07/10/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1402. (LUMINARY) PCN-497, "Do Not Delay P63 Throttle-Up Time", 07/15/1968, by G. W. Cherry.
  1403. LMA790-3-LM 4, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 4, Volume II: Operational Procedures", Volume II, 07/15/1968, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1404. 67-F11-0010, Change 3, "ASTEC/ACAPE Program Descriptions", 07/15/1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  1405. LUMINARY Memo #34, "LUMINARY Revisions 27 - 34", 07/15/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1406. 😮"Minutes of the MIT presentation on checkout of the Apollo Gudance and Control System", 07/17/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1407. COLOSSUS Memo #72, "COLOSSUS Revision 221", 07/18/1968, by M. Hamilton.
  1408. 😮68-FM-174, "Preliminary Analysis of LM Abort and CSM Rescue from a 60 Nautical Mile Circular Orbit Following an LM Abort from Powered Descent", 07/19/1968, by Jerome A. Bell, Allan L. Dupont.
  1409. 68-FM-170, TM-X-69694, "Spacecraft Operational Abort Plan for Apollo 7 (Mission C), Volume II - CSM Launch Aborts", Volume II, 07/19/1968, by Edward M. Henderson, J. V. Butler.
  1410. 😮"Replacement of Electromechanical Components by Solid State Components, Case 103", 07/23/1968, by D. O. Baechler, P. S. Schaenman.
  1411. CR-130940, "Real Time Computer Complex - Apollo Programming Systems - Book: Mission Systems, Volume 2: General", Volume 2/17, 07/25/1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  1412. 5-6225-R-359, "AS-503 Verification Test Programs, 73V0000", 07/25/1968, by R. H. Long, F. E. Lumbard. Procedures 73V1401 through 73V1426 are relevant to the LVDC.
  1413. 😮68-FM61-230, "Change for MSC Internal Note 68-FM-23" or here, 07/25/1968, by William A. Sullivan.
  1414. LUMINARY Memo #36, "Computing the Lag Angles which Prevent Beginning and Supervised DAP Maneuvers", 07/30/1968, by George Cherry.
  1415. LUMINARY Memo #35, "Don't Wrap Rendezvous Radar Around the Axle", 07/30/1968, by George Cherry.
  1416. 68-FM-184, "Apollo 7 Spacecraft Operational Trajectory", Volume I, 07/31/1968, by Alexie H. Benney, Jr., Samuel L. Miller, Fred C. Jensen, David W. Heath.
  1417. 68-FM-181, Rev II, "Apollo Mission E (AS-504/CSM-104/LM-4) Spacecraft Reference Trajectory, Volume I - Mission Profile", Volume I, 07/31/1968, by David D. DeAtkine, Alexander Woronow. Disclaimer: [MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 20, Box 67]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.You'll notice a number of peculiarities here. AS-504 with CSM-104 was Apollo 9, but Apollo 9 was a type-D mission with LM-3 (rather than LM-4), and no type-E missions were ultimately flown. The answer lies in the fact that Apollo 9 was originally intended to be a type-E mission, but a month after this document was written the decision was made to swap the Apollo 8 and Apollo 9 missions, converting Apollo 8 from type D to type C', while at the same time converting Apollo 9 into from type E to type D. Type E missions were determined to be unnecessary.
  1418. 😮E-2307, "Recovery from Transient Failures of the Apollo Guidance Computer", 08/1968, by Edward M. Copps, Jr.
  1419. 😮E-2280, "Solid State DSKY Study", 08/1968, by L. David Hanley.
  1420. E-1142, Rev 58, "Weight and Balance Report", 08/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1421. SD 68-687, CR-129974, "Apollo CSM 101 Guidance and Navigation Filter Box Assembly Qualification Test, V36-442330", 08/1968, by North American Aviation.
  1422. SD 68-723, CR-129977, "Mission Evaluation Presimulation Report", Part II, 08/1968, by North American Rockwell.
  1423. 😮68-FM-189, "Translunar LM DPS Abort Techniques for Advanced Lunar Missions", 08/01/1968, by Gus R. Babb, Jr.To quote from the summary, "An abort technique is examined in which the SM is jettisoned and emergency life support is provided by the LM." As if that could ever happen!
  1424. LSG 770-154-40 - LM-3, August 1968, "Instrumentation Study Guide - Lunar Module LM-3", 08/01/1968, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  1425. III-5-510-21, 66-966-0025, Change No. 2, "Flight Control Computer (500 Series Vehicles)", Changed pages only, 08/01/1968, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1426. 672-21-EAS-207, "AGS Verification Testing for LM-4, Volume I - Test Plan", Volume I, 08/01/1968, by Lockheed Electronics. From the fact that this is for LM-4, and uses AGS Flight Program 4 (FP4), we might infer that FP4 was used for Apollo 10. But that's not true. The E mission for which this test plan was devised was later canceled, and the LM-4 AGS was reloaded with FP5 instead. But the verification of FP3/FP4 stands!
  1427. 672-21-EAS-208, Preliminary, "User's Guide for AGS Bit-by-Bit Simulator", 08/01/1968, by K. B. Robertson.
  1428. 68-FM-190, TM-X-70026, "RTCC Requirements: Revised Target Lines and Reentry Range Functions for the Lunar Landing Program - Return-to-Earth Abort Processor", 08/05/1968, by James W. Tolin Jr.
  1429. "LM-3 Delta DCR Report", 08/07/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1430. 😮"Apollo Fuel Cell Powerplant, NASA-NR Presentation at P&WA SWEF", 08/08/1968, by Pratt, Whitney Aircraft.
  1431. 68-FM-193, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: The Translunar Midcourse Correction Processor", 08/09/1968, by Bernard F. Morrey, Brody O. McCaffety, Alfred E. Morrey.
  1432. SE007 003 2H, "Saturn V System Definition", Volume I of II, 08/15/1968, by Boeing. It's unclear to me if the document number I've assigned is a Marshall Space Flight Center number or a Boeing number. The document was prepared by Boeing, but I suspect NASA.
  1433. SE007 003 2H, "Saturn V System Definition", Volume II of II, 08/15/1968, by Boeing.
  1434. LNY-14, "RTCC uplink load for P31", 08/22/1968, by J. B. Hill. Fixed in Luminary 41.
  1435. 😮68-FM-211, "Preliminary Contingency Procedures for the Lunar Orbit Insertion, Lunar Orbit, and Transearth Injection Phases of the Lunar Mission", 08/22/1968, by Samuel R. Newman, Charles E. Foggatt. The document has a NASA TMX document number as well, but I find it illegible. It may be TMX-14368.
  1436. 2021111-031, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program COLOSSUS 237", 08/24/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. COLOSSUS 237 flew as the CM AGC software on Apollo 8.
    See also:
  1437. LUMINARY Memo #39, "Scheduling Proposed Modifications to the LUMINARY Digital Autopilot", 08/27/1968, by George Cherry.
  1438. COL-3, "When V40 is selected to call R62, the operator error light is turned on erroneously...", 08/27/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1439. 😮ND-1002380, Rev -, A, B, C, D, E, F, "Post Installation Checkout Process Specification for the LM G&N System (KSC) with LUMINARY Flight Ropes", 08/29/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The poor quality of this scan is due to my (RSB) experiments with cost-saving and time-reduction, rather than to the quality of the archival material. Provides a detailed set of steps to run on the AGC for checking out the LM's guidance system ... or conversely, for checkout out the operation of the AGC using the various peripheral devices in the LM, if you prefer to think of it this way.
  1440. "Apollo Stabilization and Control System (SCS, Block II) Training Manual", 08/30/1968, by R. F. Schuster.
  1441. 68-FM-216, TM-X-700180, "RTCC Requirements for Mission D, E, and F: Reentry Phase", 08/30/1968, by James W. Tolin Jr., John K. Burton, Joseph E. Rogers.
  1442. R-600, CR-99678, "Control, Guidance, and Navigation for Advanced Manned Missions (Final Report on Task II of Contract NAS-9-6823)", Volume IV of IV, 09/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1443. 06414-6008-T000, CR-86189, "Higher resolution of AEA Computer Block Diagram, from Lunar Module/Abort Guidance System (LM/AGS) Design Survey", Figure 2-2, 09/1968, by TRW.
  1444. 06414-6008-T000, CR-86189, "Lunar Module/Abort Guidance System (LM/AGS) Design Survey" or here, 09/1968, by TRW. It's unclear which of the two scans provided is "better", but the secondary one is B&W while the primary one is grayscale and therefore larger in file-size.
  1445. "LM Digital Autopilot, Program SUNDANCE 302", 09/01/1968, by AC Electronics.
  1446. 😮MG-402, "Handbook for Apollo Instrumentation Ships", 09/01/1968, by NASA.
  1447. FC004 6/3/68, "Saturn Launch Vehicle Systems Handbook, AS-503", 09/03/1968, by NASA.
  1448. (LUMINARY) PCR-547, "P68 terminates in GOTOPOOH", 09/03/1968, by J. Shillingford.
  1449. (LUMINARY) PCR-551, "Rotational Hand Controller Scaling", 09/03/1968, by R. F. Stengel.
  1450. LUMINARY Memo #40, "LUMINARY Revisions 39 - 43", 09/05/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1451. (LUMINARY) PCR-246, "Implementation of One-Phase Descent Guidance Logic", 09/09/1968, by Bennett.
  1452. 😮EG-68-11, TMX-64408, "Apollo CSM RCS DAP Propellant Studies", 09/09/1968, by Edward T. Kubiak.
  1453. FFNo 672 Aug 65, TM X-62831, Rev I, "AS-205/CSM-101 Launch Vehicle Operational Trajectory", 09/10/1968, by Gordon W. Solmon.
  1454. 😮68-FM-222, TMX-65073, "Preliminary Contingency Procedures for the Translunar Coast", 09/11/1968, by Bobbie D. Weber, Jerry D. Fuller.
  1455. LUMINARY Memo #42, "LUMINARY Program Changes Suggested at MSC/MIT Lunar Landing Co-Ordination Meeting Held at MIT on 9/12/68", 09/12/1968, by George Cherry.
  1456. 😮LPS-340-2757, Photography, "Early LM control panel", 09/14/1968, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1457. LMA790-3-LM 4, 15 September 1968, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 4, Volume I: Subsystems Data", Volume I, Changes only (from 15 June 1968), 09/15/1968, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. It's too bad that these are only the change pages, and that we don't have the baseline document, but that's life! Note that we do have a later revision (3 February 1969) elsewhere in the collection, but only of a single section. And we do have a complete Volume I for each of LM-3 and LM-6, so I suppose much of the info for LM-4 can be interpolated from them.
  1458. "Flight Plan, Apollo 7, AS 205/101", 09/16/1968, by W. M. Anderson.
  1459. LUMINARY Memo #43, "Implementation of One-Phase Descent Guidance Logic PCR", 09/16/1968, by George Cherry.
  1460. Apollo Project Memo #1984, "Highlights of the 24th SCB Meeting Held at MSC on 17 September 1968" or here, 09/19/1968, by George W. Cherry.
  1461. LUMINARY Memo #44, "Implementation of "One-Phase" Guidance in the AGC", 09/19/1968, by Don Eyles.
  1462. LNY-8, "POODOO alarm 1502", 09/19/1968, by Don Hughes. Fixed in Luminary 43.
  1463. 😮"Approved anomalies implemented in COLOSSUS 238", 09/20/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1464. 😮68-FM-231, TMX-64464, "Partial Derivatives of Matrices Representing Rigid Body Rotations", 09/20/1968, by Samuel Pines, B. F. Cockrell.
  1465. LNY-15, "P63 ignition time", 09/20/1968, by P. C. Smith. Not an anomaly.
  1466. LUMINARY Memo #45, "New Landing Initialization", 09/24/1968, by Don Eyles.
  1467. 68-FM-195, "RTCC Requirements for Mission G: Landing Site Determination Using a Lunar Gravity Vector", 09/24/1968, by Paul F. Flanagan.
  1468. LUMINARY Memo #27, Rev 1, "FINDCDUW Guidance Autopiliot Interface Routine", 09/26/1968, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  1469. MSC-CF-P-68-19, TM X-64411, Rev A, "Rendezvous Procedures, Apollo 7, AS-205/101", 09/27/1968, by Duane K. Mosel.
  1470. 2003972-641, "Rope-memory module B6 for SUNDANCE 306", 10/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B6 rope-memory module for SUNDANCE 306.
  1471. 😮E-2345, "Software Configuration Management Plan", 10/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1472. E-1142, Rev 59, "Weight and Balance Report", 10/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1473. 10-1-68, "Apollo G&N Manual and JDC Index", 10/01/1968, by AC Electronics.
  1474. Paper #5268, "Operational Experiences on the Saturn V S-IVB Stage", 10/01/1968, by H. E. Bauer.
  1475. 😮"Approved anomalies implemented in COLOSSUS 239", 10/01/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1476. LNY-6, "Poo Doo Alarm 1501", 10/01/1968, by J. Glassman. Fixed in Luminary 64.
  1477. LNY-16, "Coding error in rev. 43", 10/01/1968, by P. C. Smith. Fixed in Luminary 44.
  1478. LNY-17, "Coding error in rev. 50", 10/02/1968, by P. C. Smith. Fixed in Luminary 52.
  1479. "Crew Briefing: IU Stage", 10/03/1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  1480. 😮"Improvement of GYRO DRIFT DATA by USE of INERTIAL MODE", 10/03/1968, by George L. Silver.
  1481. 😮CR-92456, 11176-HO45-R0-00, "Apollo Visibility Handbook", 10/04/1968, by TRW.
  1482. 68-168K, "Apollo 7 Press kit", 10/06/1968, by NASA.
  1483. CR-97638, "Final Report, Apollo Guidance Software Task Force" or here, 10/07/1968, by Bellcomm.
  1484. LNY-9, "Verb 11 monitor option", 10/07/1968, by J. Glassman. Fixed in Luminary 64.
  1485. 😮"LUMINARY Level 4 Testing Note", 10/07/1968, by Dan Lickly.
  1486. Flight 501 Memo #8, "Programming Changes from AS-202 to AS-501", 10/07/1968, by Jay A. Sampson.
  1487. 😮"Approved anomalies implemented in COLOSSUS 240", 10/09/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1488. "Apollo 7 Guidance & Navigation Information", 10/11/1968, by AC Electronics. Undated, so I've dated it the mission launch date.
  1489. 68-FM-256, "Project Apollo: Verification of Sundisk Orbital Navigation Program", 10/11/1968, by Richard E. Eckelkamp. The document specifically purports to verify SUNDISK 282, the actual flight program. There's a lot of technical detail about the software here, including some flowcharts (specifically those for program P22 of SUNDISK 212).
  1490. 2014999-041, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 7 G&N System", 10/11/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1491. "Apollo 7 Mission Commentary", 10/11/1968, by NASA.
  1492. 😮"Approved anomalies implemented in COLOSSUS 241 and 242", 10/14/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1493. LUMINARY Memo #46, "LUMINARY Level IV Test Data Requirements for Pre-FACI Review", 10/15/1968, by George Cherry.
  1494. III-5-509-7, 66-966-0022, Rev 15 Oct 68, "Saturn Instrument Unit Technical Manual - Apollo-Saturn Emergency Detection System Description (AS-500 Series Vehicles)", 10/15/1968, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1495. 😮"Approved anomalies implemented in COLOSSUS 243", 10/17/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1496. SD 68-723, CR-129902, "Mission Evaluation 103 (Mission D) Presimulation Report", Part II, 10/17/1968, by North American Rockwell. The document describes using a modified version of COLOSSUS 226. Table 7-1 specifically lists the differences, in octal, between COLOSSUS 226 and the modified program. The changes are tantalizing similar to the changes to SUNDISK 281/282 listed in Table 7-1 of the generic Mission Evaluation Presimulation Report. I think they could be used to provide an extremely limited correspondence between some small areas in SUNDISK 282 vs COLOSSUS 226 ... assuming, of course, that we had the code for any of them, which we do not!
  1497. CR-130938, "Real Time Computer Complex - Apollo Programming Systems - Book: Mission Systems, Volume 1: AS-200 Mission Planning", Volume 1/17, 10/21/1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division. Note that the date listed for all of these "Mission Systems" volumes are approximate, because I'd have to look at the date on every single page (2600+ pages just for volumes 1-3), and I'm too lazy to do that.
  1498. LNY-12, "V06 flash during V97NXX", 10/22/1968, by D. A. Pettit.
  1499. "Apollo 8 Digital Simulation for Bailout during Burn (Colossus Anomaly #45)" or here, 10/23/1968, by Anonymous.
  1500. 😮"Approved anomalies implemented in COLOSSUS 244", 10/23/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1501. 😮"Preparation for the LUMINARY FACI Reviews to be Held at MIT/IL During the Week of November 11, 1968 and/or the Week of November 18, 1968", 10/23/1968, by George W. Cherry.
  1502. LUMINARY Memo #48, "R65 Edit", 10/24/1968, by J. Connor.
  1503. 2021111-041, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program COLOSSUS 249", 10/28/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. COLOSSUS 249 flew as the CM AGC software on Apollo 9. The hardcopy from which the scanned pages were made was apparently printed on a page-printer that was not equipped with the intended character set used by the line printer(s) that printed all other AGC software listings in our possession, with the result that a number of characters were confusingly replaced by unintended alternatives. Here's the list:
    Desired Character
    Printed As


    In our transcription of the source code, and in assembly listings made from our transcription, the intended characters have been restored and the unintended characters removed. However, if you look at the scanned listing, the unintended characters naturally appear.
    See also:
  1504. "Approved anomalies implemented in COLOSSUS 245 through 249", 10/29/1968, by N. Brodeur.
  1505. TMX-64322, MSC-CF-P-68-24, Final, "Apollo Entry Summary Document, Mission C Prime", 10/29/1968, by L. D. Carrico, R. J. Otto Jr.., Willis W. Hinton Jr., James O. Rippey.
  1506. LUMINARY Memo #47, "DPS and APS Engine Data", 10/29/1968, by George Cherry.
  1507. R-567, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program Luminary, Section 6: Control Data", Section 6, 11/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1508. IV-4-401-1, 68-966-0002, Rev 1 November 1968, "Astrionics System Handbook, Saturn Launch Vehicles", 11/01/1968, by IBM Federal Systems Division. See the comments for the 08/01/1965 revision of the document.
  1509. PCN-1, "Command Service Module Systems Handbook, CSM 104", 11/01/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1510. MSFC-MAN-503, TM X-72151, "Saturn Flight Manual, SA-503", 11/01/1968, by NASA.
  1511. LUMINARY Memo #49, "LUMINARY Revisions 44 - 47", 11/01/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1512. LUMINARY Memo #50, "LUMINARY Revisions 48- 50", 11/02/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1513. LUMINARY Memo #51, "LUMINARY Revisions 51 - 53", 11/02/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1514. LUMINARY Memo #52, "LUMINARY Revisions 54 - 60", 11/03/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1515. 😮"Priority of Tasks in Preparation for the LUMINARY FACI Review", 11/04/1968, by George W. Cherry.
  1516. LNY-19, "TPI-TPM sequence", 11/08/1968, by Robert Force.
  1517. LUMINARY Memo #53, "Final LUMINARY Tree-Shaking", 11/12/1968, by George Cherry.
  1518. TM X-65076, "Translunar, Lunar Parking Orbit, and Transearth Procedures, C-Prime Mission", 11/12/1968, by S. G. Paddock, Jr., D. K. Mosel.
  1519. LUMINARY Memo #54, "LUMINARY Pre-Release Activities", 11/18/1968, by George Cherry.
  1520. 😮PS2015000, Rev L, "Master End Item Detail Specification: Product Configuration and Acceptance Test Requirements, G&N Spacecraft Equipment, Command Module, Block II", Part II of II, 11/18/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Yikes, it's a blueprint! Of a document. Better get out your headache powders if you try to read it. (Now I must hang my head in shame ... I wrote that last sentence as a joke, because of how archaic blueprints seem these days. As archaic as headache powder! But then I was surprised to find out that headache powder is still manufactured, and presumably sold to people. Who knew?).
  1521. SKB 32100030-201, "Apollo 8 Flight Plan", Volume I, 11/22/1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1006.
  1522. SKB 32100031-201, "Apollo 8 Flight Plan", Volume II, 11/22/1968, by Anonymous. Serial number 1004.
  1523. "Flight Plan, Apollo 8, AS-503/CSM-103", Sections 3 through 5, 11/22/1968, by T. A. Guillory.
  1524. "Flight Plan, Apollo 8, AS-503/CSM-103", Sections 1 and 2, 11/22/1968, by T. A. Guillory.
  1525. R-SE-L-070-008, "Saturn V Flight Program Development", 11/25/1968, by Boeing. Describes the development process for the LVDC software (in a software quality assurance sense).
  1526. Course 733-GS, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation System Familiarization, Part I: Inertial and Optics", Part I, 11/25/1968, by N. H. Florence. The revision history of this document is not explicitly given within it. From the page footers, I infer that the initial release was 1 March 1967, followed by revisions dated 28 May 1968 and 27 Sept 1968 ... none of which match the publication date of 25 October 1968. However, the page footers also seem to refer to undated revisions as well. but who knows when (or if) such additional revisions were made? I've therefore left the revision level as empty.
  1527. Course 733-GS, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation System Familiarization, Part II: The Computer Subsystem", Part II, 11/25/1968, by N. H. Florence. This document is undated and doesn't actually seem to have been changed from its original version, nor is its authorship given. I've taken it upon myself to match the date and authorship of this Part II of the document to that of Part I. Note also that there's no indication that Part II is actually titled "The Computer Subsystem". Part I of the document has a title, whereas Part II has no indication of a title at all, so for consistency I constructed a title for it from the table of contents. Ralph Waldo Emerson warned us that "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds", and this is an example of my little mind being foolishly consistent.
  1528. 2021112-011, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program LUMINARY 69", 11/25/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This seems to have been the first LUMINARY revision targeted at the Apollo 10 mission, and seems additionally to have been the first revision of LUMINARY for which core-rope modules were manufactured. In other words, it was the first non-developmental revision of LUMINARY and the first released for manufacturing. Nevertheless, it ended up not being flown in the mission. For that, see LUMINARY 69 Rev 2.
    See also:
  1529. CR-104016, "Colossus on C-Prime - Case 310", 11/26/1968, by Bellcomm.
  1530. (LUMINARY) PCR-650, "Variable Guidance Period", 11/27/1968, by Adler, Eyles. Disapproved.
  1531. 😮D2-100820-1, CR-66761, "Evaluation of Nine Lunar Modules for Apollo", 12/1968, by Gayle D. Barrow.
  1532. MSC-PA-R-68-15, "Apollo 7 Mission Report", 12/1968, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1533. SM-46990, "Saturn S-IVB-505 Stage Flight Evaluation Report", 12/1968, by McDonnell Douglas.
  1534. R-577, Rev 1, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 1: Pre-Launch", Section 1, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1535. R-577, Rev 2, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 2: Data Links", Section 2, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1536. R-577, Rev 3, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 3: Digital Autopilots", Section 3, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1537. R-577, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 4: GNCS Operations", Section 4 Introductory Subsections, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1538. R-577, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 4: GNCS Operations", Section 4 Program P00 through P27, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1539. R-577, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 4: GNCS Operations", Section 4 Program P30 through P39, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1540. R-577, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 4: GNCS Operations", Section 4 Program P40 through P67, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1541. R-577, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 4: GNCS Operations", Section 4 Program P70 through Routine R32, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1542. R-577, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 4: GNCS Operations", Section 4 Routine R33 through Verb 41, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1543. R-577, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 4: GNCS Operations", Section 4 Verb 42 and beyond, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1544. R-577, Rev 4, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5 through 5.2, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1545. R-577, Rev 4, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5 from 5.3 through 5.5, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1546. R-577, Rev 4, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5 from 5.6 onward, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1547. R-577, Rev 1, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 1 (Rev. 237) and Program COLOSSUS 1A (Rev. 249), Section 6: Control Data", Section 6, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1548. R-557, Rev 1, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SUNDANCE 306, and Program LUMINARY 069, Section 1: Prelaunch", Section 1, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1549. E-2164, "Guidance, Navigation, and Control Lunar Module Functional Description and Operation Using Flight Program Sundance", Volume I, 12/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1550. 68-FM-284, "Apollo Mission D (AS-504/CSM-104/LM-3) Spacecraft Operational Trajectory, Volume I: Mission Profile", Volume I, 12/02/1968, by Harold L. Conway, Robert S. Merriam, Harold O. Spurlin, William E. Lee.
  1551. R-ASTR-S-68-99, "Technical Information Summary - Apollo 8 (AS-503) - Apollo Saturn V Flight Vehicle", 12/02/1968, by NASA.
  1552. LUMINARY Memo #56, "DANCE & LUMINARY Program Activity Calendar", 12/04/1968, by George Cherry.
  1553. 😮68-FM-232, TMX-64367, "General Apollo Saturn V CSM Launch Abort Analysis", 12/04/1968, by Edward M. Henderson.
  1554. LUMINARY Memo #55, "LUMINARY Revisions 61", 12/04/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1555. 😮0-IV-36830, Rev 001, "Console, Common Bulkhead Vacuum Monitoring Maintenance and Calibration Procedure", 12/05/1968, by McDonnell Douglas.
  1556. LUMINARY Memo #57, "Report on LUMINARY FACI", 12/09/1968, by George Cherry.
  1557. 😮TM-68-201-2, "Analysis of the First Translunar Midcourse Correction for the Apollo C' Mission", 12/09/1968, by D. A. Corey, S. L. Levie, Jr.
  1558. LNY-25, "Termination of P63", 12/12/1968, by Adler, Eyles.
  1559. 68-208, "Apollo 8 Press kit" or here, 12/15/1968, by NASA.
  1560. System Test Group Memo #1280, "C/M G&N Schematic List", 12/17/1968, by Robert Lones.
  1561. LUMINARY Memo #58, "LUMINARY Revisions 62 - 64", 12/17/1968, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1562. 3353.2-28, "Flight Program Verification for Apollo 8", 12/19/1968, by R. C. Kropf.
  1563. "BLK II PSA Module Specs", 12/19/1968, by Various. This is not really a document, but rather a binder of documents with "BLK II PSA Module Specs" written on the spine, and 12/19/1968 being the date of the latest document in it. It contains procurement specifications for Block II CM and LM Power & Servo module Assemblies (PSA), as well as some ICDs from North American and Grumman. An index is provided on our engineering-drawing page.
  1564. 😮SD 68-869, "Apollo Command and Service Module Stabilization and Control System Design Survey", 12/20/1968, by North American Rockwell.
  1565. 2014999-081, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 8 G&N System", 12/21/1968, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.

  1566. "Apollo 11 Manual" or here, 1969, by AC Electronics.
  1567. "Apollo 12 Manual", 1969, by AC Electronics.
  1568. SKB 32100080-388, "Apollo 11 LM Timeline Book", Excerpts, 1969, by Anonymous. Serial number 1001. The handwritten notes, I'm told, were made by Buzz Aldrin.
  1569. "Crew Procedures Orbital Guidance and Navigation Program, Navigation Section", 1969, by Anonymous.
  1570. "G Prelaunch Erasable Load (COMANCHE 55) Mission Tape", 1969, by Anonymous.
  1571. "Program notes for using Colossus and Luminary for F-series missions", 1969, by Anonymous.
  1572. 😮"Design Development of the Apollo Lunar Module", 1969, by Kenneth J. Cox.
  1573. "LGC-Astronaut Interfaces During Landing" or here, 1969, by Donald Eyles.
  1574. "LGC-Astronaut Interfaces During Landing (Revised for LUMINARY 1C)" or here, 1969, by Donald Eyles.
  1575. 😮SP-4002, "Project Gemini Technology and Operations — A Chronology", 1969, by James M. Grimwood, Barton C. Hacker, Peter J. Vorzimmer.
  1576. 😮LDW 340-54050, "General Arrangement, LEM", Sheet 3, 1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation. The drawing is undated and untitled. Presumably that's because we're missing Sheet 1 of the drawing. The date I've given it was invented from thin air. The title was taken from similar drawings (of LTA-8), but is unlikely to be correct as-is.
  1577. LED-540-54, "F Prelaunch Erasable Load (LUMINARY 69) Mission Tape" or here, Table LM4/4.5.1-2, 1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1578. Photography, "LM-8 LMP Panel", 1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1579. LED-540-54, "Mission D LGC Prelaunch Erasable Load Mission Tape" or here, Table LM3/4.5.1-2, 1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1580. 😮SP-4009, "The Apollo Spacecraft - A Chronology, Volume I: Through November 7, 1962", Volume I/IV, 1969, by Ivan D. Ertel, Mary Louise Morse.
  1581. 😮"Alignment Optical Telescope for Apollo Lunar Module", 1969, by Kollsman Instrument Corporation. This brochure is undated; I've assigned an arbitrary date.
  1582. "Apollo 12 LM G&N Dictionary", 1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Serial number 1002.
  1583. 69-FS-6, CR-69918, Rev A, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Luminary 1C", 1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1584. "Luminary 1A Program Notes (LNY-77 draft note)", 1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1585. "Luminary 1A Program Notes (Not a Complete Set)", 1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1586. 😮"Drawings of LM structures (folder of JPG images)", 1969, by MSC.
  1587. MPR-SAT-FE-69-7, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-505, Apollo 10 Mission", 1969, by NASA.
  1588. "JSC Collection of Tindallgrams - 1967 through 1969", 1969, by Howard W. Tindall Jr.
  1589. "KSC Collection of Tindallgrams - 1969", 1969, by Howard W. Tindall Jr.
  1590. R-557, Rev 3, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SUNDANCE 306, Section 4: PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4, 01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1591. R-557, Rev 2, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SUNDANCE 306, Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5, 01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1592. R-557, Rev 2, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SUNDANCE 306, Section 6: Control Data", Section 6, 01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1593. E-1142, Rev 60, "Weight and Balance Report", 01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1594. Transcription, "Apollo 8 Onboard Voice Transcription", 01/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1595. "Apollo 8 Flight Crew Log (Set 15)" or here, 01/01/1969, by NASA. These are the Apollo 8 flight-crew logs, as filled out by the crew, plus supplementary information about the mission. Elsewhere in the library, you'll find the blank forms for some of this content, as well as copies with hand-notations differing from this collection, presumably made by somebody other than the flight crew, or at least not made during the mission itself; so don't confuse those with these. I am told that NASA made about 15 sets of photocopies like this (with this scan being from set #15) for use by NASA executives, on heavy-stock 11" by 17" paper, as reference data for later missions. Regarding the two different links to the document, the second link is the archival copy while the first is a reduced-size PDF. The second copy is indeed more-legible than the first, as well it ought to be at about 30× the file size! Therefore, which is more suitable may depend very much on the specifics of what you're trying to get from them.
  1596. "Apollo 8 Technical Debriefing", Second half, 01/02/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1597. "Apollo 8 Technical Debriefing", First half, 01/02/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1598. 😮LUMINARY Development Note #35, "Changes incorporated into revisions 132-135 of LUMINARY", 01/07/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  1599. LNY-28, "Restart during R50", 01/07/1969, by D. Millard.
  1600. LNY-26, "Illegal monitor verb-noun", 01/08/1969, by Vella.
  1601. LUMINARY Memo #60, "LUMINARY Level 5 Test Plan", 01/09/1969, by Jim Kernan, Peter Volante.
  1602. (LUMINARY) PCR-688, "Guidance Frame Erection Check", 01/09/1969, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  1603. Apollo Project Memo #3-69, "Report on Apollo 8", 01/10/1969, by D. G. Hoag.
  1604. LNY-27, "Scaling landing radar velocity", 01/14/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1605. LUMINARY Memo #61, "LUMINARY Revisions 65 - 69", 01/14/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1606. (LUMINARY) PCR-700, "Improve the Rate-of-descent Mode (P66) Performance", 01/15/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1607. "COLOSSUS 2 Crew Notes and Checklist items", 01/17/1969, by Anonymous.
  1608. FC027 1/17/69, "Lunar Module Systems Handbook, LM-5 Through LM-9 Vehicles", excerpts, 01/17/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1609. "Apollo 8 Proves Value of Onboard Control", 01/20/1969, by B. K. Thomas.
  1610. LNY-30, "Restart in P63", 01/20/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1611. LNY-29, "Scaling comp. in P32", 01/20/1969, by James Kernan.
  1612. LNY-31, "Use of V30 & V31" or here, 01/20/1969, by James Kernan.
  1613. CF-R-69-3, TMX-64377, "Apollo Mission D Performance Analysis of Rendezvous Charts", 01/22/1969, by Larry B. McWhorter, John E. Hutchins.
  1614. Apollo Project Memo #7-69, "What is LUMINARY 1A? Some Results of the 28th Apollo Software Configuration Control Board Meeting" or here, 01/23/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1615. LNY-32, "Landing guidance equations", 01/23/1969, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  1616. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #2-69, "Inclusion of Biases in Statistical Midcourse Navigation", 01/24/1969, by David Baker.
  1617. LUMINARY Memo #62, "A Set of Lunar Landing Guidance Equations which Compensate for Computation, Throttle, and Attitude-Control Lags", 01/24/1969, by George Cherry.
  1618. 😮"Saturn V Operating System Redesign to Increase System Reliability - ECP-1828 Review", 01/24/1969, by NASA. The "operating system" referred to is that of the RCA 110 ground computer, not the LVDC.
  1619. MSFC-MAN-504, "Saturn V Flight Manual, SA-504", 01/25/1969, by NASA.
  1620. LUMINARY Memo #63, "A Derivation of the Improved Lunar Landing Guidance Equations", 01/27/1969, by George Cherry.
  1621. D5-15555-4C, CR-105824, Rev C, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Emergency Detection System Analysis, SA-504", 01/28/1969, by Boeing.
  1622. LNY-33, "TAUG & V2FG in erasable", 01/28/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1623. LNY-34, "TGOAVG into erasable", 01/29/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1624. LNY-35, "V83 at small ranges", 01/30/1969, by N. Barnert.
  1625. LNY-36, "Overflow during LOS calc", 01/31/1969, by Peter Adler.
  1626. LMO-510-1070, ""D" Mission (LM-3) Thermal Analysis No. 6 (Final Pre-Flight Analysis)", 01/31/1969, by G. W. Georgi, A. Desimone.
  1627. TM X-64363, Rev A, "Rendezvous Procedures: D Mission, AS-504/CSM-104/LM-3", 01/31/1969, by Stephen P. Grega, Milton C. Contella.
  1628. MSC-PA-R-69-1, "Apollo 8 Mission Report", 02/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1629. Final, "Apollo CSM 104 Flight Crew Abbreviated Checklist", 02/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1630. TM X-35918, Final Rev A, "CSM Rendezvous Procedures, D Mission (AS-504/CSM-104/LM-3)", 02/01/1969, by M. McRae, R. Otto, R. W. Puschinsky.
  1631. 😮"MIT/IL Apollo Organization Chart", 02/01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1632. LMA790-3-LM 4, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 4", Section 5.2 only, 02/03/1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1633. GP-628, TMX-61786, "AS-503 Post Launch Software Assessment", 02/03/1969, by NASA.
  1634. R-ASTR-S-69-7, TMX-62654, "Technical Information Summary - Apollo 9 (AS-504) - Apollo Saturn V Flight Vehicle", 02/03/1969, by NASA.
  1635. TM X-66904, "Apollo 9 Flight Plan, AS-504/CSM-104/LM-3", 02/03/1969, by J. V. Rivers, S. H. Gardner.
  1636. (LUMINARY) PCN-731, "Modify the Lunar Landing Guidance Equations to Compensate for Computation, Throttle, FINDCDUW, & Attitude Control Lags", 02/04/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1637. LUMINARY Memo #64, "Verb 85 — RR Antenna Line-of-Sight Display", 02/04/1969, by Jim Kernan.
  1638. LNY-37, "V32 response", 02/05/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1639. 69-FM-28, TM-X-70030, "RTCC Requirements for Mission F and G: Reentry Phase", 02/06/1969, by James W. Tolin Jr., John K. Burton, Joseph E. Rogers.
  1640. LUMINARY Memo #65, "A Variable Time Constant Velocity-Nulling Guidance Law", 02/07/1969, by George Cherry.
  1641. 😮"CSM G&N Test Matrix, SC 104 & Subsequent", 02/12/1969, by Anonymous.
  1642. LUMINARY Memo #66, "Aborts from the Lunar Landing & Nominal Lunar Ascent Targetting", 02/12/1969, by George Cherry.
  1643. 69-FM-47, TM-X-69768, "Real-Time Auxiliary Computing Facility - Apollo 9 Operational Support Team Handbook", 02/17/1969, by C. E. Allday.
  1644. (LUMINARY) PCR-737, "Permit ATT HOLD Mode In P63, 64, 65", 02/17/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1645. LNY-38, "Failure of PooDoo", 02/17/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1646. LUMINARY Memo #67, "LUMINARY Revisions 70 - 79", 02/17/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1647. Apollo Project Memo #18-69, "Decisions of the 29th Apollo Spacecraft Software Configuration Control Board Which Affect LUMINARY 1A" or here, 02/19/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1648. 😮69-FM-39, "Preliminary LM Abort and CSM Rescue Plan for Apollo Mission G", Vol II, 02/19/1969, by E. Lloyd, J. H. Mashburn.
  1649. LUMINARY Memo #68, "Lunar Landing Guidance Equations Program Alarms", 02/20/1969, by George Cherry.
  1650. (LUMINARY) PCN-740, "Display TLAND in P52, option 4", 02/20/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1651. MPR-SAT-FE-69-1, TM X-61651, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-503, Apollo 8 Mission", 02/20/1969, by NASA.
  1652. COM-1, "Incorrect angles in N73" or here, 02/20/1969, by T. Crocker.
  1653. LNY-39, "Counter is set before antenna repositioning", 02/20/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1654. 69-FM-51, TMX-64388, "Preliminary Lunar Orbit Attitude Sequence for Mission F", 02/21/1969, by E. C. Howell, C. R. Hunt, V. W. Simmons.
  1655. 69-29, "Apollo 9 Press kit", 02/23/1969, by NASA.
  1656. SKB 32100016-301, "Apollo 9 LM-3 Final Flight Crew G&N Dictionary", 02/24/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Serial number 1001, autographed by Jim McDivitt.
  1657. 😮69-FM-46, "Project Apollo: Planned Rendezvous Technique Following LM Abort from Powered Descent", 02/25/1969, by Jerome A. Bell.
  1658. COM-3, "Coding error V53" or here, 02/27/1969, by Margaret Hamilton.
  1659. 😮MSC-EG-69-9, "Project Apollo: Guidance Laws for Controlling Off-Nominal LM Powered Descent Trajectories Back to the Nominal", 02/28/1969, by Thomas E. Moore, Grady G. McSwain, Jay D. Montgomery.
  1660. 😮GP-642, TMX 64398, "Apollo Simulation and Simulators - A Demand Bibliography", 02/28/1969, by NASA.
  1661. 11176-6042-T000, "LM AGS Computer Program Specification, Flight Program 6", 03/1969, by G. H. Friedman, M. B. Smith.
  1662. R-577, Rev 5, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2 (COMANCHE rev. 44,45), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.1, 03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1663. R-577, Rev 5, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2 (COMANCHE rev. 44,45), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.2, 03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1664. R-577, Rev 5, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2 (COMANCHE rev. 44,45), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.3, 03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1665. R-577, Rev 5, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2 (COMANCHE rev. 44,45), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.4, 03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1666. R-577, Rev 5, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2 (COMANCHE rev. 44,45), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.5, 03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1667. R-577, Rev 5, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2 (COMANCHE rev. 44,45), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.6-5.9, 03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1668. 68-U60-0022, "Flight Software Development Laboratory", 03/1969, by T. H. Witzel, J. S. Hughes.
  1669. "Apollo 9 Earth Orbit with L/M, AS 504, C/M 104 G&N 209, L/M 3 G&N 605", 03/03/1969, by AC Electronics. Undated, so I've dated it the mission launch date.
  1670. "Apollo 9 Guidance & Navigation Information", 03/03/1969, by AC Electronics. Undated, so I've dated it the mission launch date.
  1671. 2014999-091, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 9 CM G&N System", 03/03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1672. 6014999-051, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 9 LM G&N System", 03/03/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1673. LNY-42, "PIPA's not zeroed in P57", 03/04/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1674. COM-4, "VG magnitude P30, P40, P41" or here, 03/04/1969, by F. Martin.
  1675. LNY-41, "IMU compensation", 03/05/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1676. LNY-40, "V68, switching from P63 to P64", 03/05/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1677. (LUMINARY) PCR-751, "Make 1406 Alarm non-abortive", 03/05/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1678. D2-118198-1, "Review of Electrical Power System Math Model for Command Module Simulator", 03/05/1969, by T. E. Fundoukos. Recall the scenes in the film Apollo 13 in which astronaut Ken Mattingly (played by Gary Sinise) labors away trying to figure out some safe startup sequence for the frozen spacecraft, in which everything has been turned off to conserve battery power? This! At least in my imagination. And admittedly a few years earlier.
  1679. 😮MSC-EG-69-21, "Stability Analysis of Apollo Attitude Control during Service Propulsion Thrusting", 03/05/1969, by Bernard Marcantel.
  1680. COLOSSUS Memo #140, Rev 2, "Final Content of COLOSSUS 2 (Comanche, Rev. 45)", 03/05/1969, by Fred H. Martin.
  1681. COM-32, "Fix AUGEKUGEL", 03/06/1969, by R. Bairnsfather.
  1682. 69-FM-58, TM-X-69973, Rev 2, "RTCC Requirements for Mission F and G: Earth Orbit Insertion Processor", 03/07/1969, by Edward M. Jiongo.
  1683. COM-6, "Storing of gimbal angles" or here, 03/07/1969, by Phyllis Rye.
  1684. LUMINARY Memo #69, "LUMINARY 1A Edits for DAP and for Powered Descent", 03/10/1969, by Craig Work.
  1685. LNY-58, "RD RUSECK bug R76" or here, 03/11/1969, by James Kernan.
  1686. LNY-44, "Erasable conflict between R65 and MIDTOAVE", 03/12/1969, by Robert Force.
  1687. COM-5, "Second N88 display differs from first" or here, 03/13/1969, by B. Byrne.
  1688. COM-8, "Use of N88 display registers" or here, 03/14/1969, by R. Haslam.
  1689. LUMINARY Memo #71, "LUMINARY TEDITS", 03/14/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1690. LNY-46, "Correct scaling in P64", 03/17/1969, by D. Eyles.
  1691. TMX-64317, MSC-CF-P-69-7, Final, "Apollo Entry Summary Document, Mission "F" (AS-505/106/LM-4)", 03/17/1969, by James O. Rippey.
  1692. LNY-47, "Integration of state vectors", 03/18/1969, by W. Ostanek. Cancelled.
  1693. LNY-48, "Range in P20 navigation", 03/18/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1694. COM-9, "Integration of state vectors" or here, 03/18/1969, by W. Ostanek. Cancelled.
  1695. "Apollo 9 Postflight Report - Guadance Officer (GUIDO)", 03/19/1969, by William E. Fenner, J. Gary Renick, Granville E. Paules, Willard S. Presley.
  1696. COM-7, "PROCEED response to V50N25" or here, 03/20/1969, by R. A. Haslam.
  1697. LNY-49, "Rate parameters for early aborts", 03/21/1969, by L. Berman.
  1698. 😮"Lunar Landing Guidance and Control Modes", 03/21/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1699. LNY-50, "Computation of range during lunar landing", 03/21/1969, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  1700. (LUMINARY) PCR-756, "Guidance Frame Erection Trajectory Shaping Factors", 03/24/1969, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  1701. LNY-54, "1301 alarm in R65", 03/26/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1702. LNY-45, "Truncation error" or here, 03/26/1969, by R. A. Harwood.
  1703. LNY-52, "Inconsistant PIPA sampling", 03/26/1969, by D. Millard.
  1704. LNY-51, "P20" or here, 03/26/1969, by D. A. Pettit.
  1705. LNY-53, "Coding bug in R22", 03/26/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1706. COM-11, Rev 1, "Errors in fixed constants" or here, 03/27/1969, by J. M. Reber.
  1707. LNY-55, "Errors in fixed constants" or here, 03/27/1969, by J. M. Reber.
  1708. LUMINARY Memo #73, "LUMINARY Revisions 80 - 92", 03/27/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1709. COM-10, "Truncation error" or here, 03/28/1969, by A. Engel.
  1710. LUMINARY Memo #74, "Response to V99 & V97 in LUMINARY", 03/31/1969, by Peter Adler.
  1711. 😮E-2411, "Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control Systems: A Progress Report", 04/1969, by David G. Hoag.
  1712. 11176-6041-T0-00, "Assembly listing of AGS Flight Program 6 (FP6)", Appendix A, 04/1969, by TRW. Flown in Apollo 11 and Apollo 12.
    See also:
  1713. 11176-6052-T0-00, "LM AGS Guidance Software, Final Design Report, Flight Program 6 (Formerly FPX)", 04/1969, by TRW.
  1714. 11176-6041-T0-00, "LM AGS Programmed Equations Document, Flight Program 6 (Formerly Flight Program X)", All but Appendix A, 04/1969, by TRW.
  1715. LUMINARY Memo #75, "R-2 Lunar Potential Model Added to LUM" or here, 04/01/1969, by George Cherry.
  1716. LUMINARY Memo #76, "Variable Gains in Guidance Frame Erection", 04/01/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1717. 410-TM(700), Rev 4, "Training Manual - ACE-S/C Data Acquisition System (PCM Decommutator)", 04/01/1969, by General Electric.
  1718. 69-FS-2, "Project Apollo 500 - RTCC Operations Support Plan for Mission G", 04/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1719. 2021113-051, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program COMANCHE 55", 04/01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This flew as the CM AGC software on Apollo 11.
    See also:
  1720. LUMINARY Memo #77, "Let's Continue the LUMINARY 1A Test Results Review", 04/03/1969, by George Cherry.
  1721. 😮"AAP LM-A GN&C System Functions - Case 610", 04/04/1969, by K. E. Martersteck.
  1722. LNY-56, "Unsuccessful RR search", 04/04/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1723. COLOSSUS Memo #170, "MIT Review of Boeing-Houston (MSC) Information Package on CMC Boost Takeover", 04/04/1969, by Saydean Zeldin.
  1724. 69-FM-80, TM-X-69629, "RTCC Requirements for Apollo 10 (Mission F) Preflight Information", 04/07/1969, by Rocky D. Duncan.
  1725. 😮""6" How's and Why's", 04/08/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  1726. 😮MSC-EG-69-18, "Performance of Apollo Block II Thrust Vector Control Using the PGNCS (Primary Guidance Navigation and Control System)", 04/08/1969, by Emery E. Smith, Jr.
  1727. LNY-57, "Strange behavior in V99 + V97", 04/09/1969, by Peter Adler.
  1728. LNY-43, Rev 1, "PooDoo in integration", 04/09/1969, by James Kernan.
  1729. Apollo Project Memo #30-69, "How Did We Do on Apollo 9?", 04/10/1969, by D. G. Hoag.
  1730. LUMINARY Memo #78, "LUMINARY Revisions 93 - 96", 04/10/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1731. LNY-60, "Improper scale factor", 04/14/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1732. III-5-509-9, 67-966-0008, Change 15 APR 69, "Measuring and Telemetry System Description", Changed pages only, 04/15/1969, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1733. LNY-59, "Incorrect constants" or here, 04/15/1969, by James Kernan. Fixed in Luminary 97.
  1734. COM-2, Rev 3, "Integration difficulties" or here, 04/16/1969, by Margaret Hamilton.
  1735. "Apollo 10 Flight Plan, AS-505/CSM-106/LM-4", 04/17/1969, by E. B. Pippert, Jr., T. R. Lindsey, W. M. Anderson.
  1736. LNY-84, "While performing the G-Mission DOI, a check of the predicted ha and hp ... showed a wide variance ...", 04/21/1969, by R. Simpson.
  1737. Mission Techniques Memo #28B, "G Descent", 04/23/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1738. Mission Techniques Memo #30A, "G Lunar Surface Phase", 04/23/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1739. LUMINARY Memo #80, "Abnormal Exit from Ignition Algorithm" or here, 04/24/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1740. LNY-61, "Restart protection P20 & P22" or here, 04/24/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1741. COLOSSUS Memo #174, "Transearth MSFN State Vector Updates", 04/25/1969, by Gerald M. Levine.
  1742. MSC-CF-P-69-10, TM X-65033, Final Rev A, "CSM Rendezvous Procedures, F Mission", 04/25/1969, by S. G. Paddock, Jr., D. K. Mosel.
  1743. LUMINARY Memo #81, "Landing Dependence on Platform Alignment", 04/28/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1744. TMX-64407, CF-R-69-12, Final Rev A, "LM Rendezvous Procedures, F Mission (AS-505/CSM-106/LM-4)", 04/28/1969, by John E. Hutchins, Jon C. Axford.
  1745. 69-FM-96, TM X-72214, Rev 1, "Revision I of the Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 10 (Mission F), Volume I: Operational Mission Profile Launched May 18, 1969", Volume 1, 04/28/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1746. LNY-63, "P40 recycle", 04/28/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1747. LNY-62, "P70 & P71 select 1° deadband", 04/28/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1748. LNY-64, "Restart in P63", 04/28/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1749. CF-R-69-20, TMX-64405, "Apollo Mission F Performance Analysis of Rendezvous Charts", 04/29/1969, by Robert K. Buell, John E. Hutchins.
  1750. 11176-6050-T000, "Program Verification Test Results, LM/AGS Flight Program No. 6 (Formerly FPX)", 05/1969, by E. V. Avery.
  1751. MSC-PA-R-69-2, "Apollo 9 Mission Report", 05/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1752. MSC-PA-R-69-2, TM X-72273, "Apollo 9 Mission Report: LM Abort Guidance System Postflight Analysis Report", Supplement 3, 05/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1753. E-1142, Rev 61, "Weight and Balance Report", 05/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1754. LMA790-3-LM 5 and Subsequent, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 5 and Subsequent, Volume 2", Volume 2, 05/01/1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1755. MSFC-MAN-010, 67-966-0005, Change No. 3, "S-IVB Forward/Instrument Unit Umbilical Assembly, Saturn 5", Changed pages only, 05/01/1969, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  1756. III-5-509-4, IBM 66-966-0006, 1 May 1966, "Saturn 1B/V Instrument Unit System Description and Component Data (S-IU-201-212/501-515)", 05/01/1969, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  1757. S&E-ASTR-S-69-24, TM X-62846, "Technical Information Summary, Apollo-10 (AS-505), Apollo Saturn V Space Vehicle", 05/01/1969, by NASA.
  1758. SM2A-08-SC106, "Apollo Postretrieval Procedures for NASA Recovery Team - Mission 10 Apollo 505/106/LM4", 05/01/1969, by North American Rockwell. This copy has lots of hand-written notes related to the completion of the procedures herein.
  1759. COM-12, "Improper REPFRAC values", 05/05/1969, by Engel.
  1760. "Subcourse Outline and Handout - Flight Control Orientation and Indoctrination - Apollo Command Network", 05/05/1969, by A. C. Hughes.
  1761. MPR-SAT-FE-69-4, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-504, Apollo 9 Mission", 05/05/1969, by NASA.
  1762. LNY-85, "During a PGNS controlled powered descent test run from PDI, a restart an a 1107 alarm code occurred at TIG ...", 05/05/1969, by R. Simpson.
  1763. "Mission Techniques Documentation Schedule as of May 7, 1969", 05/07/1969, by Anonymous.
  1764. S-PA-9T-044A, TM-X-72384, Rev A, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Missions F and G - Lunar Orbit Activities", Volume 1, 05/07/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1765. 69-68, "Apollo 10 Press kit", 05/07/1969, by NASA.
  1766. LUMINARY Memo #82, "Suggestions for LUMINARY 1A Simulations", 05/08/1969, by J.E. Jones.
  1767. COLOSSUS Memo #180, "Techniques for Loading the Landing Site On Board", 05/09/1969, by Steve Copps.
  1768. "Minutes of the COLOSSUS 2 Flight Software Readiness Review", 05/09/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith. Disclaimer: [MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 10, Box 67]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.
  1769. "Minutes of the Flight Software Readiness Review (FSRR) for the F mission LUMINARY (LUM69 R2) Lunar Module Program", 05/09/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  1770. CR-102079, H69-0009-R, "Introduction to Trajectory Estimation for RTCC Programmers", 05/09/1969, by Robert G. Rich.
  1771. LNY-65, "Lambert bug (ITERCTR)", 05/12/1969, by Peter Adler.
  1772. 69-FM-131, TM-X-69630, "Operational Support Plan for Real-Time Auxiliary Computing Facility, Apollo 10 Flight Annex", 05/12/1969, by D. C. McDougall.
  1773. LNY-67, "Make ATTSTALL 1210 into BAILOUT instead of POODOO" or here, 05/13/1969, by James Kernan.
  1774. LNY-66, "R04 Erasable conflict w/R65" or here, 05/13/1969, by James Kernan.
  1775. LNY-68, "P57 IMU compensation conflict" or here, 05/13/1969, by D. Millard.
  1776. 69-FM-139, TM X-69376, "Apollo 10 Spacecraft Dispersion Analysis", 05/14/1969, by D. M. Detchmendy.
  1777. LNY-69, "Coding error, downward jet firing" or here, 05/14/1969, by R. D. Gross.
  1778. COM-14, "P17 does not terminate", 05/15/1969, by A. Engel.
  1779. COM-13, "V78 does not terminate", 05/15/1969, by A. Engel.
  1780. 😮OCP-B-90008-LM-2, "LM-2 Landing Simulation Test, Post Test Baseline", 05/15/1969, by A. La Cognata.
  1781. CF-R-69-23, TMX-64410, Final, "LM Rendezvous Procedures, G Mission - AS-506/CSM-107/LM-5", 05/16/1969, by Stephen P. Grega.
  1782. 2014999-061, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 10 CM G&N System", 05/18/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1783. 6014999-061, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 10 LM G&N System", 05/18/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1784. LUMINARY Memo #83, "LUMINARY Revision 98", 05/19/1969, by Jim Kernan.
  1785. LNY-73, "Correct location of V06N61", 05/20/1969, by Peter Adler.
  1786. LNY-72, "511 alarm after V32E", 05/20/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1787. LNY-70, "Site redesignation routine", 05/20/1969, by George W. Cherry. Fixed in Luminary 99.
  1788. 5520.5-121, Rev 2, "Programmed Guidance Equations for COLOSSUS 2, Command Module Earth Orbital and Lunar Program" or here, 05/20/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Disclaimer: "[MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 7, Box 34]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.".
  1789. LNY-74, "Erasable conflict" or here, 05/20/1969, by D. Millard.
  1790. LNY-71, "P22 lunar surface nav" or here, 05/20/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1791. LNY-75, "Radar self test routine" or here, 05/20/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1792. LUMINARY Memo #84, "Ignition Algorithm Convergence", 05/21/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1793. Mission Techniques Memo #29A, "G Descent Aborts", 05/21/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1794. LUMINARY Memo #85, "LUMINARY Revision 99", 05/21/1969, by Jim Kernan.
  1795. COLOSSUS Memo #182, "Notes on the Lunar Surface Flag (SURFFLAG) in Colossus 2A", 05/21/1969, by W. Ostanek.
  1796. 😮"LUMINARY Anomaly Status 5/23/69", 05/23/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  1797. L-?, "Turn on operator error light and exit if SURFFLAG is set when V66 is selected", 05/26/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  1798. L-2, "Remove guidance phase switching logic from guidance loop called in the landing ignition algorithm", 05/26/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1799. ACB-40, "Remove guidance phase switching logic from guidance loop in the landing ignition algorithm", 05/26/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1800. COM-15, "Coding error in restart tables", 05/28/1969, by A. Engel.
  1801. LUMINARY Memo #87, "George Lowe's Decision at CCB Regarding LGC Radar Interface Problem", 05/28/1969, by George Cherry.
  1802. (LUMINARY) PCR-806.2, "Allow N07 to address output channels", 05/28/1969, by James Kernan.
  1803. 😮LSP-14-13310B, "Assembly of Deutsch DC and NDC 500000 Series RF Coaxial Connectors", 05/29/1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  1804. "Apollo 11 LM-5 Flight Crew G&N Dictionary", 05/29/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1805. "A User's Guide to the LUMINARY1A Lunar Landing Programs" or here, 06/1969, by George W. Cherry, Donald Eyles.
  1806. 11176-6055-R0-00, "LM/AGS Flight Program 6, LM 5 Mission Constants", 06/1969, by C. J. Mabee.
  1807. E-2397, "Apollo Guidance and Control System Flight Experience", 06/1969, by John E. Miller, Ain Laats.
  1808. TM052-001-1A, "Apollo 11 Flight Readiness Review", 06/1969, by NASA. Disclaimer: "[MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 7, Box 34]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.".
  1809. "AS-506 Mission Supplements to Network Operations Directive", 06/01/1969, by NASA.
  1810. "Transcript of Apollo 10 Commentary", 06/01/1969, by NASA.
  1811. (LUMINARY) PCR-780, "Provide Pure RR Range, Range Rate, and Time Tag during P20, P22, and P25", 06/02/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1812. ISS Memo #794, "Reasons Justifying Increase in AGC PIPA Bias Compensation Range", 06/03/1969, by George Bukow.
  1813. (COLOSSUS) PCR-815, "Digital Autopilot Barbecue Mode Routine", 06/03/1969, by Stephen Copps.
  1814. (LUMINARY) PCR-814, Rev 1, "Reduce Keystrokes Required to Check and Approve LR Data", 06/03/1969, by Margaret Hamilton, George Cherry.
  1815. "COLOSSUS Anomaly Status 6/3/69", 06/03/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  1816. FO-K-0007V1-SC107, "Spacecraft Operations for SV Countdown / Countdown Demonstration", 06/04/1969, by North American Rockwell Corporation.
  1817. LNY-86, "... At the end of P70 ... a hardware restart occurred. The lights on the PAC indicated only a NIGHTWATCHMAN alarm....", 06/04/1969, by R. Simpson.
  1818. LUMINARY Memo #88, "Anomaly 64", 06/05/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1819. (LUMINARY) PCR-821.2, "Move AZO to Fixed Ephemeris Constants", 06/05/1969, by J. Stoppelman.
  1820. Apollo Project Memo #56-69, "What is LUMINARY 1B? Some Results of the 31st Apollo Software Configuration Control Board Meeting", 06/09/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1821. LNY-76, "Wrong erasable in PINBALL", 06/09/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1822. 69-FM-T-88, "June 5th Apollo Spacecraft Software Configuration Control Board (ASSCCB) meeting", 06/09/1969, by Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  1823. MSFC-MAN-506, 10 June 1969, "Saturn V Flight Manual, SA-506", 06/10/1969, by NASA.
  1824. DG Memo #1353, "Data Priority Meetings, May 27-30, 1969", 06/10/1969, by Steve Schroeder.
  1825. "Program notes for using Colossus and Luminary for G-series missions", 06/11/1969, by Anonymous.
  1826. "COLOSSUS 2A and LUMINARY 1A program and operational notes, first edition for mission G (COMANCHE 55 and LUMINARY 99)", 06/11/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  1827. LED-540-54, "G Prelaunch Erasable Load (LUMINARY 99) Launch Tape", LM5/Table 4.5.1-1, 06/11/1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1828. 😮"G & N System Inventory", 06/13/1969, by Anonymous.
  1829. D5-15551(I)-7, "Saturn V AS-507 'G' Mission Launch Vehicle Operational Flight Trajectory - September Launch Month", 06/13/1969, by Boeing.
  1830. L-1, "Fix R13 for check if in P66 before check for mode control in auto....", 06/13/1969, by David H. Moore.
  1831. "Apollo 10 Postflight Report - Guadance Officer (GUIDO)", 06/13/1969, by Kenneth W. Russell, William E. Fenner, J. Gary Renick, Granville E. Paules, Stephen G. Bales.
  1832. "Apollo 10 Postflight Report - Retrofire Officer (RETRO)", 06/13/1969, by Thomas E. Weichel, John S. Llewellyn, James E. I'Anson, Charles F. Deiterich.
  1833. LNY-77, "It is possible for all computer activity governed by the TIME3 interrupt structure (i.e., Waitlist) to be suspended for a period of about 163 seconds following the selection of P70 ..." or here, 06/18/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1834. CF-R-69-23, Rev A, "LM Rendezvous Procedures, G Mission", 06/20/1969, by Stephen P. Grega, Clark M. Neily. The cover was autographed by the crew. Covers not only the G mission (Apollo 11), but also H missions (12-14). We don't know if they applied to the J missions (14-17). Clark Neily, who co-authored the document and gave it to us (as well as the next two documents below), tells us that "my recollection is by that time, we had so much confidence in the systems and software that on the last two missions, they just boosted themselves into a 10 × 50 nm with a 'tweak' burn right after insertion followed by TPI about an 2-30 minutes later." Clark also has the following editorial comments. In understanding the comments, you probably need to know that since Clark is obviously a rendezvous expert, I had asked him a question about LORS (Lunar Optical Rendezvous System). This was apparently a potential competitor to the Rendezvous Radar that was eventually used in the LM, but it was cut out because the AGC code for it was 1500 words longer than the corresponding RR code. At any rate,
    Max Faget was a fanatical advocate of the optical tracker as the primary rendezvous navigation sensor. If he had had his way there would have been no rendezvous radar. This was an undocumented chapter in the Apollo program known to those of us who participated as the Rendezvous Wars. Under our tutelage, supported by extensive in-house Monte-Carlo analyses, the Astronaut Office took an uncompromising position on behalf of the radar as the primary rendezvous navigation system.

    The wars continued into the Shuttle program, and were lost by our side because the FOD was able to make the case that they could support all rendezvous operations with ground-based tracking, and there was therefore no argument for autonomous on-board capability. Max got his way on the Shuttle, there was no rendezvous radar. By that time I was back in Houston working for a small company under contract to MPAD for orbital operations analysis. I got fired for refusing to lie to Draper about the availability of reference mission data to support some independent analysis they were doing for my former colleagues in SED. Thus ended my involvement in the wars, and I've always treasured those memories.

    This document contains nomographs for computing the TPI and M/C maneuvers using LM boresight elevation angle measurements, and raw rendezvous radar data from the tape-meter readout. During the months prior to Apollo 11, I was able to use the GN&C analysis program in Monte-Carlo mode to construct computation tables for the CDH and CSI burns. This was done by perturbing the trajectory about the nominal, and developing power-series expansion functions for the maneuvers in terms of the resulting radar range and range-rate perturbations, obtained from measurements at fixed intervals before each burn. We wanted to be able to verify the on-board maneuver solutions independently of the ground, or in extremis do without them altogether, and still carry out the rendezvous as long as we had an operating radar. Hence our fanatical determination to have the radar as the primary rendezvous sensor. I'm not sure these nomographic and tabular backups were known to the Instrumentation Lab. They were brute force, but they worked. Never needed, though; the IL software and systems were iron-bottomed and gold-plated... [ellipsis Clark's]
  1835. Mission Techniques Memo #30B, Rev 1, "G Lunar Surface Phase", 06/20/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1836. LNY-79, "Crossplane Vertical Oscillations during P64/P65 (PCR 840)", 06/20/1969, by K. W. Krause.
  1837. LNY-78, "Non-zero Attitude Errors near Orbit Insertion (PCR 842)", 06/20/1969, by K. W. Krause.
  1838. LUMINARY Memo #89, "A Metaphysic of Downrupts", 06/23/1969, by Peter Adler, Dana Densmore.
  1839. LNY-81, "Erasables shared between radar tasks and jobs", 06/23/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  1840. LNY-80, "V63E with LR Power Off Causes Improper RADMODES Bit 6 (PCR 817)", 06/23/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  1841. Mission Techniques Memo #28C, "G Descent", 06/23/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1842. MSC-CF-P-69-11, TMX-64412, Final Rev A, "CSM Rendezvous Procedures, G Mission", 06/23/1969, by Richard J. Otto Jr., Duane K. Mosel.
  1843. "Minutes of LM-5 Flight Readiness Review Board meeting, June 23, 1969", 06/23/1969, by James A. York. Disclaimer: "[MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 7, Box 34]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.".
  1844. LNY-82, "Max DB only when P68 running (PCR 838)", 06/24/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  1845. 😮MSJ Memo #7-69, "A list of titles and authors", 06/24/1969, by Madeline S. Johnson.
  1846. Mission Techniques Memo #36, "Summary of G Mission Technique Items", 06/24/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1847. S&E-ASTR-S-101-69, TM X-62812, "Technical Information Summary, Apollo-11 (AS-506), Apollo Saturn V Space Vehicle" or here, 06/25/1969, by NASA.
  1848. SKB32100080-307, "Apollo 11 Operations Checklist", 06/27/1969, by Anonymous. Serial number 100. I am told that the PDF is compiled from scanned images found at the Apollo Flight Journal website, which states that the original was Mike Collins's copy. It is filled with hand-written notations which were apparently already on the document at the time it was scanned, although there is no claim that they were necessarily written there by Mike Collins.
  1849. 69-FM-190, TM-X-69643, "Apollo 11 (Mission G) Crew Charts and Console Charts", 06/27/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1850. 69-FM-175, "Operational LM Abort and Rescue Plan for Apollo 11 (Mission G)" or here, 06/27/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. The scans are of variable quality, since I scanned the full document over a 9-month period, using two different scanners, but may still come in handy in viewing the many graphs in the document.
  1851. LNY-87, "Coding error in P22" or here, 06/27/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1852. COLOSSUS Memo #191, Rev 1, "Memo Indexes", 06/30/1969, by J. Flaherty.
  1853. "Boeing and Apollo 11", 07/1969, by Boeing.
  1854. 😮E-2402, "Portafam System Operational Description", 07/1969, by Jonathan Leavitt.
  1855. 11176-6033-T000, Rev 1, "LM/AGS Operating Manual, Flight Program 6", 07/1969, by R. L. Mendelsberg. By the way, while (as of this writing) there's no documentation of Flight Program 5, the Foreword to this document does describe the "list of significant changes between FP5 and FP6".
  1856. "G Prelaunch Erasable Load (LUMINARY 99) Mission Tape", 07/01/1969, by Anonymous.
  1857. COLOSSUS Memo #193, "P37 Ignition Time Bias", 07/01/1969, by T. Brand.
  1858. 😮"Apollo Program - Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations", 07/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1859. X-550-69-277, TM X-63636, Preprint, "Apollo 6, 7, and 8 Blackout Test Results", 07/01/1969, by John W. Marini, Frederick W. Hager.
  1860. "LGC Spare Circuits for LR Coded Commands and Indications", 07/01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1861. Final, "Apollo 11 Flight Plan, AS-506/CSM-107/LM-5" or here, 07/01/1969, by L. J. Riche, G. M. Colton, T. A. Guillory.
  1862. ISS Memo #815, "PIPA Transient Test - Typical Bubble Effects", 07/02/1969, by J. Gilmore, M. Landey.
  1863. DG Memo #1383, "Ascent/Descent Monitoring", 07/02/1969, by I. Johnson.
  1864. COM-31, "Clear RENDWFLAG", 07/03/1969, by Stephen Copps. Note that some of the wording in the report essentially reiterates the contents of COM-16, of which we do not otherwise have a copy.
  1865. 69-FM-197, TM X-69921, Rev 1, "Revision 1 to Views from the CM and LM During the Flight of Apollo 11 (Mission G)", 07/03/1969, by Alfred N. Lunde.
  1866. 69-FM-179, TM-X-69754, "RTCC Requirements for Mission H and Subsequent Missions: Reentry Phase", 07/03/1969, by James W. Tolin Jr., John K. Burton, Joseph E. Rogers.
  1867. 69-83K, "Apollo 11 Press kit part 1", Part 1, 07/06/1969, by NASA.
  1868. 69-83K, "Apollo 11 Press kit part 2", Part 2, 07/06/1969, by NASA.
  1869. EG23-69-152, "Mission G software FRR (flight readiness review) presentations", 07/07/1969, by Kenneth J. Cox.
  1870. LUMINARY Memo #91, "LUMINARY Revisions 100 - 105", 07/07/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1871. Rev H, "Apollo 11 LM Systems Activation Checklist", 07/08/1969, by NASA.
  1872. Rev A to Final, "Apollo 11 Flight Plan, AS-506/CSM-107/LM-5", Changes only, 07/08/1969, by L. J. Riche, G. M. Colton, T. A. Guillory.
  1873. LUMINARY Memo #95, "Landing Radar Orientation", 07/09/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1874. Mission Techniques Memo #31, "G Ascent", 07/09/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1875. Mission Techniques Memo #28D, "G Descent", 07/09/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1876. Mission Techniques Memo #30C, Rev B, "G Lunar Surface Phase", 07/09/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1877. LNY-88, "Landing Radar repositioning routine is not restart protected" or here, 07/10/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1878. "Additional program notes for the G mission COLOSSUS 2A program", 07/10/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  1879. LUMINARY Memo #92, "LUMINARY Revisions 106", 07/10/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1880. Mission Techniques Memo #34, "G Manual Ascent", 07/11/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1881. Mission Techniques Memo #35A, "G Odds and Ends", 07/11/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1882. Mission Techniques Memo #29B, "G Descent Aborts", 07/14/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1883. Mission Techniques Memo #35B, "G Odds and Ends", 07/14/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  1884. LUMINARY Memo #93, "Intermediate Throttle-up of LM DPS During CSM-docked Burn", 07/14/1969, by J.E. Jones.
  1885. LUMINARY Memo #96, "Level 3 Test Plan for LUMINARY 1B", 07/14/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  1886. LUMINARY Memo #94, "Revision 107", 07/14/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  1887. 2021112-061, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program LUMINARY 99 Rev 1" or here, 07/14/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This is the software flown in the Apollo 11 Lunar Module.
    See also:
  1888. LNY-90, "V97N63 display overwritten by V06N63 display" or here, 07/15/1969, by Robert Covelli, P. Weissman.
  1889. "Apollo 11 Guidance & Navigation Information", 07/16/1969, by AC Electronics. Undated, so I've dated it the mission launch date.
  1890. LUMINARY Memo #97, "Anomaly 79 Test Data", 07/16/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1891. 2014999-101, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 11 CM G&N System", 07/16/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1892. 6014999-091, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 11 LM G&N System", 07/16/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1893. D5-15560-5, "Apollo/Saturn V Postflight Trajectory, AS-505", 07/17/1969, by R. D. McCurdy. ALL-CAPS! What could be better in a 126 page report!
  1894. "Apollo 11 LM-5 Computer Words (AGC Telemetry)", 07/20/1969. Timestamped Apollo Guidance Computer telemetry from the Apollo 11 descent and landing. Includes DSKY displays for the entire landings at 2-second intervals, CDU angles, throttle, etc. The telemetry has been hand-annotated with key events, including the 1201 and 1202 program alarms. However, the printout which we were able to digitize is exceeding poor, and in places perhaps illegible. A correspondent known as "jumpjack" has supplied some notes about this that may prove helpful if you're interested in this telemetry.
  1895. "Apollo 11 LM Timeline Book", 07/21/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Disclaimer: [MSA 5, Neil A. Armstrong Papers]. [Folder 4, Box 70]. Purdue University Archives and Special Collections, Purdue University Libraries.The handwriting in the document is presumably that of Neil Armstrong, but that's just my own speculation.
  1896. (LUMINARY) PCR-848, "Prevent RR ECDUs from Stealing LGC Memory Cycles", 07/22/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1897. LUMINARY Memo #99, "LUMINARY Memo #96", 07/23/1969, by George Cherry.
  1898. "Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Digital Simulation" or here, 07/23/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1899. LNY-89, "Backwards integration can occur in P27" or here, 07/23/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  1900. 😮"Altitude Above Terrain", 07/25/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1901. L-6, "Change the call to ZATEROR in the ascent guidance to a call to the STOPRATE routine", 07/26/1969, by Craig Schulenberg. See also 09/19/69.
  1902. L-5, "Change the displays at the end of descent and ascent guidance to be "non-R" type displays", 07/26/1969, by Craig Schulenberg. See also 08/25/69.
  1903. L-3, "Make the erasable for R3 in Noun 49 ... unshared", 07/28/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1904. L-4, "Compute AOT optic axis using the pad-load ...", 07/30/1969, by D. Millard.
  1905. "CM/LM PGNCS Computer Subsystem Familiarization, Text 1", 07/31/1969, by AC Electronics.
  1906. LNY-91, "CDU fail program alarm in P20 when not an alarm condition" or here, 07/31/1969, by R. Gilbert.
  1907. "Apollo 11 Technical Crew Debriefing", Volume I of II, 07/31/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1908. "Apollo 11 Technical Crew Debriefing", Volume II of II, 07/31/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1909. LUMINARY Memo #100, "Brief Summary of Verb, Noun, Alarm, Flagword & Downlist Changes between LUMINARY 1A & LUMINARY 1B (Rev. 111)", 07/31/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1910. "Program Alarms in Powered Descent - Apollo 11", 07/31/1969, by Clint Tillman.
  1911. COLOSSUS Memo #203, "PCR815/V79/R64/PTC - ORBRATE Routine", 07/31/1969, by J. F. Turnbull.
  1912. D2-117017-7, "Final Flight Evaluation Report, Apollo 10 Mission", 08/1969, by Boeing.
  1913. MSC-00126, "Apollo 10 Mission Report", 08/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1914. G0008, "Saturn S-IVB-505N Stage Flight Evaluation Report", 08/1969, by McDonnell Douglas.
  1915. E-2442, "Guidance, Navigation, and Control Command Module Functional Description and Operation Using Flight Program COLOSSUS 2C (COMANCHE 67)", 08/1969, by Wayne A. Siarnicki.
  1916. III-5-510-17, 66-966-0019, Change No. 2, "Command Decoder (S-IU-204 Thru 212 / 501 Thru 515)", Changed pages only, 08/01/1969, by IBM Federal Services Division. Note the title change from the original (6/1/1966) version of the document.
  1917. Transcription, "Apollo 11 Onboard Voice Transcription - Command Module Recorder", 08/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1918. Transcription, "Apollo 11 Technical Air-to-Ground Voice Transcription", 08/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1919. AG #370-69, "Exegesis of the 1201 and 1202 Alarms Which Occurred During the Mission G Lunar Landing", 08/04/1969, by George W. Cherry.
  1920. "Apollo 11 Postflight Report - Retrofire Officer (RETRO)", 08/04/1969, by Charles F. Deiterich, John S. Llewellyn, Thomas E. Weichel, James E. I'Anson.
  1921. (LUMINARY) PCR-854, "Provide a Flexible Method for Crew to Modify RLS", 08/04/1969, by Don Eyles, George W. Cherry.
  1922. LUMINARY Memo #101, "Level III/IV Tests Review", 08/04/1969, by Bruce McCoy, George Cherry.
  1923. "Apollo 11 Postflight Report - Guadance Officer (GUIDO)", 08/04/1969, by Willard S. Presley, Stephen G. Bales, Granville E. Paules, Kenneth W. Russell, William E. Fenner.
  1924. MSC-PA-R-69-2, 11176-H311-R0-00, "Apollo 9 CSM 104 Service Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 5, 08/04/1969, by R. J. Smith.
  1925. (LUMINARY) PCR-855, "Begin Reading LR Velocity as soon as Velocity Data Good Appears", 08/04/1969, by W. Tindall, George W. Cherry.
  1926. LUMINARY Memo #102, "Some Results of the Apollo 12 Pinpoint Lunar Landing Data Priority Meeting", 08/06/1969, by George Cherry.
  1927. 😮"Notes from the G&N debriefing, August 4 in Houston", 08/06/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1928. (LUMINARY) PCR-882, "Replace VHORIZ with something better", 08/06/1969, by Don Eyles.
  1929. "(Untitled) Apparent explanation of Apollo 11 520 alarm, "RADARUPT not expected at this time"", 08/06/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  1930. LUMINARY Memo #103, "LUMINARY Revisions 108 - 113", 08/06/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1931. COLOSSUS Memo #205, "Revision 1 of Artemis", 08/07/1969, by N. W. Brodeur.
  1932. System Test Group Memo #1384, "Equations for Gyro Drift Measurement in Flight by Successive P52's and the Subsequent NBD Updates", 08/07/1969, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  1933. LNY-92, "V41 and V42 do not perform CCS NEWJOB before final display" or here, 08/07/1969, by Margaret Hamilton.
  1934. 😮"Crew procedures", 08/07/1969, by George M. Low.
  1935. (LUMINARY) PCR-874.2, "Change Decimal Load Techinique", 08/08/1969, by Stephen Copps.
  1936. (LUMINARY) PCR-872.2, "Initiate TFI in P40s", 08/08/1969, by Stephen Copps. The PCR clearly references the P30s rather than the P40s, but multiple other references to the PCR in contemporary documents say P40s. I've looked at the code very briefly, but cannot tell on that basis which is correct.
  1937. (LUMINARY) PCR-863.2, "Make P76 set NODO flag", 08/08/1969, by Stephen Copps.
  1938. LUMINARY Memo #104, "LUMINARY 1B — Level 4 Lunar Landing Test Plan", 08/08/1969, by David Moore, Don Eyles.
  1939. 😮"Simulating the RR-CDU Interface When the RR is in the SLEW or AUTO (not LOC) Mode in The FMEs/FCI Laboratory", 08/09/1969, by C. Tillman.
  1940. COLOSSUS Memo #212, "New Requirement for Performing ZERO OPTICS", 08/11/1969, by Stephen L. Copps.
  1941. COLOSSUS Memo #206, "Optics Calibration for P23", 08/11/1969, by Stephen L. Copps.
  1942. DG Memo #1405, "Manual Ascent With Z Pipa Failures (Saturated)", 08/11/1969, by I. Johnson.
  1943. 2021112-071, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program LUMINARY 116", 08/11/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This is the software flown in the Apollo 12 Lunar Module.
    See also:
  1944. SSW-69-60A-223, "Two-Machine Testing Report - 124", 08/11/1969, by D. E. Zentner.
  1945. 😮69-FM-225, "Project Apollo: Logic and Equations for the Real-Time Calculations of the Powered Descent Abort Constants", 08/13/1969, by Ernest M. Fridge.
  1946. 😮"Simulating the RR-CDU Interface When the RR is in the SLEW or AUTO (not LOC) Mode in The FMEs/FCI Laboratory (2nd version)", 08/13/1969, by C. Tillman.
  1947. COLOSSUS Memo #210, "RTCC Compatibility Testing at MIT, Current Understanding of Scope, Responsibilities, etc", 08/14/1969, by Al Engel, Bruce McCoy.
  1948. LUMINARY Memo #106, "RTCC Compatibility Testing at MIT, Current Understanding of Scope, Responsibilities, etc", 08/14/1969, by Al Engel, Bruce McCoy.
  1949. (LUMINARY) PCR-890, "Improve slosh stability of CSM - docked DAP", 08/14/1969, by G. R. Kalan.
  1950. (LUMINARY) PCR-886, "Variable Guidance Period", 08/15/1969, by Don Eyles, Peter Adler, George W. Cherry.
  1951. (LUMINARY) PCR-884, "Coordination During Manually-Controlled Lunar Landing", 08/15/1969, by R. F. Stengel.
  1952. 😮"The Indispensible Men", 08/16/1969, by David N. Kaye.
  1953. 😮"Strict Control Kept Out Semiconductor Flaws", 08/16/1969, by Raymond D. Speer.
  1954. (LUMINARY) PCR-888, "Modification of DAP Control Authority Model to Include Effect of Jet Plume Deflectors", 08/17/1969, by G. R. Kalan.
  1955. (LUMINARY) PCR-893, "Abort targeting flagbit", 08/18/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  1956. (LUMINARY) PCR-892, "Delete R29", 08/18/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  1957. (LUMINARY) PCR-936.2, "Initialize V90 time to TIG", 08/18/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  1958. (LUMINARY) PCR-899, "N38 in C/A, LS, and R/P lists", 08/18/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  1959. (LUMINARY) PCR-943, "Velocity Reasonability Test", 08/18/1969, by Clarke T. Hackler.
  1960. (LUMINARY) PCR-897, "Delete PCR 775", 08/19/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1961. (LUMINARY) PCR-895, "LR Reposition by V59E in P63", 08/19/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1962. (LUMINARY) PCR-898, "LR Velocity Read", 08/19/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1963. (LUMINARY) PCR-896, "LR Velocity Read Centered at PIPTIME", 08/19/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  1964. L-1B-01, "Erroneous 530 alarm in P22" or here, 08/19/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1965. "Necessity to zero optics to track the LM after CSI backup for Apollo 11", 08/20/1969, by George Reasor.
  1966. SNA-8-D-027(III), Rev 2, "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume III: Mass Properties", Volume III, 08/20/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. In this revision, C, C', D, and F type missions have been deleted, and the covered missions are G, H, and J types (through J-1).
  1967. LUMINARY Memo #107, "LUMINARY Revisions 114 - 116", 08/20/1969, by Craig Schulenberg.
  1968. L-1B-02, "R29 will not achieve RR lockon" or here or here, 08/20/1969, by Peter Volante.
  1969. Apollo Project Memo #74-69, "Report on Apollo 11", 08/21/1969, by D. G. Hoag.
  1970. (LUMINARY) PCR-941, "Landing Radar Pre-Filter", 08/21/1969, by Jerrold H. Suddath.
  1971. LUMINARY Memo #108, "LUMINARY 1B is Revision 116", 08/22/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  1972. Final Issue, "MIT/IL Software Development Plan for LUMINARY 1B LGC Program", 08/22/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1973. "More about zero optics problem after CSI backup for Apollo 11", 08/25/1969, by George Reasor.
  1974. L-5, "Fix bug in P70/71 preferred orientation logic", 08/25/1969, by Craig Schulenberg. See also 07/26/69.
  1975. Digital Development Memo #483, "LGC Radar Timing", 08/26/1969, by Allen Harano.
  1976. 😮"SUNLITER - RR Error Counters", 08/26/1969, by W. Bernikowich.
  1977. L-1B-03, "Quantity COEFFER discrepancy" or here, 08/27/1969, by R. Goss.
  1978. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #7-69, "How to Land Beside Surveyor 3 on Apollo 12" or here, 08/27/1969, by Allan R. Klumpp, Nick Pippenger.
  1979. Draft, "MIT/IL Presentation for the Mission H Apollo 12 Flight Software Readiness Review", 09/1969, by Anonymous.
  1980. 69-FS-4, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Luminary 1B", 09/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  1981. 69-FS55-34, "COLOSSUS 2C and LUMINARY 1B program and operational notes, first edition for mission H1 (COMANCHE 67 and LUMINARY 116)", 09/01/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  1982. SNA-8-D-027(I), Rev 2, "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume I: CSM Data Book", Volume I Part I, 09/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Includes Appendices for Apollo 7-13.
  1983. R-567, Rev 6, "Guidance System Operations Plan For Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program Luminary 1B (Rev. 116) - Section 4 - PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4, 09/01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  1984. 😮R-644, "Final Report on Assembly and Test of Five Apollo I IRIG's (Inertial Reference Integrating Gyros) Incoporating the size R-4 (SR4HX88) Instrument Ball Bearing", 09/01/1969, by Bertram Rockower. In case you're confused — I was! —, this does not refer to the Apollo 1 mission. Rather, there were two IRIG types, "APOLLO I" and "APOLLO II". Or at least, so I surmise. There are plenty of drawings in our library of the Apollo II IRIG (which looks something like this one, though not identical to it), but none that I can find of the Apollo I IRIG.
  1985. "LUMINARY 1B updates (mission H1)", 09/08/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  1986. LUMINARY Memo #109, "Work Around for P22 Bug", 09/09/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  1987. LUMINARY Memo #110, "Bad Other Vehicle State Vector", 09/10/1969, by Bill Ostanek.
  1988. COLOSSUS Memo #213, "Bad Other Vehicle State Vector", 09/10/1969, by W. F. Ostanek.
  1989. LMA790-3-LM 6 and Subsequent, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 6 and Subsequent, Volume 1: Subsystems Data" or here, Volume 1, 09/15/1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  1990. 😮TM X-53923, "Relativistic Time Dilation on Lunar Flights", 09/16/1969, by Fred Wills.
  1991. 😮Thermal Laboratory Memo #292, "L/M Maximum Coolant Temperature Increase Proposed by LM", 09/17/1969, by Charles Jurgelewicz.
  1992. L-1B-04, "RR MODE SW disables X-pointer" or here, 09/17/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  1993. 69-FS55-31, "Apollo Mission G Post-flight Summary - AGC support (console 37, Flight Dynamics SSR)", 09/18/1969, by John R. Garman.
  1994. L-6, "Make room for change to fix anomaly L-1B-03 by deleting unnecessary storage....", 09/19/1969, by R. Goss. See also 07/26/69.
  1995. LUMINARY Memo #111, "Level 6", 09/19/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  1996. MPR-SAT-FE-69-9, TM X-62558, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-506, Apollo 11 Mission", 09/20/1969, by NASA.
  1997. LUMINARY Memo #112, "RTCC Compatable Uplink Edit", 09/22/1969, by M. Albert.
  1998. COLOSSUS Memo #215, "Revision 2 of Artemis (COLOSSUS 3)", 09/22/1969, by N. Brodeur.
  1999. COLOSSUS Memo #217, "Performance of R64 Y axis option at a rate = .0507 with CDUX = 180 deg", 09/24/1969, by J. F. Turnbull.
  2000. (LUMINARY) PCR-287, "Removal of 526 Alarm in P22 & P20 (See PCR-1038)", 09/25/1969, by Apollo G&N Program Office.
  2001. 69-FM-248, "Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 12 (Mission H-1), Volume I: Hybrid Mission Profile Launched November 14, 1969", Volume I, 09/25/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2002. 69-FM-250, "RTCC Requirements for Apollo 12 (Mission H-1) Translunar Injection Processor", 09/25/1969, by David S. Scheffman, Jerome D. Yencharis, Kenneth T. Zeiler.
  2003. 69-FS55-44, "Mission H1 Flight Readiness Test Prelaunch Erasable Load for LUMINARY 116", 09/29/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2004. L-1B-05, "R60 MODE II needles display" or here, 09/30/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2005. (LUMINARY) PCR-285, "Remove check of auto throttle discrete" or here, 09/30/1969, by H. W. Tindall, Jr., Jack R. Garman. The two links provided are to scans of two separate physical copies. Each has hand-written annotations that the other does not.
  2006. 😮"Lunar Module Computer Problems (Continued)", 10/1969, by Anonymous.
  2007. E-2260, Rev V, "Guidance, Navigation, and Control Lunar Module Functional Description and Operation Using Flight Program LUMINARY (Rev. 116)", 10/1969, by Wayne A. Siarnicki. Quoting from the preface: "The purpose of this document is twofold. The first is to provide a functional description (operationally oriented) of the LM GNCS hardware and software and the interfaces with other spacecraft systems. The level of detail is that required to identify and define telemetry outputs. Also included are function flow diagrams of the LUMINARY programs and routines together with lists of verbs, nouns, option codes, and checklist codes for this flow. The second purpose is to provide the operational procedures for this hardware and software including nominal airborne condensed checklists, malfunction procedures, and program notes.".
  2008. L-1B-08, "A 520 alarm occurred at time of abort (to P70)...." or here, 10/02/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  2009. L-1B-06, "LR read error after restart" or here, 10/02/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  2010. L-1B-07, "The following events were observed on event lights driven by telemetry. P20 selected and RR designating. ... Crew assumed RR alarm and so did not call it up" or here, 10/02/1969, by Jack R. Garman.
  2011. Mission Techniques Memo #39A, "H Odds and Ends - Some Important!", 10/02/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  2012. MSFC-MAN-507, "Saturn V Flight Manual, SA-507", 10/05/1969, by NASA.
  2013. D5-15560-6, "Apollo/Saturn V Postflight Trajectory, AS-506", 10/06/1969, by Boeing.
  2014. (LUMINARY) PCR-968, "LPD bias correction", 10/07/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  2015. LUMINARY Memo #114, "Proposed Contents of LUMINARY 1C", 10/07/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  2016. COLOSSUS Memo #222, "T6JOB for COLOSSUS 2C", 10/08/1969, by J. Stoppelman, N. Barnert, Robert Covelli.
  2017. LUMINARY Memo #115, "Notes on Implementation of Delta-Guidance", 10/09/1969, by Don Eyles.
  2018. 53966-125, "Apollo 10 Thermodynamic Analysis for LM Landing Radar Antenna Assembly", 10/09/1969, by R. L. Traylor, S. E. Nagy.
  2019. 😮R-ASTR-NG-40-69, "Memo: Proposed Change to "Saturn V, S-IU-504 and Subsequent Test and Checkout Requirements, Specifications, and Criteria for use at KSC"", 10/13/1969, by Melvin Brooks.
  2020. (LUMINARY) PCR-970.2, "Modify Gyro Torquing Routine", 10/14/1969, by R. Lones.
  2021. Final, "MIT/IL Presentation for the Mission H Apollo 12 Flight Software Readiness Review", 10/15/1969, by Anonymous.
  2022. "Summary of MSC/TRW Testing and Analysis of the Digital Autopilot for the Luminary 1B Program", 10/15/1969, by Anonymous. "10-15-64 Bill Peters" is handwritten on it, so perhaps these slides were his.
  2023. 😮"C13STALL - A Software Fix to the LGC - Radar Interface Problem", 10/15/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  2024. "Unofficial Results of the SCB Meeting, Held on 9 October 1969", 10/15/1969, by K. W. Greene.
  2025. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 1, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2026. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.1, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2027. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.2, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2028. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.3, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2029. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.4, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2030. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.5, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2031. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.6, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2032. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.7, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2033. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.8, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2034. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.9, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2035. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.10, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2036. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.11, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2037. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.12, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2038. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 2.13, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2039. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Section 3, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2040. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Appendix, Glossary, Index, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2041. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 of 2, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2042. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Sections 2.1-2.2, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2043. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Change, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 Sections 4.6-4.8, 10/15/1969, by North American Aviation.
  2044. "Apollo 12 Flight Plan, AS-507/CSM-108/LM-6", 10/15/1969, by C. L. Stough, Warren J. North, Donald K. Slayton.
  2045. 11176-H365-R0-00, CR-101969, "Apollo 11 DAP Postflight Analysis", 10/17/1969, by J. A. Bossart, W. H. Delashmit, W. R. Hamel, R. C. Kropf, R. Lee.
  2046. L-8, "Remove DSP2BIT in PINBALL GAME....", 10/20/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  2047. L-7, "Change MARKRUPT coding to look for ROD inputs as a decision maker ...", 10/20/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2048. 2021113-071, "Assembly-language source code of COMANCHE 72 program", 10/20/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This was the preliminary (unflown) release of the CM AGC software on Apollo 13.
  2049. 2010802-021, "Rope-memory module B2 for COMANCHE 72", 10/20/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B2 rope-memory module for COMANCHE 72.
  2050. LUMINARY Memo #116, "ACB #L5/120 — Operation of Rotation Control", 10/22/1969, by Larry Berman.
  2051. System Test Group Memo #1415, "K-START Tape Numbering System Change", 10/22/1969, by James V. Harrison.
  2052. COLOSSUS Memo #225, "Noun 93 during Pulse Torquing" or here, 10/22/1969, by Ed Olsson.
  2053. 69-FM-255, TM-X-69979, "RTCC Requirements for the LOI Burn GO/NO-GO Procedure", 10/23/1969, by H. S. Estes.
  2054. L-1B-10, "Rate and attitude overshoot after ACA is returned to detent" or here, 10/23/1969, by G. R. Kalan.
  2055. 69-FM-239, TM-X-69709, "RTCC Requirements for Mission H Program for Computation of LM IMU Torquing Angles with the LM and CSM in the Docked Configuration", 10/23/1969, by A. David Long.
  2056. LUMINARY Memo #117, "Special Crew Procedures Necessary for Controlling the CSM-Docked Configuration with the LEM DAP", 10/24/1969, by George Kalan.
  2057. COLOSSUS Memo #226, "Final Content and Testing of Colossus 2D", 10/27/1969, by Stephen L. Copps.
  2058. LUMINARY Memo #118, "Landing Changes Put into LUMINARY 1C", 10/27/1969, by Don Eyles.
  2059. V-20060, Rev 015, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 12", Volume I of III, 10/27/1969, by John C. Reed.
  2060. L-1B-09, "Restart during R12 RR read may be incorrect" or here, 10/28/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  2061. L-9, "Move block of constants used only in interpretive from band 5 to Bank 4 ... to fix Anomaly L-1B-06", 10/28/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  2062. L-10, "Provide a tear-out for section 2 GSOP of absolute addresses for the update program....", 10/29/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  2063. V-20060, Rev 015, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 12", Volume II of III, 10/29/1969, by John C. Reed.
  2064. System Test Group Memo #1416, Rev 1, "Shutdown of the PGNCS on the Lunar Surface", 10/30/1969, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2065. 😮"Shutdown of the PGNCS on the Lunar Surface", 10/30/1969, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2066. System Test Group Memo #1416, Rev 1, "Shutdown of the PGNCS on the Lunar Surface", 10/30/1969, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2067. LUMINARY Memo #119, "New LOSSEM Numbers", 10/30/1969, by Harry McOuat.
  2068. 69-FM-275, TM X-72128, "Apollo 12 (Mission H-1) Dispersion Analysis, Volume IV Descent and Ascent Dispersion Analysis", Part I of II, 10/31/1969, by Gilbert L. Carman, Moises N. Montez.
  2069. 69-FS55-68, "Final Apollo 12 (Mission H1) prelaunch erasable load (COMANCHE 67)", 10/31/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2070. 69-FS55-69, "Final Apollo 12 (Mission H1) prelaunch erasable load (LUMINARY 116)", 10/31/1969, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2071. Digital Development Memo #497, "Behavior of AGC Counter Registers During Power-Up", 10/31/1969, by Allen Harano.
  2072. L-1B-11, "Terminal mass error" or here, 10/31/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2073. 😮MSC-EG-69-42, "System Performance with Proposed New Delta Guidance Reverted as Much as Possible to Apollo 11 LM Powered Descent Guidance", 10/31/1969, by Thomas E. Moore.
  2074. MSC-00126, TM X-69549, "Apollo 10 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems Performance Analysis", Supplement 2, 11/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2075. MSC-00171, "Apollo 11 Mission Report", 11/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2076. MSC-PA-R-68-15, TM X-66840, "Apollo 7 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Performance Analysis", Supplement 3, 11/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2077. MSC-PA-R-69-1, TM X-69418, "Apollo 8 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Performance Analysis", Supplement 2, 11/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2078. MSC-PA-R-69-1, TM X-69417, "Apollo 8 Mission Report: Trajectory Reconstruction and Postflight Analysis", Supplement 1, 11/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2079. MSC-PA-R-69-2, TM X-72261, "Apollo 9 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Performance Analysis", Supplement 2, 11/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2080. R-577, Rev 9, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2D (COMANCHE 72), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5, 11/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2081. LMA790-2, CR-117321, "Lunar Module LM 10 Through LM 14, Vehicle Familiarization Manual", 11/01/1969, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  2082. E-2456, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation Flow Charts, Program Colossus 2C Comanche 67" or here, 11/01/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Note that this is the "economy" scan ... I only scanned the flowcharts which were different from those for Colossus 2D Comanche 72, which I had previously scanned. (See Apollo 13.) In other words, if you want to work with the Colossus 2C flowcharts you need to start with the Colossus 2D flowcharts and work backwards. Even beyond that, though, this document is incomplete and not up-to-date, and consequently has a misleading table of contents, so here's a table of contents I constructed myself:
  2083. 69-FM-280, TM X-72249, "Apollo 12 (Mission H-1) Dispersion Analysis, Volume IV Descent and Ascent Dispersion Analysis", Part II of II, 11/04/1969, by J. V. West.
  2084. L-1C-01, "Delta-V increment may be subtracted from VG twice following a restart" or here, 11/05/1969, by Peter Adler.
  2085. LUMINARY Memo #120, "C13STALL", 11/05/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  2086. LUMINARY Memo #121, "What is LUMINARY 1C", 11/05/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2087. 69-148, "Apollo 12 Press kit", 11/05/1969, by NASA.
  2088. LUMINARY Memo #122, "LUMINARY Revisions 117 - 120", 11/06/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  2089. Mission Techniques Memo #39B, "H Odds & Ends and Document Review", 11/06/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  2090. Mission Techniques Memo #39C, "Absolutely Final H Mission Techniques Review", 11/07/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  2091. MSC-01220, 11176-H387-R0-00, "Mission H-1 Abort from Lunar Powered Descent and Subsequent Rendezvous, Techniques Description", 11/07/1969, by TRW. A word to the wise: There is a handwritten note on the cover, probably by Michael Collins, stating "Worth saving because it shows all the 18 cases".
  2092. DG Memo #1475, "LMA Deorbit Burn", 11/10/1969, by S. Davis.
  2093. COLOSSUS Memo #230, "Revisions 73, 74, and 75 of COMANCHE" or here, 11/10/1969, by P. Rye.
  2094. LUMINARY Memo #124, "LUMINARY Revisions 121 - 130", 11/11/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  2095. (LUMINARY) PCR-294, "Update Fixed Memory Mass Properties", 11/12/1969, by J. W. Jurgensen.
  2096. 11176-H394-R0-00, CR-102019, "Luminary 1B DAP Preflight Performance Evaluation", 11/13/1969, by R. L. Haken, W. R. Hamel.
  2097. 69-FM-266, "Trajectory Documentation Change Notification for volume I — Hybrid Mission Profile Launched November 14, 1969", 11/13/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2098. 2021113-061, "Assembly-language source code of COMANCHE 67 program", 11/14/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This flew as the CM AGC software on Apollo 12.
    See also:
  2099. 2014999-111, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 12 CM G&N System", 11/14/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2100. 6014999-071, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 12 LM G&N System", 11/14/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2101. IV-4-401-1, 68-966-0002, Rev 15 November 1969, "Astrionics System Handbook, Saturn Launch Vehicles", 11/15/1969, by IBM Federal Systems Division. See the comments for the 08/01/1965 revision of the document.
  2102. "Notes on the 33rd SCB Meeting Held at MSC on 13 November 1969", 11/17/1969, by K. W. Greene.
  2103. System Test Group Memo #1429, "Effect of Short Duration Bus Transients on LGC V-Fail Detector", 11/17/1969, by R. Lones.
  2104. LUMINARY Memo #123, "More About Delta-Guidance", 11/18/1969, by Don Eyles.
  2105. "Questionable Items in Luminary 130 (H2) Program", 11/18/1969, by John Norton.
  2106. "Apollo 12 LM-6 Computer Words (AGC Telemetry)" or here, 11/19/1969. Apollo Guidance Computer telemetry from the Apollo 12 descent and landing. Includes DSKY displays for the entire landings at 2-second intervals, CDU angles, throttle, etc.
  2107. 😮3420.5-27, Rev 2, "Apollo Guidance Program Symbolic Listing Information for Block 2", 11/20/1969, by MSC. This is not a listing of any AGC software. Rather: "The information presented in this document ... is intended for use only as an aid to the understanding of guidance program symbolic listings for both the Command Module and the Lunar Module....".
  2108. Electronic Design Group Memo #216, "IMU Runaway as Produced by the Setting of Read Counter Bits by Noise", 11/21/1969, by John H. Barker.
  2109. COLOSSUS Memo #232, "Work-around for P32 bomb-outs due to insufficient post-CSI or post-CDH pericenter (Alarm codes 601 and 602, respectively)", 11/21/1969, by Donald S. Reinke.
  2110. LUMINARY Memo #125, "Work-around for P32 bomb-outs due to insufficient post-CSI or post-CDH pericenter (Alarm codes 601 and 602, respectively)", 11/21/1969, by Donald S. Reinke.
  2111. 69-FM-286, TM-X-72023, Rev 4, "RTCC Requirements for Apollo 13 (Mission H-2): Earth Orbit Insertion Processor", 11/24/1969, by Edward M. Jiongo.
  2112. L-11, "Change the coding in SPEEDRUN (during SERVICER) to compute ..." or here, 11/25/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2113. E-2456, Rev 1, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation Flow Charts, Program Colossus 2D Comanche 72" or here, Changes only, 12/1969, by Margaret H. Hamilton. This document is incomplete and (I suspect) not entirely up-to-date, and consequently has a misleading table of contents. Here's a table of contents I constructed myself:
  2114. "Slides: From Luminary 1A (099 rev. 1) Apollo 11 to Luminary 1B (116) Apollo 12 to Luminary 1C (131) Apollo 13", 12/1969, by Russel Larson.
  2115. R-567, Rev 7, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 4: PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4 Introductory Subsections, 12/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2116. R-567, Rev 7, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 4: PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4 Program P00 through P39, 12/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2117. R-567, Rev 7, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 4: PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4 Program P40 through P69, 12/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2118. R-567, Rev 7, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 4: PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4 Program P70 through Routine R09, 12/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2119. R-567, Rev 7, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 4: PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4 Routine R10 through R56, 12/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2120. R-567, Rev 7, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 4: PGNCS Operational Modes", Section 4 Routine R57 onward, 12/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2121. (LUMINARY) PCR-979, "Delete 521 Alarm", 12/01/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  2122. L-1C-03, "The routine LRPOS2 is called by a TC, but it returns via SWRETURN" or here, 12/01/1969, by Robert Covelli.
  2123. "Apollo 12 Postflight Report - Retrofire Officer (RETRO)", 12/01/1969, by Charles F. Deiterich, Jerry C. Elliott, Bobby T. Spencer, Thomas E. Weichel.
  2124. "Apollo 12 Technical Crew Debriefing", 12/01/1969, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2125. LUMINARY Memo #126, "Delta-Guidance", 12/02/1969, by Don Eyles.
  2126. L-1C-02, "For early aborts from PDI, locations of a VAC area are destroyed", 12/03/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2127. LUMINARY Memo #128, "Level 6 Test Plan for LUMINARY 1C", 12/03/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2128. LUMINARY Memo #127, "Re-release of LUMINARY 1C" or here, 12/03/1969, by Bruce McCoy.
  2129. (LUMINARY) PCR-?, "Attitude Command During Manually-Controlled Lunar Landing", 12/03/1969, by R. F. Stengel. Our copy of this PCR does not have a PCR number on it, nor indicate any disposition. On the other hand, PCR-885, rejected by the SCB, had the very similar title "Attitude command during manual landings". But it does not seem as though this PCR should be identified with PCR-885, because this PCR is dated 12/03/1969, whereas the SCB rejected PCR-885 on 10/09/1969. Moreover, a 12/02/1969 memo by this PCR's author is attached to the PCR, and it discusses the prior rejection of PCR-885. The memo, however, mentions neither this PCR, nor gives any reasons why this PCR would be more acceptable to the SCB than PCR-885 had been. Possibly this is a revision of PCR-885.
  2130. LUMINARY Memo #129, "LUMINARY Revisions 131", 12/05/1969, by Dana Densmore.
  2131. "Highlights of the Apollo 12 Mission", 12/05/1969, by Philip G. Felleman.
  2132. "LUMINARY 1C Notes as of December 6, 1969", 12/06/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  2133. "Apollo 12 Postflight Report - Guadance Officer (GUIDO)", 12/08/1969, by Stephen G. Bales, Willard S. Presley, William E. Fenner, J. Gary Renick, Granville E. Paules, Kenneth W. Russell.
  2134. (LUMINARY) PCR-982, "Extend capability of Lunar Surface Star Acquisition Routine R59", 12/09/1969, by D. Millard.
  2135. (LUMINARY) PCR-983, "Unit Vector Capability for N88", 12/09/1969, by D. Millard.
  2136. (LUMINARY) PCR-296, "Set "G" vector parallel to landing site radius vector", 12/10/1969, by C. B. Parker.
  2137. L-12, "Change exit from LONGCALL", 12/10/1969, by Phyllis Rye.
  2138. 2021113-081, "Assembly-language source code of MANCHE72R3 program", 12/12/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This flew as the CM AGC software on Apollo 13.
  2139. (LUMINARY) PCR-986.2, "Update Fixed Constants for 1970-1971 Ephemeris Year", 12/12/1969, by J. M. Reber.
  2140. 😮"Use of V35 and PIP Bias Changes With IMU Operate On", 12/12/1969, by George L. Silver, George Bukow.
  2141. Mission Techniques Memo #41A, "H2 Odds and Ends", 12/15/1969, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  2142. LUMINARY Memo #130, "LUMINARY 1C Program Notes", 12/15/1969, by Russell A. Larson.
  2143. COLOSSUS Memo #237, "Revisions 76 through 80 of COMANCHE" or here, 12/15/1969, by P. Rye.
  2144. (LUMINARY) PCR-991.2, "Sum Uplink Data", 12/17/1969, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2145. "Notes on the 34th SCB Meeting, Field at MSC on 18 December 1969", 12/18/1969, by K. W. Greene.
  2146. TM-69-2014-10, "Orbit Determination and Prediction for Apollo 11 LPO Using POLAR", 12/19/1969, by M. V. Bullock, A. J. Ferrari.
  2147. 2021112-091, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program LUMINARY 131" or here, 12/19/1969, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. LUMINARY 131 core-rope modules were manufactured for use in the Apollo 13 LM. However, there were eventually two later releases (LUMINARY 131 Rev 9 and LUMINARY 131 Rev 1 ... and no, that's not a misprint) due to bug fixes, so LUMINARY 131 never flew. It is, however, the closest thing we presently have to Apollo 13 LM software.
    See also:
  2148. L-1C-04, "Insert check for remode in progress in V44 coding", 12/19/1969, by Peter Volante.
  2149. (LUMINARY) PCN-990, "V44 RR Remode Check", 12/19/1969, by Peter Volante.
  2150. 😮TM-69-2011-3, "Lunar Trajectory Geometry", 12/23/1969, by K. M. Carlson.
  2151. COLOSSUS Memo #239, "Revisions 81 through 83 of COMANCHE" or here, 12/23/1969, by P. Rye.
  2152. 😮LMO-500-740, "FMES/FCI tests of the LGC Program AMELIA", 12/30/1969, by S. Greene, C. Tillman.
  2153. L-13, "Create subroutine RLEASVAC to release VAC area and change FINDVAC to a NOVAC job...." or here, 12/30/1969, by Phyllis Rye.
  2154. SR70-4053, "Apollo Guidance Computer Program Block I (100) and Block II, Final Report, July 1964 through December 1969", 12/31/1969, by Raytheon.
  2155. SR70-4053, CR-108361, "Final Report: Apollo Guidance Computer Program Block I (100) and Block II", 12/31/1969, by Raytheon.
  2156. 69-FM-327, MSC-01286, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR MISSION H-3: LOI TARGETING", 12/31/1969, by Robert F. Wiley.

  2157. "COLOSSUS 2D and LUMINARY 1C program and operational notes, first edition for mission H2 (COMANCHE 72 rev. 3 and LM131 rev. 1)", 1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2158. "Grumman Apollo 13 Simulator Discrepancy Reports", 1970, by S. Greene, C. Tillman. There's only a couple of reports here, namely:
    • Report LM-LUM-81: Hardware restart effects on LUM 131 Rev. 9
    • LM-LUM-89: PAC load of FRANK 32 shifted up one address. Program hung up at entry to P63
  2159. "Lunar Module Pilots Handbook", 1970, by Grumman Aerospace Corporation. This document is undated. I've attributed it to 1970 because it contains issues noted from Lunar Modules through LM-7 (Apollo 13), but just has placeholders for LM-8 through LM-12.
  2160. "FMES/FCI H2-Mission Tests", 1970, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  2161. 70-FS-2, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Luminary 1C", 1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2162. "Saturn Workshop Internal Configuration", 1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center. I'm not clear who the intended audience of this collection of Skylab drawings was. Perhaps it was intended to be part of a press kit.
  2163. 😮LED-520-1G, "Design Criteria and Environments", 1970, by A. Shreeves. This is a Grumman document outlining (in a hundred pages) "the general criteria and environmental conditions herein as well as the particular mission requirements as set forth in the detail specifications" for the Lunar Module.
  2164. "KSC Collection of Tindallgrams - 1970", 1970, by Howard W. Tindall Jr.
  2165. "Lunney Collection of Tindallgrams - 1966 through 1970", 1970, by Howard W. Tindall Jr.
  2166. 😮E-2463, "Apollo Guidance Computer Improvement Study", 01/1970, by Donald J. Bowler et al.
  2167. 😮E-2475, "A Comprehensive Digital Simulation for the Verification of Apollo Flight Software", 01/1970, by F. K. Glick, S. R. Femino.
  2168. R-567, Rev 2, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2E, Section 1: Prelaunch", Section 1, 01/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2169. R-567, Preliminary 1st issue, "Pages updated to LUMINARY 1D, relative to Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1)" or here, Sections 2-5, 01/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2170. R-567, Preliminary 2nd issue, "Pages updated to LUMINARY 1D, relative to Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1)" or here, Sections 2-5, 01/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2171. 😮NHB 8040.2, NPC 500-1, "Apollo Configuration Management Manual", 01/1970, by NASA.
  2172. 😮E-2476, "Man-Machine Design for the Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control System — Revisited: Apollo, A Transition in the Art of Piloting a Vehicle", 01/1970, by J. L. Nevins.
  2173. 😮"Optimal Three Dimensional Reentry Trajectories for Apollo-Type Vehicles", 01/1970, by Walton E. Williamson, Jr..
  2174. LMA790-3-LM 3, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module 3", Volume I of II, 01/01/1970, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. Note that the volume includes Chapter 3 ("Controls and Displays") and Appendices A-C ("Abbreviation List", "List of Symbols", "Alphabetical Index"), none of which are listed in the table of contents. It is unclear from the table of contents whether there even is a volume 2, although if it exists it presumably includes Chapters 4-5 ("Normal/Backup Procedures", "Contingency Procedures") and additional Appendices.
  2175. 2021112-121, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program LM131 rev 1", 01/01/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This is the flight software for the Apollo 13 LM's AGC. The source code was reconstructed from a combination of the Apollo-era assembly listing of LUMINARY 131 and a dump of a physical rope-memory module (B5) from LM131 rev 1. The executable produced by assembling the reconstructed source code is guaranteed to be correct.
    See also:
  2176. LUMINARY Memo #131, "LUMINARY Revisions 132 - 135", 01/02/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2177. "FMES/FCI Auto P66 Verification (LUMINARY 131 Rev. 2)", 01/07/1970, by S. Greene.
  2178. MSC-01296, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent, Abort from Lunar Powered Descent and Subsequent Rendezvous", 01/07/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2179. L-1C-05, "Correct for sign agreement when HCALC is calculated in RVBOTH", 01/07/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2180. Memo T 72-15196, "Mission Techniques for Apollo 17, Lunar Orbit and Ascent", 01/07/1970, by Philip C. Shaffer.
  2181. COLOSSUS Memo #240, "Definition and Usages of PCRs, PCNs, Anomalies & ACBs", 01/08/1970, by Ken Greene.
  2182. LUMINARY Memo #132, "Definition and Usages of PCRs, PCNs, Anomalies & ACBs", 01/08/1970, by Ken Greene.
  2183. L-14, "Save 3 words in bank 1 by equating GENADR ...", 01/09/1970, by Peter Adler.
  2184. LUMINARY Memo #133, "Implementation of PCR 287", 01/09/1970, by Peter Volante, G. Dunbar.
  2185. III-5-509-4, 66-966-0006, Change 5, "Saturn 1B/V Instrument Unit System Description and Component Data (S-IU-201-212/501-515)", 01/15/1970, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  2186. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), 15 Jan 1970, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft", Volume 1 of 2, Changed pages only, 01/15/1970, by North American Aviation.
  2187. (LUMINARY) PCR-298, "Decrease time to call alarm code 523", 01/16/1970, by Clarke T. Hackler.
  2188. L-15, "Instead of setting bits via "CS, INH, MASK, TS", a "TC CLRADMOD" ...", 01/16/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2189. LUMINARY Memo #134, "LUMINARY Revisions 136 - 139", 01/19/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2190. L-1C-06, "Move engine off call from SEUDOP00 to a point after determining Average G is on, but before resetting V37 flag", 01/19/1970, by Jack R. Garman.
  2191. COM-33, "Coding Error in KALCMANU Steering", 01/20/1970, by N. Brodeur, P. Rye.
  2192. (LUMINARY) PCR-302.2, "Channel 77", 01/21/1970, by Jack R. Garman.
  2193. 😮"Timing Margin Requirements for AGC Programs", 01/22/1970, by John Norton.
  2194. LUMINARY Memo #135, "Downrupt Losses During Periods of High Computer Activity Programs", 01/23/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2195. (LUMINARY) PCR-996, "Liftoff Check in P07", 01/26/1970, by Phyllis Rye.
  2196. 😮"AGC Features Leading to Increased Software Costs", 01/27/1970, by John Norton.
  2197. LUMINARY Memo #136, "LUMINARY Revisions 140 - 143", 01/29/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2198. (LUMINARY) PCR-306, "Add ΔVM to descent/ascent downlist", 01/30/1970, by James H. Alphin.
  2199. LUMINARY Memo #137, "LUM 131A REV 3 Testing", 01/30/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2200. MSC-01297, 11176-H439-R0-00, Final, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent - Lunar Orbit Activities", 01/30/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2201. MSC-01521, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent, Lunar Surface Phase", 01/30/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2202. MPR-SAT-FE-70-1, TM X-62644, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-507, Apollo 12 Mission", 01/30/1970, by NASA.
  2204. 😮CR108358, "Apollo Optical Subsystem and LM Alignment Optical Telescope, Final Report", Volume I of II, 02/1970, by Kollsman Instrument Corporation.
  2205. 😮CR108359, "Apollo Optical Subsystem and LM Alignment Optical Telescope, Final Report", Volume II of II, part 1/2, 02/1970, by Kollsman Instrument Corporation.
  2206. 😮CR108360, "Apollo Optical Subsystem and LM Alignment Optical Telescope, Final Report", Volume I of II, part 2/2, 02/1970, by Kollsman Instrument Corporation.
  2207. E-2448, Rev 0, "User's Guide to Apollo GN&CS Major Modes and Routines", 02/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2208. (LUMINARY) PCR-1013, "Multiple Servicer Avoidance in P66", 02/02/1970, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2209. (LUMINARY) PCR-1015, "Check for AVEGON at Start of R36", 02/02/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2210. COLOSSUS Memo #243, "Revisions 84 through 89 of COMANCHE" or here, 02/02/1970, by P. Rye.
  2211. 2010802-171, "Rope-memory module B5 for LM131 rev 1", 02/05/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. Dump of physical B5 rope-memory module for LM138 rev 1.
  2212. 70-FM-20, MSC-01562, "The Apollo 11 Adventure", 02/05/1970, by MSC. A quirkily geekish retrospective of the Apollo missions through Apollo 11, from the perspective of NASA Manned Spacecraft Center's Mission Planning and Analysis Division.
  2213. L-16, "P66 should call the throttle as follows ...", 02/06/1970, by Don Eyles, Allan R. Klumpp.
  2214. "Notes on the 35th SCB Meeting, Held at MSC on 4 February 1970", 02/06/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2216. MSC-01522, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent, Lunar Powered Ascent", 02/09/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2217. (LUMINARY) PCR-1021, "Fixed Memory Landing Radar Transformation Matrices", 02/10/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2218. (LUMINARY) PCR-1022, "Landing Radar Position Alarms", 02/10/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2219. COLOSSUS Memo #244, "Contents of ARTEMIS through Revision 19", 02/10/1970, by P. Rye.
  2220. "Status report on the "P66" fix", 02/10/1970, by Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  2221. "Performance of Landing Radar during powered descent of Apollo 12", 02/11/1970, by W. Tanner, Ann Hathaway.
  2222. (LUMINARY) PCR-311, "Rendezvous and Prethrust Downlink Change", 02/13/1970, by R. W. Carl. Disapproved.
  2223. 😮"Method for Approximate Location of the Moon-Earth-Sun", 02/13/1970, by F. J. Rich.
  2224. LUMINARY Memo #138, "Variable Guidance Period Servicer", 02/14/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2225. MSC-01520, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent, Lunar Descent", 02/15/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2228. 😮"Powered Landing-Maneuver Navigation over Rough Terrain", 02/18/1970, by B. A. Kriegsman, D. E. Gustafson.
  2229. L-17, "Remove the zeroing of bit 4 of channel 14 from STARTSUB2", 02/18/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2230. COLOSSUS Memo #250, "Contents of Artemis from Revision 20 to Revision 24", 02/18/1970, by Sumner Rosenberg.
  2231. MSC-01829, "Universal Saturn Launch Vehicle Systems Handbook, AS-508 and Subsequent Vehicles", 02/20/1970, by MSC. This was intended for real-time use by flight-control personnel.
  2232. V-20060, Rev 017, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 13", Volume III of III, 02/20/1970, by John C. Reed.
  2233. MSC-01525, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent, Manual Ascent", 02/23/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2234. 69-FM-326, MSC-01281, , "RTCC Offline Requirements for H-2: Star-Horizon Observation Processor", 02/24/1970, by Paul Flanagan, Robert Kidd.
  2235. (LUMINARY) PCR-307, "Lunar Surface Align Downlist Change", 02/25/1970, by T. J. Blucker.
  2236. L-18, "Change order of coding from ...", 02/25/1970, by David H. Moore.
  2237. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL003, "Improved short-burn logic to desensitize with respect to variations in the SPS engine", 02/25/1970, by R. O. Nobles.
  2238. (LUMINARY) PCR-314, "Downlist changes for powered descent", 02/26/1970, by S. G. Bales.
  2239. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL022, "Change of a constant to desensitize with respect to gravitational perturbation by the moon", 02/26/1970, by Bedford F. Cockrell.
  2240. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL025, "Extend VHF range beyond limit of 327.67 nautical miles", 02/26/1970, by Bedford F. Cockrell.
  2241. COLOSSUS Memo #252, "Revisions 90 through 96 of COMANCHE" or here, 02/26/1970, by N. W. Brodeur, P. Rye.
  2242. (LUMINARY) PCR-1024, "Variable Guidance Period Servicer", 02/26/1970, by Don Eyles. Disapproved.
  2243. 70-FM-26, MSC-01594, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR APOLLO 14: TRAJECTORY COMPUTERS FOR TLI AND MCC PROCESSORS" or here, 02/26/1970, by Brody O. McCaffety, William E. Moore, Quentin A. Holmes.
  2244. (LUMINARY) PCR-1025, "Remove gravity computation after landing radar attitude update", 02/27/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2245. MSC-01524, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent, Contengency Procedures", 02/27/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2246. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL030, "Addition of NCC maneuver computation capability", 02/27/1970, by R. R. Regelbrugge.
  2247. MSC-01855, "Apollo 12 Mission Report", 03/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2248. R-567, Rev 8, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 2: Data Links", Section 2, 03/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2249. R-567, Rev 4, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 3: Digital Autopilot", Section 3, 03/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2250. "MIT/IL Presentation for the Mission "H-2" Apollo 13 Flight Software Readiness Review", 03/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2251. 😮E-2500, "Design Survey of the Apollo Inertial Subsystem", 03/1970, by William a. Stameris.
  2252. 😮TM-X-58040, "Apollo Lunar Descent and Ascent Trajectories", 03/01/1970, by Floyd V. Bennett.
  2253. TMX-64290, "AS-508 MCC/MSFN Mission Configuration / System Description: Command Communication Telemetry Tracking", 03/01/1970, by Edwin H. Clark.
  2254. MSFC-MAN-508, Rev 1 March 1970, "Saturn V Flight Manual, SA-508", 03/01/1970, by Marshall Space Flight Center.
  2255. 😮E-2462, "SIMFAM: Description and Operation", 03/01/1970, by John F. McKenna, Jr.SIMFAM is a "braid memory" adapter used for ground testing of the AGC, allowing you to use braid memory in place of the AGC's normal core memory. There is a (paywalled) 1966 paper about braid memory in the IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers, by Aldrich and Alonso. "Braid memory" is apparently a term invented by the authors of the paper. It is a form of "transformer memory". Transformer memory, to quote the paper, "make[s] use of magnetic coupling, linear, or nonlinear, between a set of interrogation lines and a set of sense lines. ... The appeal of such memories is based on the permanence of the information, which is of advantage in control systems, and on the intuitive feeling that it should be possible to build large (about 106 bits), fast (about 1μs cycle time), fixed memories at a cost substantially below that of equivalent core storage," in spite of the fact that the cost of core memory was "rapidly dropping" at that time. In particular, the "braid" variety of transformer memories, based on something called a Dimond switch, could be manufactured by being woven on a loom in order to reduce manufacturing cost. Each "braid" is a string of transformers, with each step of the weaving process adding another transformer to the string, so the speed of manufacture could be increased simply by having the loom simultaneously operate on more braids in parallel. They mention that a 64-string loom was in operation and that a 256-string loom was under development.
  2256. "User's Guide to the General Assembler Program (GAP)", 03/01/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2257. CR-108362, EP0021, "Apollo Primary Guidance Navigation and Control System (PGNCS): Final Report, Contract NAS9-497", 03/02/1970, by AC Electronics.
  2258. (LUMINARY) PCR-315.2, "Channel 77 Revision", 03/02/1970, by Phyllis Rye.
  2259. (LUMINARY) PCR-1027, "A priori terrain models", 03/03/1970, by B. Kriegsman.
  2260. (LUMINARY) PCR-1028, "Two-segment Altitude Weighting Functions for Landing Maneuver", 03/03/1970, by B. Kriegsman.
  2261. LUMINARY Memo #139, "Description of Variable Servicer", 03/03/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2262. L-21, "Put in a list of ECADRs at the beginning of the listing for uplinked parameters ...", 03/03/1970, by Hamilton.
  2263. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL021, "Deletion of program 32 (CSI) due to development of new targeting procedures (probably PCR SL030 below)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2264. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL013, "Deletion of unneeded option 4 (lunar surface alignment) from programs 52 and 54", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2265. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL018, "Deletion of unneeded program 22 (orbital navigation)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2266. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL017, "Deletion of unneeded program 23 (cislunar midcourse navigation)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2267. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL016, "Deletion of unneeded program 37 (return-to-earth)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2268. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL012, "Deletion of unneeded programs 65 (up control) and 66 (ballistic)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2269. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL011, "Deletion of unneeded programs 72-79", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2270. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL010, "Deletion of unneeded routine 05 (S-band antenna routine) and verb 64", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2271. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL009, "Deletion of unneeded routine 33 (CMC-LGC clock synchronization)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2272. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL008, "Deletion of unneeded routine 57 (optics calibration routine)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2273. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL006, "Deletion of unneeded verb 52 (offset landing site mark)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2274. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL005, "Deletion of unneeded verb 59 (optics calibration mark)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2275. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL004, "Deletion of unneeded verb 94 (cislunar tracking)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2276. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL007, "Deletion of unneeded verbs 44 and 45 (set and reset of surface flag)", 03/03/1970, by S. A. Gorman.
  2277. LUMINARY Memo #140, "A Collection of Known Manifestatons of Time Loss in Luminary Revision 131 and LM131 Revision 001 — Suggested Work-Around Procedures", 03/04/1970, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2278. 😮B70-03009, CR-116582, "The Effect on Vehicle Performance of Thrust and Isp Variations Due to Delta Guidance Thrust Modulations - Case 310", 03/05/1970, by J. A. Sorensen.
  2279. LUMINARY Memo #138, Rev 1, "Variable Guidance Period Servicer", 03/06/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2280. "Notes on the Mainline Apollo SCB Meeting #36, Held at MSC on 4 March 1970", 03/06/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2281. 😮"What To Do About TLOSS For Apollo 14", 03/09/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2282. SNA-8-D-027(II)PT2, Rev 5, "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume II: LM Data Book", Volume II Part 2, 03/09/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2283. LUMINARY Memo #141, "Replacement of LOGSUB in LUMINARY" or here, 03/10/1970, by Larry Berman.
  2284. COLOSSUS Memo #260, "Revisions 25 through 28 of ARTEMIS", 03/10/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2285. COLOSSUS Memo #258, "Revisions 97 & 98 of COMANCHE" or here, 03/10/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2286. 😮"Software Uses of Apollo Channel Bits", 03/10/1970, by John Norton.
  2287. (LUMINARY) PCR-1030, "Replacement of Logsub", 03/11/1970, by L. Berman. Disapproved.
  2288. L-1C-07, "The result of extended verb precision integration while in P00 may be stored into permanent state vector storage, possibly resulting in erroneous state vectors and W-matrix....", 03/11/1970, by W. Ostanek.
  2290. 70-FM73-56, "Final prelaunch erasable load parameters for Apollo 13 flight programs using April 11, 1970 launch date", 03/12/1970, by John P. Mayer.
  2291. SKB32100076-386, "Apollo 13 LM Malfunction Procedures", 03/16/1970, by D. J. Hudson. This was digitized from Jim Lovell's personal copy ... which is a nice touch, though it doesn't alter the content.
  2292. "Apollo 13 Flight Plan, AS-508/CSM-109/LM-7", 03/16/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Flight plan prior to the explosion.
  2293. 70-FMT-819, 11176-H508-R0-000, CR-108349, "Apollo Mission 11, Trajectory Reconstruction and Postflight Analysis", Volume I, 03/16/1970, by TRW.
  2294. LUMINARY Memo #142, "LUMINARY Revisions 144 - 147", 03/18/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2295. (LUMINARY) PCR-310, "Time to call 511 alarms", 03/18/1970, by Clarke T. Hackler.
  2296. (LUMINARY) PCR-1029, "Timing Indicators", 03/18/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2297. L-20, "Change "NEGTOTKP" to "NEGTORKP", ...", 03/18/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2298. 😮"Comments on a Variable Guidance Cycle as a LM TLOSS Fix", 03/18/1970, by John Norton.
  2299. "Apollo 12 Lunar Landing Digital Simulation" or here, 03/19/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2300. L-19, "Use QUICTRIG and *NBSM* in P66 ...", 03/19/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2301. 70-FM-23, MSC-01567, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR APOLLO 14 (H-3) MISSION: EARTH-CENTERED RETURN-TO-EARTH CONIC SUBPROCESSOR" or here, 03/23/1970, by D. R. Davis, T. P. Garrison.
  2302. L-22, "Delete setting and resetting R04FLAG....", 03/23/1970, by Volante.
  2303. LUMINARY Memo #143, "Automatic P66", 03/24/1970, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2304. V-20060, Rev 019, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 13", Volume I of III, 03/24/1970, by John C. Reed.
  2305. SKB 32100076-361, "Apollo 13 LM-7 Flight Crew G&N Dictionary", 03/25/1970, by T. H. Kaiser.
  2306. "Saturn V Booster Systems Engineer Flight Control Timeline - SA-508", 03/25/1970, by McDonnell Douglas.
  2307. 70-FS55-78, "Final Apollo 13 (Mission H2) prelaunch erasable load (LM131 Rev 1)", 03/26/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2308. 70-FS55-77, "Final Apollo 13 (Mission H2) prelaunch erasable load (MANCHE 72 Rev 3)", 03/26/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2309. COLOSSUS Memo #264, "Revisions 99 through 101 of COLOSSUS" or here, 03/26/1970, by P. Rye.
  2310. (LUMINARY) PCN-1031, "Section 3 Rev 4 GSOP Editorial Changes", 03/27/1970, by J. Klawsnik.
  2311. LED-540-54, "Final H2 Prelaunch Erasable Load (LM131 Rev 1)", Table LM7/4.5.1-1, 03/30/1970, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  2312. 70-FM-64, MSC-01894, Rev 1, "Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 13 (Mission H-2)", 03/31/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2313. 😮TM X-58044, "A Case Study of the Apollo Lunar Module Digital Autopilot", 04/1970, by Kenneth J. Cox.
  2314. Revised, "Apollo 13 Flight Plan, AS-508/CSM-109/LM-7 (Revised Flight Plan - 54:00 Get to Splashdown)", Section III only, 04/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Flight plan after the explosion.
  2315. R-567, Rev 8, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5 through subsection 5.2, 04/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2316. R-567, Rev 8, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.3, 04/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2317. R-567, Rev 8, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5.4 and 5.5, 04/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2318. R-567, Rev 8, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1C (LM131 Rev. 1), Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section from 5.6 onward, 04/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2319. "Regarding usage of IBM 360 computer time", 04/01/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2320. L-1C-08, "A hardware or software Restart while the DAP is in the manual rate command mode may cause erroneous operation", 04/01/1970, by G. R. Kalan.
  2321. Mission Techniques Memo #41B, "H2 Final Document Review", 04/01/1970, by Malcolm W. Johnston.
  2322. 70-50K, "Apollo 13 Press kit", 04/02/1970, by NASA.
  2323. V-20060, Rev 020, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 13", Volume II of III, 04/02/1970, by John C. Reed.
  2324. 😮"SPEEDRUN Bias in Lateral Velocity", 04/03/1970, by Walter Bernikowich.
  2325. (LUMINARY) PCN-1033, "Section 5 Luminary GSOP Changes", 04/03/1970, by J. Klawsnik.
  2326. (LUMINARY) PCN-1035, "V68 and P66 terminate the terrain model", 04/04/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2327. CR-108391, EP0021A, "Apollo Primary Guidance Navigation and Control System (PGNCS): Final Report, Contract NAS9-497", Addendum, 04/06/1970, by AC Electronics.
  2328. LUMINARY Memo #144, "Variable Servicer Tests", 04/06/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2329. System Test Group Memo #1488, "Apollo 12 Alarms", 04/06/1970, by Ken Goodwin.
  2330. 😮"New real-time plot for monitoring computer activity or time loss (TLOSS)", 04/06/1970, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2331. Rev A, "Apollo 13 Lunar Procedures", Changes only, 04/06/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2332. MSC-01519, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission H-2 and Subsequent, Translunar Midcourse Corrections and Lunar Orbit Insertion", 04/06/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2333. L-24, "Move ZERLINA, ELVIRA, AZINCR1, and ELINCR1 from E7 ...", 04/07/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2334. L-23, "Delete definitions of 4 unused shared erasables ...", 04/08/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2335. "Minutes of the LUMINARY lC (LM131 Rev 1) Flight Software Readiness Review (FSRR) for the Apollo 13 mission", 04/08/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2336. "Notes on the Mainline Apollo SCB Meeting #37, Held at MSC on 9 April 1970", 04/10/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2337. 2014999-121, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 13 CM G&N System", 04/13/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2338. 6014999-101, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 13 LM G&N System", 04/13/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2339. "Minutes of the COLOSSUS 2D Flight Software Readiness Review (FSRR)", 04/15/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2340. SNA-8-D-027(I), Rev 3, "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume I: CSM Data Book", Volume I Part I, 04/15/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Includes Appendices for Apollo 13-17.
  2341. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), 15 April 1970, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Block II Spacecraft, Volume 1: Spacecraft Description", Volume 1, 04/15/1970, by North American Aviation.
  2342. SNA-8-D-027(i), SD 68-447-1B, Rev 3, "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume I (CSM Data Book), Part I: Constraints and Performance", Volume I Part I partial, 04/15/1970, by North American Rockwell.
  2343. Invoice #70-417, "Grumman invoice to NAA for shipping Apollo 13 LM", 04/17/1970, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  2344. "Flight Director Log - Apollo 13", 04/17/1970, by NASA. Disclaimer: The contributer, Andy Anderson, has asked that the archives of the University of Houston, Clear Lake, be prominently credited. Thanks to both!The document date is inferred rather than taken directly from the document itself. (It's just the date of Apollo 13's return to Earth.) Note that the document was reprocessed somewhat after being received, so feel free to attribute any shortcomings to the reprocessing.
  2345. 70-FM-80, TM X-72217, "Lunar Descent and Ascent Trajectories", 04/21/1970, by Floyd V. Bennett.
  2346. L-25, "Modify 13 instructions in BURN BABY BURN ...", 04/21/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2347. (LUMINARY) PCN-1036, "PCR 996 (Liftoff check in P07) Improvements", 04/21/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2348. (LUMINARY) PCN-1037, "P66 corrections", 04/22/1970, by Klumpp.
  2349. 😮"Phase Elapsed Time (PET) in the AGC", 04/22/1970, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2350. "Apollo 13 Technical Crew Debriefing", 04/24/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2351. COLOSSUS Memo #266, "Revisions 102 through 104" or here or here, 04/27/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2352. (LUMINARY) PCR-1038, "Keep 526 Alarm in P20 (PCR 287)", 04/27/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2353. (LUMINARY) PCN-1039, "TERRAIN Model improvements (PCR 1027)", 04/28/1970, by Klumpp.
  2354. (LUMINARY) PCN-1040, "Only P41 has Early TFI Countdown (PCR 872.2)", 04/28/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2355. COLOSSUS Memo #267, "Revisions 29 through 36 of ARTEMIS", 04/28/1970, by P. Rye.
  2356. LUMINARY Memo #133, Rev 1, "Implementation of PCR 287", 05/04/1970, by Peter Volante, G. Dunbar.
  2357. LUMINARY Memo #145, "LUMINARY Revisions 148 - 151", 05/05/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2358. LUMINARY Memo #147, "Lunar Terrain Model", 05/05/1970, by Allan R. Klumpp, Don Eyles, Bruce McCoy.
  2359. (COLOSSUS) PCN-1041, "Add AVEGFLAG check in Implementation of PCR 984", 05/06/1970, by Steve Copps.
  2360. 😮"LM PGNCS Software Performance with a Failed Attitude Hold or Auto Mode Control Discrete", 05/07/1970, by George R. Kalan.
  2361. 😮"Angular Error in Lunar and Solar Positions Predicted by LOSSEM during Apollo 13", 05/07/1970, by F. J. Rich.
  2362. A-5, "Insert check for coarse align before attempting gyro torquing", 05/08/1970, by Barnert.
  2363. L-26, "Insert check for coarse align before attempting gyro torquing", 05/08/1970, by Barnert.
  2364. (LUMINARY) PCN-1042, "Sect. 3 Rev. 4 GSOP Fix for L-1 C-08", 05/08/1970, by J. Klawsnik.
  2365. (LUMINARY) PCN-1007, "GSOP Section 2 Rev 9 Editorial Changes", 05/11/1970, by H. Maher.
  2366. LUMINARY Memo #148, "Call It LUMINARY 1D" or here, 05/11/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2367. (LUMINARY) PCR-1044, "Re-design of R53, R57", 05/11/1970, by D. Millard.
  2368. L-1D-01, ""NEEDLER" initialization never takes place following DAP turn-on if IMU error counters (CH 12 B 06) are enabled...." or here, 05/12/1970, by Jack R. Garman.
  2369. (LUMINARY) PCN-1043, "Remove zeroing of bit 4 of channel 14 on restart or V37", 05/12/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2370. LUMINARY Memo #149, "Further Tests of ZERLINA", 05/13/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2371. LUMINARY Memo #150, "LUMINARY Revisions 152 - 154", 05/15/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2372. (LUMINARY) PCN-1008, "GSOP Section 3 Rev 5 Editorial Changes", 05/15/1970, by J. Klawsnik.
  2373. "Notes on the Mainline Apollo SCB Meeting #38 held at MSC on 14 May 1970", 05/18/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2374. 70-FS55-100, "Apollo 13 Postflight Report - AGC", 05/18/1970, by NASA.
  2375. LUMINARY Memo #151, "LUMINARY Revisions 155 - 158", 05/19/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2376. L-1D-02, "It is possible that a core set overflow (31202 Abort) will result from a "bad" return from pulse torquing due to IMU cage or coarse align" or here, 05/19/1970, by N. Barnert, P. Rye.
  2377. "Erroneous N60 R1 Scaling in Luminary 163", 05/20/1970, by John Norton.
  2378. LUMINARY Memo #152, "Cyclical PIPA Reader", 05/21/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2379. "Comments on Compatibility of Luminary 163 Program with MSC-approved PCRs 287 and 1038", 05/21/1970, by John Norton.
  2380. "Comments on Fix of Anomaly L-1C-01 in Luminary 163", 05/22/1970, by John Norton.
  2381. L-1D-03, "Velocity updates to state vector are done before all of the 5 radar reads have been taken", 05/22/1970, by R. L. Pearson.
  2382. "Erasable Memory Conflicts in Luminary 163", 05/23/1970, by John Norton.
  2383. 70-FM-14, MSC-01551, Change 1, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR APOLLO 14: NON-FREE-RETURN MODES OF THE TRANSLUNAR MIDCOURSE CORRECTION PROCESSOR", Change only, 05/25/1970, by Quentin A. Holmes, Kenneth T. Zeiler.
  2384. 70-FM-15, MSC-01552, Change 1, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR APOLLO 14: XYZT AND FREE-RETURN MODES OF THE TRANSLUNAR MIDCOURSE CORRECTION PROCESSOR", Change only, 05/25/1970, by Quentin A. Holmes, Kenneth T. Zeiler.
  2385. 70-FM-11, MSC-01536, Change 1, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR APOLLO 14: LUNAR FLYBY MODES OF THE TRANSLUNAR MIDCOURSE CORRECTION PROCESSOR", Change only, 05/25/1970, by Kenneth T. Zeiler, Quentin A. Holmes.
  2386. LUMINARY Memo #153, "Variable Servicer Tests", 05/26/1970, by Sharon Albert.
  2387. 😮"AGS - PGNCS Radar Interface", 05/28/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2388. L-27, "Unused constant OCT 7777 was deleted, ..." or here, 05/28/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2389. (LUMINARY) PCR-1048, "Initialize Elevation Angle in P34/P74", 05/28/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2390. E-2471, Rev 2, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation Flowcharts, Program Luminary 1D (Rev 173)", Volume I of II, 06/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2391. E-2471, Rev 2, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation Flowcharts, Program Luminary 1D (Rev 173)", Volume II of II, 06/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2392. "Changes to Lum 163", 06/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2393. R-649, "The Apollo Rendezvous Navigation Filter Theory, Description and Performance", Volume 1 of 2, 06/1970, by Eugene S. Muller, Jr., Peter M. Kachmar.
  2394. LUMINARY Memo #154, "Luminary Dev. Memo #141 — Replacement of LOGSUB", 06/01/1970, by Larry Berman.
  2395. LUMINARY Memo #155, "LUMINARY 1D Re-Release" or here, 06/01/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2396. 😮"The LM and Skylab CMC Lunar-Solar Ephemerides (LOSSEM)", 06/02/1970, by Bedford F. Cockrell.
  2397. COLOSSUS Memo #272, "Revisions 37 through 40 of Artemis", 06/03/1970, by N. Brodeur, P. Rye.
  2398. COLOSSUS Memo #271, "The Last of the Comanches", 06/03/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2399. (LUMINARY) PCN-1052, "P66 IMU/C.G. Offset compensation", 06/03/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2400. 😮Mission Simulation Memo #12-70, "A Priori Terrain Models for Apollo Powered Descent", 06/04/1970, by Hapet Berberian.
  2401. 😮"Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU), Preliminary Design Review Report", Volume 1, 06/05/1970, by RCA Defense Communications Systems.
  2402. 😮"Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU), Preliminary Design Review Report", Volume 2, 06/05/1970, by RCA Defense Communications Systems.
  2403. 😮"Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU), Preliminary Design Review Report", Volume 3, 06/05/1970, by RCA Defense Communications Systems.
  2404. LUMINARY Memo #156, "LUMINARY Revisions 159 - 163", 06/09/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2405. 😮"Altitude Rate Glitch", 06/10/1970, by Walter Bernikowich.
  2406. LUMINARY Memo #157, "LUMINARY Revisions 164 - 167", 06/10/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2407. LUMINARY Project Memo #1, "Luminary 1D FACI", 06/10/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2408. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL032, "VHF Range Rate Computations and Display", 06/10/1970, by M. C. Contella.
  2409. LUMINARY Memo #90, Rev 1, "Memo Indexes", 06/11/1970, by Jenny Flaherty.
  2410. 😮TM-70-2014-6, "The Use of Delta Guidance for Improved Trajectory Control and Fuel Cost During LM Descent", 06/11/1970, by J. A. Sorensen.
  2411. Mission Simulation Memo #13-70, "Effect of Down-Range Component of LR Range Beam On the A Priori Terrain Model for Littrow II", 06/12/1970, by Hapet Berberian.
  2412. (LUMINARY) PCR-1055, "NOUN for LPD BIAS", 06/12/1970, by R. Gilbert. Disapproved.
  2413. (LUMINARY) PCR-317.2, "Rescaling nouns containing range and range rate", 06/15/1970, by Haise.
  2414. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-(1), Rev 15 June 1970, "CSM "J" Series Mission Experiments", Section 2.11 changed pages only, 06/15/1970, by North American Rockwell. It's unclear which Apollo mission this document relates to. There were three J missions, namely Apollo 15 through 17, whereas this document refers to Apollo 16 as the first J mission. In fact, Apollo 16 is the only mission mentioned explicitly. My assumption is that the document really relates to the first J mission, whichever number it turned out to be, rather than to all J missions, hence I've marked it as being for Apollo 15.
  2415. L-1D-07, "If the mode control switch is moved from the ATT. HOLD to the AUTO position before the manual rate command mode has been properly terminated ...." or here, 06/18/1970, by G. R. Kalan.
  2416. LUMINARY Memo #158, "Revision 163 - 173", 06/18/1970, by Bruce McCoy, Dana Densmore.
  2417. "Regarding organization of Luminary development groups", 06/19/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2418. 😮"LSB Notes of Interest", 06/19/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This memo is a collection of 17 memos by various authors, with a kind of table of contents on the 2nd page. Someday I may index them all individually, but for now I'm just providing them as a single lump. The various authors are: Durand, Puddy, Nance, Essing, Strimple, Marzano, Thorson, Nelson, Watkins, Hannigan, and Hopkins.
  2419. MPR-SAT-FE-70-2, TM X-64422, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-508, Apollo 13 Mission", 06/20/1970, by NASA.
  2420. L-1D-05, "The following extended verb routines should not be requested if P20 or P22 is running and the range to the CSM is greater than 400 N. M. ..." or here, 06/22/1970, by Peter Volante.
  2421. L-1D-08, "Padload "LRWH1" shares erasable memory location with RM of P20" or here, 06/24/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2422. 70-PA-S-10, "Status of DPS castellation phenomena for Apollo 14", 06/24/1970, by Philip C. Shaffer.
  2423. L-28, "Remove LRPOS initialization from P63 ... Change DOUBLE to DDOUBL ... Change DXCH to an XCH ...", 06/25/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2424. B70-06074, CR-113075, "Linear Stability Analysis of LM Rate-of-Descent Guidance Equations, Case 310", 06/25/1970, by J. A. Sorensen.
  2425. L-1D-04, "P25 will not control spacecraft attitude if range to CSM is greater than 566 N. M" or here, 06/26/1970, by Peter Volante.
  2426. EG7-70-55, "Recommendations for LM DPS throttle fix", 06/29/1970, by Robert G. Chilton.
  2427. L-1D-06, ""DVTOTAL", the accumulated measured Delta Velocity from SERVICER, incremented twice in one SERVICER cycle after Restart occurred" or here, 06/29/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2428. LED-267-53A, CR-115226, Rev A, "Lunar Module 10 & Subsequent, Elementary Functional Diagrams", 06/30/1970, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  2429. 70-FS-5, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Luminary 1D, Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Program", 07/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2430. E-2448, Rev 1, "User's Guide to Apollo GN&CS Major Modes and Routines", 07/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2431. TN D-5869, "Description and Performance of the Saturn Launch Vehicle's Navigation, Guidance, and Control System", 07/01/1970, by Walter Haeussermann.
  2432. LUMINARY Development Note #54, "Odd Things in a "Simple" Test of Coding Paths in P66", 07/01/1970, by Dave Moore.
  2433. 092-201, "Report on the Engineering Analysis of the CSM 109 Apollo 13 Mission", 07/01/1970, by NASA.
  2434. 😮"LM Descent Engine Time Constant", 07/02/1970, by James H. Alphin.
  2435. 😮70-FM22-120, 70.4354.2-66, "LM Descent Engine Time Constant", 07/02/1970, by James H. Alphin, R. K. M. Seto.
  2436. COLOSSUS Memo #276, "Revisions 1 through 7 of R40ARTMS", 07/02/1970, by P. Rye.
  2437. 😮"Errors in R10 - Latvel and Forvel Computations", 07/06/1970, by Larry Berman.
  2438. 😮"Errors in the Computation of FORVEL and LATVEL", 07/06/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2439. (LUMINARY) PCR-1058, "New Landing Analog Displays (R10)" or here or here, 07/06/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2440. (LUMINARY) PCR-319, "A Priori Terrain (ΔH on Downlist)", 07/06/1970, by J. H. Alphin.
  2441. LUMINARY Development Note #53, "Paths in P66", 07/06/1970, by Dave Moore.
  2442. 😮"Rate of Descent (ROD) Mode Stability and Performance Analysis", 07/06/1970, by R. Schindwolf.
  2443. LMO-500-767, "Rate of Descent (ROD) Mode Stability and Performance Analysis", 07/06/1970, by R. Schindwolf.
  2444. 😮"P66 Improvements", 07/07/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2445. (LUMINARY) PCN-1070, "GSOP Change for FDAI Needle Initialization Fix (L-1D-01)", 07/07/1970, by P. Weissman.
  2446. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL035, "Add TEPHEM to C/A Downlist", 07/07/1970, by S. G. Bales.
  2447. 😮"Altitude Rate Data", 07/08/1970, by Walter Bernikowich.
  2448. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL036, "Compute ATM Star Tracker Gimbal Angles", 07/09/1970, by C. B. Parker.
  2449. "LMS-ISLGC Reference Information, LUMINARY 173 (1D)", 07/10/1970, by AC Electronics.
  2450. "Notes on SCB Meeting #39 held at MSC on 7/10/70", 07/10/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2451. LUMINARY Memo #159, "Luminary 1D Program Notes", 07/10/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2452. DG Memo #1682, "Post FSRR LM Mission Procedural Verification for Apollo 14 using the MIT hybrid computer facility", 07/12/1970, by S. Drake.
  2453. COLOSSUS Memo #277, "Revisions 41 through 45 of ARTEMIS. Revision 45 was GOOD", 07/14/1970, by P. Rye.
  2454. 😮Technical Memo 33-452, "Deep Space Network Support of the Manned Space Flight Network for Apollo, 1962-1968", Volume I of II, 07/15/1970, by F. M. Flanagan, P. S. Goodwin, N. A. Renzetti.
  2455. 😮Technical Memo 33-452, "Deep Space Network Support of the Manned Space Flight Network for Apollo, 1969-1970", Volume II of II, 07/15/1970, by F. M. Flanagan, R. B. Hartley, N. A. Renzetti.
  2456. LUMINARY Memo #160, "Descent Trajectory Monitor Package", 07/16/1970, by David Moore.
  2457. 70-FM22-124, "DPS throttle oscillations during descent", 07/17/1970, by Wallis M. Bolt.
  2458. LUMINARY Memo #161, "ZERLINA 31", 07/17/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2459. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-J-(2), "Apollo Operations Handbook, Command and Service Modules, J-Series Missions: CSM 112-115 (Apollo 15-17)", Volume 2 of 2, part 1 of 2, 07/17/1970, by North American Aviation. For CSM 113 and 114 (Apollo 16 and 17), note that we have a later version of this document.
  2460. SM2A-03-BLOCK II-J-(2), "Apollo Operations Handbook, Command and Service Modules, J-Series Missions: CSM 112-115 (Apollo 15-17)", Volume 2 of 2, part 2 of 2, 07/17/1970, by North American Aviation. For CSM 113 and 114 (Apollo 16 and 17), note that we have a later version of this document.
  2461. LUMINARY Memo #162, "A New Landing Analog Displays Routine", 07/20/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2462. (LUMINARY) PCR-1056, Rev 1, "Improvements for Impulse and Ullage Logic", 07/20/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2463. 😮"Altitude Rate "GLITCH” of R10", 07/21/1970, by Larry Berman, Bruce McCoy.
  2464. 😮"LM Deorbit Program", 07/21/1970, by Robert Covelli. See also: P99 procedure
  2465. LUMINARY Memo #163, "Z Lives", 07/21/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2466. COLOSSUS Memo #280, "Revisions 46 through 51 of ARTEMIS", 07/21/1970, by P. Rye.
  2467. COLOSSUS Memo #278, "Account Numbers 0300 - 0400", 07/22/1970, by P. Rye, P. Peck.
  2468. LUMINARY Memo #164, "Account Numbers", 07/22/1970, by Phyllis Rye, Peter Peck.
  2469. "A little status report on Apollo spacecraft computer programs", 07/22/1970, by Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  2470. LUMINARY Memo #166, "DVTOTAL vs. VGDISP Discrepancy in Powered Flight", 07/23/1970, by David Moore.
  2471. 😮"ZERLINA Design Review Meeting", 07/24/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2472. 😮"Latest in Luminary for Apollo 14", 07/24/1970, by Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  2473. 😮"Luminary Improvements", 07/25/1970, by David R. Scott.
  2474. (LUMINARY) PCR-322, "Change Fixed Constant "THROTLAG" from 0.2 to 0.08", 07/27/1970, by J. H. Alphin.
  2475. LUMINARY Project Memo #3, "LUMINARY (173) Re-release", 07/27/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2476. 😮LUMINARY Project Memo #2, "Meeting Schedule", 07/27/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2477. "MIT/IL Software Development Plan for LUMINARY 1D LGC Program", 07/27/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2478. (LUMINARY) PCR-324, "PGNCS/AGS RR data transfer" or here, 07/27/1970, by R. W. Carl. See also LUMINARY Memo #200
  2479. LUMINARY Memo #165, "The Return of R10FLAG", 07/28/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2480. (LUMINARY) PCR-323, "Improvements to Ephemerides", 07/29/1970, by B. F. Cockrell. Disapproved.
  2481. (SKYLARK) PCR-SL033, "Use of fixed coordinate system to avoid mission-by-mission coordinate-system changes", 07/29/1970, by Bedford F. Cockrell.
  2482. 😮"Comments on Suitability of Variable Servicer Analog Display Routine for Manned LM Flights; and Comments on Rev. 31 of LM Variable Servicer Program", 07/29/1970, by John Norton.
  2483. SKYLAB Memo #3-70, "Detailed software-design data regarding PCR SL033", 07/29/1970, by William M. Robertson.
  2484. MSC-01855, TM X-70181, "Apollo 12 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems Performance Analysis", Supplement 2, 08/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2485. MSC-PA-R-69-1, TM X-66476, "Apollo 8 Mission Report: Service Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 4, 08/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2486. 😮E-1087, Rev F, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation Documentation Handbook and Plan", 08/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2487. DAC 56694B, "Orbital Workshop Design Data Document", Section 4.2 through end, 08/01/1970, by McDonnell Douglas Corporation.
  2488. (LUMINARY) PCR-1066, "Display N81 On All Passes In P34, P35, P74, P75", 08/03/1970, by Stephen Copps.
  2489. 😮"P66 THROTTLE LOOP PRESENTATION", 08/04/1970, by Larson, Klumpp, Kalan.
  2491. 😮"VARIABLE SERVICER DESIGN REVIEW", 08/05/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2492. LUMINARY Project Memo #5, "Pre-SCB Meeting at MIT/DL", 08/07/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2493. 😮"Latest in Luminary for Apollo 14", 08/07/1970, by Russell A. Larson, Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  2494. 😮"Display Routine for Manned LM Flights; and Comments on Compatibility of Luminary 163 Program with MSC-approved PCRs 287 and 1038", 08/07/1970, by John Norton.
  2495. L-29, "Change the two lines of coding at locations MOONSPOT and MOONSHOT +1 ...", 08/11/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2496. L-30, "In SERVICER, move the tag "MOONSPOT" from the location where it currently is ...", 08/11/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2497. A-15, "Put a list in the downlink log section, using the new instruction "CHECK=" ...", 08/12/1970, by Sumner Rosenberg.
  2498. L-32, "Put a list in the downlink log section, using the new instruction "CHECK=" ...", 08/12/1970, by Sumner Rosenberg.
  2499. A-14, "Set a list of labels = to each location that is in the downlink lists ...", 08/12/1970, by Sumner Rosenberg.
  2500. L-31, "Set a list of labels = to each location that is in the downlink lists ...", 08/12/1970, by Sumner Rosenberg.
  2501. LUMINARY Project Memo #6, "Luminary for Apollo 14", 08/13/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2502. "Notes on SCB Meeting #40 held at MSC on 8/13/70", 08/14/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2503. (LUMINARY) PCR-?, "Eliminate P63 Alignment Option", 08/17/1970, by Don Eyles. Our copy of this PCR has no PCR number on it. I suspect that the PCR was never made official, because of the existence of the 09/23/1970 equivalent PCR-335, "Remove Alignment Option from P63" by Haise & Kaiser.
  2504. LUMINARY Memo #167, "Luminary 1D: Which One, What Kind, How Many?" or here, 08/17/1970, by Bruce McCoy, Phyllis Rye.
  2505. LUMINARY Memo #168, ""Erasable Memory Program" for a Guided RCS Burn", 08/18/1970, by Robert Covelli.
  2506. 😮"Minutes of meeting to discuss the P66 castellation problem", 08/19/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2507. 😮"Minutes of ZERLINA design review meeting", 08/19/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2508. System Test Group Memo #1542, "G&N ICDs, Procurement Specification and Assembly Test Procedure Interface Signal Requirements", 08/19/1970, by V. A. Megna, R. A. Sheridan. A "comprehensive listing of all G&N system interface signals, impedances, noise, and marginal operational requirements".
  2509. L-37, "Make bad return from IMUSTALL in 1/GYRO continue instead of go to ENDOFJOB", 08/21/1970, by Phyllis Rye.
  2510. (LUMINARY) PCR-?, "Simpler LR turn-on logic", 08/24/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2511. (LUMINARY) PCR-?, "Zero auto-throttle when in AGS", 08/24/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2512. L-1D-10, "There are a number of windows during which a change in major mode would wipe out a waiting 1/ACCS job, leaving the DAP with improper data...." or here, 08/24/1970, by P. S. Weissman.
  2513. (LUMINARY) PCR-?, "Ignore V34E display response during descent", 08/26/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2514. (LUMINARY) PCN-1059, "Have major modes changes set up a 1/ACCS job", 08/26/1970, by P. S. Weissman.
  2515. L-33, "Load the "trap" of the DAP state estimator with a value that is 1 bit off from the GSOP value....", 08/26/1970, by P. S. Weissman.
  2516. 😮"Where and What are the Computers as of August 31, 1970", 08/31/1970, by Anonymous.
  2517. MSC-02680, "Apollo 13 Mission Report", 09/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2518. MSC-02680, "Apollo 13 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems Performance Analysis", Supplement 1, 09/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2519. 😮"Apollo II IRIG Ball Bearing Wheel Design Verification Test Program", 09/1970, by Bertram Rockower, Henry Feldman.
  2520. LUMINARY Memo #169, "Effect of LSPOS "Burn Skinny" in Luminary-1D", 09/01/1970, by Harry McOuat.
  2521. 😮MSFN NO. 502.6, "MSFN Network Operations Procedures for UHF Command System", 09/01/1970, by NASA.
  2522. (LUMINARY) PCR-1079, "ALMCADR on the telemetry", 09/02/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2523. 70-FM-128, MSC-02629, "The Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 14 (Mission H-3)", Volume I of II, 09/04/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2524. (LUMINARY) PCR-1080, "Change time to perform IMUCDU zero", 09/08/1970, by Russell A. Larson. Disapproved.
  2525. L-1D-11, "The value of WB is mis-scaled in Luminary 1D by a factor of 2 (See Luminary MEMO #169)" or here, 09/11/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2526. L-1D-12, "Selection of V41N72 (RR Coarse Align) while an RR reposition or remode is in progress results in incorrect operation of V41N72...." or here, 09/12/1970, by Peter Volante.
  2527. (LUMINARY) PCR-1082.2, "Update Fixed Constants for 1971-1972 Ephemeris Year", 09/14/1970, by J. M. Reber. Only p. 1 of the PCR was initially approved. The remaining 12 "data amplification" pages were later approved.
  2528. COLOSSUS Memo #286, "Revisions 52 through 57 of ARTEMIS", 09/15/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2529. Rev B, "Lunar Module Systems Handbook, LM-8 Vehicle", 09/15/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center. A different revision of this document is elsewhere in the library. I'm told that the particular hardcopy from which this scan came belonged to Donald R. Purdy, and that the handwritten notations in it are his. Don was one of the flight directors for Apollo 16, and (perhaps) a TELMU (Telemetry, Electrical, and EVA Mobility Unit Officer) for Apollo 14. As it happens, I'm unaware of any roster of flight controllers that one can check to verify these factoids.
  2530. "Lunar Module Systems Handbook, LM-8 Vehicle", 09/15/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2531. LUMINARY Memo #170, "Level 6 Testing for Apollo 14", 09/15/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2532. 23S Memo 70-53, Rev 1, "GSOP References for Erasable Load", 09/15/1970, by H. McOuat.
  2533. LUMINARY Memo #171, "Introduction to ZERLINA 50", 09/16/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2534. LUMINARY Memo #167, Rev 1, "Luminary 1D: Which One, What Kind, How Many?", 09/17/1970, by Bruce McCoy, Phyllis Rye.
  2535. COLOSSUS Memo #288, "Revision 58 of ARTEMIS", 09/21/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2536. L-34, "Erasable clean-up ...", 09/21/1970, by N. Barnert.
  2537. 😮"Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU), Critical Design Review Report", Volume 1, 09/21/1970, by RCA Defense Communications Systems.
  2538. 😮"Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU), Critical Design Review Report", Volume 2, 09/21/1970, by RCA Defense Communications Systems.
  2539. 😮"Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU), Critical Design Review Report", Volume 3, 09/21/1970, by RCA Defense Communications Systems.
  2540. 😮"Lunar Communications Relay Unit (LCRU), Critical Design Review Report", Volume 4, 09/21/1970, by RCA Defense Communications Systems.
  2541. (LUMINARY) PCR-340, "LATVEL Polarity Change", 09/22/1970, by Haise, Kaiser.
  2542. SNA-8-D-027(VI), "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume VI: CSM Experiments Data Book for J-Missions", Volume VI, 09/22/1970, by North American Rockwell.
  2543. (LUMINARY) PCR-1092, "Increase Accuracy of Determination of Accelerometer S. F", 09/23/1970, by Ed Grace. Disapproved.
  2544. (LUMINARY) PCR-333, "Change recognition of ROD inputs", 09/23/1970, by Clarke T. Hackler.
  2545. (LUMINARY) PCR-335, "Remove Alignment Option from P63", 09/23/1970, by Haise, Kaiser.
  2546. LUMINARY Project Memo #8, "Luminary 1D Level 6", 09/23/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2547. "Letter: Regarding our phone conversation relative to the possibility of the ACE equipment putting ±40 volts onto the W-910, W-911 power supply control lines....", 09/25/1970, by Donald J. Bowler.
  2548. PHO-TR409, CR-108662, Rev A, "Program Requirements for the DRAFT II System", 09/25/1970, by R. L. Runnels, J. Carlos Alvarez.
  2549. (LUMINARY) PCR-1088, "Inhibit program change during critical 10.56 seconds after IMU zero. (V37 lockout)", 09/25/1970, by Phyllis Rye.
  2550. 70-FM-145, MSC-02421, Rev 1, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR APOLLO 14 (MISSION H-3): LOI TARGETING", 09/25/1970, by Robert F. Wiley.
  2551. 😮"Notes of Interest - Apollo 14 LM Impact", 09/27/1970, by William E. Fenner.
  2552. (LUMINARY) PCR-336, Rev 1, "Allow Extended Verbs During P20 Maneuvers. (Delete 06 18 Display in R60.)", 09/28/1970, by Haise, Kaiser. PCR-336 was originally disapproved, which is presumably why PCR-336 rev 1 was created and approved.
  2553. (LUMINARY) PCR-334, Rev 1, "Change DSKY DESCENT/ASCENT NOUNS" or here, 09/28/1970, by Haise, Kaiser. PCR-334 was originally disapproved, which is presumably why PCR-334 rev 1 was created and approved.
  2554. (LUMINARY) PCR-338, "Change LPD Scaling to 1.0° In All Directions", 09/28/1970, by Haise, Kaiser.
  2555. (LUMINARY) PCR-339, "Have P20 F50 72 Display Update", 09/28/1970, by Haise, Kaiser.
  2556. L-35, "Change coding in LLGE to store triple precision ...", 09/29/1970, by Barnert.
  2557. (LUMINARY) PCR-341, "Landing Radar Reasonability Test" or here, 09/29/1970, by J. H. Alphin.
  2558. 😮E-2543, "Elimination of Noise and Enhancement of Stability and Dynamic Response of the Apollo LM Rate-of-Descent Program", 10/1970, by A. Klumpp, G. Kalan.
  2559. 😮R-676, "Closed-Loop Control of Stochastic Nonlinear Systems", 10/1970, by G. T. Schmidt.
  2560. "Notes on SCB Meeting #41 held at MSC on 9/30/70", 10/01/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2561. (LUMINARY) PCR-337, Rev 1, "Illuminate Unused DSKY Light for N49" or here, 10/01/1970, by Haise, Kaiser. PCR-337 was originally disapproved, which is presumably why PCR-337 rev 1 was created. However, PCR-337 rev 1 was also disapproved. See PCR-1091.
  2562. LUMINARY Project Memo #9, "Luminary Meeting", 10/02/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2563. (LUMINARY) PCR-1091, "Priority Display Light on DSKY", 10/02/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2564. L-39, "Change a CADR to an ADRES following a TC TWIDDLE in RADSAMP", 10/05/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2565. System Test Group Memo #1558, "Failures Sustained by G&N System 200", 10/05/1970, by Vince Megna.
  2566. L-36, "Define a tag TMPDV = GDT/2 for use by S34/35.5 which now uses GDT/2 directly", 10/05/1970, by Phyllis Rye.
  2567. (LUMINARY) PCR-1093, "Eliminate 481 day TEPHEM limitation in Lunar-Solar Ephemerides", 10/05/1970, by William Robertson.
  2568. "Memo: Sumary ±40 volt ACE CNTRL1 - CNTRL2 inputs (W-910, W-911)", 10/06/1970, by Donald J. Bowler.
  2569. 😮"SKYLOTS (Skylab B Optical Telescope System)", 10/06/1970, by J. Lawrence.
  2570. (LUMINARY) PCN-1095, "Avoid incomplete close-out of manual rate command mode (Anomaly L-1D-07)", 10/07/1970, by P. S. Weissman.
  2571. (LUMINARY) PCN-1124, "P00D00 Abort. (See L-1D-15)", 10/08/1970, by Barnert.
  2572. COLOSSUS Memo #292, "Revisions 59 and 60 of ARTEMIS", 10/08/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2573. L-1D-14, "At TIG-5 in P40, TGO is computed. If TGO is computed to be less than 6 seconds, NO THROTTLE FLG (FW5 B12) should be set ...." or here, 10/08/1970, by C. D. Sykes.
  2574. Change 1, "RTCC Offline Requirements for H-2: Star-Horizon Observation Processor", 10/08/1970, by Ronnie R. Lanier, Sam Crigler.
  2575. L-1D-13, "PCR 1028 provided a separate erasable load for LRWH in the programs following P63....", 10/08/1970, by Larson.
  2576. (LUMINARY) PCR-1096, "Erasable Memory De-orbit Program Goes Fixed", 10/08/1970, by Bruce McCoy. Disapproved.
  2577. COLOSSUS Memo #293, "Summary of Program Change Requests Involving Astrodynamic Coordinate Systems, Ephemerides and Orientations, etc", 10/09/1970, by Bill Robertson.
  2578. LUMINARY Memo #174, "Summary of Program Change Requests Involving Astrodynamic Coordinate Systems, Ephemerides and Orientations, etc", 10/09/1970, by Bill Robertson.
  2579. SKYLAB Memo #?, "Summary of Program Change Requests Involving Astrodynamic Coordinate Systems, Ephemerides and Orientations, etc", 10/09/1970, by William M. Robertson.
  2580. LUMINARY Memo #172, "LUMINARY Revisions 179 & 180", 10/11/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2581. LUMINARY Memo #173, "LUMINARY Revision 181", 10/12/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2582. AGC-L-5426RS, "Letter: During a review at North American Rockwell, Mr. S. Snipes of NASA/MSC requested an analysis as to what effect a failure in the ACE equipment ...", 10/12/1970, by Robert J. Storella.
  2583. 😮"Differences Between Slant Range and Ground-Track Range During Lunar Powered Descent Over Fra Mauro", 10/13/1970, by Hapet Berberian.
  2584. LUMINARY Memo #175, "LUMINARY Revision 182", 10/13/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2585. LUMINARY Memo #176, "LUMINARY Revision 183", 10/14/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2586. 😮EP0593, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation Hardware Difference Summary, Command Module and Lunar Module", 10/15/1970, by AC Electronics.
  2587. (LUMINARY) PCR-1106, "Trim gimbal control mode change", 10/15/1970, by Craig Work. Disapproved.
  2588. 23S Memo 70-72, "Apollo 14 Erasable Load", 10/15/1970, by H. McOuat. I think we may have two scans of the same physical document here, though I'm not sure. At any rate, this was a preliminary listing, but presumably contains a lot of good numbers for the erasable load. It includes loads for both Luminary 178 and Comanche 108.
  2589. "LM PGNS/AGS Training Card", 10/16/1970, by TRW.
  2590. (LUMINARY) PCR-1100, "Delete setting of NODOFLAG in R47", 10/20/1970, by Phyllis Rye.
  2591. LUMINARY Memo #178, "Inputs to LM DAP During Descent and Ascent", 10/20/1970, by Peter Weissman.
  2592. "Assembly Listing of AGC Program ZERLINA 56", 10/21/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. ZERLINA is a branch of main LUMINARY source code, which could be treated as a workbench for trying out ideas without fear of affecting LUMINARY. Ideas which proved valuable could then be ported back from ZERLINA into LUMINARY. The largest such idea that I'm aware of that was treated in this way was the "variable servicer", which reduced CPU usage by omitting certain guidance computations when they weren't really needed, as opposed to inflexibly recomputing them at fixed intervals. By thus keeping the CPU usage at an overall lower percentage during lunar descent, the probability of overloads causing 1201/1202 alarms such as those in the Apollo 11 landing would be greatly reduced. (Yes, I know that the 1201/1202-alarm overloads were caused by the Rendezvous Radar being unexpectedly active, from the AGC's point of view. But with the variable servicer, the CPU load would likely have been low enough that it probably wouldn't even have mattered if the RR was active or not.) Unfortunately, while (I think) that the variable servicer was regarded as a good technical solution, it was then late enough in Project Apollo that it was regarded as safer and possibly cheaper to avoid such drastic changes, and the idea of the variable servicer was eventually dropped.
    See also:
  2593. (LUMINARY) PCR-343, "Disapprove PCR 340 (LATVEL Polarity Change)", 10/21/1970, by T. Price.
  2594. (LUMINARY) PCR-1111, "Back up failure of Auto Pilot mode and AGS/PGNS select switch bit Channel 30 Bit 10, Channel 31 Bits 13, 14", 10/22/1970, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2595. (LUMINARY) PCR-1113, "Back up failure of the LPD bit Channel 31 Bits 1, 2, 5, and 6" or here, 10/22/1970, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2596. (LUMINARY) PCR-1110, "Back up for failures of the display inertial data bit Channel 30 Bit 6", 10/22/1970, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2597. (LUMINARY) PCR-1112, "Back up for on (0) failures of translation commands Channel 31 Bits 7-12", 10/22/1970, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.Disapproved.
  2598. (LUMINARY) PCR-1108, "Back up Mark X, Y and Mark Reject Channel 16 Bits 3, 4, 5", 10/22/1970, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.Withdrawn.
  2599. (LUMINARY) PCR-1107, "Back up of Abort bits Channel 30 Bits 1 and 4 for on (0)", 10/22/1970, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.See also LUMINARY Memo #216
  2600. (LUMINARY) PCR-1109, "Back up of off (1) failures of Auto Throttle Channel 30 Bit 5" or here, 10/22/1970, by George P. Edmonds, Jr.
  2601. LUMINARY Memo #177, "ZERLINA 56", 10/22/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2602. 😮"Saturn V Flight Evaluation Trend Report, AS-501 thru 508", 10/23/1970, by Boeing.
  2603. L-43, "Enable the redesignation trap at the time of the PROCEED to V06N64 instead of at the start of P64", 10/23/1970, by Don Eyles.
  2604. (LUMINARY) PCR-344, "Navigation inputs via DSKY", 10/23/1970, by Haise, Kaiser. Disapproved.
  2605. LUMINARY Project Memo #11, "Pre-SCB Meeting", 10/23/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2606. 70-FS55-157, "COLOSSUS 2E and LUMINARY 1D program and operational notes, first edition for mission H3 (COMANCHE 108 and LUMINARY 178)", 10/26/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2607. L-41, "Avoid reading the GTS drive bits in channel 12 ...", 10/26/1970, by P. S. Weissman.
  2608. (LUMINARY) PCR-1121, "Replace acceleration estimate with RCS inhibit flags on non-powered downlists", 10/26/1970, by P. Weissman.
  2609. L-38, "Rearrange clearing of flags in V56, change code at TRMTRAK1 to interpretive", 10/26/1970, by Phyllis Rye.
  2610. LUMINARY Memo #179, "LUMINARY Revisions 184 & 185", 10/27/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2611. GP612, OC 503 GAC, "Study Guide, LC-39 SLA Emergency Egress System (Apollo 14 & 15)", 10/27/1970, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  2612. (LUMINARY) PCR-1116, "Automatic RCS Steering", 10/27/1970, by L. Berman. Disapproved.
  2613. (LUMINARY) PCR-1117.2, "Addition to P00D00 logic; Add ABORT GSOP Description", 10/27/1970, by Rye, Barnert, Hamilton.
  2614. COLOSSUS Memo #296, "Revisions 61 and 62 of ARTEMIS", 10/28/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2615. L-40, "Delete GOMARK2, MARKFORM, and GOMARK2R....", 10/28/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2616. (LUMINARY) PCR-345, "Change of Erasable Load", 10/29/1970, by C. Hackler. Disapproved.
  2617. 😮17618-H044-R0-00, "Performance Verification of the Lunar Descent Program - P66 Auto", 10/30/1970, by N. P. Dwivedi.
  2618. TN D-6082, "Lunar Landmark Locations - Apollo 8, 10, 11, and 12 Missions", 11/1970, by Gary A. Ransford, Wilbur R. Wollenhaupt, Robert M. Bizzell.
  2619. 😮TMX-66479, "Manned Space Flight Network", 11/01/1970, by NASA.
  2620. (LUMINARY) PCR-1097.2, Rev 1, "Provide V30, V31 Operator Error Lockout", 11/02/1970, by Margaret Hamilton.
  2621. (LUMINARY) PCR-1122, "No Control DSKY Light", 11/02/1970, by P. S. Weissman. Disapproved.
  2622. A-22, "Append a (+/-) to relative addresses ...", 11/05/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2623. L-42, "Append a (+/-) to relative addresses ...", 11/05/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2624. "Notes on SCB Meeting #42 held at MSC on 11/5/70", 11/09/1970, by K. W. Greene.
  2625. 😮"Proposed Refinements for P99", 11/11/1970, by Peter Weissman.
  2626. L-1D-15, "P00D00 Abort while P20 (P25) is running in the background will kill P20 (P25) and prevent its re-establishment unless RNDVZFLG (P25FLAG) is subsequently cleared" or here, 11/12/1970, by N. Barnert.
  2627. 1st Edition, "Apollo Lunar Orbit Chart (ALO) - Apollo Mission 14 - Lunar Revolutions 1, 18, 20, and 34", 11/16/1970, by U.S. Air Force Aeronautical Chart & Information Center.
  2628. 😮LUMINARY Project Memo #12, "Luminary Fixed Memory Constants", 11/18/1970, by R. A. Larson, Harry McOuat.
  2629. (LUMINARY) PCN-1126, "Set NOTHROTL for DPS Impulse Burn", 11/18/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2630. EP9360B, "Apollo Guidance and Navigation System Customer Acceptance Readiness Review and Flight Readiness Review Report, G&N 217, CM-113, Phase III CARR", 11/22/1970, by AC Electronics.
  2631. 😮"LGC Flagbit Reference List (Apollo 14)", 11/23/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2632. LUMINARY Project Memo #13, "PGNCS/AGS Data Transfer Design Review", 11/24/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2633. (LUMINARY) PCN-1127, "Change to downlink list", 11/24/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2634. (LUMINARY) PCR-348, "New target - ΔV program for LGC (P77)", 11/25/1970, by F. Haise, T. Kaiser.
  2635. 😮"Questionable Items in Luminary 185 Listing; and Comments on LM Program Zerlina 56; and Comments on Rev. 10 of Luminary Section 2 GSOP", 11/25/1970, by John Norton.
  2636. (LUMINARY) PCR-347, "Modification to code word configuration for PGNCS/AGS data transfer", 11/25/1970, by T. Price.
  2637. COLOSSUS Memo #301, "Revision 63 through 67 of ARTEMIS", 11/30/1970, by N. Brodeur.
  2638. (LUMINARY) PCR-1129, "Update mass-dependent calculations in 1/ACCS" or here, 11/30/1970, by Craig Work, Weissman. See also this memo
  2639. 69-FM-326, Change 2, "RTCC Offline Requirements for H-2: Star-Horizon Observation Processor", Change only, 11/30/1970, by Paul Flanagan, Robert Kidd. Changes 2 and 3 together update document from Apollo 13 to Apollo 14.
  2640. LUMINARY Project Memo #14, "Luminary 1D level 6 Reporting and Pre FSRR review", 11/30/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2641. 😮R-682, "A Fault-Tolerant Information Processing Concept for Space Vehicles", 12/1970, by Albert L. Hopkins, Jr.
  2642. L-44, "Make T5ADR single precision since it always goes to F16 in E6", 12/01/1970, by Weissman.
  2643. L-45, "Clear INTYPFLG prior to INTEGRUS call in P21 recycle option", 12/03/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2644. 70-FM73-328, "Final Report for the Apollo 14 Independent Software Review", 12/03/1970, by Richard O. Nobles.
  2645. LUMINARY Project Memo #16, COLOSSUS Project Memo #20, "The "Ethereal" Erasables", 12/07/1970, by Lamont Cranston.
  2646. LUMINARY Project Memo #16, "Descent erasable load for Apollo 15", 12/07/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2647. LUMINARY Memo #182, "LUMINARY Revision 186", 12/08/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2648. "MIT/CSDL Presentation for the Mission "H-3" Apollo 14 Flight Software Readiness Review", 12/08/1970, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2649. L-1D-16, "Fixed Memory constant (VINJNOM) (Nominal Injection Velocity) is 5509.3 fps instead of 5509.5 fps as specified in GSOP" or here, 12/08/1970, by Peter Volante.
  2650. LUMINARY Memo #183, "LUMINARY Revision 187", 12/09/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2651. L-46, "Delete INHINT before waitlist call in AOTMARK (waitlist does INHINT)", 12/10/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2652. L-1D-18, "In P22, if the R21 routine (RR designate) drives the antenna close to the RR Mode II limits as the CSM is moving away from the landing site, ...." or here, 12/10/1970, by Peter Volante.
  2653. L-1D-17, "The flashing verb 37 which terminates P22 when the range is greater than 400 n.m. and the range-rate is positive may not occur" or here, 12/10/1970, by Peter Volante.
  2654. 😮"LGC Duty Cycle as determined by the Grumman FMES simulator", 12/11/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2655. 😮AP70-00826, "G&N Effects of "A" Harness Short, S/C 110", 12/11/1970, by G. Hamren.
  2656. 70-FM-141, MSC-02629, Change 1, "The Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 14 (Mission H-3)", Volume I of II, 12/11/1970, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2657. L-47, "Re-code the P-axis minimum impulse routine more efficiently ...", 12/11/1970, by P. S. Weissman.
  2658. MX-66565, "Apollo 14 (AS-509) Operational Trajectory for January 31, 1971, Launch Window", 12/11/1970, by Gerald Wittenstein, Dewey C. Bell, Jerry D. Weiler, C. L. Varnado. Note particularly Table 20 (PDF p. 247), which is a list of the LVDC presets. While we don't presently have LVDC flight-program source code for Apollo 14, the listed variables agree largely (or entirely) with those in the Apollo 17 LVDC flight program, so it's possible these values would be mostly okay for Apollo 15-17 as well. While the launch-vehicle operational trajectory documents (as opposed to the spacecraft trajectory documents) do generally include tables of LVDC presettings, this is the only one I'm presently aware of that chooses to tell us the numerical addresses at which the (named) variables being preset actually reside.
  2659. "Luminary 178 simulation", 12/14/1970, by Allan Klumpp. This was a simulation run by AGC software developer Allan Klumpp. It had some problem which caused it to abort, so the simulation data isn't of much use (because there isn't any!), but it includes various info able pad loads that may be useful.
  2660. "Pad load portion of a LUMINARY 178 simulation run", 12/14/1970, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2661. LUMINARY Memo #184, "LUMINARY Revisions 188 - 190", 12/15/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2662. (LUMINARY) PCN-1009, "Luminary 1D Editorial Changes to Section 4 (GSOP)", 12/15/1970, by J. B. Smith.
  2663. LUMINARY Memo #181, "IMU Alignments and LUMINARY 202", 12/15/1970, by Don Millard.
  2664. LUMINARY Memo #180, Rev 1, "Apollo 14 LM De-Orbit Test", 12/15/1970, by David Moore.
  2665. 😮"Comments on Revised Optics Computations in Luminary 195", 12/16/1970, by John Norton.
  2666. 😮"Computational corrections built into PCR 1129 constants", 12/16/1970, by Craig Work.
  2667. LUMINARY Memo #185, "LUMINARY Revision 191", 12/17/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2668. LUMINARY Memo #187, "LUMINARY Revision 192", 12/18/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2669. "Assembly listing of AGS Flight Program 8 (FP8)", 12/18/1970, by TRW. This was flown in Apollo 15, 16, and 17. Bibliographical references in other AGS documents mention TRW document 17618-H088-RO-00, "LM AGS Programmed Equations Document, Flight Program 8". In analogy to Flight Program 6, we would expect that the assembly listing of FP8 is actually an Appendix to the document just mentioned ... but at this point, that's purely speculation on my part.
    See also:
  2670. LUMINARY Memo #188, "LUMINARY Revision 193", 12/20/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2671. 😮"Luminary 1E simulation reports", 12/20/1970, by Russell A. Larson.
  2672. (LUMINARY) PCN-1132, "Correction to PCR 1117.2, Addition to P00D00 Logic, Add Abort GSOP Description", 12/21/1970, by Rye, Barnert.
  2673. 😮70-FM-198, "Skylab Program: Skylab Launch Window Processor" or here, 12/22/1970, by Jerome W. Kahanek.
  2674. LUMINARY Memo #186, "APS Impulse Burn for APOLLO 14", 12/22/1970, by David Moore.
  2675. 😮AP-70-00845, "K-Start Tape Maintenance Procedure", 12/28/1970, by AC Electronics.
  2676. LUMINARY Memo #189, "LUMINARY Revision 194", 12/28/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2677. "Minutes of the LUMINARY 1D (Apollo 14) Flight Software Readiness Review (FSRR )", 12/28/1970, by Lynwood C. Dunseith.
  2678. (LUMINARY) PCN-1133, "Revision of descent mass limits to go along with PCR 1129", 12/28/1970, by P. S. Weissman. Approved, with SCB modifications.
  2679. LUMINARY Memo #190, "LUMINARY Revision 195", 12/29/1970, by Dana Densmore.
  2680. 70-FM-207, MSC-03783, "OPERATIONAL LM ABORT AND RESCUE PLAN FOR APOLLO 14 (MISSION H-3)" or here, 12/29/1970, by Allan L. DuPont, James D. Alexander.
  2681. LUMINARY Project Memo #15, "Lum 1D Level 6 Testing", 12/29/1970, by R. A. Larson.
  2682. (LUMINARY) PCR-1134, "Revision of PCR 1111: Back-up of Guid Select and Mode Control switches", 12/29/1970, by P. S. Weissman.
  2683. L-1D-19, "Restarts in P20/25 may erroneously display V50N18 on DSKY" or here, 12/30/1970, by Bruce McCoy.
  2684. L-1D-20, "If a BAILOUT occurs during permanent integration in P00, R22, or R21 and is followed by any other restart before another restart point has been established, ...." or here, 12/31/1970, by Phyllis Rye.

  2685. "Apollo 13 Manual", 1971, by AC Electronics. As is usual with these "Delco manuals", it is undated. I've arbitrarily used the Apollo 13 launch date. Note that pages HW-43 and HW-44 are duplicated, whereas pages HW-45 and HW-46 are missing; that's a publishing error rather than a mistake in the scanning process. It is difficult to cross-reference between Delco manuals for different missions, but the missing pages HW-45/46 in the Apollo 13 manual may correspond to pages HW-43/44 in the Apollo 15 Delco Manual.
  2686. "Apollo 15 Manual", 1971, by AC Electronics.
  2687. "Reference Cards - Fra Mauro Landing - Apollo 14 - AS-509 S/C 110 LM-8 G&N-214 G&N-611", 1971, by AC Electronics.
  2688. "Colossus 3 and Luminary 1E Downlist Format", 1971, by Anonymous.
  2689. "Thermal-Simulation Notes", 1971, by Anonymous.
  2690. "LGC-Astronaut Interfaces During Landing (Revised for LUMINARY 1D)" or here, 1971, by Donald Eyles.
  2691. "Apollo 14 Hardware Problem Notes", 1971, by J. Lawrence.
  2692. "Apollo 15 PGNCS Hardware Report", 1971, by J. Lawrence.
  2693. SP-238, "Apollo 11 Mission Report", 1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This appears to be a sanitized, prettified modification to document MSC-00171 (which has the same title), in order to make it more suitable (in someone's eyes) for public consumption.
  2694. "Lunar Module Systems Handbook, LM-14 Vehicle", excerpts, 1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Alas! Not really readable.
  2695. 😮"Records Transmittal and Receipt: From JSC to NARA-SW, E156N", 1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2696. 😮"Elimination of some or all of the maximum landing site truncation error", 1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This memo has no obvious date, author, or title, so I've just winged it in providing those.
  2697. "RTCC Start Catalogue for Besselian Year 1970", 1971.
  2698. 😮E-2557, "Apollo II Gyro Procurement Final Report, Task Order 33", 01/1971, by R. J. Cooper.
  2699. 😮"Apollo Saturn V Milestone Chart", 01/01/1971, by NASA. This is a table of some milestone dates — and a bit of other significant data — associated with the Apollo missions AS-5XX, namely Apollo 4, 6, and 8-16. I.e., those missions using a Saturn V launch vehicle. The document was prepared prior to Apollo 16, which is presumably why Apollo 17 was omitted. AS-2XX missions — i.e., those instead using a Saturn IB launch vehicle (AS-203, Apollo 5, Apollo 7, and of course Apollo 1) — are also omitted.
  2700. COLOSSUS Memo #304, "Fixed memory hardware related constants in Colossus 2E", 01/04/1971, by Harry McOuat.
  2701. LUMINARY Memo #191, "Fixed memory hardware related constants in Luminary 1D" or here, 01/04/1971, by Harry McOuat.
  2702. LUMINARY Memo #192, "LUMINARY Revision 196", 01/05/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2703. 71:7252.9-2, Preliminary, "Tables and Flow Charts for Preliminary Release of FP8", 01/05/1971, by TRW.
  2704. COLOSSUS Memo #306, "Revisions 68 through 70 of ARTEMIS", 01/07/1971, by N. Brodeur.
  2705. V-20060, Rev 025, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 14", Volume III of III, 01/07/1971, by John C. Reed.
  2706. LUMINARY Memo #193, "LUMINARY Revisions 197, 198, 199", 01/08/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2707. 😮71-FS55-2, "Review of hardware dependent constants used in the Digital Auto Pilots for the COLOSSUS and LUMINARY programs", 01/08/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2708. LUMINARY Memo #195, "LUMINARY Revision 200", 01/11/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2709. LUMINARY Project Memo #17, "Luminary 1-E Level 4 schedule hybrid", 01/11/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2710. "Anomalies in Apollo 14 Descent", 01/12/1971, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2711. "Comments on PCR/PCN Items for SCB #43", 01/12/1971, by John Norton.
  2712. AP71-00038-N0017, Systems Engineering Memo SE-71-10, "The Two Degree Yaw at the End of P64", 01/12/1971, by J. L. Stridde, L. Hull.
  2713. (LUMINARY) PCN-1137, "Correct constant for ascent guidance", 01/12/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2714. LUMINARY Memo #196, "LUMINARY Revision 201 & 202", 01/13/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2715. L-1D-25, "Exiting P63, P40, or P42 with a V37 between average-G on and time of auto-ullage initiate may not kill the waitlist call to initiate ullage....", 01/14/1971, by Jack R. Garman.
  2716. L-1D-24, "P70 or P71 selection prior to P12 leaves P12 with at least 3 flags abnormally set ....", 01/14/1971, by Jack R. Garman.
  2717. "Notes on SCB Meeting #43 held at MSG on 13 January 1971", 01/14/1971, by K. W. Greene.
  2718. LUMINARY Memo #197, "Luminary Revision 203", 01/15/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2719. LMA790-3-LM TBD, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module LM-8 (?)", Section 4.4 only, 01/15/1971, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. The versioning of the pages in this excerpt does not agree with the only other revision of Volume 2 that we have, namely 9/26/71. Rather, it is apparently a 1/15/71 version, and hence it's unclear which particular LMs are covered. The dates would agree with Apollo 14, however, and hence it's not unreasonable to suppose that these excerpts are specific to LM-8.
  2720. V-20060, Rev 027, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 14", Volume I of III, 01/17/1971, by John C. Reed.
  2721. "Apollo 14 (Jan 31, 1971) Flight Plan, AS-509/CSM-110/LM-8", 01/18/1971, by C. L. Stough.
  2722. L-1D-22, "A hardware or software restart during a RR TURNON sequence may result in an incorrect setting of the mode flag (ANTENFLG) ....", 01/18/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2723. L-1D-21, "An RR antenna reposition initiated by R25 just after starting P20 or P22 can cause P20/P22 to loop and thus never get RR lock-on", 01/18/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2724. L-1D-23, "In the erection of the guidance coordinate frame (CGCALC), WCHPHASE instead of WCHPHOLD is used to select ....", 01/19/1971, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2725. 70-FM73-344, "Final prelaunch erasable load parameters for Apollo 14 flight programs using January 31, 1971 launch date", 01/20/1971, by John P. Mayer.
  2726. 71:7254.5-12, "Review of DAP-Related Fixed Memory Constants for LUMINARY 178 and COLOSSUS 108 Programs", 01/21/1971, by R. Lee, N. P. Dwivedi, R. L. Haken.
  2727. 71-3K, "Apollo 14 Press kit", 01/21/1971, by NASA.
  2728. V-20060, Rev 027, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 14", Volume II of III, 01/21/1971, by John C. Reed.
  2729. "Note of Interest - LM lunar impact procedures for Apollo 14 (P99)", 01/21/1971, by Kenneth Russell.
  2730. LUMINARY Memo #194, "Analysis of the Yaw Divergence at P64 Terminus", 01/22/1971, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2731. (LUMINARY) PCN-1141, "Initialize FLRCS in P12", 01/22/1971, by Bruce McCoy.
  2732. LUMINARY Project Memo #18, "Luminary 1E FACI", 01/25/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2733. 71-FM73-36, "Completion of MPAD Action Items from the Apollo 14 Flight Software Readiness Review", 01/26/1971, by Carl R. Huss.
  2734. 😮LUMINARY Project Memo #19, "Hardware dependent constants used in the Luminary program", 01/26/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2735. 69-FM-326, Change 3, "RTCC Offline Requirements for H-2: Star-Horizon Observation Processor", Change only, 01/27/1971, by Paul Flanagan, Robert Kidd. Changes 2 and 3 together update document from Apollo 13 to Apollo 14.
  2736. LED-267-37C, CR-115225, Rev D2, "Lunar Module 7, 8, &9, Elementary Functional Diagrams", 01/28/1971, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  2737. 😮"Excessive N49’s During Short Rendezvous Simulations on the Grumman Hybrid Simulator", 01/28/1971, by P. Kachmar.
  2738. LUMINARY Memo #198, "DAP performance in Apollo 14 Level 6 tests", 01/29/1971, by Craig Work, Peter Weissman.
  2739. 2014999-141, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 14 CM G&N System", 01/31/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2740. 6014999-111, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 14 LM G&N System", 01/31/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2741. 😮"Luminary 204 erasable memory map graphic", 02/1971, by Anonymous.
  2742. 😮TN D-6068, "Skylab Attitude and Pointing Control System", 02/1971, by W. B. Chubb, S. M. Seltzer.
  2743. R-577, Rev 11, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 2E, Section 3: Digital Autopilots", Section 3, 02/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2744. R-577, Rev 14, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 3, Section 2: Data Links", Section 2, 02/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2745. 😮"Fixed memory constants in COLOSSUS 2E and LUMINARY 1D", 02/04/1971, by Robert G. Chilton.
  2746. "Fixed memory constants in COLOSSUS 2E and LUMINARY 1D", 02/04/1971, by Robert G. Chilton.
  2747. "Apollo 14 Spacecraft Commentary - January 31 to February 9, 1971", 02/09/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This document is curious (to me), in that it consists of transcripts of a series of tapes. But they're not in chronological order. Nor is there metadata (such as a table of contents) that deciphers the time-ordering for you. Well ... I suppose if you're serious about reading it, you'll be able to figure it out. If you're ambitious, create a time-index for as a separate document, or better yet embedded into the PDF, and send it to me.
  2748. "Apollo 14 Mission Summary", 02/11/1971, by Philip G. Felleman.
  2749. "Level 3 Test Reports for Luminary 1E", 02/12/1971, by B. McCoy.
  2750. LUMINARY Memo #199, "P99 — Erasable Memory Program for a Guided RCS Burn — Luminary 1E", 02/12/1971, by David Moore.
  2753. LUMINARY Memo #202, "Luminary Revision 204", 02/16/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2754. (LUMINARY) PCN-1143, "Section 3 Revision 6 GSOP Changes", 02/16/1971, by J. Klawsnik.
  2755. Apollo Project Memo #?-71, "Apollo 14 Lunar Module Navigation and Guidance System, Preliminary Report on Landing Radar Performance During Descent and Landing in Fra Mauro Highlands", 02/16/1971, by W. Tanner.
  2756. "Apollo 14 Postflight Report - Retrofire Officer (RETRO)", 02/17/1971, by Charles F. Deiterich, James E. I'Anson, Bobby T. Spencer.
  2757. "LM Hybrid Simulator Support of The Apollo 14 Mission", 02/17/1971, by S. Drake.
  2758. "Apollo 14 Technical Crew Debriefing", 02/17/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2759. "Apollo 14 Postflight Report - Guadance Officer (GUIDO)", 02/17/1971, by Kenneth W. Russell, Willard S. Presley, J. Gary Renick.
  2760. 😮EG8-2-PP7-71-PP-A38, "Letter: There have recently been several occasions during which problems were experienced at KSC and Bethpage because of discrepant K-start tapes...", 02/18/1971, by Ralph Albon.
  2761. "Post Release Testing", 02/18/1971, by M. Hamilton.
  2762. LUMINARY Memo #200, "Implementation and Testing of PCR 324, PGNCS/AGS RR Data Transfer", 02/22/1971, by V. Dunbar, Peter Volante.
  2763. "Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Digital Simulation", 02/22/1971, by Don Eyles. By the way, don't be fooled by the URL and the markings on the document cover (which read "DIANA Rev. 3" and so on). I'm pretty sure that Don simply recycled the folder, which must previously have held content related to the DIANA program.
  2764. LUMINARY Memo #203, "Guidance and Contol Stability Tests of LUMINARY 1E", 02/23/1971, by Craig Work, Peter Weissman.
  2765. LUMINARY Memo #204, "Luminary Revision 205", 02/24/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2766. LUMINARY Memo #205, "Luminary Revisions 206, 207, 208 and 209", 02/26/1971, by Dana Densmore.
  2767. 2021114-011, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program ARTEMIS 72", 02/26/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This flew as the CM AGC software on Apollo 15, Apollo 15, and Apollo 17.
    See also:
  2768. R-700, Final draft, "MIT's Role in Project Apollo, Final Report on Contracts NAS 9-153 and NAS 9-4065", Volume V of V, 03/1971, by Madeline S. Johnson, Donald R. Giller.
  2769. 17618-H110-RO-00, "LM/AGS Operating Manual, Flight Program 8", 03/1971, by W. G. Marley, T. K. Wu, R. A. Harwood. By the way, while (as of this writing) there's little documentation of Flight Program 7, the Foreword to this document does describe "the primary differences between FP7 and FP8".
  2770. 😮SP-8070, "Space Vehicle Design Criteria (Guidance and Control): Spaceborne Digital Computer Systems", 03/1971, by NASA.
  2771. "Recreated LGC Duty Cycle, Apollo 14", 03/01/1971, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation. The title, date, and author of this document were invented by me, because none of it is marked on the document itself. The "document" is simply a stripchart which, I'm told, represents the AGC computational load in a recreation of the Apollo 14 landing, done on Grumman's Full Mission Evaluation Simulator (FMES) about a month after the actual landing took place.
  2772. R-577, Rev 14, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program Colossus 3, Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5, 03/01/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2773. "Recorded LGC Duty Cycle, Apollo 14", 03/01/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. The title, date, and author of this document were invented by me, because none of it is marked on the document itself. The "document" is simply a stripchart which, I'm told, represents the AGC computational load, as derived from the telemetry data recorded during the actual Apollo 14 landing.
  2774. "Postflight Analysis of CSM Maneuvers During Apollo 14", 03/01/1971, by Roger H. Sanders, Robert S. Davis, Quentin A. Holmes.
  2775. "Undesirable Features of Luminary 209 LM Program", 03/05/1971, by John Norton.
  2776. "LMS-ISLGC Reference Information, LUMINARY 209 (1E)", 03/06/1971, by AC Electronics.
  2777. 😮""To Abort or not to Abort - that is the question!"", 03/08/1971, by Fred W. Haise.
  2778. "Apollo 15 mission techniques - Descent Meeting 1 March 1971", 03/09/1971, by Russell A. Larson.
  2779. LUMINARY Memo #206, "Attitude Error Analysis in Special FACI APS Tests", 03/09/1971, by Peter Weissman.
  2780. 😮"Control of Flight Software Development Costs", 03/11/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2781. 😮"Decisions leading to the solution of the LGC abort discrete problem", 03/12/1971, by John R. Garman.
  2782. "Command/Service Module Systems Handbook, CSM 112-114", 03/12/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2783. "Command/Service Module Systems Handbook, CSM 112-114", excerpts, 03/12/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2784. "(Basic) (July 26 Launch) Apollo 15 CSM 112 CSM Systems Checklist", 03/15/1971, by John W. Samouce.
  2785. LUMINARY Memo #208, "Apollo 14 Descent Simulation Dispersions: Terrain Model Mismatch Aggravates Drooping Trajectories in P64 and Low Descent Rate in P66", 03/16/1971, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2786. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #8-71, "Concise Analytic Approximations to the Sun's Geocentric Position Vector", 03/16/1971, by W. M. Robertson.
  2787. "MIT/CSDL Software Development Plan for LUMINARY 1E LGC Program", 03/17/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2788. LUMINARY Memo #207, "Post-FACI Luminary 1E Tests for R40, Engine-Fail Routine", 03/17/1971, by David Moore.
  2789. 2021112-161, "Assembly Listing of AGC Program LUMINARY 210", 03/19/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. LUMINARY 210 flew on Apollo 15, Apollo 16, and Apollo 17 as the LM AGC software.
    See also:
  2790. 😮Invoice #71-205, "Grumpy invoice to Grumman for a repair", 03/19/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. A handwritten note says, "Please use OEM parts in the future". Ouch!
  2791. "(Basic) (July 26 Launch) Apollo 15 CSM 112 CSM G&C Checklist", 03/22/1971, by John J. Monroe.
  2792. COLOSSUS Memo #312, "Testing on Non Sign Agreement in TEPHEM in Apollo 14", 03/23/1971, by Peter Volante, Bill Ostanek.
  2793. LUMINARY Memo #210, "Testing on Non Sign Agreement in TEPHEM in Apollo 14", 03/23/1971, by Peter Volante, Bill Ostanek.
  2794. LUMINARY Memo #209, "Update to Luminary Memo 178, "Inputs to LM DAP During Descent and Ascent"", 03/23/1971, by Peter Weissman.
  2795. "(Basic) SKYLAB SLM-1 CSM Rendezvous Book", 03/24/1971, by Duane K. Mosel.
  2796. "KSC Rope Module Status", 03/24/1971, by L. S. Watts.
  2797. PHO-TR155, "MCC Operational Configuration - Mission J1 - AS-510/SC113/LM10 - Apollo 15", 03/26/1971, by Philco Western Development Laboratories.
  2798. LUMINARY Memo #212, "Effects of Delayed Tipover on Ascent Trajectories", 03/29/1971, by Larry Berman.
  2799. LUMINARY Memo #213, "Guidance and Control Stability Tests of LUMINARY 1E, Part 2", 03/31/1971, by Craig Work.
  2800. "Apollo 15 (COLOSSUS 3) CMC Data Cards", 04/1971, by AC Electronics.
  2801. "P66 procedure", 04/1971, by Anonymous.
  2802. "Apollo 15 (LUMINARY 1E) LGC Data Cards" or here or here, 04/01/1971, by AC Electronics. Regarding the secondary and tertiary images, which were actually the first ones I received, Fabrizio actually sent me much higher-resolution images originally, That was shortly after the Virtual AGC Project's inception, when it was much more important to conserve space, so I stupidly preserved only the lower-resolution imagery. But live and learn! Fortunately, Mike sent me much better images 20 years later, and those are now the primary images.
  2803. "Note of Interest - N69 Uses for Apollo 15", 04/01/1971, by Jay Greene.
  2804. LMA790-3-LM 10 and Subsequent, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module, LM-10 and Subsequent" or here, Volume I of II, 04/01/1971, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. In this case, it's unclear which of the two digitized versions being offered is superior. The former link may have slightly better legibility of the many diagrams, while the latter link has searchable text (and the former does not).
  2805. LMA790-3-LM 10 and Subsequent, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module, LM-10 and Subsequent", Section 2.1 only, 04/01/1971, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering. It's not 100% certain what revision of the document this excerpt comes from, but what checking I've done is consistent with the 4/1/1971 version.
  2806. SNA-8-D-027(III), Rev 3, "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume III: Mass Properties", Volume III, 04/01/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center. In this revision of the document, mission types G, H1, H2, and H3 have been deleted, numerous amendments have been added, so that J1, J2, and J3 are the only covered mission types.
  2807. MPR-SAT-FE-71-1, TM X-69536, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-509, Apollo 14 Mission", 04/01/1971, by NASA.
  2808. "Postflight Summary of Apollo 14 Rendezvous", 04/05/1971, by Larry D. Hartley.
  2809. (LUMINARY) PCN-1147, "Clarification of the Implementation of PCR 334 Rev 1 "Change DSKY Descent/Ascent Nouns"", 04/05/1971, by Russell A. Larson, K. Greene.
  2810. LUMINARY Memo #214, Rev 1, "Level 6 Test Description for Luminary 1E", 04/06/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2811. "LUMINARY 1E (210) vs LUMINARY 1D (178)" or here, 04/09/1971, by R. Gilbert.
  2812. L-1E-09, "A V33 during P22 at range less than 400nmi causes P22 to to to sleep when range is equal to 400 and until the V33 is terminated" or here, 04/09/1971, by R. L. Pearson.
  2813. L-1E-06, "A V78 during P63 N62 display prior to average-G results in P.A. 1201 and clobbers the LM velocity vector" or here, 04/09/1971, by R. L. Pearson.
  2814. L-1E-07, "An inadvertent proceed on the V16N80 display in P20 caused the program to "get lost"...." or here, 04/09/1971, by R. L. Pearson.
  2815. L-1E-04, "P22 lunar surface navigation initializes the W-matrix when the mark counter is zero, instead of checking the RENDFLAG....", 04/12/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2816. L-1E-03, "A V34E response to the flashing V06N60 display in P66 may result in a 31502 bailout alarm", 04/13/1971, by D. Moore.
  2817. "MIT/CSDL Mission Support Development Plan for Mission "J-1" (Apollo 15), LUMINARY 1E", 04/13/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2818. L-1E-02, Rev 1, "Exiting P63, P40 or P42 with a V37 approximately 50 microseconds before ullage on will result in ...", 04/13/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2819. L-1E-05, Rev 1, "If an engine fail occurs in P70 or P71, and an enter response is made to the flashing verb 97, noun 63 will be displayed with flashing verb 99, instead of noun 94....", 04/13/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2820. L-1E-01, "If P22 is selected when range to CSM is >400 N. M. and closing, then V37 will not flash when ...", 04/13/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2821. L-1E-08, "DAP interrupt could occur in the middle of the ZATTEROR zeroing sequence or STOPRATE" or here, 04/14/1971, by P. Weissman.
  2822. (LUMINARY) PCN-1148, "Add FRSTIME flag definition to section 2 GSOP", 04/14/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2823. 71-FM-130, MSC-04102, "Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 15 (Mission J-1)", Volume I, 04/16/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2824. "Comments on LM P99 Information in Luminary Memo #211", 04/20/1971, by Anonymous.
  2825. Space Guidance Analysis Memo #8-71, "Incorporation of the Advance of Perihelion into Concise Analytic Approximations to the Sun's Geocentric Position Vector", Addendum 1, 04/20/1971, by W. M. Robertson.
  2826. COLOSSUS Memo #316, "Limitations in the Astrodynamic Orientation and Ephemeris Routines", 04/20/1971, by William Robertson.
  2827. LUMINARY Memo #215, "Limitations in the Astrodynamic Orientation and Ephemeris Routines", 04/20/1971, by William Robertson.
  2828. 5520.5-205, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Colossus 3, Based on Artemis 72 Program", Through DINT-26, 04/20/1971, by TRW.
  2829. 5520.5-205, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Colossus 3, Based on Artemis 72 Program", DISP-1 thorugh MEAS-39, 04/20/1971, by TRW.
  2830. 5520.5-205, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Colossus 3, Based on Artemis 72 Program", MINK-1 onward (ORBI-8, -9 missing), 04/20/1971, by TRW.
  2831. SKYLARK Memo #27, "Limitations in the Astrodynamic Orientation and Ephemeris Routines", 04/20/1971, by William Robertson.
  2832. LUMINARY Memo #216, "Impact of PCR 1107 (Abort Bit Backup) on Apollo 15 Abort Procedures", 04/23/1971, by Craig Schulenberg, Peter Weissman.
  2833. 😮"ZERLINA Lunar Landing Digital Simulation" or here, 04/27/1971, by Don Eyles.
  2834. EG7-71-73, "LGC Throttling Commands After Lunar Touchdown", 04/28/1971, by Robert G. Chilton.
  2835. LUMINARY Memo #211, Rev 1, ""Erasable Memory Program" for a guided RCS burn (for Luminary 1E). See also: "Comments on LM P99 Information in Luminary Memo #211"", 04/28/1971, by David Moore.
  2836. MSC-04112, "Apollo 14 Mission Report", 05/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2837. 71W-00141, "Saturn Preflight Program Verification Plan", 05/01/1971, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  2838. "Norton is Working With Us", 05/04/1971, by John Norton.
  2839. LUMINARY Memo #217, "Luminary 1E Program Notes", 05/06/1971, by Russell A. Larson.
  2840. 71-FM-165, MSC-04267, "Apollo 15 (Mission J-1) Alternate Rendezvous Simulator Data Package", 05/06/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2841. 71-FM-166, MSC-04268, "Apollo 15 (Mission J-1) Midcourse Correction Simulator Data Package", 05/06/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2842. 71-FM-168, MSC-04273, "Apollo 15 (Mission J-1) Deorbit and Entry Simulator Data Package", 05/10/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2843. 😮"Idiosyncracies of the Ascent Guidance", 05/11/1971, by Larry Berman.
  2844. MSC-04291, 71-FM-175, "Apollo 15 (Mission J1) Basic Crew Charts for July 26, 1971, Launch", 05/11/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2845. LUMINARY Project Memo #20, "Apollo 15 Terrain", 05/17/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2846. 69-FM-326, Change 4, "RTCC Offline Requirements for H-2: Star-Horizon Observation Processor", Change only, 05/18/1971, by Paul Flanagan, Robert Kidd, R. E. Kokelkemp. Changes 4 updates document from Apollo 14 to Apollo 15.
  2847. LUMINARY Project Memo #21, 71-6, "LUMINARY 1E (210) vs. LUMINARY 1D (178)", 05/19/1971, by R. A. Larson, Rom Gilbert.
  2848. LUMINARY Memo #218, "Apollo 15 LM De-Orbit Performance Test", 05/19/1971, by David Moore.
  2849. 😮"Chronological History of Computer Malfunctions in System 200 From March of 1966 to May 1971", 05/26/1971, by Anonymous.
  2850. 71-FM-195, "Postflight Evaluation of the Apollo 14 Spacecraft Trajectories", 05/26/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2851. LUMINARY Memo #219, "Descent Abort Procedures for Apollo 15", 05/26/1971, by Craig Schulenberg.
  2852. FM22 (71-115), "A Priori Model Erasable Load for Apollo 15", 05/27/1971, by James H. Alphin.
  2853. "Apollo 17 Mission Rule Sheets", 05/31/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This document has no title as such.
  2854. 😮R-695, "Apollo Lunar-Descent Guidance" or here, 06/1971, by Allan R. Klumpp.
  2855. E-2587, "Mission J1 (AS510/CM112/LM10) G&N Error Analysis (Apollo 15)", 06/01/1971, by F. D. Grant, S. B. Helfant, B. A. Kriegsman, (R. Lones). Somebody has penciled in "R. Lones" beside the other names in the list of authors, presumably referring to Robert Lones. I'm not sure what this means, but I've taken the liberty of adding this name to the author list myself, parenthesizing it to indicate that it's odd in some way. I theorize that somebody thought that R. Lones had made significant contributions and needed to be acknowledged in some way. But who knows? Perhaps R. Lones simply penciled this in to impress a girl or indicate that it was their personal copy. It'll be one of the eternal mysteries, I'm afraid, next to "who wrote Shakespeare's plays?".
  2856. 😮"Apollo News Reference (LM)", 06/01/1971, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering Corporation.
  2857. Rev A, "Fault Isolation Guide, Saturn S-IVB Stage", 06/01/1971, by P. S. Johnson. The document is undated. I've assigned it to mid-1971 because it mentions that the latest data as of April 1971 had been used in preparing the document revision.
  2858. R-567, Rev 10, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1E, Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5, 06/01/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2859. LUMINARY Memo #220, "Erasable Memory Program for LUMINARY Rev. 210 to Provide Backup for DSKY Keys", 06/04/1971, by Craig Schulenberg.
  2860. 😮"Landing Pulse-Out", 06/08/1971, by Don Eyles.
  2861. FS66-71-61, "Flight Readiness Test Apollo 15 (Mission J1) Prelaunch Erasable Load (LUMINARY 210)", 06/10/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2862. FS66-71-64, "Apollo 15 CMC and LGC Flagbit Reference List Update", 06/11/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2863. Change A, "(Change A) (July 26 Launch) Apollo 15 LM-10, LM Activation Checklist", 06/14/1971, by Gary Doerre.
  2864. 71-FM-214, MSC-04378, "Skylab RTCC Mass Properties System Requirements", 06/14/1971, by E. Ray Hischke.
  2865. LUMINARY Memo #222, "Summary of Level 6 Test Results for LUMINARY 1E" or here, 06/15/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2866. "MIT/CSDL Presentation for the Mission "J-1" Apollo 15 Flight Software Readiness Review Held at NASA/MSC on 17 June 1971, LM Program", 06/17/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2867. LUMINARY Memo #223, "Correction to Luminary Memo #220, "Erasable Memory Program for LUMINARY Rev. 210 to Provide Backup for DSKY Keys"", 06/17/1971, by Craig Schulenberg.
  2868. 23S Memo 71-2, Rev 2, "Emergency Erasable Updates for Apollo 15", 06/20/1971, by Harry McOuat.
  2869. "Apollo 15 (July 26, 1971) (August 24, 1971) (September 22, 1971) (September 23, 1971) Flight Plan, AS-510/CSM-112/LM-10", 06/21/1971, by Spencer H. Gardner.
  2870. LUMINARY Memo #224, "Revision 1 of Erasable Memory Program for Backup for DSKY Keys", 06/22/1971, by Craig Schulenberg, Phyllis Rye.
  2871. "Apollo 15 - Headquarters Flight Readiness Review, Part I: Mission Summary, Command and Service Module", Part I, 06/24/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2872. "Minutes of the LUMINARY 1E (Apollo 15) Flight Software Readiness Review (FSRR)", 06/29/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2873. 71-FM-239, MSC-04441, "Verification of LM AGS Rendezvous Navigation Using Automatic Data for Apollo 15", 06/30/1971, by Arland L. Actkinson.
  2874. 😮71-FM-242, "Project Apollo: A Method for Star Vector Determination from Alinement Optical Telescope Sighting", 06/30/1971, by S. W. Crigler, T. J. Blucker.
  2875. MSC-04496, "Apollo 15 Mission J-1, Final CSM Rendezvous Procedures", 06/30/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2876. FS66-71-74, "Final E-Load Apollo 15 (Mission J1) Prelaunch Erasable Load (LUMINARY 210)", 06/30/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2877. FS66-71-75, "Final E-Load Apollo 15 (Mission J1) Prelaunch Erasable Load COLOSSUS III (ARTEMIS 72)", 06/30/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2878. DL7107-036, "Traverse Gravimeter Technical Description", 07/01/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2879. 😮LUMINARY Project Memo #22, "Steve Copps is acting LUMINARY PROJECT MANAGER", 07/08/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2880. LUMINARY Memo #225, "Failure Protection of the PGNCS/AGS RR Data Transfer", 07/08/1971, by Peter Volante.
  2881. Change C, "(Change C) (July 26 Launch) Apollo 15 CSM 112 CSM Launch Checklist", 07/09/1971, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  2882. LUMINARY Memo #221, "DAP performance in the Apollo 15 Level 6 Tests", 07/12/1971, by Craig Work.
  2883. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 15 CSM 112, CSM Entry Checklist", 07/13/1971, by Dennis L. Bentley. The printed data makes this out to be Rev A, 06/11/1971, but the handwritten annotations make it out to be Change A, 07/13/1971.
  2884. LUMINARY Memo #227, "Level 6 Test of DSKY Keystroke Backup Erasable Progeram for LUMINARY 1E", 07/13/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2885. V-20060, Rev 031, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 15", Voume I of IV, 07/13/1971, by John C. Reed.
  2886. LUMINARY Memo #229, "Post-FSRR (Luminary 1E) Docked DPS Burns", 07/15/1971, by David Moore, Craig Work, Peter Weissman.
  2887. 71-119K, "Apollo 15 Press kit", 07/15/1971, by NASA.
  2888. V-20060, Rev 031, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown, Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for Apollo 15", Volume II of IV, 07/15/1971, by John C. Reed.
  2889. 😮"Backing Up Failed CDUs", 07/20/1971, by Don Eyles, Craig Schulenberg, Allan R. Klumpp.
  2890. LUMINARY Memo #228, "Using P99 LM Deorbit Erasable Program in Earth Orbit (with full DPS/APS configuration)", 07/21/1971, by David Moore, Peter Volante.
  2891. FM73 (71-214), "MPAD Action Items from Apollo 15 FSRR", 07/21/1971, by Richard O. Nobles.
  2892. 😮"Notes on CDU Back-up", 07/23/1971, by Don Eyles.
  2893. FS66-71-88, "Concerning Flight Software Readiness Review (FSRR) Action Items", 07/25/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2894. "Lunar Roving Vehicle - Apollo 15, AS510 CM112, LM10 G&N 217, G&N 614", 07/26/1971, by Delco Electronics. This document is undated, so I've arbitrarily used the launch date.
  2895. 2014999-171, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 15 CM G&N System", 07/26/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2896. 6014999-141, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 15 LM G&N System", 07/26/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2897. ALSEPCH, PCN-1, "ALSEP Console Handbook, Apollo 12 ALSEP 1 Through Apollo 17 ALSEP Array E", 07/29/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2898. "Apollo 15 Mission", 08/09/1971, by Philip G. Felleman.
  2899. "Apollo 15 Postflight Report - Retrofire Officer (RETRO)", 08/13/1971, by Charles F. Deiterich, Jerry C. Elliott, James E. I'Anson, Edward L. Pavelka Jr., Bobby T. Spencer.
  2900. 😮"LMS Console Directory", 08/13/1971, by NASA.
  2901. "Apollo 15 Postflight Report - Guadance Officer (GUIDO)", 08/13/1971, by Willard S. Presley, Kenneth W. Russell, J. Gary Renick, Charley B. Parker.
  2902. MSC-04561, "Apollo 15 Technical Crew Debriefing", 08/14/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2903. FA-115, "Flight Ropes for Apollo 16 and 17", 08/17/1971, by Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  2904. "Flight Ropes for Apollo l6 and 17", 08/17/1971, by Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  2905. "Postflight Analysis of CSM Maneuvers During Apollo 15", 09/01/1971, by Robers S. Davis, Quentin A. Holmes, Gordon L. Norbraten, Roger H. Sanders.
  2906. 😮T-552, CR-151192, "An Executive Program for an Aerospace Multiprocessor", 09/01/1971, by Sumner Curtis Rosenberg. This is a master's-degree thesis, exploring the possibility of replacing the single-processor AGC by a multiprocessing system in order to more-conveniently maintain the flight software running on it. The author concludes that 5 processors are sufficient.
  2907. LUMINARY Memo #230, "EFFECT ON ASCENT OF INCORRECT TIME IN AGC", 09/10/1971, by Larry Berman.
  2908. "Apollo 15 Postflight Report Addendum - Retrofire Officer (RETRO)", 09/15/1971, by Charles F. Deiterich.
  2909. LMA790-3-LM 11 and Subsequent, "Apollo Operations Handbook, Lunar Module, LM-11 and Subsequent", Volume II of II, 09/26/1971, by Grumman Aerospace Engineering.
  2910. R-693, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SKYLARK 1, Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5, 10/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2911. R-700, "MIT's Role in Project Apollo, Final Report on Contracts NAS 9-153 and NAS 9-4065", Volume I of V, 10/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2912. MSC-04904, October 1971, "Apollo Operations Handbook - Command/Service Modules - CSM 113 and 114", Volume 2, 10/01/1971, by North American Rockwell.
  2913. "Customer Training - Apollo J-Mission Electrical Power System and Caution and Warning System - System Description", 10/01/1971, by North American Rockwell.
  2914. 70-FM-19, Change 1, "RTCC REQUIREMENTS FOR APOLLO 14 (H-3) MISSION: MOON-CENTERED RETURN-TO-EARTH CONIC SUBPROCESSOR", Change only, 10/01/1971, by Frances M. Northcutt. Adapts Apollo 14 document to Apollo 16.
  2915. "Skylab Command Module - Primary Guidance, Navigation and Control System - Student Study Guide", 10/20/1971, by Delco.
  2916. MPR-SAT-FE-71-2, TM X-69539, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-510, Apollo 15 Mission", 10/28/1971, by NASA.
  2917. 71-FS-5, MSC-05225, "Program Notes for Colossus 3 and Luminary 1E J-Series Missions Flight Programs", 11/1971, by C. D. Sykes.
  2918. LUMINARY Memo #231, "Level 6 Test Description for Mission 16 (PRELIMINARY)", 11/08/1971, by Don Millard.
  2919. LUMINARY Memo #232, "Low Thrust Landings", 11/16/1971, by Don Eyles.
  2920. COLOSSUS Memo #326, "EMPs", 11/23/1971, by Margaret Hamilton.
  2921. LUMINARY Memo #233, "EMPs", 11/23/1971, by Margaret Hamilton.
  2922. LUMINARY Project Memo #24, "Apollo 16 Task", 11/24/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2923. COLOSSUS Memo #327, "EMP Control Procedures — Final Iteration", 11/30/1971, by Bruce McCoy, Don Millard.
  2924. LUMINARY Memo #234, "EMP Control Procedures — Final Iteration", 11/30/1971, by Bruce McCoy, Don Millard.
  2925. MSC-00171, "Apollo 11 Mission Report: Performance of Lunar Module Reaction Control System", Supplement 5, 12/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2926. MSC-05161, TM X-68394, "Apollo 15 Mission Report", 12/1971, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2927. R-693, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SKYLARK 1, Section 3: Digital Autopilots", Section 3, 12/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2928. R-567, Rev 10, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1E, Section 4: Operational Modes", Section 4, 12/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2929. R-567, Rev 11, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1E, Section 5: Guidance Equations", Section 5, 12/1971, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2930. LUMINARY Project Memo #25, "MDRB Meeting", 12/01/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2931. LUMINARY Project Memo #26, "MDRB Meeting", 12/08/1971, by R. A. Larson.
  2932. 71W-00374, "Saturn Preflight Program Verification Plan", 12/10/1971, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  2933. FS66-71-139, "Definition of Lunar Module Computer (LGC) Erasable Load for Apollo 16", 12/20/1971, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  2934. LUMINARY Memo #236, "Crew Corrections for Cross Range Error due to Uncompensated Orbit Precession", 12/23/1971, by Larry Berman.

  2935. "Apollo 16 Manual", Introduction, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2936. "Apollo 16 Manual", Pages CM-1 through CM-38, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2937. "Apollo 16 Manual", Pages CM-39 through CM-106, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2938. "Apollo 16 Manual", Pages LM-1 through LM-40, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2939. "Apollo 16 Manual", Pages LM-41 through LM-102, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2940. "Apollo 16 Manual", All ASPO-x pages, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2941. "Apollo 16 Manual", Pages LB-1 through LB-58, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2942. "Apollo 16 Manual", Pages LB-59 through LB-90, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2943. "Apollo 16 Manual", Pages LB-91 through LB-174, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2944. "Apollo 16 Manual", All PB-x pages, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2945. "Apollo 16 Manual", All SCI-x pages, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2946. "Apollo 16 Manual", All HW-x pages, 1972, by AC Electronics.
  2947. "A compilation of random notes regarding IRIG testing, meeting attendance, and optics problems", 1972, by Anonymous.
  2948. "Apollo 17 Lunar Surface EVA-1 Checklist" or here, 1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center. The checklist was still attached to the spacesuit glove when photographed, making for an interesting aesthetic. In the primary link to the document, I've scaled the image quality down considerably to reduce the download size. While there's no degredation of legibility in doing so as far as I can tell, I'm sure there's some loss of fine detail in the gloves. The full-quality images can be found at the secondary link (to our Internet Archive page).
  2949. FS66-72-149, "Final Apollo 17 Prelaunch Erasable Load COLOSSUS III (ARTEMIS 72)", 1972, by James C. Stokes, Jr.If you're really paying close, close attention, you may wonder why all of our information on the COLOSSUS page and this page indicates that the same software was used for the Apollo 15-17 CM, namely ARTEMIS 72, and yet the linked document indicates ARTEMIS 72(REV1) instead. Conversely, the Apollo 15 document linked above indicates merely ARTEMIS 72 without a revision. Sounds different, doesn't it? Well, we don't presently have enough information to resolve this puzzling paradox with satisfying certainty. However, Nik Beug points out that the Operational Data Book actually does list ARTEMIS 72 REV 1 for Apollo 16 as well, while Mike Stewart points out that the AGC's memory modules have the same manufacturing dash numbers for Apollo 15 and 16 (indicating that they had the same software loads stored in them).  This lends a lot of credence to the notion that all three of these missions really did have the same software load. Plus, you have other support, such as memos like this one. But whether that software version was ARTEMIS 72 or whether it was ARTEMIS 72 REV 1 is still unclear, and the available data allows it to be argued either way.
  2950. 😮R-713, "Reliability History of the Apollo Guidance Computer" or here, 01/1972, by Eldon C. Hall.
  2951. MSC-04112, TM X-68712, "Apollo 14 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems Performance Final Report", Supplement 1, 01/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2952. 😮"Simulator Error", 01/03/1972, by R. A. D'Angelo.
  2953. 😮"Implications of AGC CCS Q Instruction Overflow", 01/03/1972, by Lance Drane.
  2954. MSC-05847, Final issue, "Apollo Mission Techniques - Mission J-2 and Mission J-3 Update", 01/24/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2955. 😮"Impact of 'CCS Q' Simulator Error on Flight Programs", 01/25/1972, by R. A. Sheridan.
  2956. 😮"MIT/IL Apollo Organization Chart", 02/01/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2957. EG9-72-9-BT12-A260, "Skylark 48 Verification Plan", 02/07/1972, by Ralph Albon, Jr.
  2958. 72-FM-39, MSC-06016, "Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 16 (Mission J-2)", Volume II of II, 02/10/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2959. 4900.5-244, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Skylark Command Module Earth Orbital Program, Based on SKYLARK 48 Program", Part 1, 02/14/1972, by TRW.
  2960. 4900.5-244, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Skylark Command Module Earth Orbital Program, Based on SKYLARK 48 Program", Part 2, 02/14/1972, by TRW.
  2961. 4900.5-244, "Programmed Guidance Equations for Skylark Command Module Earth Orbital Program, Based on SKYLARK 48 Program", Part 3, 02/14/1972, by TRW.
  2962. B72 02008, "Visibility of Northern Areas at Descartes From a Proposed Excursion During EVA I -- Case 310", 02/15/1972, by H. F. Connor.
  2963. "Luminary Changes Apollo 14 - Apollo 15", 02/16/1972, by Russel Larson.
  2964. LUMINARY Memo #239, "EMPs to Display H and H-dot on the DSKY", 02/22/1972, by Don Eyles.
  2965. LUMINARY Memo #235, Rev 1, "Tentative EMP for Broken CDUX", 02/22/1972, by Don Eyles.
  2966. 😮TN D-6722, "Lunar Module Display and Control Subsystem", 03/1972, by Andrew J. Farkas.
  2967. R-577, Rev 14, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 3, Section 3: Digital Autopilots", Section 3, 03/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2968. R-693, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SKYLARK 1, Section 2: Data Links", Section 2, 03/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2969. R-567, Rev 8, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1E, Section 3: Digital Autopilot", Section 3, 03/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2970. R-700, "MIT's Role in Project Apollo, Final Report on Contracts NAS 9-153 and NAS 9-4065", Volume II of V, 03/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2971. "Map of Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center" or here, 03/1972, by NASA.
  2972. TN D-6741, "Onboard Navigational and Alignment Software" or here, 03/1972, by Robert T. Savely, Bedford F. Cockrell, Samuel Pines.
  2973. TN D-6736, "Apollo Experience Report - Acceptance Checkout Equipment for the Apollo Spacecraft", 03/01/1972, by I. J. Burtzlaff.
  2974. TN D-6725, "Apollo Experience Report - Mission Planning for Apollo Entry", 03/01/1972, by Claude A. Graves, Jon C. Harpold.
  2975. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - M 512, M 479, M 551, M 552, M 553, M 554, M 555", 03/01/1972, by I. R. McGeorge.
  2976. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - T 027 / S 073 - S 149", 03/01/1972, by I. R. McGeorge.
  2977. TN D-6723, "Apollo Experience Report - S-Band System Signal Design and Analysis", 03/01/1972, by Harold R. Rosenberg.
  2978. TN D-6720, "Apollo Experience Report - Electronic Systems Test Program Accomplishments and Results", 03/01/1972, by Thomas E. Ohnesorge.
  2979. LUMINARY Project Memo #27, "Minutes of LEP Meeting Held at MSC on 2/23/72 (LM)", 03/02/1972, by R. Larson.
  2980. LUMINARY Memo #240, "Luminary Level 6 Test Results for Mission 16", 03/02/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2981. "Slides, Apollo 15 ARTEMIS Postflight Analysis", 03/07/1972, by Anonymous.
  2982. "MIT/CSDL Presentation for the Mission "J-2" Apollo 16 Flight Software Readiness Review Held at NASA/MSC on 7 March 1972", 03/07/1972, by Copps.
  2983. 😮"Luminary Postflight Analysis", 03/07/1972, by C. Finch, Doug Rue.
  2984. 72-0005, CR-123571, "Flight Program Language Requirements", Volume I of III, 03/07/1972, by T. T. Schansman, R. E. Thurber, L. C. Keller, W. M. Rogers. The 3 volumes of this document comprise a study that explores using alternate, higher-level programming languages in place of LVDC assembly language. The languages are SPL (Space Programming Language), CLASP (Computer Language for Aerospace Programming), HAL (High-order Assembly Language), and CMS-2 (Compiler Monitor System-2). Of these, HAL looks the most like a modern program language, naïvely speaking, though the report notes that it was the most difficult in which to program. Amusingly also, the language (in spite of its acronym-style name) was actually named by Ed Copps (an AGC developer, not an LVDC developer) for Hal Laning (also of Draper Labs); however the language itself was not developed by the Draper/Instrumentation Labs. The principle significance of the document for us, however, is that the study reveals a lot of detail about the existing LVDC software to which we're not otherwise privy.
  2985. 72-0005, CR-123570, "Flight Program Language Requirements", Volume II of III, 03/07/1972, by T. T. Schansman, R. E. Thurber, L. C. Keller, W. M. Rogers.
  2986. 72-0005, CR-123569, "Flight Program Language Requirements", Volume III of III, 03/07/1972, by T. T. Schansman, R. E. Thurber, L. C. Keller, W. M. Rogers. This volume contains flowcharts, descriptions, and large portions of the LVDC software, not in LVDC assembly language, but ported to the four programming languages described in the earlier volumes of the document.
  2987. "LM AGS Flight Program 8/Apollo 16 Flight Software Readiness Review", 03/07/1972, by TRW.
  2988. 72-FM-39, MSC-06016, "Spacecraft Operational Trajectory for Apollo 16 (Mission J-2)", Volume I of II, 03/14/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2989. MSC-05183, Rev 1, "(Final, Revision 1) LM Rendezvous Procedures, J-2 & J-3 Missions", 03/16/1972, by Stephen P. Grega.
  2990. MSC-06723, "Apollo 16 Final CSM Rendezvous Procedures", 03/16/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  2991. V-20060, Rev 034, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle, Countdown Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - AS-511", Volume II of IV, 03/17/1972, by John C. Reed.
  2992. ISS Memo #72-51, "Apollo 16, LM IMU Disposition", 03/22/1972, by Jerold P. Gilmore.
  2993. "Apollo 16 April 16 Launch Flight Plan Flight Plan, Change A", 03/27/1972, by Elvin B. Pippert, Jr.
  2994. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 16, April 16 Launch, LM Activation Checklist", 03/28/1972, by Gary Doerre.
  2995. Update #44, "LMS User's Manual", Volume 1, 03/29/1972, by Singer Education & Training Products. This is a user manual for the LMS (LEM Mission Simulator), not for the LM itself! Note that revision records for this document are in form of memos suffixed to the document, rather than being contained in a section near the front of the document. In so far as the applicability to specific missions is concerned, I used the fact that some of the revisions relate specifically to Apollo 14 and 16 as my guide.
  2996. R-567, Rev 12, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1E, Section 2: Data Links" or here, Section 2, 04/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2997. R-567, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned LM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program LUMINARY 1E, Section 7: Erasable Memory Programs" or here, Section 7, 04/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2998. E-2448, Rev 4, "User's Guide to Apollo GN&CS Major Modes and Routines", 04/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  2999. FS66-72-48, "A Priori Model Erasable Load for Apollo 15", 04/03/1972, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  3000. 72-64K, "Apollo 16 Press kit", 04/06/1972, by NASA.
  3001. Final Change C, "Apollo 16 Flight Plan - April 16 Launch", 04/10/1972, by Elvin B. Pippert Jr.
  3002. DRL-008A, 70-207-0001, Rev A, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", part I, sections 1-3, 04/11/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3003. DRL-008A, 70-207-0001, Rev A, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", part I, sections 4-5, 04/11/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3004. DRL-008A, 70-207-0001, Rev A, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", part I, sections 7-9, 04/11/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3005. DRL-008A, 70-207-0001, Rev A, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", part I, sections 10-11, 04/11/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3006. DRL-008A, 70-207-0001, Rev A, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", part I, sections 12-14, 04/11/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3007. DRL-008A, 70-207-0001, Rev A, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", part I, section 15, 04/11/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3008. DRL-008A, 70-207-0001, Rev A, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", part II, 04/11/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3009. MSC-06810, 72-FM-110, "Final Crew Charts for Apollo 16 (J-2 Mission) For the April 16, 1972, Launch", 04/12/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3010. FM73 (72-62), "Final Prelaunch Erasable Load Parameters for Apollo 16 Flight Programs Using April 16, 1972, Launch Data", 04/13/1972, by John P. Mayer.
  3011. LUMINARY Memo #339, "Latest EMP 103B", 04/14/1972, by Don Eyles.
  3012. 2014999-161, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 16 CM G&N System", 04/16/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3013. 6014999-151, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 16 LM G&N System", 04/16/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3014. LUMINARY Memo #244, "EMP for P47 Ascent", 04/18/1972, by Don Eyles.
  3015. MSC-06814, "Command/Service Module Systems Handbook, CSM 116-119", 04/20/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3016. R-693, Rev 01, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SKYLARK 1, Section 4: Operational Modes", Section 4, 05/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3017. 😮R-720, "In-Flight Angular Alignment of Inertial Navigation Systems by Means of Radio Aids", 05/1972, by Walter Tanner.
  3018. TM X-68459, "Reference Skylab Flight Plan, SL-1/SL-2, SL-3, and SL-4 (April 30, 1973 SL-1 Launch)", 05/01/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3019. MSC-06875, "Skylab Baseline Operations Plan", 05/01/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3020. AE-72-004, "Kollsman's Rationale Regarding Apollo 16 Inverted Image", 05/02/1972, by W. Chin, W. Mayo.
  3021. "Test Plan for G&N System 218 - Apollo 16", 05/04/1972, by W. Farley, R. Kraemer, M. Cavalier, J. Wachholz.
  3022. MSC-06805, "Apollo 16 Technical Crew Debriefing", 05/05/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3023. AE-72-005, "Kollsman's Inquiry for Apollo 16 (OUA) Debriefing", 05/08/1972, by W. Chin, W. Mayo.
  3024. Draft, "Test Plans for Resolving the Apollo 16 Degree offset and ICDU Fail Problems in Milwaukee", 05/10/1972, by J. Wachholz.
  3025. "(Basic) SKYLAB CSM Rendezvous Book", 05/12/1972, by Larry B. McWhorter.
  3026. "KSC Rope Module Status", 05/18/1972, by L. S. Watts.
  3027. 😮TN D-6846, "Mission Planning for Lunar Module Descent and Ascent", 06/1972, by Floyd V. Bennet.
  3028. 😮"A Model of the Cost of Software Development for the Apollo Spacecraft Computer", 06/1972, by Daniel Rankin.
  3029. TN D-6847, "Abort Planning", 06/1972, by Charles T. Hyle, Charles E. Foggatt, Bobbie D. Weber.
  3030. TN D-6853, "The Application of a Computerized Visualization Capability to Lunar Missions", 06/1972, by Charles T. Hyle, Alfred N. Lunde.
  3031. TN D-6845, "Lunar Module Instrumentation Subsystem", 06/1972, by David E. O'Brien III, Jared R. Woodfill IV.
  3032. TN D-6849, "Lunar Module Landing Radar and Rendezvous Radar", 06/1972, by Patrick Rozas, Allen R. Cunningham.
  3033. TN D-6848, "Development of Guidance Targeting Techniques for the Command Module and Launch Vehicle", 06/1972, by Jerome D. Yencharis, Robert F. Wiley, Robert S. Davis, Quentin A. Holmes, Kenneth T. Zeiler.
  3034. TN D-6855, "Apollo Experience Report - Real-Time Auxiliary Computing Facility Development", 06/01/1972, by Charles E. Allday.
  3035. III-5-510-8, 65-966-0019H, Change 1, "Saturn Instrument Unit Technical Manual - 5 Volt Measuring Voltage Supply", 06/01/1972, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  3036. TN D-6852, "Apollo Experience Report - Communications System Flight Evaluation and Verification", 06/01/1972, by A. Don Travis, Charles L. Royston Jr.
  3037. "(Basic) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, Flight Crew G&N Dictionary", 06/15/1972, by T. H. Kaiser.
  3038. 😮CD42/SL-997, MSC-07210, "Handbook of Pilot Operational Equipment for Manned Space Flight", 06/16/1972, by H. D. Yeates.
  3039. MPR-SAT-FE-72-1, TM X-69535, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-511, Apollo 16 Mission", 06/19/1972, by NASA.
  3040. TR-612, TM X-72901, Rev 13, "Saturn IB and Saturn V Computer Programs, Software Status Report", 07/05/1972, by NASA.
  3041. "LM-10 Instrumentation Packet", 07/19/1972, by NASA. This drawing is untitled and undated. Indeed, it's unclear if this is even a "document", or whether it's simply a collection of drawings and documents that somebody kept together for their own purposes. At any rate, the date I've given it is simply the latest date I found on any of the pages. The authorship and title are invented as well. The attribution to LM-10 (Apollo 15) comes from the fact that some of the individual pages assert that they are relevant to "LM-10 and subs[equent].".
  3042. 40M33633A, "Interface Control Document: Definition of Saturn SA-513/SKYLAB 1 and SA-515/SKYLAB Backup Flight Sequence Program", 07/28/1972, by NASA. Notable for including a pinout of the LVDC and LVDA discrete inputs, discrete outputs, and interrupts, as well as a detailed mission-specific timeline of the theoretical behavior of those signals.
  3043. R-700, "MIT's Role in Project Apollo, Final Report on Contracts NAS 9-153 and NAS 9-4065" or here or here, Volume III of V, 08/1972, by Eldon C. Hall.
  3044. MSC-07230, "Apollo 16 Mission Report", 08/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3045. 😮CR-128542, E-2706, "Equations of Motion for the Variable Mass Flow - Variable Exhaust Velocity Rocket", 08/01/1972, by Wayne H. Tempelman.
  3046. "(Basic) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM Malfunction Procedures", 08/07/1972, by James L. Baker.
  3047. "(Basic) Apollo 17 All Launch Dates CSM Updates", 08/07/1972, by Thomas F. Barton.
  3048. MSC-07274, "Command/Service Module Systems Handbook, CSM 114", 08/23/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3049. "(Basic) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM Contingency Checklist", 08/29/1972, by John W. Samouce.
  3050. "(Basic) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM Systems Data", 08/31/1972, by John Dunkin.
  3051. MSC-01855, "Apollo 12 Mission Report: Ascent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 4, 09/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3052. MSC-01855, TM X-68933, "Apollo 12 Mission Report: Descent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 5, 09/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3053. MSC-04112, TM X-69491, "Apollo 14 Mission Report: Descent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 5, 09/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3054. MSC-05161, TM X-69204, "Apollo 15 Mission Report: Ascent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 3, 09/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3055. MSC-05161, "Apollo 15 Mission Report: Descent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 4, 09/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3056. MSC-05161, "Apollo 15 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Performance Analysis Report", Supplement 1, 09/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3057. TN D-6973, "Flight Planning for Manned Space Operations", 09/1972, by John W. O'Neill, J. B. Cotter, T. W. Holloway.
  3058. 71-FS-5, MSC-05225, Rev 1, "Program Notes for Colossus 3 and Luminary 1E J-Series Missions Flight Programs", 09/1972, by C. D. Sykes.
  3059. Rev A, "Skylab CSM Malfunction Procedures", 09/01/1972, by James L. Baker.
  3060. TN D-6974, "Apollo Experience Report - Lunar Module Communications System", 09/01/1972, by Reinhold H. Dietz, Donald E. Rhoades, Louis J. Davidson.
  3061. 72W-00291, "Saturn Preflight Program Verification Plan", 09/01/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3062. LUMINARY Memo #247, "Level 6 Test Description for Mission 17 (PRELIMINARY)", 09/01/1972, by Don Millard.
  3063. "(Basic) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch CSM Launch Checklist", 09/04/1972, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3064. Rev 2, "Apollo 17 Simulation Schedule and Two Associated Memos", 09/06/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center. The attached memos are titled "Apollo 17 EPS Console Training and Manning" and "Responsibilities for Apollo 17 Sims".
  3065. "(Basic) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch LM Activation Checklist", 09/11/1972, by Gary Doerre.
  3066. MSC-07296, 72-FM-217, "Cislunar Onboard Navigation Data for Apollo 17 Launch December 6, 1972, C.S.T. (December 7, 1972, G.M.T.)", 09/12/1972, by Flora B. Lowes, F. L. Barnes, B. A. Kinsler.
  3067. "(Basic) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, LM Rendezvous Charts", 09/18/1972, by J. C. Axford.
  3068. "(Basic) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM Rescue Book", 09/18/1972, by D. C. Wammack.
  3069. Rev 3, "Flight Control Division Activity Planning Guide", 09/26/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3070. "(Basic) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM EXP/EVA Checklist", 09/29/1972, by J. K. Patterson.
  3071. MSFC-MAN-206, TM X-70137, "Skylab Saturn IB Flight Manual", 09/30/1972, by NASA.
  3072. MSC-07230, "Apollo 16 Mission Report: Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Performance Analysis Report", Supplement 1, 10/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3073. 😮R-735, CR-141650, "Traverse Gravimeter - CEI 2025000, FS-2 Qualification Unit Test Report", 10/1972, by Robert J. Maselek.
  3074. R-577, Rev 01, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital and Lunar Missions Using Program COLOSSUS 3, Section 7: Erasable Memory Programs", Section 7, 10/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3075. 😮"Slides: Software Structure", 10/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3076. TR72-29, EP2015-3, "Apollo Inertial Instrument Logistics Summary, Quarterly Issue", 10/01/1972, by AC Electronics.
  3077. III-5-510-14, 66-966-0014, Rev 1 OCT 72, "Saturn IB/V Instrument Unit Technical Manual - Control Signal Processor", 10/01/1972, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  3078. SNA-8-D-027(V), "CSM/LM Spacecraft Operational Data Book, Volume V: ALSEP Data Book Appendix F: Apollo 17 ALSEP Array E and Lunar Surface Experiments", Volume V, 10/01/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center. Admittedly, this volume is not within the scope of the the Virtual AGC Project, and thus has little excuse for being in the document library. I include it only for completeness, because other volumes are within scope.
  3079. PCN-14, "LM Console Handbook - LM-12", 10/01/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3080. SKB32100123-322, December 6 1972, "Apollo 17 CSM Lunar Landmark Maps", 10/06/1972, by NASA. I don't know the actual date of this document. Many pages are marked as being "1st edition" November 1972, while others are marked December 6, 1972, and still others are marked with earlier dates.
  3081. 😮"NOTE OF INTEREST: Lunar Surface Contingency Lift-off Procedures", 10/10/1972, by Larry W. Strimple.
  3082. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch CSM Launch Checklist", 10/11/1972, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3083. 67-F11-0011, Rev 1, Change 2, "LVDC Preflight Program Descriptions", 10/15/1972, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3084. MSC-07486, "LM Descent/Ascent Procedures, Mission J-3", 10/16/1972, by Charles O. Lewis.
  3085. D5-15814-3, CR-123975, "Apollo/Saturn V Postflight Lunar Impact Trajectory - AS-511 S-IVB/IU", 10/16/1972, by G. T. Pinson.
  3086. LUMINARY Memo #250, "Luminary Level 6 Test Results for Mission 17", 10/20/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3087. "Apollo 17 Flight Plan", 10/23/1972, by T. W. Holloway. Cover signed by the crew.
  3088. Final, "Apollo 17 Flight Plan - December 6 Launch", Section 5 only, 10/23/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center. I invented the title, since the title page is absent. This may be Change A, but I'm not sure.
  3089. Rev 4, "Flight Control Division Activity Planning Guide", 10/24/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3090. "MIT/CSDL Presentation for the Mission "J-3" Apollo 17 Flight Software Readiness Review Held at NASA/MSC on 26 October 1972, CSM Program", 10/26/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3091. "LM AGS Flight Program 8/Apollo 17 Flight Software Readiness Review", 10/26/1972, by TRW.
  3092. "Apollo 17 Mission Planning Briefing", 10/27/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3093. 72-FM-187, Amendment 1, "Spacecraft Operational Trajectory Apollo 17 Launch December 6, 1972, C.s.t. (December 7, 1972, G.m.t.), Volume I - Missi on Profile", Amendment only, 10/30/1972, by TBD.
  3094. MSC-05161, TM X-70291, "Apollo 15 Mission Report: Service Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 2, 11/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3095. Rev A, "(Revision A) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch CSM Cue Cards", 11/02/1972, by Wesley K. Jones.
  3096. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch LM Activation Checklist", 11/03/1972, by Gary Doerre.
  3097. Rev A, "(Revision A) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, LM Systems Data", 11/03/1972, by John Dunkin.
  3098. Change C, "Apollo 17 LM Timeline Book - December 6 Launch", 11/03/1972, by C. O. Lewis.
  3099. Rev A, "(Basic) Apollo 17 December 6&7 Launch, LM Cue Cards", 11/03/1972, by C. E. Wilkins.
  3100. MSC-07566, "(Final) Apollo 17, Mission J-3, CSM Rendezvous Procedures", 11/06/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3101. Change D, "Apollo 17 LM Timeline Book - December 6 Launch", 11/07/1972, by C. O. Lewis.
  3102. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM EXP/EVA Checklist", 11/08/1972, by J. K. Patterson.
  3103. "(Change A) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM Malfunction Procedures", 11/10/1972, by James L. Baker.
  3104. Change A, "Apollo 17 LM Malfunction Procedures", Changes only, 11/10/1972, by D. J. Hudson.
  3105. "Minutes of Meeting - ASTP - CSM 111 Critical Design Review, DM-DS Prliminary Design Review", 11/10/1972, by G. Lunney, G. Merrick.
  3106. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM G&C Checklist", Changes only, 11/10/1972, by Charles C. Thomas.
  3107. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, CSM G&C Checklist", 11/10/1972, by Charles C. Thomas.
  3108. Change B, "(Change B) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch CSM Launch Checklist", 11/14/1972, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3109. Change B, "(Change B) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch CSM Cue Cards", 11/15/1972, by Wesley K. Jones.
  3110. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 17, All Launch Dates, Flight Crew G&N Dictionary", 11/15/1972, by T. H. Kaiser.
  3111. Change B, "(Change B) Apollo 17 December 6 Launch LM Activation Checklist", 11/20/1972, by Gary Doerre.
  3112. LUMINARY Memo #252, "EMP to Convert a Bad HMEAS", 11/20/1972, by Don Eyles.
  3113. Change AA (T+24), "(Change AA T+24) Apollo 17 December 7 Launch CSM Launch Checklist", 11/22/1972, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3114. Change AA, "(Change AA T+24) Apollo 17 December 7 Launch CSM Cue Cards", 11/22/1972, by T. W. Halloway.
  3115. 72-FM-282, MSC-07614, "(Final) Crew Charts for Apollo 17 Launch December 6, 1972, C.S.T", 11/24/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3116. MSC-07606, 72-FM-277, "Alternate Lunar Mission Profiles for Apollo 17, Launched December 6, 1972, C.S.T. (December 7, 1972, G.M.T.)", 11/24/1972, by Roger Sanders, George Weisskopf.
  3117. 72-220K, "Apollo 17 Press kit", 11/26/1972, by NASA.
  3118. Change E, "Apollo 17 LM Timeline Book - December 6 Launch", Changes only, 11/27/1972, by C. O. Lewis.
  3119. FS66-72-155, "Minutes of the Apollo 17 Flight Software Readiness Review (FSRR)", 11/28/1972, by Howard W. Tindall, Jr.
  3120. Final Change B, "Apollo 17 Flight Plan - December 6 Launch", Changes only, 11/29/1972, by Holloway. I invented the title, since the title page is absent. The author may be "T. W. Holloway", but unfortunately I find the signature illegible, so it's a guess.
  3121. Change A, "(Change A) Apollo 17 December 6&7 Launch, LM Cue Cards", 11/29/1972, by C. E. Wilkins.
  3122. "Apollo 17 (LUMINARY 1E) LGC Data Cards", 12/1972, by AC Electronics.
  3123. 😮E-2728, Rev 1, "Top-Down, Bottom-Up Structured Programming and Program Structuring", 12/1972, by M. Hamilton, S. Zeldin.
  3124. 😮EP2123-2, TR72-49, "Apollo Inertial Instrument - Block II IRIG, Semi-Annual Performance Data Summary", 12/01/1972, by AC Electronics.
  3125. "Altitude-rate error with EMP 103A", 12/01/1972, by Don Eyles.
  3126. FS66-72-162, "Final LM Guidance Computer (LGC) Prelaunch Erasable Load for Apollo 17", 12/04/1972, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  3127. "Lunar Roving Vehicle - Apollo 17, AS512 CM114, LM12", 12/07/1972, by Delco Electronics. This document is undated, so I've arbitrarily used the launch date.
  3128. "Apollo 17 Mission Rules, Enclosure 2: "LR is Required for Landing"", 12/07/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This document is undated, and has been arbitrarily assigned Apollo 17's launch date.
  3129. "LM Descent Events", 12/07/1972, by Manned Spacecraft Center. This document is undated, and has been arbitrarily assigned Apollo 17's launch date.
  3130. 2014999-181, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 17 CM G&N System", 12/07/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3131. 6014999-161, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Apollo 17 LM G&N System", 12/07/1972, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3132. "Apollo 17 Console Screenshots", 12/07/1972, by NASA. The document itself is undated and is untitled. I've assigned it the date for Apollo 17's launch.
  3133. 72-FMP-2, "Apollo Lunar Landing Mission - Emergency Detection System (EDS) and Flight Dynamics Limits", 12/07/1972, by NASA. The document itself is undated. I've assigned it the date for Apollo 17's launch.
  3134. "Apollo 17 Lunar Landing Digital Simulation", 12/13/1972, by D. Millard.

  3135. "Instrumentation Unit Calibration Error Elimination Test - AS-206", 1973, by Charles H. Bell. The AS-206 launch vehicle was originally intended for the Apollo 5 mission, but launch vehicle AS-204 ended up in Apollo 5 instead. The S-IVB stage of AS-206 was eventually used for the Skylab 2 mission. Unfortunately, this draft of the document is undated, and I cannot determine which mission — if either — it's associated with. The date I've assigned is therefore arbitrary.
  3136. 😮"The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory", 1973, by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. This is a "brochure, intended to make known to a wider audience the Laboratory's accomplishments and capabilities", according to a cover letter by Doc Draper himself. The brochure (and cover letter) are undated, but the brochure does refer to events as late as 1971 and to an anticipated milestone in 1973. I've therefore somewhat arbitrariliy dated it from the beginning of 1973.
  3137. 😮SP-4009, "The Apollo Spacecraft - A Chronology, Volume II: November 8, 1962 - September 30,1964", Volume II/IV, 1973, by Mary Louise Morse, Jean Kernahan Bays.
  3138. R-738, "Users' Guide to Skylark GN&CS Major Modes and Routines", 01/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3139. TR72-63, EP2003-2, "Apollo Inertial Instrument - PIPA, Semi-Annual Performance Data Summary", Initial few pages only, 01/01/1973, by AC Electronics. Only a small portion of physcial printout was scanned. The remainder is apparently a large number of test results concerning individual PIPA units.
  3140. "Apollo 17 Mission Report", 01/04/1973, by Philip G. Felleman.
  3141. MSC-07631, "Apollo 17 Technical Crew Debriefing", 01/04/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3142. PHO-TR515, CR-128843, "Display Formats Manual", 01/12/1973, by R. L. Runnels.
  3143. 70-207-0001, Rev C, changed pages only, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", Parts I and II, 01/22/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3144. MSC-07765 (VOL. II), "Apollo/Soyuz Test Project Operational Data Book, Volume II: Mission Mass Properties", Volume II, 02/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3145. "Skylab Earth Resources Investigations", 02/01/1973, by NASA.
  3146. "SKYLARK 48 Summary Card", 02/01/1973, by TRW. Similar in concept to the Skylab and ASTP reference cards, but by TRW rather than AC/Delco, thus differing both in form and content.
  3147. MSC-07691, 73-FM-7, "Operational Trajectory for the First Skylab Mission (SL-1/SL-2)", 02/06/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3148. MDC G4082, "Saturn S-IVB-512 Stage Flight Evaluation Report", 02/12/1973, by McDonnell Douglas Astronautics.
  3149. MPR-SAT-FE-73-1, TM X-69534, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — AS-512, Apollo 17 Mission", 02/28/1973, by NASA.
  3150. JSC-07904, "Apollo 17 Mission Report", 03/1973, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3151. R-693, "Guidance System Operations Plan for Manned CM Earth Orbital Missions Using Program SKYLARK 1, Section 7: Erasable Memory Programs", Section 7, 03/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3152. MSC-04785, March 1973, "Skylab Operations Handbook - Command/Service Modules CSM 116 thru 118, Volume 1: Command and Service Module Description", Volume 1, 03/15/1973, by Rockwell International.
  3153. "SKYLARK 48 CMC Data Cards", 04/1973, by AC Electronics. The Apollo CM spacecraft used for the Skylab project ran a program called Skylark on their AGCs. These quick-reference cards, presumably used for training flight controllers, packed a lot of info about Skylark (and indirectly about Colossus and to a lesser extent Luminary) in a very concise package.
  3154. D5-15560-12, CR-144086, "Apollo/Saturn V Postflight Trajectory - AS-512", 04/11/1973, by G. T. Pinson.
  3155. 😮SKY-SB73-0163, "Slipring Program and K-Start Tape (F14C0480-K10560-0)", 04/18/1973, by B. R. Beb.
  3156. 70-207-0001, Rev D, changed pages only, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", Parts I and II, 04/23/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3157. FS63-73-61, "Skylab CMC Erasable Final Erasable Load", 04/24/1973, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  3158. "Simulated Flight Data Malfunction Overall Test (OAT) Report - Skylab 3, Run 3" or here, 04/26/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3159. MSFC-DRL-008A, 71W-00199, "SLCC (Saturn Launch Computer Complex) Programmer's Reference Manual", 05/01/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division. Quoting from the introduction: "The Saturn Operating System (Operating System) contains many programs, routines, and subroutines which together provide the software control functions necessary for automatic checkout of the Saturn Launch Vehicle, (both Saturn V and Saturn I-B). The complexity of the use of this Operating System makes a detailed explanation essential.".
  3160. ISS Memo #73-51, Rev A, "Final Proposed Inertial Performance Parameters for the Skylab 2 Mission CM-116, G&N 205, IMU 22 (Revised)", 05/07/1973, by P. Felleman, J. Feldman.
  3161. FS63-73-78, "Update to Skylab CMC Final Erasable Load", 05/08/1973, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  3162. PM-MO-10-71, Rev 5, "SA-513/SL-1, Launch Mission Rules Input Document", 05/09/1973, by NASA.
  3163. "Skylab 1/2 Mission Booklet", 05/25/1973, by Delco Electronics. This booklet has no title and is undated. So I've arbitrarily assigned it Skylab 2's launch date.
  3164. 2014999-051, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Skylab 2 G&N System", 05/25/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3165. "Skylab MANUAL and JDC Index", 06/1973, by AC Electronics.
  3166. 😮TN D-72987, "Engineering Simulation Program", 06/1973, by David W. Gilbert.
  3167. 😮TN D-7289, "Digital Autopilot Design Development", 06/1973, by William H. Peters, Kenneth J. Cox.
  3168. TN D-7287, "Apollo Experience Report - Guidance and Control Systems - Engineering Simulation Program", 06/01/1973, by David W. Gilbert.
  3169. Final, "Skylab Launch Checklist", 06/12/1973, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3170. Final, "Skylab Entry Checklist", 06/29/1973, by Michael K. Lake.
  3171. "Skylab I & II Program Description", 07/01/1973, by AC Electronics. This is one of the series of AC/Delco documents we've been calling "Apollo 11 Manual", "Apollo 16 Manual", and so on. The term "Program Description" in the title seems to be a change in the naming practice rather than in the nature of the document itself. The document itself is undated, but the last events referred to in the book are in June 1973, so I've pretended that the book was published immediately thereafter.
  3172. CR-133997, E-2785, "Mission SL-3 (AS 207/CM 117/IMU 31) G&N Error Analysis (Skylab 3)", 07/01/1973, by S. B. Helfant.
  3173. MPR-SAT-FE-73-3, TM X-69538, "Saturn IB Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — SA-206, Skylab-2", 07/23/1973, by NASA.
  3174. 2014999-211, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Skylab 3 G&N System", 07/28/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3175. 😮TN D-7388, "Evolution of the Rendezvous-Maneuver Plan for Lunar-Landing Missions", 08/1973, by James D. Alexander, Robert W. Becker.
  3176. "Skylab Briefing - MDA Systems", 08/01/1973, by A. Hale. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary. The document does have many embedded drawings with miscellaneous dates, of which the latest seems to be 3/22/1971. MDA stands for Multiple Docking Adapter.
  3177. MPR-SAT-FE-73-4, TM X-69537, "Saturn V Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — SA-513, Skylab 1", 08/01/1973, by NASA.
  3178. "Skylab", 08/01/1973, by NASA. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary. It's a brochure seemingly aimed at informing the general public in advance as to what Skylab is expected to accomplish.
  3179. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - F. T. S. - Functional Test Set", 08/01/1973, by E. Papinaeu. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3180. "Volumetrics - Model 10801-MSP Volumetric Leak Measurement System and Model 10801-PCC Large Volume Leak Test System", 08/01/1973, by E. Papinaeu. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3181. MSC-07765, "Apollo/Soyuz Test Project - Operational Data Book, Volume I: CSM/DM Data book, Part 1: Constraints and Performance", Volume I, Part 1, 08/01/1973, by Rockwell International. DM is the acronym for Docking Module.
  3182. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S191 Infrared Spectrometer", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3183. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S193 Scatterometer/Radiometer Altimeter", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3184. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - T013 Crew Vehicle Disturbances", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3185. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - T020 Foot Controlled Maneuvering Unit", 08/01/1973, by M. Tanner. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3186. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - EREP ESE", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary. EREP stands for Earth Resources Experiment Package. ESE stands for Experiment Support Equipment.
  3187. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S190 (A&B) Multispectral Photographic Cameras", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3188. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S192 Multispectral Scanner", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3189. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S194 L-Band Radiometer", 08/01/1973, by P. Taylor. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3190. "Skylab Experiment Briefing - S009 Nuclear Emulsion", 08/01/1973, by W. A. Waddell. This document is undated, so the date I've assigned it is arbitrary.
  3191. CR-145867, D5-15560-13, "Apollo/Saturn V Postflight Trajectory - SA-513 - Skylab 1 Mission", 08/14/1973, by G. T. Pinson.
  3192. TR73-103, "Skylab Inertial Instrument Logistics Summary, Quarterly Issue", 10/01/1973, by AC Electronics.
  3193. MPR-SAT-FE-73-5, TM X-69540, "Saturn IB Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — SA-207, Skylab-3", 10/08/1973, by NASA.
  3194. 2014999-221, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for Skylab 4 G&N System", 11/15/1973, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3195. "Skylab 4 Mission Booklet", 11/16/1973, by Delco Electronics. This booklet has no title and is undated. So I've arbitrarily assigned it Skylab 4's launch date.
  3196. 😮MSFC-DRL-008A, 73W-00315, "Astrionics System Designers Handbook", Volume I of II, 11/19/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3197. 😮MSFC-DRL-008A, 73W-00315, "Astrionics System Designers Handbook", Volume II of II, 11/19/1973, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3198. ISS Memo #73-270, "Status of Spare and Flight Assigned IMUs - 17 Dec. 1973", 12/20/1973, by J. Feldman, S. Helfant.
  3199. AG #33-74, "Status of Spare and Flight Assigned IMU's", 12/27/1973, by Jerold P. Gilmore.

  3200. "Skylab Familiarization", 01/01/1974, by NASA. The document is undated but includes ex post facto info on all missions, so I've arbitrarily dated it just after the final splashdown of Skylab 4.
  3201. MPR-SAT-FE-74-1, TM X-72019, "Saturn IB Launch Vehicle Flight Evaluation Report — SA-208, Skylab-4", 01/31/1974, by NASA.
  3202. TN D-7585, "Apollo Experience Report - Command and Service Module Communications Subsystem", 02/01/1974, by Edward E. Lattier Jr.
  3203. TN D-7610, "Apollo Experience Report—Manned Thermal-Vacuum Testing of Spacecraft", 03/1974, by James C. McLane, Jr.
  3204. M-2027, Assessment copy, "Rework and install Flight Control Computer S/N 112V 50Z35300-017", 03/05/1974, by H. R. Wynn. The document does not mention the ASTP mission, but I've surmised it from the date on the document, since all Apollo and Skylab missions had already flown prior to that date. Recall that the Flight Control Computer (FCC) was an analog device that acted as a peripheral to the Saturn Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC). The document itself is a review copy of modification instructions for a change to the FCC, which appears to involve replacing a poorly-spec'd transistor with a better-spec'd one in order to stabilize the telemetry voltage under conditions of unstable supply voltage.
  3205. M-2027, Final(?), "Rework and install Flight Control Computer S/N 112V 50Z35300-017", 03/05/1974, by H. R. Wynn.
  3206. TN D-7685, "Flight-Control Data Needs, Terminal Display Devices, and Ground System Configuration Requirements", 05/1974, by Richard A. Hoover.
  3207. TN D-7684, "Apollo Experience Report - Data Management for Postflight Engineering Evaluation", 05/01/1974, by Galloway B. Foster Jr.
  3208. MSC-07230, CR-134367, 20029-H156-R0-0, "Apollo 16 Mission Report: Descent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 4, 06/1974, by A. T. Avvenire.
  3209. MSC-07230, CR-134366, 20029-H162-R0-00, "Apollo 16 Mission Report: Ascent Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 3, 06/1974, by W. G. Griffin.
  3210. MSC-07230, 20029-H160-R0-00, "Apollo 16 Mission Report: Service Propulsion System Final Flight Evaluation", Supplement 2, 06/1974, by R. J. Smith, S. C. Wood.
  3211. TM-X-64845, "MSFC Skylab Operations Support Summary", 06/01/1974, by James R. Martin.
  3212. JSC-08963, TM-X-70385, "Skylab Mission Report, Third Visit", 07/1974, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3213. JSC-09092, "Apollo - Soyuz Test Project Operations Handbook Command/Service/Docking Modules, CSM 119/DM 1: Operational Procedures Reference Issue", 07/15/1974, by Rockwell International.
  3214. JSC-09085, PA-N6-10100-1, Rev DC-2, "ASTP Command / Service Module and Docking Module - Systems Handbook - CSM 111", 08/01/1974, by Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
  3215. TN D-7785, "Command and Service Module Stabilization and Control System", 09/1974, by Orval P. Littleton.
  3216. TN D-7784, "Orbital-Rate-Drive Electronics for the Apollo Command Module and Lunar Module", 09/1974, by Roy B. Parker, Paul E. Sollock.
  3217. TN D-7783, "Apollo Experience Report - A Use of Network Simulation Techniques in the Design of the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package Support System", 09/01/1974, by Richard A. Gustafson, Jeffrey N. Wilkes.
  3218. JSC-09143, Basic, "ASTP CSM Systems Checklist", 10/01/1974, by Gary L. Doerre.
  3219. R-693, Rev 02, "Guidance System Operations Plan - Apollo Soyuz Test Project Using Program Skylark 1", Section 7, 10/01/1974, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3220. JSC-09148, Basic, "Entry Checklist", 10/15/1974, by Charles O. Lewis.
  3221. JSC-08469, CR-141559, "Apollo - Soyuz Test Project Operations Handbook Command/Service/Docking Modules, CSM111/DM 2: Operational Procedures Final Issue", 10/15/1974, by Rockwell International.
  3222. JSC-09212, "ASTP Basic HP-65 Rendezvous Targeting Checklist", 10/17/1974, by Mason V. Mines.

  3223. "Skylark Erasable Memory Map", 1975, by Charles Stark Draper Laboratory. This fascinating "document" helped in reconstructing Skylark 48 source code from dumps of physical core-rope memory modules. I've quoted "document" because it's not clear if this is a fragment of some other document, or whether it's simply an ad hoc aid somebody created during Skylark development without any notion of it being in any way official. It has neither a title, date, nor any attributed authorship. I've assigned it to 1975 and to the Instrumentation Lab simply because the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) mission was the last flight of the Skylark software ... or indeed any other Apollo-type AGC mission.
  3224. "EMP ASTP-76 CSM-Alone Translational Impulse Mode", 1975, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. This document is undated, nor is authorship indicated.
  3225. "ASTP Press kit 2", 1975, by NASA.
  3226. "A Sampling of Skylab-Related Images", 01/1975, by NASA. The images in this collection are dated from 1972 through 1974. I've arbitrarily dated the collection January 1, 1975.
  3227. TN D-7859, "Command and Service Module Entry Monitor Subsystem", 01/1975, by Ben Reina, Jr., Herbert G. Patterson.
  3228. ISS Memo #75-10, "Preliminary Inertial Performance Parameters for the USA/Soviet Union Mission: CM-111, G&N 215, IMU 25", 01/12/1975, by J. Feldman, S. Helfant.
  3229. TN-FT-74-35, CR-14404, "ASTP (SA-210) Launch Vehicle Operational Flight Trajectory", Part III, 01/21/1975, by A. B. Carter, G. W. Klug, N. W. Williams.
  3230. FS52-75-5, Preliminary, "Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) Command Module Computer (CMC) Preliminary Erasable Load", 02/01/1975, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  3231. ASTP 40001.1, "Apollo Soyuz Test Project: Design Characteristics for Soyuz and Apollo", Part 1, 02/07/1975, by S. Blackmer, V. Bobkov.
  3232. ASTP 40001.1, "Apollo Soyuz Test Project: Design Characteristics for Soyuz and Apollo", Part 2, 02/07/1975, by S. Blackmer, V. Bobkov.
  3233. ASTP 40001.1, "Apollo Soyuz Test Project: Design Characteristics for Soyuz and Apollo", Part 3, 02/07/1975, by S. Blackmer, V. Bobkov.
  3234. JSC-09148, Reference, "Entry Checklist", 02/07/1975, by Charles O. Lewis.
  3235. FS52-75-16, "Values of Certain Apollo Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) Prelaunch Erasable Load Parameters", 02/10/1975, by James C. Stokes, Jr.
  3236. TN D-7884, "Apollo Experience Report - Crew Station Integration, Volume III: Spacecraft Hand Controller Development", Volume III, 03/01/1975, by Frank E. Wittler.
  3237. 74W-00288, Rev K, changed pages only, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", Parts I and II, 03/25/1975, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3238. 74W-00288, Rev K complete, "Saturn Instrument Unit: LVDC Equation Defining Document (EDD) for the Saturn IB Flight Program", Parts III and IV, 03/25/1975, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3239. JSC-09144, Reference, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 03/31/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  3240. "ASTP CMC Data Cards", 04/1975, by AC Electronics.
  3241. TN D-7949, "Lunar Module Mission Programer", 04/1975, by Jesse A. Vernon.
  3242. TN D-7919, "Apollo Experience Report - Crew Station Integration", Volume II, 04/01/1975, by William A. Langdoc, Dale A. Nussman.
  3243. TN-FT-75-42, CR-144044, "ASTP (SA-210) Launch Vehicle Operational Flight Trajectory Dispersion Analysis", Volume I, 04/04/1975, by N. W. Williams, G. W. Klug, F. A. Ransom.
  3244. 75W-00067, CR-143958, "Program Verification Document for the ASTP Flight Program", 04/15/1975, by IBM Federal Services Division.
  3245. TR155 I-02-213-01, "EECOM Engineer Console No. 213, Room No. 231", 04/25/1975, by NASA.
  3246. MSFC-DRL-008, CR-143851, 75W-00077, "Final Flight Simulation Report for the Flight Control Computer S/N 0104-I (ASTP)", 05/05/1975, by IBM Federal Systems Division.
  3247. JSC-09150, Final, "ASTP TV Operations Book", 05/09/1975, by E. S. Daley.
  3248. JSC-09148, Final, "Entry Checklist", 05/09/1975, by Charles O. Lewis.
  3249. JSC-08469, CR-141559, "ASTP July 15 Launch Flight Plan", 05/15/1975, by E. B. Pippert, Jr.
  3250. JSC-09139, "ASTP CSM Rendezvous Book", Part 1, 06/01/1975, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3251. JSC-09139, "ASTP CSM Rendezvous Book", Part 2, 06/01/1975, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3252. JSC-09144, Final, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 06/02/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  3253. JSC-09145, Final, "Docking Module Checklist", 06/02/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  3254. 75-118, "ASTP Press kit 1", 06/10/1975, by NASA.
  3255. JSC-09141, Final Rev A PCN-1, "ASTP Launch Checklist", 06/20/1975, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3256. JSC-09142, Final PCN-1, "ASTP G&C Checklist", 06/23/1975, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3257. JSC-09142, Final PCN-1, "ASTP G&C Checklist", Changes only, 06/23/1975, by Dennis L. Bentley.
  3258. JSC-09144, Final Rev A, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 06/25/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  3259. JSC-09145, Final PCN-1, "Docking Module Checklist", Changes only, 06/25/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  3260. JSC-09702, Final Rev A PCN-1, "ASTP Fourth & Fifth Launch Opportunity Transfer Procedures", 06/25/1975, by Bernard A. Levy.
  3261. JSC-09212, PA-N6-11160-2, Final PCN-1, "ASTP HP-65 Rendezvous Targeting Checklist", 06/25/1975, by Mason V. Mines.
  3262. TN D-7991, "Automated Control System for Unmanned Mission AS-201", 07/1975, by Gene F. Holloway.
  3263. TN D-7992, "Mission Control Programer for Unmanned Missions AS-202, Apollo 4, and Apollo 6", 07/1975, by Gene F. Holloway.
  3264. TN D-7990, "Lunar Module Abort Guidance System", 07/1975, by Pat M. Kurten.
  3265. TN D-7969, "CSM Service Propulsion System Gimbal Actuators", 07/1975, by William A. McMahon.
  3266. 2014999-151, "Engineering-Drawing Tree for ASTP G&N System", 07/1975, by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
  3267. JSC-09144, Final Rev A PCN-1, "ASTP Joint Operations Checklist", 07/01/1975, by Dan A. Bland Jr, Robert R. Kain.
  3268. JSC-09148, Final PCN-1, "Entry Checklist", Changes only, 07/01/1975, by Charles O. Lewis.
  3269. SKF32100114-110, "ASTP Experiments Checklist", 07/02/1975, by NASA. This document as such is not dated; I've assigned it the latest date I found printed on any of its pages.
  3270. ASTP 40301.8, ЭПАС 40301.8, Rev 8/9, "Apollo Soyuz Test Project - Joint Crew Activities Plan", 07/03/1975, by NASA. Various changes related to Rev 9 of this document are penciled-in at various places.
  3271. V-20130, Rev 027, "Launch Vehicle Operations for Support of Space Vehicle Countdown Demonstration Test and Launch Countdown - Released for ASTP", Volume 2, 07/03/1975, by John C. Reed.
  3272. JSC-09153, PA-N6-11150-2, Final PCN-5, "ASTP Cue Cards", 07/09/1975, by Wesley K. Jones.
  3273. JSC-09148, Final PCN-2/3/4, "ASTP Entry Checklist", 07/12/1975, by Charles O. Lewis. Changes related to PCN-3 and PCN-4 are penciled in.
  3274. "Apollo-Soyuz Test Project Manual", 07/15/1975, by Delco Electronics. This book is undated, so I've arbitrarily assigned it ASTP's launch date.
  3275. SKF32100114-116, "ASTP Earth Observations Book", 07/15/1975, by NASA. I've discovered no dates within this document, and have arbitrarily assigned ASTP's launch date to it.
  3276. TN D-8086, "Apollo Experience Report - Guidance and Control Systems: Lunar Module Stabilization and Control System", 11/01/1975, by D. Harold Shelton.
  3277. JSC-10607, TM X-74149, "Apollo Soyuz Mission Evaluation Report", 12/1975, by Manned Spacecraft Center. For reasons which are unclear to me, pp. i-iii (initial portion of the table of content) are missing. However, the text for the missing table-of-contents portion is still present in the document.

  3278. 😮SP-4009, "The Apollo Spacecraft - A Chronology, Volume III: October 1, 1964 - January 20, 1966", Volume III/IV, 1976, by Courtney G. Brooks, Ivan D. Ertel.
  3279. 😮"The Evolution of Flight Control of the Apollo Mission", 1976, by Maxime A. Faget.
  3280. 😮"Records Transmittal and Receipt: From JSC to NARA-SW, E156L", 01/22/1976, by Manned Spacecraft Center.
  3281. TN D-8178, "Apollo Experience Report - Crew Station Integration, Volume I: Crew Station Design and Development", Volume I, 03/01/1976, by Louis D. Allen, Dale A. Nussman.
  3282. TN D-8227, "Primary Guidance, Navigation, and Control System Development", 05/1976, by M. D. Holley, W. L. Swingle, S. L. Bachman, C. J. LeBlanc, H. T. Howard, H. M. Biggs.
  3283. TN D-8249, "Guidance and Control Systems", 06/1976, by Raymond E. Wilson, Jr.
  3284. 😮"George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Repository Index of Saturn and Apollo Engineering Reports and Procedures", 06/01/1976, by Hayes International Corporation.
  3285. 😮"Man-Rated Flight Software for the F-8 DFBW Program", 08/01/1976, by Robert R. Bairnsfather.
  3286. 😮P-357, "The History of Apollo On Board Guidance and Navigation", Missing p. 1, 09/1976, by David G. Hoag.
  3287. TN D-8301, "Apollo Experience Report - Command and Service Module - Controls and Displays Subsystem", 09/1976, by Aaron B. Olsen, Robert J. Swint.
  3288. TN D-8316, "Apollo Experience Report - Real-Time Display System", 09/1976, by Cornelius J. Sullivan, LaRue W. Burbank.
  3289. TM X-73352, "Application of Redundancy in the Saturn V Guidance and Control System", 11/01/1976, by F. Brooks Moore, J. B. White.

  3290. 😮TR-77-213, "Software Systems Development: A CSDL Project History", 06/1977, by P. Rye, F. Bamberger, W. Ostanek, N. Brodeur, J. Goode. This is a final technical report from the Instrumentation Lab to the Rome Air Development Center (with the unfortunate acronym of ISIS) at Griffiss Air Force Base, covering software configuration management for the AGC code base.

  3291. 😮SP-4009, "The Apollo Spacecraft - A Chronology, Volume IV: January 21, 1966 - July 13, 1974", Volume IV/IV, 1978, by Ivan D. Ertel, Roland W. Newkirk, courney G. Brooks.
  3292. MSC-03600, "Apollo/Skylab ASTP and Shuttle Orbiter Major End Items, Final Report", 03/1978, by MSC.

  3293. 😮SP-4206, 0-16-048909-1, "Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles", 1980, by Roger E. Bilstein. This is actually a book in the NASA History Series, so it isn't as technical, but is full of all sorts of contextual detail that is missing from the technical documents.
  3294. LNY-83, "At touchdown (P66) N63 gave ... H of 0.0 ft. ... However, the P68 LAT/LONG/ALT display gave an altitude of -0.4 nm which is not very consistent with the previously mentioned N63 H", 06/24/1980, by Jack R. Garman.

  3295. "Map of Cape Canaveral / Kennedy Space Center" or here, 01/1981, by NASA.

  3296. 😮"The Apollo Guidance Computer - A Designer's View" or here, 06/10/1982, by Eldon C. Hall.
  3297. 😮"The Apollo Guidance Computer, a User's View", 10/1982, by Dave Scott. This is a magazine article, but appended to it is the transcript of remarks by Dave Scott upon which the article is based.

  3298. "Attachment F - Contractual History of Major Implementation and Operations Milestones", 01/10/1985, by NASA. As to what this may be an attachment to, I have no idea.

  3299. 😮PG-C-0716-86, "MAC language program (SUNMOON1) and FORTRAN translation (SUNMUN) for computing gravitational effect of sun and moon", Appendix A, 12/22/1986, by C. L. Pu, D. Millard.

  3300. 😮TM-102923, "JSC Document Index", 08/1988, by Manned Spacecraft Center.

  3301. "MCC Development History", 08/22/1990, by M. Ray Loree.

  3302. 😮SP-2000-4224, "Computers Take Flight - A History of NASA's Pioneering Digital Fly-By-Wire Project", 2000, by James E. Tomayko.
  3303. 😮"From the Farm to Pioneering with Digital Computers: An Autobiography", 06/01/2000, by Eldon C. Hall.

  3304. Draft, "Apollo Guidance Computer Block II - CMC Data Cards", 02/2001, by AC Electronics, Fabrizio Bernardini.
  3305. 😮"Finding Aid for the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Historical Collection at the MIT Museum", 12/01/2001, by Alexander Brown.

  3306. Transcription, "Evolutionary Dead Ends", 09/10/2004, by Ray Alonso.
  3307. Video, "Evolutionary Dead Ends", 09/10/2004, by Ray Alonso.
  3308. Photography, "Photo Gallery from MAPLD 2004", 09/10/2004, by Anonymous.
  3309. Video, "YUL System - Pass 0", 09/10/2004, by Hugh Blair-Smith.
  3310. Video, "Digital Autopilot for Apollo: A Radical Change", 09/10/2004, by Cline Frasier.
  3311. Transcription, "Digital Autopilot for Apollo: A Radical Change", 09/10/2004, by Cline Frasier.
  3312. Video, "Historic Disassembly of a Block II Apollo Guidance Computer", 09/10/2004, by Eldon Hall.
  3313. Transcription, "Lunar Module Attitude Controller Assembly Input Processing", 09/10/2004, by Jose Portillo Lugo.
  3314. "Textual transcription of control-pulse section of AGC4 MEMO #9", 10/02/2004, by Hugh Blair-Smith.
  3315. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 1 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3316. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 2 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3317. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 3 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3318. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 4 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3319. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 5 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3320. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 6 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3321. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 7 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3322. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 8 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.
  3323. "Block I Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC): How To Build One In Your Basement", Part 9 of 9, 12/01/2004, by John Pultorak.

  3324. "Notes on AEA registers", 01/01/2005, by John Pultorak.

  3325. 😮"Performance Analysis of Apollo Navigational Starter Routine", 01/01/2010, by Stoyan I. Ivanov, Greg Holt.
  3326. Rev 1.0, "Gemini Spacecraft Digital Computer Architecture", 01/01/2010, by John Pultorak.
  3327. Rev 2.0, "Simple Gemini Spacecraft Computer [a simulator]", 01/01/2010, by John Pultorak.
  3328. "Software example for Simple Gemini Spacecraft Computer (a simulator)", 01/01/2010, by John Pultorak.

  3329. "A list of people involved directly or indirectly in Gemini OBC development", 2011, by Gene Mertz.
  3330. "More thoughts on creating sample Gemini OBC code", 09/10/2011, by Charlie Leist.
  3331. "Sample Gemini OBC code snippet", 12/14/2011, by Charlie Leist. This is a short Gemini OBC snippet of code created upon request by original Gemini OBC developer Charlie Leist. Further comments are in separate memos, "Some thoughts on creating sample Gemini OBC code" and "More thoughts on creating sample Gemini OBC code".
  3332. "Some thoughts on creating sample Gemini OBC code", 12/14/2011, by Charlie Leist. This short memo by original Gemini OBC developer Charlie Leist relates to a sample OBC code snippet he created for me, given then-absence (and now-absence, for that matter) of any true listings of contemporary OBC code. You can find the code snippet elsewhere in the library, under the title "Sample Gemini OBC Code Snippet".

  3333. "Gemini Peer Reviews", 01/09/2012, by Pat Mooney, Charlie Leist. This is not a contemporary document, but is rather a modern document (2012) written by Pat Mooney (Gemini Programming Manager) and Charlie Leist (Re-Entry and Touchdown Predict Programmer) in which they try to capture how the software-development process worked. There is some overlap with other documents, of course, but where there is, there is often more detail. For example, there is not merely a list of developers, but a breakdown of their actual responsibilities.

  3334. 😮"Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Record Group 255", 12/15/2018, by Kent Carter.

  3335. "Moonbit", 2019, by James E. Dobson, Rena J. Mosteirin. This is a book by poets, deriving poetry from the Apollo 11 AGC source code. In introducing the material, I seem to recall they remark that we — the Virtual AGC Project — got the AGC source code by OCR'ing the original program listing ... a canard! We had to type in every little smeckle of source code with our own fat little fingers! So don't you go around repeating this calumny. But still, they're poets and not journalists; and besides, for all I know, I may unintentionally be telling whoppers about them, just in this tiny comment. In other words, if that's the worst problem they have, they must be doing pretty well. If you like the book, go out and buy a hardcopy.

  3336. Rev 1.0, "Saturn V Step-by-Step", 10/01/2024, by Mark Schulman. The author of the document tells me that he'd be pleased to have feedback so that the document can be improved or corrected. Please send such feedback directly to Mark at the email address given in the document, and not to us here at Virtual AGC. I'd also note that newer versions of the document, if any, would likely be available at that email address before they become available to us here.
694 of 3336 documents appear only in this section (😮), and perhaps might therefore be categorized better than they are right now.

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Last modified by Ronald Burkey on 2025-03-04

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